Ml W Ml FOVH . TH1 DAIEt TIWI Tuesday Ootober 2, 1023 I rm - ' 1 I I I I I II 1 BRINGING UP FATHER George McManus t Full Range of By Hurlbut Shoes For Children and Misses. We nre now sole agents for Mils cily Ask aliout our rebuilt service whereby we repair HUni.IlUT shoos an.l make litem a slio larger. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. VlBHMwflr' I h fit BUY A HOME Twenty acre tract, fronting on Eraser lliver, one mile from railway station, with .1 room riouse, barn and chicken house, five acres cultivated and fenced. Two acres slashed; Five acres with commercial limber. Pood school. He. This home cai be had for $2,000.00 Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread 1 trend is your best food. Kat nmrc of it. Kept by I he loading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 1S0. Third Avr. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We haye just received a car load of! up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. Also Kindling In Sachs.. For Prices, call HydeTransfer fhone SS0. Service a'nd Quality our Motto. Kl GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. hed Rooms to Rent. Ices lleasonablo hone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Eliminate the' draught nround your windows and use less' coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHERSTRIP For Doors and Windows. Glass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACK AY. Phone Blue 1WS. w-nww. -ni.i-KOH THAT ftCSTTAjJRSNT'ACRO THE WT crr 'WVJVJ THE I HLl-! n : t i , II U.VJkJ1ll CilB-lET" II M. r .-. - 1111 III t I I I I II III! It'll I I -1 JV 1 1 I -A- " II H LOWER PRICE I OF GASOLINE; City Council Endorses Resolution of Board of Trade with this End In View On motion of Aid. Collart, seconded by Aid. Stephens, Ihe cily council last night endorsed I he resolution of I he Hoard of Trade protesting against exces sive prices for gasoline and distillate here as compared with those prevailing in Ketchikan. I he resolution slates mat eh oline and distillate prices here idaces where voles are n c.msi.l-lfat ;eration ami estimate where lhej",p ,akp- Waller was unarmed are Sfi'm and I8.!ic ns compared. revenue is derived and the with l?.lc and 15c. ivsperlively amount expended for building up at Ketchikan and that such the country. prices have a damaging effect on! Our fish, our limber resources. Ibis port in that they cause ; our "mines are the j-eal producers Canadian boats to go lo Kelchi-i for export. Our farms are the kan to outfit. It asks the Iie-imcans of conserving Ibe wealth parlinent of Trade and Com-'by producing food for home ron- merce to approach the Imperial Oil Co, with a-view to producing cheaper fuel or invite the Shell Oil Co. lo come here lo compete in the business. In reporting on Ibe mailer, :ity Solicitor Jones staled lltat the local manager of the, Imper ial Oil Co, had. accounted for I he higher prices here in that a con tract between the Standard Oil Co. and Hie Krilish Oil Co. in Peru made it obligatory to keci. the price of gasoline and dis- tillale up in Canada. , i Aid. Collart look I he view I hat . such an explanation was merely nUjj- In the Letter Box THE SETTLERS' VIEWPOINT. Editor Daily News: It is all very nice for Ihe im migrant settling along a line of railway lo have trains passing day after day bringing ami carrying away produce. The immigrant who lives near Ihe cities and industrial