4 i WhM Veu Want A TAXI HH MARKET 99 Phone 671. in a hurry Fresh Killed Poultry. Phone Fresh Killed Meat. t cars ana Best Service i PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Sausage Dally. In the City. Rate Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper A Trial Order Solicited. YUl. XIH.J NO, 20f L ... , 'Hilt. AWFUL CATASTROPHE OVERWHELMS JAPAN HALF MILLION LIVES Half Million Casualties Result of Earthquake, