Mi ivUy, July 1. M53. THH DAILT NEWB PAOErFml WEALTHIEST MEN IN WORLD NAMED Mr? g t Hnry Ford Is First and John D. i IVk t Rockefeller Second, London I Express Says They Called Him An "Old Pill" rTHAT wu yean so when be 1 packed terrible crouch, a mighty irritable stomach and a Unf that refused to do the thine that all good livers should. No woodtr Lis friends called him an -old pill" and stayed away. But that was years sco long It fort ho discovered Deecham's (fills sod learned that two at bed- time can bring tunihinc Into a I nan's life. Today, he's an opti- Iraitf. a hero to his wife, and a tuunch believer in Deecham's IMs. The cheer that Bercham'a Pills B bring Into a man s disposition, b I the incomparable cheer of sound digestion, active liver, and the regular habits that make good health. At All Druggists OSPECTORS SHOULD LOCATE MINERALS AT POINTS NEAR RAILWAY hi an inirniew given at an ;iiarlc Oiniell. deputy ei- !iumi' fnr Hi' .Do. ',i urged prospivlor to go r jii ierai u poini near Hi rwny instead proceeding loo Hf lif where tnuiporf aflon p jI Dcu'i He .aid: friiere mtiii lo tc a tendency I'll i e pari of the mtwelir lo Vl si tv . . ,f iiiiMMiiiL I r en I Kut from railway Iran-Rliaf I'oittiuiieil the deputy Illllisl i- I'he reull t I lull if letoe fiinl anything of average r .annoi lie iieeupi lli :( Hip construction of a m tiilr.ad. Thl fact eon- IWc 'lie ('ireclor In Ihe quest I - wrum metal. Il Hi) vi. innv of Hie I'.ana-i uM niil a i J C.l'.H. line In I I ,' :ll I 'l"lt lllllfll il Miar r.uif.1 e examined i -)Mirinr. liemg rio.e mi tipiii'iatinn, bodies of lower nre I'lioM he wtirke pr- li"y wJterea at grealer ! k Hiry would have no pre- value Never Itefnr liad Hie Mine IleparJincul liaI i an eileiitye examination !:r geology of I he Dominion i- vuv In ttrilitli I jilllfllliln he Yukon alone, he Bid,,!a',, e were seven partie al pre- Hie field examining tlm "giral formation f I he 1!) dry while two topographical ey were alo being conducive in lie Koolenay Park H and Hi"' oilier lit trie iia- Itange islrict. returning In Oil awn, (fore ! I)r Camsell, he would ri IWtorln lo confer wllli Ihe r nnal Department of Mine. spoke in high term of, Ihe I'peralfon Hiat existed tel ween Provincial ami Federal mine Mr'nient in this province.. BS MABEL ADAMS LONDON. July 18.-- Who are ! I h Jen richest nni in the. world? aKk Ihe Stuulay Kxpreim. H answer Hie tpiery ilefhy jriv uiir a Iil al the head of which i Henry Ford, wlioe fortune il ej-linuite nt 5(in,nno.nno. John IK IlnrkeNdler ronw next with (5(1.000,1100; Andrew V. Mellon, eerelary of the treasury, is third wjlu 15(i 000.000, and then fnl. low the Duke of Westminster, Sir nas 1 1 .aimroir. IIiiko (innen, perry Hoekefeller. Ilamn II. MiU tii, llaron II. Iwasakl and Ihe (aekwHr of Haroda, eaeh with 1 00.000.000. Jame Jl, Duke, Ihe lohaern kinit; (reoritn F. Itaker. of the First Nalional Hank of New York, and T. II. Walker. Ihe Minneapolis liniher landowner, fhe Kxpres ay, inittlil lie added to Ihe inee I hey s hae fortunes eti-liiali-.J al J 00.000.000, while here nre al eat thri'e olher Indian ruler whoe fortune prnh. uldy exceed I his amount. Hie llolhrtuld. (iupKenheims, Vamlerhill Weyerhouer, art! Ihe A.lor. ay Ihe writer, do not appear liecsiuse their are family fortune. Him !olhciild wealth ha Keen estimated at from 250,-ooo.ooo to :iOo.ioo,ooo and thai of lor at from IOO.noo.ooo to 500.000.000. Richest Man Ever Henry Font i poihly the nrlie.t man in all hWlory, Ihe paper ileclare. lie. ha a nft huine income of more than l0.iioo.ooo a year. He. earn 850 every minute. Croeu may have been richer, ince hi fatn-ms Kifl to iwdphi roOto.OOO.