PAQE TWO L' TIT 15 DAILY NEWS T' Mv r, , , , in laves In Ihe rily. They should DISCUSSION OF keep the tat rale h lnv a rw--il.lo ami enrniirnire ilir Investor nv-n ,.t. ,s .iBiig:, iwilhotil whom I ho oily would go UTILITY RATES into the hand .if receivers. lUlhcr ee Hie ulilily rales , reduced, (o wnuld prefer dial "Ouilds Bonnie Babies" Bylaw Introduced by Supsrln Ihev l" wnricd mil n hai OLAXO li fresh, absolutely pure;milk In powdered form, tandent Provldlno for R- ,a near lo year's fiilile standardised, easily di'cestible, and free from the dangers climinallnir discrimination to commonly associated with ordinary raw milk. It con-tains ucllons Tabled for (nil bo malt, no flour, do starch, bo adulterants or pre Weak Council llc n not aitxioii In reduce servatives; it is composed entirely of the solids of milk by rali in one place and pile up and Dotting the. It is, therefore, the food for infants, laves in another, w MM&Saf in obtainable.those cases where mothers' milk is for any cause un 1 LOVE URGES REDUCTION Dafansts Haductlons I from tie Claxo i telJ if DragfittM thraafkomt Canada. Aid. Maedonflhl maintained Little Change In Revenue Eipact. thai Hie small investor who ed Eiceot from Loss of made Iheir homes here were as Chilliwack District Meter Rent iniHtrlniil In I lie rily a I lie iruo invcslnrs. uho lived away The rily rounril nl lenBlh last ., ,.. . i.iie.1 the cilv rseriodi- nizlil discussed Hie report of Hie,.nv ," ,.,,11,1 noir r. The Daily News superintendent of utilities Kr-; denl, ww helping ! ImiM JUST n the milk from lie! Love, on proposed Held and!.,., J PHINOR nUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ,,,,, ,,mn ,., hmil.l Bel UiefoolliilUoflheSwiu powr rale reduction ami finally Ihe heneflt r re.lnee.1 rale al-llifttiirli Alp is famous thrnugh-out Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the I'rince MM the report on the table for a he did not reel that Ihe Europe, o is ihe milk Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. weHi for further consideration. liuaii.wrs should hear Ihe whole from tlie Fraser Mr. I.nve was present a ltd e- River hurtlen. A medium wa II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editur. happy Valley known in plained the proposed new hylaw. Ihe nlijeel or Ihe present pr o. Western The f true-honored etale. ulilily ci rVilnclInn. Canada lor its remaikable Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. rale rlirtin v. Increased and Aid. Slrnl"1! ilerUreit thai consistent richness. taxation. w'a induleed in. Mayor every liipi)er wa helping lh Owning and operating DAILY EDITION Tuesday, May 15, 1983. N'evvtnn nd AM. .Mardnnald I own. Everr re.ellon in the condensary at Soulh a chain van of irlililie eommillee. iraU, (lf lttil(ic would wean in- the Sumat, Borden Com-pany Stork To Fore . namirtnnin uie cause ni mc (rrnnM. jn Bnlon. In Budget Debate. ulilily uer an.l A hi. Slephen Mavor XewicHi Tell that Ihe receives this milk l-'red Slurk Ird off ipiile early iif Hi liudgel dehalr nl Ol rhaimian of Ihe rhrnnee eoiu-',,,.,,, r muniri,,.,! ownership from the finest dairies in law a anu nis speecn wa m wen roiisiuertii ny the press- repif-entalif,"lli;tl millee. lakirtgup Ihe ra-e for the wnl , iiiilial eKmlHure the Valley, puts it up in they Mill nut -a fairly full retiort of i on Hit ai.aV?. al then provide a low role a our convenient sized wire lo liritlsli-, IJnluniliia. Everyone here will feel somewhat '' Mr! liive slalrsl thai one nf Ihe . ii.i.. n .. .i f-i I and places it within cans, of it glow iif'pride lo Hunk their tnenilier Ims lieen aide lo Imld IfiilHirRinl bjs ls o Im gsiine.1 r,,,,,,, utTt" surpluses hy immediate your liis own mi well ii a llnii' ronipOHMl f m many meniln'rst' )j- mean of (he hylaw would j,,,,. f ,iah rules reach (at your I hey i-annof nil fpeak. .Many or lliein ifever lo anjlliiug ImiI he Hi - eii.linf of ptAul di- j Ahi. Sl.iihen (.nlnte.1 ntU lhat grocers) under the name vole. Prince l!iifrl, however, ha a voire in the llou-e and eriuniialinn as far as lomestie ,,i,0 tmnaver lia.l suarnnlee.1 itnHrtanl a one that il i heanl a far a (he Pacific -oa(. The raie were eoneerneo i ti.irrine rwm, ro, ,,f ,. anl and. ask for and Insist report that came lo it lal night and which is ptillihel I(kIhv Iiri-si-io ii)ia n riinrK-ishoulil lehrefore receive llie upon getting: tiorden's i nor a special despatch hut one eul itll generally liy Ihe ll for light and Wr. for power, i.norils of urr.liies from er- St. Charles Milk. Ciuadiau Pre-. Ihe ,hly or making Ihe division ivjl.,.. itnliie'itig rales iiiiaht .e a for Ihese charges on Ihe maler wnv nf gHlina vole hut il Rapid and Radical in? coin ins on uie cierK w ,M.i business nevertheless. Reforms Dangerous. makiiic out lite nvoiiiils There: A, r.llarl staled Dial si Rapid reform are dangerou. IJiaiiges in tariff or in anything had heen many couiidainls. ;n-un.liises of Ihe utilities had de raiie -uifMion atid reach out far lieymil whal any-i ler the uew hylaw. He. flul "iiM i,wll p, j ,,yj,B ,aPk dehls one expeel. Alo Ihe threat of chnrifjc lend to e.iue in la-hilily he charged fur I be first J." kilo- i n fund. Use It for in husine and Veep rinlii-trie-, from expanding. At the walls the rale graduating ilown , Water Daflelt ame linie a jwoderate umniiit of uncertainty keep mnnurar-rtnrer as grenler eoiisiimptiou was re. Mr. Lnve iMiinleil out I ha! the every Mi Ik from. takijig advantage of the tariff lo raie prire inor-Jdinalely, cordel. Willi Ihe lisrniinl, a electric light ulilily had lal need. . ,:, , rale comparing favorably with year Men loaded wilh a deficit l-ree trade would he the righl thing if there hail been no North Vancouver, Soulh Vnn- of 1 1,(Kin from the operation of .war and (here wa no need of raiding ininieui-.e sum In wy iKHiver and Point Orey would tie Ihe walcrwork dejarlmenl. the interest on war del.N and ali lo pay for the oes on a reached. On Ihe whole, he j The hylaw wa laid on Ihe " rnilroad yleni. Free trade wilh our neighhors i one of the not iliink llial Ihe new rale lahle. Mr. Love rcn,tieslinir lhal, j condition we.;l look f on aril to. Lot il will not rome for would chanire Ihe revenue very whalever the council might do in With the v Aonie time. The farmers are interested in fre,. trade on ho"e much as far as resilience consumption rejranl lo reduction of rales. Ihe ' thing they have lo Imy ami Ihey mate a great fu if Ihey find wa coneymed. The iireent ilisrrimlnulnry rales; Cream they. Ihe pnofneer, Ihe liller of Ihe soil, have lo help pay llie new hiisiness rale wouhl, how- (should at leasl he remedied. VAMCOUVCJJ ; war leh1 Ihrntigh imrxirt dulie. Ye I Ihe farmer should pay ever, cause cnnsnlerahle reiluc-lion . 