Mondir December 10, 1923. THE DAILY NEWS. PAOE TIIltEC. Gramophone for Christmas MM m r;onMne Conwde Model mooch From $115.00 up 4 riif "in- ii,l( iilt n,t, whole family a well us ull your fi irinls ran enjoy every lay in tin- year. I'm . - ai '- from j:i;.5;i 0 ' .'.0 oil M intriHiienl. All ii ii nfnriiu vh either for in- ,. f, purchase ii ii '' iIiii-i into twelve iiual payment. Miake your 1 now ami we will iIHiut Mil- day mi set. Prices from $37,50 to $500.00 'ft McRae Bros., Ltd. YOU HAVE THE GIFT LIST PROBLEM Wc Have the Answer r"' (ilii fu.oiir More and see onr slock of Frem-h Ivory Goods wtdeSvunely at reasonable prices. utijj-nijjii Fountain Pens, from $2.50 tnrmaii Pencils, from $1.00 Ker)ia'rp Pencil, from 75c AutogTaphic Kodak, from $6.50 Hni,iiittlanifrai. from $2.00 ChrWJmti4 Cr.i kT. Perfume .mil Toilet Waters, Manicure Set. Chocolates hi Fancy Boxes, Chri'Uuij Card-. Greeting and Photograph Calendars. Now i tin" Mne to ti"ke your choice f gift vvhil" our 'o(.js complete. Aiiv uiti'le will he set aside for you. 70RMES LTD. '. i Dispensing Chemists. The Rexall Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th SU We Prepay Mall Order. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand SOCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT New Silver Tea Sets for Christmas it GIFTS THAT LAST A Silver Tea Set make. u beautiful effect in the dining room. V have heatiliful -l of three pieces bright finbh, fll liolioni, with l,,,gJvJJJ eenlre , " Hright filial wllli roiiu.l Toot on ''" gJJJ HrighV flnMi,' "larger, 'ami engraved log " UrighV 'finish, 'round with ebony ''""J1 l''M'"l si 1000 ,110,uu Oilier set up to GLAD TO SHOW YOU. Bulger & Cameron, Ltd. Local and, -Personal B.C. Undertakers. Hayoen. Undertaker. 351. Phone 41. Toy ut m! Fancy Good, spec- ial reduction at Tiles. tf Live Turkey. L'p-river bird. No deposit required. Sherman . I'lionc 81. 291 A. Poguollo retarned from Hie south on Hie Uurdeuu yesterday nemoon. W. It. Love xailed by t lie 'rince Hupert till morning for aneouvcr. Try NANOOSK-Welllnglon Goal If you study eeonoiuy China- ware ami I (inner sels at reIuced prices at Tile's, tf It. I.. Itrown returned from Ocean Fall on the Prince Ilu lerl Saturday night. It. I'.. Allen, manager of the itoyal Mill, arrived in the cily I nun iianall on last nlgnt (rain. II. h. Moore, local manager fr P. Hum Co. Ltd., made the rounil trio to Stewart on the Priori- Hupert yesterday. Don Drown sailed lat niplil hy tin- Cardena for Anyox where he will romitlete lb electrical ini allai ion in lUe new court houite. Mi)-e Henri 1-eziou Wbi-t hrivo and Dance, NVeliiejday, Heremlier It. M.3 p.m.. til a.m. .Meiroawe Hall, r.very tody welcome. t2 4. TIih II. C. GazHtr announces tln aiiiointntenl of William Kd- um iollioiin of l'roice Hupert and Itobeii Kinioetl Allen of Iianall to be julicf of the M-are. J. A. Stephen, ailiiBl !! trin nffinrrk for tne provincial deparlmenl of public work1 in Atlm ditrict, and r.eorpe Vi'iiiiK. nt uperinlendenl. ar rivd in the city from Stewart on 1 In- Princr Hupert Ihi morning. J. It. lUineron. aijlant general manager of Hie tanadian National Hailwayi, Vancouver, wa in the city Saturday afternoon after a trip to the nint et of Lucerne where a bridge on the Mm wn burned lat vvi-k. He owenl only a few bourn tier- and then retiirnetl eal. J. P. Kirkpalrick, asiclant Mier-inlfmlenl at Suiilher!, necom-lianicd iiini. . Tile's Store tr Special Price on all Houc FurnUliiw;. tf ANNOUNCEMENTS l:ipiii C.lnirrli Hazaar, Deo. I:'. in Church parlor.. Methodist December 13. Public 18-19. IliKh School December 2tl. Church llazaar. School Concert Dec. Xinas. Concert, Hill 0(1 I. (). D. K lea Dansan in Flks Home. New Year's After-, Innon. i Plus 1c Per Piece. 