A. B ill i. Ladies' and Children's BATHING SUITS Ladies' All Wool Bathing Suit l only, in navy and fancy stripes. Values to $0.50. To clear at .... $3.50 each Ladies' Cotton Bathing Suits Kxtra heavy knit, navy ami white only. Regular $i.7u. To clear at $1.75 Children's Bathing Suits - Sizes 21 and 20 only. To clear at 75c H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. We carry Pictorial Review and Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. We Prepay Delivery Charges on Mail Orders. Phone 9. Grocery! IL W v Aii n In ! Summer COAL ; Great satisfaction! Repeal oruers being rilleil every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Ouick Firel Lasts Longer! Costs same as other Njt Coals. Phone 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED Dr. E. S. TA1T DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 to 6. -. Phone 689. Open : Evenings Only For .. Special Appointment. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Kmnress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. Flrst-olass Restaurant In connection. James Zaretll - Proprietor. FRESH MILK DAILY From Our Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Cows. ' BETTER MILK. BETTER SERVICE. STANDARD DAIRY Phone Black 51. i Llbby's Asparagus Soup, 2 tins for 15c American Beauty Ginger Snaps. Just arrived in . small barrels 50c American Beauty Lemon ' Snaps, per barrel . . . BCc Novelty Package Biscuits for the kiddies. Harnums Animal., Noah's Ark. Assorted. 3 for 25c Del, Monte Catsup .... 35c 3 bottles for 95c King Oscar Sardines, 2 for 45c Adriatic White Figs. The -. best cooking fi? we have had in five yars. 15c lb. 7 lbs. for $1.00 Lowney's Cocoa, per lb. 45s Rupert Table Supply Phones 211 212. ii i CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. 1 nuiilfc IS HLHEBV GIVE. UHt I po- s loi 6jj. Htnn i. coast District. 11 leaner uea. O. R. RADfc.N, lrputy Minister of Lands. Land J tVpartuwut. Victoria. B.C. J8I& JnlT. tm. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. I NOTICE j HEREBY GIVE tbit toe r- re fiUiioc oer lhe lands roroirrly Mi under Timber Licence .No. mtl F U cancelled. I O. R. .ADE.V DefMitf Minister or Lands. Lands Department, Victoria, B.C. Ulb July. tm. SUITS Made jo individual measure from various fabrics for yju to choose front, in all the vry latest colors and materials. Kery suit made exactly to your measuie. Guaranteed To Fit, Conn? in today and wc will frhow you our new fabrics. Prices Are Moderate. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING BY STEAM. Senkre Hifrfil. LING The Tailor Second Ave: Phone 649. 0)p. Jot Office Corner. Open for Business IN THE NEW STAND. Next to St. Regis Cafe. Men's Fine. Shoes from $4.50 Men's Working Shoes from 15.00. Canvas Shoes for Men, Hoys and Children, from $1.35 The Best Rubber Boot' In Canada. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Third Ave. Next SL Ilegis Cafe. 1'hone 44, St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. NEW REX Cafe On Second Avenue. The best place lo eat. Good Service. Nothing but the best. Under New Management. MANY RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY MUNICIPAL CONVENTION TCJDAY DEALING WITH VI TAL SUBJECTS , (continued from pate one) witli reference to sinking fund charges and premium and ex change payments was not adopt txl beinjr cohered sulliciently al ready by I he Act. A resolution from Vernon re commending thai Ihe attention of Ihe provincial government be brought again in most forcible manner lo Ihe dangerous poi lion in which municipalities are being placed by inequitable distribution of tax revenue as re gards schools, etc., which must result in many cases in financial disaster was discussed freely. It was the consensus of opinion that reform along this line was very necessary and that t lie question was one of the nwst important coming up. It is not new problem for the Union and moves along this line have already been ratified. 