Taedy, reemher I, JflJJ. Why Not? Mail a Xmas .Cake Tin year hi your friemUf r linn decorate. Xma I ai.e ' jrmir own choice of iifiKU that, will mil M iianyipfd In Hi" mail. I nk I'M? Wed ready to mall free of efiarpe. ElectricWindow Bakeries Third A. John UJ) ( 1 1 IK III. Phone C67. FiveRoses FLOUR U (i n lluynji H.iir ;k M'lif liroc-r for "FIVE ROSES," Tin- World lle.t L Gnslie p-nt: COAL Th Famout UDY8MITH-WELLINQT0N Lump and Egg Sliaa. 8TCRLINQ ' tlova and Egg Sli. We deliver id ,ntL or hulk. I'hone y-.ur 'rdrrn Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phona 16. Mam Office: llouj r.enlral. SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR WASHELDATTELKWA Guild of 8L Stephen's Church Responsible For Enjoyable and Profitable Event TBl.KWA, Iec. t. .One nf most ucrefid ami inlerealinp .fiili given here recently Illio bazaar held in i, II nil on 1 1'riiray, November 3i, J(y the uinld of St. Stephen rimrcii., Ureal nvdil J ,. to the Vi,;.. president, Mr. .Mapletn for the ery capable manner in which i he arranped for ami in.luclii.li Ihe bazaar. A .lull of ranry WOrk! uiul useful article presided (l erl by Mr. Maplcton ami Mr H.j Hoop priiMHl most alllradive lol those fckiiiir ChrUtnui pift. j Mi Laura' (irecne amilsed a. crowd of kiddie wilh a l.ran tuli! which contained a fin lot of toy. Kruiic. vcpelahje. paslrie. ' rake am plentiful lanlily a.Kinl'-l tea lalil- ,were rauiriil uhoul tl hall, and Mr. Ticehurol. Mi ThonypfOii (and Ml A. rtrcene Krved all jihoMC who ram in h tin fry. i A tieaiitifiil renlrepiecp and inohioii workei iy Mr. H. M. llooi wer raffled, the furiiH-r Jifeitig won hy Mr. Tintmer. fln'i.ter. while Ml laty Hauel 't:oi i lie ruhion. A turkey, too. !wa raffled ami won hy Mr. J. I. Uheeler WEDDING OF LOCAL INTEREST AT HANALL El Annual Meeting' Yesterday MOXTItKAI.. te. t.- The an-nual meeluiK of Die (tank of Mon. (real, held a ooon yedlerday. wa followet tty the unteilinjr in J he hed office of tlie lank of a monument to the memory of the two hundred and thirty inemier of the laff who fell in the (treat jWar. 'Ilii i to he followed lliortly hy the unveiling of an-lolher monurnetil. now tn the Cfiure of ererlion. al the office of the hank in Winnipeg. The memorial al the liead- - ijuartern in Montreal i in the Mlts Kathleen Agnes Allen Be- renlre of ljte en I ranee lesll fae. comes Bride of John Wltbjr InK the doorway and 4wniaN of Smith, Father Atlard ,an imprennive fijrure in while Officiating inarlde cyiuj.oliiuf Vielnry. Hie iiionumeiii in Viftnfpeg i u .e M the home if the hride'n jluat-! otilnide the portaU of parent. Mr. and Mre. ft. K. Allen. (lhe main offjee and wNI mil ilanall. Mi Kathleen Apnea Al. of a hrtmie fieure of a oliier le;i wa united in marriace oiijin full military equipment. 'Ve.liieJay lat to John Williy, The eeremoity of unelline in tf'mith fnrmely of Port Clement.; Montreal wa ierforned by the Hev. Falher Allar.1 officinlinz. ,pr-ideHi. Sir Vineent Mere.lilh. tTIe bride wn attended by tier jltaronet. in the presence of the younjrer ller. Mi Alice Allen.Vlirerlor and a Jarre palherine 'and Max Smith, bndher of thejiif shareholder, flienuVr of Uje 8riMm, wn. be man. Oiilv-o few. taft aitJ relatlw t-j(-fIUMi meniter of Ihe family wtre pre. Tlie .pechc. were briof mihI to Unit, rollowlnjr the ceremony, a Ihe oiiil. Uuiiper w ere. and Mr. ami! "I am privilepnl," aaid Sir , Mr. Smilh proeedejl llat on a Vincent MerMlth. "lo unveil (hi jl.nef lo-iieyMMutn afler which Ihey j memorial a ntr pallant men twill return to llanall lo take npjwhn fell in the flrwal War. " (iln-ir renlenre for tie winler. , "W'e have lael her today wilh , In ihe priiis they will locale