THI DAILT NlWfi Monday. July tn BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMariiu Family Shoe Store Ltd. 1 j THCrE.'t AHAli FROM ) 11 J DINTV MOORED VtTr rW-V TO W,ThE CeVSC J THINK XOU AvRE. oh: nvko;c: k. a a THINK. I KIM CKT up tck a. uttue ewe f '.OINA TO IT OOT Or XOOR AH" VHpH THCf COMtT WAsKC , f CIVC: THE. CElSTLEMN HNKO HUKR- UP how them into the me our LADIES! Jfew shipment of Ladies' High Shoes in Mack and Drown Kid, Cuban Heels, Special price for two weeks: Black Brown $8.00 $8.50 Excellent Value WHITE CANVAS RUBBER SOLED OXFORDS for camping or general wear. Special price. Growing girls' or women's sires, $1.95 Mall Orders Prepaid. Family Shoe Store Ltd. Shoes For The Family PICNIC WAS BIG SUCCESS Three Hundred Persons Spent Yesterday at Dlgby Island With Pioneers Yesterday will go down in Ihe nnnals or the city's history as the day on which the. Old Timers f Ihe district held a most suc-- sf ill re-uninn, t lie occasion 1k-ing the annual picnic at Digby Inland, .held under Ihe auspices of the Pioneer Association. The weather was ideal and, from 10.30 in the morning until 2.30 in the afternoon, the Pachena, Launch 23, Ilosina H.. and an auxiliary Heel of smaller pleasure craft transported some 300 happy' pic nickers across to the island. An abundance of good things to eat was provided and there was a splendid variety program of sport to suit hoth young and old. John Dyhhavn, president of tfie association, in a short 'speech suitable to the occasion, mentioned that he. considered certain records of the happenings and growth of the city should he kept hy the association which would undoubtedly he of great tnlerest to succeeding generations. Fred Stork Speaks Fred Stork M.P., In a brief speech, remarked how the pioneers of the city could recall things as they were in the early davs ahd could compare with pride the city of Prince riupcrt of today. Although Ihe city had been through its ups and downs every other place of any proportions had gone through the same phase of things. He had been all over the country and from his personal observations lie was convinced that, we were as well, if not heller, off here as any where. He concurred with the re. mark (of Mr. Dyhhavn ind thought that the association should appoint a scribe, or some suitable person, to gather fill matters of - historical 'interest which would he of great service In Hie future. Mayor Ne'wton spoke of the beautiful climate of the north which was not excelled In any other part of the world. He men tioned that he had recently re ceived a letter from Krnest A. Woods, former city rlerk, who was now in Portland, Oregon, in which he slated thai It had hern raining there since last. May. Speaking of the suggestion as to the trathering of data, elc. on happenings of public interest, In 3 which lie fully concurred, lie 1 thought it would not be amiss at the present time to erect several totem poles in conspicuous points 5,n Ihe city. These would he of particular Interest to tourists nnd would at the sarnie time tend In preserve ail art which was slowly vanishing. 