'Hie resolution was referred back to the resolutions committee for better explanation and will come up again this afternoon. Several clauses in Ihe Muni cipal Ollicers' Association's report dealing principally with echnical matters regarding civic administration were adopted. The Union did not approve of any mange in lite .Act relating to Trade License Tax. This was in answer lo a roiiimuuicatioti from Attorney Ueneral Maitson! ... ulunilling a complaint of siir-!ed. eyors at having lo pay licenes n every municipality. Heeve outer voted asainsl Ibe resolu tions' I'ommillee's rpconiliiftula- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. L' Staal Highway Brldgs Oiae Skaaaa Rltae at Terrace, B-C, Prlnc Rupaet District. uaseateuctups- Sealed Tenders surs-rvrrtbed "Tender lal ami lliipnivemeiUs as will for Terrace Brtdw superstructure." will dead lo conficalion. of t.rooerlr! im rereireo by the Honourable toe Nlnistm . , .. ... . , . . ..... , ZJLJLZl.i , r. " .-.m" Z ." ." "'"'nT."' T".'"J askCil lo lake Hie Wltole COM OI and eultleallan or at least k n...n. sundard time, on Saturday, tbe first education (leal 1 11 if directly With. Wh.ra-emror l ocrtipal ture. erectmn and Hintlna or tbe super-1 irus.iers. hway Bridge oer thei A resolution resardin? Ihe rrace, B.Cjoa follow. ... ., ... . iuiuu ijrru? .ici irom srieririratlons. contract and form I u-;irl uu. il.inti..! or lender nia be seen on and aMer tb , , " twentieth da or AuruL tjj. at the -X rifoiiimeildalion for a suK tt'V.J?r.&:'r ".e education system with may be obtained upon plication to ibe a view lo iuailUrnliliK economic Keparlwnt r Public Works. Victoria, on Jonlj, .iiti w .iwit uiriiiiwru u.iq uhmi t fuDent or ririren dollars, wblrb amount will be rruiKl-d wnen tbe plan are returned In snM order. Larh lender roust be Sfnuuanlrd by an accepted rnrque on a chartered bank or .auada niade Myable to tbe Honourable the Minister or Public Works for the sum or ten thousand dollar 1 10,000.00) whlrb shall be forfelled If the tenderer derllne V enter Into contract when called upun ti do so. or If be rails to rxiniplete I lie work rontrarted for. Tbe flieaue or unsurressrul bidder wtll be returned to tbem upon eterutlou or Ibe rontrart. Tenders must be nude out on the. form supplied and slimed with the actual !; nature or the tenderer. Tbe lowest or aoy tender not twcrftartlr accepted. r. riuur, Public Work Lnrtneer. Tbe Pepartnient or public Works. Parliament Bulldinrs, Victoria. B.C. August 16. t9U. DANCE At the Auditorium. Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening From 9 till 12 o'clock. Easson's Orchestra. Admission Gentlemen 50c; Ladles 25c. Come and dance your sorrows away, and remember your miseries no more. L. J. MAIinii.V, Proprietor. Phone HIack 4'jU. ThfTiiiteDdxriy Copwtd with ordinary lif J plant) WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRACTICE? x You can have this Utile favorite righl In your 'own room at less than 23o a day. Walker's Music Store Ltd. VMM DAILY HIW8 T"""'ir Auu l 2S 15!) SUMMER COMPLAINT Cramps and Diarrhoea Tbert U uo olbcf LUkI vt dlxr Uul ctmw mi i, quicHj asj with wi 