plants will liave his roadways with steamers coming and going day by day. Revenue for the railways and steamships. Votes for Ihe representatives appear the de sired object. How in Ihe world wil the out side places be built np if every- ining cenires around cllles, or along the lines of .railway? Hril- isli Columbia is ;i very large country. The water frontage covers thousands of miles Lonely selllerS lake up landj but they become discouraged wilh a monthly or forlniyhlly mail and freight service, i-.ven when a settle ment is organized of a few dozen men wilji their wives and families, lift lo consideration is given. The settler is met with Ihe cry, "It don'l pay lo run steamers lo your selllpment. Just consider Ihe cost of the railways in building and running expenses. Look over Ihe cost of government wilh Ihe public debt piling. up.'-yeac by year. See llie highways and by ways in the neighborhood of sumption. What, use Is pro- dlieing minerals, limber and fish if 'he revenue derived therefrom is expended outside the country We lalk about "back lo Ihe 'and! hasily said. The selller tnnist be retained on the land if the country is expected to go ahead. It is all very well In talk about dealing in commodities,: and pohl is only a commodity. The real value is in those who pro vi.le tne foo.i we require .Tver janl "VPr what the producer needs. stive me seiner roam; give ' nairur service; give nun a """ans oi utsposmir oi nis spare ;proiiuce. insirmi m puihiing up cities and towns with drones. living on one another. SKTTI.Kll. STREET BYLAW NOT TO BE PUBLISHED City Council Will Allow Law to Take Its Course as Enforced by Police The cily council Ial night re reived a communication from Ihe police commission slating Ihal It was not prepared at Ibis lino op afcounl rif finances i under take Ihe publication of Ihe new street Irallic bylaw as bad been Suggestion by the council. Mayor Newthn fell that Ihe council might publish a few of the most important paragraphs Mil. uoiiart fen inal It wa not necessary In publish Ihe by law. Ily letting Ihe law lake its own course iml arreslinir and fining offenders it would soon enoimh become known to alt. Aid. Stephens felt Ihal it would be sutlicienl lo reipiesl the police to enforce Ihe bylaw. Aid. .Mtinro felt that Ihe cily might have some cards printed selling forth Ihe bylaw; and moved lolhal effecl. The motion was not seconded. Aid. Stephens moved Ihal the communication be received and filed and Aid. Macdoiiald seconded. Ths was carried, Aid. Munlo voting contrary. Prosperous advertising means regular continuous sdverlNinir BRIER HUNTING GOAT WITHOUT GUN . i Walter Warner and Don Bob of! Kalum Lake Had Interest ing Experience TEllllACE, Oct. 2. One ..r Ibis year's best hunlliiir stories comes from Kalum Lake. Waller Warner, the lelcuraph operator at ilnsswood, whs followiuK his line around Ijie Lake, when rounding a sudden curve liVinnd his dog I Hob were front ed bv :i mountain "lwn nil the ry shore of but picking up u slone he crip pled the goal to such an extent be ami Hdi were able lo corner Ihe goat in a blulT am) keep him there till n couple of rancher, attracted by his shouts, landed ami shot lli goal. Humor had it, Walter climbed a near-by telegraph pol and be acknowledge having it located for a possible emergency hut denies actually pull ins it to that U"" - MONEY SAFE ON STREETS Jacobten rinds Intact Hl Wallei Containing $750 Cash . .lacobsiMi. American fisher man, came lit the police station at (i:.10 in a fever tif exrilciupnl and ('hat-grin. He reported that he had lost a wallet eontainini: lin in cash, his bank hook and other valuable documents. He said be bail spent several hours ii a house mi Comnx Avenue. Constable Mucdnuahl made in. iUiries and suggested Ihal Jarnhsen lake a walk over Ihe Kroiind be had coered since leaving the ioiisi in question. I'liis suggestion was complied with and .within? 