page Fonn, . THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. May , BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMarm, We usually talk about Shoes CXXT fKj Ttl.. .ME. YOU... AKE PI I ANtWER THC DOOM I m y ) 1 1 f IwRr j I -J I I 2?.TT? in this I i I f 1 r spare Iml fur I In next few ilny nm tiguct iluil von give eAHQ HE il t nMlh. LM1 tT tK oar- a v, L v Tniry5 i . -r w . l ww . mm The Nurses' Home Campaign YOUR HEARTY SUPPORT. Family SHOE Store I j I t I Q' " vct. jj j b J Shoes For The Family. CITY TO CARRY s iKOHIN HOOD FILM MORE INSURANCE DELAYED TILL JUNE Daily News Classified Ads. Council, on Recommendation of 'Success of Picture In South-Makes Boat Engines 2 CENTS PKK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdtrllMmnl Tkan for L.. lhn Finance Committee, Decides Delay In Coming Here j BO to Put on $30,000 Ad- I AND PARTS IN STOCK. dltlonal j Better Tone 'I'lii' 1 1 1 III of "Iti.lun IIikmI" Wii MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED LOST Columbian Propellors, 20x26 From All Records k Tor evliii.ilnin at tin- inches down to 12x12 On recommendation of Hie fl- i -Mimhu. ThPiitri' hi May IH OPKN FOIl CONTIlAf.r 200 W NTi:i. rust..iiier Al'tM IW-aurr inches. nance .committer, the rily conn- T-HATS tk nin in.I lu. bill iiwilix In till- hiiii font flaise. 800 font tunnel. rry ,iiiI.Im.k .,r a wnrl Tobin Ilronte Shafting up lo ji'il last night decided to take out 1 jo ahouU dux na-a nf litis fi'iiture in I In Air drills and slrrd furiiKlieil. siiiiimer i-aini. Will hell vrryi New .iflii-e It BfutwMl lK fact iK.t i iMilhie Mines, Smitbers, I I.e.. ri'it..iiniiiv fur eli L'..I. IV in slock. ;930.5oo additional insurance on tli thf I'nifotl Aiiits iirir- . l.l I S...ier I Paraxon Reverse Clutch to Jits liuil.Iln'g and stores as ful Juction mm Wttr oti frm 1 1 ti liar held ii iiit for some BOARD. Ikot lot. l, Npw llfll.e. Kllr plen-. fit 2y4" shaft (rebuilt;. .lows: til rvexmift. Th Brunswick it I inn', a in! Inive proiiii'Wl il for WA.NTLI). Men and Women lo .w ulTJeai. tfluck 3-10 II.P. Clutches (rebuilt! tk nly pkcnofntpK lire ill ii lal-r ilwle. 'Ilie'nnTili j Fire Hall, 92.000 more. pi.I ganuin AQ-Weoj .-IiiiW Th Inlander, 830 learn llarberinir. Paid while ami Power Ourdies and I City Hall, 912,500 more. liotn .nj 4 Ultoftt I'.ilnuiiiR lewKram has Immi re. Seeond Avenue. Phone 137. tf learning and tools free. WrlU FOUND Winches, sprocket chains, Furniture and fixtures of city To Aim anj RWoJult im-iI in ii riiiiiii'i lioii : for calaloKue. )kicli all McvwJa Witk ' Mnlrr Itsrlwr rollMl. f.or.ii pUyt t shaftings, pulleys, pillow hall, 92,300 more. I'nnri- llupert Aniii-i-nienl li blocks, and thrusts, l'raser Street store. $10,00(1 "I'rinrr tliii it, I :. Her Heart Skipped College, Vancoiier. fl.C. Owner ran Ii 'DhiiiioI Hubiii llnnl ,, plying lo lu.iv x more. Com k mni krt i fkal you tiipiily MH:HK will bo reelv, up E Store building, 91.000 more. ka .'all m Brunrvick fulfil May IH. mlli. f,.: fi r-l i;ni' M..y I'J f..r the pumkiise of imylng fur tin- u Tire ball store room, 92.500 a.y dairn w anaka fot it. of Jiiin. Will In' ui llii-ri' Ui-.l Every Third Beat ii.