6U waruliic at an alttrk of lwl U4iM. One nwy retire at mrbl. Ui lb tl f tM-altn, ami tefure tuurnloa tw avat-ettol by terrific rrani auJ pato la to Mvav arb rufluwnl by diarrbura, djiesier). summer cwuplalot or bowel trvub one form or another. At lull eaou of Ibe year, wbeo boel trouble arc su prealenL wvuM adle 11 precaution of alj baitnf (r ham) a bottle of Dr. rulr' Evtraet 1 ne recommeiiiiaiion irom Hie city council or J'nnre Iltipert that Ihe Municipal Act should be so amended as lo prov ide, that payments of any surpluses over Ihe upset price al lax sales should go to Ihe registered owner and not lo Ihe holder of the last agreement of sale wa also adopted. The resolution from Prittre Ituperl a.kitii' thai Ihe tiumicipal council be v'iveii Ihe inmcr lo re fuse licenses was also adopted. This afternoon the convention Is dealing with its budget and evolution of the (iood lloads League. Olosiu,r business w ill be election of ollicers ami selection f the next convention rlly. C.N.R. CONNECTIONS FOR WHITE STAR SAILING Sleain.lijps of Ihe XVhile Star line will sail from .Montreal dur ing September as follows: s.s. Iteyina" Seplember I : "Man- lic," Hth; "Doric." I.Mh: "Cjhi- ada," 'JHul. l'asseii:ers for these boats should arrange to leave Prince Itupert via Canadian National Hailway, August '.'5. September I. 8 and 15. ror rales and reservations, call or wrile City Ticket Ollice. Canadian National Hallways, riH Third Avenue, Prince lln-ert, H.C Phone 200. 201 Advert!. in the Dally NeWni PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, August 23. High . 11:38 a.m. 17.3 " 23:28 p.m. 1D.5 " Low 5:21 a.m. 3.8 " 17:21 p.m. 7.t " Friday, August 24. IIIkIi . 12:20 p.m. 18. i fl. Low . 0:12 a.m. 2.9 " 18:18 p.m. C.l " Saturday, August 25. Ilitfh .. 0:17 a.m. 20.1 fl. . 13:07 p.m. IK. 2 " Low ., 0:35 a.m. 2.5 " t IU:03 p.m. 5.0 " Sunday, August 26. High .. 1:00 u.nt 20.1 fl. I,i:i:l3 1..111. in.7 " Low . i' 7:28 a.m. 2.3 " li:JI pirn. 5.0 t. j . : MUNICIPAL DELEGATES FltOM SOUTH ARE DULY WEI COMED TO CITY AND START ON BUSINESS OF CONVENTION :Contlnued from Pag one Heeve Joho Tilton of lUchnuuul Major Y. JS, I'arks of Armstrong. . Councillor II. Johnson of Snal- utuchtM. City Clerk Abraham rtoaoman City WeU W. XV. Jackson of Katutoops. MHHieiMl VUtV R. H. Wand) of lk !Uy. ' CJty tMrl l S. Oay of Mrr-ritl. J. XX'iIsom Cwmtvshant of the of Wild Straubrrnr o that Jxm Ut b lw(tHtMr ready Tor any aud all eaierrenelea. m'. lHWllv. ,m tiv III find tnai a few do, of UU. v.h.lirr Columbian. abl renly. uaen pewupUy. UI U in' ArrtwtanMT me uricgmes 10 nirans or revenlln( a treat deal or n-lhc city are H IL Mrlcrinld. nereary iufrerinf, and nunjr a Ume nianaeer of Ihe Uojal Financial ave life. Ir..,. .i..... uH vi.lw.e,i.l ' ' Mr. VV. II. Judd. 171 Catbertne St. Ittdrt llair.1, ins- .XaiietHtvrr: rtle:--Ut Hamilton. OnL. um . . . . a akk m 11 .1 .' Hit tner I bad a ery bad attack or summer lor OI It. 1.. .Mliuiripailliev .Mrs. cwiUlnt, rrami and diarrfcwa . I tr! (I. XValson. wife of the reeve of many dirrerrnt remedies , bui t tbey dri noi saaiiich ; Mr. J. XV. Cunningham seem to help me. I nrard or IT. FowWa .... , . , , Ejuaet or Wild Stfa.berry. to detldea I Um-e LUIllUligham. would try it. 1 only took a few do, wife and 'daughter of the editor and In a abort iiom I was better." if ,r llritl-h (Vdumbiall. New P, i9en ,pui UP. tT,J Wrslmin.ter; Mrs. XV. K. Wasson. t T. MiUiurn Co. Limited. Torvoto. Out. 1 , . . , tion ,to this eiTecl. A proposal from Soutli X'au- couver regarding equitable as sessment