It jy oc'oo 5 ilWsW .1 1 4v XVvV U nniTII nAWfC CAD ill li til aw vaaavwa wa JLA. CONNON WHO IS HAYING BURNS LAKE .-lurKe of Ihe torr n,!uiu A Son l.lil., I lie liirn MpI.mI)- ii4lieij..llie nnic fori ihe laiiie of Ihe uiir S. OiMpAin. on :.r. uiHlnliiift adil uf Mie fiilure iMe.. - uf Mr. and Mm 1 1 rewemed Ihe pea ..1.1... i. 1 I'll II. vtHH-l. ...I. 1l-i wa) utiow (i iire tr.vm' . iKilnlinp out that Mr. 1 fC- all uf an r' iiili inlllilled n irei I 'll 'Irani iijHin hi lime and Vr i.nnon replied III a pew'li 1 ii tiiuveil all' jireenl. lie. .;' m !everiliir III lie III '"' Lake where he had maije a t . r, t 4tt Hie hel nf friend hr ame (line he wa ItMikinK "urn ' renewing hi frieml-in Haieltnn where he upeut al y.-ar prior tt rentdiiiK Hum Lake. ll Uie i'.iirlli-ii of Die ie(vli '"if w furiiie.l wilh Mr. and " anion III Ihe eeiilro while po'eiti iinB" '"rhey are Jolly "I feliiiwu." Hveu al hi fare 11 ilaii.e Mr. tiiillion wn un " for;el puhllp Inlere! ' tin lal piihlio ncl wa In l.A . . ... ..... .. "..Ml. ll-lll IHII7 .l .l " 'ii 'he puhlic piano. Al 3.3H n 'lie ilanre ratne In n r.on-''' wllb all 'iireeitl Jiilnlnn nvle and afntriinr "Auld W vne then, giving lliree fy rheer. and u ilwer fr nd Mr. Commit. BURNS LAKE AND LAKES DISTRICT Mm 'rie Oweti, o( Tclielnl l'"0 VMlling In Hurn Lake miUy. 8 Mi I.enn, ii,rrl Kraser, wa viMinr In Hnru Lake on fttm Snl unlay. , V lijrl.lerun who I al pre- "t eiutiiKcd tin li survey al j'nrl .IUII.T) wni viaiiinp nuim; H.H.i.l.hHlMllT.l Whether h is a cut that threats , k 7 i ranCIU animal lit xf - common ointments, and composed only of the purest and most valuable herbal extracts. ii-uuK proviues the nii-nt 77 n n . nomc remedy for a thous. c $ ', and emergencies. F ft ! TT l,alen lU.irirl i.ver I lie week einl, W Ihe liaitil of the ilawinic erttwil t to nupply Ihe rr-',, rrM,a'r n,", nf low 11 anil ill' l l)lntfre wlh. ! I'. I.. Ih-rkoleail nKie in uie nenr Mr. and Ihe winter month. ami family A. fUnnN future. ! F. 1 ilarroll ami C. (1 Hill, liter are away in the eoiuilry mhiIIi of OoUa Lake on a hunt. Ins expeillllon fn varru of lii? Mm. T. K. KUnfk OarrVll Urn, havr -darted up Ihetr He ramp al Jiecker like and evperl to zel out a larRe nuiiJier of He lltl winter. II. OrirrMi ha ndurneil In lieoker Lake fioih Smllhem where he w working on Ihe mine. v Adolnh h'oleki one of hriiad. ave upeflalUI nf Frn-ro'f Lake, ha aoeepled a pol-linn ii ll" ti" comi of t'.ln. lllulon. J V Lilerary Society ha heen formed al Hurn Lake wilh II. I.. Mann, president; U. Saul, vice-president; Lloyd Wilson, Irea.; Ml Vtnla Kerr, seeielary. One ,.f Ihel feature of Ihe soriely si ... . it ... on n i.' ...,d' Lake l J"" ," ill or "IIWIPIV .tlila.tif.siii -r- conjunction wilh Hie local edilor Hie follow-In? consume writing : I n IT and nrlll: A- . . . . on .w ilt r""''r. iiaid a. week-end visit lo.wcnl Imnie. ' , "N" firl .mllo of Ihe new '"""-Kiidiikn'rnad mil nf Hnrn wa roiiiiiji'leil on Salur- MftPAIInn, Indian nffnl I Fori t."..... ..l.lll..rr llm tn..t ... II I nr... So line jviiii. Ill llrace Steam. I. Kerr; edilorinl ileparl. (1. Saul: nrl tlepart., imi err; nm- - nml Mi 11. Ileriiard Slllllli: I Ileal iM-. 'Man llelkenheig. 'Ill'' ".wlely,.l ilrniim r work, ue- '", '. . . .. hales, nml musical icaiure. won in II urnpe. TERRACE NOTES Mrs Arnold Hreelinnn I Mr-. H-rnr Wr o llateiiou n'"' .. 