r.'.'n. THE- DAILY HEWS page nvi Aft Every Meal vmvwmwmwwvwwwvwmW' LEYS QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS () fhp 1 irrrmij,J MWtN, DULKLtT BAT ANU UltitK PVlNlb I WaW muuummu ft I..1 -" - I In work or WORKING ON i Ml lllfincho i: Ward, Hx nr ADC V II 1 1 M1 play. It fllvcs popular loader of HkhloiralP I"- lift A K.l "11J1J1iU the poise nnd llli. U) School, ,a refiiiPd,l1ArlllL Mountain Top slendlncsts Hint BLACK SANDS afler lhr... years al Skhleirate. ffl 1t TTf P mean success. nil1 will return lo l.or Lome nLI UHMIH, III,. It bclpe digestion. allay thirst, keep- Machinery 'Being Set up on Gold About Two Hundred Oattla lr, nf lha Ine mouth cool Jny I'lilinor, Ohoph and Platinum Mine Near flanna In Blue Danube ml motel, the throat Clmrlolln Oily, it mnklnir tln- Town of Massett Swamp but Bruin muaclea relaxed, nllrrnlion lo I he hiKpilal, and pliant and the MAKSITT. Juno 1.1. I.nrno ftl I he iiiilh ciul of llrnlinm l-l.in.i Qeti Some icrvca at ease. lutiliTM nml hydraulic machinery .ninp tit. . or i- now lii'inn itntallc.l ill I lie irnlil jiam i, nml platinum inim mi Mii"ll r.t..li.l.li II li U.....1. ..I '"I " J lr w. the mountainstand on the peak and before . iIicoiikIiI Iii Imwii lUy hy Jimmy CLIMB Inlol nlmiil I li roc mile pnt f I'rnMiiriHl im.I ico, v oi I ho ,,. . . . In In' I jiI i:il. lio there unfolds far llu" town nf MhoII. Twenty men ,, l-IHI, - - , , , I of a panorama extending as. "I'lllll III III" llltlHI" HI Inli"! In HimI iif Inlmicp n lioiir will li employed during Hip slirn-mi i fii ii l mi tin nnvi'l nml latere!Ina T V" -ikillinjr n n.w ami lakini l.or rnlf. as your eye can reach. Stay in the valley, and your niriicii in ihcii on .iinnay -i.- i...i i...i ...i iinil'TlnkiiiK which will iiicnh Dm lonrnor. .....- view is restricted by the surrounding hills. . poral rih oovori'iJ from ImcU r I of hlltlilrril of Inim of lioiii by hlown .from I ho hour" -nml iliiily. II will he wathcil into L Ml Warrior, of Prlnoi' nu- jfliime the liy upervilnii modern machinery nf n rnmpe.nn-l'-f por l f'Tiilintr n vaoalfon al pflw. Ilo Ilia)lliink",forno from ovorifrown llio ovl-loiwn. This newspaper, properly used, will guide you to I.'Ill niiniiiK I'nBiiioer nml I In' tinlit Maott. (oar liait Ittkrn In fnllnwfnir nil. the mountain top. Read it and your vision is enlarged. HOE land iliiliiiinii wHI -be olri'lri Ilo ha fn I anil Killing an animal fi "in llu- lartri' n r in which wa i no vnrrn iioioi, al .Maoil, ttli iiPii.r l.o wunl n tpo.l. II.. You get a bird's-eye view of world events. You glimpse ilia Iiopii oiilnrpo.l by lhi a.1-1.!... ni -Ur....ioiiiu- i.noL m iciiiiillx li'iiiii in Mil territory iliiritiK prp-hilnrie ilay. II ililloii nf aiinlhor ulnroy nml H rAri.a lten , j,, f., the doings of the day. iilhor" Hllorallnn, in .olalion