Friday. November 0, 1023. tljwid to it tH No? Wtftttl.crea treat In itorc for you. m H Yd, PUl WhiUman's Orchestra plays It j ixiiHIH In fact Vl complete Paul Whitcman B BBMH record. because on th reverse tide hit H KF v orchestra :piays "If I Can't IIve the H it Sweetie IWent''-anotrierJo)ouifos trot VrjW Th record to ailc for li 2 BBJ "Mi Waiter's Volce"-Mctor MPi WM Record So. 191 J9 $ Don' a fo ftcar :ict ajo Hk fh Annabelle-e'e 7et H! BskBBsW- Sb ,BreW Jolmi tni (Vckxfft LB.'S IRBBBBslaW- t!B Blue Hootier Bluet Fx TVer H'y wBrBBBsP''' TKtCrtdUiiiif u'tirOciwifti LH'tf BBnkBBBsr dsl "MkNihk'IW Vtrta. S KIM HV7 BBJ Roses of PicardyVri BRs Bi!!3hBBBBBBBs! TWTreub.taiti Bm BBs1B BBBBBBBBBBsbI Marchcta -WVfi C.k-M,, Or;er H'H HlM.,l'("VWu M'? ."BBBBl All l-lrhdouble-Ut4 75c. 1) BBBBBft yBBBsl -r Master's Voice" ' ( - tWv) Red Scat Records are now Cvi 4 j"it' BBBBM j JsjJJj CHRISTMAS Greeting CARDS That Are Different. Our IHSTil line is a dandy. The finest we have ever laiwtir Beautiful dainty designs, new idea, ipinlily, sen-liinenf all the very latest. Value?, not jiii-l m good ns other lAil as in former vcars, belter vuliios tlian all other. Order promptly filled a I our own Print Shop no middle-man' profit. Ouiie and fee or plum, and our reprcsenla-lte will - all. Iliti-truled circular in colors wiUi price llsFTrnrrTtrd tnil-of-luwii inslunrcrs on request. McRae Bros., Ltd. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand SOCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT We are the Sbortsman's Headquarters -AWT'im-y n coniplelc line of Hlfles. Ainiminilioii nut Ihi! edUrulcd Mlro Ulnli (lame Loiuls. Wo recommend Um9SiIiBl shells to the most pnrlimlar shoolers. WE, HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE HUNTING AND CAMPINQ TRIP. STORK'S HARDWARE LTD e.1tl Second Ave. Local and Personal Ii.C. Undertakers. Limited Jewellers. Phone 41. Harriers, Undertaker. Pboni 351. tf - OnJer your coal front Casey. I'honc Ilci 523. tf - When calling the editor or reporter,, telephone 8(5. tf O. llimlpaijte arrived from Vancouver on the Venture this morning. Interior Pasteurised Milk I'rince Itupcrl Dairy. I'lionc muck Ma: ' "' , u Mr. ami Mr. W. J. Knlosoff hoarded I ho steamer Venture at Surf Inlet yesterday enroute to Vatfcuuver on the vessel. Pythian Sisters Ilazaar, Sat urday, November 10, in the Carlluu Cafe store. Third Ave. Tea will be served till 8 p.m. Joe Jackson, well known Stewart mining man, wa a pas senger for the south on the strainer Prince 3eorge )al mailt orin II. Hiihh, the Burns Lake hardware man, reached the city ort last illtrht n train and Is registered at the Hotel Prince Ituperl. Fred Stephens wailed last niifhl on t he Prince (ieorwe for SeaHJe where, .he will sjiend a couple (if mouth undergoing niedu-al treatment. Mis. Korlier, accompanied hy 'Mrs. V. Muhord, relumed from Terrace on the I rath lal Iliglit Mrs. Diilmrd has hce'u the gu.l of Mrs. Korlier and will return lo Terrace tonight. Juuies Cnuiiu, well known Haliine tiiiniusr man, arrived from the iulerior on lal nighl'f I rain and sailed for the ,-oull on the I'rince (ieorge enroule lu U(s SiHjkane. wher ne win iiena ine wuiier. 'I'. J. Slienlon, insieclor of mintjs, arrivm) at Surf Inlet fniui Naiuu on the Venture yes terday. He Is making an in vcnligaliou of the circuinlauce attending the fatalities which occurred al the Ilclinonl-Surf Inlet mine lal Salunlay and expects to relurti In the city in ahoul a week's lime. The new telephone number for Ihe editorial department is 80. tf HIS SLUGGISH LIVER MADE HIM FEEL DROWSY AND TIRED ALL THE TIME J WIk-h y.iur lirt-r Imh-imhm lnntlh and liui'llvp yuiir tkili lM-allh turferSv and the .Miljr ymi ran art lurk tn frrllnt rifiii in iiuh jiHir liver ntni. Ttil .vuli ran l.j by the ue of Mil-liimi' I'lIU thry will lliu-iili.-,lh luitltt liver. l-in away all .! anit matter Fmiii tlw -tent, anit irrrrnt, a well a relieve, all riiiiiiillrallisin arlnliif a llvrr Out lias luriMlie luartlve. Mr. K. Ilairl, Kant riiimirrvllle. .., wrllrn: "I had been tniulilitl with my liter ami felt druway ami tired all Ihe lime, ami wa inutile In il.i my work with any mm furl. I timk yuiir Mllburn's Lata- l.lver rill- and tmlay I am a different man. ami wmild imt be wltlnmt lluiii In lite lniiie." M lllnirii'w Uta I'lIU are tit a vial at all dealers, ur mailed direct hi neelpt of prlra by The T. Mllbiirn Co.. Llinlli'it, Tnniiilii. Oat. How about the Eversharp? AVe hai the genuine at 1.5(1. US.25. 