- .rim now at Kelrhum s KorXI,.- Oeml. n , neilny. Signed A. A. Ilixon. H't. more. tutw liar. Apply IW w Thlnl A.-llae l-ire hall apparatus and telephone toil I li) rw iiOies?. I7 llakery Ironworks Co. Ltd switchboard as reiiiired. WIRELESS REPORT Aid. Stephens pointed out Jbal S a.m. Mrs. iimrl Borklrh. IM Klflf SL K- WATKI. lt In IS N.p. marine: AUCTION MLSI. Ihyby Island. - I'.iKuy, soutli-ICkstluun, OoL. vniM: "I think it rar gasolir nffine in tnm.1 enn-l present valuations of city build-in? Waterfront lit ion. If Ive MrMi(hH- def Condurld In yr. :r t t Phone 313. were not true because .if ..i whi.1: liar. I r, 2U.H0.;""", 'nann? rip-lion i nasi deprecial ion rediiclions. nin'raltnv. SO; .. mMli an.I Iwal price li P.O. Hot,'cur room. no.-M! i j The fily hall' wns riowiiisilre T.m.. .nkf laui'QM.r i:jp. A. I". I rrrrni for rrin vim psifsutiM r l(M.1. 113 omnillofi. I.iiiif. lh brt. my iur rt my tti. IM .7Z ' M- H. MEMMIfJOS, AucUnr HK'JiU)UIhL for Ki'liliikun, for l2.rflrt while its value was ( twtM IH4 ba Irrt thMM (I isy llin. I 'IKNKRAI. 8KIIVAXT WAXTI.II Third ' H pin. I Cm) mile fi-iaiu Kti'biknn. Summer estimated ti .10.O0rt. II was x Admiral durlorrd for or yrar, ind lb tfartar y My" larele. (Dai n. Atl.n'a Oli 1!-. propmed In raise Ibe inuranc I'.in.. Laii. Kdrhikan MM my brart very Im4 tt II akifaM Phone HUk 334. III 'fur Scilljc. rtoil ruil.-- from Seattle; rrrrr third hrtl. Phone black 13C and Or. Iff. to 125,000. The Kmser Street I store had 10,000 innirnnce. ils Al i to .uiWJ Styb Ml to. tli p.m.. Mikf lfiier I ftis up, Jail It Iblt lima, ind tbaa WAXTKIi. Servant, man nr' TAXI OaW TabW. ;.iii I Vi.-li.ria." left KMr'iikan 9 imii. niT moibpr sdvlaad mm la trv atilbttra'a woman. Apply llnlel Ontral. ' kalue was eslimaled at 30,000 a-4 Cr.i li H 1 I, fc-ai aau COAL ..iillil-oiliiil: ,.30 a.m., spoke llnarl and rrr Pill, uyint nr rldnl Tail 7 Phr ;and it wns propopit to. put on WAXTKIi. ?sn,OoV insura"nei hftwS ' EAST TERMS -tPiiior Prim-. Jnliii. Ieainn brnltv-r bail twa rHl by unt ihm A bmi.emaM. Mrs.) CjiII lir..rg "" X. It. Ihnr-ton Harl.or" n.r l..kep..rt nrban w bt .i Walton Plarfl-i Ross BroUart. The report oflhe finance eom-midee Messrs. i Bars. I tol bnl tnl lUrtrd lo Ukt Mcllae Hros. ni-oiniui'intinsr the in-rreas-d ' """"V" 1 1 bam. and nbm I bad uad II I Ml a KM i FOR RENT Flve.pasaenger T I Jt W alker s .Music Store. 'ad . I'r-p Point - Cloudy. bttr; could lp a lilll and fll ' " I'rompl Diy and S.i-. I'Ik. Oreal satisfaction? Repeal insurance was nilopled aim: barometer. 29.70: IfininTii-'tronrr. I cuniiMrd ukiat lorn for r'lll nr... rurntsficrj rooms. SUnd: Boston Drill TlrlJM itnlTH, liefng filled pvcry without :ijviion. 50; sea kiiiooIIi. abawt Inre mociiha. and frll brllrr tbao with or without boar.1, home day for I bad far yrart. FURS. FUR. Hull llnrltor - Misty, .