Himisrli .liiiiniy Ihink. Mini in REPAIRING I jl- Ix'i'ii erlel Hull Hip fjiicen I harlnflc I In m I nnce fnrntfil n nf lho nrrlval nf a niimhor nf HIIU. umallor lKar may pail nf llu' tun iti la Mil, (hi lari puol, orkintr lioallli an.l ro- rlonn n Hip oavin?. Hp a Fail to use it, and your view is limited , nili'l c.irryiuif into I ho I'arifii rroalinn al Hip il.iml uminor thai ho w-arinl a liuml nf ralllo Our s.i tli i.aii niu nl.mi I'li'i nn llu water from Hie inniifi. rpnrl. i out nf a i.alrli nf limlior ami you remain in ignorance not only of events at t. III? ..- .;, lo-dale in lain nml lea v inn in I Ik- aml llalor Iip oru'pil Ihoir Irail ami home and abroad, but of much that iNnrUin ll.i ainl - t i i li'iiiiU hT mineral which re Mr. I.ynp. a roronl nrrivalaw Hip nonor nf a aroal hit: concerns Jil Tat . i mil ha'iilinK maiiiot I Imtc fur awe. All a. from Hip irairio, inton. In ar followinu llicm, llmiizli ho you even more vitally news of the very things Jof all rl i mi l -.V -h'lW indication llf (Colli locale al lho Kal roa-l nf Hip ilil ml nop Hip hoar. ;m lit iJ.ihiMini in ccry .liroolion. (laniN, after ixilin Hip locality 'HiPrp l mil) hinilf in Hip that have to do with your personal, everyday A trial order will convince I which, ho lap, rmnnnrp niofl Wcinily wlioro Iip Mpk tin you that our work and service BOXING TOURNAMENT fnvorlily with Hip io.Mhililipj i lraiiing ritrlil Ihoro ami Hip life. It second to none. la f,iin.l in n rtimnln u-Lrrii lip.irM nro f?riiu1nir Hiirkor nint AT BUCKLEY BAY ""' lli'mmm'lrr rppipr manyjaro pmlialily lo innpp. now 'We special , -if in liniiikiiwiil" LlUft.AM.i. i i-rr l n-um...I r-n.. it.Ill" Tl il. l"lir-- 'limn" I Iiai--" t&-pft"" fi l f uinni-' I'Unrii.... Some one might be selling a new, better and l-oifping ' ' Qood Card of Sli Bout Provided pri.ril In loarn, nn arris l in l-pforp Hip a.lvonl nf wliilp mrn' at Mill Town by Athletlo Mft-olt. that Hip norlliorn fmtii.lrip. "W Hip lmlian more economical food; or a utensil that would add im-measureably Club . .. ..... fiml 'il eaior In make living in McArthur Shoe Sfore ijiimr', ii)pipniy trici'i, i1 a to your comfort and well-being: or some frrp frmn plroniP wpallior. ilur Hip luuiher ramii and on lho Ill CKI.I.Y HAY. Jiiiip la.- Iho Neil O.N.R. Office, 3rd Ave. Itucklcy Kay Athletic I'.IiiIi'i inc Hip niiinnior anil winter. fiherio ami lark tif maiN make better material for shoes or clothing but you would Hip Kal lial imallracliie In fmirlli ImxiiiB tournament wa 'while ellleri. TIip ralllP ran?- know, because of restricted view. In-Ill nn Saliirilay. Juno t anl the TIip now wIipiIiiIp nf II, never your h.ill wn ci-owilo.1 i (lie itoor". loamor I'rinrp John, went inl i "", '- win. a """" "'' " "" oamla Iip iirot-'rani wan a follow: ..