2.75, 1.50 and up in silver plate and Kold filled, also the Wuhl pen and pencil gold sels. Muy here for good uality, especially If you want en. graving ior presentations. Bulger & Cameron GIFTS THAT LAST THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE THREE. B Try UToPyl ' WTiiUt Zfa-Buk hu lon been recoj-nited Canada's molt popular remedy ia tlin trouble!, how many know how better it it than any poitonoot liniment for relieving the aharp twinget of rheumatism, aciatic. or, lumbago? Zam Hok it equally good for aching bacW. stiff joiali, tore mutclet. cold in the head and cbest. or tore throat. Kubbed well into the affected parti, Zam-rSuVt powerful pain-toothiag enencet soak right into the tiuuet, banihiog torenett, congettion and inflammation. Othert preler to treat their coldt w. they rub Zam-Iink between the palmt of both bandt and then inbala the evaporating medicinal baluaal. Thia doet the uot good in another way. When sending in Hems of news, telephone MG, tf Mrs. K. G. LaTrace sailed las night on Ihe Prince (ieorge foi Seattle. Choice Creamery lluller, 7 lbs for 3.00. V. W. Moersch Phone 13. ... tf Lest we forget 1M POPPY DAY Sa(urilay, .oember to, 'for benefit of needy disabled veler ins. Those failing to gel last issue of (loverninenj Hunds can have orders filled now. Call or phone T. McClymonl. tf eliorge Cuuniiiglitim, wel knuwii purl K'sslnglon merchant was in Ihe city on' Ihe steamer Venture this morning enroule to Vancouver. Annual Ite-uninn of ex-Ser vice men. Ilamiuel in St. ItegN lilfe under Ihe auspices of (S.W, V.A. Saturday, .N'oveinber in, al H.30 p.m. Tickets $1.00. The case of Peggy , Stevens charged with selling lupjor to provincial dry . ijuad men, i proceeding in the city polic court this aflernooti before Magistrate McClymont. Mr. Jtisliee mi, I Mrs. D. A Macdouahl are leaving for Prince (ieorge on tomorrow night's train where the Assize Court will open on Tuesday nighl. M. S. Ilryan, court stenographer, will also leave for the interior tomorrow evening. - The Alaska Steamship Co.'s steamer Alameda, instituting a new service to this port from Seattle and Alaska, .is expected lo arrive Monday evening al though no official notice has yet been received. She will be bound from Seattle to Skagway and in tcrmediate points. Union steamer Venture, Cap). A. Johnstone, arrived from the south at 0 o'clock thi morning and, after unloading shingles and lumber at the Dig Hay Lumber Co.'s wharf, proceeded al 10 o'clock lo Ihe Nua llivcr. The vessel will be in port tomorrow morning southbound. The new schedule, of the Union Steamship Co. which has just been issued fhows that the company will operate two vessels to this port throughout the winter. The Cardena will continue in Ihe Stewart and Anyox service and the Venture on the Naas and Skeena llivcr run. This will be Ihe first winter that Ihe Union company has main tained a double weekly passen-uer service to this port. Having made up m practically all the time, she lost on her passage north, the steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. W. S. Morehouse, pulled out for Vancouver shortly after II o'clock last night having returned front. Anyos at 10 o'clock. The following were among the passengers booked south on the vessel: J. McCul-loch, V. Slormont, Mrs. II. Wlndl and family,' X. Duncan, M. liurgess, Y. SJiignyama, Lee I. on, (ieorge Oniig, Constable Harry' .Martin,, Tom-my Alklus, J. A. terrier, Mrs. K. M. Whitlow and daughter, It. S. Shirk, Charles Connors, C 4A. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Conniford. Mrs. .I.apsley, C. Prevost, D. Dupuis, Mr. Hlssoneltc, 0. Nor-Ion, V. Hrown, John Cameron and Mrs. Peter H. Wesley for Vancouver; Mrs. .let A Arnistutx for Swanson Hay. HANKSGIVING SERVICE METHODIST CHURCH There will he a special Thanksgiving Service on Sunday night at the Methodist Church. (lev, O, (J. Hacker will give a Thanksgiving address and Ihe program of music rendered will be as' follows: " InlroiL "Lead riie. Lord. Choir. "Pilgrims' Love Song. Or chestra. 'Light in Darkness." Miss Davie. "O Daysprlng." Choir. "War March of the Priests." Orchestra. 'Open Ihe Cales of Ihe Tem ple." V. Dibh. 'A Dream of Paradise." Mrs. Woodworth. 