A When You Want A TAXI a hurry Phone I pt (M 99 a.. i Car and Ball Sarvloa the City. Rates Reasonable Jn VOl XIII, NO, I5H. MISTREATMENT Will vl.ll i.K.nil i.iiiiiv of Ihe , (I 1 111 ii , in v. "'Iilanl poinlH ami will coiu-''"e pleasure willi olllclal dulles.' , BIRTH , ibiuwhler was born this "Mi-nlntr al the Oeneial lluspllal ' Mr. and Mr. William Adams i I'.k. , '''Zl;.!'',. . ''Oil,,, '.it,,. k "IS- "If ilniiiifl any anialciaiiiatbtii which rulatiou of Hearst and pulillcal inns in Canada. uli a uf 11,.. .1 ii.n.... 11 ,.-,. 1 aviator. RECORD FOR HEIGHT I.Ot'lS. July 0 Mrs. Ilurrlieuu professional established a new alli- record for women midii.. "..le Unit an nsllatlon for Iho Kruenil revision I'vlsion of of the the popula- popula MUl uf - 1,1 1 fiifiiri'M on which illslribu-'"' is ha ed will be demanded "t;l Hint there is a stroiifr likell-ul of uch revl-loil belnjr or-lp:ed ul 1 1 10 mijd nession of Ihe lliii e PRKIDENmRDiNG ON WAY TO ALASKA TACOMA, July . - Piesidenl "nrdlnif and parly sailed for D..-1... . 11 .1 Iln '.'Ml VIM MM-I IV ailL'riHMMl. IIU1 NEW ZEALAND WRECK WI.I.I.INOTOX, N.. July Twelo persons were killed when the Auckland Hx press train was derailed near Tauinarunu yes-Icrday. , SAFE AND SANE FOURTH OF JULY 238 CASUALTIES CIIICAOO, July 0, -'rhlity-eiuhl deaths and two .hundred Injuries are reported so far as Iho result of the Fourth of July relelirallmis in Ihe United Slates, chiefly through Iho iiso of fireworks. Che i WAR VETERANS 'Convention Asks that on National I Railways Ex-service Men be Given Seniority VANCOt Villi. July 6. ami hH. I.al al ox- -eniee; " on innlay. ... ... rf,irr-, I.. , U(1 Imenibve,. of lh, force. Maje-ly I.K-.I. uf llir UutM ' "enlltni a.l...ln m re- lU '""I Hie l.Mier .SHIIe-:e ?ien i.referenee for cmiiluy- Worker. ( merifa by . ,,., j,, (tiiou- ,umn iheir raiT; t einiidMwhTliiK lo JnTemcJ Ibal under u.. ..t -ii .i i..i.i Ivllian onm.le.1 Ihe iHlere.U of 'lie e..i..lilin exMiiijr in rall- ''- M4llri..r e.lyn..-..t. ei-erviee ...en: . .. ...iiormt w..ne .,.! vre .ro- way , . i i . ." ,l-elil werr fn-nueiilly laid on while uiroli In II.., nll.in..-v The :iimiiIiimiI of a lm-llini eiienry ah. n und uiuialuralied " " ... .! .. ... I.-. ....I A ...l. t , -IMIIIIHMII Ol lliriT )l'Hi lll'ttl ' - " iiiirii'iilhirlli lo mxeniiKale "..l, OIM NATIONS MAY ' BACK UNITED STATES CANADIANS TO ATTEND Conversations Have Taken Place on Liquor Treaty With Other Thin British WASIMXIJTOX. July rt. Hie ll iltillly dial powrr. oilier lliaii ea llrilnin ulithl ik furr v ,;, tlip l.iuiMi siate,' plan f a Irraly nerinK liquor ' ami ruin (.immsliiiR mip-lUcir lNlay Wien II became iwu dial I In-re had befit Inror-mnl i "liver. atlmiK with iriiven-aliM'i. of al eal one of Hie l" .-, Wrli neeht-d the fnile.l p'afei in.Kmal. REVISE DISTRIBUTION OF LIQUOR PROFITS VH TOIHA. July n. Ilevl-ioit Hie Mnnletpiilillef' liare of Mil lijfiukM ..,.r:i 1 1 IMPERIAL CONFERENCE YETERANS OBJECT TO iinnpT mini ir iTinup i . - 'lie next eMon of the' WOMAN AVIATOR MAKES I'niumial lei.lalure. Tliln Wan lie oih.ii.boii ,.fi Willi Iho do. I'lilalii 'II l.ii eiiil Inu Slnunli-Ii litle Mr. JiihiiHiin wim iniulitel ' !' ! LONDON IN OCTOBER 1 ... ... OTTAWA. July 0 Tin- rahnn'l hat ricii Hon Sir I'Mmt Ipiiiiim. iinnlier of JiM'iee; Hon. Cliarle 4. SI'Mnrl. tiiniolrr uf Hie inlerioi . and Hon. i.orve I'. OrtiliHtu, min- iler of railways'. In reprenenl 4 Canada at the fiirllicominsr iiu.'. Iierinl conference in Lumlon nexl October. VA.t:ol Villi; July 0 A Hie .,..11 .ml 1,1.1 i-h r ininlierM of tin t (i.W.V.A. velerday a reolulion GROSS EARNINGS OF RAILWAY FOURTEEN MILLION INCREASE MOMlll.U.. July 6. The pro ciiriiliiirs of Hie Cnuadiait Xalhmal Hail-way fur Hie week endini June 30 were ?.ltil.tC3. beiiiB an increase ' of IGV7.5&S or Iwelve per rent a com pare I with Hie eurntfwjinlinB period of l2. 