FAOl TWO Tin OTTET hiivyb The Daily News APPOINTMENTS IMUNCR IHJPKItT - HHITLSII COLUMBIA Published Bvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince ON RAILROAD Huperl f taily News, Limited, Third Avenue, II. P. PULLKN. Managing Cditor. Long Lilt of Change Announctd by Local Offices of C.N.R. il SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, ''V "tail OP turner, per month. . . $1.00 HEAD OP EXPRESS By mail to all parts of the British Knpire and the United .Stale, COMPANY CHANCED1 in advance, per year. ..... 90.00 To all other countries, in advance per year $7.50 :. . Ilnys. formerly vice., president In rlmrge of iraffir frj TELEPHONE tt the Canadian National Hallways, has hcen appointed general titan- Contract Hales on Application. uiirer of the express Itepartmeilt of i All should fe in The New Odlce advertising Daily on day preceding the CuiA.li.in National Jlailways. publication.' All advertising received subject to approval. succeeding John I'nllen, former, 'T'!: . president of the Cnimdian Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. pre vi fin ha hcn superan I Vt4 nuated after n lona and faithful 1 r DAff.Y EDITION Thursday. March 8?. 1913. ncfvice nrcnrdifie ft) announce-J tniii made hy local i:.N.H. office! Buy Power Cheaper 'this morning. 1 From Private Companies. Other changes announced her-1 In Hie Locomotive Kngineer"$ Journal for February there is lxt.i) are as follow: - .in ruin If dealing with municipal power plants that indicate Passenger Department wh.il can be ilone by developing the large water powers in the '.. W. Johnston, formerly as-j in'ipliliiii fitn.d. It is nn Argument in faor o'f municipal ownership, eitant general fia)enjrer agent' but it says: ' of the O.T.II. nl Montreal, ap "Municipal plants, Ihey tell u, are finding one after the pointed iaen(ter -traffic mana- other and more ami more that it is cheaper to buy current .of lhejrer Tor the r....lt ii I Montreal. private rpnTmnies than'it I possible for Ihem lo produce it ,,Mr. Johnston i it hrnlher of l.or-Iheniselves. uUtn V. Johnston, former iaen. "It is true. And many an unwary municipality is falling inloiger as-ent here and now peticral the trap. Some have done o and later discovered Iheir mistake (n.ssenser a?enl tor Aiilrnlin Other luive done so and arc still unaware of any unfavorable and New Zealand. i reull. V. (Vinson, formerly sen-1 "Jlere is what is happening: The private power companies eral rasenirer afrent of the' are as rapidly as possible building up great lem of plants .'!'.II. at Montreal. afoinleli muling and iiiierrofiiieeiing first a few citie and then more manager of-the- traffic ami tickrl 1 and more until they have captured fifty or a hundred or even bureau at Montreal. more cities, towns and villages and made contracts with them II. I.. Kafrhairu. formerly pa. for current. This gives them Ihe advantage of large scale pro-diK'lion. senier I raffle manairer of th- By lhal means they are able to reduce the unit cot of lW.lt. at Tor'mi lo. ap.inled' production to one half hr one fifth of that of small isolated mannirer of the patiiri'r ervi--i plant lxireau at Montreal. J. It. Mel. title appointed assistant to Mr What We Need Is Faiitwirn. MP- Power Right Now. . . II. It. Charlloii. former mana THE While the article speaks of private ownership a a menace per of advertising department ofi it admits that production i cheaper and that by business meth the i.T.IU apMinlel nianatrer of. ods costs ran he cut down to one half or one fifth. Here then me anenisinz niireaii at .unii.j ! a leson for Prince nupert. treat. . I.. I .renrhlon. former1 This rity need power in the worst way. There is none here general advertising apfnl of the CIGARETTE to offer; possible customers. The preent plant is operated CX.ft., apMunlid as4ianl to QUALITY pretty well to it capacity. Before much more can be old another Mr, Chariton. plant or another system mil! be installed. To do thr It. J-. Mrleoil remains at Mon economically a large sum of money must be sent in making treal as assistant t" 'be general provi-ion to supply big plants such a pulp and paper mills. The lassenser traffie m.mater. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY or CANADA. LIMITCtl outlay win run into millions. H. Creetman. formerly ait- nt oaasentrer traffic rnauaeer at i iir.ni iirouj uir- iniiMii i)gi power plant is correct for a city already Imilt and a heavy consumer. But when a town is it inniiv. aMinie' iiaornn-r srnair and struggling, and where a lillle outside help means n traffie mamiirer nl Wmnipt,uil I" Mr. I'.th IImiiU. .show r.-nil Hint n, .- k i ,1.. I :i .-n i .... with iuriMietrin iv r Wesleinl Position of .ti!aiil iicucri-t rr-al e of rr.Htl i .till pr.n li- urni. u i ni 111 na- some oig interest pulling in our 'direction. - ine jfreiahl aanl tariff bnrxaiu, aa.ically utitoorltetl. Memher tmnl Canadian National Railways I he position here today is that negotiation are on for the U". K. I In pern w. formerly ?en..ilan! general fretrtl a went have scare I)' be eon in re.i(.. sale or the rffilf ami pulp limits of,Ihe Kmersori Estate. Anyone it psrnKi-r airenl for the MH-ial traffic txin-mi ami Iwu hiiihI m'fi 'hr- r.-ifemi rvi-rr purchasing fhi will have: to get power and thi power auction 'V.lt. at Winnipeg, afifNnel rlio fs of tariff bureau at Moil- . sjwfen. l,i, h t ai. Ihe ah. Na. iicer traffic manager with, Ireal alHiiished. ' .rw-c ..I ,m i...4i 'l fil. Ili:il Prince Rupert i- one n mr iiiiiiciiines to re overcome in making a deal and rne jurisdiction oter the c-nlml re. . ii. i nun. inrmeriy aiiari prn-r, or r-..rniiK ir will cn-gem-rul jr-unir imiuMry started here. The city i financially no vion. ami heafltiiarters at To freight nl at Xiinlreai tiin..- in nif. n.c. u Mir mrmlier aoie m an. ii instead any inducement can be given to a big ronto. for the i:...lt . remains al that I'lmk- will midonhli'dlv make DRYDOCK concern lo power develop the Fall River or Khlada power and hroig them In Prince Rupert o that anyone wishing lo locate II. fioiirlier. formerlv ait. post, as loc. lo-nrgc H. f'airhea. fi"ii-v on their intii credit. h r here cjjn lie sure of gelling abundance of cheap power, then we anl general (aef.g-r a if en t al liin fieiwlit .igciil al Toronto. ioiiiiting iheir own or 'heir AND Tironlo, appointed general pa-senr . culomers' iiiMT Willi i he feiieral may hof to show some progress industrially. Our should be our source of wealth. A it Is we derive no benefit power I . agent Klliolt.al Toronto. PERIOD OF RISING irserte. if they ran do .o wilhonl SHIPYARD from formerly district oiidiie rik. Ttita mean.further being within fori) miles of several fine power ourre. iKisseiiger agent al Montreal fot exiMinskm. and. rouse., prices is ukely :;:;;::; 'he I.. I.ll appomle.) general hiB-her Forget The price foe coni-' Dry DH Theory Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Too Floating paiiger azent nt Montreal m mii ic The fly in the ..nil-. Get Down To Practical p.ine. Pi"" Engineers. Machinists, Boilermakers, BIscksmMil. James Morrison .formerly a. Brokers Say Period of Secondary It it all very well for theorist lo write Miouf the AdvanLijres Inflation