July 18, 1023. pjnesday, THE DAILY NEWS r : r WEEK-END $1 Specials Combination Canned Fruit Special, 5 Tins for $1.00. 1 ih Hrl .Moil to Hltml IVsicIh'.. 1 . (ill IllHfklH'llicn. 1 . 1 tut frupuiiore I'iiH'iii'l'If. 1 i: iii Cjalinfiplfj. 2 I tin I'lumv, Combination Vegetable Special, 6 Tins for $1.00. Yoiir choice of follow! iur: IIqiii, J-urm Tomato, iJV-i'u. (Jcakur HnnnJ Corn, 1'. IUiu. J arm Htainlanl Pea, I n (icililrii Wax Ileaii. 2. Ilrtmtve Menu. 2"x. I pail Mulkm's Maniwladc, I larst' Hollle M. OaUup. The. Two for $1.00. - 1 iaij I'ure llaxj. berry Jam, I lin Ki-l MimiIc Apricot, I' The Two for $1.00. llaiiHl'-i-lcy Farm 8trawhcr- ricja. , Morula irn I'ruil in tin. Your, choice, 3 tins for $1.00. I tin Mnlkiii o HaUiip I'ow- Ict I.' o. 1 till Nrw Orlcim Molafe. 10- lit. The Two for $1.00. as-: fit f -n I.nnl in luilk. 0 lbs, for $1.00. iMitilrt lilil.y CaNnp. ? iiiim lift Monti I'ork and Heaii For $1.00. t ll MiiImh . Ho.I lea. I lt, I r- fli (troiiiul Cnffrt, The Two for $1.00. Combination Qrocery Special 10 for $1.00. Your 'choice of any or following: Kcllocg's Corn Flukes. Canada Com Harcli. While ilo Starch. Cow Itrntiil llakiup Soda. Coroiii't lirand Sanliiic. , 12 liars Hunliglit Soap. 1 larKi k(r. (ioldeii West Wnh I'owilcr. The Two for $1.00. 13 Har While Wonder Hoap. tins I'uiiliine Cleanser. For $1.00. Mdlkln's Best Pure Spices. 10 Tins for $1.00 Your choice of any of following: Mark or While I'cpper. Cay. viiiii. Cinnamon, Clove, Nulinetr. (linger, AlUpirc, Mace, Mint, Marjoram, SaKc. Thyme. Poultry I H e miik, paprika. Curry I'owder. l'alry Spice, clc. Matkln's Best Jelly Powders. Asxirled. any flavor. II Packages for $1.00. I only, t SI l ine Hroom. 0 llolU 1WI Toilet Paper. For $1.00 3 II-. Sunmaid Seeded Itais- jim. hulk. K lh.. No. 1 J ji pa n Hire. For $1.00. Combination Bacon and Egg Special, 1 Ih. Armour's Macon. Mircrf. 2 dot. Alberto Fresh J'kks. For $1.00. 8 Hi. Ilrowii llayo I lean f. 5 Kvap. Prune, size mi. (no. For $1.00. RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. PHONES 211 and 212 Coast Steamships Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermedial Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR 8TEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Islands June 13th, 27th, July 11th, 25th PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I.rt rnur litijwrt (inly ri. -pi gutKlty it l li pjii, f,.r Crlnrc Gmrrc. Edmonton, Vliiiti, Oltrrl rvnim'lluli (11 point Laurn Canada (Oil Vailed Stale, AOINCV FOR ALL OCCAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlil.t Offl(, S27 Third Ate., Prince Rupert. Phone 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.8. PRINCE8S LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, June 3, 8, 10, 23, 30 j July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, June 11, 18, 25 1 July 2, 6, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, 8 wan son Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean , Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-jr Couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. vv" Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent. Corner. of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Piilintt Frwii rrlnrr import for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Otm MU, and Swanaon Bay, Tudri B P.M. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanion Bay, Saturday Noon. er. ANY OX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wal.a laland, Sunday 10 P.M. Pop PORT SIMPSON and Naa Rliar Cann.rl.a, Friday A.M. IJ Ind Arrnue. J. Barnly, Agent. Vriwt llutx-rt, B.C Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "Tlio Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agiinls Vor: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue CI. ! : l Local and Personal U. 0. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf Hayners. Undertakers. Pboue 361. f Ice, Wtiit.1 or Goal. I'lione Ildil 5i3. Clary's Truiixfcr. tf - - , Keep Friday free for Qeneral IVicRae's meetlna at 7.30 D.m. U EMORRHOIDS Ijo not sufft-r anoiher tlay with II Itching, JlleeUlnir, or lYolrudlnff iMiea or namorrnous. .-o urglral ojxiratlon rniu rad. Dr. Cliune'a Ointment will rell'va you t once ami iilTont Uallns hrndt. 6fo a boxj U daatrrs. or Kdmanann, Matra & Co., Llmltol, Toronto. SampU box fr. Ii Mn. II. T. .Smilli wus a iihm- ieiiKer fur Naiicouvcr on llicl Ciiniena lUi morning'; I Nirnct:. n uoy. hcmui- vmii purailu on t. .MHiMe-. ... Slrret Ki'iiuniN liiiiixlil at 7.30 fliani. U refill. J. A. 'I'en?, ScuuImiuk- ler. '1'lie C..N.H. leaini;r I'rinee Hii- M'rl, Cail. I). IiimuiIiI. due from Vaiicouxi-r ami, way iiorlf al .'I tlii afternoon, i reiorletl on lime. lieorsre (innl'iii, cliarel wild iiilmicayiui, win fined 50 in the jMillf' conrl (hi' niiiriiiiiv willi Hie oiition of Ihirly day iiiiriiMiinciil. Jaini'i llielkcy ha relurued from a iiroMnvlinir Irin nf M-veral w eek down I In eoa.l ami expecl lo remain in town fur mjiiip I line. ' - '-4-- Siufinl nuH'Un? ef - O. It. I". ini'iiiiier jn lln'ir 1 1 a 1 1 . Kxclianc Murk, iinii.'lil nl K jt.ni. Im-ttorlanl lniinrf. All nni hold er muled. SwnMary. Boy Scouts Water Sports. Swlmmlnq, Canoe Races and Div ing events. Tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Salt Lakes. Fare and admission 50c. and 25c. It.ijili! (IiiIiiik to lMenie fkive, Thurxlay .July tl. "Oh Hahy'" leai (jiw Hmv al In am I" noon, ami 2 n.m. A.lull 50c. Boy Scouts Jitney Dance. Open' eholari. free; olher ehil.lren 25c. .i. x,i ,m..i.- -i-l I he t..r.ll. sieamer I'rinee i:harlott, ttapi. C. C. Saftiley. arrinijr her i Krulay niornlny from lfi -.iiili wifh St I lmirll "ii a ieeiMl 'trtirii; Irip lo Alaska, will tie tip al the 4J.T.I wuai i in oroer ii ue the un- oaiim? aitaralu Ihere. The leamer will e in purl from in the morhiiiK until iummi, it i exjMH'ted. x Henry Caldenvood. iuarier- maler on the uhl hoiie leumer Ncwinjrlon. reliirnisl Ihi week from Victoria wilh hi hride. formerly .Mi Mary lloiertoti of Virinria. The weddinj: Mok place al week in SI. Oilumha Cluiirh. Uak Hay. Vicloria. Mr. and Mr. CttMcrwood are lakinir tip I heir teideiice in the Steele Hloek. Thir.1 Avenue Ve. Twcle hour l-'liind chtHlule, I he I'nion leamer (iaideiiu, Capl. . h. DiekMm, iel timed .froin Aoyox and Slewarl al J o'clock Ihi uioi'iiiiijr and ailed at 5 fori uttrmiver and way port. The new Mcantcr ,wiH make tip lime Koinjr outhk II I "expected, and hotild arrie .in 'Vancouver no! far behind eltedtile. Heavy freight huiue oeeaioued her delay Ihi oyajse. In a ircenl oniierali(m wilh Mr. I.oekliarl of Ihe rniversal Tradinir Co., lie r.ked if any one fhoiij!hl it iMtilde lo end lo a mail order hoiie for a pair of eye-jilne and expeel ati-faelioit? le claim Ihe sapie (hinx applie lo hoe. That it i nniiollile to pel filled properly, pule you' buy al home. He ity the fool i equally im portant a Ihe eye and that eye trouble have fretpiently been traced lo arch trouble caiied by ill filtinjf lioe.. I'eet dllTer and rcipiire experienced fillintr. A. Mr. I.ockharl will he here only a few week more, he i auxioii' lo give Ihe public of I'rinee llu-perl Hie benefit of hi experience III lne fdlfnjr. Take your troubles to him ea Miiootli. HUM. HAIIIKHt. Haiuinjr. calm; bar ler. ;y.l2; temp'er- ature, 00; ea .