PAdl TWO Ml TITI DAILY HBWB 51 Quality and Charm CXPLOITATION WAS PART OF OF KAISER'S CANADA HEAVY STORMS PLAN WHEN QERMANY CONQUERED Distinguish THE WORLD. HAD BIG TOLL r.nt.iinie, from page one lor I'vniiu.ii". Ihe llpi-inaii ir. Recent Atlantlo Tempeste Caused i i'iiiiiiMil nffirii lo secrclly o Disasters CompaHng With i "'id iiiilillenl niit flnnnelat niitj "SAIADA" I Days of Great War ii u willi Hie iiiiiti'isliiihlniir lull Hie iroveriiineul wmild ac-j ....... .,. ...... ...1.. Ii (i oiee in mir! . . " "" liiisiiie, I nv in Oils n' ' ' " , the.'"' wlulli' mil''", liatf RH .1... llohewolln llve to pill ..iMtil'. .1... , II, l wilirii llinf I..-. H s.-. .,.i- HIM uir .uiniie inr noiirh Imi tnt.ll.,.1 fl&l liff... ill., Wtti tntiltjl I "The moat Delicious Tea you can buy l.n ,nM ,..l'll,.,nnlJ.hIBee '"'' speni their fnri'p.l Ihe tallier lnir-Hn i-'innls. piit Hie il.uiatr or n iosHile reoln- In Ihetr Kke llirv linv stefl shraiKleil and siin.-'ii ships, im-j Dream of Conquett solel ail ni slrrioii liaaeittev The Daily News Hissi'ii iMiinls out thai these or the sea, Hlltl a series if "lie-' PHINCR mil'KHT MUTISM COLUMUIA prirrnises wcit iol n3iiely piven. layeil .runs" Tor 1 1 n n a I t.-t i 1 1- - fliey were nlTerril In Hie slni HneiK wlilcli has nl hei'n iiin I - J Published livery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince 'the min- Ilnperl Dfily News. Liniiled, Third Avenue. iilc or he secret meeUon we.-ei v ' , ,.,. enlere.1 inln , m.echtl foHo of .... .,.. i,..lltl.. inr. ; Live Steam Cooked by II. V. PUM.EN. Managing KdiUr. Ihe Dmiiininve l.iiHnienlV ar.;viWo, pn,,!), , .tlaiilic' Hives mere n n-r) imiien- jh j, ,h.,n M,r, . ,h.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: iou lhal the Ueriuan pnveru- . . vlnlP ,rMlll vntl nn. Savoy Cooker City Delivery, hy mail nr currier, per month $1.00 inenl. treated 'hy lire Kal-e- ,,,,.,., ,,,,. , ltl(. ,.. in a By mail to nil parts of the HritiMi Empire and the United Stale iieiinl hlistness on 11 senle nf i(,r ,.,., , in advance, per year y $0.0'" i-niiicl so sl as la seeni al-',l0 JI(, XOii,. i I.. Juimarv t "Cook To all other countries, in advance per year $7.V nuMi Hidalrieal in 1ev hi whnl ii-emril. Doctors say porridge by steam It's better for you cooked that way -tastes lwitkiMs.1 In (lepmnny on Artnis- nmj k ,.r()N. SMP EnamoJisl Ware . better, too! This Sa y TELEPHONE 98 ii-e Day. .came eml Jamiarv eft' Cooker cooka porriuire by live steam ihe II must nnv oe cl.iar lo eeryl ,wor, mn f,. lkl, (wt-i...t , inner boiler Is pierced with holua throi.; h ' All advertising should le in The Daily News Olllre on day pre sane Amortewn syft 'Siiwess," 4,,,,,,. T. n,BHe claim- 1 The ceding publication. All advertising received subject to Approval 'hat had ivnl Tncle Sam come 1.1 Hj,,. M ..A ,w , which the steam peneUnte. and the live above below steam rook Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. i!ie rescue with war inaleiwl and lheir rfe,lhs: it made S pianl! waler man mwf jill incite nick ir Jj your porridge through and through. No rued mrP, ,, tl,u (J ,W)t stirring. No danger of sconh to keep ;g, irine Hie l.cniuin l-jnnire wnn.; DAILY EDITION ID it. hi.lay Jiuiiinry 20, lilj.l. Hurricanes Worst iiae wn Iho war ;uninl a-vlmle lJoll it the night before. Leave it to Maimer witrlil in arm. WImI Ihe' in iKldithm there eri aeri-or A Handy Pot and steam till morning. Serve it hot ;ar Excellent Work denl fMar accident 4m Itie- Ul W pr-, breakfast soft as jelly, nutritious digest Or Minister. ..,..,..r.. " ".". " f Hnmnrn, , Pacifie. 