1. 1.. m..u it eeker rcnnm-u rriuay. Snl unlay. i ..... Ian fne Mr. L Marnn nun - ,IUI I III ,m Salunlay nlglillrain. .... .......... i- The lation) viiriou wnnieus ...,.. are nil in tun s' a (fa in U. Chappel, .if Viiiuie(r Oi,,wr J. 'after petnhnu ewrnl ilnyi.Mll- iiik al ' the Collier IUimIi. Ifl .here on Snl unlay iimnim? nor ertary of Cltlint' t AMOclallon 1 ' I'liuiop, n riiiiinrr, wi '. I her iiperviiiiy nKni work on kx i vkf; (M. 2. On . . .miiiiik an ImnienM?! - ' in Mie 'low 11 an.l li.lrtct! Jol,H lia recenl- , . .i(,orr 'at the .law Mr '"MMie.l a new seneraUiore .. Hum -llke 01ll-t,u """n1 r," i runeoiM irfike in hniior 0fi Hiver, wn a week vm. former .necii. xi'iu,r i"JHrw Uk. ami ecrHnry of lliei 1 leavuiir lliiriui l'u" "rw Mi lia urn reeniiiy nniafiuoi ai ntirn Ijike, uinler Ihe name if Hit Hum Melmly Orrhelm, nief lwtli h very rnlia1 reeepHon al 1 fJ ; a ?or sca,d that won't heal. "fWT ringworm, itching eczema. 1,1 :u sores, or weakening " 7 Umi" Jr. ' quickly soothes and heals n5 tam.'.Buk c, curative virtues of certaiS L m?rUti,,lW thc hiddcn has opened up' I am-Buk Zam-Buk is the one er..-,,i., r.i., 1 rree irom lard an! and and other v..V - healer i!"" Sci ;c?nned which can .i . r "u uP?n- '4 SAm liu i5 N 1 Tin' (Jtlinilii- I.uilmi nr a "n1- of Inline nmkiuu The I.aiU liinl.l t Hie I'le-iiylerian Church are aleininp alrily a ehirken (inner for Thaiikirivin(r. J. II. Tliooipoii of Prinee Hu- ert iM-nl Ihe wHk end in town. He ha clooitl' hi hone hern for (be winter.' I'. KllwfKxl anl family liavn owAel Inio YnnzeanV houe 01 Hie 0r1h lde at Ihe Irnek. A. Y. WHmmi of llemo wn town Monday. lajr' train. In Mr. ami Mm. II. I.. Molnlnh lefl fr I'Hnfe Jlupert mi Silur- Mr. ami Mm. Vilon and family U- mmivl hark to I heir uWli l. H-r ihe winter and Mm. Amur ll. i- aaiu in mc-..ioti nl the Index room. Mm. , Praite NEW HAZELTON Salt left last week where he will viit 111 nit ie uinn nine- . ..,i .iiur ,..,.i , . liate Slen nil iiirir rninuii luinn . . j...-.-.... Honorary, I-,...-. .. , it. ... Itai.1 iHII. liAr Ilier reeieorr nim iiinr m. .. ...... ..... o.u. n..i.i..iir ni llnrii litke fur Sail i neromiianyini; her A far a .Montreal. r.r her Mr, linden i in the hospital niifffrilig from injurie sustained in a ruuawny arciileni lal week Mr. Itoileti and Ml Hickman, who were aUo ridlnjr in the amo hmry, were nut Injured. II. M. Hearh of Hie Kil.lan Mlnlmr 'Tji. wilh hul-linps in Hie Omineca dilrlct was n villnr Ihe hero lal woslc. Lnl Tuesday AVllnn Shnrpo. nf the forestry department presented .lark SarP'iit wilh Ihe medal he won for an essay written in conned ion with Ihe. recent forel protection compel ll ion. The ceremony look placo in Hie llnzellon school. Leonard Wrinclt lefl last week for Kdmnnlon where he will re- tt " 'T ' r ' ' . i !nme hi Univemlly studies lion. John Olhcr. premier nf Hrillsh Holumhia. addressed n Inuhlfc meeling In the llaclton 'assctnhly hall lnl evening. CnpL Turner I pendlnir a fmlniulil in Ihe Mxhino dislricl i, i.. Line mer nrnnecl for J. V. Iiulliie, Hie Seattle capilall!. Dr. Oeorpe llannn, of Ihe federal jrenlnulcnl survey, anil J. ). nallnway. resident mininpr en. Hineer. I"'' I""1 wook for Smllher. Die former I visitintj Hudson Hay