-inoolli: 8 n.m. poke Meauicr Itedwood, Scatlle for Ketchikan. J6V tiiile. from callle; 8 p.m. pokt lujr l.orne m l.lirilie I'as outhboiind: KI.15 p.m. Moke leauier Prince corjie olf Ma-teniiaii lland oulhlound. Noon lilliHY ISI.A.M. theirasl, lijilil Miiitliea-i wind; haromeler, 2V.H4; lempeialuie, , 57; ea iniolli; 10.05 a.m. fpoke leant- er I'rinee l.ouie leTt Kelchikau V.30 a.m. due I'rinee llupert J. 15 p.m. i)i:.i tiu:i: i-tn.vr. clear. lijild oulheal wind; haromeler, 2U.U5; lemperalure, 03: ea smooth. HUI.I. HAHHOIl. Itainimi. eiiliu; haromeler, -l.U2; ten'ipei- iture 57; ea inooth. TENDERS WANTED Tender will beiecelved for Ihe liulliling of a Miioui lloue on Sixth Axeiifie Wet. Plan and pcelf icnl ion may !e neon al (lie olllce of l'liiljiotl, Kvitt A io. All lender hoult he In be fore-July 25. 11)23. ' The lowest or any lender not neceai il.v nc cepled. 'I'endei fin.- dalerinfr separalely. ft. A. Hix, chairman lltilillnt' Committee. 10H HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert M. L. Clark, Oeorjiclowu llicliurdon, Vancouver; (.;. I'loyarl, Auyox. Central A. M. Kipp, and l'ovl HiiiHlua. . A. lliiifl.' In the Crow's Nest " r. ill i Tiir. wav t iiiiv m;i mi: !5jAjKir lll(.ll-T WOllllK.V HKHX.K IN Tllfi aIvM,y,- Wlllll.ll. llrown, Rolling up to the Crow's Sett Fau are olive grren looth without a tree upon them natural cattle run f iithed with uc"ulr t short grass. Here are neen occasional outcrops of rock, which in thtir four or five feet of height ahow all the characterittics of a mountain rane; mi.iiatures of the Rockies, with crag and precipice and col reproduced on the tmallet sale. With a bag of salt one could lay on glaHers, touch the peaks with white and have a toy range which any Eastern schoolteacher could set up in her classroom with advantage to hrrvlf and her pupils. Canadians east of Medicine Hat know too little about the construction of this Continent and about the glorious engineering of Nature. Consider the Crow 's Nest itself. The name brines 'before some of us a schedule of railway-rater, to others, a eeris of coal mines. These are derivative impressions. The original Crow's West is a rrnunt: in rning to 9,000 feet and more above sea-level and visible for many mile. The rock-peak, as one looks from the foothills is set like a fuzzy, round crow's-nest on the sky-line. Leading up to it are the olive-green billows fading into a soft blue haze. In the distance near the peak is a snow-white precipice, whirh they tel' us is two miles wide and a mile high. It is all execllerce and loveliness unti' one travels twenty mil farther. Then it gleam like tbr fag of a wolf It is the rock-face of Turtle Mountain, cleft 'rom top to bottom, in 1905 tf the destruction of the mining town of Prank. To-day -the whole valley, two miles wldf, is a temtx cjtaos oi white stone blocks, some ol them as M v a houe. all wn'- itexeil edgej and sham corners, i Thev are riled from fiftv to-on huriir H the orieinal valley level. The railway line climbs over the it lies the broken city. On either side of the avafartchi sts: d houses, windows out, glaring like skulls upon the newrr tn valley spells terror and tragedy. Evn yet pW.f t :1 '- t Herculaneum, but they are like to forget th mor t rril.'.e when rock by millions of tons fell a mile out of lb '. The Canadian lialilml -iouni'r Itevfilh. hiiipinif lo Hradliury Yelf, wa laken on the non-i...iii nl Hie dry lck tin iirorn-m jr. The lleveille lir ike her fail liaf: on (lie fihinjr jri'.xuid lal week. t nh abovi 'rif Beneath ' deserted "'he wholr i-p ii and f t, nl Frank ANOTHER FINE BOAT FROM THE STATES j u . you can i dance, M llyni.ia. Ihe b.Hly or Willie Jack..n, native and -O euri of aj:e, who uccumbed in the (ieneral Hopi- al tm Monday morning a a re ull of injurie uiaineil in (he cxplo.