I I vat 3fi -4. JMf;!fiJ .1 arli' '1 '11 -J? 1 fAoarwo Particular People choose "SAMOA" Be is. THe most delicious .blend procurable. The Daily News PKINCB KUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA; Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the. Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third; Aveouet. , H, F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. V" SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by 'mail' or carrier, per month II.Qn By mail to all part? of the British Empire and the United States, in, advance, per year . $6.00 To all: other countries, in advance; per year. . . . . $7.5" transient Display Advertising $ t.0 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. ...$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. . . '. . . , . . . .' . . ... . .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion . . . . 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion ......... ISc per agate line TELEPHONE St Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOK Friday, October 2C, 1923. Local Man Becoming An Internatic'nal Figure. Jack Banisley, the local radio fan, i becoming an inler-nalional figure. Already his work in communicating with the McMillan Arctic expedition is known 'In nmM radio enthusiast and several magazine articles are now being published, letting of his work, and this will lend to make him a noted character! wherever -radio is known. N 11 is not by chance that Mr. Uarnsley is becoming famous. It has. required a lot of intense application to extend his radio operations so that when the opportunity arose he was able to! bear the calls from Refuge Harbor on the coasl of (Ireeulaud and to answer them. This, work has to. be done after midnight! and it means hours of close application and anxious waiting to! get results. It must have meant a great deal to lhs people on the Rowdoin when Hit's first received the answering signals of this station and found that I bey w ere really in touch with the outside world. TJie tedium, of the long winter evenings is broken fop, them. They know what is going on in the world, and . i . . t . ..... . .. . ooy ones. s iney iooh lor uie miuuigm communication just as lhrcjl dweller looks for his morning or evening newspaper. Reforming. Second Chamber. Tji reform oT Hie House f Lords in Great Britain is again come within the realm of practical dili. The National Unionist' convention suggests it and a the Unionist Government is in power it is very probable snmething will be. done. Already the second chamber lja. been reformed enough In make it irnl possible to slop the progress, of the country but nvore yel is to be done. In Canada there is a second chamber which is a tumbling mock, lo uie progress or the country. it i. used mostly for ikiI'iI-ical purposes and the senators, with a few exception, are a lot of. ancients who have given up active life and who are retiring on uie allowance granted by parliament. While there is. no ob jeclion In their drawing a eusiou if they have served. Hie country well, there is an objection to putting them in a position where, they can stop the progress of the country. Senate, reform should be oneif the matter taken up by Uie Mackenzie King Govern ment it It is the wish to forward the interests of the. Dominion. Prayer. For Those ' Who Winnow Facts. Tiie following prayer was written and published some years ago and is constantly being reprinted: "O Tihou. great source of truth and: knowledge we, remember before Thee the writer or books, the, newspaper men, and all w hose calling it is to gather and w innow, rac.ls and, to .inform the people. Grant them determined; love for bonesl work and a staunch haired for I lie nt.