Whan Yi Want A to Search for Liquor off Her Shorts LiiMKiN, lift! for rontnilmml liquor iwelte niileo of American r,i riHr1 -oiiinuilee f Hi" ml rinfr"rlirr. which has i .ui.i.l.-ri tit Hie lueion. V ill aW" lip IhB WllM'h l i i I .. ill. iI.m ut.ui iu Inl. ' t ii iirai wiiii in.- i . f ..... Mie murine reiiueWI. ami 'lie 3 will In submitted die i -oir,.reiirf utiiri, . riMir.i DRUNKS AT ALICE approve tin in MANY INJURED IN TRAIN WRECK Toronto Eipress on C.P.R. Ralls Near Savanna, OnUrlo W INNIPKO. Oct. Nnieteen pei ins were injured, four neri-iniIy when Irani No. L Hn To-r.;iio express of Hie C.P.IL. win l ailed neven liiiles west of Si anne. Oiilurio, wi William (hi morniue CO. MM. steamer Canadian Freighter. Capl. Carl Hissell, armed this ufleriioon at 2.30 direct from Japan, Capl. I'.. .MfcCkrie, harbor master. into Hie Canadian Nation al dry dock for ocrliaul before she commence foadlitg iHin.oon feel of lumber liere lor Japan nnd hrr ilav in orl will proliatil)' he iiImhii a week. ARM DEALT WITH Fines Totalling $300 are Collect' ed and Two Men are Brought to City to do Time Ilriiiuinsr to I ho fily lock-up j Peter Campbell vt Alice Arm ami Left V iIIiuiii llainni of Anox. each fwhoiu will do thirty day for inloxicalloii, UroNincial , (n-slaide Harry .Marliu reluriUHl last night on the steamer Prince (ieorge from tin: north. Constable Martin' activities iu Alien Ann also resulted in eeveral I of Fori oiinr intoxication cases netitg The acei-Uncd Hiere before T. XV. Fal- 'iii Attn lit i.r..l.Mi rail. I..,. .. Iii, lire of Hie teace. and The eiialne ami two bassaire Iho fines collected totalled $300. ars and fie day roaches left ,.. Morrison and Olof Hahlstrout In- Inick, hit Hie Pullman pas. M'nger weiv uninjured. The e- lously Injured were: J. XV. Sher-nan. Piiru, OnL: Jnine Morris. aildresM iinkiiowii: Napoleon l.es-Mld, Luke Menntir. One.; Hoy Kelly. Kilsouburg. Out. i n-BrDHAu mm X A.NCtU Vint. Ocl. .'. -FdwHid II Moore, proiniuenl iu connection with the liimberiiiit nod steel industries here, died jeslerd.iy, atird 75. 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE OITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. All persons are warned that any children round HmiwIiiK rocks, refuse, or debris into the reservoir on Acropolis Hill will be prosecuted, and patents are reiueled to warn their children that this practice iniisl cease forthwith' or action will be lukcii uguinl llicm. U. F. J0.NF.S. City Clctk. were each assessed 50 and Olof i',.ri...n an old offender, wa fined -'00. BRITISHERS COMING Parties to be Wade up Next Year to Visit Canada With a View to Settlement Vlt.TOHIA, OeL Stt. -4:miimi1 1 i.. i.- tisllcd next summer ly series or personally conducted parlies under Ihe wlnir or the i'.M.....iiiui National Hailwayn. .1..1...I Caul. H. J. OeininellSiiiilh publicity agent 'of Hie C.N.H. ii (London. The patties to m from the Uniled King 'doiii will be cotiiposed of people !..r means who 'may ultimately iliccome twiiiadlau cltliens. t PEACE PRIZE GOES TO TORONIU DUllUKo INSULIN DISCOVERY HTor.KIHH.M- M- ,'Uv v,,v.d i.eace prize fur iiedieine 'has been awanled Ibis year ...i..... i. ii llaulliiK and J tl wa off lliV I nioit eaiurr Venture and not off the Victoria aU'He In,: llereule that ( apt John Jidniiou. late