TUB DAILY HEWfl Mi fit. .fame, of (lie High i Hclioi.l (IT. I nailing lhi af- $25.00 Cash and $12.00 per month f Local and Personal icriionn for nncouvcr.on llio 1'rlnccns Louise lllin: places this U. 0. Undertakers Phone 11. tf .Inlili Hot land, w ell known Slewnrl nilniiiff iiiiiii, wa a pa. Console Hayners, Under taker. Phone. euer on Ihe Prince (leorge e-lenlay SMOKE 351. If afleriuion hound from Vuncoutcf'lo Slewart, l or Plumbing and HKATINO, - Model . I.ongwlll. I'hone lllue 270 The (i.P.H. dleanier Prince I'.lt. Ilox 730. If I lent rice, Unpl. :iirfe, atrlveil at 1 1 :3l (hi murninir from Van OLD CHUN Victrola We have cvcral oiiiii fn ihihII eouver and way pnrljtnd cleared IkhI-m hhiI four eyrie engine. mi her iciurn aoulli at I llils ' Northern ICxchange. in aflcriiooii. a Cnntote MihIcL if in - - V I n.m tllVnn nn I' your home, 8vc Money! Iluy our Xannlmo-Wellington The (j.P.H. eleamer Prince Not wi Rt 3.5o a .iKile, (Jap(. Arthur Hlaler, TOBACCO Ihrniptrii'. wild ten In-inch double idctl record., iif'jo'ir tun. Albert A MrCalfery. Ltd. if Skaway for Vancouver, I dun lo iiwn ti n. . There i a corner in the parlor of every Inline arrive frmu Ihe tmiih at I and of .i mi iii, ,,( and culture fur ii Victor Vii-lrula. (ionic in Mr .1. A. Ilinlon, -who Iiii ail for llic" . eoulli at C uV'lock niiil .((! i- m demon.Irate ilii. model (u sou. Price willi lieen mi a holiday trip noulh, returned I hi nflernooii. x ten icoi-iK $168.00. In Ihe rily on I he prince $25.00 Cash and $12.00 Per Month. ticorgc ye.lent,i afli-rnoon. Vinlaiile J. K, Tlechur!, ll.i:..M.P of Tclkwa,x relurne.1 lo Launch "23" for Salt Lakes to Ihe elly yelchlay afternoon afler morrow leave Prince Rupert bavin? eciirled prioncr (o Mr. and ,Mr. Pal Haly were Boalhouie every half hour from Okalla. He continued hi Journey (3MmMvs.JM 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Fare, 20c. re to Ihe Inlerlor by (he evening anion? I ho paenuer , irninii lhrou?h lo Slewarl on I lie Prince turn. train. Thrift service . (leorge yesterday aflernon. ('. . Hiililwin, chief or Ihe Mr. and Mre. . V. Wilkinon C. A. MacKenzle, prniidnent N.11. iiuthi rli'iniiliiiriil In Van returned from Ihe miuIIi on the minin? man, wa a pasen?e- ver. arrived in (tie clly on Hie Prince uieorge yenlerday afternoon. bound north on Hie Prince Prince (.dirge yfulcrday after Mr. Wilkinnii adended fieore yeslenlay afternoon. no-.11, Ihe. Oddfellow' convention at -L New Welmiiiler and Mr. Wilkinson, Launch "83" for Sail Lake i n-lalilc Alex Macdinialil. Of the lleliekalm' convenlioti. (6 tomorrow leave Prince Hujierl Mil- ';ily pnlire, rvfiirned home lloalhoiise half hour from Rupert" Brand vc-lcrday afternoon after havinlr A. A. 1'orwyllie. chief clerk lo every I p.m. lo 7 p.m. Kar 20c. re 1 1 1 ! itriKonerK In Okall.i llepinald lleautiionl, local Cana- turn. l'ri"ii I'arni. d I a n Government Merchant Marine Miperinlemlcnl, reliirneil W. II. Tonkin was anion? Ihe Mr- V. J. Indite, who lim yenlerday aflernMin from a viil minin? llirou:fli Ihe men uieli? been icnding " vara)inn in lo Soap Lake, Wah., where lie efty tniind fr Slewwrl on the -iiIIm-i ii rnaid rilien, relurneit went for Ihe benefit of hi Prince ilwrpe lelay after Inline mii I ln print iconic ye.. heallh. Kippers lerday afternoon. noon. M r. n n.I Mr. John Itylihavn Itie linitin