Mar Ii "0, 10 run DAILT BIWB vaqi Tnnit Local and Personal Remember The Rachelle Style Shop's Grand li. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf the Kiddies BidderBettei sweet Jt'eas I 351.Havnora fTnilairljifcjira. Pboue tf Easter : Opening Moat ejerdenere O'ow an liny your vr(rtlablcs ami fruit abundance ef eweet !. but the ul Hie Oily Markel. tf ut'l all gel the teautiful large looking foe.mi that tvtry-body iixee, THe only reliable I'.. I". liuby ranio in from lk in metnod la to nourien the plante to EASTERTIDE grow etrsng and healthjr by ueing "ii Iji-I iiIrIiO I rain. FIRTAB. . - Swcilluli (iolelr(r slyln au--iiKf. Ladies' Baiter Alliertu Market. I'lioiir Ready-to-wear Sunday, April 1, 1923 J08. If 4 To mot the noinilnr ilomand for l'iiipl SwrilUli AiKliovies In They are aaty la uee and titan Our Easter the EASTI-R Cardg, Foldois. Itabhi'ts. ta handle, Vau in - arvr them hulk an.l ran. Allictla Market Showing comprises very around In your p- et and uee Chicken Easter when and where neceeeary, Phone 208. If Suits, latest in styles, shades and materials in , ItasketBw Napkins, FERTABS fttd tha p'ant anly. land :;undry novelties, we have this when fce Mill you nn-i via lata a bulky warding fcrtiiiier.tnan Mr. ami Mm. Oli.-r llcATier iuhI SUITS, COATS and DRESSES Un them lor all your plante duii My Kulli'il lal nielil un Mir year a specially selected stock of (..m en-l You'll oat a Wager and better Pi-inn" llujwrt for Aiiyox. each at iopular prices. While we oroi-rth.cron it will and mean If you bigger market profile.eur Coats, Our Stock Is Absolutely New havc enos.ijrh for all, rtineinbtr the Buy them where you buy I'ri'il MiviiinK rclurnnl lo l.iwn early chopper frets the your seeds. ycHlrr.lny nfler a forlniglil the breath of pick. holiday trip lo Vancouver. The styles convey spring In 25c. 75c and $1.50 Package! 4 . Dresses and cannot fail to please the most fastidious I'irlll 1'lanU ittul Gul Flower McRAE BROS., LTD. ; fg&sisM iiiclii.linn i;aler I.ilIlefM arriving lady of fashion WivliK'nIay an.l Salurday....(ili'ii nie'. 7 We extend to the ladies of Prince Rupert BOAT ARRIVALS Marl in O'lleilly 4. retiirnnl on Uin a cordial invitation to view our comprehensive range of styles while Tin- f..I!..Winn iinixi'.l l'rinre llnperl nfler Mnlinsr the selection is complete oral wi'rk In Vancouver on i.i Mic riiy Hi.- .iulli mi tin . . I I'. li-iiim-r I'ruirc iliiHM l hlthl.'ft. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY lr.i.Uiily H. II,l. IIii.wii.Murray.nflfrniMtn.Mr.K. OitrfTora.Sanilfhumi.A. MaliKfin.1. li. J.lm1Wir,A , UoOMle'(if law William.ollire, R. Goldbloom audi la-tpfi Of flhil in in llw WINTER SERVICE. i: imril... K. rlranwirk. Mr. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE . . I". 1 1 i r I c.u li Friday Mr. Hiiiih. Mi Hhalli. Mal-r tyinMl Hfli1hmf ; w. ; M M II.. . O. .-..i, K.ui-. l'owcll KliMiii. M. V. PallPHMin. K.OInuttlt Third Avenue Next Bank of Montreal Harry ffffrl wa a f n VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE. in.) rliilili-fii. Mr. K. War.l. Mr. pasenKer I FOR STEWART AND ANYOX, W.