tfiiN to rn 11 " si let' pas euc Sport Flannels A new shipment or these popular Flannels, 51 inches wide, in Sand, Henna, Turquoise, llose, Paddy and Pckin. Excellent quality al $2.50 FLANNEL MIDDIES llalkuii Style in Navy and Cardinal. Sizes from (J yiars tu li jears in Misses and from 10 lo 10 years in Ladies. Serge Gymnasium Bloomers Made in full roomy style. Ages 10 lo 18 years; well cut. From $4.75 We carry Pictorial Iteview and Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. We Prepay Mall Orders. Telephone Specials Sfhojby l'hone to Save Tunc and Money. Note Phone Specials Only. OrarmlaU'd Sugar, 0 lbs. ror $1.03 (Limit 18 lbs. to -ach customer . Washing Soda, 0 lbs. for 25c (Limit 12 lbs. to each customer . Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for 35c ruitlighl Soap, carlou.. 25c Fels Naplha Soap, carton V 90c Maple Leaf Matches, pks 35c Wild Hose or Snow-flake Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sack for 50c Wue Labl Catsup. Res. 50c. Phone special . . 40c Canada Corn Starch, pkge. for 4 10c While filoss Lauinlry Slarch, pkyc 10c lingers Syrup, 5's .... 55c 10 s $1.05 Kvaporated Apricols. Ih. 20c F.vaporatcd Peaches lb, 20c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 21V 212, 281 MADA M! Try our Fleelric-Dake Raisin Bread It will be a favorite with all (he family. 15c a Loaf At your (irocers or at the. Electric Window Bakeries Third Ave. Phone 667. mm You have no trouble with CON tsUMFKS COAL, no fuss with flues or draught You never know how Hume coal will hum clean One day, sliuly the next. Hut you can safely rely oh CONSUMKHS COAL! Clean, sized, selected. alwavs burns tire same brightly. with steady heal and free from soutj Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311 m Phone 9. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. BURNS LAKE SCHOOL SKALfll TEMER3. rtxVirard "Ti-ikler jfur Burn Lake Srtwml." will I rerlvl by the Honourable the Mlnbtrr or Public VV'wrk up la li o'clock idwii of Thursday, the jstb day ot October. Itl. ror ithe erection and completion or three-rooni School with bawruent and outhoue. at Burns Like- n the Omloera Electoral District. B.C. I'Uuj. SpertrtcatMis. contract, and Fornia of Tender may be feen on and after the 11th day or October. I Si J. and further InformatkiQ obtained at the Department or mblte Work. Parliament Build-In ir, and at the Office or the Government lArent at ?mithera and Prince George. Cuplei or Plan, speririratloni. etc.. ran be obtained from the repartment on payment or a deposit of Ten txltar (atO.oo.. which will be refunded on their return In rood condition. The lort or any tender not nerea-sarlly arrepted. P. PHIUP. piibllr Work Engineer. The Department of Public Work, Vlrtorla, B.C. October 4th. mi. Loggers 5 Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, in Goodyear Welt, wide or narrow toe, from $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from $8.50 REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Next SI. Regis Cafe. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hold Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zaretli - Proprietor. TVLttl Dolicrtv Compared with ordinary $tirj piano Sewing Machines, Pianos, Phono graphs anu Player Pianos For Hcnt by Week or Month, Voter's Music Store Ltd MRS. PATRICK CARY IS LAID TO REST Requiem Hlnh Mass Celebrated This Morning by Father McOrath and Interment Follows Iteiuien: lltjcli Mass was eele bra I cd I In.