1ie ! IS Om4,i ible, delicious thoroughly steam-cooked Ly OiumI .! will. w.rM llms con, red larfss IrmnUm; At Hie opening of Hit- new provincial building Thursday, , , , , Mh SpH Jhj Smm Hill. Hmi the Savoy Cooker. i. nls,, llinHl in the H.ysse,, ; Half Stoats OIsm Mayor Newton is reported to have sjioken appreciatively of (lie hurrWmm 1rOBM,, ,hr 4 llnim, nrmm4 Crs. work or 1 Ion. T. II. i'iiIIiiIIii in securing the lug structure roc aliiphlel.Bestowing' Favors Atliinlh- wen- the worl. rk.KIUM,Vrvsbl. dilfc Vol -Kk r-ML No trouble to clean, either. No burnt Prince HuperL We can hardly lei the occasion pass without SeTelary llimhes hmuolit Ihe Wkllr . tlnlM. or dried meal to scrape ofl! Nothing sticks ailding the congratulation of the Daily New. II was first rale ilie :iiiie af Ureal' llri- fii t (.'real tiuriiran- wtlh him Ctrs ri.SrmU4 eisft. to it that soap and water will not remove work for the member In do and is generally appreciate!. lain and nil her colonies, wrile ,rl) l0 r,;tur0, frni South x yw n4 a Ut f Own. r Ask the hardware merchant for this ar.l In gelling the court Ikmim' Tor this city H must not lie Ihoughl lliyssen. "was lo he made (he Anierh'a in Xnvemfier. II swept other utensils of occasion of ls' iinn certain out fcniii lieli in,I IWnind isilli a lhal Mr. Pallullo wu getting tor us anything which wns not our rarile anl wealthy men rorce if more.than Inn mile nn due. The had lieen luiilding promised I he city at the lime or some oT Ihe mosl ile-lrwlile rfsi-ilenfes hour. It tort" across the Allan- the sale or properly when Hie lowiisile was first marketed and iii Knslaud aihl eonces- hit Ihe French and lie, cal lore the provincial government or Hie day went awny with one fourth sfnns imiHiealty willmul niimher!ri(trht haekatrain. An.1 on Nov"in. of Ihe The proceeds. great, thing about this fulfillment or a pledge anil Hie and of various kiruls, I.Iiikiiu-IioiiI iM.r jg there liegnn to he reorls spending here nf Prince HupertV own money was "4ie srimt Hrilish Colonial i:m,nr truiihle at sea. thai we so seldom get what we think is roniing lo us from various "lee. While I hate aelual no ne lUinadian fihinK selionn- Miui-crs that when it does mine we appreciate it highly. We Mr. Pallullo on getting-for us our rights and we ron-gralulale proof td Iliis. it i. Iroe that in- r raHe.1 In reM.rl that la. Three finishes Pearl Ware, two coats, pure white inside and out, him it is appreciated. t assure HrrMlHins r this sort were free-j".niety is fell for them," saiil coats of pearly grey enamel inside with Royal Blue edging. ly iKile lo me ami other husi- ihe iesalrhes. toiler faur J-'in and out; Diamond Ware, three New Building A Model . ne-ss- leaders. (nr vnHin tf men jn; Ihi- rirth is in the list r nuss-ineluile coats, light blue and white outside, "-Smiit Mctai Products CelZ? Fop