iieil(i. iiir one m rarif iro-' makers, Foundere, Woodworkers, Cte. of iMfatit general pnareiiger agent Is Upon us; Commodities liict, and floor ric in price may! municipal ownership. Let us grant them nil and till what of the i:.N.U. al Montreal, ap. Will bo Dearsr fe ow lint il will sine. ! Electric and Welding. in c uo ii we nave not ihe money or credit or courage to go poinletl general liaenger agent Acetylene to work ourselves and spend millions on harneing Ihe source at Montreal with Jurisdiction W"it I co..er at IT cents, cotton of supply am bringing the power here. I it not belter lo be ocr xteamship traffic. oxer .in rciii.. wool London EASTER SALE HELD Our plant I equipped lo -.ille all kinds of reasonable and let someone who has the money rmr and spend C. K. Howard, formerly general oeril.oo, iiil,Mr aft cents BY 1 Work it here and build METHODIST AID Commercial up our city. In twentv or Ihirtv vears lime looriil agent at Toronto for the poumt. with sleel, lumber au-l Marine and wher.thtr eharler expires it will h for the nexl veneralimi to :.N.It., apioinle gen ecu I tourist other raw and urn mi facto red ma WAS FINE SUCCESS PHONC3 43 AND 3SS decide wheiher i they want lo change Ihe system. Thev can do il agent at Montreal. terials adtaiK-ing in price, it must Ihetj. perlmp to advantage. Just now what we need is power A. T. Weldon, formerly freight be admitted thal,the long expected and that at In Spite of Advsrso I almost any price, provided we can supplv it on attractive4 traffic manager for the CN.ll. at KriN of ikeromiarv infla- Weather, terms lo lhflse who would locale here and hejn s ,id Montreal, appoinle'd Iraffir manager lion here. -jiy Ihirdiek. Uigau Many Ladles Patronlied up IbOtrily. ' for the Atlantic region with iV l.o. in their market hulleliti.i Affair and $140 was I liml.iiarlers at Moncton, .V.H. Hur retail im-rrhanl arc sttlH Realized I Service Low DENTISTRY; X:Ray Rates From Plants'. William P. rilzsiinmons ap. Selling Iheir goxxl al price that. .... '"'7 .Big pointel cmirnisioner of indut w ill fiHik verv Chen 1. sit month. I - '"' " "'r mme The only reliable and scientific method of k "I The article tells of the low rates secured from big plan I. lrie for ."ie centml ami Atlantic Iroin tiNlay l..ptle the increase f'".'."' lr "elies exact condition of the teeth and siirroun :ing ANitmipcff suppling, current retail at :tc a kilowal hour: Uindr regions wild lieadipiarlerfc al in credit einansion. the reirl. 1 JWwy aflefinon In the bony structure. "..... "i- uienne s, I.lie; Toronto, 2.2c; Ktralford 2 lr-and Montreal. of. the American tV-leral It-serin" 's u.or,,u.. 1..,w a l", ....MeHimll.t the average of Oft Canadian municipalities is 3.r Yet here' Freight Department uiiij-KO-iiy 1 lie iMiltfm AUl prov in Prince llnpcrl our plant i Vunning at capacity arid we have Frank en a great Mrcc in suite of DR. BAYNE J. lo pm very niucli higher rates. Walson, formerly System Run Down twealher comlllloils wtileh were The general freighl agent of the flffice Honrs- O.ll Tiien . Thurs.. Hat. t,tzmi' article tells of the advantages of not altogether favorable. Many abundant and cheap tt.T.lt. at Montreal, appointed Denial Nurse Alwny ju -vllendatice power for luhlimr. cooking and operating industries. Jl Dl A , r r 1 i"'e paiioniie.1 Ihe alTalr ami non' 1 says-- freight traffic for Ihei Rooms Blk. Cheap electric is the manager "" '"n,y 4, S, 0, Holgeraon r,wer most vitally important factor in the Ontml region with headquarter- xjiufja liui or iirripr nfactory um of development of the modern city. It, .,fiIitios, 110 was