15 to 2D minu tes, .laeobsen cafne back wearing one of those; smiles Ihal takes a long lime In wear off, He hud found Ihe wallet intact lying on the ground at the corner of l'oiirlh Street and Second Ave. BOAT ARRIVALS Arrivals from Ibe south on Ihe learner Prince Huperl, Capl. D Donald, yesterday afternoon in- eluded Ihe following: Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Somerville, Miss H. McLean, Mrs. D. S. Cb-a- ver, .Miss Hazel Cleaver, Mrs, Parker, Miss Dill, Miss E, Hurke, Mrs. V. C. Knighl, It Henderson (.laper), Mrs. Cole. Mrs. II. D. Hurnell. Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Sherman, Ileginald Heaumoiil, Miss Swiunrlon, Miss M. ,1. Houston, Miss M. I. Plax- lon, It. II. Moore (Vnnderhoof , Miss Taylor, Mi, II. Hume, .1. p. Wheeler. A. McMeans, Mrs. While, C. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs Samlison, Miss Dickens, Airs. Coy, Mr. Itei.l, Miss Wilson, Mi Sankey, Mr. ami Mrs. Oeorgo RtGISTCREO rs Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advrilmmt Takan (or Un than BOe WANTVB ISI.ANI) LOCATION WANTED.-- Will lease or purchase and re- ward locator for Island or! Broup won a mousanu acres mux itomv .ruomi ui.u ii atf."' " " ,u. . mnum or more, or finance owner In . ' TCUton Ari iiii." tuiMntint Huir tu 11V development of fur farm. T.,hV - "w,lAU, rlal r tenl bntftito t u- rv mifrr.i U;'-J . ... ., ,. Ilesner apartments. M. M.'f" ,h" frimiurr u imv wiviliiff n -lin Gerard, 603 Seaboard Huilding, , . m,p.i-m mu s. 4iUth,i Seattle. j "tepnens. . Tt' N'r m" l" u "r "rM m.vwii iT. I T MODEItN four room flat fori I'"I "' '' miw ftMr-ri, WAMLD. Men and women to; , 'im tim mi or .(tiniti. ttti learn barbering. Paid while learning and tools free. Write for catalogue. MHer llarber College, Vancouver, H.C. WANTKH by married couple, without children, furnished apartment or house close in. Phone lireeu 2M. j.r POSITIONS WANTED EXI'KIl I KNCKI ) STKNt )l J II A P 1 1 Ell wishes posiiiuii. Apply by Idler "Stenographer," Daily News. 2.12 FOR SALE PP1.Y lo JOHN It. COOPEIl. Cedarvalc, H.C, for Ihe following: PHICES DOWN Two (2) Ions only bel green loiiialoes, while lltey last, Jo. lb. Six (h Ions only Iritis- iSob-hler Polaloes. ?..ill per 100 lb. or ijsiS.OO- ton. Heels, givod tialily, 3c. lb. si.r.u inn ihs. Turnips, Kangaroo, exeelleul eating. 2c. lb.. .75 I0 lb. Carrol s, half long, .1c. b., 2.50 100 lbs. Cabbage. Kiblouaii, green, lc ;t.oo mo li.s. 100 doz. only Corn, Midgets. 15c. doz., "O.K.V 20c. doz. Note. Wrap Ihe tomatoes in paper and place in a dark plai 'and they will ripen. Prices F.O.H. Cedarvale. Ship ments, Wednesdays. 21)0 I'OIt SALE. Four nmuis of fur nilure goml as new, consisting of bedroom suite, fumed oak dining room suite, MrClary (5 hole range no. '.); rugs, kitchen cabinet, kitchen utensils, sewing machine, child's full size crib, also singing canary in cage. No t, Steele Hlock, Phone Ureen 2ft J. 231 FOIl SALE. McClary healer, brick lined,- size 1 10, almost new, for 10.00. 