-aim: bar-oiii'-frr. cooking. Also housekeeping Nanaimo-Vellinglon FISH ARRIVALS 30.01; lenipir;rliir.. 5; VVdtii I think of lt mlM-ry and surrrr-Inr suite, .torfoik Rooms, phone NOTICE TO TRAPPIM-iWiri'l PRESIDENT HARDING -. " i. i r.innin.. ji I snil throaifli brrt I turld Mil- iiiacn azv. f Hi v-hate . nnk. Oriff. i-n ..iil..wrn-a llrart and .arva rim. I iri ma Twelve Boris Marketed 112,000 INVITED TO VISIT i'.in klllnt crrryoiM know wbal ibry did far STKAM Hssilrd Flat fir rtnt. seen n- I ' ' " Nut Coal Pounds of Halibut at Exchange , from 'I'liromii lii.uml fur Taeoma Heaner apartments. M. M. rrtplioii ..r v r ; This Morning 10.15 p.m.. ri'i.k. trainer l'rinc I rtrr. Ilrin.- at CITY THIS SUMMER ; Stephens. Ouirk hire' Lnsls Longer! o.ire nrM-aiu Poulfney Soil Plire toe a tni al all dralrra or mailed W. 00LDBLOOM. direct on rerrlpl or prtr If Tba T. X libs Cosf same older N'.it :oiilliloitnd as Kon ftKXT Friend." Twelve boats marketed 2.nn. ro Co- Limited, Toronto. Ont, Housekeeping jnoms The Trapp.r'a Coals. iMiund of halibut al the l'ili (In motion nf Aid. Monro. re.' Noon I0 Sixth Aenue Hast, Phone Second Avenue. Phone 116 or 564. KM-banu'p Ibis moruiii?, Ihrei' oiid.-d l AM. Perry, Ibe rityi Higbv NUnd Mriciilng rain. Jiiue zii. jf Americans liaving 3fi,50il poumN foiiorit last ntglil deeidnt lo snd soullirji-l wind: baromrlr-r, SK.Ml: MANITOBA INCREASES SCHEDULES Albert & McCaftery nnd nine 7.',5on fin nffirinl iiiMtiiinni In I'n-oil.-i.l Iroijwralnre. 51: ei rrufth: II 'MODKIIX four room flat for SPORT LIMITED oouiuls. iianiiiiii, nr the I oiled Sliili-. nn. h.rn.. fiki vitamer Chvloliiii ANNUAL INCOME TAX j r.Mil. Weslenhaver lima. if hi- party tu iil I'rinrr tiiferl left Port Mwanl 111.15 a.m. BASEBALL Foil Arr vals and salfs were as fo!-iws IIKXT. Krwit flat in Smith ill the coin., nf tin- iriiMieil "OiilMxniiiil. 1 Mallet Illoek. Senior American lour (,o 4ska lliis summer. Ar- lliw.l Tree I'oinl Cloudy, WIN.VIPKli. May 15. Nra-ln-iin-r.'Brs M , I forward. 5,r0n pininiN, at 15.7i onliiiT'ttr'iirrfi-nl plans. Presi. nil in: b.iroiin-ln 2V.81: lriMra-IMN. m llir p.-rrcniagr if FOR SALE SI - Sons of I it' i . Are You Contemplating and 10c, lo the flanailian I'ili lout Hurtling will arrivr al Salll" 55; i. lax oinl-r the new provinrinl In Ju. ' arly in July and will sail fr.oi Hull lcrcal. north. rnir 'Y Art were addi-d lo I but Boats I Oil's S. Si. Cold Sloraiie tUt. there lo Alaska Vhii- e wind: I he innlion of I. 3fl x 10. 20h.p. work. .. II.SAO including Inirometer. 30.01. io.-aiin- on 7 O rot In va Oil -15 1 1.000 and Wa-hasii. Building a Hoitie Tyee. bound, i oover and irli.ria in bis nor- teniperatnre. ii.'.: iiivy sw'ell: 10 Iiixt.n. Labor Ira.lrr. in llir luw 10 x , go h.p. eriiUer.. ,M0 Sons of Cana.l.t - ' 0,000 a' 15.7c in! p.iun.U, a 28 x 8. 7 h.u. InWer.... Ibei-ii rooinullre of tin-leglslallirr. 