Mountain and Ihe latter i lonkln ver Kinpr ("a In' property Orlflwood Creek. - iswiimm ssHSSSOVI BBBBBl r.iBkvi ,'c'atarrh k el lb BLADDER iltlmM bitrioaia t,nriteounl4rftlU ' TH1 DXILti PRINCE ALBERT ISTAKENOVER SUamar Will Not Again Raturn to ThU Port Following purchase The O'.Il. eleamer I'rinre. sale of which In, the Freighter Limited of Van couver, wax announced yesterday, will not again rol mil In Mil purl. On her arrival al Vancouver loday from Hip presenl northern vnyn3 xlie will t (urn7 m river In Imt new nwner! Ly wImhii flip will "iui lie rniimiiM-fioneil in her new erioe 1 1 of Vaneouver. The ollicern of I lie Irlnee Al-lierl will leave hillip nihl will he. ilMrilitileil arnnnK Jiir other leuinerft of Ihe (LN.H. ami CM. M..M. roiiKt ervffe. . The xenire In Prince Itupert nml Ihe Oueen Charlotte UlamU win he niaintaineil hy the leani-er I'rinee John on a ' fortnight ly hni for Ihe winter.' ' It i ex-peeled the I'rinre Alherl will he replaeeil hy a new veel hy fprintr. Nat Hell, well known prairie liquor ilealer, i xaiil to he one of Ihe lirerlor.4 of Ihe Yeiem l rei?htTi l.linileil. OPPORTUNITY TO DINE WITH LLOYD GEORGE AT BANQUET IN CHICAGO Editor of Dally News Has Invlta Hon to Attend Gathering of Greatest Newspapermen Mr- OeolTrey lluinhlyn left fori 0n Continent Prim e Itupert on Sunday' trnin. The edilor of Hie aily Xew hat ;ui invitation In alien. I a linner on Oelotier IH. jriven hy Hie leailing puhlisher of this continent as represented hy Ihe .Ntnlil lluri-iiii of Clirulations at whlrh ItiKht Hon. David Lloyd OeorpV, llritain Bi4teft Pre. mier, will he the (fuef .iWioimr and al whir It he will make hi fiml important .pefoh i5i litis roiiliiHMit. The dinneri f. In hp held at the .Hotel La Salle. Chiraco. All the mol iinporlaniriewiii pajier on Hie eonlfiretli' ' are meniher nf the Hureau atnl Ihe rirrulalioii of Iliese paper i triven a thorough audit al leaf! mire a year and sometime Iwire wtiirh is a romplele mi a ran lee thai Hie rirrulalioii statement of the paper i ahsolulely correct II places Ihe paper in the national class and I lie fact thai the ureal llrilish slalesmau has honored thai hody hy conenl-Iiijt In he It Biiesl is an imlica lion thai it is looked upon as lint repnyenl alive newspaper hody of Hie conlineul. COUNCIL DISCUSSES THE SEPTIC TANKS Application or Ridley Home to Instal One In Lane to Rear of Buildings Is Granted Seplic lank In Ihe cily came in for general discussion at last niuhl's council mcelinsr in con. nectinn with a report frnni Ihe hoard of works recninnlenillnK Dial permission he given the llid- li.... II..... I.. ...jl.ll ......i n II. n cily engineer and mhsl be satis. faclory lo him. They must be built according to bow many houses or persons tlie.y were lo serve. Aid. Collar! fell lhat some ' seplic lank in llm cily were overloaded and were not func Honing salisfaclorily, consllluL ing a menace to the health of the. ci!i7.ens. ' . " Aid. Stephens sutd 11 was not (tin use 1ml I ito nbiiiip nf epli6 tnnks thai lie ol)Jeclm lo. Advertise la the Dally ' vj Nwi. A worth-while has Reputation The head of one of this country's , great institutions says: "The Man who builds and the man who buys are both beneficiaries of reputation. To the one it is a continuous spur and incentive-to the other, the