Future Structures. Ihe leaders in csininvand ine ships. , white lining; Crystal Ware, three smiWm ros. c tij"fa 11 f Mfry' ami trade,in 1 Bootlegger Wrecks The erection of litis fine new. luiildinir .here, will nrnvc an rmdei lieruiany, and appeals were (n the aln" day u unegvei' impetus tu the erection nr beautiful mid-4ermaiicul building in li us persoitully as well a col. wr-nl In plefi on I.mijr Island. the i lly general.!). It will add an air or -rniniieiicc to flic place lertively. AI him if these in-el- and resident!, or Hie leinily trul Local Agent Thompson Hardware Co., Third Avenue which it dil not formerly II will show the possess. world (hat hw il W4rs priMMiseil lo levy most of the earjro. ae-rotilitig whoever else may doulit tho future of the cily, the present pm- huge ijndemuilies unn Ihe 11a- Ihe prehihition avenlii. 't'ownni ready In admit ln-r a prohalil.' wuciiii K"verinriiMl ai any nue llils Ifiilll in (I. lions lo tie (Vinquereiil, lo rosier irishl a Uiltle m,i waliel up un loss. The Itiiildiug was needed hadlv. Hie l.nml Iteirisfev esnei-uillv Hie cmwMi or lieriniiu indu-lry l.oiur Island with the stor of Terrible Weeks department, for there was iui safe vault where deeds lo land an!: ven anaaian iNational Kaiiways everywliere nhmad, nn.l to re- six men who had fmilil ilejjlh The Yalacia. freijhlr, m ciiiik'i oilier document could he stored. The whole business u Hee lierniau li'tine iniluMrles two weeks in open Imut. in Jatmary 8 with story i a and the cramped worked employees under drrrtculties. Now all and Irade tnun laxallftn for' Two day luler the llaliun liner two dead and IV hurl Ish'iiiim' this is changed. There is availahle Hie liesl building in the cily. a winch is as it should lie. many yours aHer Ihe war. II .Presitlenie Wilson crept lnp eaMe ilrmii was lorn loos- liy ii Prince Rupert was txil ilnulilisl (hat (iertnany iouaranliue here, and with het huiie ate ami senl era-hum would win: in fnel, to have zirn enine the first reports r what ainonir tlje crew. I Next Step For Minister To Take. kik-i' to wny form of !)tl al-ocinaiiy was iiap(enintf 0111 on llie The weather hureau ay i j DRYDOCK thse fin-Willis wTiul.l have len Allanlic. caiiniil estliiiale the a vera in The next step ror the minister or lands tu lake is In com- syiMMiyiinii with fcreawin. The! Slornis" said her nffircrs force of Hie s for those ! iiirnie i in- iiiiiiiiiiig in n rnan mii nr I'ruice 1 1 u pert In the can liennaii inilitarj' machine snar-1 storms ? e hate never exeri. even lerrlfie wei-ks ' AND lieries. II is mil expected that (his will lie done all in one need anything like il. The vc.-ir, anient victory. 'IHie 3-incnMin-nl gale "WeH. 75 miles i. not lii fi 1 1 mi x. nil nui people arc looking for a lieirniiiinir lo he male Fur a num. demanded of the fierrnan liusi-liess at limes was ISO miles an hour.' btw." avthe hureau. "It is sw - - m -a m mM i her of years they have heen expecting Hie road to he commenced fnaetikie the monetary Iir si-vi'ii weeks since then In- ).