-ion of Hie j.ruboal Kyiuol hit week, wn -!iijisl ye-leiilay to Kitkalla for hurial, Motlier of deceaed rt'Me.fa( I'uck In tel cannery. WIRELESS y. REPORT 8 a.m. nitlHY ISI.AM. Overea!, calm; harointeie. .'t.8y ; temper ature,, 58; ea Miinnth. UKAb THHK I'OI.VT.t over ea!, light outheHt wind; barometer, Sit.lMi; temperature. 5(5: 1 1 he city ARRIVES IN PORT Winnlfred F. is Bound for Juneau with Party of Seven Aboard , ... , . . ,na. Second Avenue, between 7th, Cfuiser Yaelil itmifrid V ...,r, - " ' .and 8th streets, tomorrow night i.ariiis her owner, K. . I. TIhoii, l.i lli' ilv rrtirn m.iu'uil il.ii .... I f 1 ' "... ""iii H n.lTl- If vmi ran'l c mn romn ....i .. ..t r t... Provincial .. ii . i - , i.ii ,iiiu ,i hi inni tn Marry .Martin ere thirty day in I he local jil for lruirk eniie. - - - come and sin;, atiiu?lon. arrived in toilay and i leavin early loiiMrnw uiortiin? hound for limeaii. Alaka. The parly i eomoo-.el of llr. Fl'ovd A Itird. chief medical advi.-er l lite department of labor and in luirie: John I'leive, manager of Ihe Olympian Hotel: Adidph Sclmllz, mhi f I,-op.dd Seoultz well kimwn iir couiieclion with the imiuufaclure of lte'r: l.ou lohn ami llr. CamplH'll of Clear Lake, Virouin. I he yacht is 3 feet Iuiij; and e(iiiped wilh a til h.o. Scrip engine. II left Olympia on July 10 and Ihe parly i on pleaure bent. ' Save Money! Iltty our Xanaimo-Wellinjtlon Xul Coal at 1 3.50 a ton. Albert A .McCalTery. Ltd. tf Why not subscribe Daily New and hove your home recularly 1 1 f I 17:31 p.m. Low 1 1 : ! I a.m. 23:15 p.m. High Low Ilii-'li Low Friday, July 20. 5:5f a.m. 18:3'.' p.m. ..... 12:01 p.m. Saturday, July 21. for I he il sent lo ff PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 4 Wednesday, July 18. Hijrh :i:50 a.m. 10.1 ft I0:l.' p.m. j.o " Low I o:J5 a.m. 1.9 " i 12:17 p.m.' 5.H " Thursday. July 19. 1: :l'J a.m. 7:00 a.m. 10. II: a 5 0 5 J 12:58 v in. am. p.m. 18.1 18.0 3.U 0.0 17.1 18.8 5.0 18.8 0.0 0.1 IDTonight to ton and ttranfthan .th or(an of dictation anal llmlnaiion, Improva appatit. atop alck hoadach, roliav bll-leuanaaa, correct conallaalioa. Tomorrow Alright J'i I W i j 23o. Box a- Y.ye Brumal n. m y ' lunxv Reliable Watches at Low Prices Th Famoua Maple Icaf Inf-ertoU Waterbnry $3 More men in thii IncrnoII than any othff watch. Stordj, rtliiblr, goei looking. s. $2oo fir Tbii Maple Leaf Tell Time in the Dark The fimoui InfmoII Miplc Leaf eurppH for telling time in the airk Convenient under the piUow at n gh $300 The ii-cie, jeweQeo' Ingtnoll Enamel iiil Alw cornea with RaJiolite figure and hand, and "fcircr dul at 16.00. lave you watch? good If not, go ee the Inger-toli line of timekeeper! at any store that carries In-gersolli. Ingertolls keep good time and that after all is the real purpose of a watch. They are good-looking, but not fancy unless you would call a Reliance in a beautifully engraved gold-filled case "fancy." The prices range from $1.00 to $12.00. About half the models are Radio-htes that tell time in the dark. You can choose to fit your own needs and pocket book. Inciiioll Watch Co., Inc. Iff It CMker.ae it . M Hutm, r a Reliaae 70 A real 7 -jewelled" watch. Same aoW hridge-comtraction aa aied in expensive watchrv. AW) in gold-filled ate atlta. "Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT ' KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. I'rices Ileasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. St Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. Let the "CLARK" Kitchens help you. "Builds Bonnie Boys' Clark's Pork z Beans Selected Beans, perfectly cooked, not mushy nor hard & a slice of prime pork. Delicious indeed, and unsurpassed for nourishment are Clark's Pork 81 Beans! Your choice ot Tomate CH1H er Plain Sauces. CM' P'k & Bitot k; kttJ U, L(, aa CtntMt IttJing Brtnjftr 4$ yttrt. W. CLARK Limited, MONTREAL tilaillakai.al. al M..I...I an t. a... . . u.... - .- isiiii