PAGE SIX. LADIES' RAIN COATS A really good Raincoat is an absolute necessity these days. We have a small line of 20 Coats, English Paramattas and Rubberized Tweeds. Valuss to $22.50 in a fair assortment of sizes and colors, to be cleared at $10.60 Children's Rubber Coats in sizes from 4 to 10 years. Helled style. Values to $7.50. Clearing at each . . . $3.95 Children's Slicker Capes with silk lined hoods at each tk. ...... $3.50 H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Mall Orders Promptly Executed. We Pay Delivery Charges Thanksgiving TURKEYS Arriving This Week. Hook your orders early for ... these fresh killed birds. Cranberries, per lb. ... 25c Live Chickens for roasting or boiling dressed to order. TELEPHONE SPECIALS. No. 1 Dairy Butter, 3 lbs. for $1.00 Alberta Kggs, Fresh, 3 doz. . . $1.00 Swift's Premium Bacon Small sides average 4 to 5 lbs. Taking whole side, per lb 45c I'anshine Cleanser, 4 tins . for 25c Coldeu West Washing "Pow der, large peke 30c Combination Vegetable Special $1.00. 15 lbs. Terrace Turnips. 10 lbs. Terrace Carrots. 0 lbs. Cooking Onions. 5 lbs. Terrace Beets. Shoe Polish in Black, Tan or Ox Blood, 3 tins for 35c Baby's Own Soap, 3 bars for ... ... 35c Malkin's Best -Strawberry Jam', 1 lb. pails. Phone special 85c j Madagascar Lima Beans, 3 lbs. for 25c Evaporated Peaches, 3 lbs. 50c Evaporated Apricots, 3 lbs. 50c Christie Sodas, tin ... 45c Combination Special. 3 small tins Ileinzs Pork and Beans, I small tins Heinz Tomato Soup. 7 tins for 95c. Candied Cherries, per lb. 75c Mixed Peel, lb, lemon and Orange assorted, A lb. Citron, per lb 40c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Hales by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. flp aV ILi .a" pleasure to the discrim Viiatihg housewife to see CON SUMERS COAL go Jnto her bins Every piece sizable, bright and clean. Not a piece of shale or non-burning dirt. All of it packed heat full heat value' for every dollar paid. CONSUMERS COAL is stove coal cleaned and selected. Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311. m CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. MITICE IS HEREBY GIVES that tlw rrsrrve rovtrlnir Channel bland Mtuatrfl it lh mouth or Gardner Canal. Hanre I, Coat District, and formerly mxrmi In iuiutj uimre av, yaxir ii ranrriiM. G; B. ADE.. Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department, Victoria. B.C.. titn October. KM. Your Thanksgiving Dinner will be a greater success with delicacies from our store. The caon is here for Pumpkin Pies . . . 35c each Mince Pies .-. . 50c per doz. Pork Pies 15c each French Pastry. .50c per doz. ElectricWindow Bakeries Third Ave. Phone 867. COAL The Famous LADYSMJTH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. We deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. - - Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central. Have you had your PASTEURISED MILK TODAY? VALENTIN'S DAIRY Sells Milk, Cream and Butter Phone 81. Daily Deliveries. St Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate In the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week. or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In oonneotlon. James Zarelll - Proprietor. OWEN FISHER IS DISMISSED Crown Falls to Establish Case In Liquor Selling harge, Magistrate Decides' The crown having failed to eslalilish a rase, the charge against Owen Fisher of kecpinsr liquor for sale at Ihe Empress Club on October 21 wits dismissed by Magislrale McCly- inont in I lie city police court Ibis morning. W. K. Fisher prosecuted and L. W. palmore appeared for Ihe defence. There were Iwo wilne."se for I he crow n Chief Vickers and William lluggard of Ihe provincial dry sijuad. The chief lob) of making a search of the Kmpress Social Club on October 21 and finding lieer in two lockers for which permits were not produced. Liquor in oilier lockers were covered by permit which were produced in court. In cross-examination, Mr. Pat- more showed Chief Vickers' cards which were said In have! been taken off the two lockers in question and which bore the names of A. Vreatl and Henry pievens, also