Inr Mar h ?t. IP?.T Tn nxnrfiniwi Pin FTTT. ilil would not remain free. MURDER LIKE A Blank Wall Tli police found lhemplve. ' ngninsl a blank vail. They had FICTION STORY I'Plhifig In 1 1 srvf where Hip1 should look Jiinl I lie fainci liny of liphl came from Ih far I jbaster Killing of Halifax Qrocp Seemt'ihnt a man nti'rfng Ih do Likely to be Solved In Court eripllon of Ih one who sho iVirknm hail rnlrriil anolb CONFESSION ALLEOCD lor tin Hpriiiir (larden lltiad pre Breakfast vinn n Ih boolinft and aknl ti Ussolve in Bootlegger to be Tried For Shooting for a parlieular brand of pmiipi' boiling water Which Took Place In f lemon. II Imrppdietely tieiarne November a mailer of iiipiWiiii lo bsve piireiiaiie ir-lriPitio piirrha remium Ham or Bacon w:" ma l IIM.M AX, NJ, Marrl, JH Hy Mnip or lemon anil inr n a ( Him.liHU l'i - ..aip(i( grim round.n j i id ninny .nddirled In b mid lililiilii(m wliirli PniiliJ find Al i'i .-iiy lr'Aury n .h irit. THAT breaVfitt on Enter Mornlrt should no i-tplaiHilioii in Id iMial m.. ! in ai ipai onva hy a man comiit of Bacon snd Ztt ht become lip of mini , Hlti I epilaiu ! who a find, following hi a slmoit t honored a national institution as niil of rM in eonnriion wild Ih mur Turkey for Thankicivina;. drama, rminvi id mur. de Iit lir- of .iw Av(Virkum on der, for illir.illy parrying a gun. But en this Eaater Morning, bright with the enough to get Xutcii.iM-r 30 o ,rjp Jh piildif Hut Hi en fire of lemon mn and romlie ot Sprinttime-vif or and joy tha gun rarrler were alt aldp In aeon certainly ahould b Premium the a hig lasting suds ioiNirii'iiiii'in in n rnnniipr mor prove their inhoe;. world's standard as befitting; the occasion. riiiii ilni limn i iiiiial n in Substitute Bacon I im wnl rdimrj or Him for Swift's on. I'popl iimrili i r:ti. pnru- "Premium" and job dull the joy of the meal. Jitf lasting suds one Iniii- r.orkiifn wns u younx Inled on Ih h'mtlng and ffiird i;l pvprylhing from tn'nnliy lo For Swift's "Premium" Bacon is of characteristic ecict of Rinso's rrVwei. nlMiitl I wT-nly-rflno ypar amaz- Hip pIitiiiI triangle lo find a mo and distinctive quality. Firstly, by ite of at mIio prrirl on n iroipr- choiee teltctioa- for "Premium" Brand 15: power to dissolve 9bac an Ziour live. Hut Hip "murder Iwl- must nn. t Ik Miff It not larsr; proer' have just tb rirbt proportion of fat and lean. . If you don't get or nor? IniKiMi-'s on hphnif Harden lload. Marieii in rao irom mind a Then next it possesses an unmatched auccu-lence V I an urolvsM mrlT.' and savoriness due to the exclusive isting auds, you have ICi-,J rbU. J, UK M k4 a iiamax f iioronrliiar or un !rpil dtppliv have sid thai Swift process of curing: and smoking. nwial wlni in Iwanly li only liwly t used enough Rinso. ytPlditift il HppI ridprilial at I bey ilepeiul on ehanee for a large Be careful to get Swift's "Premium" 1-eiTPt lagp of their iprp. I'r when you buy Bacon or Ham male ndi"r ! Ilml of liniii. Ifter soaking, only the most soiled clothes need lar iili liio lifp a Hi Irampill Ap- Imp ehanee wa refionihle for tan OriT of item it this four coming Butcher Easter or Grocer.Morning. wbal followed or