FridT. October 26, 1023 am. I i xTrr .-vyo Thlt loi-lfot may be Chinese In nam but In purt joy in rylhm ind If )ou dance oo'll underetand eery Ion of lit Joyful Jaiy ttralna and ho I lie Melody king! Dance Orchestra does play li And not satisfied, they start all oter again on ihe other aide if Ihe rrcord playing another toi-trot hit named "Maya Looking for Mule Sunshine" and you'll find ll If you ak fur " "Ills Master's Voice" Record 2IMM. , Here are the other big Dance Hits 'Uatt Nijht on the Back Porch ltn lt I Can t Have the Sctt I Want- Ft TV rniWlMruBltl1.OHlira "llw Mim'i Visc'-Vkitr Recutd N 'Blue Hootirt Blues f-.7r.rf TIImi Mk. tt.t im,, Annabelle- . Tw li., .a. o U.o,.k. "Mil Mtiiit'i lait"-Ul hmtJ Na I'm Pom of PVardy- Unlit Meichete- ll'ut -Hi Ma.ief's I trior Rkm4 No. 1117 WTwrejhe Ganges FVm Ortama of India , it tvtar tt M Kimd w 5 T W 1 nlia4it ' Aidra'iiianM ih. II...... ih.kM,., .a i a..-. Ur'HU Mater Voice-dealers "His Master's Voice- Victor Have You Tried? Rupert Brand OCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer Tlje.rj? is only one way to rovo l'HKMIKH "GOLD MKUAfa' IlKKH is besb-TllY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. " This .udvrrtirtiienl .1 not published or displayed by tin Liquor Control Hoard nr by Uto (ioveriunent or Unlisli Columbia. FALL IS HERE AND NOW IS THE TIME TO INSTALL THOSE NEW LIGHTS. We linc Just received n shipment of the famous "CONDOR" LAMPS Mudv in Jlolland, and we invito you to in.xpeci our large well assorted clock or Uit'sc beautiful lights. 1 lu-se life ; Is are positively guiminlecd Jup 1000 burning hours. IT .111J lump rails in this giiaraiilee we will replace it Willi a iuw one. We have lumps for every purpose. LIGHT UP WITH "CONDOR" LAMPS. STORK'S HARDWARE LTD WELL KNOWN LOCAL ' . 1 1 Ait 4 L - . - .J ' Minn iOn'll W COUPLE PRINCIPALS IN PRETTY WEDDING Miss Catherine Ruby Casey Be comes Bride of James Weir The Cullmlic 'Church rectory was ih.; of a charming wedding last evening, Father AIc-liiaih olllcialintf, when Miss Catherine Caey, eldest daughter r Air. iiikI Airs. (ieorge Casey, (iim-uiiip I lie lii-hli. ur James Weir r Hie Huperl Talile Supply Co. Tlie bride was gowned in pale Krey beaded flat crepe with winch she wore a navy blue velvet har I rimmed w ith grey and curried a hnutuel of pink roses. is Marguerite Casey, sister of Hie hride, why was bridesmaid, wore navy blue velvet and Durnr oranae onliu, with hat (. inalcli ami eurried pink carua tions, ali.11 wivirins Hie sift or Hie priHMii, a black myx riiiK (iii-liunl 1ong Upurted the HTOOIII. After I li wrtMiiony- a reception wm IiiIi a( the bride's home. Hlienlli Avenue and Conrad Mrert, at wlilpli ilancins and iiuiii wn lliproufflily enjoyed iy hIkhH sixty puesls. Mf mm eny plrl mvcthI piano .elec tions, wIiIIol vtical .ulof were rendered by Alt. C. '1', Mrs J. A. Tonsf. Alr YVricclt.virtli Mini Alrh. Ileri Alrlivny. rn-ii fiuri, M.i'., in a very iihi Kprh, paid tdtHiieut Iri imle lo Ism ipularity or (lie ttridc aiirl br parenl. .Mayor .N'evMou ul niailf a mosl ap- propnai pecb. 