strongest of all guarantees that what he buys is worthy." Patronize the manufacturer or merchant a reputation for honesty and fair dealing. motives must actuate the consistent advertiser. llssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssMHHHnai aissssssiaisBsssBsssssaisssssssBSBlsiasssaiaiisiii ""'" . Anonl.. ProilllCls Coiimanv wen lane to (ho rear or lls )U...i.nK - ... al lie corner of (.onrad Mreet ., ,. ., las ..... -k .i. Huckley lay, and Hlevenll, Avenue: The report. i;nny. which , , . provided . , , ,. that , the i lank., ,i. The ' large sawmill I ' running lniruilL, honhl he huilt to Mw HnlUfiic.,1""" ' ' , shnuhl he observed lank did not prove an 1 lnii..rt nillltllAH flf rVV 111 Aid. Collar! fell that cnnV:"' "j . Hint this f Inonnveni-h '" w,,a "? f"li''ns,al np ence or nuisance In neighbors as others in Ihe cily had done. Aid. Munro slated that the committee had gone into Hie sep lic lank problem llioroughly wilh I Itl result 1 lint heller lank were now being built in the cily. Aid; Stephens asked if these tanks were inspected during or aflrr I heir construction. Aid. Munro reimrled thai Ihey were by Mrs. Pnmplin, arrived at Ma i Mrs. iicore F. .Motion, presi-1 ilenl of Hie ItPhckith Assemhly of j llrilish Coluniliia, I.O.O.F., ar-i rived from Ihe south on t lie Aleamer Prince lluperl yestenlay afternoon and tonight will pay tin ollicial visit to the local Re-heknh LimIsp. From, here she will leave tomorritw niirlil for Smilhers and Prince. Ucorvc. nv luriiinjf south lo her home in VeNon hy way of Jasper l'ark. She is iiccoinpanied on her trip I hy Mr. Motion who is enatred in; Hip transfer husiness at Nelson. MASSETT Two larjre vessels of the Los llaruor ami .auen naroor are creililed wilh catching and denl- iug with over two hundred whales during the season. V. J. K. iMunplin, accompanied sell on Ihe Insl trip of Ihe steamer l'rince Albert. Mr Pamplin will take charge nf Ihe Massell school and will also al. built under. Ihe supervision of lhe"'l to missionary work among ihe Indian, on Mnsselt lleserve L AFttr h rich Uthcr of- mo mAd o Wk to ordinary ShaVintfSoai 22 who Such The man who invests real money in building a reputation for himself and his merchandise cannot afford to risk any of it by taking unfair advantage of his customers. He must retain the good-will of the buying public. Without this, his business cannot succeed Every time he advertises he puts his reputation in your hands. His products or the wares he has for sale must make good. His service must be as advertised. That is why it pays to read advertisements, to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised goods. Yips, it is worth your while to Read The Advertisements Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way lo prove that PREMIER 'GOLD MEDAL" HEER is best TRY IT. Order frqm the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by Hie Government of British Columbia. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD WOODEN HULL CONSTRUCTION A 8PECIALTY. Plans and Estimates Furnished For All Classes of loats. Anyone considering Jlie purchase of a new fishing vessel, tug, or wooden boat of any description is cordially invited lo inspect progress on llie two ill) fool cruisers we are now building for the Fisheries Department.