vkdn roof! THE DAILY NEWS r...i BRINGING UP FATHER By Georee Mcm; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NH OtNTN MOCRC. TTTl I'LL. FOOL, MKOCe I'LL H I I rj tmC trv I , " U'hf POiTCONCO MH OlISNtm UNTIL Specials 1 PlCTErsO ls WCK TMtM TOMORROW NICMT I KNOW T7PH WONT HAVE TO TAKU ME VIUL ViC- NeVTtUU tvr THEN 1 MKiJi, I mo - I NI dinner ,'VtonicimT- Ladles' and Growing QIH' 3 . . Strap or Oifords, brown' J I LV- U AA.L R4HT i Ma.-fc. m ' TOWOWOW T II $4.25 Growing Girts Patent One Strap Pump, low lio. i. $4.85 At Reasonable QUALITY Prices. ljjf ItM rr Itv rutiM , j j' Family SHOE Store Shoe For The Family. Ihe home pAoking lM. Mr. W. BOY SCOUTS' GALA (Terrible Headaches heniMin nMiriit ami Mr. C. DAY IS PLANNED! and Dizziness ;iitei.ttooihvnrlh an.l Mr. iMMrtiare Daily News Classified Ads SolA were rein4'iel by Mr. Boat Engines (Celebration Proposed to Take W .wnhvnHh. Mi MarJrre l.an-caler a CKfTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vMlMrtMMvt Tkn for L... ih.ng,,, Place at Salt Lakes July and Mt lira Arkroyd. 19, for Raising Funds Miss S. RiJl. 1)7 KMlilwnrm AT. ihe armnii.inii being Ml WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. AND PARTS IN STOCK. M llamtHna. !.. wrttM 'I utr4 tn Tile. riowi-r and M l.orna Columbian Propellors, 26x28 the RnUry Club luncheon Wffr trvm mMf hwaarhc and .nut- The affrtir a ery well .il-leinlcl VA.VTI.n. Men and Women to KXPHUI :Mi MWUM MIST and SPORT SCHEDllBl inches down to 12x12 .yesterday. II Iimpbell, super-bm. no mmw, mkOr I AM ami f.- ., i 1 1 v W'l .inle learn Ilarberinit. Paid while' stiami im M'-nl-iilial work inches. lintesidenl of public chol learning and tools free. Writ i a iirciti) . plume lllue t;. u in i-e. Tohln Drome Shafllnif up to poke im behalf of lb Boy rHI la Ik m4l' at tk ru4. Aa aM for catalogue. Mtder IMrlH" Mr. (lolcnati. BASCI1LL 114" in stock. Seoul' Association, tlx said College, Vancouver, H.C 1 Paragon Reverse Cltltch to ,lhnl Ihe Association was in need r'z; rr-TaT rj.r J farmer's fortune eoAno. lor fit 214" shaft rebuilt i. (of assistance at lb1 present time MMwriTu Uit-Ur PHK. Wen. I M. i V,NTKI. Five roomed modern HOANH. Ilia Inlander, "30 I fid's CANNOT BE FOUND F 3-10 II.P. Clutches rebuilt) hone flat. cln In. Houe land bad been laboring in the tmi lhJ Md ttOm far am I dlt or Second Avenue, phone 197. tf 7 fir..-I and Power Ourtlies and preferred, fermanenl tenant; lpal un.lrr jtreal financial tiif- km aw I tkMk yea. I da'i rH S- Hon " Winches, sprocket chains, firiiltle. .Mi.re publicity should BMdarli or Miy f tay law." Members of Family Searching For no children. Apply lint IM. LOST III- (ill . V shafting's, pulleys, pillow I New OfSec. blocks, and thrusts. f.c riven I" ihe movement and so whHi rr Urrr tt f rw ! la- i Buried Cash; Died Without tally 1.01. H.iy Nam llae on May J- Ori.lt- increase Ihe membership and Ihe ItM-ttre roar M bnk aarrar. a4 la Disclosing Secret WANTKO. -Kvpwraenraxt atrl for CI. Finder .le... ili.ii Illaak value of Ihe work I lie associa Umtj mty t krrp HI H I krf tfer Hr ten era! howwmwa. mall U tit S K.n . I ., T lion wa doing; nimniii Ihe boys run tad perfcnnlaf ih prnper rMtrttoaa' HH.IXA. Sn-k.. June I. T f family. No waahinr. iol jlJ till' i- i.f the 'iiihiunily. The association tut aMf MlHwra'i Liu-Uin Plh. ...,ar ao a farmer. Norman IUr. w. I'bow (lift. TENDERS WANTED Mt- Or..)