4 PAGE BIX BRIER PRESERVING Apricots Hook your orders now, as I his line is duo lo arrive next week. We cannot nanio a price as yet, but we will .guarantee it not lo exceed $2.00 Owing to the highly perishable nature of this fruit, -we will have very Utile ex-'Iranlock, beyond the orders booked, in advance. . 'ARRIVING FRIDAY. New Green I'eas, 3 lb. for .., 35c Fresh llaspberries market price. Hothouse Tomalos, lb. 30o Head Lettuce, 2 for .. 25c Yakima Itulabagocs, 5 lb. for 25c New Carrots, I lb. for . . 25c .New Hunch Meets ...... 5c Largo ' Cauliflower, 35c and Oc. Hart loll Pears, market price. California- Gravciistein Ap- pics, market price, (jasaba Melons, market price lee 'Cream Melons, market price. Hliig Cherries, per lb. .. 30c Canlelopcs ... 15c and 20c Also IMuiiis, l'eaclies Straw-berries, Loganberries, ban-f.nas, Cabbage, New Polalos, pfpen Onions. Florida Grape Trull, etc. Rupert Table Supply Phones 211-212. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 to 8. Phone 6S6. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Hetgerson Block. Phone 109 For Appointment. P.O. Box 953, Prince Rupert. HOTEL HUDSON 773 Seymour 8t. (Near Hudson Day Storss), VANCOUVER, B.C. C. Wcstergard, Manager. Late of Winnipeg, Drandon and Moose Jaw. Modern-Fireproof Central Wo Appreciate Your Business. m TIMBER SALE X 5294. Sealed Tenders will lie rr-rlvil hv n Mlnliler of land, at Victoria, uot Jater udii iiwu on me 1 win uay or July, hjj, for the purrliase or LK-rnre X Hit, to cm suv.uuv reel or spruce, on an unnamed Ulantf hi the skeena lllver, 30 chains northwest or Alder creek, nature i. Coast District. Two (i jears will be allowed for removal or timber. Further particular of the. Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C.. or JUitrlct Forester. I rime lUii-ert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X6146. Siu1mI TVi trior will it ...1 a... .1... Minisirr or uud.4, at victoria, nut Uitr.'la and W. H. Hell, Kdmont'ou: . . ... . tllall IUmiII lata tlta lOIt. ..r I roriiie mi,V; uij x kVr: nil iOAOU Jackpiue Tie, from an area kitualrd, alwut. 4 miles from, fallinv 1 suiion. cvii. lunte s. cut nu! ir'r. Three (3 J years will he allowed for re. moral of tlmlier. Further particular of the Thief iwe. ter, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. 1'rUire Import, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5040. Sealed Tenders will he n-relteil ! ttu Minister of Land, at Victoria m.i in.. than tioon on the 19th day of July, 193, for the purchase of Licence x smn i cut J3J.999 reel of Spruce, 181,000 F.B.M. i-ruar. zv.ouu r.B.M. Hemlock, IS.tQO lineal feet of Poles and Pillnr. anrt in Tics, situate on an area north of I. B. .ol , i an Ktrnin, Mieena iiiver. Ilanre 5 Coast Land District. one (1) year will be allowed fnr re. moval or timber. lurllier particulars of the Chief Fores. ter, Victoria. B.C or District Forester. Prince llnpert, B.C. - ironetv i Tak Xollce that one month after publication or this notfee, Paeiric Carta Limited proposes to apply to the Kenlslrar of Joint Slwck Comixnies. al Victoria, for leave i riiaiifre lis name to MS. E. HAH- rn 1.1.M1 1 r 11." PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED, Ter Williams, Mansun ; Gonzales, is Solicitors. LING The Tailor Phone 649. WE 60 DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BY 8TEAM. SUITS ordered to measure Second Avenue. Opp. Post Office Corner. L MDRYEWE electric was hint machine I II Let us show you how to do your whole family washing, bed-clothes, comforters, pillows, etc., without once putting your lian'ds in the walqr or having lo handle wet clothes. Kaien Hardware Tel. 3. P.O. Box 1646. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Klliniuale Ihe, draught around your windows and use less coal. 8EE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. Glass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 165. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert l . M. Wilkie. city; J. A. Morris, It. i:. Wish, Mrs. A. I. Hrown, J. r. Heljea, J. M. llockin, It. A. Creech. C. II. F. -Piers and C. S illiain, Vancouver; xCapt. uml Mrs. F.. A. Ilich and Mr. and Mrs. Al rriend, Tacoma; Judge and .Mrs. C. I;. Collett. Sidney. Mout Mr. ami Mrs. 11. 1) .Samuels, Jessie 1. Moffatt and J. I. Mofatt. New ork Lily; M. L. Clark, George town; .Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fraser, !?an Francisco; K. Tebo, " L. Vi Irarnell, L. M. Simmons. H. Me- .ic"'lsn, Seattle; G. X 1 aylor. Port Kssiiigton; Annie I. r V1& lit I 1"wTente, 'ivriiwi Kansas; k"n, .Mrs. III. L. Sanders, ltuwliicr r.r....if Kansas; Miss ll.l. Slrang and Miss M, Strang, .tf.derich, Out.; Mr. and Mrs.W. 1'ulford, Wini nij.ep; A. Y. Wilson, Hemo. Central Mrs. 1'onher and S. Wickwire, Vanctuiver; (!. . Jenkins, Jasper; J. F.liner Swanson. Tacoma: A. M. Tyson. Stewart; Mrs. X, Small ami A. Hoss, Gily; Mrs. J. t., lollen, Los Angeles. TO LIVE AT ANYOX Miss Vcrla Ilea! rice ,ee. tf Vancouver and Harold Krcd Noel of Vicloria were recently married in Vancouver. They will lake up Iheir residence at Anyox. Provincial Cnnslahle Martin lefi 011 Ihi; Union steamer Car-dena last night for Slewart (o hrinx down I wo prisoners recently senlenced under Ihe Gov-eminent Liquor Acl to lerms of imprisonment al Ihe Okalla Prison Farm. TENDERS. Tenders are requesled tor the removal of tlie foriner Proiliirial Uovrrnmenl Oiurl llou-e. Third Avenue, to the .Masonic Lot. comer of SUth Avenue and lluwaer Street, ITInce ttuperl, B.C.. and Ihe plarlnir of said Court House, on a Dnmer nile roumla- tlon. Details of tender and iecirirailiui may be ceeit at the orflce of Mr. It. V. O. wi' r o. ilia- Bay Lumlier Co. Ltd- Cow Bay. I'rlnre llnpert, IJ.C. Sealed b-nden will be received al Mr. Lrl'lue's orrire until twelve u'rlock noon on the lsl day or July I9J. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bid. H. S.Wallace Company, Ltd. SALE PRICES on Hats, Coats, Suits. Dresses. Mail Orders Promptly Executed. We pay delivery charges ivvaa.Sanu 1 1 -'EaU Thr'Lltilf Dohnrty Compared with ordinary tlied plan tor ttio small apartment or cramped living room, tho DOHERTY SMALL PIANO will be a favorite. Quality and tone have not been sacrificed for compactness. For Rent, only S7 per month. Walker's Music Store Lid. THB DAILY NEWS Monday, Juljr (J, jj; 3 TURKS TO CHANGE NAME , ' ANCIENT GREEK SHRINE St. Sophia at Constantinople to be Named After the Prophet Mahomet CONSTANTl.NOl'LK, July 10. In order lo remove all vestiges of Greek ilouUnatioii of Constan tinople, the Turks intend chang ing the mime of the historic mosque of Si. Sophia to Meh-inedie Musiue that is, thu Mosque of Mahomet. Founded by Ihe builder of Constantinople 'onsiauiuiop e use itself, 1, Constantino i.onsiaiiiiue , ... mere 1,.., al (.ouncillor Sii..