i y . .5 V pus tWcrr" Heavy Figure AN is short as be lii n n sard Undentlnding your type it one of, the most important idi to beiuty you will ever find. Remember that whit- r Vniir. Amir m... U . L - - m mere arc; botsard Corteti with ju the lupport y need at your age and weight to Gossard trade marked Corsets as low in price as 3230 H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Are You on the Social Committee? yVhcii; you have lo provide for Hie festivities of yuiir !ole. Hub or society, Icj fus help youHin Ioctiiifr suitable and distinctive cake.. Ve make cakes if any liesigu with decorations to "kuit the occasion. " Talk it over with the bakers at ElectricWindow Bakeries Summer COAL Great satisfaction 1 flcpeal orders being filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Quick' Firel Lasts Longer! Costs same as other N'jt ' , Coals. Phone 116. or 664. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. . a A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. . fcBH 1 Si k 1 MtKC -T - 1 I You can't gel that flash heal so necessary to baking cakes unless you Use clean Coal. CONriUMFHS COAL, cleaned free from .choking shale, burns brightly. It sends clean lien I direct lo the oven steady heat which stays. Our Coal Is free from soot. Ctjnsumers Goal Go. Ltd ' Phones 7 and 311. tfjrr inch sideways shows terribly when one only five feet nothing, , up and down! Gtossard Corsets for the and- not so -slim figure coax it close as may toward slender-ness without sacrificing a jot of precious comfort. give you the proper proportion! of the type to which you belong. Gotiardi "are modertely . priced. Uunde.- beauti- II -II uiiiy, wm outwear two or even three ordiniry corieti and will give you a comfort auchat you never knew before. CANQtLUITION Of fttSERVE. NOTICE 1.4 III ru n v c.n-i v ,1.., . ..... i..n , .T--"-". - i- a.airu isiiua itrserve furvryea i! ni,1e . District, I 0. H. .ADEN. Heputy Minister of Laudi : Lands Pepartmrnt Victoria, B.C. SStb July. 193. m CANCELLATION OF RtSERVC. 1 1 t ' .NOTICE 1.4 IIFIIFRV ril l'V ih.i ii.. ... ere ulstlnr over the lands formerly held under Timber Licence Mo. itltt V li 0. h. NADEN. . . . . Hon 1 1 f p Ulnl.,. n Lands Department, iciorn, o.u. lStb July, mi. Watch This Space Tomorrow For Fresh Meat Specials. Our car of Fresh Meal from Gainer's Independent J'ack. ing Co., Fdnioulon, will arrive Monday. Our new bone grinding machine, with Hamburg steak altachmviil will be installed apd running (his week end. 'e will be able to supply your chickens with fresh ground bone shortly. FEED PRICES. Price Prlcr binarl Sacks i Sicks Bran ... . . 11.90 11.80 Shorts . . . . 2.00 1.90 Wheat .... 2.60 2.50 Feed Oats . 2.35 2.25 Scratch Feed 3.45 3.35 Cracked Corn 3.00 2.90 Developer 3.75 3.65 Whole Corn 3.35 3.25 Crushed Oats 2.45 2.35 Five sack price applies on an order of 5 sacks assorted oi" straight. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. Ogilvie's Scratch Feed is prepared from corn, wheat, Oats, barley and buckwheat mixed by experts and guaranteed to gel result. Positively no waslei J'roteiu 11 per-rent, fal 3-per cent, fibre 5 per cent. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281. Dr.E.S.TAIT DENTIST. Helgorson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, 9 U 6. Phono M. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. VALENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES BBS SALVATION ARMY SALE SUCCESSFUL One Hundred Dollars Was Reali zed at Affair Held In Barracks Yesterday After- noon. The tea" and sale of home cooking, candy, vegetables and fruit held yesterday afternoon in Hie Salvation Army barracks was' a jrrcni success, about OIOO being realized, The home cooking, vegetables ami fruit were mictiotied by M. Hunt and Hie candv ami ice' creaiu sale was in charge or the Junior girls among whom were .Misses Winnie l-.xley. Amelia Kx- ley. Nellie Curvich, Fdith Leek. Oral Itoss, Ileruice (loss, Annie Smith, Holly Smith, Mm Sims. .Minnie I-ox ami Thurza Fox. At the conclusion of the sale refreMuuenls were served. Mrs. Coleman was in charge, assisted ly Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Piper. Mrs. ii. Mull h, Mrs. Kami Ion. Mrs. Oeorge Waddell and others. HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS CHOSEN TO PLAY IN BASKETBALL LEAGUE At zi tiled in! iif Mm IliVli lnwl ! - " ....p-, II If II I.-.IIVUI j w Athletic Association three Seiiidr'"' K. Il'rk 31, seclion 7, U'J.l)3 and Ihree Junior basketball feanis were formed to play in the High School Haskelball League. Senior .Teams 1 Ja.-k Kelly (cant. . It. Jacobsen. Kd. McLean. J. Nicker - U son. S. Joy. F. Mali. 2 Alex. Mitchell ..(caul I l. Ourvich, A. Phillips, It. llulger, II. ii.-ii fn I . Hell, T. Tile 3 Douglas Frizzrll (cant. . I; Malheson, (!. Hulger. N. Kiuslor, I V. Wratball. II. Morlimer. Junior Teams I .lack McNulty. I. Kalsif- yania. fi. Thnmpsoii, I!. Yager,, J. arker. Yoshi Kalsiiyama, II. Malb- oiiii, II. Ilcilbroncr, J. Cade, J. Murray. 3 Itiin- ciidle. A. Johnson; K. Stephens. I 'Casey. J. llil- dilch. Jack Kelb-y has been appointed A Rusty Machine Wont Work What are you doing with your thinking machine? KEEP IT OILED. JOIN THE TECHI Class Commence OcL 8th. al Prince Hupeit, Terrace, Huzellon, New Iiazelton, Smithers, Telkwa, Prince icorge, Surf Inlet, Swansea Hay, A n ox, Alice Arm . I Stewart. Northern Polulechnic Institute o B.C. Syllabus now distributed through the Post Office. Ask your local postmaster for one. uiul see the local representative in each town. or wrile the registrar, P.O. Hex 882. Prince Hupert. H.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Oisiribullng. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL We can novz 8upply our FAMOUS ED80N COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert F$ed Co Phone 58. TH1 DAILY RIWB I MADE IN CANADA I Used for maklno hard and solt soso. for Oftenlno water, fnr rlmmn. Inn, disinfecting and for over DUO other purposes. airvat sumtitutis. . iwcium coMPAxr tiMnro president of the ussociahnn. and (onion llulger. sn ietary-lreas- urer. I he execullve is foinnosed of three students. Houglas Friz-bel, Mussel llulger, and lleiinil' andle. TRANSACTIONS AT TAX SALE (continued from page one) (upsel mice A. Ness, lot 38 block 22. sec lion 5, iIOI.2l (upset price 5171.- N. W oiobec. lot ll. block 27. ecllou 5. TTt.X( (uttsel nricei. II A. Ilobiitson, lot 21, blockl !K, .seclion. 5, f55.77; lot II, block 22, seclion" 0, 81 (upset . ... : :.. i price in each case). James and Herbert Hamilton. ol 5, block 33, seclion 5, $71.20 upsel price). S. II. Leslie, lot 2, block 38. eclion 5, -jriK.US (upsel price;. T. O'Hrien, lol II, block Id. seclion 5, 57.30 (upset price. W. II, Holland, lots I. 5 and 0. I'liiiii u lil...L i: iciikiii-. ...... i. ......i v., .wn v., 9,,i,.jv l III II (.upset prices j. A. . (looilmiindsen, lol 13. block 3, section f, tlW upsel price U7C.C0). K. II. Morlimer, lol 11. block 8, eclion t!, SM.28 (uyel price;. ... ,, , lHLM'M II. seetiot price; L ILJUce. lo. It, block 28. seel ion 0, )f3 (upsel once fsi). , , . ... ' . . I Jack Leach lot 40. block 2U. seclion 6, t61 (upsel price 'JI.13). . A. J. liallaiul, lot .'((. block -3. . .... n seclion o, ?08.2S (upsel price; . Mrs. A. . Hailey, lot 10, block II, seclion 7, 975.011 tui.-cl i price . Mr. Kthel Fiovd. lot 13. block 17. seclion 0, ? 05.5 1 ; lol I i, block 17. seclion t, ?0.03 (upset price in each ease). W. M. WrfghL lols 23 and 21. block 3l, seclion 7, ? 15.37 cat!i; lots 37, 38. 