II SALADA DAILY EDITION Great Saving By II Is the most refreshing, economical and delicious summer beverage procurable. To' be convinced Try it. The Daily News HIUNCtS RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Even' Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert bailjf News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P, PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by maii or carrier, per mouth fl.Ou By mall to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales. in advance, per year. Sfl.00 To all other countries, in advance per year , ...... . .37.50 TELEPHONE 9 . Transient Display Advertising $H0 per inch per insertion Transient AdvertiVntfr on Front Pa ire.,, . . , .52.80 pr inch Local Readers, per insertion. .'.25c per line Classified Advertising, jer insertion., . . . . ."2c ,er word Lepal Nolires. each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. AH advertising should be in The Daily News OtTlce on day pre-ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. I Monday. July Ifi. 1923. Direct Talk. Direct talk entails a great saving in nil walks of life. Jn wireless it is a beneftf in that it saves all the delay mid extra work of relaying. It is jrood news that Prince Rupert wireless station is to be placed on the direct wire circuit. So it is in other walks of life. When there is anything to be done, any orders to be given or aiiy questions to be asked, there is nothing like direct talk. It saves a lot of worry, mistakes, heart burnings and ill temper and often it saves a lot of money. If there is any trouble, go to the fountain head, to the seat of the; trouble and straighten it out at once with direct talk. Direct talk is the - fir t principle of the new diplomacy of which so much has been heard but which .has' not yet been pui inio geireral use. Thousand Cars For Canadian National. The Canadian National Railway is lo order a thousand new imgiu cars, and doubtless a number of passenger cars will also he required, in addition lo the refrigerator cars, that are already being built. This is an intimation that business is on the increase. Possibly the Railway Company may be able to build some via in men- siwjis i rriiice unpen. With such a fine yard and excellent machinery here, it seems a pity that the new management or the line has not yet been able to utilize them. Prlnc Rupert Party Needed. , There are two big political parties, each of which is struggling for supremacy and of which we know a great deal, sometimes too much. There is also a more or less intermittent group which sometimes calls itself the labor party. In addition' there isa new' movement that is spending a lot of money and using a lot; of effort to get itself recognized, known popularly as the McRae party or the capitalist party.. All these parties -try to Ipll Ilia nlnjilnna !... II. n.. I n . . .v.. nun mrj ju iu serve mem, yet in many in stances all they, want is to get into power or In down the oilier fillip. These .parties are all verv tvpH tnr i'i, .. : ' n ,. iiii.. . . ; -. " e-'n' in muse ? . !. ?,,at '? npe,le(1 lni,n' is a P"" ni'PTl party that Will fall nil I 1 1 r r.llm J ! 1 J " ...I, M.v-. .nun imriies 10 go io cienenna unless Prince Rupert gets what is her due. While it is not wise to he insular or to be over selfish, yet it seems necessary to fight our way all he time. None of the parties, as such, care anything about Prince Rupert, except to gel the voles of the people. They ar not interested in local problems except in so far as these affect the general policies of their party. Parties that are out usuallv full or promises and criticisms and those that are in put us off as much as possible. If we unite in our demands and positively rerusc In support any parly that does not deliver the goods locally, we shall make headway. - Why Did He Do It And Who Is Behind It? ' it? S fi'V- wri,e.nl nr,ic,e anf inspired him lo do 1 ,v.S ?- .m.mn" fl"fin -l.en Hie editor make. an thing winch i i looks hke n new pronouncement. It seem's to en er he m nil nf rmvnnn n,.i .... ... ... never .e Him iriiiiis uie eniinr sized ,, . . ,. Ihings up for h.mself and came lo a conclusion; Somelinies this W 1 T , . .," !' mnrc ori,,n it turns themi down, mere - nas to lie a ilermile me nf policy hewn out consistency as desirable. ' seems n nn t. lo lorn lis from n tl ut .:"""" - iimuence- . .. . '""""'i Miiiry unless u can be ., . Shown that ll.e policvMs not good f fir Prince. Rupert. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To 8uit Purchasers. Phone Blue 81, SMITHERS HAD ! CHURCH PICNIC i Anglican Pastor Proves Hsro of the Day In Rescuing Young Boy From Lake Kalhlyn SMITHKHS. July i;. There was a larsro ntleudance of parents anil rhiMren at the annual picnic put on by Hie churches of the town on l'liiiri!ny last. Lake Katlilyn, the value of which as a siiiiuimt resort is fast heins realizetl. was the scene f the affair Ami many cars wvrc kindly furnished to convey the crowd to and fro. The usual poxlie to he found lit. picnic were on hand and th oimsslers put forth every effort In avoid taliinp anything bark, (anii-s and snorts were imlliliml in to the enjoyment of all while, needless in say, swinvnjng and i.alhin? heli) first place. While all were busily enpaped in various ways it aimnr I ti.it some children went playing on the -wharf and. in the exuberant e of childish delieht, one little Kirl teciilently piishe a boy, Itaar- nvau h.nulson. into the "water. tn-fortunalely Haarmun rniihln'l swim bul Itev. It. K. V. HbliMl lllicklv siZPil II tl "Mm silnullnn and, wilhoul divestin? himself of any rioiiiin?, piiiiieil into the lake and reseuwl the lad who. nut.' siilc of fright, was none Hie worse for his smlilen immersion. His icsciier was forced to "remain in the shade" while his rlnthins- wa bring dried. LAUNCH MYFAWNWY j IS SOLD LOCALLY Prince Rupert Boat House Pur chases Provincial Police Patrol Boat The launch Myfawnwy, which for several years has been used by Ihi' provincial police for patrol work in this diclncl, has heen sold lo the Prince rtupert Boat House. Another boat is beinir'se- eured for police work. The Man in the Moon SAYS.- IF you would he in the swim jt's a good idea lo lake a bathing suit along. II a runny thing that the girls with arlirieial comnlexinns can i swim. HUT those who do swim nro duly thankful. 4 TIIK success or a picnic Is or. ten gauged by the numher nf emptor hollies leH in the hush. SOME men em particularly girted ror making rools or them selves without being a memher or a fool's union. IIKAW.INi: read "Millions of dollars fall in rains." Hope the next shower we gel will be of thai varteljr. MOTOR boating would perhaps .e a real pleasure. then COMPETITIONS in making clam chowders i the latest euro mer sport. The chief ingredient Is a lin ii id called cascade ac cording to the latest receipt to hand. THE salutation or (he hour is 'Have you clam chowdered?'" A 0001) idea ror motor boat owners with leaky dinghys Is to draw the shore towards the boat when landing instead or fryinsr to reach the shore wllh a match box sort or arrangement. i Ten Years Ago i In Prlnc Rupert July 18, 1913. A rishing contest started by Fred Slork closed yesterday. The winners were .Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Yoge, each of whom received rods as (rophies. The new provincial govern ment court house is Hearing completion and will be. ready for occupation by Hie limn the Fall .sstzes sits in 8e7l.eniher. - Pearl Legale. daiiEhler nf Older Legale or I'orf Tiimpson, died at tha week end at Tucki Inlet cannery. THI TOIUT PfEWB - Movies and Movie People Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public. WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday. Alice Itrady ih 'Anna Ascends." ' Ton n e rv i 1 1 e Aunedy, Tf i n-erville. Ill lie" Path junt'ew. Wednesday ami Thursday. Prisctlla Dan in "Under Two Flairs." Otilury Homed. "Farm . FoUirsM fealurin? Jack Homier an. I the iVnliirv ' ' Ilcauties. n -. i ... , ii.iiiir-i-i. huh us LTimin in niinu. ; WAITRESS' ROMANCE Friday .md Saturday and ! Saturday Maliuee. Slronghcart, I he wonder loar in "Hrawn of the Norlh." Hoinedy "Rmke." Fov News (Saxctte. Alice IS ANNA ASCENDS" Brady Has Dramatic In New Photoplay lari.y was Heightened by its pre- STRONGHEART IS THE s.-.ua,.n,i nn ir.e siage i,y many rennwned . artists, ... including . nOWnCDnil WONDERFUL DOG nnr IN IM til W i nianciie iiaies. .miw n in. ,,Pn ; made inln a picture by the Ini- versal iilm Co. and will seen here Wednesday ul Flahts With Wolvat and Sa Weslholme Theatre, t'riscilla Iean, than whom Iberc Is no more magnetic rigure on Ihe screen, breathes llje fire of bee lynauuc personality, inlo the role of Oiifarelte. idol nf a French regimenl at Algiers.' There are street scenes It Under Two Flags" Oral, give i true insight rtf Hi, llfn or the masses In this French orovince or Xnrlhern Africa. The military pomp of an army post is accurately presented. And the oppressive luxury surrounding the pamnered beaut Ica nf n sheik' harem add oictiiresnue color to this dramalic film, Mrs. .1. (i. Sleen is leaving on lonigbl's train for