'Pilgrim' .Chorus (Tauuhau- yen Orchestra. 'Angel Voices ever Singing." Choir. Voluntary. Orchestra. Organist and choir leader, A J. Lancaster., Conductor, Prif. II. A. Pryce. L. W. Patmore is leaving on tonight's train for , Hazeltoti where he will spend the holiday week-end. Mrs. II. T. VVindl and family of Smilliers arrived on last night's train and sailed by the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver. C. A. Pyne, the Prince (ieorge insurance man, reached Ihe city by last night's train and sailed on Ihe steamer Prince Oeorge for Ocean Fall. The County Court case be I ween It. Cunningham A Sun and H. Ileunelt, both parties of Port Kssinglon, has been set over until -next month. The defendant failed lo appear when the case was called I hist morning. 4 A special meeting of the city council is called for 5 o'clock litis aflernoon in collection wilh lot 7ft, block 20, section 2. fids is the lot thai was ordered sold hy Ihe city council last spring for 150 to Paul Tail-landier and which was subse quently transferred to Aid. N. Tahara, Japanese, of the Seal Cove pool room, was charged In the police court this morning with supplying liuor lo Indians and the case was re manded for eight days on request of L. W. Patmore, counsel for the defence. Joshua McKay. who Is alleged lo have been supplied and who faces charge of having liquor in pos session, was also remanded for eight days'. ANNOUNCEMENTS Anglican Church Bazaar, November 14. SI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary Ilazaar, .N'oveinber 10. Presbyterian Church Uazaar November 21. Ilebekah Ilazaar, Saturday, November 21, Women of Mooseheart Legion Ilazaar. Metropole Hall, .Novem ber 28 and 29. " Hoyal Purple Ilazaar, December 1. Elks' Home. Methodist Church Ilazaar, December 15. High School Xmas. Concert, December 20. Plus 1o Psr Piece. 7 a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service Alt of your waahlnf 80 par cant or your Ironlny everything relumed dry You limply touch up ftw outer garments such as wralata, blouaes, house dresses, wilh hand-lfon. Phone us today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phons S. CPECIAL J TRAINS 8PECIAL TRAINS will be operated from Winnipeg, Nov. 21st, Dec. 0th., Dec II, for Steamships sailing froSn .Montreal and Halifax as follows: 8.S. Regina frum Montreal, Nov. 2 ilh, lu Belfast, Liverpool.. 8.S. Antonla from Montreal, Nov. 2'ith, to Plymouth, London. S.SL Ausonia from Halifax, Dec. ilth. to Queenstown, Liverpool. 8.8. Doric from Halifax, Dec. Ulh, to Belfast, Liverpool. 8.8. Pittsburg from Halifax, Dec. lith, lo Southampton, Bremen. 1 8.8. Canada from Halifax, Dec. 1511), to Glasgow, Liverpool. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING CARS from Jasper and Kdmoutnn consolidating wjth above trains at Winnipeg FULL DETAILS AND RESERVATIONS FROM City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert. Phone 260. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8EATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART 8ATURDAY, 10 p.m. 8.S. PRINCE JOHN. - . For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Oct. 17, Nov. 3) 17 at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prinee Rupert 6.4S pjn. ror PRIXCE GEORGE. EDMO.XTO.t, vvi.v MTEO. all points Eastern Canada, United Stales. AOCNCr ALL OCCAM TIAMSMI' LINKS. City Ticket Office, S2S TnlrS Ate, Crlnca Rupert. Phone 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, October 6, 12, 23; November 2, 16, 30 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, October 1, 8, 18, 29; November 12, 26 S.S. PRINCES8 BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all 8teamshlp Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Jalllnn From Prince Rupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Palls, .ane- Swaneon Bay, Tuesday, S PJI. Fee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alsrt Bay, ane Swanson Bay, Saturday Noon. Per ANVOX, ALIOC ARSJ, STEWART, Wslss Island, Sunday S PJB. Por PORT SIMPSON and Nsss Rlvee Canneries, Prldsy A.M. ttl fnd Avenue. 4. BarMley, AfenU Prince Rupert. Jl.C DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith , Block Office Hours. 9 to V Phone 575 Lady Assistant Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction. Cheapest In Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564.