- of n Ihe Hr I sli sh' 1 , , , 1, , 1 ' Ihe he Great, who dedicated it u ,,..,' , , . ., . ,' iJf.iiw v. in Pari. J. It. Call a . wi 1 w c i hlernal Wisdom, t-t. Sophia' . , , ,s , , .. , , A... paiiislaklng and exhaust- Mosque 1. loque ..,... 1 is one of r m the most 1 fam- lal"' . , , . ous religious buildings in the world. For more than a thousand years il was one of Christi anity's most cherished shrines. It was lmill in the year 32G. ! was destroyed by fire in 10 1, restored, .and tigaiu destroyed. Un- ler TheiMlosius it was rebuilt into a magnificent church in 115, and,l,".r- . , , , , SO vears liilnr wn furllier rin - ... . .eiiisiied hy Justinian. 1 Twentv ears later the main dome fei'PI'ioaciung compieiiou. in, and again it was restored to telipse its fornier grandeur. 11 is said 100 architects wvro mployeil, each of whom had a laff of i(M artisans. The altar was of gents set in gold and sil - er; the doors were of ivory. aiiulvs,"V a1''' kMd ?lng lo Hie lull her and cedar, (he outer one he- ing silver-plated. After the rap- lure of Constantinople by the I'tnks in 1183 the church wa3 inverted into a mosque. Hy Ihe Turks St. Sophia Mosqii held in u veneration second only to thai which surrounds lln f a moiis Kanha. or Sacred House, Mecca. The Greeks regard it with (ipial sacredness, and Ihey'lemalieally turned lo aceouul. ave never given iii their dream that a king of the name of Con - (amine would one day retake 'oiislantinoplo for Greece and wilh it S. Soliia. They Imped 'd fashion in Ihe clieinical, elee-llo late King CoiMtantine would irical, iiielallurgieal. enuiueer- ftilfill that role, but tiolilical mis fortune and death intervened. FISH ARRIVALS Halibut Boats Marketed 132,000 Pounds of Halibut at Ex- td by hard work in Ihe devas-change This Morning aled regions, of h ICfi.CHl de- ' vaslated acres, 7, 1 17.207 have Four American boats sold fi'.,-! ',een cleared of projectiles. 0(10 pounds.. ajul eight Canadians sold C3.000 pounds, a total of .T-ViOO pound of halihul, on Ihe Fish Hxchange Ibis morning. Th3 Canadian seJiooners received agricultural laud, more Ihan I.-higher prices for both first and rJo.mm have been put under the second class cat dies (hall did plough. the Americans. The fish sab-sj Tie ,.,! niiway syslem ha this inoniing will result in . tli.j ,r(. ri.,u,ni, nearly all Ihe shipping or six carloads for the waterway have been made navl-easl lonighl which will clean up i.,. and of Hie :iC..i:(i miles of 1111 ine reiriserator cars on liaml.l,(.va.at,., roads The arrials ami sales were: ,cen restored In American Virginia, 1.1,000 , pounds, and Norma, U,0(ii pounds, at 13. lc and 10, to the Canadian Fish & Cold hlornire 1.11. Taloosh, a 1.000 pounds, at 13.3c and 10c, lo Ihe Atlln Fish. eries Ltd., for Ketchikan delivery. Defence, t'3.000 pounds al 13.3c and llc, lo Ihe Pacific Fisheries Mil. Canadian Cape pear, 3,000 pounds, at 13,7c (Mid 10.0c, to the Atlin Fisheries Ltd. Point May, 7,000 pounds, al 13.7c and Klcj K. I.Ipsell, 5,000 liounds, al 13, lc ami 10.5c; I). C. I ., 7,000 pounds, "ul l.'l.tlc and 10.5c, lo Ihe Hooth Fisheries Canaillan Co, Murineag, (5,000 iioiinds, at l it iuul 10.8c; Cape S;penccr 13,000 lioiimls, at ;i.7c and 10.5c; lo (he Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Ilingleader. 