'Hie ?:ro!! earuiiiKx of Ihe railway from Jan. I. tl23,' lo June 30, liac been l 1 0,3:t. 1 00, an is erea-e of 11,1011,150 compared with the cor-reKpoildillit Jieljod itt Hi:':'. wan lulled coiideinniiiK Hie eir-L iM.nuM IMCkinMCWT it,. Ilerllia kindred tanrtUlrtll rtlULllUlULlW LEAGUE OF NATIONS IS NOT ENTERTAINED lWlilS. July G. Accordiir-r lo advices received here from the council or the League id Nations al (ieucMi, Ihe KwtiuiIUni amend titenl lo Article in "that members of Hie leamie shall uinlrrlake t respecl and preserve iiKninst external niiKresslou lerrilorial in-tefrrily "d existiiu,' Indepeiuleiue of all members) of the league ami in any case any such iwifression or li rent of danger as the council shall advise il on means wlp reby their ohliaalitin shall be tuirill-rd" was rej cried almost uiianl. mously. HARRYWILIiliAr MEET DEMPSEY ON I mil 'Eli VANCOl Vr.ll. July 0. The (ireut War Veterans ilo mil desirability or preference In Ihe r siiialit .million Willi oilier Canadian Veteran organization '"'idoymeul ex-service men , li amalgamation spell W of the U.W.V.A. idcnliiv or the ",lM "'Ped Canadian or cither Ho' principle of a no.li bomn- or direct H.liti-!wa wa discussed at yrsler-,f:mi, After .'.ecrclary M.I.eod on Thursday addressed Sla- session of the Oreat War convention hen" on amalgamation. upMirting theNH'rHn Association here. j if mentioned. Ihe U.W.V.A. tentatively Mibmillcd a mu. ,"' nm endorsed In Hie Mir purpose of (cling Hie feeling of lliv ronvtiitinn. Tfu''0pel "" " wder hn.l v snl.tMirlet nma Drama on under n name nh T " "miirm wirri ! the I niled Veteran of Csn-! .ida. j Shaker afler seaker cun- 1b Canadian National Hallway and the men', representative Vroviiled thai i(i I lie event of a reductmu of staff seniority f .TAlIf If iTliri,mMiMiiubiiirrBPllirn.V.V..amli'4,'M' mpr" uinl this would Nil IT LljAllTlCilJi'I't' oul na"V " pre.Ug.l,l majority .,f ex-servire 11VSII -ia-ii , ... ,, ..... 'iiu-m iu,u- riimloveil: all members I . . ... . . I..r lit. tt..lu..i.. t..iu.i.,'. r.. r.. I i. .... I. i.i i veteran' oeili"-s could Nova Scotia Police Official In- . ail join Ihe U.W.V.A. If . .i at 1II...I,.h Maa U'uhIa.1 ii t.. I Ti Mil. I I. iiiunii nn Miiauakiiiii mau nHilti uiii miii iv.i. . , b Union Official jroiiiinlllrM Ittotlon inallyi",l'r ,lrly ll virv "i '" .'ihj"i n ii'iw ' "imuiii ll.y lake llieir -rtimnlv before thai riie" " iiiiiialiii-alunl alien; Iliar ImmiI(I ilale Uf ..ill..!.,..... . t Ifltllll Hit liMle mi uliipli lliv inilililinnn, iiuiimii l . . I 11. .llfl " - liMY nVJiim- i) I'uliee I" ,HI Oie final ouji.... f.M- .'joinwl I he r..rre: t-ueli -enionly ... . ole ",r l I ",r he aMiitllv iij will h.. rl(fhl lo m applied in all in- . nl iIh nioriiliiji nive. , . i . . I . a ii. BlunoM. aBM.l iimiiuJ lint Itt LABOR DAY NEXT (IIIFAT FALLS, July (. I lurry Wills, the ucKfu lieavyweiKhl. will IM Vitality be 1 psey's next op ponent, Jack Kearus. mann(.er for Uonipsey, said loday. The hout will likely lake' place on Labor IHy. ( Witoto prince Rupert Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIIINCK IIUPKHT, H.C., FJUDAY, JULY 0, 1U2.1. VasUrdaf's Circ.lalkM 1S47 - i Thornton and Beatti i Plead lor Forest Protection SIU IIF.MIV TMOUXTOX Tmldenl of tUr I'aniullan -IkmiU lUllw), ta)t. 1f tor tnB vtati to add to the burdens oC the Canadian National Kailwin. cjt nun atari a for eat fire. The forest It a ssala pillar of ar frl(hl bgjl staa ana toorit travel. I appca lo every Caaa-diaa: Trotyl the roreati.'