Monday Jn PAD! BIX Till DAILY NIWS QUEEN CHARLOTTES WHAT MADE WE GIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE MANAGE-AGEMENT Sport Chat OF RENTAL PROPERTY enlriisletl hi nur mro. If you ticrtl the service or mi ngcnl of known reliability and Indian Aurcni Tlnnim liuy. ME HAPPY WESTHOLME THEATRE experience who i. ii good collector of rent, thnrntialily wax n ia.enyi'i- In Sktilexnli-fivm r"ii "f Cuimd.i look Hie conversant with rrnliil values nml leasing condition, will Mjeit mm Hie lal (rip nf "I was eonerAtulatlna: myself ill Ihe Moll' e.'lln ff lb. Tonight and Tomorrow, nt 7 nnd 9 attend to repairs i;iiwfiilly, pay water rate and taxes when the li-niiMT' PriiH'r J nil ii." Tlie that I haj pasacJ tho winter Ir i-alei'linl Whil I.eayiM' la-1 Heel Inn of Hie cnlim-ll of Sklde- without catrhins; a rolJ, when I alllmuiHi the SI. Andrew line. see insurance polieie are kept in force and who wt.-ck - Hail. got one at the beginning of lit K. A. WALSH gnle I, wHI he lield uu Hie presents nml render detailed leant caiiixit lie In will remit to you promptly jnu statements, flrl Msy. It was herause 1 was run yet nai. consult ns. Monday in Mmnry, nl down. Belna: run down I hud in e. uii.l daee for Hiey did nl which Hie liidiiui i-ent wl o nome trouble In', getting rid of play their gunie wrtli Ihe I'.lk- H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Iletiirnitiv Otllrcr. this cold. I was a nervous wreck. tn aconiinl tf the ininiiii-l. If MIRIAM COOPER Rentals. Insurance. Real Estate. I would wake up regul.irly morn they Win (III MialMHie, guiiiffl The lit. of the tcainer Ala-kan. Injrs feeling that some terrib'e will lie foil they on an even mm off J'nchctia. hruilxhl In Ihe cslam'.ty would tke plcr. IN III Ihe I with Hie Sihi. VhI minds of old resident of (juccit Although we vrrrr cnfortably IIihIIh, lning tn bite Itddfellnw-. off, I felt ure huaban.l was Ulim-lulte l.laniN, Uie ntrandiiiLt Koine to lose my everythinir. The ilrtH'I'ed mil uf Ihe three-la-um if Ihe ame vee1 on Uie shore rliildren worrie.1 inc. If they maile hemd iitac.i He tf lit wvek. Tin-iKniirht "Kindred of the Dust" of Parry Paaj2e, onie years the leat noise, I would get Into nT PyUlia and (eldr i Printing ntr. While on n trip lu Imn-srarit a terrible temper. I would sco!d ibiw' are still Well tin in tin-'vlniidinu ilninl, (the e.el them o that 1 am sure they hated nml Willi lln-Sun tnyelher me. I would ! thrown nlioit and narrowly m:ui with myself . nldi r- .,- lll lld annual after it was over and make up my nf CtiulNiid. Kiijanhl uf C..I-ilinlio- mi. .nam ..r in ll"ll i eeae,II..IH...I liivtitnllii,"i ,.. a. lol'aj. .i wreck, mind never to let it happen again. and Ureal War Vi li iiin- Side Splitting Comedy - Buster Kcaton in il -In rini allnli- .111 Ih oulallled oh aluill. intniiui mniJi weni in tire a-.i.Uinei' I would Looseleaf so to bed at night ami Wlltl ee ileal not hellllld, r .111' II In lit,- midi iilnn-d I.) I Ix- t'lah "My Wife' Relation eile- nrriii- al .V rtiiini.i-r ur Trlnec nf the ccl, liauliiisr begin to think and picture dreul. at ill Inn,, ii chance for the -'-i ,11'iprrl. her from Ihe whori) In deep water fal thinjja. whlrh mitrht hvp-n to Billheads 1 Admission 15o and 35c. nil r lu ! plainly marked on th on' -haniisaihli Duly Iw-i nMilv or Ihe t-niHope "li-ndi-r for lie me and my family. I would Inr iwik to "lUvent-hy." ami tiiu.t . I m-reived awake for hours. somrHre until team-. Ihe i:ii and lln- M.