tit mintrled feliap of a'liH nml IWcHMleoel. when- Mr. Smith ha'f prfcle. Of .adne bailee Iwn llimter itilerel. humlred ami thirty nf the brave) A real whole wheat toast Perhaps you have given up trying to get a real whole wheat toast that's because you have never discovered TRISCUIT, the shredded whole wheat cracker. It is 100 per cent w hole wheat, steam-cooked, shredded, pressed into a wafer and baked a crisp, golden brown. It is easily digested because so thoroughly cooked, and it contains all the bran you need to promote bowel movement. It is eaten in place of ordinary white bread toast. Crisp it in the oven and butter it while it is hot. Nothing so tasty and appetizing. The Caaadlaa Skrvddnl Wheat Com piny, Ltd. KU.r. I1U, OatarU Shredded Wheat and bent of our laff, those ( jwhnm we looted to fill the hiph-lcl position lU the nervice, will not return to o. Of pride be. iraue they we'll! forward at the mil of their. Klhir ami (Vmnlry to ce the HrilUh Bmpirc from the mtlile domination of a foreign foe. Thl beautiful monument 'will for all remain a m. rnorial to their 'valour and ef. aerifire, and, their memory, 'to all of iia will 1e. a happy and enduring one.",. Fir Frederick Wjlliam-Taylor, I lie pencral rnewaper, spoke more particularly for the staff. Is- Ten Xears Ago j j in nines Kupert J uiakius an nprcemcnl francln. -K The cily council i again eon-KMertiitr a proposition from the I'rinre Ituperi Hydro-Electric, Co, lo upply t municipality wilh d bread, loaelher with a IE.W.GILLETT COMPANY li.MITEDl l,,,w',r- -Mayor Pallullo .io,idv i.r n,.i ,.iJ 1 ' declare himclf in favor of he home cookiuir lall vry hiiKyl ir. BANK OF MONTREAL I?" "; IINVFJI.'! MONUMENT for, a The Maple af Line frei)cier Hueita venture, .Caiil. . J'ilzim- Presldent Performs Ceremon all "rh'", "l'Tday afler noon from-New York wjlh eleej for Ihe ;ramk. Trunk Pacific Hailway and In lry lM-k. The vefe i unloading at IJie dry i'-k wharf lo.la and will laler loove dowii lo the (irand Trunk dock lo dlcharve her rail. Coal jMifcuibililies in Ihe Queen Charlolle Mand and the Cround Hop ttmiUry were Jicue,l re-reully by Jame AMiworlh in an addre before the Yaneouier Chamtier of Mine. The Man in tlie Moob- SAYS:- NKYF.H mind, t'irU, nexl year i leuo year and il i only four week away. - v IIOMK wee - home tloe not M'IHmI llile the aine in a rent ed Jiou-e. W'dMIlN can Slo almoM any- IhillP a man ran. do eveeol srow a learI. JAKK aj,t'h'e.re. are three nsimn wliy.be ,w not pel married. There, i tlie trirl, the fioiinee ami himelf all apainM it. L pile of Ihe price of Md- ton there i a lot of il u-ed in making wMllen underwejir. HA..XA Ain make rtcellenl clipper. ONB way lo gejl rich i lo learn to play joker with a bunch of Mdi.. Jul who will le r'u-U i uoi piiaranlesj. . ' TUB early flapper gel the hack eul al I he nwvies. "lie content wild your lol" may have been food philosophy in the oh day hut today we have to pay lave on H. A XUT is a !erun who wear hi funny bone under hi hat. tJllltlSTMAS i comhi? very soon Willi day all dull and murky Hut who can' a jot , If he only ha pot. A poodly upply of roal lur-kcy. .NOMINATIONS will soon be in order for two important poj- liou. There i lo be an elerlion for mayor of IIayport and another for Ilcee of Shame. II U underloivl thai lat year juuyor will irain he a randUlale for Ihe poilion. HAZELTON The Harellon I.adie Aid and Ihe Canadian Ciirl' jn Traininp realized iiiuciuiu)r fiver fziiu.ou al their annual lnunar last week. The llazellon hospital board met Fred Stork, M.1' when he, vva here lat week wilh the re-juel that ?.r0 jer day be paid by the depurlmeitt for In dian ludieiils iiHleiid of fl.50 n at