TuMdfy. October 2, 1023. New Issue DominionofCanada 5 per cent Bonds. Dated October 15, 1823, in lh ret' ileiiniiiim.lioii. thousand, rive hundreds am hundred. The hundred arc regmlernlde. a to principal while the UioiiMiml mill five hundred nre registerable n In pruiripul mid iuleie-d. Twenty year bond at i)K sr, and inleiThl yielding, ft. 11 per rent. I'ivc M-ar bond at IM unit interest yielding r..:;i per rent. A bonus i.r fifteen diiy interest tin conversions or l2;i Wlorv MimkIn a well at 17.r0 or I0.(U per thousand. Wire Aonr order uf our expense. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd 711 Fort Street, Victoria, B.C. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand s OCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT "Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness" There I no excute for your not living up to the old saying. SOAP 8oap of all kinds at 10c, 15c and 25c per cake. Toilet, Bth, Medicated, Baby, Cattllle, Tar. Hegni.r !'r up to Mir. Face Powders at 25c and 50c per box, hi while, brunette, IU,li nfnt Tin .it re.tl bargain-. II will wy IMI Ul llliv fitl M.nr u!ire u?i. ORMES LTD. noxall Stores Cor. Third Ave. A Sixth. Phone 82 and 200. We ..y 1' -i.ige ! Mini Order. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, 8unday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR 8TEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. , S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queon Charlotte Islands, October 3, 17 A 31 at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Iir rnnr niiprri i iuii ' MUVll: UEoihiE. LIiHO.Tos. WIN Ml' to, all ikiIMI Unern a'H. t'niW sulf A0IN0T ALL OCIAN STMMINIP LINIS. CH TUaat OftlM. MS Third Am. rrtaaa A't. Pho 20. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, r October 5, 12, 23 November 2, 16, 30 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skajway, October 1, 8, 10, 20 J November 12, 26 8.S. PRINCE8S BEATRICE. East Bella Bella, Ocea.i For Buted.le, Swanson Bay, Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-couvar, avery Saturday al 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd AvenuePrlnce Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. f., VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA, O...H F.H.. ""''J' lB, H,,n- Victoria. Alert or, rof vancouvsr. S P.M. .land a.mUr W.I.. F.r ANVOX. ALIOS ARM. STSWART, oj THAyvvciiue. - r Local and Personal ll.G. Undertakers. Haynere, Undertakers. 361. t l'lione 41. Pboue tf - .Moose Iirive and Dance, Wednesday, Oct.. 3rd. W'ulT naid. 233 -Interior Pasteurised Milk. I'rinee Hupcrt Dairy. l'lione Black 210. tf Sec us at once for your share of new tioverniiieht Loan. T. MeClynioiit. If A bylaw cxxcmptint,' crown land from lux utile wan reconsidered and filially adopted by the ttjly council lal night. lleyiiiald lleauiiiMnt, C.(.M.M loeal superintendent, relumed from Vancouver on the Prince Itupert yeaderday aflenioon. i llelii'liak Whi-I rle and lumee, Monday October 8, al .30. .Meliniok' Hull. Adiiiiion ,r(i I'l-yee m uteieli. lefie..hineul. 1 he u.W.V.A. annual peheral ineetiu? announced fur Tuecday, October 2, ha been rO!5tioueil until I ridav. on, ,!.! 5 at M i.ui ' - , ban (iintlaUoii of Wie Kaien llltitware wi-.be il known thai he T m the Curl liuwlaf-on who wh before the eourl yiterdi'i)'. II wa another man of the name name. - - (.olntiel Cy J'wk ireiidd ul the no-etitis al I lie week end uf I he llrilih t:amaiKiier' r (eialion in Vicinria. Tim KdlherillK rln-ei with an 1u I'trmal iiiii'i- ami kiiipoiij-. Mim Imiiiii I'ullen, wlio ha?" ix-en tiKiliiitc Imt falber, II. I I'tilhfi uf Din. Mi, .fi niplit for HefiiiiH where lie will vi-lt for h horl lime iH'f.ne reluriiinK io her home in Victoria A lellfr I mm llixinien K. rree-iiimii lakiuB eseepliou to the icr-iiKiti nreMeheil n-i-enlly by llw. (i. . Hacker on tlie niorHl iUtu-liuti in eitf wan re;iel and filed al laal niebl'o cuuutil ineeU inp. . 