'I'tt brlile' pins away eos 1 nine WNf tiMvy .Miie tricot ine wilb wliieli rle were a navy blu IH lial. Tin huppy couilc .fl on tin Pnnof (i..irn for Vancouver anil irom liietv I hey will po lo I'i'iiiii-toii and llosttluml Xur their iHHifymoi'ii. On I lien n'liirn in aboul three wi-ek linn-. I hey will make lUeu home mi Sislh Ave. Wot. I he numerous wild t-otly tifl 'iiii-il with 11 heariy send oil ai Ho -ul . li ii bl?ii -. t 111 in wiiirii ilo- viiiiutr eou- l ul' ll'-l.l Mi liilr. flly. CORP. BONSHOR WED TO EDMONTON GIRL After Lonj Service In Far North, R.C.M.P. Officer Takes Bride Oirp. Jotin Harry Iloiislior of Hie 'Hnyal . UMIUullUil iuyul.iiu .Moulded pai7d pavse'l ITirough I the P'dlee. whii city recently liavjiiK arrived from ('oionaliiMi liuif on llie Hudson Hay scboomr Idy Kindersley.1 was luamiil la( week in I - iiHMihin t Miss Johanna Kliia-beih Van Alaueti. After three year's service in tbe Far .North, Corp. Hoiislior is uuw on an ex tended I (nve of abseiise and he and his brit'e are spending their lioueymooti in Luglaud. Marjorie Long, CoiiioX Avenue. was yesierday aiteriioon found guilty of sup. lying liquor to Indians and fiued 100. . I uion sleanier VenluKi, Capt. A. .Inliiistoii)'. arrived from the snuih al 1(1 ..c-lork liu morning and sailed ui II for (he Naas ItiviM. She will be bark in norl otilhbiiiind l.'ini'T row at noon. Genuine Orange Blossom rungs A advertised -in (lie maga-incs. Many people like to have 1 heir wedding ring a little different rioia the old slli plain kind. The orange blossom design seems Jo be both popular ami The engraving is nil hand work unit the gold is hutd-ened lo resist wear. Prices from SU'.&O to 15.00 1 business. Bulger & Cameron E:;;, soulh. L.ltnltecl Jewellers. , GII?STH?rLAST J 3 TBI DA1LT KIWI " FAGS THHXfl Local aid Perswul U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Nayners, Uadeitaksra. Pboue 361. tf Interior Pasteurised Prince Ituperl Dairy. Iilack IMG. Milk. riionc tr Lodge "Valhalla" whist drive and dance, 1'riday, October 20, at p.m. Alctropole. Hall. All wel come, ?53 V. llulagno will accept a limit ed number of violin pupils be' finning November 1. Phone ' JJlue 700. 201 . John Usler, found guilty of drunkenness was aseed 93(1 by Magistrate McClymoiil In the police court Ibis morning. A. K, Jiiiniison or the provin cial forestry, deparlmenl arrived jit the city from gurf Inlet on the Venture this morning. k S. Alagotlin b-rt on lal niglil'f. train for Caruaby ac companied by II. SI. (i. Lee. manager or the Hank of Montreal. Airs. J. Al. Halt "and daughter armed by last night s train Irom Terrace and sailed bir Vancouver on the Steamer Prime lieorge. J. II. rillsbury, manager or the Canadian .National dry dock. ailed last night by the Prince (ieorge for Vancouver on busi ness. 11-eii iietitiing, accountant tit U be Universal Trading Co.V store, ailed las nlghl by Hie steamer; I'resbyterlan 0.(1. 1.T., tea and sale or liQiue ' eWkiug will b held in store at (turner ot Third Avenue himI Seenmd Street on Salurilay aflernoon. II. I. AlcXauglilon, C.X.H. di Iriel passenger agent, ami Harold Mel.weu, divispiu fi eight agent. left n last, night's Iraiu Tor Vanderliortf and J'rlnee (ieorge on railway business. James and Jier! Wesley, 'barged with intoxication under Hie Indian Act. were each fined sin and costs in thu police court (his morning. A similar charge against Peter Wesley was withdrawn. nULHS. Just arrived in first class condition all kinds of Hyacinths for indoor and bedding out. Narcissus, Tulips, Snowdrops, Chinese Lillies and Crocus, also bulb glasses and bowls. (Jleunie's near Post olllce. It J. K. Cain, secretary to (!. A. Mc.Nicboll, C.N.K. general passenger agent Vancouver, passed through the cily lasf Might arriving from Winnipeg by train ami sailing on the sleanier Prince (.ieorge for Vancouver. David Johtisldu, T'orotito miu-ing enuineer. who has been ex". atiiiiiing properties