-.I. I.n. X I'M. niiinfr..ti. :. I. Hrrliarn, Mi" mi inf rrinrp liaiwri yiiTuay a for Sirwarl. Il i Iwick from a ; S.S. PRINCE JOHN, i..i V.,, 1 1, S..,ii yncn Cliarlotle II. 'Hn.ri.i. Ari-liliiKliop HuVer-ni-l. I I .-, i-. M..r. h :t. IT. :il. K. Anlinki, K. Alaiia, Mr. buniiifiiK trip MMitli. Ilul.. Mini in MH.-illy, Mr. an'I I I PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE. Aroblii'liop lmnn. re- I t:.i.i. ,. J iiatii. ..i :!!. IIX Mr. ami Mr. J. Mr- It. Mc'.....k, 1,- V' II m ii .!.! i Sni,.la ul :00 P.M. for lurnril lo lh elly ylfriJay ur- Kinau.-iiil Tintf.-. V:ii 1 IT. IH lHJiC6c '. !".)m.mi fon. W i ii ii i! if. .Iiii'.-l coiiiie. lions all Iihyi.Ikmii. Mr. IdHlcrn. J. V. Ipni.mii liy Ilit nleaiir l'rinre riv.'.l fr.'iii Mm s.'iiHi .111 1 lie f!'!t T .. . I. ... ..I... in.I I ml.'.! S: il... Kiiik. Mr. Krily. Mr. Naaht Itupfrl fnii Oewa 1'alln. Prm.'e !tiiicil rliT.Iay ami lefl Frozen mi.I ilnl.l. Arlliur H filar, M. Fancy AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Ahfirl. . - --lulT.i.lil on t tte eveiiiii I rain hnuini Cm kmiiii-o. K. HoImtIi.. y. CliyTIiket Office, 628 Third Ave., Prince Rupert. Phone 260. M. M. Sii. v. M. i:. Mr. anil lull Jj' (Juern Mary I I'lkwa. I.1M1.K Kalr Monday. Chapler Mr- All.-iiia-. Mini' Allfina No in1lallon iue.l. liekel Morle Craie rflumeil to Hie M.ii-r Alli'iiirt-, .Mr. fwan, A. I.OO. Wlholn Orclietra. eilv ..n the Prior.' Unpen yen- iU'.ii an.I 4. A. Wila-on (fr Herring ller.lay aTler 1 after liaiiic l'..ii l-'ni-.T , M. iaiir. J. V CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY I'i-Ii.t. . J. Iln-ik. MIp Jliwr. Jark reluiiu-.i tu lli pity(spent three v.'k in the oulti ms on Ihe IHip )luirt eler.lay viilin'.' Yiiiu'oiixer, Vieloria uihI I-1 ...I Miaisin-. !. i:. Ilnrwn. J B.C. Coast Set after liavine .rnl the pnl Sea I lie. vicet A. M. KpI.-Ik'II. A. XM H. A rouple of monlh at YutMiuer WIiiI.'. Mr. ii. ami '.. I'.wter. and Porllaml. Tin l' wi.- Sleiiiiihip A. BAIT Sailingsfrom PrinceRupert HOTEL ARRIVALS IWirire ti.' Ins M arm ion arrivp.1 The MMakcr itl.-'lli Itolary ul ihe dry .lock la-l mtbt al II S.S. PRINCESS MARY. Prince Rupert liitirheon ItMlay ii Ilionia Me- n i lni'L for a load of roal for For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, :. 1 1. orrlninl. i:. S. Ijiwan Clyninnl. who adlreel Hie ehili Anyox. The veel eleaiv.1 for March 10, 27, April 6, 17, 27. iin.l II. :. St. Clair. Yk'!i-ia; II on "MunlPlfMll and I he norlli with her lnuil.'d liarire $30.00 per ton For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, ii. Svmii, M. Hull. U. Moin,riiT. Cily .Manager." (hi uriernoon. March 12. 23, April 2, 13, 23. Vuni .t: r. K. Ilri.wn. li- S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. I'':, .tiro. Mm. H 11 1 rM In 011, one of Ho fiidhler diiadiaii For Butcdale, Swamon Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Mi'D.iiiuull mi.I Mr. A. R. Wr local lioapilal nurins lalT. ail skii niiltpr wa rloaliil frin Hie Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ; Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-' (II. IVrraff; W. Ilrll. rnin' lomornuv on Ihe -I'rinee lluimrl al Hie dr' drk tin f couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m.'IUi': Mr.