-i-. Letterheads al lh office uf the uuderaiirned Several new togging: camp daylight, until I ra so reak that are mil nf the niiHiiua for the later than It o'rlmk, ikiuii. Monday, will lie .(jirlcd at once oil Ma- ii'hruar.v i, till. I cou'd ..-areely raiae my heed. .hnimr. aii-i-pied.l.ii-m or any leader not necessarily e(l Inlet. Ilin iwtwinit), nl I would waken next day juat as Envelopes j :ird.i i. V MOTIIKIIWKI.I., Iluekley ttay, is run id up with u tired a when I laid tlown. After j In Ihe l.aMe' l.eavue, tin- " f'lilrr lnw-i'lor of nhertc. full rri', wliHe a iianlily aif a while I rot no that I didnt care Mutton's Hank Bids.. Vancouver, ll..yal Pttrstle reiraineii it linl.l Business Vane,m..r. Il.c, January tt. I9JS. luiitber hs on 4lie wiy tand heini." what hippened. The children A new price on fiml tilace annoyed md I ,nn and, with only one' diitnil to Se-iUHe. The next we wouldn't have DEPARTMENT Or LANDS. cared if they hid left me fo in.n i- lounaMianl sn. tin h i Cards NOTICE. eoiiMKliliM'iit iiT "qilHrtvl limher rood. I feit that it was only a eh a nee fitr the -haniihnliii j Jonteel Talcum Powder Application Far Saaaon Orailno.of 1123.Ptrmlta Fop Tha will tte taken In U .Vtipele. matter of time before I would lows re very briglrt. 'Hie only eoit.J Armlli-atinna for tn-rnn I. in lit. I California. II i Ihe ilili-nlion my mind. I knew that my nyrnp-totn iletiiltM are the Pythian Sitm' I Cowan &Latta -itm-li on l In Crown ftanr within tarn j to nmke frifit hove and wilier were due to a run tkiwn wln mi.l Rose, skre in sei-ond ptaee condition and that if could i nliimhia, iiium be riled ltii the Imirirt C4i!iliMvditic from Hie liwilter. I only Limited tft something In build me up, I hair a rntni- te-biml. All lln-'oilier Old Frict 3Sc and 60c in fitih and uhit kaitilimp-. Nlon, Prince Rupert. Wllllama miirht be all ri:ht. I knew that five teania are mew mil nf Prince Rupert, B.C. I aki-. Vain-nuier and Vernon, or with the of Ihe eoiiipany, in the gruwinx oMinilMiowr or ftrailnr. Parliament there must be some eood tonics Ihe nmniaff. now 25c and 50c Phone 234. Hmiilinv.. Vlrtfiria, B.C.. on or before ('nl ift nia city. lut mont of them made such o - Ma-rh IMh. I3 Rlank romia upon whlrh to aiihmlt an foolish claims that I was afraid Standing in Hi,. Imo wl.i-i plo-ailono may be nlilalneit rnmi the Un- It i ri'ii'K-led 4 lia I luvj large of them. Happening one day to Cold Cream - -Vanishing 50c league to dale an- a ftdhnr: run across a leaflet ahou Carnot, rr..m the liM.arlnlent or Lind "iniirriin, am Ma et I Inlel ami Jon teel Vii-turia. B.C. Alif.ipil I was impressed with the moderate i Men's Section Jlay. wall he oimiled Cream o. n junr. 50c way thin preparation n described, W. I.. PI. rNnolv YHn'tr or l.antlt. llri It Ims heell fur yenr. ll-ltal fieparinioni or l.an1t Virtitrla, B.C. so I made up my mind I jsniiM nf Canada a a a 3 iiiiiarv Oh. ItM the "Pink" variety nT ealliiuii