1,000 pounds, lit lie and 10.8c; and Nornen 18,-000 tiounds, at l.'t.Oc and 10.5c to the lleyal Fish Co. ONLY SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE IN B.C. Sidney Bazzett-Jones Successful In Chartered Accountant Examinations Information has been received (hat the recent Intermediate examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Hrilish Columbia held on June 12, Sidney Hazzelt-Jones of lliis city was successful in niuiklng the gradp. Five candidates sal for the Intermediate ami six candidates for the Final Kxaiiiinalioii. and of lliesfi Sidney liazzelt-Joncs was Ihe only successful candidate in Ihe province, and Is therefore more lo be congratulated than under ordinary circumstances. He Is at present articled to fleorge Horie, Chartered Accountant,- of the firm' .of Hprie Si Small, Fed oral Uuilding'. BRITISH COMMISSION SAYS FRENCH BATTLE SCARS ARE VANISHING Work of Restoration Is Pro- ceedlns Apace In Devastated Areas 1.0M)0., July ((. France of I inlay, like Ihe France of 1871.1 Is making n maguificeut etforl hy hard work to rest ore Ihe ravages of war. according lo an ollicial report of Ihe llrilisli e-liaitmenl of Overseas Trade. The' report is Ihe work of hn dun. ise. I lie general conclusions of Ihe report are: The preenl economic position of France is strong. Her industrial population H fully employed, and her output in most fields of production Is only limited by shortage of mau l 1 'msinat eeonslruclion ..r 11... .1... .. 1 .. ... 1 is "' '" fust uoai "'"'"O ",e "'trt slates that Ihe des- "nM' r , .lainageii roal mines ale i'-tvasiiig their output with ''"proved lechnical equipiiienl. 1 "c $tVi" wtMilleu and rotlon "lent 'f the labor jl Uielr dis j lM,"a' ,'" tjrr"' agrienllurat 'reas of wheat and beet root. the chief crops of northern France. I will soon approximate the pre-1 war area. I Ports, witlerways. railways.! roads huve been ami are be- ing improved. W'aler power. Ihe report continues, . hcipg ys- New resources In ores, coal, pol- lash, and oil have been developed. I here has beeii advanre in in. dustrial organization in a mark- li. in?, aluminum, and other iiidus. tries, discernible through Trench Industry as a whole. French foreign trade in weight has already surpassed pie-war figures. Land Reclaimed Fine results have been i.Muln- trench work and barbed wire: li.y;'o factories hae been re- Imill out of 2.IC0. Of neaMv tiMi.oiKl acres of ileva. luted 1 9.7 13 tuvo tratllc and H,o7l ,w, been Improved. NOTICC TO CONTRACTORS. ANYOX OOVCRNMEftT BUILDINOS. si:U.tI tfc.IE!lS. utrrrltl "Trn ilt-r tor Anym Ouvrniiiii-nt Hulldlnti," will be rrirlvnJ by Hie lluiioiiraMe the Minlstrr tt Public Work up to 1 u'rlork liuun of iuf(iay, i nc win iiar ut Juir, lJ. for tlx- i-rn tliili ami coliuurtluii of Out rniinf lit orrirra at Anyoi, in tlie Atlln Klecloral ooirirt, li. t. I'lani, sixrririi'atloii. Cuntract and lornn of Tendrr may lx men gn ami aflrr tho ism uay or jimr, and rurilirr In- ritrinalliiii otiiaim-d al the It l'rln-nl of I'nlillc Work, I'arllaiiH-nt Huildlnri and al Hid rllwliir frirr: Uovrriuiifnt Atent, nrt llouw, Vancouvfr, and Ouvrriinicnl .'fin. i.oiim niiuoe, rriiire llupert. Cfldei of MaiK, HxTlflcallolit. He., ran lie iiliialnrd fmin Urn Iiepariftirnt on payment of a dnioit of Trn Pullara (110. 