Lake Kalhtvn where she will spend a week or so visiting with Mr. Olor Han. sen al the bitter's .summer home. Role One would hardly expect In find thrilliur romance as a wail - ress in a ciTee hoiie; hut Alien ,1 i.. i ..... . . .. in iniy mifs hi .nua .cei. hnr new inclnre coming this exenlng. This pholniday i a screen er sionof'lhe well known slag play of the same name, in which .Mi Itrady scored lieaxily in New York several years ago. e . . .. .I . i.n i. .miiiu .srriiiis is hip slorv nf n vrhiti crfpl tvln. i........... i.. ii. i. i .... . ; i i"ui" iii mi ciMimry aim kis a job as a waitress in a coffee house In .New York. She ,ha a little dictionary, which she slud-,les at every iinporlunilv. When ' Howard "isk, son or a' wealthy' I IU.U-.J rn i.n. ..t.l.liuI.A n ....... .. I.. ....... - iii- siiin-r iiiiiiii ('he restaurant to rundown a Hp mfc - pii.ii j i - iri iii .iiiii.i nr" iii"- UNUfeK 1 Wfl FI ACS i"g snutyirled inlo the t n.le, Famous Oulda Eolc ts Filmed and Is Popular as the Novel '.Under Two' Flaws" is one of Hie few. reallv erent slorios. A be enfe immortal, a Iracredv siihlime, "Under Two Flags" kaplured the heart of the world when ft came as a novel from i " ,r'"" ' -'""'i"l'i-. III nivrnnr nrnr 111 flLlUnC. nEfAC. ernmes jr really Interested nil i.i... iniii. g The jewels are smuggled inlo Hie country' in .i enffee shipment and exciting action follows for Anna and Howard when Hi" formr discovers thai the gem are lifdib'n in Hn couc. In a struggled with a crooked baron. Anna tab him with a knife. The dramatic restitution she at. leinpts In make far this provides the pen of Onida (Louise da I.a n '"nvinfr nppeal. BRAWN OF THE NORTH Infant In Picture Shown at Week-end Hrawn of the North'" the fuck-end otrcring here, tells a llhrilling story wherein Strong, i heart plays the pari of Hrawn. a I dog owned by Marion Wells. 'Marion lakes him with her when ;shi gns into Ihe north country In aid her brother and Hanre ! develop a mine. The fiance has exposed himself as a dissolute ! rascal and his cruelly In Itrnw i leads In a right nn Ihe (rail in which the hrollnr i killed am I I he fiance escapes the vengeance jor Hrawn by apparently drown tng an icy stream. In seeking help, Marion meels I'eler One. Then follow a perio. of happiness as they spend honeymoon iu the wilds and ror nine crowns iheir efforts. The wolves or the country drive Ihem hack toward civilization and their sled dogs run away carry i . i . . . ing ineir natiy with lliem. Hrawn gnes In Ihe rescue and then bil lows 'action as thrilling as was ever put inln a motion' picture. In the picture Slrnmrhearl is n i lug of almost dual personality in one .flash .savagely fighting attacking wolves, and, in the next gently, caressing a helpless Infant lost nn the open snows Slrnnghenrl's every mood is shown logrlber with a series nf emotions .which he - xiresse.H with tils race and hv ireslure On more (ban one occasion when a right- between Slrniur heart and the leader or the park was hcintr nholOarnntieil Me Trimble was called unon lo use all his persuasive power In con vince Slronghearl all he wanted fur picture purposes was a hmllv ml JViU Midi . icn,m t paramount Qttiau ' Anru Ascends v Showing Tonighi ot the Weslholme Theatre. beaten wolf and not a dead one Vopdaj Jnlr I A. flj - ' r !" j - Our Mothers Knew The makers tell you uA .our Mothers used Sunlight Soak. It is the best be cause it is made from the pure oil of the Cocoanut and Palm. Cocoanut Oil gives you that soft easy lather that saves your energy and saves your clothes. The Palm Oil makes Sunlight firm and hard so that it is the most economical Soap in the world to use. Sunlight is the purest laundry soap in Canada. 'Our Mothers Knew LEVER BROTIII'KS LIMITED Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opsfstlno Q. T. f. 20,00 Ton FlosUno Dry Dedt , Englnstrs, Machinists, ollrmkr. UcUmllhi, PtUn makers, Founds, Wo4wortrt, Iu. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant Is equipped to K-.idle a kinds of Marine and Commercial Work HONIS 43 AND 3SS k DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Room. 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 lo 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant INSIST on JhcBetrMouftfyr, at the Government Vendor's You get the Perfection of Satisfaction in everyT bottle of "Cascade." Brtwdf in our Million-dollar Plant. ft ' VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This dvcrtUrmtnt In not puLllilied or iH.nlavcil by tl.o? Uquor Control Hoard or by the Core rninrnt'of lirltUli (.olimihU