In would try it, I did ami tt-lar I H. Andrew' 7 3 7 Face Powder 50c ply Hnear in large niiurlterK eery am the bippiest and healthiest MINERAL ACT. Valhalla .717 CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. lm yeai'i. There wim n henn-meiiitl woman living. I haven't a care in fifth, uhilt and btunttlt NOTICE. in !K. of p n r. n the world. Instead of running run nf I hi nf Lord kllrhener ouna Hull. Irldh Riwr. pecie. away from me. my children ato lO.bKelll .... it 5 fi lieneral Jorrrt and erda Mineral Claims, fii-h. durinif H Thi .ilnat In III .kna VOiln Iliriaiidt tJT year. now with me all the time. Sty Son, air lUirtaud . .' 0 ORMES LIMITED lUnae i i.ii M.iri. l. loratml on BUI ,I lie Pink" are mil eviieeted. Moumain. I'orelier Inland. ... hut b ind tells me that my disposition U. W. V. A. 5 0 r. veneer Takr .Volliv thai I. Alfred C. M-.ver 'iln-e IJlt- i-ullllerie niei-- is as near an angel as any K. rf C ft :, 3rd Ave. and Sixth St. P.O. Bos ItSO. K.M.i .. ji.soi. arum ror mvaeir and ror',.,1 ain the ixlanil. Ihe "Priak" human being's can be, bat of mui. r.v.i:. sfi&ai, '. k. wnrtit. r.v.c. : Vailiiely Mie;tretl tllirilis earll course be is prejudiced. ! dnnt Klk 3 7 -t Phones 82, 200 and 134. . ... : n.ih' I- l i' ii,.. UljJtl Wieve I have a nerve in my body MtHne J y Pioneer The Druggists. Two flesall Slom. Mrl a.lil. ii F M I litil'. rtl MrTarlall. I "etlind Vear. while few viilei now." Ladica Section panelling :i".7l. Inland. ltv dava rrtmi the date "" "i rs, ant uie L,I Jnar. II Carnot is sold by your dra-trlt, H iysrl Puritk X .1 8 In finnlt- tn flu. Uinlnv ltrilv1ir fn heiieved by Dial Ihe some. ami if you ran conscientiously say, Pylhian Sller .. 7 I 7 .ie of obtaining a r.ron Cram of Uie. I'lHK Koawn, in lite Maine after you have tried It, that it h..f I". 7 S 7 Gives a Beautiful Interior i'nd 'fnrlhrr n.dl.-e that artl-n. I W aifl flrfithl till Ihe ir- hasn't done you any goat!, return Vutlialla 6 ft 0 miller ei-tlon 37. lull.! lie rnniinenrmi lie- yim- the rmnty bottle to him and h Effect and Can be Applied to fore the Unianre of aut-b Certirit ile o' I will refund your money. C-C22 llevtekali 5 fi the Walls very Rapidly and luiiinivmirntii.Iiaied thin Sfb day of lannary. tfS.D A number of member ' nf Ihe Knld by SI. Andrew' ....... 5 0 Ti The Boot for I.. O. II. A I 10 i Easily. jOhiiivh Army of Ma .! I. vioilrd Ormei.' Iry; More and Skideirale. uihier Ihe direction of MrCtiUiieon' Itrutt Store. Your Worl n nlieeili. fur Mi ll.lilv N'.-w- For Heasonable Prices call Captain lliflx-rt IteiiiieU and You'll have lllotii ii llitlley. Meeting are be- ailer a Hiu ftlueee. He wu 70 QUEEN CMARIOTTE LANO DIVISION. Albert fi McCaftery iny liekil oil tlie r-Vfcleite IiiiIInii years of age ami i hui-vim-0 by a Take "li.tlre thai A. J. ilm dun. ,.f -am. i-eere. f.ilhrw'in? Ihe Iwtt week fasirily of lltiii -nun aid one ff'JB.,: V 'i""!?1 ,h"'!r 1 " Leckie's LIMITED nf :h'ilr!iii Kndeavr ineWiiitf daliuillt-r at HelHltalMUII, ah. fr coal, rvtroleum atNl lulnral Phones 116-564. to hurry 4. . . 'and uader Ihe folluSina- J-.tiI-.i lair' held nl Maell. A taarly of JaNuale en lld-rale laM. Orabau l.lan i ; A)uka llnida t-niirii-iiik(.