30, 10. SI ami 12. block 38. section 8, $18.11 each: lot il. section 8, block 38, ?20.- !: lots 50. 57 and 58. block 38, section 8. ?8.5I each; !c-Ls It and 15, block 12, sciion 8, 17.-03 each: lots 2 and 211. block 42. secliiM; 8. 1 7.13 each: lots 33 jaftd 31. Idwk 12, seclion8, I7.13 -i. . . i .. i , i. ... riHII, HJIS V it IMI 10, IMOCK 10, section 8. 20.37 each; loU 21 and 22, block 13, section 8, ?1U.. 80 each; lols 3, I and 5, block 11 seclion 8. (7.1A each; lols 0, 7, 8 ami 0, block 11, section 8, $20.12 each (upset prices Jn each case, j , J. W. Moorchotise, , Ji, o, block 12. seclion 7, 7ti.) (upset price). K. McCOskrie, lot 3, block 23, seclion 8, 30.51) (upset juice). K. F. Jones, lot 25, block 28, seclion 8, J32.5U (ujisel price. I). C. Sluarl, lot 110, block 31. v'clion 8, 3013 (upset price). Mrs. Malcolm McLeod Ihis morning purchased lot 27, block 5, seclion-l, for 183.33, the' up-et m ice. 'The list, will stitl be open' for those who care to purchase up lo Ihe end of Ibis week. 1 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert M. II. Nascon and H. M. 1 1 town Kuckley Hay; II. O. Lachiiiund Caimel, Cal.j A. McMean, Mr aiul Mrs. J. Zarelli, Mrs. J. White. J. c. Higbain and l. J Williams, Vancouver; T. Mason Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. Geo Molion, Nelson; J. W. Oraler Chicago; P. V.. Ayrharl, Fdinon. I"; H. L. Jobusloi), WJniiijieg. Central II. it Mckenzie, 0 . i i. Minonlon, . -1 Junk , Kip, cily; Christopher Hixon am i . ' . . n.'jii i Ari r r. ilium iiiisou, iieoi'i(eow n. ' sad..' REMOVING PULP FROM DAMAGED CAR FERRY Will no to Dry Dock to Have Cars Lifted Off Craft Will be Inspected and Repaired If Necessary The nuln out of the three re maiuliig cars of the Swuiisou lla lerry wlilch mel with an accident yeslerday iiiornlmr down the coast is being unloaded at the lumber asemblv wharf lodav and will be shipped Fast lit oilier cars. It wa not i amaued. After I he cargo is unloaded. the car ferrv will lie taken nn In Hie dry dock where the upset cars will be removed with Ihe big derrick. The ferrv ilself will 'lieu go up on Hie pontoons for examination and such repairs as are found necessary. It Is lo be i.ul in service again with all tins despatch possible. Local railway olllclals held an uivetligaliou of Hie accident yc- erday afternoon. The rars, which went overboard, it is understood sunk although word wa sen! out lo shipping yeslerday by a wireless lo walrh out Tor (hem in rae, through the luioyancy of Hie pulp, they migh' Mill Imi floating. BUT FEW OF BRITISH HARVESTERS RETURN It Is Expected that Most of Them Will Remain In Canada .MO.NTItF.AL. H'l. 2. Willi Hie eml of the harvest season In sight, only 317 of Hie Krilish harve.slers or ralher less limn three per rent of Ihe lotul of 11.718 who rame to the country (his year have booked their re-lurn passace, according lo Ihe relurtis iff all sleainxhip com-Millies. U helieveil that most of Hios-i not booked will remain in Canada. BUILDING PERMITS TOTALLED ?6,350 lluildiug pi'rmils Tor the ti" ;nj or Sepiember ola!kti 0.350 In value jiielu.liiig Hie following: . ... . i i i i i uii. .i. ihijii, rriiHir 10 re Las,, - -enue !?00. Olof HrtHsoii. garage al Taylor Max .'iux neiuiroii Heilbroner, repairs lo l,uimw 35u The buildiu-i of Ihe nurse' Mime and Ihe reihiencc of II. C. I'arsons, were included in Hie August list. a a a a a LOCAL NEWS NOTES Michael Kelly wat. fined I0 in Hie police court llii- morning for erealiug a disturbance ighliug on Sixth Street. II. II. Moore ''rVanderhoof passed lhr.Ngh the city yester- lay -llcrnomi on h s return lo the interior after bavinif attend. ed a conference lf field surveyors or the Soldier Settlement Hoard al Vancouver. J. W. i-lxtcy of Ihe eily hall has relurned from a twu weeks' vuoitiou trip lo Telkwa, Sliiilh-ers and Aldertuere. lie reorls t croiis goiNl in (he interior. He has a ranch himself between Siiillhers and Telkwa. : Miss (j. Woodworlh, who has been visiting in Ihe clly for several weeks with her brother and sisler-in-law, .Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodworlh, Fifth Avenue Wesl, relurned by the Prince Huperl last niglit to Vancouver. - Several members of he Canadian Women's Press Club, who passed through the clly yester day afternoon after allemliiig Ihe recent convention in Vancouver, were entertained and shown around the clly, by Arch-leacon and Mrs. 0. A. Ills. Two lenders for Ireiiching in connection with Ihe Firl Avenue waler conneclioji for Ihe Caua-dian Nalloual Hail way ocean wharf were opened by the city council last niaht Tim cllv en". glneer bid ?8iM) and A. Anlouclll, fi.ii7.50. Ihe lender or the eu-ttineer was accented and lln wmk will be proceeded wllh by day laiior. Passengers, sailing last night by Hie steamer Prince Itupcrl for included II. M. Urow,., I.M, H. Nascon, and A.Tysbn for swanson Hay; Mis JJ. Fll ami Mrs. vv . .1. Hos for Powell, Hiver: I I .. -I. lJ-J.i -ll. Phone 376 The House Tueidajr, Oclobrr 2, 193, Phone 376 of Quality AND ANNOUNCING NEW ARRIVALS OF BOOTS AND 8HOES. "BOOTS SHOES" THAT FIT MULTIPLY THEIR WEAR. It miiiiuJs reasonable iih'iiT lit Fil ntr fool dt-:i i jiis rover or rlolhe il. Why do von buy u suit, ti cup uiilliiiig ele to fit? It looks lieller iIocmi'I itf ; lietter keep ils shape ami wears long-r. Tlitn iippi;? more lo footwear than uiivlliiiig ele von wear. Take vvVighl say I L" pounds ou lake IMIHI -lep- ijay Y pound I ir.il(Hi pounds into a pair of shoes per day Tli--vvhy not lniyilep-ndable shoes, such SLAT KM, .Ml. ItllVY LONIlON LAUY. YBXI'H. STKHI.l Y(. TIIKH-IUTF IIKXYKTSON and Kl fitleil ul UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Outfitters to the Whole Family. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 Reginald Barker's Engrossing Photo-Drama "HEARTS AFLAME" A sH-t-l3i olar photo plav of (lie grcal l-mlier vsith ljj most reajishc forest fire ever f'lmnl. Th -i-etiei iiu liuliug Ihe blowing op of u targe d -ni Hie " mitiitg of u hillside, wolves uiul lie.ir seeking f s ipe lite flames and a g'ri's wild rule on lot 'inolive Ibr t Ihe I'laiing ftiiesl. FRANK KEENAN, ANNA Q. NILSSON and Superb CaiU PATHE REVIEW. Shockleys Plani"g Mills Are now Sole Agents for the hi tuber ou'.put of Ihe Royal Mills, HanalL CO. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR 8HIPLAP. 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. F. Hicks. S. J. Howe. Chung Hal.' & II. Clomg, Mr. ami Mis A latum, Mrs. Nakala, Mr and Mi s. A. C. Warner, Mrs, Howe. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ilrnwu. Mrs. . K. Noble, W. Wl!'. Mrs. M. L ; Ward, Mis O. -Woodworlh, Mr. Cowan and F. J. -Lancaster for, Vancouver; II. McKwen for Ocean Falls. I The Retort Courteous ; He I am not such n bg fool its I Used to be. . She I thought yilii looked thinner. ' If you find you cannot trel I to daily News regularly, call pi and subscribe for it and have It de I 'iverel to ynur 'mine i( LOGGERS' CLUB Situate In (he old Fmprcss Hotel Ruilding. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connecUon. James ZarcHl - Proprietor, NEW BOSTON Grill Third Ave. The Latest In llosliiuranls, Private Boxes for Ladles. Best Food Best Service. "Take her to the Huston." OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Admission 35c and 10c FULLER'S Grocery and ATKIN'S Market are NOW MOVED Look out for Week-end Specials TVUttlf DJicrly Conparrd with ordinary tltrj pisnf Sewing Machines, IMitrios, Pliono- grapus ami j'layec I'iaiios For Ilenl Jiy .Week or Month. Walker's Music Store Ltd.