'heir share along wilh Ihe reL We all hale to pay taxes and in revenue a would also Ihe UTILITIES REPORT left in 4' we all think the olher people should nay more Ihan we. It take! dropping of meler renls. He : a courageous government lo hold its own njraiii! a farmerr'',i",,',, ",al '0'', reilue- . movement surh as thai of Ihe nrairies. Yel Ihe farnior'i"" revenue Ihroiiirh Hie new Telephones Show Surplus of $682 1 not he given pvery'hing at Ihe expense of those who are not hylaw would he in Ihe neighborhood and Electric Light a Deficit i farming. If the revenue has lo he raised, and il. ha, we should of 1 fi.Onf). Last year, ar-ronlin? of $4?6.85 . all sianil fogelher nt ecli pay his smrr. In Ihe andilor's report. I cotillon such as this? He wouhl never think nf heinic Ihe utilities had shown a surplus the telephone department insistent after heiua treated that '. Shipment Of Grain or 7,09t.5K. Thi year, so shows a siirpln- of si'iH? for I hi N(W lhal Ihe swiuHiiilHC season way. SILVERSIDES i By Prince Rupert. far. Hie surplus was n,3d.7". monlh of April and Hie elect rt.' s here (nearly) what alut l reI Wfnfk sfMike in the House of the poiliiiities nf shilling The differenre in surplus IwHween lichl deparlnvni n deficil of ellinir into Ihe swim? grain Ihrniiph Prince Rupert. A short time ,-igo a deswlcli Ihis year and last was In he explained 2oM aceordirtjr In a report - BROS. from Ollawir slalrd that hy Hie fact lhal, last Til KM K w a a girt Umiiaht shA ixalctn In 4 an iiiipiir) was to he instituted as lo siihinilled In the rily council last 'the various western year, large sum had heen rommenoe a rum.ince hy falliiiu TIMBER SALE X 4620. grain n.iiles Apparently Ihis ronle i he spent nizlil ly I'rnesl Ijim, superin nig conincrel l) every time our memher i nhle to el Ihe out or revenue in new' construc lendent of ulitilie. 'the eieii. into the iiwlrllikablc and have s.skil T-iulrr mil tw irmiH t Wallpapers, , Ijiiu-e or (nimoiw nlwml it, ihe more familiar will Ihey he tion and reserve eiiiifiiiirnl. Thin lilure in the telrplmne depart one of the hoys save her. She sini'l. r nf Ulvl,. II V irlnru i lain I rome witn llie nlea until year Hie huying of new store fell in with a ajenlle scream audi''1" " ' iii ! t jmw evenlunlly we shall m-o the golden nieul durintr the nionlli was II.... H.I...I I... ....I ..ill. .. I''". "f I trttr- X ion u. i ul Glass, gsirciim iinwiiig ims way as il is flowing through Vnn- had heen avoided allhough some Otjn and Ihe elirnulrd rev liili-tl lll "ill null M Ifiwi- "''"" '"I " I'nif. HslMSS. IMU Paint, hook. Sines- thai she ulaya al aisi i.nur. 'Hi an am .iniaim rnner. 1,000 had lieen spent out of enue. 3.f.on. In the electric light lis- urth , 4 Lxi( lak. Haiiao t. revenue in making connections department, the cost was 7..2..- home when the yonny people go i iia.I ijimi Oi.iriri. Art Supplies, Danger Of Too wilh Hie dry dork and Ihe rnll- M and Ihe revenue, i7,JlO. on Ihe waler. ns.ial r" s t iinils-r.r--sr. m i aUrm tr Much Prosperity. wuy. I nder present cumlllioiis Ileporliiiff on elcclric light op. Iiirll-r patiwalars, at In i lurl i:to ; several liuivs we have spoken of Hie danger of too much of the utilities, he Ihoiishl lhal oration, the sujHrintenilcnl show "Till-: day of youlh are joy- irr.Irr. Vtimrr iirmris,Ma-rri,aj.i.., ti c. IH.lrlrl I - Out nf tuwn cnlc-i f a prosperity aim nave pointed out that ineii who can make a good Ihe eily was perreclly safe fr. ed lhal Ihe revenue in April had oils days," as Ihe lad murmured ! Immediate allcnt:; n In liim.eir lie Ilia . TIMBER SALE X SOQ9 u iin suu' r..l Samples sent un ; living hiki noni tneir own in l ompelilion under normal nindi- imlling Ihroiigh a hylaw Rial ftcen less than iii March and lliere iioiis are easuy crowjiei lo the wall in time of rapid growlh. would" give Ihe eonnuinern Ihe had heen It deficit hecailse If. of the hoys Sn off fnr Ihe tri,.M.r,,,V.lH,,.e; Phona 12. P.O. Bos I hi is illustrated verj we) In ;, sor- setit nut hy Ihe Aocilrd heuefif of a cheap light and 'SK.O.I had heen paid out of ano ue nail in stay hi ipouc uiii ,'" mmm I"1"t in sis ot ur jmw.m !' Pre from Washinglon ein.inaliug from ihe ihi,1 office de-iimrlmeiil power rale lhal Ihey had not had revenue for making the dry dork irwt llie l.iliv lor ins num. 'icrUr sinnii- ii.s-i. i. rut iish. t-m m f Ihere. H say: in Ihe pal. con nee I ion. Cos) nf operation '' llnnhM-k sixl Snir-" aii..i t n HOW l.or.1 Hurnn mush have ,J .J"? l Wlicii mi oil hnum hit onomatp imi.I nffic il,;.,,,- i.;, Safe Reduction tad heen rehired hy Htl. shrivelled when Ihe llolsheviks inrtiwr isiriiruUr i ilm ri,if rw .gin lo happen, a wilnessril y the records which have just heeu Mayor Newlon Haiti lhal Ihe re. Lengtheninir days and less liirhl hurtled huh ill effijty al Moscow! . i'Zu.nJrt' IT. ,rtMrtrt '' EDSON COM iiKide puhlii.oMhe Irihulalioiis of the potniler .it Smack- Inclion proposed was a safe one used was Ihe reason for decreased over,- Ark. and would still rover with ample leveuue. Since January 1. Ihe : "ni.icKoyir was i.nskiug in Ihe sun, n lowu of 200 Ial margin any emergency lhal department had paid over I 00(1 ifall when oil wn slruck. Almost overnight Ihe tioiiulalioii iiiisthl arise IhroiiKli adililloual out of revenue (or new construction. We can now Supply "' swelled hi leu (honsaiid, nnd Ihis meswige ranie o Hie im,1 construction or decrease of pu. FAMOUS EDSON CO office department from Poslmasler Ved V. Mrlloiiald, vvlm pulalioii. If, on Ihe oilier hand The telephone report showed in quantlfr any Jhieaiiliine, had grown w allhy in oil lands: nndllloiiH roiilinued a al pre I'.'HI phones in use at the first nf ''''i offi,,' "f '" 'onlrol: letler arriving ft.ono lo sent wilhoul any unforeseen April and al the end. Prince Rupert FEei U ,.ooo daily; pared po-d hy Ihe ton: cau'l open mail any longer emergencies, it in in hi he possihln place In put il: accept resignation." lo make si III furl her reluct ions Phona 58. "'r,llrl'''' nssi.liiuls were rushed to Hinackover and Ihe in rales this year The Man in the Moon Mars wns mcrea-rd from noo y(.r , 2.r,(in. h o,l,aser Ahl. Stephens, while realizing lelhuii. .1 refused lo lay longer on Hie jol. than was necess,rv thai some reel irical ions in thfl SAYSi in gel things mnniiig moolhlv.' ' rale In avoid discrimination were necessary, said lhal he wan KXTIM MASM l h life oflhfl Tha Lataat In Spring not eulhiislaslie about heavy re. sOlll. Summtr. Iiiclions in revenue, ihis year's - rule had heen struck laklnir into V:ill: it nol lhal ha is auper- toupT LADIES' ready-to-wear A Clear, Beautiful Skin consideration all revenues. Thn itilenleul of ihe schools and apparc' reduction proposed would effect therefore luu.i ,e rireunispert (In year's finaneing. lie did III tils languaire, II. I., timphell Hat Arrived. . There ii'il see why revenue shrwild he would eicluiiii f, Mlenloriiiii Call In and Vlow urr millioai are of tiny or porei in ihe ilio and these opening, li-ialed in reducing ralei and limes: "Nurses' Home or llusl." Thrrs's nothing lika piping hot, delicious U krpl and clean mutt fell l hut Hie city of I'rince Hu-peii As il is about all the alanir he is f oup to start tha hsarty int, Ur la a flna BENT'S Heady-lo-wear of the ikio open if the beauty shmli have Ihe heneflla nf ullowed to use' is'soiiih such es- pot that will do a lot to h!p yovi rnaka good Third Avanua. is U to niiiotained. auup tha SMI L'nauitlrd Wars London Kattls. pi'dila fhini its utilities. rheif, ion esl- Piess us: "We inleml lo mil Hank of Mnn V.vtn aftrr Tla vrraslrst or stkkiait covklng Opp. Became it cleanies iheta pores and wn a grave danger in taking Tover this goldani Iliinx or aoine. SMI' Knamtlad War cleans as aaslly as a encourages the healthful action of the llii. ulep iifplllnir up more homl- hody'H kuow the reason why." A Fine chuia dish. Ask tor ilin. Dr. Chase's Ointment it eil ilehl. The water utility, lie . Kettle most fell, should eiiine under Ihe sam TIIKHi: TkU Is a sa wus nf effective at a skin beautifier. Rough-neu, a young man katUa, tuA lit lt SMpuWARE SUPPORT rednen, pimples and all as Hie electric liirhl and Omvulial sooilv i.i-oelivllles whn as. awt far UiU. sorts of lin should hand in huud, Ihe sits al Ihe U( anaat M Uw Yin Llemiihes y ko head of u iuhle in a disappear Ly its Isy. awoaias en "A fat ol rotflain mnj a lhart al Jr and Ihe uie. -urpiiis of one covering (he loss local hoariliiiyhnuse, who, when1 latlss ar ar m. skin is left clear, smooth and 1 the olher. lr lost he iaf. Ha aara .set TtiKa SsUasiL rai Wus taw aaala at aaarlr arar Nurses' Home velvety, money was heard id the slogan "Nurses' ataaall I us bsr tnaawl Isaloa aaa aui, IWianaal Vs, tkfaa taala. k t " in ildles revenue, u would have Home rr in- leioarked "Oh,' aarrwa tb HMJf sialwauulsa. akito liaiatr. Crralal War. Uirsa iraaa Mitu ii' mane up in laia-iou jiy gv un u m t unyiime DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT id'iit'iug eiliichuiis i.-i Hghl and ""Smut Miml Products utST ir w rales ihey w uh he w i-K NOW lhal wnsl walchen for aissiatat,stssasitsi luaatTa fAAyaa wssajieta Dr. A. H, Bayne M ruuVtosf aH drirr or YzdnUwii, IUl A Co., iA4 Turoul ngalnsl Hie laspayer al the men and ;Unr t.trlu for wmnejj iH.g.r in minim- niisiiiiiers. are nuili'" nr'ien, Wll.'lt I.'4 Q Dcnliil in - y ni wiiom Hid ii i pay a cent per inn ' w lie ahoul in a Local Affnt! Trinmnunn T-Io ,1.., w 1 1 A