-ilily nearer Hi Hut Im- ronei-J pro. and il wns generally understood here that some action would he mmins lo i-ompleti- Hie vh-iory. 1 omlnK tipi rs have Inld the nam atite. for 75 mile irales lilowni(i uim'ii mis year. that was the sM nation." story. So nflen has it leen lelnld alniosl rnnsianlly for seven weeks Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock we an Know mat Mr. Pallullo is anxious to have Ilia llhal il hail lo he a particularly is pretty close to a re,'.ml for Mi.-Atlanlie.' .UI..I .. KiKbiiiiiiB.a. uun.r in.n.r.. ai.ri,m una rii road Imill as (he people of Prime Hiiierl Imt there are so many -.ilcsperale fijiht lo irel into ' Hie maker, Founders, Woodworkers, EU. rails from other parts or Ihe constituency Tor. improvements anil The Man in the Moon news; - runt.:n J A I AXrIJ '. i'"-ioiiK aow. nowever. me people rH that in Hut rroui then unld January ' Prosperou adverll'tnir means! iicbiuv. aiiia i-vv-ciyiciic welding ion mould ,e laken and lhal work should derinitely cofiimeiic.. SAYS:- ijhardly a ship entered New- York 'ea-ulsr ennlinunn nilvsrllalnir (Ill f-l. 1 haiJior lhal lilt not show the Our plant Is equipped lo handle all kind ot sears r its ficht. And daiK Financial Timet IK Yiiniiiiiver uefs prince fit. there Were reports Of K (1 S re- PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Marine and Commercial Work -On Grain Shipment. ,eeiei of foilllilTillU shi(. of 'I'l'e I'iiiaucial down oul or Ihe moon. So PHONES 43 AND 3SS Times. enmmenljiiK n efforts to ship yrain I here! Ixials ilrien on nnprolecliil Monday, January 29 : " niniiiniM riwe import ai. a fulun gmn nL shores, of liners willj passeniters II in' inr.'.is a.m. " 10.0 ft ii i . . UIIVTItl'W .i,.,.I. liAtfi'iicil in In keep them, safe Ijow t:i a.m. a..' " ' 1 ' Victoria will allow the flojrjrliiz rrom wiives which crnsheil over 1 7 : J:i p.m. 1.7 ' r movement, lhal has as a pre epthe or druif KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH vz r . ii jralne.1 smoke Mime currency, lo establish a grain stacks in shorl, or every Tuesday, January 30 elevator in iU harbor. In die a natural death. Councils of ,-nlm pealillinsr. II reminds rne souie-Wfail thins terril'le Hie sea can do. llinh a.m. 17. t H. BY EATINQ OOOD ot Hie old fashl.iiHvl ui i tic conslderal fly. ion will r,v that Victoria is not economically situated Schooner's Plight 11:1? a.m. o handle Ihe gram Irade. Orain and its products for export rnn pinvder where Hie direct Imis fill Ili-eeiii1ier 21 the liner Iw 5:U a.m. M.t " '" c."4' p,'f,,"",'i';':,l t l"i"t where rail and waler ix-ilrh specified tho Hint fly. ii fis( ia,j t,, Presdletii loirfield hroufht in n I m: i p.m. a.t ROSTOV NEW CAFE meet are a! Hie terminals of our Canadian National hij-wV three master she had towed trorn Wednesday, January 31 CHOP and Cnow linn Paeifie linn....... ..... ...j.... ...... .' . rr NiiMlin'h.l. 'the lloen IVrllln, Mich We serve the Best . "". unniri, inure iuiieri and :JI n4n. IH.S rt. V,,,,,,,,,,.. :oSTIXO i all rlabl 4f you'.i ! F: " rrfl"re great effort on (he part of these iiiKiner. was in n pan way 11:85 p.m. Sl.n GRILL SUKV and NOODLES IWO elites ttslnl.!,.!. 11....... ..I n . . ,u "aTP """-rs. in(i her .larvhilr. 1. , ' ..i.-i..-.nes ,i rni u iii mis irmle anil I will crew wan Low o:8 a.m. 7.t " ,e several ve,.r ,el i.efore Prince Hupe.t e ,nl,ke n ,. . , ,. flays later the .Menoiuiiiee, an 11 :0 1 p.m. :. " Open Day and Night. 