721 Fifth West. Phone Hlue 0l. 231 FOIl SALE. New bouse, four rooms and bathroom on corner lot. Apply 110, SeNenlh Ave. and Howser. 2.1C HOUSE FOIl SALE. Four rooms and bathroom. Apply llO, Seventh and Howser. 230 BOARD. liOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. If Motion, Mr. Clark, Miss Eraser, Miss II. Nelles, Mrs. A, ii. Hut- cher, Miss L. Allan, Mrs. .1. M Muir, Miss 'Clark, Mr. .laeobsen, Miss Iremier, T. Mason, A. How ard, C, A. Fisher, Miss o. Dunn ami Mrs. II. C. Dunn. About twenty of the lady pas sengers were delegate In Ihe recent Canadian Women' pp' ('luh Cdiuenlioii in Vancouver re Inrning by way of Prince Itupcrl lo llieir homes In Eastern Can ada. Klamlard Oil Co.'s tanker Illdi inond arrived at. noon today from California 'via Prtrl Alice with :i5,00o barrels offuel oil forth' imcpiiiu on i;,'H local tanks I he vessel will complete, dis charging upd clear for (he south hy midnight it f expected. rOR RENT I'Oll HKXT. l-'urnlslied rooms Willi nr uilhmil liniir.l llnin cooking. M.-Serte'Aks. Sor - rent. Westenhaver llroi. If LOST LOST. Ilelween Prehylrrlaii church alil .Mimro' Orocery, diamond shaped brooch. Pink ifoiti frame, lnlerwoen with t.oiirU llu-nnl l. iin II.. ' " . ,nm brn rurnorwsl m. it u .ntjr1 In turn Daily New iilllfe. jjj'iwisii i Urn, ttirr th npitwo oi I (T I aitv onlKlml Annlninlntr sum of money, between . ,. .... , i n.. nun .n iimi .viriiur. r inner "ilease reliint lit Mm. T. W. Ileriie, Second Avenue. RO0N1 AND BOARD PALM EH HorSE. 100 Seventh Avenue West. Phone Hed 10 Furnished suite. TAXI Tail 87 Phone. (Call fleorg? or Oust) Rots Brothers. Hesl Service in the City. Anywhere, Anytime. Day or Night Stand: Boston Qrlll Third Avenue AUCTION SALES. Conducted in your home or at ! rur rooms, flood also sold on' ommlssion. H. H. HEMMITJOS, Auctioneer, Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone Blsck 138 and Green 471. 1 - CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, Prince llnperl. H.C. Hours: 10 lo 12: 2 lo 4: 7 lo 8. Phone Hlue 02.1. Ilesldence, Oreen 136. EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Orders taken for Hpirella Ooods Mrs. J. M. Qrahlman Kaien Shoe Store. 71 1 Second Avenue Weil. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, closes at 5.30 p.m. From the East Mondays. Thursday and Saturdays, 4:30 p.m. - From Vancouver Sundays , P. M. Mondays .3 P.M. Wednesdays .. 3 P.M. Fridays , Fridays .3 P.M. To Vancouver- Mondays 10 P.M Tuesdays. Mail closes at 4 P.M. Thursdays to P.M Saturdays A.M. Hal unlays 0 ; To' Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays 0 P.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays ,M.....8 p.m. To Port Simpson, Alios Arm Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays 7 P.M. ,f t Till la Ow MM uid ii it m oritur, io, 4 i omtrwl miic. (4mI H'rutrr OffR. f'nnrr HafttU urs m. iitj m. r. Mvnixon. nri'rr of tiiUi, LASO ACT. Kotka r ltti l Alr u k4a Uf. In fkf Land litrift. aortinr lu trlfl ef rnn-( huprt aitd tluat it Captllaa C. fill Itliihl. CJI i Tat rioltr Hut W. Jrrrn. or Via-four. omttalln rtiarr nun, Hiti1 l aprljr for rrmittn la lii 1M fulllnr iWrrtbMl Iirx1 Cnntnttrin ! It fl Mliosl on Hi hsilh ihnr of Cap-jtaiit Cot, tbrnra xsith it fauna-. Ihmtr I chaina; itf-nr nut it rhalaa l. 'ihora; lnor ronint )rr la Har f rMiinifH'mml a Ml nmiaimnr rortif T'. trior or li. vv j, irrrrno. 