50o "' itinerary which wrll eier spokr leHiuer Prinreus Kna amondmi-irU jflHV S.'o- I Or, to tin ll ml h Kilierie Cana 8 x 8. 7 Ifnlfer These Ibr ou.iilli of July and part of-'iff Cn.e Sr.ill -hiiIIiIi.hio.I. I'nder Ibe rliao." h.p. 373 Jtf OroUo vs. Oil - liuildln aie good dlan Cji. 22 Sites at low prices: Canadian Aiiuu-I . ' ..... . . an nddilioiial one and one half per x 6, 3 h.p. pl(Miire IS5 July Hulls Lot i-iil is addr.1 to Ibe lax as outlined 5 Sons of Canada -13 4, Ulk. 35, Sec. 8 Hanaro, 0.500 iniiiiiiU,-nt 13.7c PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 88 ......V x 8, Hull, new s:s Lot Hk An ai.fdiralioii from Albert in I In- bill all Hie wny up Itll's vs. S..n of 3, .3, Sec. 8 and 10r; Scrub. 10,000 ptuimU, al 28 Lot 12 lleiianll for the iMiiilinn as from the Hiul where taxation x k, Hull, pleasure. 10 Crollo vs. Oil's Wk. 38, gee. 7 I3.8i- and I0r: W. T- ll.oou drAor of (lie eilr's llay-Kbler Tuesday, May 15 -liirl. While Ibis lias a VMfy uw ftp 7 Hons of inad4 v -'' The 3 for S250. pound, al l.' and lOr; Capi-Spear, ;i x 7. niiii . . .:...i... tttib J.ot 19, Hlk. Sec. truck was referred by the council High it 18 a.m. 26.5 ft. amall on small liwones It AllHllsl 32, 7 al 250. 8,000 pounds, i:t.Ke and 10 Lot 7-8. Ulk. 15, Sec. 7 9100. I Or: llo.e spit. 11,000 at last ni:lil lollie II.mnl of Works I i .15 p.m. 18.5 " jr.-nelies very high figures on (In x III.Rowboats Work riiii J llfs vs. Sons of I Lot 25-20, Ulk. 21, Sec. 7 fS.r and I0e. and Xornen, 8,500 which alr.-ady lias Hirer oilier Low J .'3 a.m. 3 7 " larger iur.iine. Tig- maximum fine Ifi fl. rnwhtiu! (t -llrolto vs. OiJ i appliralions for the jnli. Aid. 19 .'3 p.m. 6.7 " jlax is reached ut an ioeome or 1ft Sons of Canada - .(iuoi, nl 13.ii- and 9250. lOr. lo Hi-Canadian 1M 17. Itlk. 49, Sec. 7 150, Kfh A (U.ld Storage Oi. Monro pointed that J. J, Ander Wednesday, May 16 j i.Pj.uun wli.-n Ilie total nu.oiiHls . One Marino it foot and row boat .. 35 1 1 fllFs vs. Son. of f i A Oliver Typewriters. I.iMian M., 0,000 pounds, at son, the r.iMiicr ilrlM-f. was on High I I7 a.m Jd.C ft. lo 20 per renl. Auto equipment, 30 llrntto vs. Oil s Cary Safes. 13.9c and I0e. and Hippo, lO.onn ll-ave nf absci re ainl. if he did I I 09 p.m. 1 8.5 " Members of Ibe governnenl In-rludiug parts nnd acceswiries. .North pounds, al 13.Hr and not soon return, tt would be l.'iw i :i i " Premier llrarken, Hon. Y. ern Kxrtiange, Second Avenue, Intermediate FIRE INSURANCE. I0r, In (lir Phone Mini Kisberiex. iieersary to appium a 'irw man. IU I p Ol ".0 ' M lllark and Hon. II. W. Crnig, 010. May ..nposed the iiliirnillurtrt. arguing 29 CVilla s. High S. : II. and II. t.500 F0II SAI.K. Four pounds, at 11 r acre ranch; flial of the frderal fnx II Jnnn Dybhavn & Hanson and 10c. to Ibe Month l'iirrie-Cana.lian , w !!oil place lop an inrpoible burden cleared and under cultivation. I While Sox vs I l fi AIkmiI IS acre strawberries f t Third Avenue. ...i the .liuul.leru of big business 12 High Si-bool vs. Prince Rupert, B.C. tn ... Tim, it wa piiintril toil and some fruit Irees. At Ileum, 18ditl vs. ilisli K. i, 11.