'Cor, Slk 3lr..l mi Imi Ax1 r...,,- irrrime per-',.t. I - .,.,- i., n,,.,.. ,- 3rd Ave. Phone 457. 471 -..o mi-imwiir.,. iikh v aii.-mu er. , w ,n nliliir crew of four Phone Dlue fiarfior U not tjenn eiMiijsh In those men had rinil lheir Terrible Headaches ink a lloalin? dryd'xk. What schooner, which was leaking and "My Hands Trembled ntiout pi-iiu-e moviuir Uupert where Hinciiier they up could In rruinidiiiK Hindi (irel umler oecatl I hem.travellers as and Dizziness DENTISTRY; X-Ray Service ha vi- a real harhor. and I Could Not Sleep 9f - Olympic,the UamniH,Ihe Hie Majeetie,ll"reriiarla,(he Zee.Ihe The only reliable and scientific method of know f 1 Mr. Thorn. Honey, YYj would 14 mind Isavinr land, filmland arvl many others. Mlti S. IHrlifL fIT krullv.irlh Are exact condition of the teeh and surrrmndi "g Brantford, Ont, write VaiienuiT hwe imt we'd hate lo came in. all l.iv tale. 'I'het tot,! .1., Iltnillton, finl., arllM: " uwd lo lony kirn, ture. have Ocoinie. r lerrifie "oln '-'im. mi dim halite with lli waves. "When I btgio ulting Dr. I.a Havoie f the I'renell line re.l0"- l,t " I wdklni DR. BAYNE Che' Nerve Food. I wn to AM ihw Ihe fdiMiiberV will ported Hut mila votes and V0 foot up ld irH-t, I fut dniy pll ami etnoui that when I picked up have lheir little iiuiintf. WUH's. fell lo llw miildle of ilia rod. Ao old Office Hours: 0-0. Tuea., Tliur.. Bat Kveig cup of tea toy hand would 4 fliips put Into Halifax lo ( arDlk-iiun inc tu frl hi bt-r I Denial Nurse Always )U Alli'iidoiicn tremble like a It, J CoM UN T.KSH who have Jieep hur- out of (mill, ,.. Oil leiiilier 2H .ko and luhj im lu p i t Rooms 4, 6, 6, Helgerson Blk, Phone 10'' iuvafli ff.iliU- reiiMitalof Hie four ninall Imala rrathed (o (he Milbum' Ui U'r Pill: wII, 1 did, not ltp well, could not re-member li-Hloek ure lntrtn. lo theiusel. Iwaeln ar NfW York harhor. od ibrf did aimder fur dm. I don I l" thine, nd there were ves: ihey v.ii, nil ilLfaleil iootfK. know how I Uituk you, I d'H'l (el oturl(ic paint through my body. V dftn'l want (o fiaiit jier-. ladartiet or dUiy rli lay more " and FLOUR After liking teven boiei of Dr. Hut hy Jinito if we iii. T Ii (leinrirli Kayser, a Wru-q your Ul (rlt tluetUb and la PURITY Chile Nerve Food, however, I ws'v V Ihe srHt, we'va -i4 Iremlnn jul ued tha my.tery ru your bol tstlin lulfrr, iinl (be K. Pastry Flour am in perfect health. Hie Urains hipH on Iii-ieiiiher It. A wireie fair ay Ut keep well Ii lo keep lb liver Y'e jfn koine powder loft. from her said her rudder rhains .il tad pcrrornUn IU pruiwr fgurllKn Th quality la always of tho an u DR. CHASE'S We've hud ilo fijilll fore high atnndarU. All Croeer NEaVE FOOD lie were liroken. i'he was dnrnnif. ty ulo mitura Lk-Livrr fil Aiut sure will ftitl ' I'UKITY and II. tk K. PHOUUCTS I iter.' airain m.i. a full irule. With n Irlr tim 4i.l .1 .11 l..iu.. a. ...h.i M ma a tot, all tlralt-rn or IklinauMin, li.le a Co., I.ul.. Turunlo. I liai dial! ip-tt yo off crew -.r i . ai,fird he is 1 0 1 iiuaJcirm on rmipt of prir by rtm t wit Brackman-Ker Milling Co., LA lo anw..jver Uln,, II, , owner ul tanl are Miro t t4ilu-4, Tore.w Oai,