7 a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your waahlng 80 pet cent or your Ironing everything returned dry You (Imply touch op a few outer garment such ai waista, blouses, house dresses, with hand-iron. Phone us today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone S. , k IRS I in More heal. Los soot, i'liilnoll.liii vill iV Co. If ticket ball games, For I be Toy I and tonight. Home. "Kiddie.' at Tile . Threl Itargains If Novell leu for Ihe Xnias ulock-jr. Music Store. For Holiday Shopper. surprise) for values ai Haplifl tlhurch Hazaar Wed- iienday aflernOori in Church Par lor. 291 The halibut schooner M. M. Chrifiloirlier Sirsoinir into the Canadian Nallonal dry dock to day for overhaul, Mr. and Mr. M. F. Nickeron were oasfenaeri nil inoniin by the Prince. Hupert for Van coiler 011 'u holiday. Pleading- z'ulUy to a charire of drunkennei'it.JFrank Fischer wa fined ?5n with the option of AO day imprisonment hy Mari Irate MrClymont thi moruing. Crerar ha received iHi'tcanl froin Albert snape formerly of Hie fi.T.P. office in thi cily amf "laler of Vancouver He i. now holidaying in Nevada Dan McPhee sailed Ibis tuorn- 111? by Hie Prince Hupert for the oulb en mule li hi old home in Sydney, Nova Scotia, where he will oend the Cbrislma vaca tion. 4 Mi ltul Quiiier Ford, who ba htm tviilitiz . for several monlhs with.herjuncte and aunt Mr. and Mr. Peter Ulack. On Iral Hotel, relumed tin morn in? bv the steamer Prince Ru perl to her liome In Sealtle. William Ware, inspector of Hudson Hay Aaeiwies for Hritisb Columbia, arrived on Saturday night's train from Hazelton after bavin? spent the past five months visiting all the company's posts in the remote northern part of the province. He sailed last night on the Princp Hupert for Vancouver. FISH ARRIVALS Two American Schooners Marketed 101,000 Pounds of Halibut at Exchange Today. Two American halibut schooner marketed catches tolallin? 1 01. 000 pound at Die Fish Exchange this niorninc a follow: lleles-land, ia.000 pounds, at 17. Ic and 9c, to the Allin Fisheries. Seattle, 58.000 pound, at 17c and 9c. lo the Caudiau Fih & Cold Storage Co. CANADIANS EXCEL IN LITERARY EFFORT IS OPINION OF LI I LOXlHLV Dec 8. -- W. J. Syke. chief librarian of Hie .Central Carnegie Library, in an address on Canadian literature ul I I be Normal School mentioned the names of Archibald Lauvpmnn, (Wilfrid Campbell, and Dr. Duncan Campbell Scott, whose works, i Mr. Syke hoped, would soon be )cdlected into one volume and ialso C. i. D. Hnhcrts and Itliss 'Carman. These five, said Mr. Syke. I we re very considerable writers. I Then of course there was1 men tion of Pauline Johnson and the. inimitable Henry Drununond. Tbe works of Frond Pnrknvan were recommended strongly in the line of 'history, also the Makers of Canada series, (hough somewhat uneven vtu merit, ui'cordintr to the speaker. John V. Dafoe's. "Laurier" was mentioned in biography as more valuable than some larger biographies, though iskellon's LUe of Sir Wilfrid ILv.vrii'i- vaa also couiinunded. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. , DIOHY ISLAND. Haininp, Houllieaitt gale; baromeler, 2'.L-83; temperature, 39; cea rough; 8.15 p.m. out alearner Cardena northbound; 5.30 a.m. out Kleainer Prince Hupert southbound. DBA!) TflKK POINTloudy. calm: harouieler. 29;80; tem- .rieralure, 30; pea smooth. ' HILL HAHHOIl. DrizzlinK rain, liglil soulbwet wind Iharometer, 30.08; temperalure. ! tl: ea moderale; 8 p.m. spoke 'steamer Norliwelem 390 tnile.i from Seattle norlhbound; :-0 p.m. upoke sleamer Venture 30 miie couth of Hull Harbor southbound. I Noon DHiUY ISLAND. Raining. trong iiulbeal wind; barome-j ler, 30; temperature SO; sea, moderale. DEAD TIIKH POlNTSimw Xmas shower, Hshl oulhwel wind:! Tile's, barometer. 29.80; temperature. If 33;-fea moolh. I HULL HAUHOH." Kamintr. lipbl oul beast wind; barometer j 30.00; lemperalurc 12; heavy swell; noon oke steamer Prince? Heatrlcc in Milbank Sound southbound. (In account of the indisposi tion of Aid. Perry, the court of revision on Hie municipal voters' list adjourned this morning un til 2 o'clock Wednesday HIS SLUGGISH LIVER MADE HIM FEEL DROWSY AND TIRED ALL THE TIME WIm-ii v.Ur liter hr iw -luirir'.li and iiurllvr yisir wtiol brallli uffr. iitd Ilie only yu n i tark V rwlmy rlfbl It lu make your Hvvr rlrbt. TW you caa On by lh u i.f Mil- tittrn'i Laia-I.Orr PIIU Its-y mill film ttUle I he lurili llrr. -k-an away all ! awl iiulMioou malKr from tlx - tn. and prvrnt. a M i rHwii-. all nmiUr0(M arlOif tna wrr IImi bu bt-nmic liurlltr. Mr. E. Hazel. Eal riofMireifllle. rllea:i-'l had brrs IruoMrd with my llvrr 'tsd felt druay and tired all the Univ. 1 ml o tuuble to do my work witn any rwafofl. I ..k your Mllburn't Uh liter etft and luday 1 am a different man. and aod not Km ttSnt Ibeni In the hioe." v - Mlllium Lata I i t fill are iir a i 111 al all dralei?. ..r malln direct oo reretpl ir price b Tbe T. Mllborn O:. Umiled. Toronto. Onl. St. Regis Cafe Prince rtupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. THE Valentin DAIRY Cur. Meltridc and Fifth West-. MILK, CREAM AND BUTTER RETAIL Phone 657. "MILLBANK" . 4 Half Price YOU WILL SAVE 50 PER. CENT. HERE Lady Assistant lu utlemlunce. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicei i Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 19, January 4 For Ketchikan, W rang el I, Juneau and Skagway, November 26, December 15, 31 S.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceat Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 15, 29, at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leare Prince Rupert S. pjn. Tor PBI.XCE GEORGE. EDMOSTOX. W1.K KIT EG. all points Eajtern Canada. United States. AGENCY ALL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, E2S TMrd Ate, Mnce Hupert. Phone 260. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salltnn From Prince Rupert, roe VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Falla, and Swaneon Bay, Tueaday, 6 CM. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rt Bay, and Swaneon Bay, Saturday Noon. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wal.a laland, Sunday S e. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlfee Cannerlea, Friday A.M. (11 tnd Avenue. t. Barley, AgenL Prince Rupert. B.C Stocks and Bonds All Victory and Government Bond Honghl and Sold. We slill have a few shares left of the PREMIER MINE at $2.90. This is the greatest dividend producer in Canada. T. McCLYMONT Phone Black 85. Third Ave. Rooms: 7, 8 and 9, Smith Phone 575. Dentistry From now until December 2U1 all wurk contract. ul during this period will be completed at these prices. Those contemplating having teeth made will do well to visit my office and contract for same. Thess prices pertain to Grown, Hridge, Plate work, anil Kxtraclion of Teeth. My dental slock must be' reduced before January 1021, and I will give the public the benefit. 1st, Dr. Jos. Maguire DENTIST Block. Office Hours: 0 a.m. to It p.m. s i i i i i I t J i c