!. 45 neeleil (be urrul and fiiwn-i-i.il rrla tic ll at all olcr c nrt arr,, from lie, and et. Ironworks Co. Ltd iipprl ir Hie KNie. want -e r-i m rmpt f eno iy Tbe T. tt.!,r,, wi,h Mi family on a farm VA.TKlLlhrtirfBf rirt for TKMlKRX wan Id for rlearin A and nwit Nnfea' uMa mi lit gfl I lie iiMfi of Ihe twrn Co Limited, Torcato. Dnl. ! eur Umaliai k Sak. He hrmitrht ire cream and aotta eoaalar. 2-fMl s Home tle. I emir In be in OoihI IL K. Con. Or.U. lnlar' Clnli al. Al 'lie prevent :,.noo , nh wilh him. aid I.5mi waae. Apply by & Halnrday. Jane f. KHft WaterfronL I p.m. fWn, lime Hi.' liny had no nlaee in MAY WEATHER down on hi firm, fetid hetnar a feeHpnery. Phone 313. pariieiilar. apfdy -"THar j-.lt ml wliieb I" I rain .ir hbl Ibeir imn-believer in bank, buried the WAN IHO.-liiMable imM. Ofkml ?ni. phone )-lr.-ti. 'meeting and I hey were now renutiniHK .l.aMi in a fiebl. He waire. Apply Mr. l.lfHI, JfH Mean Temperature, 4S.3; Rain. IsUemafliU . a-kmir fur lieaibliiarter. Tliey hiil it while no one wajia ktokintr I3S KoOrtb .Uemte Vel. ROOMS fall, 4.0 Ins.; Bright Sunshine, would endeavor to eetir from and tolil nn one. inl even mem-Iht Summer ISO Hours. where ii WAXTKO TO HUM Small Knr- ST. KI.MO HirTH.. Ild and knll 4 Whit, h Hie rity I'liiiuril (ieriniion to of Ibe family, wa . ri.nccaled. Ihirintr Ihe winter ol nib Hon.. -Hot n Haily water in every nana. Matans 42 Iliali :. ibuild a i-ahin near MHUymont . The frdliiwins weather reort New Office. heated. Rate reasonable. lit Coll. nark nn ine rilv nrnnerlv. iirh I9IJ lie wa froaen lo death aive Wbil' .. . Hie Month of i itiej t- i. ...r. or May Pbnna Oreen Sin K3 Sew.al with him rfiel Ihe aerrel of the a e. dn would be built by the FOR RENT J':'. COAL bv H. O. Oewe, I Vominion Avenua SVel, ;t.y under the puidanee 0f tir hidm place of le nawney. fitn Ho .. . Hf 'inlnietor and 1hu wmiM Im meieoml?il: For the Val iterade member FOn hMN'T. Furnished room, TAXI Masimum temperature, M on .f In- lunnly have orcsaui-uad with or without, board, borne elabliheil a heutlquartrrs where - -- Tal S7 Phone. ia-n " ' e lbe bwy f.mld meef and rei-ejve May 8. mailt fnlile an-lie fur the hnl- eookfnfr. Alan litie.etintr ;f:all iiior- or Oust) fit Hitk - ' ' -1 MinimuTti lemneralure, 35 on suite. .Norfolk Itoom. phone .real satisfaction ' Repeal (raininjr. Arranjremenls 'were al roaori Kvery eonceivabl Ross Brothers. f. Fi.p- ontoi - I. irijr filled rv.-ry jbeinB- made to eeire a Miilahle May 17. idace tin been dllK M. "Uuic IHaek 3M. If Five.pasaenaer Tourtii Car place in which Ihe boy could be Mean temperature. M.3. ioom'iI and boiK'be fidlowed. but STKAM Heated Flat for rant Prompt Day and Xlaht Service. 7Wh f drilled during inelentenl welher. Hainfall. i.rt incbe. -lilt r.urli' hoard renaain af nner apartments. M. M. Standi Boston drill Third Avenue (S-l.Hiii. ? Nanaimo-Wellingfon II bad licfii -np?ele.l In have Itriffhl unbine. 