perhap In a light luhhirig with dry Rinso. lie o Mi- averaitp illen mIio ITiislrnt wnlrhfiilni- and lri h imlii-l( to iie Pi iU eombing which Ih ilir iini-lintiMl LYour clothes don't heed boiling if you use Rinio. i HhIIiiwi-'i-m ntflil. .iirtn- mu.l b glvpri Ih erpdil. But if ybu like to boil your while cottons, use lcr isto. lUf vinifiif io"rVpipr 1'i-rhnpn lioih opelhr eomhlned lo lead lo what lu.1v enough Rinso solution to get the suds you like. lriayd aiuut 1 1 JO to elos hi nr may jiro a prove wild-soo'oiir-- plioft. in ior liaiiln wer Mat (rail. Rinso is made by tftc largest makers in arwl lite .IreH wa lirishlly soap naioed premises I g iiftilrtt williorll. A ( Hly pri'. In the world to Jo the family mash as ion of JiniiiPiiiMiiid Mtlkiri'an ttv SnHi'1-.ry t. lb :it! at si mi unri.Pi ireel had fallen easily an J safely as LUX Joes fine things. wihiI IraininiK over I tin eonprel. der the Mirpiciou if Sersr-ar.i un 'lki. Voiike rirl arJtl lioy a; Miebafl D'tlalbiran. of the polii' iniervalK raiod th niomar LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED l'alle'Mi alnrum-. il'pntlfnn!. a a poi!iJp iHtor TORONTO RJ02 orl. II raidd Ih plaee bill A lrnitr tilrl IP Oirktim found no liquor. Jut a he wa lor. IIIm rl'tlliex ur lorr nnd ahHit lo giv up, bowver, he no lii stiral api-amiipp dirty. yed in Ihe front room a Jrap Hire or fmr day' iiearil wa tn joor. He ownd it and start l:i fa. II tr a brown army down . A be did o h o-etipanl WILL LECTURE HERE naPkiiiMW and hail pulled a ras- E.' f IJie boiixe, Abikler .Uunrtii --pl itrey rap ovr ln pye. 'mllrd to Ihe rr of the bttildin Itove Murderer Disappeared WOOD CapL M. M. Seaton of Burns Lake and liiapentx iulo the d.irk- Without warning hp pointed a Here on Tour ne. vun at rl.uni and lidd hnu ! put up lit hand. It"for he h-luni-hrtl M w aanouneol latr by Ihe Willi IhU vidnee (tending hint i We have li;4 d ! i.apl II M. Snlon. of (lie jmiir ib-partmefit Jlial quanlitipn reren 1 arer tial lint lo rom. np for trial Monro rome iH-foi-lh car load of up nvei' ond, , Argylr ami tMillirlatid lligh- ply r refuiw, aud wilhoiit hi of Jon!- Inken fnun varioun locil prnt illing of the Xova Seed Grain i who ha rtorPM had 'ten 'ounalln Ihe Mar. guaranteed i:uior. vtHel every'd and lUikuta anv offer of lefiaiwe. Hi seotin Suprui (Voirt and Iwi-Imm iif i In' wurtd. arrived rel Mreel building. Immediately dry, Kite rii Ui ,i-dr. (iiiiiiry Rlinniuii firel. IUrkiiui frll with in 'will l railed upon .to t , I -1 night ami x pin l In lelur nowevpr. llty nlmuiil a eoneprt whHbrr n DiH be i gttiMy of tpi-erime Also 'Kindling In Sacks. a lmlM in Ititt a rule men Th hnn- ihere. II k ai Terrace urvdr Hi iimiI hl p-raj. tit erim lo tak Allier Munrif whirh wa with wbieii lln- pnlir-charge GRASS and CLOVER Hie aiiricc of U.W.V.A i.niKiial in lb ea.u nf a man him. 