1 Sports and Gaines The afternoon was interspersed with spo'rls and games of every riecriplion In which everybody participated. Refreshments were contributed hy Olicr Hesner ami salmon by Ihe lloyal .Fish Company cured hy W. Shrubsall. Coffee and tea wns furnished on the ground. The committee responsible for the splendid time were as rtefreshntenls A, J. ftallanil, W. Shmbsull and Jim Bacon. Sporls John Dyhhavn, Algy Hunter, Doc. Clapperton .and A. A. M ah ' e-l 4 4 Clapperlon. Ata5 AN'OPCIS THE. , j w Transportation Harry get I, secretary. Advertising and printing J. Raymond. . ' Dag- The launches returned from 0. p.m. on and at 10 o'clock every body was safely home, voting the! (day as one of the most successful! ever spent in Ihe north. ' PRINCESS BEATRICE DISCHARGED FISH AT NEW OCEAN DOCK The CP.R. steamer Princess Beatrice. Capt. T. Cliff, arrived,' in port from Vancouver at 7.30 Saturday evening. While here she unloaded at. the ocean dock a carload of mild cured salmon for astern shipment over the Cana dian National lines from Balmor al Cannery. In addition she unloaded a cargo of box shook for the Atlin Fisheries. This will he the steamer's las! trip north for Ihe next fortnight. Owing to the rush of tourist busi ness In the south the Beatrice will be transferred to the Comox run to relieve the Charmer and the steamer Tees will operate In the meantime as far north as Swan son Bay, It PRINCE GEORGE A. K. Richards, supervisor of illustration stations for Ihe feder MILK IN CANDY Iff We know a candy . manufacturer who prefers Pacific Milk To freh crfam, .because, he says, it gfves' a rich flavor Jo : his chocolates. And they sayj fresh for a longer time." Many rooks write us that Pacific 1 keeps loiter lhan fresh ntjlk In the summer. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver, B. C. Factories at Ladnerand Ap-botsford, B. 0. ed to act so there was no chairman. Capt. H. M. Sealon delivered a lecture to Ihe local flreat War Veterans' Association lal week. Pile cily council has refused lo H. Oray of New Westminster !P,,h,-'f' Deykln V Hisfmp for who has been visiting in the city pertain statements made at a with his dauBhler. Mrs. J. L. Lee.' meeliifg in regard to local dair- took passage on the. boat 'for the. HOlltll. The Bentric leftporl at 10 p.m. on her return trip lo Van couver. . ies. '('be company had threatened legal action for damages. .Mrs. It. A. Henwick and her daughters have arrived from Vic toria to spend the summer here.; al government, is making ar-'a'hfMNses Davy and Milhurn, as ranjjements for the establishment of an illustration station on th; farm of .1. S. Johnson, about fourleen miles from the city. Arthur Hello-is out on l,000 hail awaiting trial on charges of assault laid by Mike Vinky and Nick Argus. The visit of flen. A. D. Mc-Rae, leader of the Progressives, lo this city was featured by a split with his local orVanizer, G. P. Deykin, who refused to lake the chair at his meeting on ac- The local hospital which has been short handed for some lime is now properly slHlTed again with Miss C. Stage as matron nurses. . The Women's Missionary Society of Ihe Presbyterian Church is opening a girls' lionic h're in September. Miss Kslher .I.Mcllraith of Lanark. Ontario. will1e in charge. SMITHERS The Carr apartments on Alfred Street, West, have been leased by O. W. James. The lessee will conduct a modern count of his disappointment over noming house and Is reioodell- llie generals altitude on Ihe'ing and re-iiecoraimg me enure railway Issue. No one else offer- 'MrnHure. Being Interested in To Women Who Do Their Own Wcrk: Suppose you could save six minutes every day in washing pots and pans two minutes after every meaL In a month, this would amount to a saving of three hours of this disagreeable but necessary work. This saving can be made by using SMI enameled kitchen utensils, as their smooth sanitary surface will hot absorb dirt or create. No serspinf, scoaiinr er polishing is needed when 70a ate Diamond or Pearl Ware. Soap, water and a dish towel la all 70a