Tue jdir- September 4, 1923. w Our Mothers Knew The makers tell you why our Mothers used Sunlight Soap. It is the best because it is made from the pure oil of the Cocoanut and Palm. Gcoanut Oil gives you that soft easy lather that saves your energy and saves your clothes. The Palm Oil makes Sunlight firm and hard so that it is the most economical Soap in the world to use. Sunlight is the purest laundry soap in Canada. "Our Mothers Knew' LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Tsromo r T r T SK7 JHea4auarters vt-Sc)ml Supplies W r ji fhftr Iy 'lie hundred. Ilcause tve hue D 1 D 0..1 I duuks. oans. ixuiers, Loose Leaf Binders and Fillers - ' ' - I everything lhal an up-to-date luuk and stationery should havf. at price lliul satisfy ever) body. Call or write lur a romplt'le list all books and supplies used in the Public iii.I High School, also Commercial Sellout. .Eiery' item is 1'tn'd to please. hai i hum iru hi An I r a Lia WilUl U A LJl JUI1UI1AI. VJ SHlLliiuS rnvm rnmvL n urtn i . S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Point, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. t Port Simpson Stewart MoniM, p.m. Vantsv.ee la Quatn Cnarlotlt Islands Wsdnssda, p.m. tseea Nl.tr fort, Sundaj tm. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. leave prlrwe Hiirl PJti tr HUNCE CI'MtOK. COMOMOS, W1X-Ml'l l mint t:alern :anaita, t nihil iMales. AOINCf ALL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINES. c,,r Ticket Offlts, 621 Third A, Peine Rupert. Phon 260. CANADIAN PAQFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Sept. 1, 8, 14, 25; Oct. 5. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Sept. 3, 10, 21 j Oct. 1. 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Buledale, 8wanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. .Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. galling From rrlure tvunert. VANOOUVtR, VICTORIA, Ocn Falls. Swaneon ar, Tuesday, S P.M. VANCOUVCR, VICTORIA, Al.rl Bay, and Sanson as,, Sstufdsf Noon. NT0X, ALIOS ARM, STIWART, Wsles It.Und, Sunday S P.M. PORT SIMPSON and Naas RlfdP Cannselet, frlday Ina Avrnu. J. BrntU, Aj.nl. JTInc Rupert, B.C Change of Water Change of Diet Change of Climate CauseDiarrhoea I . Ired Palmer, til Oalboutle St, Brautford, Out., riles ; "When I flrt eut uui to ill XonhWeil tb water ;llael lutue with uiy boweli. tud belug :ln rrUMite spot 1 could not set auy-Uilug to gire me rehef for any lentpi of UlIM. I 1 wrote trill told toy wife about the. Mint I was luiviuf and she tent lue t toitl of or. Fowler Eitnct of Wild Strt,erry, iod I rmnot Hieik too blrtily or II ror bat it did for nie. Wbenevnr the cnlldrcn, bive iny boel trwble (row etln fruit or Jrlnk-lot tlriDie water, wblcb toey hate done for the pa fue yean, 'llvlnr In i country, tbe only remedy we ue H 'Or. rowlerv, and uibody thou Id be without III at It rannot be beat for InMant relief." Dr. fowler. Extract of Wild Straw- , berry bat been on the market for tbe pant 1 71 jean, jou don't eii-erlmrnt with new and uutrled reinedle when you buy tt. ibut be aure and ret 'Dr. Fowlefr wb. n yau iaK ror it at a aub.utute tnay It dan reroua t juur liealtb. I vncti ioc a bottle: jmt p only by Tbe ;i. .Miujum Co.. Lluitted, Toronto, Ont. i iini Ant.u of tlirvWiuce llu- trt UiU-i Muff wm ainoiiK the 'Iim hI lienor whit wn, U Telkwa NlurilMy e,ninp to alleixl the Uullvli'v Vail) Ittrbcu. . J. Millifk wan f'KJiul pit illy of Intoxication by Masiflrale Me UlytiMMii in tbp Mtir rouri this an wait fined tao with the no! j(n of (hii-ly ilayc iii jnil Mi. John Omway unit daujrh. trr Mi SlifilatMtway wirt in llif ci ly Salurday aflcrttonn rtturu nit' iiorlli lo I heir hoiiip in Anytix al'.-i hauiK Kpt'til a holiday at I'oi'l Siiiipnon. l.AHI'l.MlJ'IS. ltiipr ur vu'.Uui for laix.r only for nwv I .nmn Ctiorrli al Atiyox. Plan al Ho MaayV oIrVp, Thin! .viiop. 