in the Kit-sumkalum Lake country tor the past month, arrived in the city by last night's trainband is registered al the Hotel Prince Huperl. Cily Solieilor L 1'. Jones is leaving on Saturday night tor Victoria where he "will appear before tbe legislature in connection with (he down town street surfacing validation bill. Copies of the bill have been received in the city, . John I). Alorrt.s.tii, well known local halibut fisherman, is sailing tomorrow Jirterlioon"; by the sleanier Princess Heat rice for Vancouver en rouli tp Host oil where he will visit? his mother. He expects to. be away a couple of mouths. Mrs. X. M. McLean, i!0fl Seventh Avenue West, has re ceived word that her brother, Frank AlcAlauus, will arrive here tomorrow aflernocfn 011 the steamer Prince Huperl from tho Air. AlcManus. who has with the Hrilisii Imperial rntneilt for eleven years and who for the past five years has been civil secretary to the Hrilisii High Commissioner at Jerusalem. Palestine, is on his wedding lour itoin lite Old Country and ho and his bride will visit iu the city with MrsTMcLean. JmK aA lL aiiifeyl Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited I'. Andei'xii. iiiiii'd witll 'rince (ieorge for Vancouver on jd.-unkemiess. fa I 1.. appear in the eily xdirc roiirl and his bait of Sjll was estreated. . Tom Pong. Chinese, was charged in the police court this morning with selling liquor to dry squad otlieers. His case was adjourned until Tuesday next. - 4. Amos Vjidlisoii, Kitkatla Indian arrcled lust night at the Mo- eliida HiHiuis by lioiiiiiiion Con stable Walkinson, was remanded 111 the jtolice court this mornii!'.' on a charge of having liquor in his possession. He was released on s5( bail. A charge of intoxication will also le 'referred against him. NOTICE Port Lssinglon-Hayspurl Ferry will conned wilh mail trams only after November I, until further notice. 255 ANNOUNCEMENTS Hospital October 31. November 21. ' Hallowe'cu Hall. Adair Carss Chapter, I.O.D.K.. Hazaar, St. Andrew's ' rooms. Second Avenue, vN'ovember 7. - Auglican Church Hazaar, No vember tt. Presbyterian Church Hazaar. 0 ., ' i Itebekah Hazaar, 'Saturday. November 21. : Women of JMoosr heart Legion Hazaar. Aletropole Hall, Novem ber 28 and 20. lloyal Purple Hazaar, December 4, Klks' Home. High Seliool Xnias. Concert. December I'd. Plus 1c Per Piece 1 1 a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing 80 par cent or your Ironing everything returned -dry You aimply touch up a few outer gartnente auch as waiata, blouaea, housa dreaaea, with hand-iron. Phone ua today, CANADIAN Sjtrm Lnur;oP.Y. Phone S. m. oaJV'11'" VatM. i i mrumrm K IO for 15 25 " 35 v. f NEW ISSUE Province of Ontario 5 nt 25-Year Bonds Price 98 and Interest We have participated in the underwriting of the above issue and cuu give immediate confirmation or any orders. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd. 5 Year Dominion Loan 5 Market 20-Year Dominion Loan S'--;. Market Phone 2140. Orders may lie wired al our expense. Victoria, B.C. 711 Fort St. Specials for Children 2 Bars of Chocolate for 5 cents BUTTER NUT. SPARKY. OH HAPPY. MAPLE PECAN. BOMBO. PEANUT. BABE RUTH. Smith Bros. Cough Drops, 5 Cents per Package. ORMES LTD. Rexall Store: Cor. Third Ave. and Sixth. Phones 82 and 200 DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LAST8 LONGER! Real Satisfaction. Cheapest in Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. AJl P- MCff r X J , u w a,..wVwC4Ui J j Phones 116 and 564. 4W If