WhM Yu Want A ALASKANS Premier Poincaire, in what is Believed Reply to Overtures nf Britain. Given nn Ground SKNLI.S, Fruiire, July 10. President Poiiicare on Sunday proclaimed the Freiicli government, unalterable decision to stand rcolut;ly fur complete execution of the Versailles Treaty with Oernuiuy del.l of 1:12,000,000,000 gold marks as agreed iioii by the Allies at the London conference and against any international finance committee to repfuce Ihe reparations commission, The premier declared lliul France was finished making concession lo Oermany and was tired of tampering with thai RAILWAY BONDS TO BE FLOATED Minister of Finance Announces Issue of $22,500,000 For C.N.R. ' 1 .......... ... . . . main TAXI P1FISH MARKET 99 ' Phone 671. in a hurry FOR THE PIC-NIC. Jellied Tongues, Boiled Ham, Phone Roast Ham with dressing, PRINCE RUPERT Best Cart and Bait Service Fresh Sausage Dally. In tha Oily. Rate Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Out of Town Orders Solicited VOI, Mil NO. ICO. PIUNCK HUPKIIT, H.C., MONDAY, JULY 10, 1923. Saturday' etreulatlon yta Strati Sal 4M. PRICE FIVE CENTS. FRANCE RESOLUTE '" a AND UNACCOMODATING meuU ar being made Tor the U ' I'rrmirr Haldwin pro-sue in l.ina.la of l2S.600.0n0 "lioii or I lie present lirgo. ... ii. ,.r r.n..irf... Xil.,nfll Iti.il. nations, was i r the less an m- J,..v I..H..1. hearlnir Inleresl at rili.llwr.ul. 1Ii.ii. V. S. Firl.linir. minister of finance announces. Principal and Interest will n Kuaniiiht-d by the Canadian gov- crumcnl. Ihe i-Mie Is for th .!ir..e of e.Uliping Ihe railway Willi iicre-aarv rollinir stock. Uoiul dealers and finaiicinl houses ;-e a.ed t tender. DEPORTATION j vaaaavirk a T-pn IMMIGRANTS U.S. Authorities Hold Up Many Persons Arriving on Liner Baltic NFAV YOIIK. July 10. Of 513 parngrrs jrom ureal jirnniu on the Atlaullc liner llallir. which Arrived from Liverpool, only forty-two first caldu pas senger win lc niimiiieu inio ho t nileil Stale. 'Hie remain-1 iler will go lo hills Island to held pending deporlatiou cording lo Ihe present plans of Ihe liitmljirallon aulhorilies, the. July quota of immigrants for treat Hrllalu has heen exhausted, IRISH DEPORTED FROM AUSTRALIA Father O'Flannaoan and John O'Kelly Shipped AwayFrom Sydney on 8teamer Mongolia SYlr.M'Y. New South Wales. July 10. - Two Irish Itopuld leans. l ather Michael OTIauiiagau ami John O'Kelly. who were arrested here In April on charges or en-gaglng In editions activities, weio removed from Jail today anil deported on Ihe steamer Mon golia hound for Loudon. leu days ago they were offered thi;ir release on condition they agreed.oeean Falls and the ministers re. not In address public meetings I hey refused and later declineil.Caffeiy and Norman Vatt, score. Hie opportunity lo leave llio coun try voluntarily. M. P, McCalfery. who accompanied Hon, T. 0. Pallullo, iniii-Isler nf lauds, ami linn. Or. Sutherland, minister of pnbllo works, on I heir recent Irip of inspection Mi Ilic Queen Charlotte. Islands ami southern points returned from Ocean Fall on tliu vPriuci'M Heatriee on 'till. I... DEMAND THAT PRINCE RUPERT coiiulry. Premier Poinrare's strongly worded address, while carefully refraining from mentioning the vr "crh of the UritMi premier in (he House of Comiion last week. I considered as Ihe French gov. ernmeiit'.H preliminary answer U U,r Urilish oitiMi with regard t to the occupation of Ihe llul.r. LONDON. July 10. The speech 'of Premier Poincare on Sumlay. 'iilllinVieli tunliiiLf iki iIiiitI refer- "r" rr'ur me nntisii premier H l 1-irvcil. In o rrir i tf I. . rlrcir- '" .wmnim i. report- r me 'l"-eeh received. !l showed har.ll '"" or any uerommodatimi Mdril such a. indicated In reccn wi'rU ttuf Paris winch had led l'"'l'ic "'-re in ivmu iiii ii.i- ,,0'u to I tic Urilish Irnieiicy to ward ('crniauy in all recent re paration difficnllies. If Premier Pullicate' speech is France's lat word, it is lukeu as boding ill to limy progiss on recent ncgolln- ,,"'" n'"' eerlainly will he re- """ 8,ca' zszzs Cop lo United Stales LONDON. July 10. Prime Minister Haldwin announced in the House of Commons today Mini he would