ineir permit num bers. The chief admitted thai I here were cards on the lockers Hut he could not identify tli ones produced in court as being Iheni. Chief Vickers testified as to the good character that had always been borne by the Empress Club and its manager. When other premises had been eliinsr beer, it was known that Fisher was not. Constable JIusrgard corrobo rated Chief Vickers' evidence and, under cros examination, identified Ihe cards produced by Mr. Pal more as having been oq Ihe lockers. Easily Checked Mr. Palrnore asked flint the case be dismissed. The number on Ihe cards posted on the locker.s could have been checked from Ihe liquor vendor. There was mi evidence lo show that there was anything irregular or BOY'S BAD COLD TURNED TO BRONCHITIS Tin- rrrijiieiiry ullh which lmmrbJIU devrlop Into pneumonia l apprerlalrd by ery few niothfr. Tlur danirrr of piwu-ni.Mila U, pn.bjtljr. r(l uiHlrrttiaxl t'. but how many mothers lake Into nm.ld-rratloa that a nrirlrrtrd attack of Irnxv rhltit frequently lead to thi danirruu dl. W'r would artfl all ntothrra to fiit I heir rhlldrrn Or. Wood .Norway Pine Syrup the flrnl moment they ! any ymploni or I rold or rtmrti, by dolor ihU tlK-y nuy ave Ihrm front an allark of brow-hill or puruiiHinla. Mr. LawrriK Oiilik, Sandwlrh, Out., write: ".My little boy. tit year old. had a bad rold which turned to bronrbltin. I tried rverythlnir I Ihouthl would lie hel ,for It, but did not e him retting any .better. I a told lo try Or. Wood'i I.Norway Plus Syrup, ami after . rllnr him 'two bottle he jrnl wonderful relief. I rannot praUe It enoiirh." Prlre 3ir a bottle; Urre family lie Mc; put up by the T. Mllburn Oi.. Lira Ited, Toronto. Out. FARMERS' Meat Market FRESH STOCK OF BEEF JUST IN. Lowest Prices In Town. Fresh Eggs Iletler tfian ever. Patronize local products. Turkeys Our Turkeys are in. Don't delay! Don't delay!! lied mpinl $1.50 per sack. Phone Blue 42$. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRIN0E RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hour, Itil Phone tM. Open Evenings Only Foe Special Appointments. THE DAILY NEWO. Friday, Koeiubr o, l9j I I I v M M I ii w i Drink Cowan's UtXXlffl CUT ' thai liquor was for sale. Mr. Fisher submitted thai, hire Ihe sutf?clion of selling liquor v;s fiVade, Ihe onus of proving Iha0tbe cards on Ihe lockers were hona-iide rested willi Ihe defence. Magistrate McClymoul thought it would be going, too far to require the defence lo prove the numbers, 't he. crown in not doing this had , failed lo exhaust the evidence .and he therefore dismissed Ihe case. VICTORIA SUPPLIES TOMATOES AND CUKES Hot House Products Sold This Season Fetch $150,000, Half Outside Province VICTOIUA. Nov. 8. The value1 of (lie .tomatoes, cucumbers, nml other greenhouse comftnodilies sobl Ihrourdi the Victoria Hot-house Association, a body. which comprises ninety-six per cent of that industry on Vancouver Island, was 15(1,000 during tile current seasoifi ' It appears tlial 33,(175 crates of loiuatoes. valued at 1 lit. 0'J 1.05; 18,501 dozens of cucumbers, val ued at n'5,1 8(1.7!, had been dis. posed of In the season which has Jut ended. The value of flowers. lelliiee ami similar comukodilies which passed Oirouali the asso. cialion's hands, was about t,-000, makim he figure staled aboe, ' Of this larve amount, which is substantial increase on any previous year, nbotil fifty ppr cent is useil outside llrilish Columbia, the bulk of Ihe remaining moslly being consumed in Van couver and district. The Prince Huiierl validation bill has already been reoorled favorably noon bv tin private bills commilUe. Cilv solicitor Jones is fn .Victoria looking after the hill. W. .Mackenzie, accounlaiil fur Sliockley Hanson on the Terrace bridge contract, reach ed Ihe cily from Ihe interior on iasi nignrs ra n. Prosperous sdvrtislng means rflffulnr nnnllnunu sdverlislnn. O PRINCK SHiatCRT TIDES Friday, -, November 9 High :32 n. in. 21.0 13:32 p.m. 2.1.0 ,I.nw 7:28 a.m. l.fl 20:05 p.m. 0.0 Saturday, November 10. High 2;19 a.m. 2I.5 ft. 11:10 p.m. 23.0 Low 8:13 a.m. 5.1 20:50 p.m. . 