Where the Sun Shines Most of the Time -- TUB Union Pacific System ami HOLTIIKIIN PAUKIli Through Standard Sleepers Seattle to San Francisco AND Los Angeles THE SHASTA and CALIFORNIA EXPRESS l.riiwt SraUle 1 1. 1 5-p.m. ArrifM .San From tcn 2id Morning 1 1. .'JO a.m. Arrive Ln AligrU-s jra Morning 7.rr u.m. THE OREGONIAN lives .Seal lie 3.30 p.m. Arriv San 'r;uiriro 2nd Morning 8.10 a.m. Low Winter Rates on Sale Dally. UMiiiri'lioii from Vancouver: U.IMI. .Steamer . I0.;i(l a.m. anil II .m. (i. N. Truins X a.m.. a juii.. 12.01 a.m. For Rates and Reservations Apply Any Railroad Ticket Agent, or write F. S. Elliott, W. H. Olln, Trav Freight ami A-U (Sen. I-'eight uml Pa AkimiI- P - Agen. O.-W. STATION-SEATTLE, WASH. CPEC1AI J TRAINS SPECIAL TRAINS wilMie ie uleil mm W innipeg, Nov 2ltj, I)e )ti., Dec. II. for Steamships .sailing from Montreal ami Halifax us follows S.S. Reglna from Montreal, Nov. 2Hh, to It -ifa!, Liverpool. S.S. Antonia from Montreal, Nov. 2ilh, lo Plymouth, London. S.S. Ausonla from Halifax, Dee. lllh. to (Jueenslown, Liverpool. S.S. Saturnla from Halifax. Her. Ulh. lo'niasgow. S.S. Doric from Halifax, life. Dili, to Belfast, Liverpool. S.S. Pittsburg from Halifax. Hoc. 1 1 Hi. to Southampton, Bremen. S.S. Canada from Halifax, Ilo. . lolli, In Glasgow. Liverpool. S.SAndajila from llnlifax, Dor. IHIh, to Plymouth ami London. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING CARS from Jasper ami Ktltmuitoti, eoiiolilatlng Willi nhove (ruins at Winnipeg FULL DETAILS AND RESERVATIONS FROM City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert. Phone 260. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points,' Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. i S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov, 17, Deo. 1, iu 15, 29, at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. U rrirre nupnrl .5 p.m. (or I'ltlNCF. OEOnOE, EDMO.NTOM, WIN- m.i r.ifri.'.iiii tnairni uanaua, uiuim smith. AOSNCY ALL OCIAN STEAMSHIP LINKS. cur nkt orrio, S2S tm ., frinci nup.n. Phon 260. 351. if - Order your coal from Casev Phone lied 523. if lo California with Mr. "Orchard, is expected back on Hie Prince Mary next Monday. J. P. Iluwkiu'on, fjlcwarl restaurant man, reached the city .on Mlie Camosuu yesterday afler- uioon mi. I i reitileref al Hie Hotel Prince Itupeii. i ltet-iiiald Iteauinitul, O.fi.M.Mf lornl superintendent, who.has I been to Vancouver on huiiie. :i expert ed hack hy the Priori (teniae luisf affenjojui. I -- . 4 .. Ilrhkah lUiaar Satunlay. uNovcinlier '. I, in new lorr next to 'Hensoii Sludiu. Fancy work, plain M'wiiiK, novelties, home rooking, candy and , afleruAon ea. S ' tl Tire fire deparlmenl r'ond-ed lal eveninir al 7 o'clock lo a call from (he corner of Dun, nmir SI reel ami Fjflh .eniic where fire ep lo hum refue from recent (trading operalion canseil alarm lo reidenl. No damage wa done lo property. Tli n following paeuger (went south on I lie Union leam-;er I'.amosun yesterday nfler-1110011: Joseph M elide. Cliarle F. !llaluni, D. I). Mulliei.Hon. James D. Mrlnnl. W. K. Dunkle, C. K. liarnwell, (i. Mar.linll, C. J. Kitwhiitliaio and James I.iihlon for Vancouver: V. S. Fisher and (Irrin A. Mayliee for Ocean Fall, and Jaeoh Duncan for Huledale. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOU HF.NT. Furniheil five romned i-idlnire. Fully modern elo-e in Phone til lie Sill. The Hoop of Gold Ill a ring diplay. whjeh is bigger than you ee jn iu'ol plnces, we t,.iow a nice e leelion of wedding' ring. Hie nevet design in plain and carved including the while gold mid plalinum. The prices range from $0.5(1 for (he plain to $12.00. The carved ones froni.ijio.oo 'TUlatt It op uWu lit frtL" TKa dlidoui frirtncs of Baker's Breakfast Cocoa Its unquestioned purit, uniformi and pilitabilit make constant users of U ho try it; it is