-ralin on Sun.lay 'l.. Itm Jack lionliiii'iir wmi pr 'IVrry pe will arrhP al Hip Man.N Hiv'r rH k",,vk"- ,,; You may read every line of the news columns, "twh-r al lloll llier ami Capo LING I'lUloll.Henry llcnuhnw n. Ilorl nn P.eh Saliinlay.llen.ule ami i-el t..n.lay.fr..,.. V...,...r I r ""y '" niiml-f but if you overlook the advertising, you are still living . ahnut SoniP nX Hipiii Mark-. ilraw. . ..!.. ...i r. aro in the You remain uninformed about. valley. Harry I.IIHh won nor I'ronPliy !... n..... !n. . 'lrriiioy wil.l iMiUihal .Ip not many The Tailor IdniM Imr.l. ... , . .IM-Piti In ilotor liruin anil Hip .! i: know in order live tJ iii- i"tniiii" iiimi irniii itiiii things you ought to to a happy, useful, iraneliPr pant afionl imieli pn- Cat i)'('. mnor won nr Slira Itilporl nn Piieh alternate Wp.I-1, Phone 649. liken. iipilay, nrneepilinif frmii .MaotC..iIppIIiiii a Capo Kfp i pikIiI profitable life in this age of progress. loin Siimll S.S. Kl .Iip . i .. , niip away anl lloll thirty iiiiIp n uekley Hay, port ClemPnln, Knl I'.nli'ii S.S. Kl i:ieiila.. plil. . .. . WE DO DRY CLEANING lk! i. l w-1 I I i k I ' tillinn tiiHul aiitliorily rati Im h.nl In AND PRESSING OF EVERY Tnlihy Morunn . I. I'aniPlI I'harlollt City. r,iimliewa, prow thai Hip ' lilllo lilark hoar" 'DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. ilrnw. lTliurhn llarbitf ami Jpitway. i not iiiioominohlv tM" Mllil II... After Hip miiiIIi piiJ Of I'lic lionl hclweeii T. Small anil iMlliiF ,PPH ani nl,f wilne.P Climb out of the valley to the mountain Kill I nlcii vta an exliihilioii. ami Hip Man.l. lho I'rinrp Jnhn prn-' 4r, ,,rj .MacOuarkor killo.1 top. -line real unoil hoXllltf nrlenrp ree.1. In Vanrnmpr. I.Painjr ollH ,llU ,w ,ll0n ,.nllM nrt ,rn UITS wn iliilaye. (ionlineiir ehal-leiiKeil Vui.convor mi each Hlternalo n , ju (,... By , ..rrni-p.lnpila. Read the Advertisements. 'I'lihliy .MnrKaii In a three Hip elPimiPr ro- (.eclor.-. ami trapppr aro ur-lurne Ki" iiuniilc rniiinl al Hip not In lapl Inlet ami I'rinrp irip. ami whiip think Hial Ihoro li ordered to igeeHiiK ami Miil(filn nocoiloil. lliilierl, aflor viilinir Hip port , u- clraiii nf Mack "(trhriloy ' al Hip i.iiIIi rml of Hip ilaml. Iieio. measure TIip uprviep i fi.rlnlchtly n far ( Second Avenue. ZJTZrlSL ""S BUCKLEY BAY PEOPLE j I1 t ifi . t.:.. TIMBER SALE X 605S. Vatirnuvrr a well. It i pm-h-I.; PAin MASSETT VISIT .'leil iniilrrt mil Ik rMii1 liy Hie oil thai u niiinlier nf liuril I . ! Uiiii-ln i.r i ihI. al Kloru, ma lalrr Niliiiomii Kaoluie launches aiv hors safe Hie whole year ritiiml. llMtl iu.H mi Uie iHtt Uai uf June. Ittfa. will lakp aihanlairn nf Hip I rip. r." nn- iiir'-hae nr I h-nr amp, in Big Oat Boat Edenahaw Is Char-i,.M1,,,),., ntllinj;. I'arkliiB j'l lip npeninir up nf nil fiohl on; J Hi Hip varinn ilamt ami . hi imi.iiuii