150 hour from ex -ryoiie. bank rnlder in. Stephens. ft- loll- Sunhiue wa recorded on -M (i lu.le.! AUCTION 8ALES. II Wli - a Hoy Si'oiil day on July 19 next lay. FOH rtRXT Housekeeping- room CondiHfiet in your home or at Coal the Hillary i:iub to have a Nut 110 Sftlh Avenue !Ial. 1'Hone our room, floods also sold on I- Hurt luncheon I hat day al the lt ' mi CLUB" SHOWN jilAREM lllue 2i:. If commission. Julr fnii'k Fir-' Lasts l.onjrer! Lake ami inxile I tie Iwiy wont TEA AND SALE OF H. H. HEMMII1QS, i:ol ami' : other N'it lotrelber wild Ibeir inlmror ! IN TALMADGE PICTURE MODF.llN four rflem rial for Auctioneer, Third Avenue HOME COOKING IN Falr. :als. rent. Weslenbaver Hrns. If and a parade of boy m-mil In I." (Dai ny Allan' Old Store) H- Sen. Phone 116 or 564. held in the niorninf. AID PIANO FUND Exotic Settings In "Voice From FOB rtKXT. Front flat in Smith Phone black 138 and Green 471. ... S -.-' Albert & Sierial nrraiixeiiienl eotild lie Minaret" at Weslholme A Mallet Hlock. 14-Fal..- I McCaflery made with Daul. Sanon t Theatre Tonight FURS. FURS. laV Hr... I Successful Affair foe Methodist FOR SALE LIMITED rarry I In' ienib iivit and back. NOTICE TO TRAPPERS. t- Win' - f and lirkeln would be fJd for Church Is Given by Mrs. AliKOiB Hie exotic einn to b' FOH SAI.K. Modern Houe at Ihin'l el y.mr fur until mu JS- Fal. t idiill and children. Tbe Indies Dlbb and Mrs. Cornish tmiml in " ITie Vire From Hie 7fi Ambrose Avenue. Hix have cen me. Iniy cverv de. faS.'iin f Ihe I.O.H.K. were lw be in- Minaret." Norma Talinadife' of roonH and ImIIi; fumialied or rlplion of raw fura al best vileit to have a lall ul Ihe Lake A very iiccefnl lea and ah ferinu ni the WVatbolme Theatre nnfnrnislie.1. What nfter? I rice. Ilritiii im your ratrtiii. jiWt.it. f For Sale! and a water i-arnixal would be of home cook I lit in aid of Hie loniilii .ci.I tootorrow. i the in Apply Hnx HI Oaily New W. OOLDBLOOM, UFalc V' v' liebl on Ihe lake in the afleruoon MelliMlil Church piano fund wa lei-ior fl a reort known h 'The Office. law "The Trapper's Friend." p. Seoul - . ' While the Jity Scout would jrive iriveu yelerday afternoon by Itfiih "f tin' H.nen ITair," siiualeil Second Avenue. l JVhP.- s ' -ft a diday. Mr. K. Ilibb and Mr. V. II i Hi ti.M i of myxtic llouibay. It i'Olt SAI.K. Piano. arMiuophone. Fair... s v f THREE LOTS The ilay of feliilie would be rnili at Die borne of Hie i- mill'- tiareni in every re. IxNlnMim suite, heater. Phone MAIL SCHEDULE fnHooui. i on Alfred St. with broiiglil in coricluion by Hie former. 'I'nllow SI reel. -I i I, .11.'1 Hie iralberinv place SHI . i:il For the East-Monday. lioldin? of a dance al nlRlit. If Mr-. 4'.oroili wa in cliariie of,,f r,.,,,.,,t. f die Indian rit -1 Wednesday and Hat ro Falcon- DVELLING of men ami wmnefi of all clae Seoul- l lie evetil were fCroperly run the urdays, clones at 7 p.m. iin.l stations in life. and 2 Greenhouses speaker llioutilil il wogld be po. From the East .fi il tbe Particularly wsta ren. White s... 3 nible In materially lncreae Hie Monday. Wednesday and Friday. n Or Owner will exchange for deoii for cAiiiralor. tn-Irivuiiitf CFaboi.' W( Dwelling ami Lot nxre t-cn-I fund of Matter the aocialion.Discussed 1 M A G I C Militiriau ami dlplo. From Vancouver S.30 p.m. 0.rlcrtiit - ' ' ' t- inal hii.I llioe who foiiH.1 within j t.yi,iio s ov v rally located. A dieiiioii iiMik place on Mie' ftinday p, , it wuli a place to carry on Ibeir jl-Fhlron v- See it for Particular Kiibjeel. Jrdin liybbavn ouni i Wednesdays 3 P.M. I a ' love affair safe from prying jil- rs-r ul that Ibe organization wa iloinjr Friday . A.M. VaWliite R.I ' eye. Oliver Typewriter. (rood work unonp tbn boy and 'the club i Ihe renter of a Halurdays 3 p.m. iH Falcons - !''" M Cary