the cocos of high quality. Made In Canada By Walter Biker k Co. Limited EuUiiU 17S3 VfiU t DordwfUr, Vfm. nj Viontml, CfuJ SOOMJET Of CHOICE KECIrES SEUT ttfX .Sam Uedore was ordered hy Magistrate McClymont in the police court this morning I" pay 20 to the upport of his wife. (ieorge McAfee, manager of tlie Dig Hay sawmill, arrived yeterday afternoon from !eorgelown and i i;egitpre.i at the Hotel Prjnre llupert. . unri inxon, logging uperm- leinlent for I he Hig Hay Lumher Co... niTived ..,fi40u (ieorgetown yeieiuay aiieriONiii aul i re- gilereil at the Central Hotel. tiur .Mini lick i arrivuigl every day and ln(inake rtMMii fur new stock we nre .olTering onie fancy price on Heading Lamp? Out Ola and China. We have a wonderful. elecion, ami ml. vie you lo huy early while the -election f .al ..Us lient. . Max lleilhroner. v- f ' If WlNNIl'Ki, Nov Theatrical clitic (his season unite iu London in ' lauding Margaret Itaiinennan, a former Winnipeg girl, now well known on I he London stage, as one of the leading actresses of the day. Mi llannerinan is playing in "Our lteer," Soneret Maugham' new saljre on Ihc present day smart set. The Daily Sketch ay: "Mis llanuennan lia-s houndeil up frn'iii the ingenues to the rank, the Very front rank, of oyr comedy aclrees. She is a dream of beauty, .too, throughout the show." THOUGHT WAVE OF PEACE AND GOODWILL At Victoria lat hihoi Du Vernet haiiqiiel. al the Mclhoditt Church week Areh-atleuded n Melroxililau under the PAGE THREE. CANADIAN ACTRESS Local and 'Personal LEADING IN LONDON B.C. Undertakers. Phone K. Margaret Bannerman Formerly of Winnipeg Acclaimed In Fill vour pipe Harners, Undertakers. Pbou "Our Betters" !.. XI. Great War Veterans General Meeting tonight, Wednesday, at 8 p.m. .9 - - Interior Pasteurised ' Milk. Prince lluocrl Dairy. Phon'e Pluck 210. tf Clioiee IJrcainery Putter. 7 lbs. for 3.00. F. W. Moersch. Piionc 13. tf W. S. Flfther Ill'OVfriCial Col li...!.... ..it'...t I... I I . .1 X CunioMJti for Orean Fall.'- Special saliKof Siiaiiili comiIm. Wonderful as'orliiient. Jul 'ar rived. Ilarsuin irees. Max lli'ilbroiier. iff C.N.H. Mourner Prince (ieurire. ! . W. i4. Morelo'.Uei Is ihu? front Vancouver aipl way ports at i o'clock ilii aflcrnoon. Son of Canada'" meet Wetl-uexilay eveifhu, .ovciiiln-r 'Jl. in Heroins over ('.. O. Howe' Second oftirarg. There halihul Avejiue. . Klcction of were no wale ul Ihc exrjiantre Ihi inorniu?. The Iteveille is in wilh 0,000 pounds hul ilte, I holding over until tomorrow'. C.Orehani, C.P.Iti general Oil oil apeiil, who Ihih heen a trfp lo 1 5.0(11), We can also make In our hnp any special ring you want, Bulger & Cameron Limited Jewellers. GIFTS THAT LAST II. Johuon, manager of the Canadian Fih .V Cold Storage Cd Ltd., and' John Dybliavn, manager of the Hoyat Fih Co.. Iiunc been appoint i-d to a nation al conimitlee of the Canadian Fisheries 'Association, the duly of which is lo conduct a fish advertising campaign through-(Mil the Dominion. The federal government' ha made a grant of $10.00(1 for, the campaign and the member of the Associ ation have raised $5,000. The committee I representative of fishing iulere! both on the Atlantic a ltd Pacific- seaboards. WIRELESS REPORT S (a.m. DKillY lij'tJ.VS'D. llaining. calm; barometer, Sy.Ho; temper- nm re, 12; ea smooth; (5:20 p.m. spoke seanii .Camosun passed out 5:10 n.m. southbound: 10 p.m. spoke steamer- prinre Seorgc off Pointers Island north bound; 1:30 a. til. spoke steamer Prince John left M asset t south bound. . DF.AD TIlF.li POINT. Cloudy, calm: barometer, 2:52; temperature. 12; sea smooth.. 1H.LI. 1IAHHOH. Haining. slnnig soulheasl wind; barometer, 20.7H; temperature, I (if sea moderate; p.m. spoke steamer Admiral Hodman abeam Pine Island soilflibouild; 1.30 a.m. spoke steamer Prince (ieorge in Deane Channel northbound. Noon DKillY ISLAND. llaining, fresh soulheasl wind; barometer, 211.70; temperature, 15; sea moderate; II a.m. spoke steamer dray left Hose Harbor I a.m. northbound. ' DFAD THKK POINT. llain ing, calm; barometer, 2!.5(i:! temperature H; sea smooth. ' HULL HAlllMJIl. Cloudy, j fresh soulliwest wind; barome- ler. 211.82; temperature, 50; inoderalo Well. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnoe Rupert S. II,. LiH'ani' and J. P. Havv- kiiison,' Stewart; A. C. Knight. Vancouver; Oeorge McAfee, deorgelown," .1. X. I.eiuleux, Anyox; .1. S. Wickwire, Alice Arm. . ' Central T. Ilelsdorf, Kelohlkmi;' Chris Dlson, tieorfetcwu. audce of the World Alliance for Promoting- World Peace through the Christian churches. "We a a Christian nation hall' eonquer (he hostile nation not by poison gas nor by force of arm, mil by mobilizing I he spir itual force of Hie world," aid Archbishop Du Vernet. If (be Christian people of the world could create a (hough! wae of peace and goodwill, ttieu peace and goodwill would sweep round the world amj influcnco the nations. . CARD OF THANKS ' Mr. O'Hrien and family, of l'k. wish to thank Ihe ltailway Kmployee and oilier friend for the great sympathy ami manv kiudnesse shown during their recent sad bereaeinent. FLOATING SPECKS- BEFORE THE EYES MENS LIYER TROUBLE W'Im-ii MKk Url In float tM-fure tlu Hr, lira rvrr)tllnit. uw luituni biark for a ffw yruiKli tiiJ ymi ffl If you urrv pmt to faint, you ran rr.-t aMirrd Nhal jniir livrr It not uorklnr properly. t Tno -!.Miiial iMor to d In all raf ulwrv ihe livrr l kiu-. laiy or torpid. Is to tlr' It cp by tlw u ij Mllbunr Laia-Uver pills and rk-ar away ;he' arru mulatm nia. of warlr and poisunou') niallrr fnm the rrftnu Mt. , na. Ayland. I'rankvllk, Out.. rllr:'l uied Ui be an fully liolliered wilh - rioatlns- rprrks before my eye, neailarnea and sli kiM-x to my Momarh. I took Just half. a vial of your Mllbiirif l.aia-l.lvrr fill and ever flm-e 1 have felt a well a I ever did. .Now I always keep mem on hand. Mlllmrn' lja-l.lver I'm. an. i'k Vial at all dealer, or inallrit illrwt ; receipt or prlre by The T. Mllbn'ru Co.. I ln.lt -r. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hcbekah Hazaar, Saturday. November 21. Women of Mooehcarl Legion Uazaar. Metropole Hall, Novem- her 28 and 29. Iloyal Purple Hazaar, December i, r.ikv iiujnc. Hai'list Church Hazaar, Dec 12, in Church parlors. Methodist December 15. High School December 20. Church Hazaar, Ninas. Concert, Plus 1o Per Pleoe. 7 I a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service-Mi of your wrashlngT-80 par cant or your ifoqlnj . avarything; rtturnad dry- You almply touch up a few outtr (farrotnta such M waists, blouses, houst drassaa, with hand-Iron. Phona ut today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY; Phone 8. 80! 'A lb tiiv mv CUT PLUG If you roll your om . ask for Preihier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove that PHKM1KH "GOLD MKDAL" DEER is best TRY IT. ' Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAlLWAl B.C. Coast Services ' Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. ' For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 19, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 26, December 15, 31 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE, For Butedale, Swanton Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all 8teamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 - Lady Assistant Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents Fur: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. ' Phone Blue 91. Shdckley s Mills Are now Sole Agents for the lumber output of the Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMEN8ION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHjPLAP. Spruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phona 383, lilt