LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, WeeK or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. FIrst-claas Restaurant In connection. Jamet Zaralll - Proprietor. The Mas in the Moon SAYS:- THE modern girl No longer stand Ilefore the glas Willi delicate hand. Instead she fusses Willi Ihe goodings -Preparing to make The Christmas Puddings. SO much grist comes In I lie 'mill at Ihis season hat it may become fashionable lo call Ihe 'season Grislmas. j - THK Egyplians are sore a! the explorers nf King Tul's tomb and we would be sore loo if Ihe Egyplians were lo come groping around in our Senale and carrying off Ihe mummies. HOW much clothes would it lake lo make cupid respectable? WHAT makes a man's home unpleasant is usually the man. ..M(J.M-. wishing lo send at Christmas present to Ihe Man in Ihe Moon, kindly send if in care of the Iiaily News in plain package without any dial in-guishing mark In indicate what Is inside. WHEN you reach the point where you are blamed for everything JliaF goe, tyring , in jlie' city, you may consider yourself lo be a leading citizen. ONE thing about Ihe Ion dresses they will hide Ihe collon lops of the silk stockings. WANTED, immediately, cure for sideburns, Apply by letter only lo any young man contemplating wearing Idem. TALKING of candidates for civic honors, Ihe most popular njpassing Ihe buck. a) i Z-. r r. THK reason some nf I hose young men never rise to higher Ihing is I hey forgot In put in Ihe yeal. H- ! I Ten Years Ago In Piince Rupert ;- - December 10, 1913. Supreme Court Assites opened here this morning before Mr. Justice Dennis Murphy. Ther an five criminal cases and several civil actions. His Lord, ship commented on irm lightness of the docket. Ex-Aid. I). W. Morrissey condemns Ihe altitude of Mayo-Paltullo in connection wilh Ihe Prince lluperl Hydro-Kleclric Co. The civic election campaign is already on though election clay is still a month off. Mayor Paltullo ami Ex-Mayor Nwton are in the field. PRINCE GEORGE "Dixie" Moore, who has been transferred from Ponce Coupe to Fort Eraser as government. agent, passed through Prince George, last' week enroiile lo his new posl. - : ' The congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church voted Jast week In favor of extending a rail to Hev. A. M. Pope of (llenella. Man., but has deferred definite action until it is ascertained whether Mr. Pope will accept. Desiring to obtain control of Ihe city council and police commission in order to enforce retrenchment. Ihe Prince George Properly Owners" Association has decided lo take a hand in sport in Prince Rupert today is the forthcoming oivic election.. R " TBk bAlTA NfcWa. Monday. lrmiirr o BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManut Its Surprising "tCe THE NEW CURCl-AR PROOT LOCX HevO OT ON THE DOOR? TO O&EN OHOW TOO HOW TCAM how time flies . VOL) HEAR. w iv a n ' I 1 1 .j m Only a few more days to Christmas. SLIPPERS MAKE AN EX- CELLENT GIFT, nnl we have a full slock In choose from. We will he glad to have you rail nnd inspect them. I. allies' Hose in all shades, holh ."Ilk and w-nollen. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Christmas visit to die Old Land early. For Tickets, Rales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Uread is your best food. Kat more of it. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Sire cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and fiistributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. " A commit le, of ten ha been ap pointed to secure the entrance of desirable candidate. Named to this romiuitlee are W, I.. I lughe, chairman. J. II.' I.am- Iberl. C. C. Heid. John Mrl.eml. ! Harney Keegnn, I. II. Ilainl. W. Skinner, J. I.eilh, D. IS. Wil-jlianis and N. O. Jorgensen. Returning from a hiinling ilrip between Vanderhoof and iHednesli, Mayor Johnson and . f tick Corle'ss hnoighL- in a 500-: pound mooe ralf and SJR- pound deer last week. - KenHeth McKay is lenvfug Ihe cily for Vancouver. It Is understood he wijl be offere'd a berth with the professional hoc-rey team in that city. , Sport Chat Rinsed 5070 100 special tjt'FQCKage ofTen9acbage.r cf Tenrotoeach$).4o Colls and Teachers are scheduled to bailie again in the Senior Il.lWllm)l League this evening. The Teacher are hop ing for a turn of the tide and there are many fans who heliee I fial Ihelr several clne defeats so far this season may be converted into vicUtry this time. In any cae, it i generally ex-peeled thai the game will he a good close one whichever way Ihe honors go. The Kaiens and Teachers go to It in Ihe Ladies' League ami li-re again Ihe (edagifL'ues art very hopeful. Elks' and High School meet in Ihe Intermedial. League match while Ihe Colls bnd Stars, lead ers in Ihe Junior League, are scheduled lo play. Scoring totals to dale in Ihe Senior Haskelhall League. W. Mitchell fColls)". fit; H. Men-ities (Son of Canada). M: Erie Mackintosh 'Sons of Canada1. 31; A. A. Easson and E. Smith (Colls . 30; J Mitchell Teachers), 28; A. Lane, Teachers1. 2fi; Don Craltairt Sons of Can- $TR0UEft$ THE CIGARETTE WITH THE ORIGINAL PLAvOR S-40 I n Ivctv ii i I'TifrrmMvii Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvrtlMnMnt Tnken for U thnn HOc WANTED WANTED. M en and women toi learn bartering. Paid while 4 learning and loola free. Write for catalogue. . MHer Harber College. Vancouver. ILC. 4, WANTED. Itoanl and room by working man in private home, I1 close in. State and terms lo Itox, News. particulars , 151. DailT 290.1 PA I It LADY'S ItllOWN r.APE-'t- SKIN (tlove laken by mistake from roimler of Dally ofllce. Pleae return. New SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE YOUNG LADY desire work. Store or oulce preferred. Write Hot 153, Daily News ntllce. FOR SALE FOlt SALE. Cabinet phono graph and fiK record; eay chair and picture. Wesla-way. Sixlli Avenue West. FOR SALK. Ihtibling on (5ov- ernmenl Wharf, ued a news-stand. Apply A. C Little, FOR SALE. Large Phone Oreen 254. FOR RENT healer. FOR RENT. Large haek. furnished. Apply 110 Sixth Ave. Eiil. Phone lUue 217. If STEAM Heated Flat for rent. Ilesner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOUR ROOMED FLAT to Rent. Steam heat. Apply Smith A Mai let I. If FOR RENT. Modern house, five room 4ind bath. Apply Munm Ilro. If BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue Phone 137. tf ada). 23: George Milchell Colt 22; W. Lambie (Teachers), I ft; Harry Aslori 'Son of Canada), II; Ilalfour (Son of Canada?- II; H. S. Hurn (Teachers), C; J. Kelly and Sidney lintel t-Jonen (Colls), A. Milchell and C. Woodworlh (Teachers j, 2; R. II. Skinner 'Sons of Canada';, 2. Inlermedliile League O. Illylhe. (CollT, 57; A. Milchell flligh School, tl; J. Kelly f Colin) 38; D. Onrvich (High School) and R. Smilli (Colts), 3(1; W. Wrnthall '(Orotlo) 21 W. Lambie (flrolto) 5; W Cavalier (Elks), 15; M. Hiidenlch (Colts), l; fl. Shenlon (Elksi. 10; W. Gray (Grollo), ; V. Meagher (Elks) and G. Ander son (Grollo), rt; E. McLean and A. Phillip (High School). I; D. Frlzell (Colls), I; L. Ander son and T. Eraser 'Grollo 1, ; E. lraggs (Klks 2; and George Hill (Grollo), 2. Ladies' League Mis Myrn Harvey (Maple Leafs), 30; Mis Leona Parker (Adanacs). 28 Miss Sundae Cablerone (Maple Leafsi. 20; Miss Caroline Mil chell (Teachers) 20; Miss Margaret Graham (Maple Leafsi. M; Miss A. Kelly (Maple Leafsi, 10; Miss M. Casey (Kaiensi, 0j Mi. A. Morrison (Kaiens), 7; Miss. II. Hrochu (Kaleim), Miss M, Lindsay, Miss N. Pryce and Miss K. Harvey (Teachers), 2; Miss A. Stephens (Maple Leafs' 2 Miss Vera Hhockley and Mist pele j Tremayne (Adaniics), 2; Miss Wllla Dyer AiIhiiiics), I. Prosperous .advering mean I regular continuous advertising. "PIOS IS PIQS" but PURE BRED YORKSHIRES FOR SALE out of Mae of Alderlea 15. 7 75U5C by Springdale Tor nado 28.H7UC are the best. Llller of l. 13 and 17. Write J. L. Marge, Queen Charlotte Clly. LOST LOST. - String Iw een Sex en Ih of tte.irls he- CHIMNEY CLEANINQ Moderate. Price OLD NICK Prince Rupert Cigar Store Phone lllue LOOK HERE MR. TRAPPER. Here i where you gel the big price for your fur. See me first and last hefore selling ele. where. I like you to make money. W. COLDBLOOM, "The Trapper Friend." Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Good Iloiighl, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones lllack 130 nn.1 Red U2. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone. (Call Oeorgs or Oust) ' Ross rothere. Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: Boston Orlll Third Avenue IR PROBATE. IN THE (UPRCME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In Ihe Maltrr of Hie Ailmlnlnlratlnn Arl; and laiirlu. ilcrOM-il. anil all mrn.t h.tinr rlalma araiiiM ilx aalil Kut are tien-lijr required ! furnlirt anie, pmierly vrrl-fl'il lo me, mi or lrore Ihe Alii ilajr or January. A.n. Itfl. and all parilea Indebted 10 the Finale are required to pay Ihe amount of their IndeliteitneM ut roe, frirtlmiili. TIIO. V. IIKIlXK. Offlrlal AdinlnlMratnr, rrlnee lliierl. n.C. Haled till Ulli il.iy of Tieremlier, IDtl. SHERIFF'S SALE. In lha Suprama Court f Brltlah Columbia. Aide Arm Minlnr and Development ConqNinr l.liiiited, plaintiff, 0far v. Oray and Marie I.. Oray. lly vtrliie of a if.r.nt ,.r ri..t,ii( Miied In tlil, artlmi and dlrerlmi to me. I havs leljiil ihe Intereit of Ihe ite. fplidahll. Oorar V n "ray. In Ihe fnllowlnir Mineral rtalniii jinialed on lioimdy Creek. Allre Arm: Wild llo. Wild lloe .No. I. Wild Hon Xn. 1, lonniain Onat, Hiy View, Mmmllirhl and Keyaiime Franimt, whlfh Mid Intereit lll Mfer for sale lijr I'lil.lle Auction al 2, y ."'i'- ,n ""' r-,"irt Hotiae. I'rlnrn nlinert. n.C. ml Wfiln.l.v i.ii. .i... of rereintr. lfj, at t j,,' ln ,e ,fi,r. "'. iniim: i. am. iiIIN 8IIIIH.EY, Sheriff, County of Prlnr imperl. n.f!, IHIeq at my ufflre Novemlier , 0fS, ! tl K is HFkKftr :ii . . i'W' rtitnnt i.lMiinel l.,,i..i . ,11 lit HHWth '.I Uantivr 1 ui 1 . . 