- 4l K. W. IJKATTV rrrlrl-nt of the C1MU aays: "A llrlns foreat meani live Jobs. Drad forrsta min sdead Jobs. No man of ns has any'right to kilt a forest bj his careless acts. A mlnuto'a care may save a ffolury of wait Inj." Optimistic Message Brought by Principal Vance to Rotary Club Urges Participation in Politics Hriugiiig a breezy message of optimism and or urge toward heller social, political and international conditions, Princip-d W. II. Vance or the Anglican Theological College al Vancouver, addressed a. large meeting of llotariaiis and others at the Rotary Club luncheon jeslerday afternoon. J. V. Nicjiolls had charge of Ihe program tud prcsidetl ul the gathering, the Hotary orchestra played several selcclicnis, S. K. Campbell gave two vocal solos and (here were cluli songs. A number of visitors were. preseuL Dr. Vance said Ihis was his .'Utli trip ucross Ihe coiitiiient and he vvas on thi iKTasioit es-1 r - ' " peeiatly struck with the newlmoi'e lliau ever befoc. He told spirit lhit pervaded Ihe Canadian la slory or two cliildrej) who were National llailwa. There was a travelling, one ot whom' lookinu courtesy nmonir the employees, ul Ihe scenery said, "I, did not enthusiasm and interest in Ihe know (iod was so wonderful", and welfare of the passengers and aithe oilier ituiuired "Where, are desire to make a name for tholthe elevators" lailway. -He did nol know what, Turning then lo the subject hud i:ivcii them this new spirit but it wa s everywhere apparent. 1 Skeena Scenery Tlie visitor also spoke of the wonderful scenery of the Skeena mallei of bis address, principal vanre spoke 01 society oeing a mailer of friendship, association and mutual helpfulness. There was a common bond as in a fam- lllver. lie travelled a great deal ily. Time and space were beinc and lliere were many wonderful i liiuiiiHled hy modern transporta-Ihinirs lo be seen but the scenery lion. Two weeks niro he ad. of the Skeena appealed to him on dressed the llolary Club In Fcr-Ihis occasion and impressed him coiilftiticil oji page two) PUBLIC MEETING Empress Theatre, 8 p.m. Saturday, July 7 SPEAKERS HON. T. D. PATTULLO Minister of Lands, HON. DR. SUTHERLAND Minister of Public Works. FRED 8TORK Member for Skeena. This is Dr. Sutherland's first public appearance here und many will .wish lo hear htm. School is beiu: bavin;; a new I wo Sft SllM 311. llie buill. In Iwo ears Anyox has ad a lieallhy increase over last year ........ 1.. .t.i 1.. 10 centres, 32 teachers sendiusi ' P.R.FISH MARKET Phone 671. Jellied Tongues, Boiled Ham, Roast Ham with dressing, Fresh Home Made Beef and Pork Sausage Dally. Out of Town Orders Solicited PniCE FIVE CENTS. rt 11T YT i I Ai A ltrnm iTiiiirn iaw fmi i v mv m v ii.Vy.VA AbAUNM UlKfcll rUUUlAL AUIUJN VISITOR SEES WONDERFUL PROGRESS HERE; DISTRICT SCHOOLS INCREASE G. W. V.A. not in Favor Direct Political Action Amalgamation or Bonus PREFERENCETO Six New Schools are Opened in Prince Rupert District and Four Reopened: Two Closed School lu-jiector II. C. Fraser reports that Prince 'Jlupert district i moving along steadily in srhool mailers. During the pail year atlemiauce lias sbowu a marked increase and a satisfactory matter is the general advancement or the work. Since lal September six new schools have been opened in Ihe districl, four schools have been re-opened, new divisions have been started al three points and only two schools have been closed." i; The following new schools were opened: Premier, ifekelse Valley, Streattiam 'near Wis- lariai. Hose Lake, Woodmere ffj 1 TT ITRTTAMP s;;fsrs::i VS. COMMUNISTS lown and bkiibyale. New ilivis-' ion-i were slarfed al Siuillters! Ocean Fall and Prince llunerl 1 English Jock Workers' Strike lllifli. ScliooU were clo.-iJ at Surf lulel Heaeh and (J Iley-iiiount. Application lia been made for a kcIiimi! al Aiyansh Developing Into Struggle Be tween Two Elements LONDON. July 6.