-, morning al to o'clock in Hie Human Catholic Church for the lale Mrs". Patrick Carey ami interment followed in (he family plot at Fairview cemetery. There was a ery large ul tendance at Hie obse quies and a large number of friends followed Hie cortege to the last resting place. The choir whs also in attendance at the church. Father .Mctirath ofll-eiated at the graveside. The pallbearers were M. P. McCaf-rery. Chief of Police W. II. Vickers, .Sergeant A. II. liailey. It. K. Moore, 1. Sharkey and F. Carton. Floral tributes were received from Mr. and Mrs. M. P. McCaf-fery. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Phillip-som, Mrs. C. II. Tupper, Ilalph Kiefhaber. G. A. Spike. A. J. Currau. James Weir, U. 11. Ar-nott, II. 11. Hochester, Mr. ami Mrs.- Shruball, Mr. and Mrs. Long, Miss Caroou, (!. O. 'Shaw. Mr. ami Mrs. ,1. Fred Hilchie. Mrsj Annie Hos. Mr. and Mrs. M. i. Keays, Mr. ami Mrs. t). (ilennie ami Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Moore. B.C. SUPERINTENDENT OF INSURANCE WAS IN CITYLAST EVENING Iteiuriiiug fruit Hie eonveitlion of insurance superintendents of Canada al Winnipeg over which he wa cleeJed president. John l. Hougherty, MiiierinleiidiMil of iiiMiraiire fur llrilili Columbia. was a vNilor in the city Iat niahl. He arrived front the Kal by train and sailed for his head quarter! in Vancouver by 'he sleamer Prince (ieorge. Iiurius his day jit the cily. Mr. Iiougherly had a meeliug with local insurance men on mailers pertaining to the business be-ing taken up. Cases of ((Her Itestier vs. Nick Carter ami John Mellor vs. Howard II. Campbell have been taken on Hie Coiiuly Court for the iiionlli of October. The case of Joj-eph (Jreen vs. Harry and Pearl Shough is proceeding Ibis afleruoou. A. Walson nf Iii'by Island ilefl for Woods! ock. New llruiis-jwicW. on lat night's train. FARMERS' Meat Market A shipment of live poultry, ltulkley Valley Heef and nice Veal and Mutton has just arrived at out; usual low prices. Low Price on Empire Bacon, in Hie piece at per lb. 40c E.C.D. Butter, 2. lbs. for 95c Pure Lard, 3's, 5 s, lO's. per II 222s Economy Bacon, lb. 2T2o Bulkley Valley Turkeys arriving for Thanksgiving. Place your order now. Limited number arriving. Phone Blue 42S. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, to 8. Phone 686. Open Evening Only For Special Appointment. VALENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES TBI DAILT RMWB Friday,, October 20, ibjj Pfp t. helJbrtthebleibIeU, make ue throa-t, cKet and fungi cbl neietjaf.'When a natty cold or a coughinf bout foretelli the revival of your old bronchial trouble, the but thinf to do it tptake Peps at once to ttrenfthen and PROTECT tr)e cbeiL When a Pept tablet is taken from its preiervtnc silver vrrapper and allowed to dissolve ;n the mouth, it give off powerful medicinal and germicidal fttmei that , immediately circulate with the breath through all the air-pastagei, and .destroy' any .getwi that have got into"' YOURl nottriU and throat At the aame time the tore, inf lmmed membrane is toothed, healed, and protected', phlegm it releattd from the broh chialt, breathing ia rnade.eaty, and that dUtreasing cough and throat torenett disappear. By thtt direct treatment Peps keep trouble. oft the Chest thl lungt, and the wont weather can be faced without fear of evil centequencet. It it the safest plan ftb.'alwayt have a few Peps handy to'arrett a cold, and prevent it reaching the lungt' or starting bronchitis and chest weakness.-. Pea FISH ARRIVALS SOME COMPARISONS LiXaj Seven Boats Sold Catches Total ling 39,300 Pounds at Fish Exchange This Morning Seven liuliMit wliiMiiter tiia'r-keled raielies tolnlliiia 3l.:iUtt pounds ul Hi Fish Fxchauge Ihis tiiorniiig. Three Aiuerlean boats had iMi.'IMl pounds Hud four Canadialtfs, I7.H0O pounds. Prices were very, favorable to the fishermen. Arrivals and sales: American Wasliiiijrlon,. 