will I rrmml by l r i-at"l at VHI'irla, not Uirr; n ihr f lid r itrioir. ! ptirrtiaa .. uo M. UIU TIMBER SALE X 6402. Irta will I rxrvltn! for UwM UDd at Vi'tuHa. l talrf. The Salt Niton Army citadel wh crowded i the dour lai evening wlit. i .yulaiit William Kerr delivered a highly interesting illustrated lecture taking a Ufn suhjerl "My Ten Year in Alaka ami 1 ta Yuknit." Th" large iitidienre wn very appree- ll'mi.wl !!.. im an arta ' ' i iunf . tsi mimi) l:irttiifcf jil ancomer Ailjnlanl ear m ill U Ok.! fr re ainrr. 1 3!-iii-Uri of It t-fctr Fnrr it. B. . r the Ivwtm-t Fotm H'lpn ac. TIMBER SALE X 5590. 4r Will rerHvn by IM '.anHv at Ww.rta it lalef If ?iJ il "( nfrfrr. I.: iitn ha '4 1 I w s9, Ji'-k l'iti awl sprr Tie. ') .i.d nrar twri.i, Hamrr :nd MMrt-t ar iil W alloml rr r- tin', ilara nf th iaf Purev ii B . it- Io4rl rr- ll iprt, B.Q, iherr showed view from I lir In I lie Ami if Cirrlx whioli li liiriilly piiain-i ami larrilnil. I he imt of llirm having Ifon lakrn Ity liim-flf. I'krlur4 wire )ivn if mMbi tf urcnlr in-llTfl. linMIt lir a Ofrfilll Fall. IN In IN PROBATE. thi wrntmt court of ritiih OditfcST'0' 1023 PRINCE. RUPttT IS: NAMVjHUptUMTEIS Now Department of NaL Service, to, Raerult Hera. for. Joy all Canadian Naval the Exide first eost P C iiMIMb Hi 4 - - - tZ'tv .." x jvHB)' SW'.T"'?. m TIMBER SALE X5449. ''nl mil Im rrrritnl t,jr tb unit. (I Vi'l'in. not lalet 3 Ki Uh tth rial of OrkJirr. tfi- nirrruH nt I n-m-. $ it it. i --is Jaraptn TtM 4i m ar 1 ;. -I !! u Trtkwa, lunar , , tii i inrt Mill 1j alkmnt for r- "atlier. parorolar. nf lb t:Wf low i ... fiiMnn rnir, : itfL li.' . TIMBER SALE X 5505. INTERESTING LECTURE BY ADJUTANT W. KERR salvation Army Officer Shows Pictures' of and Decrlbe "Ten Years In Yukon d Alaska." I'nnr Hiiprl. Anynx, Slfwarl. tl'i" alons ! lino nf lh (rai. Inink. Pariflr Hallway anl aUinx.1li Alaskan I'an liaii.llp front Kilrhikun tt Skacway. VnHoii lmliilri mtwlo nf li f. lMh wlill ami native, wr JfirHli!!. I'iriiiriMi tl)lrlinv lli Yukon n!.l rtili; nin-liinc mi the trniln. and lli varii)ii n Ihr Mh itat lrlf4irr, j UIIIIIIU tterl lolls at DaWsltn 1 Tt-'isTU.4 hinltly ti.lere.limr. Vew; Tp i. Bam natii,liw) , Yukon Hiter front' rar will " iBnwnJ tnr r :itiir ni. r.tai -f It Oif nr. 3 B. IHtirlM rfir. TIMBER SALE X 5451. Jr TrmWa mill tm rrlmt by the ul al VKIorta. v later i r i t) i Ik tlth day U ol4r, ll 'pwrrHi nf .rrn X 111 I. I I :' Tif I nf IMaHirk. Htlum. 1 : t.Ut, tm l.it It awl HIS. c Al 1 aawt l)linr. l -r,-f. IU lw alliad for r-tlnilirr ' -' anirlar t lh i'Jtlf rra- s B " . nr iltr ninirlrt rnre - imrft. b c. TIMBER SALE X 55M. ' M Trivtrra , lit lie nrelrrd hy tle I 1 ..r I at..!, ttt VliIArla Ml 1lt.r i r- rat li ll ilar "f oemher. ' I' " Om uurrha of I rtue X tilt. ) t onn Jampirw ttea fin an am ' :unr jat ai the reiriti fr of : Ukrt. Banrr ! DUlrirt I -rf S INi tie limeil fnr re- "' if llmwl i -tl tiarlirtitara nf tin r.hwf Torn-VrviHa. B.C . r Mairlri. rnrir. llnpyrl B C. TIMBER SALE X4701. " f riBirin III I-' mTi n anil KiUiiii .in an im Itualrd nn W . ,v of put Maud. Ilann i, ' tits I 'SIXTH li tsar will I a huaert for re- i r llmtnr 'irihrr iiartlrtilara nf ih rtilf rores- V:rnHa. B.C , ,nr tin tUMrlrl Far I'rinrs nnnrrl. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5565, irnnrra Hl'l iti iit uif "r nr i.anii. at vKinria. nm mifr iv.m nn Ihe tMh 1V nf nrlnlier, for Ihr tiurrha'A nf l.lrfiirp X IS. "i n.uiin jam rirm ami ?pm nr I vrar lll tm allowed for nf iimlirr. irtlier parilrulari nf tl Chief Fnrea- '".. B.C.. r IHtlrlrt inrrsier. iintwrt B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5587. "re vill i fiffrrril fr tale al Public "il. at iHin nn the itit tlay or iiiiitp ista, ju h tifrire nf Ihe Itireal rir at smiihera. Ih l.lrrnrs ' 10 rut SMAo Jaik l'liif Tls. nil 'fB ailjarvnl. ttx. iIia siinili. tMSiiiilArviif 7J7. Halme J, OiiaM t.aml lita- m. - ji-nm win iir innrii iii iT I nf tllllhfr riher istrlli-ulars nf the. Chief Forea- 'riurla, H.i; . ur liiMHrt foreelrr. "'inert, n r.. TIMBER SALS X 5501. ' IM Temlera will t rerrtvnl by lha ... imiia ! irturia, nm mier li'Hill oil (lis loili tiny uf .Nuvmiber. nir me iiirriiar or urence vnui lit 1. OKI. Iimi feet ..f lli.il...k nil1 ""in 4,l(i( pneat frtl or ce.lar 1 w.l n1 ISJ. Ilanint . "I tiutrici, y.iy' l" allnwrit ror re t.f I lliliep. "it iiariieuiara sr ih e.hir rnrni. ,""r,,, rur,,"- UuDari. DaWMHt to tort Vukou itirlmhng ih uf Hie midnialil sun con-ludisl the exhibition. A special item on the pro. gram were two srlrciions by a vocal oclellc consisting of Capl. mid Mrs. Coleman. Mr. Coleman. TIMBER SALE X 5482. inlnl TMHlr mil lw m-rlrrtf by th Utnltlrr "f l.arwlf. ai Virt.irla. is.t Utrr than ismi tm llw i day ! .uvtuU-r. lift, fur Ihe isirrhaxi tif Urfiiri X ll,' In ml 70.R00 uneai I i tr fnmr. tt.ouu linral Irr l of t:e!ar fole. atxt S.SuO lln- lurk TIM. lltl nrtlltl of l.'"l I ill. "4- iiur Lain! iiirlriri. Thr (Si v-ar lll tie alleil lor r-irsital. of lliiilW. ruiils-r iarnrtilar nf lhe Chlr . rot. ler. Vlriwia. B.:. r ti.irl-i firlrr, frittre flMIert. B.C. . TIMBER. SALE X 5464. There -ill off'rtst fr Sale at Piihlle Aiirium. il IMXin (Ml Ihe tint ilay nf Xovetti- U' .f un.1. at Vinorla. nil UteriR't. ' n..rt ".tU nil ,J jarapiiH- il I M00 f-t f -nmr,. Certar llem.lj 'V wn t .;. X. lei Z .Xaituia lller. appnixlmilrly I tnllrs fmiii rrancnia Ur. tun 4. Dtl I ami Itnirltl. ... . . rivn ii irtrn "HI aismrti nir it- niotal of tlnibrr. Fnrllwr iarutiiar m m t.ni-t tr. Vlrtnrla. II.' . "f I'" I'tsinri rin- ler. I'rlnre lliitwrl. B.C. COLUMBIA. Ilia Mailer or The AiliiiluMralloll Art) ml .. til tlx Matter nf the Miaie nr juh.imi . i ..li iiMeassMr inipxiiir. tut liTiiK ilui In onter nf III to mi. i a aMsilnleil ilniln niralor or ti r.naie n uu ... o" v "le'easiil. ami H lrU havli.a rlaiina aaiul the ai.l fti are nerruj reiiiilrtst lo riinnii same, muTu . v bhT IKIh ilay or W mi r iH-rnrn the V!.. in ig1 ami all istrllea In- ilebleil to' the Kalale are renulieil In pay Ihe ainoiiiil pr meir unniv r,,r"'"h- TIIOMXM W. IIUINK, urricUl AdmlnUlralor, prinre huperi. I'.C. tUteit IhH t'lh day nf orlnber. I. tm tit In r . Cail. Marker ami Lieut. Kl-tioti of K'-iciiikiin. Cail McKay ainl Lieut. .Wwln-ry nf Juneau ami J.ieul. Hi-new of Anynx. The, flret nutnlier wa 'Tim Song nf I he Soldier" and " The Home ward Trail." MANY OFFICERS OF SALYATION ARMY IN CITY ENROUTE SOUTH On their wny In the annual eonsrens of I he Salvation Army winch will lake jilain uexl week ia Vancouver, everal nfllcer of Hie army from various jiointM in Hie north at jirr't'nt are. viiliutr in the cily. Sneefal nenire will he held by them next Sun day in Hie rlladel and they will ail on the oleamer I'rinee Itu lrl that eveningr fnr the oulli to he away for ahnut a week. Tho.f wh are going , otilh In rlttde Adjutant Willini Kerr, (nd.aml Mr. Coleman nf Prinre lluiert; ".! Marker and Lieut lillloll of Ki-l. litkan; Cal. Mc Kay and Lieut. Xewltery if Jiinenii ami l.fetif. Hcne of Anyov. i'jidI. Chalk of Anyox I already in Hie -ioiIIi. Tales that are Told beside the camp lire Tlte Inlander boys were telling stories. Some weird ones wore spun by eernl of Hie cinlini sportsmen lint il took Harry Hawkins In ran the climax. He told il well and une nf the lads, almost believe il yet. II was diiriim the days when Harry lited on the prairies, be said. Tlicy were, out thick hunting nnl when night came lliey found tlieuiseltes in a swamp. One member of Ihe parly having heard how tbjek were jnllracfed by Hie light, spread a sheet on the ground and set n, lantern so that il shmie right nn it. Then he retired with his gun ami Hie others iilsn sal around nursing I heir s w ondering what would happen next. Soon Hie fun began. IHjck there wcro in jdonly In Ibe- swamp and they very i!nrt wer heard floiping inln' Hie water and Jicross In where they saw Ibe light. All Ibe swamp siemed alive with mallards (It is thought Ihey were, mallaril). Oho by one, I wo by two. ten by Ifii, the milliards waddled out of Hie darkness on to iUn while, sheet, with the bright light bin ing on them. II was not louir before the sheet wn covered wilh duck. Just a thin last inch uf space was taken, the hunter all rose, piil their gun to their shoulders and fired. It was morning when most nf Ihe dead dueks were picked. up, hut when all' had. beet) gathered and piled in n lienpiand caitifully counted il was found; I hat one bumli'txl and eight fat swamp im PRORATE. 1 iiii.'iekers luiil rnlleti vlelinis n TH. lUPRXMCOURT or -m.t.n U,,,,. ,,,s jri, , gpl ,, ,c j,,, llm Maltrr i.f Tlw A.liiiliilMrailon -vn Might. I'1' . t . Tint ttiiirnl sif llni til aino la III Mtlfr HI iw r.i- --- .ii' "'"1 -...S. I i lain I l las ' m at . .W'Ti. IT'TZ?-, "orner- nf in. 1 . awuy troni imv nright iii.nr.ur p-' Mm. Ynunr, mi ' '"'; lights, it you are a iluekt orltiber. A.H. ' w" Pl',i"'",1l tif ..:"!.'. .. .. it.. Kulali' nf Jauiea rlaimi anil.i.l the aahl Katats aiv Hereby X rwrnifl -"-..re Jf wilted lni iiy 't .. ., mi ur lieftun Mv mfier i ' l3. "l l'r'", ' debl' d t.' th K.u" i Tlrr t 'y Jim li.debi-H. ' ''-rnritmi.iu aiHounl nf ll-elr s w mnt orriilal AdniiulMralnr. prince Hiil'Ti. M C. Dated tttls Mlb dy October, lH. niuwiu MRjH f I ! aVJI el tka BLADDER I' SafcSsmaU EacbCapiut(LM tara oania tsny BkimraormiiaerMli I'rincw Hupert In namrjl an one nf Hie point at which headriiar. lent- will h elaliliht.l hy. Ihn Irnarliiwnl oft naval- er,vica for receiviiiK, ainli(uiiionn from men wishing lo.enter. Ihe 'Hnyal Canadian .Naval rese.rve of 500 ofli- cer and men. nnw ix'in organ? ized. II i- announced by the, de!. Iiarlmeht nf naval defenn, Ht-jawa, Hiat regislrar will ite ap. oiulei al eaeli local headiuar-er. to receive. a(ii!lcalion, and that Hie selection f nflicer hy Hie dejiarlinenl' nf' natal .enice will l coinpleledte.irly in Xov- pmher. HejidmiarleiH. of Ihe It.C.N'.U. will lit; e.tiahliMhcd alxo a I Vic-loria, Vancouver, Montreal. Que-tif-c, St. .I(ilm, Luiienlnirg, Hali fax and Cliarlollelown. Naval (raining al I lie. naval, bare, nf Halifax or KAuimall will he (men in ll.