was considered and the . recommt'iiilalioii calling fur relief fnun Ihe provincial gov-j ernmenl with reference to jclal service taxation was adopted. A resolnlbm ppdeliug azaiii' sovenimeiit of municipalities by; onlcrs-in. coimril. nilnilers ofi the crowii, fire nUtrshals. etc. was adopted. The convention reiterated its former stand thai tin pre. rut duties and services allocated to the municipal governments by the legislature cannot be carried on without, placing suclt taxation win" in uir .risiin coy cicrfci .'irs. K. Iiw retire. .VeUon; Mrs. ft. llaywurd. wife of ' the X'lctoria .mayor: Mr. x . j. Nirifnl, wire 'of Ihe X'ictoria alderman: Mm. committee, recommended that the r- "-"'. lrilameiila.ry et: Mr. T. Union M,p,wrl individual action I1 '1' uf ih, "pe VJ of municipalities in this respl. Ihe recommendation was adopl- '.7. V, 'lf.r iXvnllfy. vnfc tif Ihe Nelson ahfer- man. SYNOPSIS Or LAND ACT AMENDMENTS Minimum prt riral.elaa ir4 rloeed to II an acrai aMn4 -elua IJM an arra lT.itink now connaaJ t wr Td land a only. Records win oa grant. eoTf1nJ Ottlf laiut rultaMa fe airtevltural vnrpn and which ta non.ilmbar lai4, rartnershlp pempluna ahottrked. but parti of no4 more than rout may arrar-c roe adjacent pra.niptkM with Joint raudanco. bo. ssch maklrs Mcnnrf Iraprwomaata ow rvocllet claims. Prmpiora must ocrupy elaima lor leas than 1 year, asd has made bcw portbirat Improvementa. ha may, ha cau ft lll.heaHh. or other raw. V rranted P term-4iat rrtiricala O im rwerwsi and tranvfer kla claim Record witnaul permanent r. dene m t taauvd. prwrlded appil rjnt makes Improvement to ettant ot fSW fT annum and raoorda mom earl, year Kallura to make tmproeemeate e retvrd him win eporale aa (o. felture. Title ran sat ha nhtalned In than I )r: and Improtsmesu of 1 10 re acre. Indudmt I acta rlarel and eultlrated. and reldnca T at le X eara are reqglrad lre -emptor holdlei Crown (Irani may . .r1 ar.cther pf ampllon. If ha tear land In contunellmi w.h hi-fi cm withoor actuaJ ncrupatlcxi, pro Tided statutory Imprwamaata made and re-M.nce maintained on Crown rrahlr4 land IVaurreyed areaa. nnt irevdina It ri. ma; It teaaed BJ) hama.lt, till In b nbtatnad after filfllltnc real, nVntlal and Improvement eewdlvlcna For crailri and Ir-dj.iMal nurne areaa escoedlai lit acre may ha by one peranei or runmany, Mill, factor or IndoMrlal alia un Ombet land not aireedlra; If acraa may be purchased: cnndllior Inclade ' lymnt of alumpaf. Natural har maadawa tract eulble l.y aiiatlrg roads may h purthaaid conditional upon conatnictlon of a road to them. R'a-ata of pee-half of coat ot ' road, not aireedlra half of purchaaa 1 lir. la ml. ' IC CMPTORS mtl OMANTS ACT. Th -ootx of thl Art I nlarid v Include au peraona )olnlrf and aere m with Ilia Majaatya Furcaa The time wltlilb which Ihe helra or dafl.aae f a deceased pr-mpor may apply fnr title under tha Act I astandad from ror on year frm the dealh .f auch peraon. aa formarly, until on year after the conclusion of tht (teat war. Thla prlll.( is Un mad r tro.