need. Ask for SMPWARE "A Face et Forcttain mnJ m Htart of Stfl" Three finishes: Petri Wsre, two coats of pearly trey enamel inside and out. Diamond Ware, three coats, iifht blue and white outside, white lininf. Crystal Ware, three coats, pure white Inside and out, with Royal Blue enging. i$HtT Metal pRobuCTxoZ.S!rt " VIDMONTON VANCOUVER - CSluAKT. yft Evert til fareware Store Local Agent Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd., Third Ave. the milling game, Mr. James, will act as agent for certain Seattle interests, and is installing a mining ofllce in connect inn with his latest venture. The flood Kaft Cafe is heinz reopened under Ihe management of J. Williams and 'Doug" Macintosh., Sport Chat I -The (iilliuly Cup football game between Ilie Sons of Kngland and (irolln. postponed from last Thursday, will not he played until the end of Ihe schedule, the league executive announce. In I lie meantime, Stuart Shield and (iilliuly Coo if nines will he play, ed as se down, in Ihe timetable issued. There will he two games lhl week. On Tuesday evening, the Sons of Canada and the Son of Kneland will meol in the Stuart Shield compel il ion and 011 Friday evening the (Irollo ami Sons of Canada are scheduled for a Oilhuly Cup game. 'Throuah winning lasl. Friday night's vumc, the Sims of Canada have jumped lo the lead in Ihe Senior fHaeball League slanding, 'They now have four victories and one, loss to -their credit while ' Hie vOil's have three wins ani two losses. The learns will meet again, on Thursday eveniti? or this week.', i Sport events' for Ihe week: Monday (tonight) Intermediate Baseball, While Sox vs. Colts. Tuesday Stuart Sheihl, Sons of Canada vs.' Sons of Kngland. Wednesday Trap shooting at Park Avenue. ' Thursday Senior baseball. Sons of Canada vs. Oil's. Boy Scouts' water sports at Salt Lake. j.'ri.lay flilbnly Cup football. (irolln vs. Sons of Canada. MALCOLM LAMB WON RIFLE SHOOT SPOON W. Brass and W. M. Brown Were Highest Scores But They Were Handicapped Malcolm Lamb, with a score of HI, won the regimental spoon at the rifle shoot on the MrNicholl Creek fiinger yesterday. W. Hrass and W. M. Brown had higher scores hut each were nanai. capped. 'The scores! 200 500 COO.Ttl , Brass .. .. 20 M. Brown .. 28 M. M. Lamb .. 28 ill. W. Cameron 22 jR. Wilson .. .. 28 1). Corker .. .. 22 W. J. Oreer .. 22 J. F. Rilchie ,. 21 3I 29 30 30 22 19 25 19 2181 2683 2381 217 19 f.9 2061 1161 2060 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday, July 16. High 2:27 a.m. 20,9 ft IJ:20 p.m. 19.1 " Low 0:02 1.8 " 21 :13 p.m. 6.0 " Tuesday, July 17. High 3:09 a.m. 20.3 ft 1 5:59 p.m. 1 9.2 " Low 9:I2 a.m. 2.2 " 21:57 p.m. 5.9 " Wednesday, July 11. High 3:50 a.m. 19.1 ft 16513 p.m. 19.0 " Low 10:25 a.m. 2.9 " 22:17 p.m. 5.9 M Thursday, July 19. High i:t9 a.m. I8.I ft 1 7:3 1 p.m. 1 8.9 " Low ll:ll a.m. 3.9 " 23:15 p.m. 6.0 " Friday, July 20. High 5:50 a.m: 17.1 " 1:32 p.Tii. 18 8 " Low 12:01 p.m. 5.0 " IU1 T IMT L riATVMC SfSVICC. lion In private home, following up maternity cae preferred, for short perimt. Phone Itlue 2H0. 1 07 WA.VTFD. (Too.1 Mal.'wonmn. full or half lime. Apply lient's. Third Avenue. I ? t FOR SALE FOIt SAI.i:. tr fiHil hull "Mores- by-" In good roiidilioii. Very cheap. Also 22 ft. open runabout ( h.p. Itegal. In first class c(ndilioii. Apply Suga, Cow Bay. IC.y OR S.M.K. Furniture including oak dining room suite, water power washing machine, carpels, etc. All in excellent Tondilion. Phone -Red 373. OR SALK. Large wicker baby carriage, almost hew. Reason able. Apply 256 Ninth Avenue Fast. Phone Red i'H5. , .160 HARfiALV for Cash U sold Im mediately, Lot It, mop 9f7, 'Terrace. Apply Box 1 22. Daily News Office. OR SAI.K. -lone and Illne !J7. s Piano. KxreRenl coildilioii. Phone FOR RENT TO RKNT Furnished rooms. wilh hot and cold water, hy day or week. Moderate rales. Norfolk Rooms, Phone lllark 329. tf STEAM Heated Flat for rent. Besner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOR RKNT Housekeeping rooms 110 Sixth Avenue East. Phone Blue 217. tf MODKRN four room flat for rent. Westenhaver Bros, tf FOR RKNT. Four roomed mod ern house. 810 .Summit Ave. TO RRNT.- 'lwo riHiined flal In Wallace Block. Apply store AUCTION SALE. AUCTION HALF at Steele Hloek 'Hiird Avenue, on 'Thursday, July 19, at 2.30 p.m.; consist Ing of oak dining room suite, desk and table; wicker chairs; davenport, arpet, sewing machine, range, heater, brass bed, hedroom furniture. He. Philpotl, F.vlll A Oo Auction, eers. 168 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. DO You Want an assured In come? Is success your nim? Are you arnbllioiis? We in-vile immediate correspondence from honest, s might forward dependable men who wish lo build a permanently profitable business of their own. Capital or selling experience not necessary. We tench you how We are manufacturers of women's clothing and sell direct to consumer HirouKh local representatives, 'Hie National "Slore-nl-your-door' selling outfit is a Ladies Ready-lo-Wear store In a neat sample case. Fxperiencei salesmen will also welcome 011 line because II affords unliinlK ed possibilities. Fall and win ler line ready July 15. Wrlle today tell us;about yourself uie territory you wish 10 cover. and be the first lo get exrlus ie selling rights, "it's a sign of distinction to be a Na llonal Representative." Apply sales, manager, National Mall Order House; Unity Building Montreal. Hi- L. 2L Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AcWrtlament Titkan for L than nOc WANTED I SITUATIONS WANTED ! . " ' I QUEEN CHARLOTTE I fliun m. RFI.LVHI.F. WOMAN desires pos-; THIRD Clas Fugitive seeks 1 TftlCT. position. Apply Box l.'7.( Application to Purchate Unl Daily News OftVe IGH '.""'" BOARD, HOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. ROOM AND BOARD PALM Fit IOC Seventh Avenue West. Phone lied 9, Furniahed suites. ROOMS T. KI.MO 1IOTHL. Ho and cold water In every room. . Steam heated. Rates reasonable. Phone flreen 510. 836 Hecnml Avenue West. MISCELLANEOUS. EXPF.RIF.NCF.D MANICURIST and Shampooing. Residential work ' nii i, nri-iiruiiiK lU-M" ' a specially, phono Blue ni.lTloTi? .Mrs. coieman. TAXI Tail 87 Phone. . ICnt M An.n. n.-.i I S.I. Ross Brothers. i-. mrmm siwuf Five-pas5U:ier Touring Car II' 25!! " Promjd Day and Nlifht Serviee. " iirn"t Stand: Boston Prill Third A.enuels.s. -tmSmS stSST : . AUCTION SALCS. -SiJSUI v!v.'. 1 .!. Mar Conduced ,n your home or al'.Ii tSZZ,, i ur ruijios. iioous aino mulil on oinmiision. H. H. HEMintriCS, Auctloatar,' Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone black 136 and Oreen 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue. Pnn.e Iliinerl lie. Hours: lo o 2: t,. 7 u Phone Illue f,25. Residence, fireen 3(,. HOLIDAY RESORTS h" AS SETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday Resort. For terms annlv nronrlelress; Mrs. J. C. 8. Dunn. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, closes al 5.30 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 4:30 p.m. From Vancouver 8tinday Mondays Wednesdays s Fridays Fridays C.P.R. July 2, 6, 13, 16,20 and 23. To Vancouver- To Anyox, Alice Arm We.Jncsdays From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays ,..P. M. .3 P.M. 3 P.M. ... A.M. .3 P.M. Mondays jo P.M. Tuesdays. Mall closes nt 1 P.M. Thursdays jq p.m. 0 P.M. ..8 p.m. To Stewart and Premier Fridays g j,jM From Stewart and Premier Li a I . naiuruays h p jj. To Alaska Points-July 2, 6, 13, 10, 20 and 23. From Alaska Points July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25 and 28. To Queen Charlotte Island Points -Inly II and 25 5.30 P.M. From Queen Charlotte Points July 9 and 23. A.M. miperi nnd situate .tt'., iiii-KmT imri.. ,j 7 'us Burnt llnnl. Ivir... .niilliui( nf I in. f.i . 1 tf, TMke Nolire thai itrris, hi VHiirouvrr euimllort miitrr. m'ereN for ieriiiiiiion to p'. following described i t meiielng at a post til u northeasterly eorm- ' Islntxl, thenc follow g line of said island f. commencement, eemt., n flwenty'r acres more oe 1 WILLIAM OKORCiK McMr CSMAOUH OOVf RSMCTI tC1T KAR'SlC, lIKITtO, I ro salt sr Tisorn. Wld THI Will l ' t raMetwsi ai i - "WIMl. imM. tlUOt : 1 am W IAr niWiUi. lun iMite irlu4lk S.V "Ciftidun s.S. "fjnlii Cmiim" A C4MIS tttnMf s.S. ".lut Lrr" .S. TMdlM SfKlrx" .. (m4im nsiiVr" s.S. CiBMlt Vtivr s.s. -MiMiHsa hUvr S.. Tjri1hii TfMr" SjS!. TjluauS ItMOrr S.S. "Tb. i. limmnwaHt S.S. -hl" S.S. "J. A. MfK' OIlMtlTIOXS- frnfrrt r t 'IV . t ST'. ml 1 ml fr or twt f-r xttr etin'fNinlH by rhrqn f'r fi ju ttHi bl Ihe immini t i'i- lenlr in I mde xltX In the trr Csn1lan 0..ermrfil Michael LMIM, an4 erH4el In ' vjil'r lerert tsnk. Tb hlttw.t r , neMrlly terepied. run- amt t" imn r Meanxn ran .-n aruJ ItfUUrS vf itehterr aserrlaiiwil ea II.41 In Ihe I'Meealirneit Same e miit b firt Uif II . a n TKur i. . Orwtal V - .inadlan onternmenl VrrrhaM' Umtleit. "The anauiliiirifxl Interilw of ts' eriftMnent In any fir fi not h WOT1CE. to I lie Miller of an tt,ii.-0,ia f muo or a rmrUlnnal r. riiri ale i'ti un inirijr-inree m , or 1. t DHrflred ami altiv iT.n r tloael llulrlrt (M,(, ' awrarmry fifr nf he I imriiwi nr reririmie ..f -rule anil latei the fail, day of 34a enerinr the aaltt land, havlnt 1 tiif-rrt, II It my intention to imir. ihe Mirtraikm or one month, rrt publleatkn 4 ll.i nntii-e, a rr ruin-lie nr mie m lite nam . Vauahan. utile.. Ttli f.bjei li n. t Inir, l ma.U thereto Mint hrrlMry orrire. Prtiim ' n.flM tllh May. tf. ii. r Mrt.; m - HerUtrir r LANO CT. Kollta f lfiietin (( pp( l0 ruff"' Lani. In sirerna l and IMMriri, nernntl t rtrl nf I rlnr inineri n i anil at the north eml or klltiimralliim Take 5 oil re ihit t W.. ni.r' llo'tuiHNl n.i:.. fanner, mienrt l' Saturdays v A.M. MS' V.'S..",",r ." . haluruays to p.M O.P.R. July 7, II, 18, 21, 25 and 28. i-muro i rnalix weat iif the ri mrner or Lul HIS. nana t, i: a iriri: I hence aotilli to rhaina; I hi He, to Ihe eaat hank or Cedar niver I!" north fniinwiiir river lo aotiih line ' ' I0l! Ilwix-e eaM to point nr ''"" mrnt, iM ri.niainlnr to arrr, m eat4 osr.An 'oi.AJinr.n-MlH::it. Paled May ttth, lfl, LAPIO ACT. Nolle af Intintlen to Apply to fart Lasd. In Pkcena l.ant nuirkt. r.ecirdiof 1i' Irlrl or Prlhre luirrl H.c . ami at tlwi in. rill etui ut kllauisilallum i'. Tike, .lotlee. that I. Alfred noiot. B.C., lartner, Intend l' for ermllnni to pnn lme the ffl" ,. nearrihed limit; Csmnenrlna al p.," I'Uiiie.) at north! rorner tit l.nt ; Ihenre writ lu rliainat theme smith U " to rhaina to KIKRinaalliirn Lake t' follewini ihe like mmlheaiterly "1 aoiithneM rorner of l ot It Id north 40 rhaina to p)nt of cn"''"'. nient, aid rontaminc about ( rrr" more i,r leu, At-mrn roi, fer I. II, Vll",f titled May tOlh,