-. Allirrl J. Ivllund for Vancouver where nlie will iiKirinni.' al 10 o'elork and i PRINCE RUPERT Agency for all Steamship Lines. I'ml K.Iwhi.1; .1. I. Vpend holiday.. '- j now lied up al Ho' .ir rri'ivin ? . il 1 1 I'i I... Ml i! i. .H 1 1 mil Sl.'Vturl . finihiii-.' tolieheii In her over- VV. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Central Mr. anil Mr. (Hiarlei. Wiuir haul. The veel will -nil Muie. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. I . liHiiipl. r. N.H.; II. A. While were iaeii!f'er IhHIIkI uorlh lor lime Hit exi'iniii.- for aiii'rtiier. ; I'liiir.' Iliiprrl. Anyof from Vancouver 011 Ihe il 1 experled. j I Curl l.imlliliNini, who for Wing l'rinre in Huiwri nafely enplnfer yeerilay.for Mr.'Hie SlierilT John- - Shirley ha re- Dr. E. S. TAIT St. Regis al UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. -xeral year lia Imcii eniratftHl (Iranby Ooiiipauy at Anyux. jridvml fii.111 Paul 1,-uerl. Allin -eilii.a. f."in i iiim. h.iih rl l.illle aviuill made. 011I .il Hi.' lieorire ijiweler, a walch charm Victoria. .aiiniiT ' '". '" " I ii. ..lev t V.M. Wmr Pari aim mm. Naae Ruer. Aaiei ana m.ce rm, -.iii,.i Ml.llilllll riTIHr.'. urriM'il from Hie tiller Mr. .1. IIimi. of Vfliirouter. will of H larije (.'"Id nii'el wliicli lie DENTIST. CaHir Oteame and Naaa Harbour i.i.-. i m I l Mar un- 1.11 la-l niKlit' train anil wi! irive a fte ilpiioiilralion of Hie mid hi lirullirr. Hie tale (ieor?'! Helgerson Block, Cafe ciu at marillle. limwi, and Mill Bay ..iimr. J..i. . V h II. tl. I.'a.' .111 the I'i'iiir.' Hillterl ) "Perfei'led Arl" Xeadlr: ulno arw- Shirley, mineil oine Iweuly years! PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. ttl Sec-end Aeeaue. JACK BARNSUir, Agent Prince Rupert, O. 1 111. 1 1-.. iinii'iiiiit: for VajieoiiM inir maeliiiie attachment fur apo. The eliarin will he ulliirlie.l Office Hours, 9 to 6. Prince Rupert's Leading I : win".' lie int..11.I I" ri'iiiain. lariiinjr. all (his uti'k. al I lie In Hie late Mr. Shirley's f.d and Phone 686. Restaurant. 1 I'iiitpntiftl 'IVuilini; lUuiiiwin v. In hits vimiiizesl lirulli-T Open Tuesday, Thursday and A Bakery Unsurpassed. or ill Hie Ha si. Saturday Evenings. Third Avsnus. Arl Xolilp, of Hie Canadian! Culoiu servire al Slewart. re-1 CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN! OLD COUNTRY turned yrslenlay after spending - ; BOOKING OFFICE. forlnii:hl in Hie south. lie Order 1111 hereby jjiu-n that New Season's colli iiliied llirou.'h lo Stewart oil all properly owners or Irnants Ocean Steamship Tickets Hie sleumcr l'rinre lluierl. ;lhroui:lioul Hie city iuut cleun FROZEN HERRING BAIT All Lines. :iii their yard, lots, ele.. within Passports Secured. Niirmaii Mrl.euii 1 ueHhc as leu days. All cans and material purser on I lit sleainer l'rinre lo he pul In a container con- Just Frozen Beautiful Quality llupi'rl relieving- Jack Crawford vcuieul for Hie parbaite wuon. who lias lieen on holidays in Hie lly Order of Health lleparliucilt. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company s.iiilli. Iter I lloiisoil has return- 77 Ketchikan, Alaska Branch R. F. McNaughlon, ed 1.1 lii iiil as purser oil Hie Ili.trn l l'aMMiKer AkpiiI, 'riiire John afler liaviiis' been ('.un. .National llyg. 4- ANNOUNCEMENTS on iioimuy lor ine pasi 111011111. cSks I'linee II.U, "rTLJrLJJaUk VLF1'S .W. IWfl Itilport, w I'liolif I'tiO. liulTodil Hall, under uuilres Louise Adams, charged . wilh (Jiircn Mury Chaiiter, I. 0. 1. Iv eat in- a dislurbaiire and usinc ibsreiie tuiitaiiivp, was remainled ir.ustcr Monday. ft Three in ( Specials 111 llov I".lire eoiirl Hits ini'iiiliu.'. .Mrs. II. O. Crewe's pupils W. I'almore. of l'ulmore & POTTED MEATS I'iiII.iii. appeared mi her In-half. lianriinf IHspluy, Weslholme, Easter Candy TnAVEL TO EUROPE (j,i formal Inn was laid by Heoi'Kt' April 5. Tor th youBfttcr' ackool lua. AND THE ORIENT 1 1 it 11 1 on. h'niulil of I'ytliias Whil llrlve cheans Clark's Potted Meats are aa .- - -in! and Daiicts .MelroiKilu JI nil. April ccctllcnt sandwich lUJer. Wholesome tlia lii'iuir .--iiiTiiilly lli.f .1- liii iii.i.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. .! iiml ma.I.' a A special inri'liut,' nf Hie city and tasty and easily spread in -:.1 ! 1- thfl a- ...nil I...S "t Ci.inh riiiilain- a lii'.iu-j, il.'niiri. by 11 ixi I is called fur .1 oVIoolc 0. on, the slices ot bread and butler. , .1' ol Hih ci'W .iit. The World's Oreatest this afleiiiii.iii In dfride wbellier Clark's Potted Meats are also much Hoy Seoul s' liaiire, i:il" Home, Highway, The Canadian not eVidauce will lie sutiniiHnd usedbyhosicMcstoreandwichcs.eTc. WILLARD'S "KNIGHTHOOD" April it. Pacific Railway Co. and by Hie elly at Hie Hoard .f Htm- This is one ol the many escelleat "DEMITASSE" Steamship Lines. iiialion session whirh opmi U'Jien yd'ii Clark Prepared roods which save i:i k' I Ultimo I nuice in the i .'i rlimi f.u AiiHirulia in-x I wvek 011 Hir wuirr dispute want (oJ the housekeeper both work at worry. "TIFrANY" Hlk' lloiiie, April U. ami Hawaii bet ween the idly and I lie l!Mc ParkoVBaana Aik yut G'fl lf CUrk't ll.i.ikiiiv Hindi . I i.ui ar-iiiiiu.'il. . mi'loyee' Union. law Regular Price, $1.90 Ilaiirly and re-n.'Wul- Hill 60. A Diu t.11 r TlieatriraU CLARK'S- W. CLARK Limited, MONTREAL $1.40 V.'l. t iiii- April L'l Special Easter Price .'rure.l. I'usseutiera icoinii: u ntil mi Hie a. rzr i r.oiiipli'lr and arc u rata 111- leainer l'rinre llupr-'i last instil S33255i "Let the Clark Kitchtnihtfouou" ti.riiiiil inn. , ini'lu.le.1 J. II. I.anllir.t. C W.I I1IKIM.II1 sw EGG DYE, 100 a Packagei Two Packages for 15c. Write .all '..I .J I. I !-kel (larney. I!. A. Havir, li. J Mr CATARRH tf thai ..Dir.'. I'li.Mie Ul. K.'iuie and I.. I. Iiierity, Any.-t BLADDERP ORMES LIMITED . C I llll .11 A II I . ' and return; T. J. sit'i'dieus. J. II BviimTdBW asXia-eMW I Oenernl Airenl. I Hudnn, .1. W. Hums and W M l ISJ.'IIIIBf Carhrant:V TheTiexall Store. rhones 82, 134 and 200. bean Dawa IT' .1..tin.hi. one viuy to Anvox uud feszgpj ) 1-1 1 U ilrowu lor btewart.. j flmmw oremi imritm