3,500 pounds, at IlUc urn I or, and Alias, Hi.iiOO pounds al iM.Jic and, 10c, to' the Pacific Fisheries. le fence, ?.000 pound, al I He ami 10c to Hiif Canadian Flslr & Cold Honu'c Uo. Canadian Iteveille, I :tiMMlJ, poiiml at IH.oe and l(l.r,eJ ' Ihu Canadian Fish ,v OM Slonigo Co. Inez. II., I.HOtf jMiunds, at l".'.c ami t(l.' lo Hie Itoval l ixli Co. While l.lly. f,20 poumls, nml Iris, I.HdO itounds, at 17.0c mid toe. lo I lie Allitt Fislieries. MADE IN RAINFALL VICTOIllA, (let. 20. Despite Hie rainfull of the last few days, Victoria's .minimi precipitation, the piibliciiy biirVuu fc'ics flie opporly'tiily toipoiut out, is coin. paralivety iikIiI. a new com parison liilile Just xomplled shows that tlui-yeaily rainfall is 27. iff inches, exactly the gamo as that of Ihe fatuous summer resort of llrinlitoii, ' F.nglaml. Of twelve oilier vell-known cilies, llrightoii and Victoria staml low est in Ihe amount of rain. Vancouver heads the list W'ilh 59 inches, over twice ns much as in Victoria. Jumping right across the conHni'iit. Halifax is next Villi I .IH lli.l..,'ll'iml II,., and Hydney, AiJstntHa, each have a rainfall of i7, inches. New York has 15 Inches; Auckland, New Zealand, launches; Seattle, Wash,, and Ctiejriiscy each have a fall of 35 Inches&NapliV annual r.'-'.-.H i -fliirn 33 inches 1 M-onlci's ini h-.-s. CANDIDATES PROPOSED FOR THE MAYORALTY Major Gibson Prominently Men. tloned as One Who Would be Likely to Receive Stronq Support Mayoritlly candidates ate already being discussed in civic circles, ami a number of names are being mentioned as likely to eciiie before the (M'ople al the election in January; It is generally undeilood, although not otllcially announced, that Mayor Newton will ugaln be a candidate. Several of the aldermen loo are being dicuel but no one seems to be uulle aim- whether any of I hem would coioeut to nominal ion. The name mentioned iuot prominently nee- (ieortre Munro. M. M. lepheiis, Tbeo. Collarl and S. 1 1. Macdoitald. II is umleridool alo that the alderinett have no parlicular comer on the candid-alures. Two former utuyors tn'o also being metitiuuei u posl-bililies. Holli cx-muyor McCly-inonl and e-mayor Hoclieler urev aid o have had the matter brought lo their allenliou with a view to ecuriug their coneiil 10 muiiiiiulion. Perhaps the moil erlou ug-gelion outside the . council i thai of Major (Yibon, He ha already been requesteU lo ?lve I he matter serious consideration, 11 being fell thai hU imlepemleul potiiiou coupled with 111 v.el' known nliilily fit him for the. position and thai he would make! a Mdemlid mayor. A number off Htuens it K said tire willing! Iti bark the major if hr will mil;, i oii.ent to go tnlti the conic! 'WARM WEATHER IS SIMPLY A CYCLE i IIF.HI.IX, Oct. 23. The warm weather rrporled front the Arclle jrejjtoiif i uol lo he taken seriously, acrordiiur to Prof. Karl Kasjner. of Hie llerlih Meleoro-t'luii al Institute. A hot wave hits Hie North Pull abotil every years, nml llii. in Hie lime it is due. The climate does tod really change. Warmer weather comes m eyrle. and history I merely t-ffiealiiiK itself. AnlloH of the im are Mippovd lo l,e respuusi-life fur Hie rhaiiues which come Jin Hie Arctic rryioiis. us well as ! elsewhere in the world. The ri-e in temperature In lite Arctic region has been golmf on now for several ears. I r. Kass-uer rtttillnues, if Hie reporls of Norwegian fishermen may be believed. lr. Hoel, the Norwegian scienlil, iliscovercd new coal field in Spilzhergcn last August licfMii-e of Hie Ihiti covering of ice which lay over Hie ground. A Norwegian ranlain who lias sailed the Arctic for 31 years report that be began tu notice the appreciable lessening of the ice five years ago, ami that the flower