-ikioir nf lies lel Ihtfi- t.o....H II... judgments of our nation and teach us to call light darkness cud darkness light. SiiffeiUhem not to drug the minds of our people- with falsehood and prejudice. Since the sanity and wisdom of a untjon are in 1 heir charge may they count it shame to. set the baser' passions of men on fire for the sake of gain. Grant them boldness to turn the unwelcome liuht on those who love tl9 diirkness because their deeds are evil. Put into their bands the shilling, sword of truth, and make them worthy sons of the champions of the people in the past, who held truth to be holy thing for which men should die. Make them realize that they have a public fundion in h commonwealth, nnd-that their country may be saved by their courage and' undone by their cowardice and silence. Grant them the. heart of manhood In cast their mighty influence with the forces which make the people, strong and free, and "if Ihey suffer loss may thev rejoice in that as proof or their ou .that-they,, too have been friend of the common man and servants of a higher law." .... A Growing Bank Account Is an, incentive to gater effoiti and a ttr pp;p- ',. stone to success., For 58 years the Union Bank oh. Canada hu ' helped, many thousands, o people to, save their earnings. Open a Savings Account NOW ; acquire tlie habit of saving regularly ; and you will, have that feninn, ? security which comes with money. in. tlie-1' j,' UmM BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. BrodBrickManaget. hargo into effect dozen ofj American paer manufacturer) will have to move Their pulp mills. arros the line or go out of husine because they can not obtain a sufficient supply of pulpwood in the I'nitcd, Slates, t'anada will be the gainer because flic roust rurlio'ii aYd operation, of pulp mills will briny additional population and additional taxable wealth. Imfim u if . mi v iiaiit flat Ten, Years Ago, in Prince Rupert October 26, 1B13. Dr. Alfred Thompson. M.P. for Yukon, is in Hie. city tmlay visiting with his brother, .1. H. riiompsnn. Ili arrived from tlio north on the PrincesK May yesterday uflernoon ami will con-linuH south enroute to Ottawa on Hih Princess Marv loniichL - -e The lirilish freighler Hanla Itosalina, Cait. Prilchard, ar rived late last night from New York Willi u cargo of t,300 Ions of slee.l ruils for the O.T.P. Hallway. She is the largest shin that ever entered the harbor. Capl. Hdwards of Hie CheloliMin piloted her up Hie coast from Vancouver. Hundreds nf ladies attended the formal openiiifc- of Mrs. I'riz-zell's new store at. tin; corner or Third Avenue and Finti Btreet jesleiday afternoon. Tea was served in delightful manner and Mrs. Prizzcll was assisted by Mrs. W. T. Kergin, Mrs. J. Dean, Mrs. D. Martin and Mrs. L. W. Kergin. Serving were Miss Hiln Dean, Miss Viulel I'rizrell, Miss Madeline Nelson and Miss Itila Macdonald, If you find you cannot get the daily News regulaly, call in and jHUbscrihc for it, and. have it delivered to your home, If THl DJOt"tKWB Friday, October 2tt ltfjo . WW II I l - CANADIAN EMBARGO MXnRT MAni? - Ul 1 v" 1 "-- PIILPWOOD WOULD BENEFIT COUNTRY REACH ARCTIC Canada is considering an em. hargo on l he exportation of all wood suitable for conversion into par pulp says Sun"! Magazine. If Canada puts thiBJni- 'Broadcasting Station at, Chicago ! Trying to Talk Direct to Donald McMillan, BARNSLEY IN TOUCH Speaking Goes on Each Wednes day at Midnight but to Far, Not Heard Ja-k Itarnsley. the local ania. leur radio expert, whose conver. salions with the Donald li. Mc. Milla'i ieilitioti on ttie coast of (ireentaiiti have brought him fame throughout the contiucjil. has receive! a telegram from biui to .nnulni- Unite,! States will alsu, be lh,J:bie.W, a-kitt? gainer because the Canadian embargo will at lat bripx home to the owners of pul(wnod tracts the criminal folly of rutting down the timber vvilhout a thought of the morrow,, because it will bring home to them the necessity of o handling their cutting operation that the. ilo-liudet)4r laud will immediately tiringllie production, of a second crop of tree., because it will force, the paper manufacturers and limber owners into the prac tise of scientific forestry. Tke Maa. in the Mwo SAYSt-. I I IK man in the moon Plays the same old tune And tries to keep us happy Co amuse us folk. He writes bad jokes nd some thai sure are snappy, THE difiirulty about cultivat ing a conscience is' that afer you have it the darned thin? has to be defied so often. - - ALL we need in thU town is somebody to saltier in the nul. IF ymi must jet lit up these dark nuhls. use electric litrht. XOV thai all the bootlegger liave Jeen all gathered in, Prlncij iluiteri is once democracy. more, safe for SINGE Harney Google is pet- ling" rather ancient and the Yes, liaiiana, son;, is somewhat out of dale, the latest song hit should be 'That's How it Felt In