clipper of Ihe uriH-keit inolor!hip K imi iii-cot' wii lol taxi Siitida acronlin lo wont tiroiixhl to the cily on Hie Venlure arrhiiisr from the outli tiHlay. lellilU" of the ilicidenl till SOUTH HAZELTON lo iiiorniiiit. I'urer HuBlir of the' Venture stated that liU m-m-I had taken Capl. Joluoii and eight HOTEL MAN DIES Peter Jennings Passed Away This Morning at 1.30 In Prince Rupert General Hospital Peter JeuuiUKs, proprietor of Hie South Ilatelton Hotel, died at .30 this tnurnimr in the Prince Hupert Oeneral Hospital. Suffering from cancer of the throat, he-had urriwd from the Interior only u few days ago to enter the hospital. lleceased, who was 00 years of c. had lived in Hie llazeltoit listrict for the past five years and Tor some lime conducted it hotel at llniellon. later re-open ing u few mouths hbo the hotel at South lliucltou. He was a na tive of XVilkesbarte. Pa. and Is survived by a sister. Mrs. Mitl- liernud, at Olen Lyon, Pa. He was unmarried and had no relatives in this country. t he late Mr. JenuiuKs was a member of Kniuhls of Pythias Maple Leaf Lodiie No. to in Al bert u. Funeral urrunitetneuls are in the bunds of Hie ll.C, Under takers and intermriit will likely be made under the auspices of the local Knights of Pythias Lodge. CANADA TO MEXICO SAN HIKOO, Oct. 20.-- Capt. Lowell Smith and Lieut. John llichter crossed the Mexican border at Tia Jiiatia in twelve hours flat tifter leaving tlie Canadian border al Somas, Washington, in 'It. Mucleod of Toronto for ' tliojlheir border to Lorder cuutiiuu REPARATION CONFERENCE France, Belgium, and Italy Accept Invitation Sent Out by Britain LONDON, Oct. 26 France, Belgium and Italy have accepted the British Invitation for a reparation conference with the understanding that It take the form of a committee of experts under authority of the present Interallied reparation committee. TRADE ON INCREASE WITH U.K. AND U.S. llUa s iraiie wiin i mu ni.i-'."... ....... ..i iwiti.lt ns iiiiiiiiils. show CAPITALIST DIES SHATTL1.. Oct. VO. Philip I interests of Hie morning. died DR. STEINMETZ DIES sjCIIKNKC'l'AHY, N.Y.. Ocl. 20. Dr. Charles Htelnmetz, elec. trical wiilitd, died suddenly this morning. NEW ' I MS TAA1 T W mvt BOSTON GRILL 99 Third Ave. The Latest In llcslauraiiis.v in a 'hurry Private Huxes for Ladle Phone antl party lee. PRINCE RUPERT Best Food. Beet Service. and Best Service Seat Cart "Take Iter to the Poston.' In lha City. Ilataa Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. VOL. MIL. 253. IMIINCK ItUI'KHT, H.C, FIIIDAY. OLTOHF.H L'fc, 1U23. Vtittrtfif't Circulation, 1,711. Strut tli SAO. PRICE FIVE CENTS. QV1C 0.7HAL SCANDAL ROUSES HALIFAX , : GRANBY WILL HAVE BIG SHIPPINIe aTmAPLE BAY; ECSTALL DROPPED Wholesale Corruption Among Civic Officials at Halifax Conviction for Theft $34,000 HALIFAX, Orl 8II.--L F. Mijiiagliaii. city . Ierk or Halifax KFNNFfflTTS SKTPPFR fr y .., . bee,, -i.MM,.M,l from cHice by Ihe Cy council. .rJTUDV L.y Auditor Fonder leml-rrd hi resignation hut tlie council j LUM rKUlTI YtNlUKt if fu-etl lo ileal with it. i r The dismissal of lla- rily dcik ,s the ' .''''"'"'r,"1 Not From Hercules s Tele-; audit of Hie eil ruianre. I lie. hu ll Inllovved bit independent s ar.aMc D.,Dicria. Received . . ..ii... i ii :i : ir 11... r... -. .. i. ti....i..