4;l4H Itumri, mm fiiriH-M, ., a Tlmti Lrw Ka. Hill; PsfAtr v i 1 Vtrtaru. B.C. IIUi iMMr. Mil 10 ACT. Nollt f lmtlls U Apply W lt( hi KHI I. stMlM u :. niramt tUrH- at fjmtt ' Ttk Httrr imi I'lirln U- Prmr Rut-fi. Br. k- tinTf-tr Avenue West lu.k-ad. in nut r- i and St. Andrew's Hrtonl.!Xfl,!,,:l!ll1t12Si..';',' Finder plea New Onice. return lo Daily I.OS'I'. Small wril wnleh. be. Iwern HiMpituI and Pot Otllce. Reward. Finder plea,' phuftp Re.1 216. LOST. Mink choker. Finder please return to Dally New ndire Iteu-nnl REPAIRING ANYTHING IN CANVAS, phone 7K6. P. LeClalre. Cow IMy. MISCELLANEOUS. HutrHt tM n itwt l.u,,.. Nw IHiiiH f Uh i -rr 1 ttrr hMrk rmm Ihr i.tot.l lo ittl ut nWH-nrMurnt Kir m IwiimIm'4 art. niw Ml Ml t' s i 1.1 1 J. MM JI.M. 1 WATtM NOTICl. (Dlttrtton tf-4 Uh), Tin: -oi.r Ittaltin Mrt, tlx I VV Hnwri. B.i:. will nli rr " . Uk mi le.too tinnnt -i -oat ar dmU twfwl lr ! ,. I. Mri n tnrrf ,1 . OtnHar Pit. bl mW n ' Ix.rlJl f ofMnliirt r.MJ.' i !n. G. ANDERSON. Sallmaker-Sail,!--; JTX'L t.: ami 4 arpaiiiins inaite to onler uur xmrpx thr ii and repaired. Tlllrl Avenue, 'if .VIS ITTZl '" opposila Pioneer Laundry,-' mumi u V'ih i Phone Green .192. P.O. 723. Itnv IW ""OS,' 'f" I' fitlrm f1,M BlirallUl Ih-r.lh .1.1 "Wir Art. ltd mil h ti. ' nfflre of IIm Wilr hor-ini" HUfirrl, n I' tfcjmt.. 1 tew ntr ti nM tM ti i" ' lnxwiW ar aitb tt "i.f Wate KlrMs. rrtuMistii4.;.ir' laei. M.C- wllhln lli"1 di .-! llnfl t IM "llr H fwiWiOi.' W r fjliltll, M i llun Aryi 1 tH PROBATE. lit tmi suemwc court or ,smm COLUWBIA; In lh MtUrr nt IN iHMM-ovii-nit In tfM Udier ot It 'uie '' WH, Iif'l"!!. aK-all TASK JHl'r ItHl Hi onlr ' r VrB Vminf. it.' Vf ?''' VatMnU-r. Ah. IS1. I ' ((MMMHrator M Ow MUi-4M, rtiewiMst. ml illiu'Oer rlim irAin! lw mi.i i u ' ttvHrr Ui furfMk miih- .mi- nit l me. Ml nr lml l rUlurenilir. A.IV ltl, n tfl i ImlrhtH II the eMtr irr rw...'..i Ihe moM nf Ifteir llutnMMlr. rorlhwllh. tiiovm vv nnr Otn-UI Artmiri.i"1 rrliif ti . 1 1 - ' tlatnl lhl ff.lh dtv Xnfi n TIMBER SALE X 5604. I1 11 l rIH TMlr mill w ri". i ' 1 ' Milliner or I -ami., al VntMii lliail IHMin 141 itw llh ilav :t f I1. for ihe pur"'"" "f i' ' v li rul I .inf.. 1l frrl "f ; " ami llrmliirk. mi n Area " i rl lmrr nf I.hiIm- llaml, i"-'"" Inlel. Uiieen .liarl"lli' liini- i ' trl-t. one () trtr all. In ;he Matlrr nf the rnal nr fiuaur P"' , "J -'i?!;,..- . .d , , , IJIIIfln. lirrrAel: Initiate. ,J iLu, '. i 5 W I- ' ' TUK VOTICK lhat I aa .ppmnle.1 'n',?.'!';, "L" , ' P i1 mr '"'I-'1'- " ' . dmlnlatratur f.f the Ksiale of o.iam TIMBER SALE X 5721, There will tie oTfeirrt ro't.-al' ' ' Alldloli. al nMHt. .HI Ihe TIlMla ' '". . tut, itts, iii the rotn " . ,. Jinltlier. Hie l.leenie X 4Jl. I" 1 '. ADO f.li.in. of Suniri'. Ilaliam a: : . poie pine; and tn.o..ii jarai Imk Tie on an area adjoinmr ' llanap A, I (Mil IMilrlrl. , . , ... Three S i-Ar Hill he iiioal of limber. . mrilier parllrulara of tne .,, ter. Virion. Il.l' or litsli ! '"' I'Hnre liderlf n.C. '. TIMBER SALE ') 6729. Sealed TendenTiTlli he remwl iti' Minliler of I ami al Viitori H"J . , than noon, mi inu it Jay .... IJ, for the purrhaie of Mreii" J ,,, lo nit l.tuo.ooii fell of Uprure n' , llemlcwk and Jarkplne. on the i lot 4tA. Ilinre . CiuiM PMf", 1 . r Four (l year will lie allow' " iniiTal of timlier. , , F. furlhi parllrulara of the (.h ' ' , ler, VletTTi U. tu:.. r PuirUi J ,rr frinee ndpert, B.C. "