realized n a result. commercial d nt Monlieal industrial development, its domestic v"r 11 " The general decorative selieine problems, existence depends upon it." indeed its ' W. . Mamlers, formerly as. Mny prO(U tMCfiOi run fc.ri. tUl 'wn, yello 'Hid nree.i I V.I.. THE sjstanl frelghMraffic of manager Ihe ,..VIi. al Winnipeg, K be. ! rule. It la Impr-per trrg. p',,or- ''ITo.Jils ami tulip Ten Years appointed Ago uiiiio of Um tUrMi. f mloriie ihe tea tallies, ihe whole Used After Shaving jurisdiction freight traffic ner the manager Wentern with region .. .he, need ,. . food Ullj'"' Til" Hf',n"U- In Prlnco Ruport WASH and headquarter tp il- tyoero tUll Ih. tM",;: were booths al Win-mjrf-g. wilh those .roprr hp in charge j March 22. 1813. Keeps Skin Soft and Smooth L. Macdnnald. formerly axxlst. Tor nils rurpoM there is aotkint on .edlework - Mr. Krikevsky, The I'rince Ituperl alry Fee our Hal J"f Sit' 11 r. rwinieitiane and Mr. S M ant general freight aarnt of the ItM lurkfl Mljy 10 eqiMl l.lnhnson. delifiy ria- was demolished tmjay Many men suffer from Irritation '.I.P. at Montreal, annoinled a. Riiprmrir Dinnn dittcdcI Haste. Novell iea Mr. W. II. Kjg'tli whyi the Avenue.horse The ran away 011 1 1 CanadianSteamLa undry runaway Msiaui ircigiu traffic uuinWWl ULUUW of th'e skin manager UI1IL.I1J (iornish ami Mre. as a result of Willi jurisdiction over the Cen. Clifford Woo. eollTded wilh the Clifton llakery shavinf. With some it assumes Hal region and lieadqimrlers at tl rrrultlM Ihe Umirh. Ilv.r u4 worlh. tin which was slightly damaged. 1 I'hi ie Df.ru, pun'iei ttie Lluud tint loou ap Home (looking Mis fieorte a form of Toronto. -- eczema and becomes ttw enlir tirin. j, Kerr. Mrs. Malhelson most annoying and II. W. Loiik. formerly diwsin.i mid Mrs. A brass alrnsdish has been unsifhtly. Thomas. frWghl agent o the. fi.T.lt. nt Mrs, It. foole. Vi tnttt. Oat., wfiim: presenied lo tlm Anglican Chun li By applying a little of Dr. Toronlo, uppolnlivt general -j.'ti . rum own, iimi uiy VhmtQ Tea Jlooiis Mr. I Inhii. Mrs. by Mr. It. I.. Mrlnlo.li, a life vmmi rOAL uui or order, im mfr.fetf 1 rft dr O Chase's Ointment .ItfigerS, Mr, V. after shaving freight agent with juritdiclion Oilhuly and member of the Women's AuillU the Irritation Is overcome and user ,e fnral regjon and head. ry iuerti. A Hro4 lota u 10 ur " V ary, II will be used neit unriuy 'luatters burowii tUu.Ni sutlers, so I t u,in.' Candy raole Mis Haddock, Barber's Itch and Eczema at Montreal. for ihe first lime, are II. i:. oit trior ;i uwd 1 round 11 iu'MIm Julia fJalderiMie irwl Miss nvp Perry, formerly ailaul now prevented or relieved. donit n toon. 1 krpi on ustit 1 Ud Kathleen Irvine. We can C0k teuerui freighl aif,.nt 0f (n takro thr; ind sow I t' ilk s diffrrsul Mm. H. . MeMordie Two fnnlball trsms elerlc! FAMOUS CDS0N t'-.X.t. al Montreal, appointed wonun. was from Ihe pt. Andrew' Hociely miantilr DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT manager of the .traffic bureau at My kuOskO tlx) lk II sod ti tui caslihr. played Iba first game of the season lii any M Montreal. 11 U biui " yesterday afternoon. feed up ftoy liyer, of L'sk. who had Prince Rupert 0 OnU a boi, aU dealers, or Udiuanaoo, Ku- Jaimy Oir. formerly assistant re Ud, Turusio lor ibs nil "feni a few days visiting m the milheri. general fr:iHlil at,-, nt at Montreal 41 nr a. a, a. has tern Harry (IsranoCT, of for (be r,H . nppnintrd assist muiurtrrurrd only ty The T MiltHira ce . r"v reltn ned home -.n l4al passed luronph the city lost Fhone Liiuiiwi. Tormiio, onl. jnirfii s train niIil en route to Anyox.