-i till r SUIlCIl III mr i i nn ii i inn i in- iiiiiiii-i in; ruiiri lui It Im-i Theuktoti for the (lief I or i:tt.M0 unit the arrtM or Thotna ll'. ex-sccrctary or Hie housing eoiiuiiiilet' on u hat'ce of einbezxleiiieiil anil Hie swearing out of a warm lit for 0 airesl of J. V Waller, former secretory of the health! : nl. on ii similar charge. 12 MILE LIMIT PLAN APPROVED ; United States Likely to Oct Right 4 FREIGHT STEAMER ARRIVED TODAY TO LOAD LUM3ER Here Indicated iniriiiliiT nf the Keiinecott' Crew keenly and ai in a very worried niood. was last seen at 10 o'clock P WK 3 BI ri it ' 1 ' MF .Jr lKSl3Kl PSVib HVl57-- v T H f ; i:&ESm '-ftFaL v H vrf i1ir' s jPBsPk! lRij l fll &t' y -nlBLi JaOi KE H aa v' nt AmtiHmSk TJ V : K - Ur -V'wli SttH km of Hi .iiar-eiLriug. Jack leniey is off holiduv With In parents at Salt Liike City. !t British Unionists Would Reform ,,vri-tII.Mcr.,.ai, I H- in-miB and ploll )Mm fa ,r-rculM thai .utr Ihe piopu.al -r ,, rr a , an vmrrniiieiil I toil vee. Ihr ves.'! lii. rraft dit ol have accominoilal ion' in Aiueneim enters be The Krewlilei will go for ,e ,,nry.- Capt. Johnson. who felt the lo of hi shit very for a House of-hords and are in Potior of an International Conference PLYMOUTH, .. . ....... i elbonriie akmjr F.ng.. Oi l. that the ?n..ay ....... a.ier .ra ,.? .wVk ( , .'0. A resolution moved by Lord .i . i . .. morning .. i.. conference made defiuile Miggeslioiis ee.v.-..w,..- as lo ... wliai ...... shape me re to iii rrnrr. .nuinia) iiiviiiih . . . . i reliri. Monday IT Jin PENITENTIARY FOR WOUNDING WITH INTENT PltlNCK liLOIUUL Ocl. ro. The evidence disclosed that Jones) owing to him by a woman cd the, underworld. He called upon Hie, woman and when she professed to be unable to pay him at the Mime proceeded lo beat her up in the nresence of Usear nerg, local resident. OTTAXVA, Oct. 50. For the! er j,,,,!; j,ie.s hy the 1 1 .. .r mtlitiiliei !10. Can-I i niu.i 1. 1 ... friini that of the period ending Sep-u f,.w passes he landed on Merg s (ember a year ago. I Ills is aisoju.;,,) opening up a three men cm true or trade with the Lulled Slates. Herg. in defeiiiliiig nimseii. Grants Company Drops fcs.a River Iron Pyrites Property but Takes Everything Maple Bay '.Special lpalc'li to Uaily Ne WVOX. Oct. 0. Practically all new exploratory work for Hie year IU2I5 huving heeu eonipleled (ien-ral Manager H. S. M Jiiro unnoiiuce that Hie iron pyrilr properly helonging to the Dnii-miiir etate and 'iliiuted on the Kotall Hiver, on which a howl had been lak-n early in the eaonf has heen dropped. Another properly to lie given up is the Sultana group in Portland Canal district. t!oiiideralile diamond drilling was done on this property. IhjiiiI IhjiiiI A fnrtlier eoerui a period of one year has leen ar-rangeil in roiiiieelioii willi Hie (eore property. At Maple Hay everylhi"!