(1, Apply owner, P. O'llrieu, 20 While I If of tll.(ino - Sox vs ir income or over 1 L?Ten Years Ago m in'Id bear tt burden of 00 per Usk, I I.C. July f In Ptlnca Rupert m t nl iiirliullg Ilie federal lax. As FOIl SAI.K. Fumed oak suite, 2 High School m Wh We brjr to announce that initially .drawn the bill Axininsler rug. Linoleum. Only 10 -r.olt . High Srtt '" liuvi" disposed of our .i m,.v iruiiip of 7 iMTcenl. at l.'l.- iisa.1 yar. Cash or term.. 10 While Sox s I i' ' Cartage llusiness lo May 15, 1813. ifl and did tiol inriaie I lien Wrile Hox 105, Daily Nows. SI High S.-hoo v- W ' Hundreds of newcomers are 30 Colls vs. IllI. K. i LINDSAY'S CARTAGE COY. cxpcrfcd to arrive this sumuie. KOIl KAI.C l.tiglmli baby carnage Align -I wirt lake lid opportunity of in I lie llutrlfou ininiliir firt.l ami UNDOUBTEDLY in find rlass roudilion. 7 Willie Sox . ( I' thanking fm- Ib pir.rill outlook is lliat Ibe Apply Hox 1 07 llally News of. 13 High School vs Wlnl ' you your patronage 1 Wk m Bff Vaal aa BaaawBI BB1 a Bauras. amvaamT coming aeason will be tto. H t CI .I'-ilts vs. High S. In tin- pant, and a busy mm Prof Who was the gradtesl one. 27 While Sot vs. I lf would bespeak tor our uc. . ii rniorf K.V0LI8II IIAHY CAIiltlAOK for cexHorN your future business. Kt tide Ait ftafneil IrMimijii aale llev. W. . Hay, lliplisl clergy cfienji. Apply 1 137 Klglilh High School Vi. Wliifc- -- fur Pending. llison. Avenue Knsl. phono lied 388. man and u talented li-rltirer We ire anxious lo rnsn who up our affairs, arid an surly visited lierr last year, is umler OR UNDER 'EM MATERNITY NURSINQ FOOTBALL el I lenient of Mil accounts rrei in Virloria on a charge of BaamVaamVaamVaBm- MATKIIMIY done. Senior .XW XX'SfHf1 wife Mav 22.- Sous of ( i;'"'1 " will In- Hirrlaled. beating. CANADIAN Piijia, wlial Is a petlealriao Would go nut nf (own. Phone We will continue in the - - Hlack .'7.'i. Orollo, Hubert referee An imliMdiial, 'in that in ((j ' The SI. Audr.iw's sou, i." j'i '.. May 28.- Sons of K l' Wuri'lmuse luimjs. hand Society guv i nfway- f.iiiiid in frnnl of aulii-tn Ihih lllarksiuith Coal. Tir-s. a very enjoyuble wlnsl drive u i ALLTHROUCH ' Sons of Cainnlu, llu' iiide- . Hire Paris ,e Signs of Good Automobiles. Hoofing uiiil d.inre last tiiylil Miss Mmtia Health Junior j. It' and Juiue " lllt. Oraaaa.Ital fuacllua lUnlarli 17 High Self 'I May )U idher line k wers tin- . r Alex Mi'IImc and Joe Oreer Kral. ,0k( fakl M I'alar winners since I851 j He fichoot, Cumpbell refer.' prte Alex 'James Mucy ami id h I r " ii l finding at Dr. Mattel's Female Pilli H Pacific Cartage, Lid Kelly Hang uoli- nnd Hawaiian- -..ninv ini , May 25, .(.'olla vs linustr was form Mint py Me I'ollerloit referea, ' 1 11'' M'-ckui ' -Mii lit !( -n -i ... '. .......... p .heel' orrhetlra, ire n W -.ij'irg , it. tJLuI 1k" " iiiy . ii i-uiih. ...... v-i Lolls, llurfcer ri'"-'