PAOR TWO. The Distinctive Flavor n of SAUL A II B401 hjs won it millions of users. Try it today and Know why. The- Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Aveoue.' H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. $1.00 By mail to all partes of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year 16.00 To all ot'er countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . . . . .91.4.0 per inch per insertion. Transient Advertising on Front Page...... 92.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion . Ific per agate line TELEPHONE 88 Contract Rates 'on Application. A advertising houM be in The Daily New Office on dav preceding publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Friday, November 9. 1023. Road Prom Prince Rupert Is Needed. A road leading out of Prince Rupert In Port Edward ami points along Hie Skecna River is expected to be built soon. An arrangement has been made, with the Railway Company that owns apportion or the land through, which the road goes bv winch they will hand over pari ri oi of their ineir no holdings nines n ns the their r share' which they have built with their own money. Few people on-the onlside realize that there is a city id over .six Ihousand people in the province wilh absolutely no outlet by road. Need Of Road " Is Quite Evident! COLLISON TELLS OF PIONEERING Address Given to Rotary Club Prove Intensity Interesting to Members An interesting story of t ho early discoveries in ltritih Cnl-unitiia showing liow many of (he local places olitalned their names ami how Indians were (riven their first volume of the Hible was told to the Hillary Club yrsler- 'day afternoon by W. K. Collison, Indian A rent. Mr. Collison is a student of the hiory of litis coast and his talk was much up. prceiaed by the member of the club. He was thanked by the president who spoke of the great interest taken in the suhjeet. v j Mr. Collison I old of many ofi the early discoverers who rum In Hie roast and. said that the his. I lory of the country was indicated) ioniswhat in the names that werei given to the places. At the end of the eighteenth century there were a series of explorations in search of the Northwest passage. The name of Cant. Cook .stood out prominently as among Ho nrs I to come here, lie set out in it. In coming north he siirht- eij Queen Charlotte Islands and went as far as the 70th parallel where lie was slopped by u bar rier of ice. He lost his life later at the Sandwich Islands, which he named after Karl Sandwich. Trade for Skins The officers of the expedition were the first to trade for skins of (heVseal and oiler. After the return of the expedition many other explorers and traders set out and much commercial artiv. ily prevailed. The fur traders added to the knowledge of the coast. The explorer that means much to this part of the country wti jCapt. Dixon " wtio was " in charge - ui of shnri"-i toward the building of the mad; The deal, it is understood' hasi,w" the Queen Charlotte In be ratified by Hie Legis'lafiTr construction of the road Hie which will vol- the monev for ' 1 ,,eorfe- ll"'' WPl In., as far fan nnrlli north as n Kuitr William V"I1tI.,. Just how the mailer will come before the Legislature we are not inforned but it will be for the members of the Provincial House In decide whelher or riot'the road shall be builL , Long Deferred Hope Of City. A ::. t ' He building of the mad has been Jong deferred.. For mauv years me people r Prince Rupert have been expecting it. As has been explained before, not a single yard of road has been built by Ihe province adjoining the city of Prince Rupert that can posMhly be of any benefit lo the, citizens. Taxes have been paid regularly, and even molor taxes are levied 'on the owners ? of of 'ars 'irs here, here, giving irivinir lhm them Mm Hie riirht ricrlil to ilrivt .I..:.-.. on .... f n...: I ; ........ r.n,u , lltailk r- . Queen Charlotte Islands and tiajned them after one or the ships. IMxon also named North 1 S.H7!niT.I'?in,J,t!i'y,,0,u!inK'uf f0l,, " ",B 0" Car- withdrawals and 5 pending. ou, d and M. James a ,oUe ,,lam,9 j.jHrtft, the first There were 23 chanre drunU a Jiltle bay on. Ltngsra Island i iM. fmin? in ,. ,,, ... f .. .,. . ,1 Hie exiiedition bouchl 310 sea ot ter robes, each robe beintr made It was after I Ills officer that Dixon Knlrance was afterwards named by Sir Joseph .Mears established a post at .Vioika and was the first map to introduce Chinese labor lo Ilritish Colunrbia. Cept. Vancouver. Cant. Vancouver arrived in The need of the road is .quite evident even lo a peron who 171,2 an,l l"e explora noi not been neen lo 10 Prince rrince Rupert. unpen. There There is. is, a a natural natural route mule to to the theL,,,r ' establishing the insu nas interior hy the hkeena River and any construction done-al the Prince Rupert end will be a part or the Iniiik highwav viiich wtill some day be one of Hie scejiic drives of Ihe province. The road will connect Port Edward with Prince Rupert, will open up much garden land for cultivation, will provide a means of reaching some splendid suburban home sites, will give Ihe canneries a means of reaching Prince Rupert, will provide a means or reaching several projected lumber mills and will give Prince Rupert people n means 'nf getting off their lownite something they are unable lo do today except by water. ' Are Buying Cere In This City. Many people here are buying cars, yet they are able lo use hem only m the reslricted area or Jhe townile. Thev pay iceiises on these cars and part at least or the monev es lo Hie Provincial fiovernmeiil. The-same Reople pav pers'onal nro-j . . . . ,Ilrlr , UM(, ,ney aS)j j,.y ,ne u.0me K evje)J by Ihe pn.viuce. In return they get nothing. The member for the district is one who favors His building or the road. He urged it many years airo and we are told he sill! urges il o,i the (iovemmenl. What we are asking now is that ... ,,,,, ,K nciion ai tins session to pive ucli authority as is necessary so that the road mav be commenced immediately and carried through jo completion as soon as Pos. ' 1 sible. v ; ...... ... eiriii ueveiopmenis in rrinc? Rupert verv soon mm wain our mnd develomenl to keep pace with rir.smmg rise, u uie members, ol Ihe Legislature could but .... ... mouui) mey wouio reel what it is To be shut in ah wv are and they would not heitale about voting e the nmn-v J winch is ours bv right. Insurance Payments v Systematic saving is an easy way to meet life and fire insurance premiums, taxes, and other fixed expenses. :. Deposit in a'Union' Bank Savings Account each month one twelfth of your annual premium and Znd you will have the full premium in the bank when it comes due, plus interest. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T; Broderick, Manager Sound and sailed around Ihe Sar 'rhararler of Vnneoiiver Islnni He came north to Cascade Inlet in Alaska and was by thenv shown Portland Canal and .Naas lliver which were named by him. 'aas! means a receotable .or nlace lor Totnl and was so named because or the famous oolichan that are taken there in large quantities. anrouer anchored al Sal mini Cove about 20 miles rrom Oranby and remained there a month. naming both Observatory Inlet and Portland Canal. II was at .Massed that an axe head waf, given lo the chier lady or Ihe Massett tribe which she wore idrung around her neck on important occasions and obtain, ed much rame thereby. The cbiel or Hie Messells on visitinp thj ship was struck by Ihe large number or iron things aboard and since Hint lime while people have been known lo Ihe Indians ol Massett as the Iron people. Hudson Kay Co. The Hudson Hay Company came lo H.c. first in ing on the .Naas IHver at what Is now' knimii us Oraeyard Point.! II was not a suitable place and Inter the post was iihimiI toi run ixiiiipsoil. When tlie tori was abandoned al Ihe month or the .Naas the Indians were given a 2 a gallon caik or rum which' resulted In a drunken or the wildest kind. Finding of Gold Mr. Collison old or the rind- THE DAILY N'KWS, Friday, N'uyei.tW t&j4 Your Government Says: "Get this Booklet' This fioolilet should be in the hands of every man and woman in thy Dominion. It tells how you may buy, on easy terms, a Canadian Government Annuity which will provide you with an income for the yers when you may be too old to. work. You may never wish to stu?i working, but it will be very comforting to you to know that when you approach sixty years of age the sheer ncccs sity for working will not be as present as it is today. This System of Canadian Government Annuities has lieen in operation for- years and is highly successful. Don't you wish to take advantage of it? No medical examination is necessary. For full information, fill out this coupon and mcil it as directed. No postage needed, as it is vutiuuiau uvTti Almoin uuoiiivoo Mail this CouponNo Postage Needed To IKl'AHTMKXT OK UUIOl'K, A.VXU1TIKS im..cii, OTTAWA. OXT. lleaMp srml nic l.e "Handbook of In form alio a" aal full parlk'ular aa lo coot oi a CaaadUn (iotrraiiM-Bl Aaault) . Mjr age last Urlbdaj aa ..... yrar. Full Xaiiv (SUU Mr, VI r. .r itt.) Pot Offlo Atldrrsjj ft ii.ii .iiiKisirii and mm Ihe urn near liella (knda at the same tlmeipriitonersi wre 'ransomed. 250 ...... ,i.rnii... i .uui.ciuic icauit-ii patu iH'iiiK paiil Tor the captain the coast. Later he was slurrn nn.i m..i.. n.,.i in. , i. t... n... ....... ..I... v" -ni. i.ri iiiwt bound in Hecate straits and was'crew. Iiown a sate anchorage by Card. The resoli- of n.i- n,.i.,r. Hrown at I'orcher Island. He (hat M.m trnv.rnm,...i n. .. . first found the Tongass lndians',dop Virago, a paddle boat of the obi type, to punish the Mas sen Indians tint 'nothing was done. Capt. James Prevost presented Hie chief's son wilh a nmv of Hie Xew Testament, and Ibis book was found later by Ihe lale Archdeacon Colllsnn. It was as a result of the visit or J'rrvot that the Indian were Christianized. - SIXTY CASES IN CITY POLICE COURT . DURING PAST MONTH There were sixty cases in the city police court during Ihe month of October and fines re. soiling rronnim-Hls III II . Il 111- department totalled VHlHJin ar eording.ln (he monthly report or Chier of Police Tickers submitted al the police roiiimUsInn mt.1 1821 whenl'"" ysterday afternoon. Out or Ihey amalgamated with Ihe ""' "Ey cases there wore 17 Northwest Co. Among the things fuiviclioiis, 5 dismissal, three lint were required by their cliar-l - - ler was thai Kiev alioiiM BBfcw M sere law and order and prevent! the dislriliiilion and sale of liipmr to the Indians. Ports were eslablislied bv Ihe HudsonV Hay Co.. Ihe" Hrst . i . . . ' -u. . nuivii r-iiiirii in uarnor was nanieu from in s. It i-.mvi-ii..i.. Vi.. ..r was discovered by (ild,Clii'ef lilen-jbrenches under the ioernment shaw and the Hudson Hay Com- Limjor Art throuirh Ihe activities pany round a Scam, ufx.iit ixor nroincial orricers had re. nil.: inches wide but only a Docket or In fivO t'lfl aOllt Hlllid KulniH gold from 'which Ihey gul about passed while four raes were! ya.iini? ,?,o00. Ihe story or tli riiidiiiK pendintr. One borelarv case re. or Hie void brought many pros- suited In a sentence ot two years peclors rrom as far south as and another man charired with San Francisco. Among Ihe e. .haUnjr stolen poods In hi pos. seis was Ihe Susan. Slurgi in ..e.soii jrid nine months. There 1852 with rrom 10 to fin miners, were four caes of supjdying The ..hip was raptured orr Mas. Ibmur t" Indians, rour vanrancy. sett ami ail aboard were takeuix breaches or Ihe city bylaw, as slave. The skipper not a notejand one opium in possession cae across lo porl Siutisou was limled. Ten Years Ago In Pilnc Ruprt Novimbr . 1M3. Two young children were liurned lo death in an Indian shack af llauwllfpl. They were locked in by their mother when she enl lo uilend church. L. .1. t.l roller. While, editor and proprietor or the While horse Star, passed through last night on Hie princess May bound for Seattle lo attend Ihe annual convention or Ihe Arctic Hrollierhood vruud lodge. Police Commissioner Malt lands avilation with resnecl lo Hie reslricted district tin re suited in several owners or the houses I here selling out lo Ihe occupants, NEW LAMP BURNS 84 AIR Beats Clootrlo or Oas A new oil lamo Hint girs an amazingly brilliant, soft, while light, even better than tas electricity, has been tested by the i.s. iiovernment and 35 leailinir ... o universities and round to be sii. perlnr lo 10 ordinary oil lnmn II burns without odor, smoke or noise- -n puurping up, is simple, clean, safe. Hums Ul aid and J common kerosene (coal oil . The inventor. O. A. John inn 57l Mcllermol Ave., Winnipeg, is offering to send a lamp on 0 day's KIIKK Irlal. or even In uIva one Fit KM to the first user in each locality who will help hint Introduce II, vrj( j,),,, today for rulj particulars. Also tisk him to ex. plain how you can gel the agency, and without experience or money make 8250 lo f500 per month. j I llHUtJ ly; Dtpartnttnt Lahtur, Aiwmlnt Brmck. OlUiM. Premier-Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There i only one xs'ny lu prove that pttKMIKIl "A03.l MKIUL" IIP.KII ivbeil TjlV IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today, 0 This advertisement Is not published or disfJoj"1 to the, Lbjuor Conlrol Hoanl or by Ihe Government of Jlrjtl h Columbia DOMINION Victory. War Loan and Renewal Loan Bonds. Any Amount Houghf, .Sold, Quoted al .Miirkel. PROVINCIAL v 35,000 OnUrlo V, IMS (a H, Ylfjd .'.H. 45,000 British Columbia AVi iS414(i HW( YicliI MUNICIPAL 20,000 Prince Rupert 6 1034 to 1950 (il jh'U- to I0I..H. Yi-ld R.oo. 20,000 Vernon 6 Vi 1938 HP, Yjeld .'..dOT 5,000 Duncans 6 1853 $ lOL'Slt, Yield R.7K Prices for Prince Hiiperl delivery' and iiileresl nccKled. CorrespondetiCe .Solicited. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Phone 2140, VICTORIA, B.C. 71 Fort SU Shockleys Pining Mills Are how 8ole Agents for the lumber, output of the Royal Mills, Hsnsll, B.0. ' DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. Spruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. ET OUR PRICIS-IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 3tl.