le Pinched," written by a vendor of liquids, el to music by a Government delerlhe and sung by a prominent member of the police forcrt under the distinguished patronage of the ex-mayor. ANY person who believes that all the ability, all the honesty, alt the rascality or all the graft is monopolized by one political parly Is about as gullible as the man who went mountain climbing willipul sandwiches thinking I lie moon was green cheese and when he got high enough tip would lunch off it. cate wilh Donald Mix. Hie opera tor nf the expedition and notify him that the Zenith broadcast station til -gwaier I teach Hotel. Chicago, woubl he talking to him each Wednesday al midnight. Mr. I tarn Icy got into (ouch with Mix Ifiurfrilay fflghl and wn.s told that so far he had been unable to har those radiophone messages, lit) will, however, listen hi eery Wednesday al midnight wilh Hie hope of hear, big the conversation of his friends ami relatives and if site-cej.ful will reply to them by code Bjas heretofore. Chicago's Announcement t:ilIi:A(i(V in, net. stt. Hi ship hemmed in ty ice at winter nuarters. Itefuge tlarlHir. ami surrounded by the k loom of the long Arctic night that is now ap. proui'hing, iHittflld II. McMillan will listen to a voice from civili-zation. addre.s.tcjl in him person. ally for the first time since he embarked from the Maine coast. if the management ulans of lation WJAX, Zenith broadcast station at Hie HiJgrVatcr Heach Hotel here are successful. Until the present time all com munication with the explorer's radio station. Wireless .North Pole, has been in code through i various amaleur stations oper. ate hy members of the American Radio belay League. Though broadat stations all over the country ha Wen heard- by those, on board 'the Arctic vessel. Rowdoin. no effort has been made to talk direct wit If the explorer by voice. owing to its fnability to l" carry that only the human voice can give, tins station at midnight C.S.T weekly. Cousin Will Talk. All amateurs who. are trying to rnm'tittitiial a mnkllv ..-111. W'VIa FATS DIRT I "ADE IN CANADA AW of t Vie Taste None of t he Wast - of Meat U yoUi have never used Oxo in cooking, you do not know how many good things Oxo will, make, and the ease and satisfaction that awaits you. Oxo restores all the original tastirw.ss to warmed-up dishes, gives color and flavor to soups and sauces, and makes beef tea thatis appetizing, strengthening and wholesome. Oxo Cubes will never spoil. Always ready for use. INTERESTING TIME ON Tins of 4, 19, 50 and 100 Cubes. TRIP TO CAUFORNIA Csorge Richmond Tells Rotary Club, of Visit Made There Last, Summer. The belpfulnesa of Hie people of California and Uie other fas cific slates Inward those who are in need when travelling and the general air of prosperity he (found were features of the trip !. long distances on low power there! , . , . .... , . ... . iliuide by Ijeorge Hu-hmomU and I Ills laaf I4kf klaiAtle awtiliriVirtaAeil ran ' U ..a-. .-....".. -'(iii'Miiriu ipji a. the Ifwloin. all communication' . " f " "l ' . 1 being arrie, mi by means of an amaleur-type code transmitter. In order to lest the sending range or the an I tit Kdgewater J leach talinn Hie same lime cheer the to Tia Jiiana, Mexicsi, during the) summer, as told to the local Itolary lub yestenlay. Mr. Itirhmund outlined the main featured of the drive of -...I.. i . i A . A. .. i -...... n lee.l,nn.l I.v . I r r'"1 ul"UN,m ".".....- home, i. ,t... . i - .1- ,:. how eaay easy it wa. .Nothing bail enhanced by the quality pened them except to have some. will will call call WNP WNP ujM(t Uiej. ,.m)librj,Jin hlf , cnnesijd) lw ftar (urlM lur( ai1, lMy except to Im? knocked senseless . " iVet the trip was a wonderful iie , . i, i t j i liy rue are asked bv Hit maiiagB.1 . .. ... ... r n.. . ami iiit-m hi Uir .i-iiiui uroaurasi sia- tion to advise McMillan of one. almost drive into them and it thai had lo crawl out through, the bottom. .None uf them were much hurl Mr. ItirhiiuMid. recommended l m I tia I.A-l till. I f .In n .- .. . .... Rll. ,l l, .11 ,i i . . i. ;.. . , a , . !!- "inn take. ir. II 11 iiHia mure -i ii.-.iiiii- in in ner- i Mill jie. may listen fur the first- radio voice could than ttie upsetting of a car In .l.......u.. II. A II. l.-i ML..