communicate lo Hie United Slide for it information Ihe draft of Ihe reply he was preparing lo the Herman reparation-, note: He made Hie slalciucul in reply lo n question from Itamsay Macdunald, Labor- ile leader. REPORTS ISLANDS YERY BUSY Major R. M. Taylor la Back After Accompanying Ministers on Tour of District .Major H. M. Taylor, provincial' public works engineer, who ac- jcompanied Hon. T, O. PattuHo, liiiinlsler or lands. Or. Sutherland, minister ut public works, and PJ Philip, chief engineer on a inp oi inspecllort to the Oueen Chariot isiaiuis nun MHHiinii imiiiia tin- lowing their recent visit to llio city, relurncd on Ihe. strainer Princess Heatriee on Saturday evening from Ocean Falls. The parly left on the forestry launch Leila It. for the Queen Chailolte Island, visited Mas-sell, Port Clement, Tel-el, Skido-gale and Queen Charlolli City. From QucciiXharlotte City the party left ror Delia Cool a and turned lo Vicloria. M. P. Me. laiy lo Mr. Pallullo, were also among the parly. Speaking of conditions on (ho Islands, Major Taylor was nnich.Coupelt won llio Petit Parisien's impressed Willi llio activity golnjrhuudred thousand franc priio for oil In both lumber and mining dc vclopmcul. Ho stales that al tho present lime there aro tweuty-two timber cruising parties on the i flnnds going over (ho timber. composed chiefly of Americans. Subscribe foc the Daily News, mimm A. A. Slai;;: b-Cljieauii Luu vrniily. Im lcen gieu un M A. decree for his rervlt e ns dlri'( i..i uf allilelK s. RAILS ARE TAKEN UP Removal Was Discovered Bo-fore Nova Scotia Train Arrived SYDNEY, N.S. July 16. Ralls were removed from the Sydney and Loulsburg railroad track near the Dominion Number 1 mine during the night. The removal was discovered before the Sydney to Loulsburg express passenger train came along the line from Qlace Bay. The railway Is now being patrolled by troops. The coal company's plans to continue the movement or coal with the railway company are looked to as one' or the most serious or possible developments In tho strike situation. A youth named Mclnnes has been arrested ror alleged tampering with a switch. r FARMERS ARE OUT AND TADICC lUKltd Daft BAIK D ury QovePnment In Ontario Qve$ pac( lQ New FerflU80n Administration TOIIO.VTO, July 10. The Orury Farmer goveininenl afler l-em? in of lice since Noveinjtpr It. I Will, was dissolved on Saturday ami today Ihe Ferguson Conservative cabinet was sworn in. AIRPLANE FLIVVER" RACE IN FRANCE IS WONMLCOUPETT UtMJ, France, July 10. L, flivver airplane competition. Ho covered Ihlily-one laps on u t'Mi kilometre diamond shaped course at an avcrago speed of 01 7.10 kilometres per hour. The com potilimi was limited lo airplanes not e.CToilIiig 500 pounds it weight. MRS. MORRISON DIES SUDDENLY Well Known Local Lady Succumbs to Attack or Heart Failure Many friends in Prince Ituperl will he shocked to eam that Mrs. Cora Mormon, wite of lianiel H Morrison, forjuerly or Prince lliiperl. ilicd very suddenly last week in Cilirornia of heart fail ure. The funeral services were held al Forest Lawn Cliapel, (leiiilale. California, on Saturday and w ere a I leaded by a large number or forjuer Prince lluiwrl iiMident". The IkmIj- in beiii? shipped lo Vancouver ror burial, luc widower accompanying it. Mrs. Morrison's family home was in Vunklcek Hill, Quebec, and he was one or the real pioneer women ot Prince lluperl. bavin; arrived here in lt0'j. She re sided in Ihe city until Iat sum mer when, with her family. lio moved lo Cdlifornia. Some year apt she wa clricken with heart 'rouble irotn which hc suffered until the lime of her dealh. Since moviiiv lo California, however her health became much Improved aiuMir death CiitrfTfciiddeuly. Teif miiiules after the final attack, -he breathed her last in ipilc of the efrorts or physicians who were imm'-dialrly summoned. During her long residence, in the eily flic became the centre ot a wide circle or fr'iids. aimtiij: vvliom n wa highly esteemed. MieAvai an active member ol the lTebjlerian Churclr and be. longed lo several social orgaui- tiilious. Hesides Ihe wjilower, Mrs. Mtr- rion i.4 survived hy two daugh ters, Helen and Kathleen, and a son, Frank. VANCOUVER COUPLE ARE WEDDED HERE Miss Margaret McLennan Be comes Bride of Frank Taylor Reside at Port Es-alnglon Frank Taylor and Margaret Mc- l.ellan, both of Vancouver, were quietly married in the Mtinse op Saturday evening at 10.30 by Ilex. Dr. II. 11. (Irani. Mrs. K. K. Duby ami John Ituluer were the wil-iiesses. Mr. ami Mrs. Taylor will reside for the summer at Port Kssington where the groom is employed. Later they will lake up Iheir residence in Vancouver. LEAGUE BASEBALL SATURDAY'S SCORES American League Philadelphia ?