4. . I in- lale K. H. Ha?fwa. who mhk kiMd with Iim wife anil one liihi in I be rwenl Jaioe r! liquate iiKler, wim a hro Hot of J. Ohaia. eUry of the priitee Rupert JaiWAi.e Ai..-ocla tloll. ieiiorwl A. I. MSJtae, A. M. W liilenliie, K.C., and Jiu. .Nixon, labor lemlwr. all of Vaneomer. inile tin- working men of tlii -uy lo a tiHwIiiiK in the Ciirjieiu i.th hhii. iinr.-itay. at h it. in. Iicuk the jiioMiieiul ilua lion. 231 The fiiv chief reiiorlfi to the ciiy council lal 11 in hi thai there had been iwo fire alarm during tin; mouth of Augul resulting in no damase. l A'iie of 'the de- nariuieiii f.u I lie uinlllli were il.onr).:u iiicludnu aliirio'of fl.(7. 4. Mr. and Mr. TIhhuu Sherman arrived yesterday aflerniHiu from U el Suniuiei laiid 11ml ara the guet. of Iheir parenM, Mr. and Mm. W. il. Sherman, Seventh Avenue e.l. Afler having i... . . . . 1 ... ......t.. , Ai nin 1 in- !'! pi wi'civi irinii" hug in 1 lie Ukaungan. Iliey 111-t. nd In remain for the winter in tin cily. They were married this MimiiM'i in the u I Ii. u Plus 1c Per Piece T 1 a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing 80 pr cnt or your ironing vtrythlng rturnd dry You simply touch up a fw oultr garments such as waists, blousas, housa drtssts, with hand-Iron. I'hona us today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. football Association Smoker, Klk lluiiiivJI'liursday, October i,' al K p.m. Ticket l,00, 233 Aecmiiil ,lo Seplember 2U tolullin? ? 1 0,533.82 were panned by the city council last nluht. llaiohrMcIiwen, C.X.H. diviwion freight aiteut. Hailed laxt night by the I'rinee ltuerl for Vuu- i;ouM!r on cuuniaiiy huninesu. T. Matm, inxieelor n eus ' liuii", arrieij from Victoria on the I'rinee .llupert ye(erday af lernooit and will leave for I'rinee (ieiufe'e on tonight m (rain. - J. (J. McLennan bus been re- apjioiuled city asosur for the year ID2i al a salary of $000. A recommendation, from the fi nance coiuiuillee lo tint elTeet wan adopted by Hie city council l.iM night. II. W. Iliifh, M-eretary of the I'rinee llueil (ienerat llopila! Asocial ion, reports lo the city treasurer that there were UH.1 hiKpilal iliiy r liealuieul al the iiiMiluliou duriiiK the moiilh uf September. The will' uf the tale William (Jeonre Harrie of I'rinee Huperl wbm pndialed lal week in Van couver. He leu a riel estate of' 10,581 lo lii non. William John! i-irl Harrie, of I'elerborouirli,! (Mil. Tlii include the furniture! hiiviuef in thi city. .4. Hon. lit ne t l.apoiule wa to leavo Ottawa Sunday and expeel- ed lo arrive al Vancouver ul the week end. He will there take up the matter of 1'aNe Creek ! foirenhore with the provincial j tniv eminent and M ix exiievted he. will come to i'rinee llupert aflerj hi eoulh.coa! buinesi in com-! pleleil. j - J. I'inder .Mi. director of the . Northern Polytechnic luntilule u thai he ha jul received word from llazeltoii that hih ,ehoof elae."'liolb renior and junior are bein organized al New llazellon in eonuecliou with the polylcchuic and at llazeltoii a ppector jreofosy clani i in eour.e of organization. 'I'tie funej-al of the lale John V. Andeiiin, who died lul week in the (ieneral HoilaI, took pi nee Ihi iiiorning al 10:311 from ill ehapel of the II. C Under Uiker (o Fair,view Ik'inelery Itev. J. J. Siuithou ollioiatiug. Kiiiuiell Ander.on, son of the de eeaed, arrived in the cily from Stewurl to he pree.ut al Hie obeiuie,. (ieorge lviilman of ltochcler, New York, millionaire Inventor of I he kodak, who ha been on : ix week.' big game hunting ex (ledilion in Hie Uaiar uiouiil ain., will arrive in Hie cily by the rdcamer l'rince Alice Fri day evening euroule nouth lo Vancouver where he will leave for the Kal 011 lib private car Manhaltau." .1. W. (iraler, auditor of the Audit llureau of Circulation., arrived in the