- ill ..all on I., II. t... ',a,"t" "! JT1HCC ' " im oil aiiiiii ri in HIT Jttl I. . at -a .u. For I'nr this .... .,. "uperi lamuy north. will operate under (he license t'XN. If McMillan hear these messages he eaiu reply with his code transmitter. The, eouipincul of DXN Is located, in the old shack, at 5525 Sheridan Ilnad, formerly occupied by the famous amateur station J.N. operated ,y H.IIJ. Mathews, A.H.tl.L. central division manager. Due or i n first speakers scheduled to ta!k is a cousin of Captain McMillan, bOME OF ITS USES For making sop. For washing; dishes. For-cleaning and disinfecting refrigerators. For removing ordinary, obstructions, from drain Pipes and sinks. refuse Binirrmrres LW.GILLETT COMPAiSY LIMITED the Punotures Galore One of be worries of the llichmonds was punctures. They seemed lo have, made a record for puncture. Four in one day de layed them n good deal this side of lloseberg. There were beautiful placet and barren places, fine roads and bad del out s, all tiiese tilings were incidents of the trip. Iled anl sometimes made sleeping outdoors we niftU impossible and lhta ngain the fine climate, jhe good roads and Hie people made the lire attractive. Mexico did not impress: Mr. IWehmnnd. Tia J nana seemed to jue maoe up r ,ack wjhich were ejlher sr.loons or cabarets. There l,ey sold had liipior, heftier known in some jilaces on the 'oad us "jarkass whiskey.-' i Police and soldiers did not look goon io uie visilors neilher did Hie (dace generally, o they IcH. ii was ul hacramenln l,ut Mr nichmond dined wilh about 250 others at a llolary spread and enjoyed u; nuicli. . II, was Past President's Day and was n real occasion. On ,e( whole he was well satisfied wilh his cxpe-rl-ences and recommended, it as soinelhing for any of the members to emulate. Mrs. D. MrLeod, Thompson Mreel, has returned. 0 h.r l(,me in Hib cite- aler luivlinr nrw.ni pasl thre.ft monliis and Half visiting Vancouver. in- Manitoba, and Oxo tomato Oraclrt ITMutw Vr o. I' tr - lrl OUtOra un fw ) u. fVIa (Rd ml up tit lanMlwr M Dim s t II. .4 taurriM Willi IS. bull.r, and tL Out Kuril villi littl hot lrr Hull Mill t" VI ',r IVaiaMcbl raoktst, mah w.tl ; bnak In ih. 'tr uU mh Mn Ik f till thick. rts4 V txtlrt.4 Oxo Mmt iattje Tpt itl CuW Ml SCuWtOto c roulirr A I'Ul. rr!ry Sauc Kd mIi( Khm float f Ml nr. tk mm wi mV. it Mtant ih tW asr,.lc. lis momtt ttllrp.f. vtlk Ik. .i. tU Mk lkmUmr,wM IMGialohtU acu.l I. i ( k.i.r, 41 . bttl. U r.ck m. hitMilHIn. h4 Ukt IUI wMi Uduu i. IHIU la iw) l W'.d Prr tfc It4.l(ddir4, Oxo.Saueauc Pie ta.olHf i JwkiiM.t lurlCubnOi I lb. Oak. rwi 4 KM XtalV.ur Im. Lrtpvt Cra jlth 4 Uy at IM Usiuat . Muar- .ntiikl wall KPTT4 utl Cnitl cl iwkJiiBSewnsit ptm,m6 la rf !k. uu.trt: lia.lkUtatrlk lb si'. wHk nut U ho. aad tMrorlfccvnrBUcilihdtli. Im Hut ptmtot dlipV'xf M 0 Uj.4 UV la Ik o luc t huan. Oxo Onion Sauce I th. Sfi.al.ti Oaioat A 1 411 near TU a CsW. A lilO DrlitJn Chi lb oakiaa iau Ikla alien; If, la 4rula lil a air tva ; lh Oai la u t , at.t '. fl 14 a Maia adb baton, ind la att. klaiaM luf I1, kewtat Uii.kra ftaa ; brat U Ik UA. aa4 tm, A Cube to a Cup CUBES OU fltmf CaUf aw mmmm lim tLUml Jw lim Jit 1m Wm oxoLntrrrp. js: sf, UOSTHHAL Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK . Shockleys AND SHIPYARD WOODEN HULL CONSTRUCTION A SPECIALTY. Plant and Estimates Furnished For All Classes of Boats. : Anyone considering the purchase of a new jfish vessel, tug, or wooden boat of any description i rordt. invited to inspect progress on (he two fio fooLcruien v are now building for the Fisheries Department I Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agenls For: N. and S. ENGINES- 1 Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 01. LINDSAY'S Cartage aid Storage Phone M. Cartage, Warehousing, and OislributlnRj Team or Motor Servloe. Coal, Band and, Gravel, We Specialize In Piano, and Furniture Moving. EPSON GOAL Wc can non Supply' our FAMOUS ED80N COAL In any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone RS. Planing Mills Are now Sole Agents for the lumber output of the Roy' M,,l, HanaJI,. I.C., DIMENSION LUMBER, SPRUCE AND CEDAR 8H I PL A P. Spruce PlanMng and. Cedar for Foundation Work. 0KT OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. Advertise in "The Daily News" THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS