FiveRoses FLOUR Win , HuyiiiK Mmir nk diir Grocer for "FIVE ROSES," Tit" World's 1 W-nl. John L Agent: Christie Shoes M, Solid I.alher Work-i Shoes nt $5.00 r her lined Hot Calf llrmi An Hlnrk or llrown at $6.00 i i made Loggers' Ht a $8.50 Men'i and Boys' Rubbers. SHOE REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. T ,nl . next 81. Item COAL The Famous UDYSMITH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sliti. STERLING Stoe and Egg 3li. W ntr in ("ark or lulk. iff n y-'iif order dny nr night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. Offic IMH Central. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. stayers, Chamltta, Metal lurglsts. Oro Shippers Agent, TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser SL Slcarn Heated - Hot and Colli Wnler nates iy Dny or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone C59. Movies and Movie People Devoted to the doings and .sayings of those who entertain the public. AT THE THEATRE Monday and Tuesday "Soul fur Sail-." I'nlho Itevicw. Wednesday and Thursday Mary Mile Minler. in The Trail of l lie l.nne-iiiH." Pine." Gouiedy "The ITy Ci.ji,'' I'm Xi-wi Gazelle. Friday and Saturday I'i'nroil ami Sum liy I ( h TiirkiiiKlnii. Comedy "Man vs." Topic of Hip ay. ! 3 fttiBffllwty'!jij!r is splendid. a a .jqui'Mlion rh a hint Hint he nugld. rtO iave. HchnfieM hnrsl I paroxysm, of laughter, while hi ilaiiphli-r stalked fn her room lu- lignanlly. Humorous sllualions. abound in "Pen rod ami Ham," run of Hip finest cineinalie production of Ihe season. TRAIL OF LONESOME PINE ON WEDNESDAY Well Known Story to be Shown on Screen at VVestholme Theatre Juno Tolliver, slrikinnly prelty. eichteen believed . . -I I t... I t. 1 I - I nml llT wa a simple (firl of I Cunv-nrimnn Iberlaml iivrtiiiKain in Kcnlucky PfcNROD AND nmpiu SAM IN m !a'"' '"" faI, n ' :'' J"'"' Mfunro it iitrri ritrv"a'? engineer ami luUY.EO Al VYfcfcK tNU officer of the law. Up risked hi , jlife in an effort lo lip'.a fend Well Known Booth Tarklngtonit""' l'a,l endured for yeir bp- Story Done Into Film to be Shown Here Thai "Mi" fniirp of true lov neer rim mo(illi" i exempll- Iwcen Iwo Han. Hip Fulina ami I Hip Tolliver. of Hip Kentucky-j TeniiPMee Cumberland monn-j lain. Jtil -a hc i on Iip iKiinf tif KWniMiinB ami arriiiit lipri f.p.l .n n l.iBlily anm-mp mannprj,, rHah )(f kminit nVan in Ip ami Sam, n Hrf.h. i,...i it .,..i.. ,i, ni ...,. ... i.n.r-" iiiii. . altlioupli I'adly woiimlcil. i tjll nlivp. "I'll i lliialion 'trikp. liomp n iimiI ilramntir rlhnax in "TIip 'lYall of IhP LiiiPoniP IMiip." a liclurp flnrrinc Mary Mile Min-pr. wliirli will 1p hown al Hip 'plli(lmp Vpilnplay. 1 Mi Minlpr, ax June Tolliver, Hip ?irt in Hop tnoiinlaiu lory. A John Half. vlup ilnly if wn to hriiiK law into Hip Cunr-prlaitl niul l pnforcp il, Antonio .fnron. ha.lin? man. urakp a powerful anil pxrplinly co(h lookins lipro, nod I'.rnf-t Tnrrrnrp, alo fi-alurpil. Iia a intiKiiu rlinrarlpr role. (SOULS FOR SALE AT WESTHOLME TONIGHT (Movie Is From Story by Rupert Hughes and Is Somewhat Dramatic A photoplay thai i far out of Hip liealeii palli ! iiolilwyn' iipw Hupprl HiiuliP' film, "Soul 'for Sale." ailaptPit nml iliroHPil jdy Hie author from tit tunrl of I I . ia m rxt I li A nidi I kft lill II hfl ii'l niiitiih is- asi-a .Nnllonal pfcturr illrrclp-l by VII.nV..ny in llollywo.l. Hil. N uiu lam HiNiii.linp fnnu Itoolli Tar-il"lly " "f "W klnKl-in linmorlnl clor' lo l.e ''' lmprnnl nnnlurHn of Ho-Wmmi lirrp nl Hip week etui. 'nm it i on a hipper rap I Kol.ert. i of Mar- '"an anvllunB Mr lliislie ha JsiarPt and hi weekly fall oq; jher parent anil I he other inem- Jier of Hip family lo ilperl Hip parlor ami allow Hip younp jeouple Hip freedom f Hie room, I Much lo hi ilinit. her father t eomiielleil lo finNh hi new- (paper in Hie dining room. i On one urh ocnlon he fell' aleep while readinK and when lie awakened nnd looked Vl hi s-nlch he iliTotered that it had tofiped, There was only one way In find out Ihe correcl lime, in order lo; ot hi walrh aripht. ami that ww In nk Hoherl. "IM you know wlwl lime it I, iii.lmrio" he inotiired cenially. Iloltert Mlll)pil trillliliy, jumpeii i up from Ihe oru ami riinpu toward Hip door. Willi, seiinriein . lookinsr aflrr him ih hewilder- mnni When he rea UPd tlinl the iyoumr -niilor had inkrprplpd the Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. , i . Our plant is equipped to handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. Eleanor Boardman "SOULS FOR SALE A ColJwyn "Pkiurt hitherto done for the ereen. He has consciously selected n theme peculiarly ndplah!e lo the film. ami cnpahlo of n hnnder nnd more speelncuhr Iroalntent than eiislonf.ii'ilv L'ivi's to 111 theme. The Introductory movie scene in the desert are nicluresuue and most human in fact, Ihe movie people Mnlroducill are lalways human hud are distinct individuals, not film type, 'Hit spectacular climax in the tiurninp of Ihe biti circus lent, in a jrreat slnnn, pives a thrill Hint one will long ivmemlicr. The photoplay S. W. Taylor, of Williams, Manson A nonzales visited Slrwart nl Ihe week-end. THE DAn,Y N'PAVS PAnR mt. to cancel Our Xmas Stock Here Is Your Opportunity to Say It with "Clothes" this Yuletide. Useful. Practical. Sensible and Acceptable Gifts at Less Than Maker's Prices TOO LATE Why you should buy your Xmas Presents here. It was impossible for us to cancel our regular Xmas Slock Order. We are, therefore, offering It to the public at FORCED TO SELL PRICES. The bargains you will get at this store in Men's and Boys' Clothing or every description will be a Red Letter Day In your life. We MUST vacate our premises and we MUST sell the stock. All Ties, Handkerchiefs, Sox, Mufflers, etc., will be put up in beautiful Xmas boxes. NECKTIES. Jnsl arrived from New York. Highest grade Pure Silk Neckwear. Thee Ties are in heauti-nil design and coloring. Kit for a king. Jul the thing for Xmas. Closing Out Price If- $5.65 ,M Ihe reipiesl of the bondhold er., who wished n practical pulp nwn lo lake chawe. K. M. Mills ,has been appointed receiver nnd general manager of the AMialcn Pulp A Paper Co. In succession to t. T. fiyles, chartered account- anl, 1io has resigned. . Mr. Mills is vice-presMenl of the Washing ton l'ulp Pwper V,o. and is largely Inleresled in..Hie eler- $2.15 KNITTED NECKWEAR. In neat pallrn, all lh latest