freighter Uhilkowt. Everything washed Capl. M. 11. lirove. formerly and family ri'liime.1 home from Cipl. (leortrexon, wa in port .iicrinleiidenl here of tliejacl-fie Hie outh on Ihe Prince (ieor?e yesterday aflernnnn aMHilhb.nind Your flat work ironed Stevedoring Cu arrived yen-I'-i-day yrlerilay aflernomi. Mr. Iyb- from .Vaa Hher port to Van aflernoim from Vancou liavn ha been Hllciidinx Ihe con couver. Other pieces returned damp ver mnl will he here for a few vention nf Scandinavian neleie day on bueine. in SMkaiie and aln vUiled Vic- SMOKED DAILY loria on rily buine!i. Andrew lirsen. Hie well known That's Thrif-T-service, and even if you eon-till In i; iiiinin? engineer nl don't the of count own Nniiimii A. Watt, wcretary In expense your by Hmi. T. 1 1. Pullulln. miiiinler nl II. II. Croell and A. II. Phil Sjiokaue, iassed llii'oujrti Hie city labor, it really costs less than to do the !hiiI. nrrMetf from Vii-loria ye- lip returned lo the city yester on Ihe Prince lie n?e yeslenlay washing at home. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 'ei'iny afliTiiiiiin In join Mr. I'at- day afternoon after bavin? at afleriiiMtn was accompanied bound for by lii Stewart.sou. He We take all your washing; cleanse lull" wlm will arrive here with tended the firaiMl l,ilke roiiven-Ii4n and sterilize everything through and PRINCE RUPERT wir Henry Thiiinlnii Ininorrow. nf Hie Oddfellow al New WeMlmiiuter. Mr. Phill'p nlmi .lolin Mcllae, who liaa been nl- through with pure mild socp and the tl. SI. J. I.ee. niatiMver if Hie penl a few day, enulli of leudiliu the Masonie liraml l.tlj;e softest of waters. Then we iron your Hnk f Mnntieal. returned liolne 'raeoma in 'Hliiiiiilni Slate. convent inn al New etiiituter. flat work as nicely as you could wish. mi tin- Pri tire (ienrve yenlenlay i evperted home nn Monday. Most of the moisture from your other itn. Mrltae will remain in Ihe Mliernnnii. He ha been away Mr. M. V. Jeiin lormerly south for a wldle binder to visit pieces we remove and return them just Coast Steamships fvi-ral week anil vlitei Ivnatem nf Ihi eily, arrlvel fnm Van uilh friends. right for you to iron or starch and hang i:iiiIh reluritiiiy by way nf Jii. oiiver on f fie'Prfnce (ieorife ye - on the line. All the hardest work from Prince I.or I'aik nntl Vancouvar. Mr enlay aflertiHn and i peinlfiiir up Sailings Rupert The CN.II. steamer Prince of washday done for at a remark i.ee wm m J8'wr wnen Mr a eiHiple of day here willi Mr you Jolin, Oil Harry .NnMen. arriv- pi. ilniirt I'liiirnlnii' uarly n T. W. Ilerne before leavins for ably small cost. S.S. Prince Rupert n? early Monday nmf niiifc' from llierl'. I'rinee (ieore where he will Get in touch with us today, and have Vauciiuver via the (J'leen Char and Prince George QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIS viil with her daughter. Mi lotte Nlands, will m.'ike a -special us call for your next washing. This is FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate TRICT. I'hylli Jenn if Ihe forestry trip In Slewarl leavin? here Mon a service youll approve. Application to Lease Foreshore ofllce. Pofnti, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. Lands. day evenin?. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. Ill (Jlieen 'liHl l,-t I. I.illlci l)i FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. lin-l. It ii!1 1 im IiibIiicI of Parii?er booked for lb K. Campbell, manager of the Canadian Steam I'linl'i' Itlll.iTl. mmiI imiIIi on Ihe jpriucc Ccorce Mtuale at Hie 8.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Hank of Commerce, w ho ha been iiimiiii in i-iiiii'riiiii'k i.reek. Kauaii Capl. W. S. Moorelioue, IcmvIii? Wlandi June 13th, 27lh, July 11th, 25th Hay, Skiileftate Inlet. Graham lyre al II o'clock. liuiii.Mil intrude holidayiii? in Ihe southern in Laundry PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. iKlami. III.. terior, b rsjieeled home by the I mar. t h'ij ri J,.1) 'I'-i'l -mi.ia at I tin ju for I'rlnra Giukr, lake .nhre thai UV C Mr. and Mr. Irelew. .Ml (iener. Prince Ituperl on Monday. Mr. tdimioi. V iIuki ii i til K.im. ta.u-ru i:auaJe and tuned Morrie. nf Yuni'ouver. HJI. oecu. H. Hayfool, 1. IKdintrer. (!. uinpbell will lie remaining in Phone 8 suit. Iiulmn miner, intemj to aptilv eiaer.' J. I.. Slayer, S. II AOCNCV rON ALL OCCAM ITtAWtHIP LINtl. mr iipiiiiihuioii hi !uae III" rnl the south for some time. CH, Tkil Offk., e7 Third Print. Rup.rt. Pnen. ISO. liiwinu ilescribeil fnrehore larnls .ameroii, .Mi O. lleluiM'ii, Mr. I'.nniineni-iiiK at a punt planted nt and Mr. S. P. Iloallcr. .Mi II. C. Keeley, Pacific coasl liiuh liile murk nn Ihc wexl ImiiK lleur. Mi Chamberlain, Mr, nf Slnlerlii-i-k r.re.'k. about 1.500 Irufur. manager of Ihe liaiiadiuii (jnv- 3A. fqjhc I eel went nf of Hie fnutlient cor ernmeiil Merchant Marine, ar- C f- ner nt nf f.ol I; theme 10 rived from Vancouver on Hie Iihiii MKiitheai'terlv: I In-nee lu Mi Xuu ItuhcrUou, duiiKhler CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Prince (leorge yesterday after rhniim nnrtlieaHlerly; lliem-e 10 f Judire and Mr. KnberUou, of rhiiiiiK nui lliwenlerly: thence fol- noon. He is litre In meet Sir B.C. Coast Services iMwina iiikii water mark to point rince Ueork'e, arrived on Ihe Henry Thornton, C.N.II. presi- CWAJaJlb nf eoniini-iireniinil. and contain. riuce (icortie yelerday Ufler- leul. and jiarly will go south m tug in acre more or lei. immmi from Vancouver where she WILLIAM (iKOHCK with them on Monday uighl. McMOniU ha been' atleudiiiif cchool. She Ifjr Sailings from PrinceRupert Haled May SO. Il23. i spemliiiir the day at Hie Sov- Sailin? Inni?hl on Hie .. Jr( T A If Put it in your pocket and 8.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIS- ermiieiil limine , willi Mr. and Prince (ieorge for Vuncnuver i A JLJ it puts trip in iV your Victoria and Seattle, TnlCT. . Mr. T. W. Ileriitt and will leuve For Vancouver, Application to Purchase Land. V. Davidson, represeul alive of June 3, 8, 16, 23, 30 J July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. In (lui'i'ii riiaiiolte Land Hi in loiifylii' train fur Prince the Nerlich Co. of Toronlo. Mr. pictures. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, trirt. Ilrr.n ilinn I iiet rii-t of Prince (leoi-pe with her -father. , Ilavidsoii js renewing old ar-(luainlauces The film June 11, 18, 25 July 2, 6, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27. II llav.ii l-it Suiileiiiile nini Miliiale Inlet, ami in known haunn on Hie Prince (ienrge. KODAK riLm dependable 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. a lliinit Nlnnil. Iviiib to the .Mi Muriel l;aren, uleuo he bavin? made Ihe trip irnm in the YeiIow B6... For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai MHillow.i ni I.ma Ulnml. Ki-apher al the drydnck, enter Vancouver to Prince lluperl nn your size is here. Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van Take Not of ire lliat W. fl. Mc-Mnrri-. tained Kiune of her friend la I Ihe maiden voyage of Ihi vessel YHiii'miver. ll.ll. " eouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. ciipulniii miner, inteml In apply oo- niulil in her nparlneul in Ihe on July 3?, IU III. KODAK Self Timers, Carry. Agency for all Sleamthlp Llnet. inr pi-rnuHNion tu puri'liae (lie Wallace Hlnck in honor of her Yt?X inS Cases. Tripods, Full information from fnllowniK ileorrilieit land: llnni- In oilier. I'. I,aren of Anynx. w ho THIS FREEDOM I " ' nii'iiruiK nl ti post planted nt I lie ACCESSORIES Portrait Attachments W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. In making a horl iit here ami iiniiln'iilerly corner of Hurnt Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. luluiiil llit'iice fulliiwins hnre-line ho ?iie foiilh Inday on the Conic and hear the address :: they're all in stock f -ant '-land In point of rince lieorre. The occasion This rreedom" in Ihe Mellin.l;' here. comiiii'iii'i-liient. cniitninins 20 alo yave an opportunity In bid liui'ch Sunday night at 7.:0. (W' I'tv in re nmre or leu. wii.ijam liCtinniv McMnnms. aiheu In Ml Ityaii, enmiiierf ial Let us help you plan a Kodak Outfit HmI.mI Mm ?i l(l?.1 teacher al the lliiih School, who UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. for good pictures is leavinufor (lie noulh loday af and lots of fun ailing frm Print. Ruptrt, tot VANCOUVCR. VIOTORIA, Hi.ill K1L lllil Mtllull Hi). TUMI, P.M. ter having reitued her injiui Church Notices ! Pee yANCOUVIR, VIOTORIA, Aim U.y and intoii fit)-. Saturday Neon. here. Mi Ityaii ha hared Hie Per ANVOX, ALICC ARM. Arriiiilal. Walea I I, 4 fori Sloipauo, Sunaa, Mlel'ht. I flat w ith Mi .nreii. ORMES LTD Per MAAS RIVIR OANNIRIIS Friday A.M. rt'lnd'Xtriiu JACK aARNSiav, Atanl. Prlnw Hiiiwrl, B.C First Presbyterian Church j llavinif been aKffied by lh The Rexall Stores Phones 200, 82 and 134 'ily pnlice Jluil lie're wa tin Mnrning wnrehip at II ..Vlo.-k f-iiil play (ii rnuin-tioii with Hie Subject: "Some lleeenl VhImus ileal ti or I Ihi IuM Hoberl (Kllii". iji the MiNsion Field. ' Kiunlay jwhoee remain were found under Si'llnnl ll r.'..'lll. I'Ai'lllln: serviee the n.T.P. wharf yelerday at ?.:i(l. Subject : "A Place CIGAR STORE Pnrjce Rupert (imi'iiiiiv. (.iroiier ,(iale liu de- verythm? mnl Kv eryf In nu in mm DENTISTRY prince tovt eiiieii thai nn ing,ueil will tie Place. Preacher, le II "Tin' KcrvifB Store." lieeeary. I ereued'ii mother i.iaiil. Illl WE CASH CHEQUES. will arrive from Vancouver on M.unlay and'Hie fuuerul will lake Dr. TORONTO Jos. AftiU For: Take Maguire In Centre of Shopping (dare mi Tu.eiiay at S:ail under' N. and S. ENGINES and Bumness 230 ROOMS Distrust Ihe Veteran'aunpice.Wocial of the lou Ureal and War the BEECHANS Ml IS Rooms 7, 8. 9 Smith Block 100 tll PrwiU B.II4 j Term Arranged To Suit ."Urchajen. HUHOCLAM ttAN Loyal Uittiii Lodue. The II. Li. Office Hours. 9 to ? Phone Blue CI. tUCtKXKKHKKUSHOtUUiminotKXj W'MftftTT IMOwaoM MNa. DIR. rmlei'lakerv hav e ehar.H of ur ' lOV COflStipatlOfl Phone 575 Lady Assistant