00 , iiii-n win or rriuniiPii on ineir rrturn In t-iKid ripiiilllloii. The low put or any trlider not li't tartly acrrplrd. & UIIUP. I'lilillr Workt flwtfff iiri.ariinrni m I'UUIIC WnrkV Victoria, II. C. June I till, Hit, EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS ED30N COAL in any quantity, Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 68. FRESH MILK DAILY From Our Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Cows, BETTER MILK. BETTER 8ERVI0E. STANDARD DAIRY Phone Black 61. Phone 376 The House The Home ATTENTION! "Mr. Fisherman" Would il interest on o know dial "STANFIELD'S'' I'mlerwear lias s large 11 sal 111 (he UNITED STATES t CANADA, el il is juirt-lj a CANADIAN PRODUCT lf 1'rni is the same from Goasl to Coast. The iiuiiio "8TANFIELDS" siamls for lluruluM y ami that salisfied feeling -Man to .Man 1 AM PHOPKlllY UMHJIUILOrilKU al Ihe nglit price. Stanfield's Slanfleld's Red Label. Two Piece or Combination; $5.00 Stanfield's Blue Label. Two Piece or Combination $8.00 Headquarters for Fishermen's Accessories UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. We Prepay Mall Orders. Satisfaction or Money Back. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 ALICEBRADY "Anna Ascends" A Drama of New York's underworld and the unier ten. A story of Ellis Island, the Bowcrj' and Ruerside Drive. The voluptuous lure of the ay white lights. Superb cast includes David Powell and Nita Naldi. Toonerville Comedy, "Toonerville Blues" PATHE REVIEW Admu.Jon. 35c and 10c QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DISTRICT. Application to Lease Foreshore Lands. In Uueen Charlotte Uml Ills-Iriel. according Iiiricl of I'rlnte lliiperl. and situate al (he mouih of hlatechuck Crick, Kagan I lay, hkh egale Inlet. Graham Island, HC. Take Notice thai V. O. Mc-Morns. of Vancouver, H.C. k.cii-pation miner, iulemli to apply for permission to louse llm fol lowing described foreshore lands: Coiiniieiicing al a post planted al biKh tide mark on lho,wesl bank of Slalechiick Creek, nbout 1.500 feet west of of the southeast cor ner pool of Lot 1: thenco 10 c ut ns southeasterly; thence t(l clia ns northeasterly; Ihenco 10 chains norlhweslerly; thence following blKh water mark to point in cominciieemeni, ami conlaln- illC 10 acres tnoi-o fir VII,LIAM GF.GIKii: McMOllltM. iaicii may zo. U23, We beg to aiinouncu the pening of our new Garage and Service Station on 3rd Ave. East, In tne former Paclflo Cartage Stable and Warehouse Buildings. Competent mechanics nro !u charge, and you are assured of prompt and courteous service and reasonable prices. Tires, Tubes, Accessories, and a full line of genuine Ford Harts carried in stock. I'hono Green 392., Free. Air. Phone Green 392. Free Air. S. E. PARKER. Ltd. KliGiEGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. 1'rlces lleasonnhlo Phone Dlue 471. Second Ave. Phonejft of Quality for Men I.N Summer Shoes Men's All White Tennli Shoes, good heavy ntr .,. $2.7$ Brown Canvas Shoes, fr::t $1.3$ Men's Fine Shoes, Trom 0 A $4.M, LECKIE SHOES, from $5.00 ler pair SHOE REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Third Ave. Opp. C.N, Ticket Offlo Stove WOOD We have Just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and Iry. blzo cul lo order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 610, Service ami (Jusllty our Motto. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed-Third Avenue.