colors. Closing Out Price I $1.15 NECKTIE SPECIALS. Odd lines, in excellent materials and pattern. One of lliee would please any man. Closing Out Prices 65c, 85c and 95c 55c GARTERS, ARM BANDS, BRACES. In lieantifnl Xmas Boxes. Closing Out Price from 35c to $1.15 These are always acceptable as a gift. SUCCESSFUL TEA AND SALE OF COOKING ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON Nill 60 Chapter, I.O.D.E., Realized $78.60 For Children's Hospital Ward 11 il I CO Chanter. Imperial Or dcr taughters of the Umpire. realized $ for llm children's 8ILK MUFFLERS. In lieantifnl colorings. Something every man will appreciate. Closing Out Price $2.45 Heavy Knit "Universal" make, 100 Pure Wool Mufflers. Closing Out Price ' $1.15 PURE SILK SOX. "Hadinm" and ".Mercury" makes. Closing Out Price, Per Pair 'ward in the hospital at the tea and sale of home cooking held on Saturday afternoon al the home of Mrs. George O. Tile, Horden Street. Solos were rendered dur ing the afternoon by Mrs. II. C. Fraser, Mrs. C. W'oodvorth, Miss Davies wnd Mrs. -William Millar and Miss Marjorie Lancaster played a piano solo. Miss lllanche Mucdonald. reueul of the rhapler. was in general charge of Ihe af fair. Itaffles re,ulled as follows: Cake, made by Mrs. I). W. Mor- rissey. won by F. Garlon. Candy, won by James Mitchell. Afghan, won by Miss May Iiur- gess.- The winning numbers were drawn by Miss F.leanor Tite, 95c How about a New Suit? FOR XMAS. Here is a Special Xmas Offer. Indigo Blue Serge Suits? in plain models, single and double breasted. For dad and the lad. These serges are all guaranteed Indigo Blue, Genuine Harrogate Serge. These suits usually sell from $50 to $60. Don't miss this Bargain Special, $36.95 "KUM-A-PART" CUFF BUTTONS. The jiopular and convenient ruff hulloii. Made in enamel in lovly design mid 'all color. Meg. $l.2."i. Closing Out Price FAMOUS "KUM-A-PART" DRESS BELT BUCKLES In Stamped .Sterling Silver, with solid leather hell to match. Iler- is something every man need. Closing Out Price $2.45 Dress Belts, with initial buckles. Closing Out Price $1.15 SILK SHIRTS-Every Pure Silk Shirt in the store going at $5.65, in all sizes. $5.65 ACME IMPORTERS Third Ave. Store Fixtures For Sale. Mall Orders Filled at Sale Prices. Phone 369. WHALEN CO. HAS NEW RECEIVER I ft A l- 1 a t 1 l Pr. nr (lillfot-nin. He v - ------ lillin iiiivi is a man of great ability and hasj organized many paper companies.! It js Ml thai he will be nblft lo ill. 4lw. orfous situation E. M. Mills, Practical Pulp Man,rat face the company. succeeas u, r. uyica, nnr tered Accountant, Who Has Resigned' Passengers sailing for the south on the steamer Prince Hupert this morning included: A. Radke, Mrs. E. I.ivinRslone. C. 1). Hogg, Mrs. Howell, Wil liam Ware, A. It. McDonnell, J. Itlches, W. Y. lloberge, Miss K. Sullivan, Mr. and ' Mrs. Sam Wethcrell and Mrs. II. Halt, Vancouver; Mrs. J. Turner, Powell ltiver; P. Yowell, Seattle; l. McKenzie, Victoria. Mr. .nd Mrs. Hugh Mackenzie arrived on Ihe I'rince Hupert Saturday night from Vancouver where they were recently mar-vied. They will lake up residence at Iligby Island, Mr. Mackenzie being a member of th marine department staff. 4