-' hein? rapidly put in shape, ami Hip iii-h will impii lie moving to joiiiinj: the Outsider sroup ie? Mifficieul assurance ,llial a iv shipping mine will he developed at that point. All Hie urnuiid inj this vicinity of any jeissilde worth; has !ccn tiondeil by (iranhy PROGRESS IS MADE a it ..... was .ii.fl.....i iliscuerel n.i that l.n form oiigiu to luKe. .'will be finishH well within t..i..il.r A searrh wsis lll- .lituted hut no trace of htm whs . I ! . I ll.nl t.ttf.tnl llml laltf Jnlllloll WHH ..... . . . .. -. - -- 'renaralion rrenner tiaiuwin gar iiuoiur iuiiv ia uc -" ..m... .. ..finei lime, namely, .May 'progrunt but reveulril Utile lliai is new except mai i.oni curzoii jyj Hanson A Shockley secur -. . ' ...s...... . . r wii tuitiiik. rtt' leu ii imiiii I'lirrHkiu inn i ii ' .... ... reti ciani auou. ,.cu. u y wwc.. ,.,,.. Ilriai ,T r" . r'otid the l ulled Stales bolh Johnson Ci t- :iipl ws years tly fiiu,r . lUtt Ull'l utetitatav-e the t uillil ap- RAILWAY EARNS LESS AMOUNT Anyox from this point. Dianiondj . ilridinv on the Kagle claims ad- Late. Harvest Affects Takings of Canadian National This Year Mn.NTHFAL. Oct. id. The September statement of operation results issued today by the Canadian National , Hallways shows an increase of nine per cent in nel earnings over the rorres- UN lfclVKflL- DlUUbLllHi.idintf tiionlhjiMastycar. Made to Expedite Construc tion llualie Hay K. Rr.L iv ,ll..;!Ui.i..isl rouferenc- at wliich'liOO delegates were present.iThe ti.u iaI lf w,alll,roll,,ilio; c . . . ,K Thejulei nail i in eiiei tt uulIiipii tin? Ihe increased business handled on the eastern portions 'of the syslem with the result that the. gross eaniinss for September Sal.sfactory progress i, being wen ,var j.y about iiinili li ILnisoii ."t Slioeklev. coll- ...... ...... . ... tiovernmei.l proceed to immediile vf " cr,,u .... .. . . traciors. for lor ,,,e uic .ub..lu.,ulT suusnuiiuir ui t.rAill.:: , xfiense. hiiuevrr. were 0J tlie .N.IllOl.dl ., 'ivreai-e hri.liri'. II is exnected . . . ...... . reuuriii oy iver ;oo.uo" io iin,- rt'" BUS. 515. The nel edrnins were ualM uivoraDie, ineir -..iiiraci , ut- ..,.., .-.. .:.. i l."t- C93,Ha earned last year, an tu- The nel eaminiis of thc'l'aiia. IUIIU rcrrviuij ui omuv -....p... - ...... ..v... ..... i-mq h u?i rorari m 01Ml coinve- ,ia aii,lal -v.ti.nv fur Hip first IOIIIMJ, unu ii as U--UUKU .1,1..,. ,.....l,i 'Willi il ". .1 Ii.' Iiianiiif- , v... . . - I . I . , he had Jumped overboard An h M fr neareil Vancouver, it was ap. I interualioiial , .lllf1.1,ni. lini 'HI1 lllll'l liniii'iiui sm in whirl. liliou Willi several local ami lim. ,,r iiJ2;J amounted Vancouver contractors, their ten-!u, c.83;.8tC as compared with tier anioiintiU. to -537,092.80 be-'(33; 3n f'"' r'r!d llille ing considerably lowrr than any m0nths of lat year, of their competitors. Tlie eoiilrart for the steel work was secured by Couyliluu &j Son. Ltd., Vancouver. Consid erable difficulty has been expert-1 ence-l by thi firm iu secuing an . TTT 'early delivery or s-teel to coni-Prlnce -. i i.i- Undesirable Sent, George iw ,,.,.:,.,,,: , . Down For Four Years by Judge SLASHED HIS OPPONENT Special to Daily News" . .. .liil.iii i'i.iiI.I In. MiimliivMil iii fuliri Jones, arrival in the, ..... ' ' . .ai Martin mi . i. a new cation. 1 his change was ma le. cily front Hie prairies, was sen- n lenced by Judge Hobertson -,. ...