5am or Appnriiu, 0atd Tin Inly. lift. MINtSAL ACT. CtRTiriCATC OF IMFNOVIMCNTt. N0TICI. lUIr, flair 1: 1. IU i f. nfii ?-1 Mtit o. I, ii4 lUIr i Uinrrtl lllllM. SMKilnl in tit r.4 Mlnmr tii f Oatti ftwim-i. wiif i.m miUi m nt rnn inm Til llll Ihal . Ttmmat Wtibfoa. ' vieef onifirn, tiltl C in iirmi, mid ujr irom in ui itrrvuf. la Hftir lu lw MlMiif nmnlr rr r.rr ti flea l of lniiriifniii for tfo rurtmu nt (hninlnf a Crtivn Ottnt of ttw lit riiimt. twl rttltlMr Ilk nllre thai artlMi iindff Srltin it)l t rnymncr tw tnm th Mianr r Mid Ct1lfral ef lmenHnnU. bairit inia tutt iiar tr tur, a d iim WMll. MHJ!IM, , fr Vlnfl Oritflral .In, Tl c UUI0 SOT. NolU or lotantloa U Att U PortMl Lll. Id Pkwna Ijnd niilrlrt. nrvMlla( Ma lrr or I'rinr ltiiprl. led uuat alil t mites mnilit or Salnia on c.i, lllllnar and cmtainlui ill or t)vlla Itlaiyl. Tik tHillr mat rrank r. Ilunl II. or Vtnroir. B.C orrotiatfen lumtwrman, Intftxll lo amir for irmlkn la rsir rha lh fiillowint durritxl Itmlat Com mmrlnt 11 a rt plantrd on alda nf pvll lalaiMl at rl or c Vlt m6ai,k tnrnt, uinr rollnwtna lrw ahor line or Mid lilattd in piHnl or rnniflvnmit, and Inrludinr all or uid ntila I (land a anl -pi iih rutin or war or mm c m luitwar. and mnuininr tio acra. mora or !. FnMK r. Bi rtbETT Mamf of Arllrint Arnt tor rrajik r. "urdrit. Jar C. Wllmot, llrlrt o. lto, tutd II Silrwa. Ana. Illli. IIM, MINIML ACT. CIRTiriOATI OF IMeaOVIMCrlTt. NOTICf. "," "Mrma fa. ." and "Mima X. 1" Mineral r.lainia. allnat In' lb SkNitu Mlnlnr lilvlatfin or Hint 4, CoaM liialriri. Wbr IfM-aiMi .ir liirra lilrlu on Whal riwimrl. ' V I Tak Jdillc thai WHaU ChaniiMlna, l.lnm., l re Miwr CirtlXlral ..M11. ..i.'""'- "nifnii. amy flajra rnn lb jlat P.M.lf'rwf. M'I 10 th Miniirv itisv.rdrr oir t.rriiurii or Miirnivfiwni, rr lti iiiirri or oLtainini a nrmi of in alsiv flaim. And mrthr lak nolle thai irti.m. midi-t Sfftk.n s, mini t rinitiHtird Ii ri.r tli laatiani- or anrh Ortirirat of linimvninu. Iuld Uila 0lh diy of Annul. A n. lfS, lv M. VOCKTO.X, Anl. MINCf HUP I ST LAND DISTRICT, " iiin cuini or conuufnrfnifnt. ind cotitilnlnr Sn irni m. 1... From Port Simpson, Alice Arml9u,,N m"lotti uiands diitr'iot. Anyox and Arrandale i 1 Tik Entire iiiaTiiT Unran riahinr Tuesdays ... p i l!'!! c,nipiir r xmn Harbor mtnd . . . V ' " J" M1lr for iwrmlaalnn lo la th fid. To Stewart and Premier lowms driiid fnrahort Cnimnnnnr Fridays o U It kl ?i .'"".I1 M 5 tt,,m virihrairly from 1. ' I"' i'rmwit oimer or U.l lODA. llitir Sundays 7 p it n a nirtiiwitrly itirwtk.n, rtuina to From rrom Stewart aiewan and and Premier p..mi.. . .,w,"r '?,rk of. Ktiirmro, iin nr uuihwairiy and foii0inr aid lw Salurdays a ) 11 VV 10 fh4ln'- or wa, lo a Tues.hiva Jiicsuays . , y. ?nt'.8 I'1 n ""'!i'mi fnn ih quar- P.M. VTn,0,..p0,, on f lot To Quoen Charlotte Island Points 'iV.B7. n'l!r.'lre ""''iny thaina, UV,l.,l,.. Lh:.n(e. "?.".''" !rl th.ini.,mor. ..r .1..111 r.M, From Queen Charlotte Points Sundays A.M. NOTICE. . JI1 in Mllflbll m I II h inaJx liY tt ll i.f iS'SSf PZUWu'XtilZWZ v.. t. jolts. Soli'ltnr for Uk i-plicuut. ih yuntfijulity r llie Cujr .tw . IIUirft. n,t NOTICE. 11 Till: VTTm of in pt.lwlflff or l-ol Tn ill, Hhs-k hi hi lf. tun suiriAr proof of tiv ki.or, ib. !Ortlfll of Till roHnr lh tW.rtCUtiJ w munm nm im nri ptiDHrvinin i7 Datd tlili toih day of July, t. I.AN0AIIA HSIII.N0 a 1-ACIflNa CO, II. b. Bitioiion, Atot.