Safes. it wa lieinjf carried on under n crie of cirilinu epiiHle in H.P.IL Juno 3, II, 18 and 25. U 1 s,iils ft - FIRE INSURANCE. burden. The Idea wat to enlist To Vancouver- Sr,.i.,m'"1 'The Voice From Hie Minaret, Hie nyinfinlliy of the juiltlic in Hie which wa written by ltob"il Monday (train) 7 p.m. :Whlle H. i v- f Tuesdays, Mall closes 5 P. M. movement. Oenrge Itryunl win lllrhcii. noted for hi lal. of Dybhavn & Hanson j droiufly in favor of carrying out llial corner of the itlolie. Thursday 10 P.M. FOOTSskt I lie plaris a unjrelc.l. Saturdays A.M. Third Avenue. ti 1 (curve llorie u(celed that Sunday 10 P.M. ft Prince Rupert, B.C. the Holary i;lub nppriinl one or RADIO COMMUNICATION O.P.It. June 7, In. 3 and 30. 6 Son ..f 1 - ' ' " To Anyox, Alice Arm llefciee II - 1 two member lo Join him in POLAND AND - AMERICA . Wr.lnewlay g p,yj. llrotlo v- wailinir on the cjty council In From Anyoi, Alice Arm Itefcree ll. i acerlain if land unliable fur Hie erei'iion of lieadiuurler One of the Most Powerful Sta ThuiKilay. H p.m. l Soil "f I a for To Stewart and Premier MiKland 11 1 I lie liny Seoul could be obtained. tlons In World Being Junior U Saturdays 0 p.jj. Or V I. KitkIii IIioiikIiI that Built at Warsaw, Costs From Stewart and Premier Hie i lub nbntilddo all il could lo $2,000,000 H Public s. M Humbiy . M, p.m. - aMd Ibe aocialinti and moved S1I10.1I lb' TouriMK 1445 To Alaska Points-June , ..II' tlial l)r Oraiil and I. McUynioiil WAHMAW. June . The II IHkIi ' TiHinitK. wuli -iiuvtiT . 530 V- .1, II, IM and T,. llunnhiml 405 tie appointed lo join IIih iMphu-tion m bliildillK of u radio Malum In From Alaska Points-Julie eiee i:lapp' lliiiiuliniii, wilb winner 490 lo Hie rouiicil. Tlie motion Waraaw which will lie one or 7, 10. .'a and :i0. j:.iii - ' ei onded by O. Hone and HN fnl in Hie lleferer II. Sedan, willi sturfcr .. 785 PRODUCT tlie iiiokI power world. To Naas River Points eurried. John iiyldiavn moved 'lias been undertaken with a Mew Onupc. wild starter .. 695 Tliui'Mlay 10 P.M. riiaKKl 345 thai Hie quelbiti of Ibe luncheon OF CANADA EVERY TEST lo iilviny Poland the oppnrl iinlly From Naas River Points PRINCE rlUPlnT;;,i (.liHHxih. wiili sliirlcr 430 on July III be referred lo Hie of direct euiiiiiviiiicHlion with Halurdays A..M. & . -w Trunk 495 diri-elom or Ibe elub to report welern counlriea without having To Queen Charlotte Island Points Frld, Trurk. Willi MturO-r .. 510 bark. The million wn kecond'-d to ley upon I'oniMI'inicalioii .tune l:t and .'7 .'1 IK) P.M. IHKII I.ixlil I Mi wry 430 by lieo. Ilryaiil and curried. Hirouwli other slalcM. From Queen Charlotte Point 5 l I'"1 l.ilihl Delivery, Willi The work of conalriirlion wa June I I 1111.1 :Ti. l.riw 11:00 Htitrler 515 Major J. A. Motherwell, chief couimeiiced ill I'ebriiary. Ill To Port Simpson, Alios Arm 71. nn u 11 r fll F.O.H. 1 nid, Out. !II per I or of fii.iP-b. who airn anil Will be fiilinbeil ncxl July. Anyoi and Arrandale. Saturday. J"",M S. E. PARKER cd in Hie i lly on Hie Prince Hu-per Tlie Jolnl coat of Hie hIiiIioii Kunday P.M. lllfr-h Dealer, on Weiineiilay in ronnei linn iniiioiiut- t" alnmst nini.iiiiui From Port Simpson, Alio Arm 0 19 I f Prince Rupert, B.C. wtlh Jeiinrl mental luiHine - re I I Anyoi and Arrandale Low V I "1 Jlunlfd to Yanriiuvei- laut nitdil Subscribe fur tlm Dally News. I Tue.iday a.M, I .9