'For I'ricrs. call allrnpl no allenlion from pat I Monday and at llurn Ijike lb. rer-liv. r'mr homil Ih' lio but wunl.'d for r-rilinary Imrvlniy. Allioler Monroe Ktal thai In-va Seed Fertilisers 'ruary . !v hundred and fifty dedprip- aMM-iili-l il ilh lla!bvtVii born at Warren. Mar-tfali ! HydeTransfer Cuul. Sea I on la a re.ideul of Kielrbrlioh-. The nitrdrr vnt Ifiinn of him were enl out to i mint). Minnesota, a town Our stock of Seed Oats is limited and cannot be replaced 'Hum Lake and ij, an e inlti lb lrfl and di-apM-nrN a -nlr in 'Canada and Hie I'niled alHiul ivten huiolred Hxttb'. lb' this season. OHDEh, NOW! Phone 500. pertcneed lpiirer. II will he in .'lonifti in earin itan nlienml up Itil" and tln'p iid.n-u! be wn left tlwtf when m-vimi ypam old1 All our Seed is Government Tested and No. 1 Government 8erv Ire fund Quality our III i lly fur almtil a week. . ml -uaHnV(i him. badly wntel." afterward liveit in Winnipeg and 1 grade. . Molio. Th vroitnrted- main rrlaineil brought out al lite prelimin loronlo. He bad hen in llalifav i Wrile or wire for quotations. TERRACE NOTES t iinrn.iinn' ami 1r:isl him. ary paiuiiialion SerReant O Hal- four year, and wa :trrcli'il -i' - oran found not only rarh of The Brackman-Ker Ltd. a Hilling Co., lf lo Hi nl ranee. nhe-li ai ral tiun'S i.n linnm i liaix-i'- av.i :olen giMl fror, ariou Kinre Irarlrd aid. II vva lakn lo I'Ol.VM-li'.l i V LeUquc nf I'ri nr liiipert. but alo dieoveril a eoat wbi !i hat ti wnu the 1 P.O. 3ox 745. Phone 350. 'pital and for Mvral day it if: tui.'.i KEEP IN OOOO HEALTH lin i hre (turfite poHtrtte-Inm va Ihonuhl thai h woittit r iiiiwrred Ihe derriplion of Hint ! Iliu. i.frir, , .,.,. Prince Rupert, B.C. BY EATINQ GOOD day tin lan in (dun for M-ovr. but fierforalMolK if hi in worn ny u.e man who Mini i at Hie a fi'W dav no l""dm- rave rie lo eiftitipliPA., 'Uirkum. .lo a revolver a; ; liMind and it devel tppd that it . linn whirh rauxtl him to die I'l I Mi. I'.rU- Hh'Iiwwhi4 eitd. freal n of an uneomii'on rnlihre nud' arony. ROSTOV inu a few dn in low a. A flni(! nf 'oulrnpeil "fair Ih am a wa Hi bullet whirh wa taken oul of Ihe eibumed ulay.'" n a aurdiol lo hnmli-l.v. j Tli tviirpafhy of III ' rum-mtinily 4f-fiidti n. th I'tiMif mlv of the dad groeer. I GRILL i ilfudil lit Hi family iiind in addition lo ih iimm Varied Evidence , nl lh tale John llntr al the l.nrror of a murder. An outlaw A taxi driver lerified that he MILK Open Day and NlghL m-w of lil kiiddn death. The who lnU after civins hi vielim had h'i ii a man whom be tielievedi Srd Ave. Phone 57. fniH'ral look plac on WednPs-day. h 'iolomar" "nMn'n elianr." o liave Peeir Munroe running sprvlppn being enndorlcil iy r Ih ehoie of yielding or finlit-iir. nni Hie -Jreet not far from Hip III H. J. II. Yoiinit. mljilit b fnrplvpii in mind if ifkum ftor on lb night of Hip i r.nfin law. but on who killed o hooting. A woman wilne (old ,Th. Latest In Spring and CUa. n. (lill-rl left for Hi jnvorahly viln-n what hp uibl (bat flip bad perT a man clanilii.a Summer. Kal Monday niclil on u horl nnpht luive linen pained without u'iilr a Irp near Ihe scene of the liuina Irip. N I bioishl v iolalisl -l! eonkPienie. murder tin the fatal night. She .ADIES' ready- liii'h on f in a very ronal iMdievi-d be wan Muimte. I Tony llriinin of fppr Oily way Hint lie biniKetf niijht a II ua aln Hdd by v.ilneHiv. Oar Government Tested Herd of Guernsey fto-wear apparel win in i own on .Monday. ailv have lpn the virliin. u, that Mil ii roe, said to be "broke' l.kli i nrk iiii. Willi mipIi a lmn-i before lie hnoling, had ihoupy Has Arrived. ,ill In and vlfw our stock Mr. T. Valli and unrr-have dil tit lai'ir.