uud animal life have been much changed by tins milder climate. HAWAII MAY BE RADIO HUB OF PACIFIC OCEAN IIOXOI.IU. Ocl. i5. Hawaii l declined to become the radio hub of the Pacific, according to Ail bur A. Isbell, of I he Itadio Corporation of America. Iuc to iU geographical location at the cros roads of IJic Pacific, the territory is Ihe logical loeatiott for army, navy ami commercial radio lnlroii working wllh Ihe Fulled Slales 'and the remainder of Ihe Pacific area. Chin Mug, Chine-e. G 1 8 Seventh Avenue, West, was found millty by Mairislrale McClymont in Ihe police court this morning on a charge of supplying liquor 10 Indians and was fined 200 and Cosls. The prosecution was in Ihe bunds of (he Itoyal Canadian Mounted Police ami Milton (loiuales defended, peler Wcslev was Hie star wilncws. C.N.R. CONNECTIONS FOR WHITE STAR SAILINGS Sleatiifhip of the White Star e will sail from Montreal as follows: '-noilc." Novpo.Vii.r in Canada," November 17; "He- anui, .November 31. Passengers for these steamers should arrange lo leave Prince llimert via. Canadian National Hallways on November 3, 10 and , For rales and reservations, call or.wrilo Cily Ticket OtTlce. Cana diaii Nallonal Hallways, 528 Third .'. Ill nnn 1, I fit Phone 376 The House Phone 376 of Quality Flannel and Homespun DRESSES Our ftrl shipment r Ihese very serviceable dc ,f went so fal Unit vve re tint -ml til once and have Tf tirely new line, copied from the inu-t tii-o-date i , i(; journals. The ctdor arf fnm, I'tjttctick, Mauve. Tan. p.M, Henna ami Scarlet uud all siiituMy Iriitiined hi coulraai i? shade. Sues rang-.- from II cr to 10 -ar and are p: r from $6.50 to $15.75 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Sole Agcol uii iruer It i.tpnKr tirc StandMi I Ifesigrjff I'aKern Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay Mall Order. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. BETTY COMPSON "THE RUSTLE OF SILK" A -liuninci nig. lnoii g rtmiao. .o a setting ami salius. n .idapi ot U"m ll ind(oii'f ve . novel. A ro'!f .ii ilk tn- stern -otig nml ang its v.i miIm .i roni.iiu e (hat sw 1 empire. Ilislingnihe peiiniel itt Imle- - CONWAY TEARLE, CYRIL CHADWICK and ANNA Q. NILSSON. VITAQRAPH COMEDY "THE AGENT." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 50c and 25c HEATER TIME IS HERE .Make your sclc tion early w hile our . f$ line is complete. All slvlc ami sizes. I & f") lioth plain and linrk lined, priced front,- ffy J $12.50 to $45.00. liny now uml have ynirfilzA healer ready for the first cold snap. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 608 Third Ave. Tel. J. QAl V FOR MEN OiLL ONLY On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of This Week, October 25, 26 and 27. GENTLEMEN! If you minru llnltlier llools fur (he wel walier hrr-r i a chance fur you. II is not often Dial we have a "air c cltisivcly for men, but the prices ipitiltl lielow will li that this is worth while. Men' All White Knee Rubber Boots llegular 0. Sale price , $4.95 Men's Black Knee Rubber Boots Willi while sole. Het'l"r I.UU. Sah price- ..... $4.50 K Men's Black Knee Rubber Boots vvilti Veil sole. ltcg', .ir .".."(). Sale price ...I $400 Men's Black Rubber Boots wild ml fnli'. Ilegtilni' " Sale price ' , $6JlO Men's All White 6" Rubber Boots, llegular "UMl.&O. s' price . $40 Men's 0" Top Black Rubber Boots, willi while sole. ?i.(iri. Sale price $4.25 Our whole slock or Men's Fine Mouls, in Hlack "J Inn, regularly priced al Troiii ,,ot lo 1 2.50, is belio? "f fercd in this sal - at a fifteen per cent reduction. A wJ line in working shoes is also Included. FOR CASH ONLY. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third and Seventh. Phone 645-