- twelve Mis Lauder ha lleeeedl 1 Cxaweeairiiit at a plauimi al m. . ngrtawral comer of eeeu. . Ton-h.c j UHtiilier of Ihe Christian Kn- Mii (tiudyv McltHtahi a teacher ' I. ttiem-e so ruaia hmiiu. tueaee so t-iwu.- ileavnf S.N-iely, llai- at Hie llrinw-f-tl neli.Mil. Mi tlMjaier se iulna 'north, tnrn.-e WEDNESDAY IS THE LAST relurmv) to main wai la point or r.niiMvoi-rfiwut. laliiK':. Aliii-ka. It week. Mclionald ix alteiuliiru Normal I4x-aied XutrmU-r tl. If. DAY OF OUR JANUARY A. i. UoHJmH SeJmol at VatiPtsaver. Fishermen! SALE. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LANO DIVISION. IIIIMS il-.'-.l I SMITHERS l - liinll f Take Sollrr thai A. 1. Gordon, of nki.l. STEWART rata. ll.C miner, inu-nd. lo al to i I. i An . I.. .1. K. VlHlaler of l.aoda for a Itrraae to ltro.lM.i I YOUR DEALER CAN FIT Inilhif, the Seal lie i-ril- -Ml.i.. ii-i . fur coal, amt I (wlrolruui natural ra. oter Ynu uei'd BREAD t lint will NOT Bargains .alil who tevrlniiiig the Hen lite reeeiil rfcs ilt !).'.. Sileri,f ,on,'r t"'"n""' n-wriUrd land. YOU. .. -Iii-i.I it.. GO SOUR. We make BREAD that Ii'r hi, Mamie and oilier grui etoek i due tn Uie faut I hat Ihe i;.iinorln at a . plani-d ai llw i.n.oK- .-I :i. Bargains far below Eastern if mine lludxii linnni... aouiamest romer or eertiou it. ron-ni. will NOT GO SOUR. on Hay 4iuun- ilaadii leiiJ wa reeeirtly , tbeoce sn chain, ea.i. ihence sa .ham- Wo Make - Prices on Men's Suits, .'am rHiri- I In Seattle lul ertea eutieal MM the pranierly.!iia). lh.-no- rhaim e.. then.-.- an SQUARE, Furnishings, Boys' Boots, 'week after Iruviitu vpeut a fort- I lie mine i fuirirnlltvl by the Lecatad Vtmiiber ft. lv. J. Leckie Co., Ltd. Vancouver, B.t IRISH, "Tooke" Shirts, SU Margarets nii-'lil lier- inxpecling the iro-l.erlie. Selukwe iknbl (., of Unidnu. A. J. tmiiLi.ix RAISIN, Stockings and Jerseys lie liMk miiiiii- rich am-ili-- Knv.. ami Ihe truggenheiiii liae QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION. for Boys' etc. Come In and .nil wilh him. a iniiiiorily hare. laa vin-e lual I. oordmi. ! -kol. BROWN, and rate, n.t: . miner. Intend, lo appl) In tin RYE BREAD. be convinced of honest - MiMl.-r of landa fur a nt-mv to prw i values. for coal, petrobMim and natural sa. otr ate.t. It in ft Su i Haiti north Ihmr as Tin- Smil hem Kurmer' luelit, W. Xewtdl ha Tetisrned fnn aal yaiW the rolkiwinv dVx-rlurd lail . rpama ea.l to inm of KtutH-rK-ruieBL INSIST UPON GETTINQ EL EC ut- 4ia I'li-i-ii'il the folhewiuy Seal lie maji-h iaiuraivt-d in health ailaale on kid. rale Inlet, uraltani i-utaieg nuvcjiiitter fit. iwif rkuiineaciiif si s l-ol planted al iw A. I. 0nnnnj, TRIC BREAD. I'llii-er for the vear: Pretjeiit, after Hie in'i-it4biii 'nrhrsiie.l in Dortneax rorntr or Periloa J. loi.lni. I. itieorr so t-halll HtUlb. llM'IICe i hain- QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND OIVISION. 'Demers Oullnii: W. Ihe itmuUi. lienrve Phone 667, Acme Importers aferiary, eal. Iletk-e su chain north, theatre sa lake I ha I A J i...r..j.. ..r Ilillelei-: dil eetoi . J. Ailkt-ll, V. mams ra.l lo m,iui or ConiiMeio'eittent, Sale, H.t. . liilii-r, liilt-ml. In aiil tin rl-l- III I ni i-ot-aictl Aoirinurr xt. li. Mlttl.ter of lnd. for a ln-i n to pro. . i (iilbnl. and J. W. Turner. II. W. Lynn, 3irk :ir-lwii-en . i. onlllMiV for coal, irolt-iini aiol itatnral vat over ml j wi sw IIIUVII WUIIWI IVw A. W. Llpsln, Manager. und F. .1. 