- un Iif ' HpeniPil .afi'. after ii took plare. An acquairl- Dairy Cows has just arrived from Chilliwack ri-iiinii lo Iorn. And no bop rtfrrd that Ih ban- unre rf Mutiroe'ti losliffivl lhal Hie nrriicd bad aki'l him a few illl'S fieady-to-wear We are consequently In a position to supply you with Tli flrl nnnunl hull of the niKhU previouii in Ihe Mhontintf to Third Avenue. wlilrli held jojn him in a raid on Corkum'a; I.O.O.F. mb Friday I'Opp, Hank lit Montreal. cbire. pvoninir in llli O.W,V..V. wu noriifiil And iiinit slarllini; of nil, and Fresh 'op i)f Hi mol Guernsey !iii lather a poignant feuture in that nf Hi anon. gull rnl perbap'n Mum roc's iiit iulim.ite uinir nil ripeelalion. Tli inumi Kilt etrellcul and ninilir nf jiiPquainlanee lestlfiiii againut him, wax Hie evidenre or i:aplain Hi I.M.ft.l-. played lliir pari ENTISTRY Waller Kramp. of Lower Water MILK DAILY ju lioio well f lint every inc Street, llnnlain Kramp told that priil had a nJoyahl Muuroe ram lo him Ihe day after i mi. Several square dance lite murder and said: Our Milk Is guaranteed 4'. or better in Butterfat Richness. Ir. J. Maguire 'r on in prjriirn; wmeii "I wan Ihe man that fired that irnrd popular. J. Vlirer wu shot. for Hi enlnit flnor4niaiiapr "Cap., I went inid. Vhn ( i Our Dairy has been completely remodelled and is some 7 and B smith I lock. one Paine in lb door fitted tight. Mr. Office Hourst t to 8. ' Tlintp rnilreJ rwnlly u' There is no substitute Curium said, Wever mind tli of the most sanitary dairies In the province. IPhone 671 Lady Assistant. III Terrae IIoIpI ar A. fiond- door, I'll shut It afterward,' (i Entirely new cleansing and bottling machinery has been piioiiiili, II. M. Kealon, Hum at any price for walked up to the rounler, took out installed. l.iikp; I', f. Mleliuud, I.bVpUp; Exide the revolver, guy him a chanm an Battery except ; I.rlii llirliliioiid. IIupIIoii; 'l'lin. lo put up bin baud aud ii said, Muxlprfoii, LukHse; V. nuriipy. another Exide. 'I'ut'oilt Ihe eoiitedy.' Better Milk Better Service THE , Vancoiner; K. Ihiwliiiif. I'rlnrp "It may bi eomdy to you bull llupi'J; V. i:. i:UIon. I'riiie il Ih kpriou to me and I began to Milk Delivered to Your Door Daily In Any Quantity. lltuperl; A. II. Ilelane. Vani'Oii-!pr; Look for thi Sign: count nne, two, and liuiMiiate. New Wi'i WASH. Iipo. T. UroNin. Vanpouvpr; after Corktim tuada an art inn of! I'. AI'aKir. I'riiM'P (ieorirp; A. II. pulling up bl liaiids, (ho rcvol-' Phone 51. Turk, l.kpp; S. II. Vplo.'k. ver went off." Hoe our Saturday Advt. i Vli'loi la; ;. C tni(iltll. Woml- 'I never inlended lo shoot Mr. roek; V. V- CoIp, l.akrUe; II- C Ctirkuni." Standard Si-oil. I i.i Hal. Left Wevelvee Dairy lanadian Steam Laundry j, rtnUiii Kramn aUo lobl AN Capluin Sal n Rave an in-lrlintf TIHJtt t.XIDE Munrce bad laft a revolver with! , I'hono 8. leluitt on travel and DEALKK NEAR VOU him but afterwards came aii oil' ent ure Monday nielil look It away. J