--According to Mum. I nti. whirl, mi i.w..-i newspapers. Hi? I.a a Iwo-room agisted rl.,Ml lrik.e of ,,ock wrker is drifl-now in a "W''f Mvwn coni- wauls a Hirer or four room buildin? and a Superior School. ; ira.ie unions, ira.n Terrace i alo aimiirz al a Superior icliiH.I and a new one- riMiiu adilillon for , union officials yesteniav look islrone action lo break the unoffi- ... . 'tiai sirihe wnicn uas iuruier ex- buill iiill maki makin-rt h;mmi1 divisions- I here. Usk ..... 1 ,. . . .workers in London, Manchester, room school up 130 pupils. Prince llupert j . ,J(j sent up 02 Entrance pupils last month, Anyox 21, Smilhers 12, Terrace 15, and Hums Lake. . High School Candidates , There were 9 Senior malri- mali-.liVt.ii m snl t.l ti I ntnl IT trying supplementaries and Ocean Falls 2 full and 2 supple-men, aries, Smilhers had 3 candidates for (he firs, year High School exams and Slewart and Altin one each. I i ji HILTON BELYEA IS ELIMINATED HKM.F.Y, July 0. -Hilton llelyea, Ihe Canadian champion sculler, was eliminated trom Ihe competition for the Diamond Sculls loday by D. H. L. (ioliui, llril Ish oarsman. M. K. Morris of London defeated J. Meresfonl, jr. who won the event in 1020. Morris and (Solan will meet in Ihe final lotnor row. lended and now involves tO.OOU ven""" "an- rfjnwthJrntn3sr! v. munists. il is claimed, are identi fying themselves with the discontented elements. vanced from a Superior School DAIWCAII DIITC AIIT lo a regularly eslalilished Hit'h KflliirALL lUlJ UU1 School as Ocean Fall has also lone. This year a second High School division is beinjr opened at Ocean Falls. Hlqh School Interest A pleasin;- feature in Ihe school work of Ihe district durinp the! past year lias been Ihe Hid that there has been an increased in leresl in Hit'li School work, public school teachers al several FOREST FIRES SOUTH Precipitation Pretty General Throughout the Province: Ideal So Far VICTOIUA, July C The heavy 'rainfall of today, which was fair ly seueral throughout the province, extinguished a few bush fiiw llcil Ii ml i.:iinn.l liaailiruv points voluntarily taki,.? on High jdurp ,e flry ho, WMhpp of addition to School sludenls ip llieir regular Public School duties. There were High fchool examinations at 18 centres this summer. 30 teachers sendin past few- days and went a longway towr.rd reducing the tire hazard. Weather conditions o far Ibis year have'been practically ideal from Ihe forest rancers' stand-' 'P'.miiil 'I Iiiipii li:ila liemi lit f.p I7li pupils. These iis.ures show- ; ;. ,,,- ..,.. fri.,.s Sll far Ibis year as there were last during Hie corresponding I period. , Prince Hubert district EXPEDITION LEAVES FOR WRANGELL ISLAND Juidor tna.Hcula.1on candidates VIII Outfit Trading Vessel at rrom Prince llupert High School I Nome For Voyage Into Arctic this yearTHesides there were 10 f outside candidates for .luivkr SFATILK. July 0. Harold matriculation and 2 tor Senior i w,, s ,,oa,l the expedi-l.ere Anvox had three Junior Hon to briup off the party of ex- malriculaliun candidales and ;plorers under the leadership of Allen Crawford. Toronto, that have been on Wrangell Island hi the Arctic since 1920, leaves here this evening for Nome. They expect to arrive there July 10 ami will outfit the s.-venty ton Iradiuv vVssel Orceuint-s with a crew of tKht men and provisions for a year. A number or hsklmos will atioinpany t tie parly. BASEBALL SCORES Philadelphia 5, Host on I. Del roil 0, Cleveland 10. Chicago 3. St. Louis I. National Leaoue St. Louis 10, Philadelphia 12. Iloslon 3, Hrookyu 0, Exhibition Game New York Americans 0, Pitts burg Nationals 8. ' '' Coast League Salt Lake 2, Los Angeled . Sacrameulo . 0, San Francisco 10. Other games posl tioned owing to rafn. .