-000, and that, reduced to today term, miehl mean joo'ooo.oort Jidin D. Hoekefeller pave away H500.ooo.ooo to charity and to foundation before t'JSt. He U the head, houever. of the biguet troup of wealthy nen ever pro duced liy it inue iudiitry. ai hi jiyivale (fortune mtil .Mil rank him weroud. MysUry Ban' s Sir Ha-.ll .aharorf i Hnrope' mystery nian. but il i no nrystery thai lie one of Kurone' s r weniiuie! men. jie owns more than half or Monte Carlo, and his holding in armament flrnn are even larper. He i in oil, finance. shipping; in fact il i difficult to ay what he i not intereled in. The MiUui and the Iwkl are financier, trader, and ship-er. The flaekwar of Ilaroda'j MealUi i almnt impossible In estiioale. but hi diauuinds alone are valued at l. 550.000, and lie ha a Jewelled lain'. try worth !.- 500.00U. (iuns of irofd weichlnc (oo pound Miami at hi palace BURNS LAKE AW) LAKES DISTRICT D. D. .Monro of TelWa. local represenlnlive of the l.an.l Je-llement Itoanl. i lranactim: husiueti in Ihe Lake District this week. A. I. Itichards of Sunimer-land I vMliriN- in Hums Lake. On Friday evening the Hum Lake reidenls turned oul in full force lo "eliiveree" Mr.anl Mr, (ford. m II. llul.li. After maklnc Ihe niclit resound to the dis- WFHQ IN TAlIFtlRNIA rlaiil noise or fire cracker. row boy yell Ihe narly nianaaed Colonist OI Account j0 finally evoke the presence of rrla Marrlag of Former Prlnc Mr. llohb who promised them a Rupert Girl celebration dance on Monday Wiit. Mabel Adams, second - l"lilir of Mr. ami Mrs. Adams, under the auspice of Ihe f'15 Springfield Avenue, Vic- t'oion t.nurcli Hoard or .Mana-and Hert Mine, yminKe! VW, n very enjoyable ice cream i of Mr nn, I Mr. !. Illne. late slrawberi-y parly was given po Lyall Street, Ksqulmnll, ' tlPx recrealiun ground Inst re married Ju v 5. al M. weei.. in me evening ino crown Misllne Kpisropal Chnrcli by was Irealed lo a firework dis- sea, Santa Monica, (Hfornla. l'lay which vvas particularly up. f. W N. l'jerson performing pi',l"t,l by Ihe yium folk. 1 cercmonv. 'Vio, bride was H in luarriHun bv her mdtber. H. L. Mann arrived from .New Vicloriu llecd, sister of thn vvesuumsier iai Miiuroay an.i "in, was the bride' attendant. i "ow ,,iijying Ihe teller' le Charlie lline. eldest brother cage: in the Hums Lake branch groom, acted as best man. f Hie Iloyal Hank succeeding A. -i I I... I... 1 a receidioii was held at Cbarlic . 1'uiiuiiii who iiu oeen irun He's hiime at Rimln Moncla. ferred In Aew eslminsler m forty guesU being In at- branch. I'lUllce. On Hie nrriiul of iMiS t 'ins nnd her mother nl Los Tin' ludies of Hums Lake are frclcs they were met by a large, afraid to go out at nigh! now 'der of friends at Hie boul. fnr fear tloy might be ImgKed p mid Mrs, Hert lline will make brown hear ami two runs home at Venice, California, have been seen on me outskirts of Ihe vvesi end of town. . (ieneral A. D. Mellnc, of Vancouver and It. (t. Slevynrl of (III II livvack. addressed a nieeliuv hi Kuril Lake on Saturday evening on behalf of - Ihe .new Provincial I'arly. ' A large number turned oul and gave I hem an attentive hearing. Miles T. Harrison occupied Ihe chair and at Ihe n elusion of Ihe meeting n number Joined up willi the party. About twenty laics evinced an interest in Ihe political situation and were present at Ihe meeting. On Sunday Messrs. Mellne and SUwart niude a trip to Ootsa Lake and l'riincoi Lake where they nie with a cordial reception friHii Ihe fanners. Mr. l'Yunk Curri!l, who lias been visiting her parent at Wis. turia forvvo weeks, returned lo Ruins Lake. on Tuesday. 