-0, Chicago 5-1 Hoslon 2-2, SI. Louis 1-5. New York 2-10, Cleveland 1-7. Washington h, Detroit t. National League Pittsburg 1-5, llrooklyn 2-3. Cincinnati t-l, Hoslon 2-3. Chicago 5, New York 0. St. Louis 12, Philadcphia 15. Coast League' San Francisco II, Salt Lake 8. Seallle 17, Vernon 8, Portland 0, Oakland 2. Los Angeles 5-1, Sacramento ;t-l3. SUNDAY'S SCORES National League Pills-burg 3, llrooklyn 2. Chicago U, New York 5. American League Washington 2, Detroit 10. New York 1, Cleveland 2. Philadelphia 3, Chicago I. Hoslon 0-0, SI. Louis 11-0. Klevcn Innings, Ho, called darkness. BE OPENED TO THEIR BUSINESS aLlllllBllllllllBsV' " Mol laers prefer lo meet j Mr. J. lemp.ey stwially ralher than any oilier way. J His fanal expression may , have something lo do with this. BUSH FIRE AT BUCKLEY BAY t Blaze Occurs Near Sawmill n Slashing But no Damage Done Slashings near (he Alassell riinli.T Co.' " mill " al Kurkley Hay caught lire r. on. Salon , lay , a ft ler- noon inn ml ror a short .me here was a fierce icrce blaze, blaze, which, which, how- however, ran inlo green limber ami was soon extinguished liillii.nl "....v1". damage to properly. On account or continued vvealher with rather, high lem- I peralure at limes an unusual; condition of Hre hazard at pres- cut prevails in the district ar.d several incipient blazes have oc- furred. The roiest department ami lumbering interests have kept close lab on them, however,! and there have been no serious riles. The Forest Hrauch Uiesls that every care be observed hy picnickers lo see that camp j tires are always extinguished. WIRELESS STATIONS FOR NORTH COUNTRY . . .... . -.. Minister or Interior Says Parties Going This Fall to Erect Stations In Yukon KDMONTON. July 17. Hon. Charles Stewinrt, minister of (he Interior, who is visiling Fdmon- (on, confirms the news as to tin ercelion ot wireless sending sla. lions in Ihe north. One each will be placed ut Mayo mining camp and Dawson in the Yukon and others at Fort McMurray and Fort Smith, two parlies being sent from Ihe east to erect lhe plants this Tall. In addition to Ihe Mounted Police and lhe government ntH- cials the wireless will be a' boon lo Ihe fur traders and trappers who will be able to learn tho pre-vailinif prices on the "outside" Instead or having to guess al cur- lent market values as al present, VICTORIA LADY WINS TENNIS HONORS FOR STATE OF OREGON POUTLAND, Julv 17. Mis Marjorie Leeining ot Vicloria wo'i Ihe Oregon Slalo women's tennis, This Port May Derive Great Benefit Result of President's Visit Alaskans have taken direct to President Harding their de- 'mand that "Prince Hupert be thrown open to Alaska," according (to Lukin Johnston, starf correspondent for the Vancouver Province wilh the presidential parly on the Alaskan cruise, who jsays Ihat, as a result or the president's visit, it would not be surprising it changes were made in the United States shipping laws which would greatly benefit Ihis port. In a special despatch lo his paper from Seward. Mr. John-slon says; Prince Ituperl has been more irPPPr1! O P 1 1TI7 -f hmiiii4 yanj i ii tin dir. name of iinv Uw inwii in! America during Hie journey up! Ihe coasl. At every porl visited lit- '.ren'ral demand has been' v oiced I hat ''Prince Ituperl b 'Spanish Ship Rams Swedish Boat thrown open, lo Alaska." Alas. kails regard Ihe United Slates! shipping laws which prevent! Hieiu usiiiL' Ihe Urilish Columbia: port Tor Ihe shipment or Hieir product as an unreasonable r.-siriclion which places (he in- ieresis or I'niled Stales shiuuins and. heM.rJr-miieallR before, I'ii.