-all. Nn fee relattri to pra-amntlona ar dua or payable by ar-ldlera on or, emptlona recorded after !' M. 111 Tatea ara remitted for fl yeara ProYlaton for raiom of monaia accrued, du and baan paid alnca Auaust I. till. 00 account or paymaota, ?aaa r taiea on aoldiera' nra.emptlona. Interest on frennta tn mirrhaa town or city lota held by mambera i.r Allied Forraa, cr lf;.endcnta aoiulrad direct or Indirect, remitted from an. tlxtment to March II. U!. sua.uiCHASins o chown LANDS Prorlelon made for laauanea of Croan cranta to auh-pfirchaaara of Crown Land, acquiring right from purehaaara who failed to complala purchase, Involrlng forfeiture, on fulfillment of eonaltion or purchase. In taraat and tales Whera aub-purchaa. an do not claim whole of original par-cat, purchase price dua and tataa may ba distributed proportionately over whole area Appllcattona must be made by May L 1110. ORAZINQ Oraslng Act, ISIS, for eyaumatlo davalopmant of livestock Industry pro Tldee for traalng dlatrlcta and range administration under Commlaelonar. Annuni (rasing parmlta Issued based on numbera ranged, priority for aatab Halted ownara. Stock-owner may form AaaoclaUona ror rang management, rret. or partially frea, parmlU for aattlara. campaya or Uavallara. ua te tea haaaV Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Helgerson Block. Phont 10 Por Appointment. P.O. Box 95;, Wines Rupert. 1 Phone 376 The House it MEN" ni 2LQualit Are You Gktting Youk Siiaub of thf Good Tuincs This Life 0mxs.-AND at The IUbht Piuce? We have a men's department manned bv an expert in his line. He knows what you wantho huys it at the rifiht price and sells it to you at less than most places ask for the same goods. If we do not have what you want in our stock we'll net it for you. 0UU TAILORED to Youk INDIVIDI'ai MKASURH CLOTHING is a wonderful success. Look over ourfiOO samples of cloth YOUR SUIT IS IN THE LOT The Fit is Guaranteed. The Price is Ri and backed by our guarantee, UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. ' Outfitters to the Whole Family. Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay MaJIOrie, JJJIfJIBJBJBBBBJBB 1 WESTHOLME THEATftl Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 P0LANEGRI In One Arabian Night" A night of a thousand delights in old HagKJao, tStdtjc shrouded streets. Sec her dance; tee her gUcce. TU desert dancer who became queen of the hartm. Orirrt! glamour, love, mystery, romance, intririe. Gigantic catt includes Ernat Lubitach. The New "LEATHER PUSHERS." Round Na,l Topics of the Day Admiaaion, 35c taalll DENTISTRY' Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8. 9 Smith Bloc Office I lours. 9 to 0 Phone 575 Lady Aim 1 School days Willi. f . a a a .1 . I I rt ' J win ail si an lass 1 1 at r n niriiiii niisi iiit itinn miti avu MUiriiiK shoe for Hit- fall n.id winter Ami Ja,,wU i,n!i jilucc to gel tlii'lil, Uur sloe is conil'ietr ui WET OR SHINE wll fintl tiur lirniiils nlvuy on duly "i"1 'nf l emit senice. The famous "Classic" Shoe Tor Glrli and Women. The dependable "Leckle" and "Chums" for "" "" ,'r, Huilt right from material, which wiirraul in way. Made by men who know how lo luiiM I0'1.;, .i i root iilliiiir IiihU thai iMiuim i-iitniorl "ii" I" ii fiKiirr! whirh brings lliin within Un tfaclt or '5 Hiie S lo I OH. Fnim .! ,7Rud Sizes II lo 1314. From !,rnuo Hlzes 1 lo 3 '.4. From iiterny ...... iliixX I'llll . "v II 1 .1 I i Aiiooiuiriy sonu nil llirougli, iue" ' a.. rail"1'' ! v ciillejl nit- the guarilinns Li ill l III I J !9 III or your jinn iiv feel, t ne-r Y"llf I... I. ....I I.... ... i. ...... i.. i i.. lire riPI'1- "V "tin mi; iiviu III V.llll'll Vlll - . pv n ...:n i... i ... i ..i r . . 1 1 ir ir not mil x;i 1 1 - ' r rin!. i-3 mil nv i ri iiinifii rmrvi I fully iiiij For Ladlos, we have somo nice nice Strap 8rap8llpPJi Slipper ; Ing in price from $4.60 to f 10.00. Thec nre , Cuban, milili.ry, baby hoiiK tir ihe new iiii- Jt, Our illay i worth JoisrJuWiirf ovt'r W,K luiy or not. r i n fiJ jaoour Bros. We prepay iniiil oitler.". Corner Third and 8eventh. phone 64