feci nf I ir ami itar mi an roii li I tered and Delightful Time tin' inlamls IIumiIm are huyinn Hip fieh from wonhl mean a ureal i jn-a "iiuaieii mi llw i.i aimr nf l'n waterway nf Hip mirlli, wild a Stove WOOD IiniiiicI. ai'iiiiitniMielr I mile imnh ttt Spent Hip ,lmller. Hip prevailing prii-o'ileal In PHiicp Hiipprl, le than h..n UlalMl. Ilanire A. iH'l Land Kl'lrlcl. few ilny nf ijhl wooinjr in .T.LEE l.cini.' MX rem Mr poiiml. Ilin iuir) iiiiininil niilc ililunl. l tin" in., f iian Kill lie alMioeil fur re- ilMnal l lllntiel. I'rinrp Kilprrl, hefifrp Hip return lUTKI.KY HAY. Juno 1.1. -'run linn tml ci.iiinience.1 al Hio'iiilProsli'il in 'larvia," have ro I iirtlicr narllcuiar. i.f llw rjjef turea- trip In YanooMf'r.. TIip crlieilulP Juno .1 nlmiil tit) Sumlay. inirlli pint of tiraliam Ulaml. A t;ikel their claim on Hie Yaronn li i ti' U.na. II ' .. nr IH-Irlrl ureli r. We have just received 1 he Ladies' and i'mir Hiilwrl. H.i:. will perinil nf t-pemtinj: two or lho roi.cnl rliarnil Hip jra numtior nf Imlian nf Maxell will lli or near Yiikonn Lake wtiero car load of up river wood, V. Gentlemen's ! TIMBER SALE X 6070. Hirop ilay at any purl Piimuli'. Imal lrfliiiliaw anil a finp trip p,.) oiifraup in filiin tin yt'ai eliale ami lar i fnuml in al.uinl-iince. guaranteed seasoned and eal-il li-iHli-i" lll In- receded liy the jwa iiw.Ip In Jla"H 1iPria very heinu employcil al Hip lo(feiiiK A numlior nf nil claim dry. biie cut to order. Mini.1. 1 t.f I ami-, al Vn'lnria. urn lalrr John Sinilli. nnp nf Hip lie.l I'lijoyalilp limp wan M'Ptil. Willi o.nm. I mill. Tim I'm.hi fur have lieen Klakisl nn Hip wpkI llimi ii...I. ..li IIh lll lla or June. Illl, Also Kindling In Sacks. Tailor f.ir Hie i"n liai- "f l.iernee X lu;u. In knnwn nf Hip M.i-ell Jiahla. Hip l.i'aiitiriil wfallier nml Hip new the raiwierip will I'oniineni'p uii i-niiel nf tiraliam llaml wliorp ;.ni M1.ti:. feet of N'rure. ixtaf. ana lieil nn Hip till inlanl at .Vulen epriiitr urowlh aloiiu Hip trail June 20. when fisUerincn ami operation may Iip in prngrp HimiiI. mi an an a .imaled hi ll ea.l For Prices, call iii- ur Slniitle l.iaml. oneeii r.tiarlniie liarl.nr. TIip ilo,'Paoil wax known a'"1 "," P'PHiro'l'iP view almij? their wive will l.'an Tor lli liPfm-o Hip rln.p of Hip minitiipr. kV liavn j(ubI cnlarned oilr l.laiMl Unit in-n h i SttU lloaili. Hioro wa no- llio Skeena Hii-r. ' owneenf allow- .i'k "J..eL ".un.i wn I l.o caiuicnc on - -i ' IU tie bro for l.i ami hair er (n ip rke room our i1 fin ivin.nal .it limner. "nir in.irf m i.e ..Pir.M in it,..( Hy whirli a larip tnot,p Imal on Had for ami hummer 6 Months v SpriiiK I t'lll'lher lial'lleilUr- ur ine mei ii.rr. " ' r- Constipation -.Transfer rk I'rlco am nioiletate. ler. Vn'lnria. H.c. lu.lrin li.re.irr. hp 'liloi I'rinrp llupprl frp- r ISLAND OIL I'rlllrr lluivrt. B.'