-ii iiiii-it-si.-. tin- r&triisitt? HsImht. iii.iii.iry of Ketchikan, iror iiislancc, can mil u-e Prince' Ituperl because under Ihe s,jp. ping laws or Ihe United Slates io.ls r.tii ik.I t. r.-.rt-i..,i fr.ii,, an American porl lo a Toreign lrl ror re-shipn.enl when heir ,,;, , ,e can lisbermen ... risbing ,:j,.:.. ... in Aineri- . ,.-,.t.. it...iM ......... 1 1...... "- .in iriauuiis .... ,, A .., , , , : Mill I I HUT UUIX.-I' lO UtOHI IIUMIIg 'lo shi ooo miles rurlher soulh . lo Seallle. aruriciai Barrier Ketchikan seeks lo get over 'his disadvantage by adding still another artificial . barrier which would prohibit Ameiincaii vessels j from taking fish in American! waters ami unloading litem at a! toreign port. Prince Hupert! I litis be eclipsed lo helpiFIre or Mysterious Orlnln Des- Ketchikan, but Ihe uller un- soundness1 ot I lie proposal rrom an economical .standpoint seems lo impress Secretary Hoover. Another grievance - in Southern Alask'i is the provision (hat Anglican Church and the large goods originating in Unilcd'rectory building adjoining with a Stales and destined tor American 'points liy communication or rail waUr ol ,,e parrw ,n foreixn vessels. The etfecl or this regulation is that goods purchased in, say Chicago, for Juneau and routed over the Canadian Pacific or Canadian National can not be transshipped al Vancouver or Prince lluperl ror Alaska on a Canadian vessel at Vancouver. For instance, such goods must be reshipped to Seattle t!r transfer to an American vessel. President Harding and his advisers have had Ihis situation dinned into llicui at every point they have visited and it would not be surprising it changes were made in Ihe American shipping laws which would he round greatly lo lhe benefit ot the Canadian National port. AMERICAN GOLFER N mci naut ueeu iiuiihk IT l llvitt rM nn rv VANQUISHES SC0T,co,,ii,,i,teJ- T,, wil1 k'av port this cvetiir.tr for Nanooso Young Bob Jones Wins U.. Pro- ,nav, n'"1, ,,,,"sr ol't'f Points lo iliiUil IlttllliClta flit. I tifill Imitf.t ('nam.!. fesslonal Title by Defeating Bobby Crulckshanks NFAV YOIIK, July 10. Tho United Stales open golf chain. pionship is today held by Young singles championship on Satur- Hob Jones of Atlanta who van. day defeating Mrs. J. C. Gushlnguished Hobby Cruickshank, tho of Oakland, California, 0 lo i aiuLSeolch professional. The score 0 to 3. Was. close. 70 to 7. TIT 1AI T TOf AIT m IULLIjIUN and Is In Turn Run Down by British Steamer No Lives Lost : LONDON, July IG. Three steamers were in collision during u l,,e North Sea yesterday, rwu were su"k but the crews were rcscueij and the third proceeded . . --- '" J "c sweuisu sieamer r.i.iorauo 'one to in me rog amltlie s-panlsh sieamer Hegonae crashed into ,ier- 'hile the two ships were ,ock?'1 .lhe crew of t,,e LIdoradj ""'""' iiumoering " eiguieen "?""n climbed aboard he Degonae t and soon ar. er the Kldorado went to the hot- I I at... 9th loin. Later the-Urilish ' " WH,uer '"". . r. .. oiieriiian nil 1110 iiegouao amnl- .-iiiif.- . , unit i.- , i.uiiuiii;til.i.-u . , . tu till ut. ll!se "umbering 13. Iliflliilinr IIim 1 lili i .,.1.. u -m.. crew, leached shore safely. QUESNE CHURCH IS BURNED DOWN troys Building and Rectary Adjoining QL'I-S.NIIL, July 10. A Hie or mysterious origin destroyed the loss or $20,000 partly covered by insurance. The buihJings were vacant pending the arrival of a new vicar. Bishop de Pencicr, together with his wife and laughter, had ccupied Ihe manse on a recent visit but, on Iheir departure, all the doors were locked with the exception of the front door. CANADIAN SCOTTISH OFF DRY DOCK TODAY Will Sail For South to Load Lumber This Evening The C.O.M.M. freighter Cana dian Scottish, Capt. Hocking. which arrived in port on Wednesday evening last direct from the Orient for general overhaul at lhe dry dock, will come otr the I pontoons at I o'clock this arter-ii i i i i i - I Clllt VVI IVtl V ixtiiuii on her return trip across the Pacific on August 7. BABE'S TWENTY-FIRST CLF.VKl.AND. July 17. Ilab.j Iluth hit his twenty-first homo run of lhe season' in Saturday's game between Ihe .New York I Americans and Cleveland.