'r.Kne have or-i-ixeil and under lln- follow inr di .rrt.trd lan-l-. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LANO DIVISION, .ilitai on kiiP-gale Inlel. nraliatu liai..i Third Ivenue. Tel. 359. P.O. Box 667. William llunna, a pioneer faiii Aiitv Ann wilh the lake Vol!..- thai A. J. i...r..i. of kl.l. iiittfiieni ins al a i ilnit-d al n.i-aoullira.l ii.i:. mior. Uin-n.l. to appl Out of T Clearance rale, to i-orner xectiuu si, .-..-.i in .leiieelii!- nf lllie li.n-1 In-i II J la intention i.f Ineulliag 'liuru. Ntfiiater of l.attila for a ite.iitJM' to pruHi I. llteni-e SU thalu we.l, lltt-ner an rlialui in. !. i --il ;iway her.. laM Week norllt. tltt-nrr so chain eat. iltenm ss aud under lite follolalliS dearrlle-d lanil.. ctiaina aonih In points t,f cuniiiietii-riueitt. ti. C. Turiiet, wlin ajuperili-ll-lllled situate on Ekidt-saie Inlt-l, tlraliatn Maud: Located .Norruilier tl. I Hit- I'lHlatrtXStMJII 4lf Hn Cotiiineitt-ins soutiteaal corner al cr a hectlwn-o. planted 19. Towit.lilp at the J nintiii Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTISTRY llydei- thiek apisroaeh, having t, then! su rltaiua north, ile-itt-e ao f-ltaiu QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION. SALE Weal, lltencc SU clialll. atjulll, lltett'-- su lake Vollrr thai A. J. (i.irdou. of "kn. i iiiiijilele.1 In wvtrk, left here fur llialtia est to pttltil or Cofiiinelit-ellit-iil. sale. B.C., miner, IiiimhI. lo apply lo n. Ki-li'hikan lu-l Located aotrruiuer II, v;r. Mini.i.-r of lunula fur a lin-n- to . wee. . A i, t.iiiuin ,ir rial, primtrittit IHJ Itailtr! sa. DENTIST. I a ml under lite r.dlovilnr di-aerilM-d land-OIVISION. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND alluale on KkldcsaUj lu.rl, nraliam Mahd HATS $3.75. Helgerson Block, Allorney i:. . SlllllllKlollr. of lake otit-e mat A. j. a.ortl'!. or ktn ! r,irfiitneiirins al a iMtal nlaHit-tl at n.,- Dr.J.Maguire . sate, H.t . tiilm r. Inleiul. to to ite-'uoriliea. nf AerlUHi DRESSES, COATS, SUITS, I Mi:u- oi Ui-.-. ilaie- ii-iv -m-pll.. al llydei'. Ii.i- It-TI for Arknii.!. ai-plj enrner tv Ton.hl. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. i II ii. .-t, II t.ln.. and r.iii-..r Miiil.ter of Mini for s lii-eiiM- lo pro.fieri, thrnre SO rhalna iMtiiih. Iltence an i-haPi. 33 Cent Oil Office Hours, 9 to 6. ii-.iio.-iii. . in i-p.ii int. hi xmi.iMl ulii-i'i- he will jatiu John llniiuii for coal. tiriileuiu and natural 'sa. over l. thrni so chain, north. Uiemr so and 1-3rd Per Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block. lM-i.i . and ..Hi. i i jiiadian .VttlllllK'lll ill Itn- liuniue. ami unuer int ron.iiaiiis Uf-rrineti lann-annate rnain eaai, io imiiiii fir eottuiHtiM-enH-itt. count Phone 6S6. l'- j. ii itn. ittr- a- u.'l) a. t nllli- of llw on Pkld'-raitt Inlel, tirahaiit Maud: l.ot-ated .Vott-iiiUr if. lrt. i iinieiii ii iii.'ir .itoion. i lai.iiiriK-li.s at a il plained si the a. J. mniiiiiv Office Hours: 9 to 9. UNDERWEAR, Open Tuesday, Thursday and HOSIERY, of .led r.