'IVtMlfrA nmt tw in by Kri'iiiy iiifeiil. iieo. i. H arkeir. t niiMI. falKlil-r Ohilkooti Capl. tjors4fittm'afrntd frin N'alr IrU4v iviiury ft midnizQI aud p11ttt 8t, iicir al ' 10.30 .twrWWr' after ! diM'Sjarine L,2H0 SM Vf aalnifkB al -No. 3 l.V. whalf Kiwi. Min Ktanda Murli ret linnet by Soniiav nt;bl'i I lain U the rily In rrum Iwr MbtHl leach f nsr iIuIipi- afltr 1iaitiK piil I ho fuimner vacajmn wHhg lir parentt- a( 'IVrrare. She wtan ae rMiitMitnJ to I ow n by her tuo4ur, Mr. '1'. J. Mar.h.' , K. F. V. LowIp. foniHTly C.P. It. general aj;enl al Juneau and U"w local frirlit agent at lvJ. iiionton. arrived from the Kasl ii Sunday niptit train aud iro eeedtsl by tbe Printers louie V-iei.liiy mortiiii lo Juneau. Hi" to on a holiday trio to the at. Mr. and Mr. Albert Davidson relornetl lo Vancouver by the Prmee (icorse Salunlay exenin nfler liaviut eiet a rounle of layi in the city miewinjr old aeiiuinlanr!, Mr. Davidson, wtio waf formerly U.T.I', city irket agent tier, I uow dlviioiW fi-eighl ajenl for the C.(J.M.M The CI. It. Meanier l'rince' Healiire, ilajd. Ulin, wan In poll from 4130 In 8 Saturday en injr. The venel took outh from hen some persons from Alacka wliiih the Prince Alice bri'imli! as day passenjiers. There were nlno a number of local passengers g iing south on Hie steamei . Plus 1c Per Piece. r a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service Alt of your washing 80 per cent or your troning-tverjrthing returned dry You simply touch up few outer garments such at waists, blouses, house dresses, with hand-iron. Phont'us today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. J Local aid Persoial i U.C. Undertaker, l'lioue 41. Hay uers. 3S1. Undertakers. Pboue tf 0 (.V.V.A. general meeting will he held Seotember t. Inibortant bubiiiffs. 208 J. A. (iihson returned from Kurkley Hay on the Prince John last night. Jack Hililitch, Jr. returned by I he I'rinee Huert yesterday af ternoun from Seattle. Kred Hale arrived yesterday af (enioon by the steamer Prince Hubert from Ocean Falls. Save Money! Buy odr .Vanaimo I ' II- i . a . . Wellington jui uoai al 113.su a ton. Albert & McCaffery. Ltd. tf ine h.Kj. oazeue announce Hie aj.oinliiifiil of James Fieldeii Mran-r of !?unnyiIde cauiiery lo he a notary public. Harry Welford and lKn .Creraf left ou Ial night's train f Lakele Lake where they alend a week holidaying. Jin .miss Alice uuveniei Jen on last nighl c train for Vancouver ia Jasper Park. She expects to be away about a fortnight. Mrs. W. HVickrrs and daugh ter. Kvelyn, rclurnel yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where they have been spending the past mouth. Mrs. Leslie fckmner of Copper Idly came in yesterday on the Princess Ijituisu and, after spiidin? the day n the city, left for lnr home ou the (rain. 'I1m ? danco held al the Hink iasl tiisclat was very successful .oin thirty five couples danced lo Jie( strains of Pryce' orehes- Ira unly well a tier tmdnighl. ' 4 Mi- Miss Irene Stewart, one of the new appointees on (he teach in slalt and last year teacher at Copier Cily, arrivvd in the eity yesinrday looriiirir io) the Prin ress Louise. Ir. A. H. Hayne. mauaser tbe Iakelse Hotel, arried from ibe iuterior ly this morning' train accompanied, by his tw sons. They are registered al the Hotel Prince Hupert. Mrs. J. E. Jack and daughters Hirdell and HeveHey, returned Home yesterday by the steamer Prince Hupert after having ppen ine past two munius visiting on the southern coast and in the iu lerior. 11. Ji. Little, manager of (he Union Hank at Hazeltou, return ed with his daughter from Vau couver by the steamer Prince Hupert yesterday afternoon and left on the enmitig train for the interior. Motorshiji Frederick C. was in port from Saturday afternoon to Monday moruiu? unloading 1,000 cases of salmon from Port Wal ler, Alaska, for transshipment to the Eastern Stales over the Can udiau .Natioual Railway. Mr. and Mrs. 11 ward. Llpselt arrived from Vancouver on the Prinre Hupert yesterday, after noon. Mr. Lipselt is here on one of his regular yisilsof inspection in connect ion with (he business of Lipselt iV. Cunningham, of which he is the head. 4-. . Archbishop F. II. JmVernel sailed last night on the Prince Joint for Slewarl where -he will spend Hie week, olllcialing next ednesday al the wedding of Mis. Ho May Dtiranl , and Sam McNeil