-. liienlly. TIip rotnairi weir Phone 6 SO. Cleaning, Preeelng, ofimniiin rTrinnii Was Relieved by TIMBER SALE X 5123. hroimhl In Ma.sett, whore fu- OnlrnilU OlLAUlLI Service and Quality our Repairing. ' f1 PH f FX aTl all f f tall Ine Motto. Phone Red 136. Minium Healeil or Ten.ler l-nrt Villi at Vlrlnrla.I"- reeehed lint liy later lieral n'rviee wetP liolil by llov. FROM BUCKLEY BAY lb I U rUKti mmn s nils lllian IM.m mi Urn Itnd ila nf luttr. !. J, Uillclt, a lark'P number nf Sext tu limp,re Of flea. 'r.ir Hie nin-liae -if Lnenee K IV3, Ui ji-ul I.VJilif.u feel nf lleoilnrk. Hil.am. orrowlnif fricml allemlinif. I frae motion of tba bowela daily Ui.rnre anil ixlar, ml n are Miuateil i.n Three Steam Schooners all Load- llu- l ilK.m ..f Hnrr Inl't. a.rl' LAND ACT. ..J r I . v.. e Best of .ndkatlon. to be Found- .' tTno ,1 im" inairl i nillen fimn laeail. Han 4, Natlca f Inl.all.n la A,pi, to Pvrchaaa " rvr man Claims Are Being Reetaked .Uml Olilrli l. una. r-aaro necenny oul apetti, brartbura. foul trntih, aour r.i iti year will l alh.e.t for rr- In Kkeena l.aiul Hi.irui. Herurillua- UH tuiaiirb, ie. HOTEL HUDSON Irlil i.r I'rl nr. iiuiti. 111., and uluaia' inal nf limber. llu. rlt.l kllM.n.ir.lliifH Lake. ' .MASSIM'T.-Junp 1.1. TIip po- Milbura'i Laia-Uver PIIU will rerulau iaiileulri nf th flf Fr' at Itatrlh ..r 1HXKl.i;VlUY. Jiiii'ii:l. Til ler.yurllier Vli Uirla. H.i: . r IH.irlrl j order. Tak Niilirr. Hut I, Alfred trail, nf r : . '. . . '. . kihililio uf ili'illln- for nolroleinn toe (low of bile to art urorwrlr uu the 773 Seymour St. I-,inc.- Hnnerl. H i:. a.Mml. h.i:., rainier, anend awly ' muni .i ami cieaici uiam : bowrU. lima nukln them acil.a and rf (Near Hudson Day Stons), liw nerlnlMlmi In nurrluui llu. fiUUiViu. foe Sim ll.uli n Mnv ll u-ilh n "" 'Haillim ar" aUHIII lO TIMBER 8ALE X 6081. !T-rr". .""' M. c f t nin. r , .w'I.p f..rr ami l.....l. p,,Pp the - - e - - ... VANCOUVER, B.C. .n .......a I,. ll Piameu ai im.o..i riinr all. -""-' "" "' ' ..i l.. ,.f II...... I..I. I l.i C. Westergard, Manager. ml i I.. I v.i w Vw j'r "' 'V,r"; ".""'.f'"' inakintr a iiiunl hipmont .," ' '";n. h. c. Hunt, port cr. ft. 8, Late of Winnipeg, Brandon srs::.. .r,.'.,::r vcrzzzJX' n.u .! nf ..-oi r.n.. m 'pHnp.,,an...i tu ... n,up,. ,,..,.,., hM tMI lrMtM b, Moose and M Plus 1o fr Hie purrluve ..f LUinrt f';0 iuinv.4 enrner u lm si IV: inenra 'rilf. KS II t'.iciita I.ih.Ich I imliralloil of eonallled for the laat tu uwiilba. Jaw, ut nil nun feel nf enrura ,.,, . ,.,,.,. ... ... .i.i. I""1- ........ ... . -i . ... . . Modern-Fireproof-Central Peri Piece ", rl"r"1 ,,r",m -y wiu oa. oeen irrnoiy coiiea, ao li.i'k, and i.veti.wuii irn -i Im,ui aiii i airVi. ami .loaroil for Sail 1'Pilro mi M um lu il .rur ami ll.Mil.M h. wi mi area We Appreciate Vour " " ;......ald imi l.line.mna Uy. ',""!?... t" ' Ainttn li-AM. r"' p" .i.alo lar ami nllior .i.n arp " umu 10 'f'""1 boux tal ttM lluslness. CI...1..111. I Iip I.l ApI Per .. . aruuey. fPPl. l aln advlted in lo uu Milbura-a Liu-Uver i a pound 1 Tu Hi yeerv will be allowed tuf t' Hileil May I Old, ll. loa.linir ami will olPar xtmrlly fur " J " P,IU- 9Ut 1 dM u1 ' perfectly Fai..ial nf limlior. I uariiiulart i.r IU Cblr rurea. TIMBER SALE X 610, lho eaine ilotiuallnil. .illfpcllnll. . Ihi,lalp Sir tl. M. well. My tuurue It at auioulb at It mat :L0AT-IR0NED kn' Victoria?!.:.. " huirlct forealer, Daweini, line nf Hip Kri'alp! of twrurt I ot uut may, aud l owe it ait w I'rnica Huiri. rieale.l TemlerA will Iip fwehe'l Family Service I IN TNf W",.5?,.2T- f ",T',M,'rl. ! UlVr liia!. mmn at nn Vie Hiii LARGE CATCHES OF K.-nimfl!ricl.l m,ni ll.p in Qiwn nay. lepone.i f.Ua.li.llP,'"ail v' , All uf your waahlnj to in VaoBATi. StM i ilay nf jiiiip, mr tna SPRINGS AT MASSETT Ulaml but llu' tprrllnry rnxeivij! '7' y ""7' KING GEORGE l i cant or your Ironini Mnw 'f!OT H?r8,ir-.,IS i,y w . rw -E5Lc2r rythln( taturnad dry tuV nii. !""n,Wk l' ! ' touch K 1...1 r,,ri.'vvmS an.l 27.500 fl. ,r''K11"" - - w.outar Ymraimply garmania up auch A.ni. ''' 7','V.1,i,i.r ueiealeu iaJ Kprurn anil lloiiiinek pilinir nn an Numerous Boats Trolling on l.le by uml waler ami within CAFE : !!, blouaaa, bouta' :..!!.r"i.. "iii"ii.iec.nnM.d. laira eiliialeil mi Hip tmrtlienst Islands Some Indians Lum- itt linrt ilielaiu-p nf Kn -liippitic , ....... . .. . . . .... ..... ... ... .... t.u.ii.w .....i.iti. .m.iii.1 1 ' ..r ...li I .L. Iijulii.ii 1 1 M 1. mwi 1. - diaaua, with hand-lion. -ill. vanny, vii.vrt iv uoaiv iiiarinir. 1 up wei rouKi ni iii'a. First Class rbona ua today, 'tin; .aid..nn.t.Ule.1 lo an dc'laratnai eqnlred t fj- '"irjr!',klaii.. Jlltlllia 0, (ial I.ainl 1)14. Canneries Jliatn llainl I on a hUii'iii-Ihiuii'I QUEEN'S HOTEL CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. .an.. CANADIAN uii.irii,m'd fiiriuiiiiii. 1 , . ,ear will m allnwaii lena-t Allhuiiuli liippliiK wnul.l The Ideal Holiday Resort, Furnished Rooms to Rent. STEAM kii it. ...ill- leu-ii... ........j-1 iay Hie for removal nf linilier. M AhSI I I Jiiiip 3, Mlier- lint fiml Hie water mnt iler Prices Reasonable LAUNDRY. ..lal. . an ." z .urn ;ua; t'nrllier 1.articular of I he fpwitur 'nu apply proprielrest men nrp inakiug larR catches of able. Ib rnnnlrtiHinii nf a Phone Biu 471. lull Ktb Phone 8. j iSlrt irrVinr. i'uKrt; K.C. Chief Inip.ler. Vlolnrla, M.O., or Mrs .1 t S' Dunn, fl.rillir Kalliliui off llil.lio lalnml mile of nine line wont.I nlnce II.e. Second Ave, " lltrlot 1 nrpaler. rrinra itiipprt, I 1.01 1 i.or.rH.Cterulur II.G. on Hie west roast of Hie liandi,llield within easy distance of liar- I