-tider.. .ojdn .-d I" llw under- attuihcaal corner citi yn. Toatn.liip Saturday Evenings. Phone 576 Lady Assistant. -.n.'.l. will le- rer'-m-d op ti. lei-ill oil Uu-'i-l TERRACE NOTES s, ineitee as cnaina iiorin, in'iii'i- an i-nama QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION. GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, C IVIiriiar . I'.ir:. r- aupldli-a of tile e.l. Ilieitaw SU r hi in. aoolh IIm-ih SU ' ii-1. nii'-niioiM-d ii.-iiu-far chain eaat Pi m,Iii of eullillieliceluelit. Taka Goitre that A. J. Gordon, or Sklde 20' Discount. Parted af Thi-aa Mantha from Itt MM-aieu notruiper l. ltt S'le, n r.. tinner, Inlend lo aipl In ilit- April ta aotn Juna, 182S. .lull ii Muin, while wntrkiim in a. j. imnitiiv Miiii.lrr br Ijiiida ror a llrenae to pmaprri ..ii. I ,n i-. in . i -'i. . rreali Mt-al. Ihe for coal, ttelrttleuitt and natural a, otn wtnl Ml tV falling II. trvati I t'll. wa a QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION. land under lite follow IKS di-arrlln-d land- 1 i. . Irvaii Milk. Ifec aihi in baefc tpiite badly lake Villi- thai A. J. nordoti uf ekldt" .llualr mi Skldi-iala Inlet. l.l.nit i 327. It. Jiaetaa atad l-ad. sal. B.i .. iniurr. inteutla lo apply to the ,i'niniiiiiriui al s nw planted al Hit-Mlul.ter Phone 27. P.O. Bo I freti Vrirtilalitea hurt. Il' Wioi at (Miitltiii II 'lei of Land, for a llienae to iiroai-i-r aou1hal corner or Het-lloit ill. TotaiMino . Lady smith Wellington COAL I . annul eunflned In inul. Tin- full e- fur fuel iielmleuiii and natural sa. over . I, tliena nurlh Su i nalna, llitwr rait Sit - aulter. ami nnoVr llw- f..ll -iii d-..-nl-d lamia chains, tlitmf souUi S clialna, llienrr ! II. HiseaJlatteoai 1-ruH.loaia. lenl tf tin- lujuiy i not kmtwn ituaie on HkMryaie inlel, nraliam Maud: sv rlialoi lu poinl of couimem rmrril, Int. iHtifonii-yis at i-o.i fiiaiiten . at inai iH-aica novainuer sv, tvrv Bulk on Dock .... SI 2.75 Sacked on Dock . . $13.75 I. Ir el. II.- had becil tailplnyetl il)' iHtrinvteai i-iirttrr ot nf-ion ri, iull.ltii A. J. qoHfi'iV. far Uia natal Vaar Command! 1st April, I.Ill I.' it I. Ilu lie su cuaina aoutu. llieitce su ritaiira Bulk Delivered S14.25 Sacked Delivered . $16.00 1J3. i.un.-y. cast. llteiH-e su clialn. norllt. lliencn SO QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION, j Dry Kindling k. Wa.lilus of Heddinr. t:lu4aM.s - - cltalltl wl Pi itttliii of rontiurpcelliclit. ' tr. confined uataiou nuvcuipcr ss, isss Take Kullcs thai A. J. ttordon. of ttkldi llrilt-e .l-.liniMJll YELLOWHEAD LUMP I . ltal fur talali. WIS a. i. oom)0,n. rate, ll.C, uiiner, IlilrnU lo apply pi the I'otiu of and all liiforuuiltuu Mali to I Ii,- In-.I fur a MUMaher uf duya Minister of I and. fur I llt-rtiM- lo pro.rui i Bulk on Dock .... $11.00 Sacked on Dock . . . $11.75 l- otilaUwal by apldriui to the under ?UEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION, for rual, fwirolruui Slid natural la. inn -.rued AianHeansa fur fi.ruia are retiuawlnd wHh 11 lined k. l Hal A. J iloril.. or -klil aim Ulliier Ult roiiovtiiis ucarriueti laim. Bulk Delivered $12.50 Sacked Delivered . . $14.00 tthi'-li.Late llMtr awriNiMnr arlali .to uie b-iult-r ilffw. or 114-tua. ou rate, H.t:., imiirr, luunul. u. apply to llw alluale on skldriaia Inlet. Oraham I1I11..1 ROUGH LUMBER MiMiaicr 01 ttHi. tur a ut-euae in proafieri t.iifiitiient'UIS Si a poai ptaoiru at lln- I YELLOWHEAD EGG ....Tl lowawl ur au u-oih-r ui iiere.Mii'lly nil.i Nun Hie i. Iakm.1 Mi ror nil, l-eiriip-iini and natural sa uver oullHiaal corner of avrtion is. Tnli-in. I pled. ami under tut' follovtins diai-niied land'. 