present. Mr. Slork proved syiupathelic to (tie request and slated Ihut Ju' wax urtt lie could ael it acted upon. . lladmiulou Is beinsr fibiyed en lhusnslically here IliU winler. On Tuesday evcnljijr teams c-'p (allied by A. A. Conuon .atvd MIs llnrbury defeated llio.se hvaded by Cooper Wrincli aud Mrs. Faketey. Fullowtnir the games Soz forlfftieVeople -theldedChildsGifb in handsome book form consisting of one full iizc 10 inch double-sided record, containing from twrlve to eighteen nursery rhymes, a handsome album, a profusely jCuitrated story book "three in one," song, story and picture all for $1.25. 000 ' Book So. 2-Record So. 21639612 Selections Mistress Mary Oh! Dear. What Can the Matter Be? Polly. Put the Kettle On Ride A Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross Alphabet Song Sing A Song of Sixpence "Humpty Dumpty" Jade be Nimble Little Boy B!ue The Frog's Wooing Georgie Porgie We've Come to See Miss Jennie Jones Twelve selections on one full size 10-inch double-sided "His Master's Voice" Record the Picture Story Book and the Album. all for $1.25. ' Book So. 1 Record So. 21637916 Selections (pftniouriy Inuf4) v Sixteen selections on one full size 10-inch double-sided "His Master's Voice" record the Picture Story Boole and the Album ell for $1.25. Book So. 3 Record So. 21643718 Selections j .Eighteen selections on one full size 10-inch double-sided "His Master's Voice" record the Picture Story Book and the Album. all for $1.25. ' Delightfully rendered in the plainest English, by Harold Harvey, to that childirn may easily understand, i Fur talt at ant "Hit Masm'a Voice" deakr "His Master's Voice-, Victor HIS MASTER'S VOICE. LIMITED the loer. enlertaine the win-1 ner al the home of W. W.j Anderson. i PRINCE GEORGE A variety show was slaped by- local amateurs in the Capitol; Theatre" on Wednesday eveninp; lal. The ladie in Ihe cast were ( Mis Winnifred Hyman, MNaj Roe Jackson, Miss Helen Quinn and Mi Kale Renwick and the penljemen, Leslie Hrown, William Iion. Thomsjin Ogiz. Clauil Font and Harry' Taylor- Mrs.'Faylor wa pianist and T. 1!? B. Duke, stage manaper. Tlie performance wa repealed Thiirdav nisht ami the theatre was crowded on bolh occasions. Jhn Neal, former rancher al Itednesti, and Mrs, Neal have re lumed lo Prince Oeorpe after a lengthy visit on Ihe nrairies. A son was horn recenlly lo Sheriff and Mr. B. S. Peters. Mr. ami Mr. J. Bedford Bd- vvards and son have left for Ie-Iroit where Ihey will reside, Mr. Edward relurnins to hi former posit ion wilh Ihe Hudson Motor Co. T. . Mcltride, member of the federal parliament for Cariboo district, will visit Prince Oeorpc this month, ... J. A. Shearer left on Saliinlay for Vancouver to alleiul the convention of Ihe Provincial Party. Hev. C. W. North preachel on Sunday last iu Knox Pre.sbyter-ian Church.'- Hush McKeuzie ul ihe lied Mountain Lumber Co. left Penny lasl Thursday on a three month.' trip to hi old home in hruniheiv, l.orhinvar, Scotland St. Andrew's and Caledonian Societies celebrated St. Andrew'. Iuy lasl week with a concert uud ,'dance la Andersou'd Hall. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction. Cheapest in Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. Stocks and Bonds AH Virlory and fioveriimnt Bonds Bought and Sold. We still have a few sliare.s left of the PREMIER MINE at $2.90. This is the greatest dividend prodiicer in Canada. T. McCLYMONT Phone Black 85. Third Ave. Carss Mackinaw Pure Wool Coats and Trousers XMAS GIFTS NOW IN. STEVE KING Phone 109. Phone Green 85 Third Avenue Helgeraon Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hours; 0 a.m. to ft ji.ni. Open Kveniiigs by Special AM)inlin!iiL