11. Walsh, provincial assessor You wjio use Palmolive Soap use it for beauty's sake. Be careful that you get it There are many soaps made to deceive you. They imitate the shape and color. Names are coined to sound like Palmolive. Numerous soaps some of them wretched soaps are put in this guise to mislead you. Our interests do not matter, but yours do. Your demand is for Palmolive, because of what it does. You are seeking certain proved results. And you are cheated when you get a soap which can't bring those results. Palmolive Soap has world-wide fame because it aids complexions. The envied results, seen everywhere, have won millions oi people to it Thus Palmolive became the world's leading toilet soap. Not merely because of olive oil that's ages old Not merely because of palm oil Cleopatra used that But because our experts found a way to give those oils unique efficiency in soap. It is Palmolive Soap that has won beauty lovers as no other coap ever did. It is the Palmolive blend based on 60 years of study that brings those desired results. It is Palmolive which, by enormous production, gives you a 25-cent quality for 10 cents'. That is what won you that is what you want A commonplace soap without those virtues will not suit or serve you. Then be carefuL Note the name carefully. Be sure you get the wrapper showri below. Don't let anybody cheat you on a thing that means so much. THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited .WINNIFsaUAN. TORONTO, ONT. MONTREAL, QUE. Note carefully the name and wrapper Made in Canada stationed nl Siuithcr, vvas 1. 1 Shorthorn radio into Ihe Itiekle this district this week, checkinu up on Ihe muny iiujroenn'iil. ' ' , Murdoek Hay onNHi6ka,;Alla.. vva a visitor lo lluni" Lake over Him week enU. . Some splendid sample of graiu are tu be seeit in Ibis dislricl Ihi year. It. i. Stearns of Hunts Lake has fall'ryv seven feel high. llruce iSttle or tirussy Plain has six rowed barley over four fee high just heading out and a splendid field of outs. Slunyer A Sous ranch at Irancot Lake is a spleudiil advert Isemeiit for Ihe slislrici. fiowans , Sous ranch is exhibiting exceptionally fine hay,, sprinif rye and outs and all the farmers are feeling optlmUMc.' There will be no diiriculty uboul the feed, situation this year. (lenrge I Taylor has shipped dislricl. - K. X Stryker or McDonabr Landing is' working with Fay S. Sliort and dointf mechanical repairs on aulos. Mr. Slryker is a first class mechanic. The carpenters, Messrs. Urown , Jensen, are making alterations to the rotunda of Omineca Hole). At the school meeting on Saturday night (lordon S. Wood wu t'o-elwlesl as trustee of the School lloaiil. Mr. Wood is most energetic in school alTairs- and Ihe ralepayers are to b congra-lululcd in reluinlng his services. ifANDERHOOF On Monday evening last Mrs. Lewis Johnson entertained a Palm and Olive OZZs-nothing else give nature's green color to Palmolive Soap MT7 in Toronto on Thursday after- Vancouver on a business trlpn. ; niti.n I S V IL II. Smith has ben sworn in a justice of the peace by Samuel Cocker, J.l'. Cecil Hartley has returned from attending the flreal War Veter ans' Association convention held in Vancouver recently. 4 A party of tourists, headed by II. W. Ilolbrook, vice-president of the First. State Haul uf Perkins. Oklahoma, are making arrange men! tu speud a vacation at Stuart Laku early in, September. number of friends in honor of of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Mitchell. Mrs. Arrol nnd Mrs. McOeachy, Mrs. F. X. Hamilton of Van couver, sister of Mrs. Mitchell, and her two children, Gordon amfl Hazel, arrived here on Wednes day night and will spend tli nvxt two months in town the, guests five bead of pure bred Durham'tlio former leaving for, ber home' Mra. Roberts of Engen is iu L Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fraser of Fort St. James, have been -visit ing in town. 1 ; Alex. Kynocb is spending his summer vacation at tb LakelVe Lake hatchery. L. lleald of Ihe Land Seltlement Hoard was in the district last" week cruising land. fy Win. M. Ferrier of-Tatclmha been visiting Fort SI. James. After spending three mouths In Ihe Sluart Lake country, A. H. Hamilton has returned to his home iu Vancouver. Ihe recentVislt of th provln. cial cabinet ministers meant a road appropriation of about 25.O00 for this district beside the building of a substantial bridge at ForLt. James.