1 1. IIm.iiii. Hi rjialii. north. IIh-ii.c lit rhale-I For Sale Cheap. (MISiHMl 'l Mlt. Mi' j... nluee while he I m alluale on kldrate Inlet, nraliam 'al, lliiine so tvliaina auulh, lliema 11- 'I In- kiiullni:, ' 1'' -I'.itlltei Bulk Dock ... $ 0.75 Sacked Dock . . $10.25 Vasl Mr. ilfTlter on on ll.kl.i Ixxkvard. l....inoll H It 11!-i l . f.iattfitiinits at at imii piauieti at ina raat 10 mhiii or I'oiiiiiit'iicenit'iii. ' Mjuttliar.l i-orner of pi-i'iion an, lowtl.irp Loralcd Kuvaililier SO. tVH. I -! Uf ! Delivered Bulk Delivered $11.25 Sacked .. $12.50 '''"' ' ; S, InMire III i-lialn- nurlh, fht'iice At clialn A. i QllllflllV. !" TIMBER SALE X4S7S. w i asst. lhcnt- SU rhalna antitli, tlu-nce IV t -hip -hi'd, ih' i. .. 1.11-1111-1 inima ii. .iiii, tiiaina wat to point uf conuueiicenieol QUEEN CHARLOTTE LANO OIVISION. tao uud Hirer ni' Ii ealed Temler. HI be rtr. n. il l.v th.- i"-r ..f lln- lieiae i-UIIIK'I'y whit LorittHl aurruiltcr IS. !. lak notice iiial A. J. Uurdon. of ekldr : Prince Rupert Coal Co. A. OollliiiV Hi liileieU to pluiikum in iliir 1. ni I. miner. apply to the wiin.lec t.r Laud, al Virion, mil lap i i... , , ,,, ii,,, ,.iiv r.te it few Sate. nf Laiul. for a lli-t-naa to tiro.m.t-l nltuhli' fur ri it 11'iii- trj. for Hi iurritar or f fin v x itii. day m inivafe juhie in QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION, i fur roal. pelinli-uui and natural saa uvt-r PETER BLACK, Agent. i" r.i s.iiii.'i"u ft-ei ur Hi.rii.-i'. iar,' - lake .Null.-.- inn A i linrdon of aM-lt slid under Ilu- (..II..wins di-rrll-d land., UUlk. I'lr. II. nil .k and Halaaio -m an arra .llnalwi eoill Inm Willi III" IsHlierie sal. H.i . miner, inleml. pi sppl lit altiikl on Inlet, flrahaui lalaudi Sola Agent for LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON A YELLOW. in. sunn mui ..r in? I as. tll.iall ,.v ... . .,, Vaana-imi-ei Mliil-li-r of I an.U for a II. ante to pro-ii 1 .jiniu-111 ins si s p"l planted al I lit Ltd listii' f ia I .ml fi' I j 1 tor . li idi-uitt and natural raa ovrt tHtrllu-aat n rurr nf km tli.n ST, T'it Imlnp Pacific Cartage, HEAD COALS. i i t-eai - will h. hii.vmJ for n nn Hi' V. latl tl l' taIIHil-l'iiW nlg-lll. and miller the fnllonliis lit ., nued laud.. I. Ilirnia II . Iialn- outli llinica 10 rhaliu Main Offlcei Central Hotel. .1 -f iimli -in 1 a I. mi Mkidrsap Jnlt-I. i.i-ahaiu lalan ' cam tin in. sn . liaint imrtli llw-ua U Phone 15. .iii.-i i i.t i uu - i ih. i in. r i r ! VI i . II.- ...i, will tn- Inn i. If ' -iIiiiihiii. Ins at a ! 11 planlud al Ilia - lialiia - p. p.-mi if . -uniiirlii - ineul Phone 03. Vi.-ioi'M U' 1 i pi, in. i fiireati i' ' .,, . : . l tune nnrtlira! 1 -inter nf He.-tloti ' Timualilw La led Niitruiut IIVI a i. - 1 tl, U. tit ti fc, . i J tluy-ijc