---.. . Iterday lo four years imjirtson- mjJJ lfllltntLL Id tnent in the peiiitenllary for Uvoundim? with intent to maim. DOUBLY BEREAYED came to town to collect money Received Cable nounclno knocked Jones against Hie waii,,, km,wn ,,ert. iavng resided ami tried to get away bu( Jones m l( fop a cuupIt. of veal.s lame at liim again ami opened up, . . . , , ( s , !u six.inch slash on Ihe .left rm.,all( .ullou, rur ycar!, ugo. Fisher, u Seattle capitalist and which cut to the bone. manufacturer, head id the PacUic When' arrested. Jone had a , . .. .... . ... RV PI ANF 1? HOIIR Coast Pipe Coiupaiiy of Vancou-'melal knuckle ddsler in his LlllClTlAn MLLLU IW va I win- iivwiw . .. . i. ..,u... . ...... i i. ...i ,.ll II... ..H.iiuiil.s -i-.no nnnn ver, 1 1.( ... aim lissin-uiieu ihisuh.-s incNrl aim mm '' ' kAI I INI kKlliYl KIHIr t i s ..r i v..i-- nin es ran e resiueui. i nuunu i uvih nv. He was rendered speechless wnen Judge Hobertson handed out the four year sentence. V.X.N COlWF.lt, Oct. 20. -Samuel Cawker 'lied yestenlay of injuries YUKON DROUGHT SPELL BROKEN of which there are six. It was Liquor Said to be Flowing Into found thai by makin? slight al leraliou iu the length of the bridge Hie steel the firm had iu stock could be utilised, and a much larger perceiitaae of ll.C That Territory as Freely as Ever VICTOIHA, Oct. 20. The ili'ouuht suell iu the Yukon ha i.'i I I I I!.,....b i. ri.. i.ir. iiren inii.'7ii nun ii'iuui i.t ,fvj,...n into that territory as free)y as ever, according to reports which reached Victoria today. If trge it means thai some one lias found a way of crossing Hie Alaskan panhandle with foreign wet goods. I II...I ..II II. a utriltitimi fur w----j.M . a 1 1 ' I ilia, un n.v Yesterday An-. . ,,., , , Death of Her ' " M Father, Alexander Mitchell, at Aberdeen, Scotland ling niuor siiiiiiii:iiis iiiiuuit ilry territory was premature and unnecessary. Where Hie liquor is coming ...... ... ,, 'from is one or the nuesitons liml r oi.ow.i.g e.os,. ,M,v., cu ' have a ,,!,. those who i' " " ' Ml"lt ,bartt ' mouths the I? West, advised i , J urea of drought. Many jim ..in. ..e -' -7- .ami srimii-u -i irillli iKifth Avenue .im'iiuc wsi, was ws uiiMstu ... ,,.,. -.l Ihul Stllll- i . I. ...;.l. I ..II...I I. ...... I. kin . . . I. . I 1 1 ..w I u. I 1 1, ii ' . .. . . ., - ' woi.iai. but the latter resenleil ine; ,erilay by cabU. of ,ier lljui,i0 , 'Vbiu "t'rference and drawmg a nuor beroav,mtMl, , lie- j f er . J f X I iiiirurnm. t Lirrrin Clllt'UI III.IUC Ul'OllI Vl lit. . - ....M.I.,,n.u . 'c- awaiting , ship vi'"i..- . ...i .. ............ i. i-.i i t-..ji sm iiver: i ...i i ....pm. Hmi-!t on. .iier . ,.. i.... i:i.i..ii vii a in . " , uiitrnirH .-.. 'iaiucr. .Mcxanoer .iiiicui-ii, win. passed away al Aberdeen, Scotland. The late Mr. Mitchell, who men! to tlie Yukon as soon as the Alaskan authorities would submit to its being sent ncrns their wa about ... years ot age, was in ,,,,. Whether tho ' II . I....... I....I.tv fi-i.ll - .... linuur now rrpurteu l w eiuer ing the Yukon is part of that stock or whether it has syino other origin is mailer for speculation. It is believed that much of the liquor has crossed the bor der disguised as canned goods. JAPANESE KILLED POUT MOODY. Oct. SO. A. .. i . I....H.. .ii.n..nw..i n'ieeeived when be fell front Hiu Tuur. a Japanese, was killed ..... ..f ii,. 0,..,iiiiler andlroof . or the new Hallantyne pier.when he fell from Ihe dock here ..... .v.-... --- I , . . . i i ..i.... I., ii i -.r ill .... ue.wiiere ne was worMiig as an nmunci- im .... Hie use or his left unit may rirr.( very much unpaired. t' i lineman. lumber pile. to