0,'J FELL OFF WHARF AND BROKE LEG John Alexander Macdonald Sus talned Injuries Early This Morning at Rupert Marine Ironworks r.arly tins morn ins John Alexander Macdonald. ased 3 tin irom ine wiiarr nt Ihe rear of the Ituperl Marine Ironworks aim broke his rigid leg a well as suslaiuinu scralrhe- mi In face and forehead. He Is now in the Oenrral HnMiilal. The police was nolifie.l of the acci.ienl al 0:10 Ibis mornloj by means tif a lelcnhone ra'l from II. ). Hobinsou, inanaaet of the Ituperl Marine Ironworks o.Trveiuii .Mctiiiiieny called an ambulanre and look Macdonald to the hosiiilnL where Dr. Cmr at (ended him. Macdonald told the police that be was on hN way to Ihe dry dock when Ihe accident occurred. He fell distance of JO feel on to Ihe rocks when Ihe Idle was 0U MCRAE MAKES ANNUAL SPEECH IN HOUSE AND URGES INVESTIGATION MCTOHIA, .Nov U. John j.McMae. (,onervulle member for ivale. lold the gowrnmcii! in Hie ; . i. . i,nii,mirr to nay mat ecr Liberal iiiemher of Ihe l.rsi- laliire would win his seal at the next elect ion if the orooosal for a wide open iuvesllxation of Hie Pacific Ureal Eastern .... . . I 1 1 A nun oiuer aniiiiiiisirallou were accepted. "Ilul if you don't do it. not one of you will come bark, concluded Mcllae. LIQUOR AND BETTING MONEY TO BE DIVIDED VKri'OIIIA. Nov. V. The Government will pay oul to luiini-cipaliliees a share of (he motor license nml and parUmuluel earnings in about two weeks time and a share of Ihe liquor profils will be paid In, December. Information to this elTect was recehed by Mayor Hayward yesterday from Ihe deputy minister of finance in reply lo a request lu learn when the moneys would be paid oer. The head office of the Land Settlement Hoard lu the Kulkley Valley district ha Wen transfer, red from. Telkwa In Smitbert In order to have belter access to the ginerument aitent's office. D. D. j.Muuro of Terrace is In charge of the office. EDSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Phone BS. A complete and exclusive Hue of Hasleru and Imported, LADIES' SUITS, CLOAKS, and DRESSES. J. Bent Ladles' Ready-to-Wear. P.O. Hox 70.1, Phone 651. "The Most of the Hcst for the Kcasl." Thr'Ltttte Dotiorlu Co;arrd will) ordinary iltrd plans For "the mil 1 1 nnnrlmiil ..... hp ------- ,v l I cramped living room, the Dohcrly nmau riano lias become n great favorite. We have had nearly 20 of these DiallOK this vear nml nnlv Imvn one left nl present, but will have anoiuer snipmerit Mils month. For Sale or Rent at Walker's Music Store ltd. Old Country Cloth All trails load to Just Hunk how slick ou will look in it new tailor made "Clothes of Quality" Suit for he Xmu Holiday. Extra Pair of Pants Goes with the Universal Store Every Suit PERFECT TAILORING. u that mi tun hIwiiv hint" a air nicely created fir eenuiK wear. PERFECT FIT. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 378. ' WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "TheMerry Go Round" The gorgeon. daxzling. glittering Mrper-Jewrl pr dijrtioii that oyl New York on end fur month. Th greatest love drama ever filmed taken arntdsl rttut ' lavish spleuilor. llrilliniitly acted by n hol of Uxr with Norma Kern nml Mary I'hilhin in the lending parU. The niudiulml love, life and luxury. A picture none hould mi. Km perors may rule empire hot love rule the world. The photo-play that i differeuL TOPICS OF THE DAY. Admission 60c and :Sc Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 01. ! You'll Get the Very Best Value Possible tn Gloves and Hosiery if you buy your Full nml Winter (Hove nml lloim In pretcnliiitf Ihe, m-ii-ohS Krjlcx in it wide variety, we-b"' talncH lhal'cniiiiol lu excelled; J; j Chamolsette Qlovos in grey, hrowfl, cIuiiiim, wJiiU' rt"j black; all ize., per pair '. "' Chamolsette Gloves elbow length, in chunioi ami frf all, per pair M. $2,'' Acme Gloves a good brand in kill, browiuind grtty nt gaunllft ami elbow length, from $2.50 up Cashmere Hose for Indie and children: Indie from c to 5 , . . $1.7 Holeproof 8llk and Wool Hosiery In black, ?re "J champngne, from .... $1.75 up Holeproof 8llk Hosiery from $1.50 to S4-8 Jabour Bros.. Ltd. Corner Third and Seventh. Phona