(;...H. ra(ingt tturing the winter month'. Application inu't La Urilf nibjeclw domiciled iii Canada, iiiiiI not belong lo Any other reepp force, innt lie willing lo erve. at ea or wherever re quired inut nisn engagemenlH for fjve con-'cculive year and mut in. mot cat follow the .ea a? a profession. It I slateil hy the department that many nllicer ami men of the Canadian merchant' marine, a well as fjhcjliPii, have applied fitr entry into the reserve. TERRACE NOTES. Miss Carrie Kenny Ifas been the gtiest this, week of her rela. lives here. Miss Keiiny ha just coniplele! a jmiI grail nale course in nursing at Itostoii and is re. lurniiix In her borne in Victoria Mrs. Morse Hall and her daughter llarhara left on Thur ilay for the smith where she will snend the next few week in Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. Aldous whs another pa senger for Ihf oulh on TJiur- tfay s train. Mie exeels It pend the winter wilh her sister Mrs. A. While. . Mrs. Herl Kenny was the hosles at a inol enjoyable Ina nn Tuesday ill honor, of Iter guest, Miss Carrie Kenny of Victoria. The Women's Auxiliary nf the Vugljc.an church met at. Hie home of Mrs. Hurnett on ednesday. A number nf Terrace, men ami some from, outlying point tried Hie I t.C. Scalers examination here on Monday. Miss Alice MrDougal nf Xew Westminster arrived in 'Ierrace Saturday night in connection wilh her biological work at the Hnitersity of H.C. Tor which she i 'making a 'Collection of the flora ami fauna of .Northern H.C 11. C. for thi. I'raser, school inspector district is in town. Mrs. (lillis. of 'Victoria town for a few tiny.. is in P. M. Monclon haR returned from the coast having completed his survey work. i James Hichmond spent n few- days in lliuellon. ? Mr. and Mrs. A. Fraer who spent. soma months here) u couple nf. yenr ago, pas,scil lb rough on Iheir way to Tyco where they expect lo make their home... The Ladle fiuild of I ho Pre bylerian church ine.t at Hie, home of Mr,. O, Sumlul, Mrs, Parson entertaining. Mr. and Mr,. Von Hee. e.nlcr-ialned u. large number of- friend on Wednesday evening in honpr nf Miss Mellougall. Music, dutieiug e.anls and Mali .long were the jirder of the. evening and everyone biifl a most, enjoy able lime. TELKWA Several' heavy frosts hnye visited Hie Valley, rt'cenllylnii In spite of- liial' foci-, there ar'ulill some, flmvem. in: ll'JJ.jC.rilftiS,, Last Sunday, Rev. Vm. C tr i P .r- I here wen1 not many, present. a Mrs, tJree.il of Tyee Lake is goijig to Fort Kraser on jsalur-day Jo 'spend a .few weeks wilh lien daughter. Ite.v. Clinton Johnslon of Top- ley rode, down lo Telkwa on Tuesday, and went on to Smith- ers Hpv. Johnslon i interested in the possible, publication of a Community magazine for this district. W- Figgins of the Royal Hank staff bas again reported for duly, at the local, bank after en joying two weeks holiday in Smithers. Mr. Joe Hnurgnn nnd child- ren leave nn inursiiay morning for Seattle, there Ihey will spend a holiday. wJlh Mrs. Itourgon's isler, Mr. THonia. s- Mr, a few nesday The church homo Clarenctv IU Coodacre bud friend In lea on W.A. held of .Mr Tuesday of of Hie Anglican ft jiieeling al the Hit Drab Hoop on week. 0. Hrayfjeld, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Hrayfield, arrived on Wednesday fnun Mnniloba lo visit Iii mother who has been ill for some time,. .Mr. I'lilpp. a datigbler of New, Westminster is expected on Thursday. l ii t A r ji.a l.A.lAnl Mlnlnr. f, i.t'C til lilt1 irucim ,iiimn Ro. returtiotli Wednewlny- morn ing and