and prcachingIn the An glican Church next Sunday. Lilwanl Cunnlnsliam of Seat- He, director of the firm of Lip fcii-i.unningham Co.; arrived jfroin the south ou the Prince j Hupert yesterday accompanying i'.lward l.lpsell, the others mem-jheiof the concern. They will bo (liere until the end of Hie week. Molorship Hellinshain. Cant. Leu Williams was iu port from 10 Sunday evening unlil " last night unloading 8184 cases of salmon from Ihe Sunny Point cannery KelcJiikan, 'for, transshipment dver Ihe Canadian Na-lional Hallway to jhe Eastern Slates, . .. , More food for less money Sh C. Whatman returned by the steamer I'rinee Hupert from the south "yesterday afternoon. Tbe Hrtuierffarten class at SI. loseph' Convent will re-open on Wednesday. Sept. 5. 4numer'ial Mass re-opens Monday, September 10. 'WtT - H C: U. Mutirtl, T. H. Johnson W. CruiksJiank. John J)yhhavn. John Mellae and Jr. L. W. Ker returned, yesterday aflernoot) frojtii Ocean FaUs wliere they ent Ihe week-end on Ma.unie business. .Ma'or S. M. Newton returned by the Priiw Hupert yesterday afternoon after having spent several weeks in Eastern Canada He attended the Sous of Englum convention at Toronto as official delegate from the local lodge. -. C.I'.H. steamer Priueess Louise Capl. Arthur Slater, was in port from 8 to 11.30 yesterday morning bound uorth from Vancouver lo Skagway aud Alaska ports. 1'he vessel had a small list of round trip tourist passengers. - Mis Mary Easlhope of Sardts, H.O., who ha been spending Hie ast four days as the guest of rrhbishop and Mrs. DuVernel left last evening for Kitwanga, II.C. to take up her duties as earlier of the public school here. Constable and Mrs. H. P. Pun ier arrived from M asset I on Ihe Prince John last night to take uo heir residence iu the cily. Mr. Ponder has been transferred to litis eity in Ihe provincial police ervice as clerk to Inspector T. W. S. Parsons. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, September 4 High . 8.UH u ui. 14.4 ft. i!:50 p.m. ir " Low I ,:1S) a.m. 7.0 " p.m. 9 8 " Wednesday, September 5. High t:20 a.m. 14.7 ft. 21:10 p.m. 16.1 " J Low 2:18 a.m. 7..I " U:lt p.m. 0.8 " Thursday, September 6 High I0 .il a.m. 15.0 fl I. 'f p.m. 17 7 " Low :i 5t a.m. 0.5 " 10 mil' p in !U ' HEMORRHOIDS Do not suffer another day Uh Itching, Bleeding, or lTotrudlnf I'lles or Hemorrhoids. No surgical operation requ'red. lr. Chase's uinime.ni win relieve you ai once snu Milord lantlnr benefit, (do a box; mU dealera, or Kdmanson. lutes & Co., UiutUd, Toruato. Srcpl box fr To cut down the cost of food and keep up ' health and strength for the Summer days yon must get back to Nature's food. A wholesome, strengthening diet for Summer is Shredded Wheat with fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. For breakfast, for lunch, for dinner you can prepare a delicious, satisfying meal with Shredded Wheat without going into the kitchen. We do the cooking for you in our sanitary, sunlit factory. Being ready-cooked and ready-to-serve Shredded Wheat is a wife-saver in Summer and a constant joy to youngsters and grown-ups. it's TRISCUIT is the Shredded Wheat cracker a real whole wheat toast -eaten with butter, soft cheese or marmalades. The Canadian Shredded" Wheat Company, Ltd. Khiui FtlUOaUrW redded Wheat Doni tOorty about cooks The Pace That Tells Keep it up, you Fishermen and Moose, and ' with a spurt these last few days, . make your candidate Miss Adeline Henrickson "The Little Fithermaiden" Queen of the Carnival 8PECIAL - - Ganong's Assorted Chocolates 65c per lb. These are fresh chocolates and regularly retail at from 80c to $1.25 per lb. We are selling them at this special price of 03c in order to make room for another shipment now on the way. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Stores. Phones 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. We pay postage on all mail orders. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Service Store." WE CA8H CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Termi Arranged To Suit Purchaser. Phont llua 91. .a in S3 est VB t " c r. w ! : ' w tn tm 2