cily last night and today iuve.tigatiug the circula lion record of (hi. pa pen He will he here unlit Thursday night He is 011 a lour from Chicago ami hi last lop wa at IMnion-lon. Tlie daily naiicrs al Vau- ouver and Victoria are all mem ber. of the bureau. The Daily News Is the only paper audited by the Hureau here. Aid. Collarl drew the mayor's alleutioii al last night's council meeting to the fact that Hie cur few law was not being lived up lo. Children, he allesed. were wandering the streels after 10 clock and even up to midnight. j This should not be allowed am) I'Tie mayor .should look into it-Mayor Xewlon replied (hat a laxity in the law had been allowed during the long.suimner evenings Imt the situation, now thai Hie nights were drawing in, was becoming different., Tie cily councit iasl night re- eeiveu a leucr iroiu tlie secretary of the. U.U. Tianspruyincial Highway Association urging the eiulor.alion of the Kraser Hiver route against the vllope-l'rinee-I011 roule. t'he coimuunicallon I was referred lo the Finance Coniuill(ee for report. Mayor ; Newton and Aid. Stephens took I the view thai any roule passing through Prince George would he of more advantage lo this cily than one going further south. Kventually I he promised road oul of this cily .might link up wit Ii it. , mm hi ' 1111 r . Hie. W i" ;-".ve.; POI'I I'.llMII.- IS '!! ; I I'' ! ... John yeteriii.y ni'i mug. -.a.. t) last niglil on Ho- I'rinee Ituoc for Vancouver. llitvid . I 1 1 1 s 1 . -iKitged with burning rulibili without a pc -mil, was (li-iiu--'.i wi'h a uu-tiou by Magii iiii M lilyuion' in the police courl lh - morning. " Iorolhy ioiii'li. iinirg'''' w '1 being the keener ' a dixoi (y house al It" 'in I-. M-'chi.!;-Ilooill". appeared u lie poi,.-r ctiuri this lit f 1 1 ; t hiuI wa- - minded until 1 i"W. K. Anderson mm ! Ibis inoruing fo; being imiiali' o! house. The forme-. ed with a warning was a.se..eu a fir. v -lovieh we!-!' ,11 gyilt .1 lroritetiy was dimis-iiiii! the la; ler J10. 't'he fire depart uieni i esjMinileil , lo Iwo alarms durni(: Hie iiionth of Sept ember. The r 1 i-.-l vvns onj September I to the Calmer House j where a chimney fire did no! damage. The oilier was on Sep-1 (ember, 12 lo the Itoyul Hotel where a burning cigarette causing a fire in a room caused lauiage lo bedding and clothing. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill 00, l.o.D.i:.. Hallowe'en llazaar, October 20. Hospital Hallowe'en Hall. October 31. Anglican church Ita.aar, No vember U. . Presbyterian Church liaznur. November 21. Solid Wear in Our Silverware We handle tlie iiel makes! and have found Hiem out by our long .experience in tlie triple. We believe we know every reliable inaimfacJlurer An Hie ' business. . We have the eltwice from the markets of the world and we are trying to keep our prices reasonable. Bulger & Cameron Limited Jewellers. OIFrTrHATLAST J INTERLAKE Paper Towels LaaMiflBiflF?laaH aaaaaaaB Oa0"iaaV -' . LmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHI J P" ll U-f B 'V. aV Glean. Sanitary. tuiiuinieal. Always ready, always satistaelory. always saie. liiierlake towels mean SAN1-TAltY towels and at a cost which makes th.nn doubly attractive. A package of 150 for 60c; case of 25 packets for $11.50. Every human being appreciates a clean towel, the towel of the 20th century. McRAE BROS., LTD. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to V Phone 575 Lady Assistant Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store," WE CASH CHEQUES. Agciils Fur: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 01. HEATER TIME IS HERE Make your selection early while outline is complete. AH styles and sizes, both plain and brick lined, priced from, $12.50 to $45.00. Buy now und have jiuir heater ready for the first cold snap. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 608 Third Ave. Tel. 3. IV 'a x.e