he went tip , to Dome Mountain at once. is low For a great many years Exide has been known as the-long'life battery; It stays on the job so long that thou sands of car owners have found it to be by far. the. most, economical battery in the end. At the present prices of Exide Batteries,, even the. iirsr cost is low. Now, no man need deny himself the satisfaction of getting a willing, rugged Exide. It will serve you so long and with so little expense for upkeep thatyou will find it the soundest kind of economy.. The quality remains the same that has brought world-wide, acceptance of Exide as the standard storage bat- t tery. Exide was on the first electrically started: automobile in 1911. Today, more new cars leave the-factories equipped with Exides than, with any. other,' battery. For your comfort and for the sake, of economy,, go to the nearest Exide Service Station and; get the Exide: "Battery made for your Car. ? EXIDE PRICES CAR OLD NEW' Ford and Chevrolet 4M .... $27.50- $20.95 Ford, Chevrolet 490, Durant 4, Essex, ' Gray-Dort 4, Maxwell, McLaughlin- , -n nn Buick 4, Overland, Star and others OD.7U 20.4V, Durant 6, Hudson, Hupmobile, Mc- Itufihlin.Bulck fc, Reo, Slude baker ii nn, VQl 30.60f -jn n. and others ........ Dodfie, Franklin, Maxwell and others 51.35 37.65 F.O.B. DISTRIBUTORS' WAREJIOLSE. "VANCOUVEH- J A TTO We have a new line of Radio A and B Batteries -IV-1"ij at equally attractive, price. Try. an, Exide. Radio Battery on your radio set. You wUl.be surprised at the. difference it makes in the clearness of reception. THE LONG-LIFE BATTERY FO-R YOUR CAR Mawhinney held services in the' Wnoilmere school, tint nwimr lo Hie? bad condition tif the roads W. R. LOVE Local Agent. in. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, InUrmaiHaU' Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11: p.m. FOR ANYOX ........ ...... . . WEDNESDAY, 16 p.m. FOR: STEWART SATURDAY 10 p.m. A S.S. PRINCE: JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Oct. 17, Nov.. 3, 17 at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert l.li p.m. tor rtUCE GEORGE, EDMOJtTO.t, iWIJI-MPEG, sit points Eastern Canada.. l'ultt Stalea. AQCNCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City mcr Office.. S2S Third.. Aa Prlncs RuparL, PUsns MO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicer Sailings from PrinceRirt S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria, and. Seattle, October 5,. 12, 23; November 2,, 1V 34) For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau andSkagway, October 1, 8, 19, 29; Novamber-1 ML 8.S PRINCESS; BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Beila, Ooasys. Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Riyer,, and: Vancouver, every, Saturday, at It p.m. Agency for all Steamsnip Unee. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent , Corner, of 4Ui 8treet.and.3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert BXU, UNION 5JEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C; LTfe. SaiUnts From Prlncs Rupert. tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocaan Palls, sits ('wanaon , Bar, TliaaSsr, JI. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, tn4 Ssfseaen ttly, Sstsrss, Mas,, ree,ANVOX.,AUOIVARat,. STEWART. Wa(as laUns, Sunssr-S-SUs, or PORT SIMPSON snd Nsss Rl Csitnsrlss, PrMsy . A.SJ, tli 1a Aycuiis. i. starnslsr, AanL. Prlncs. Ruisrt.sV,C. s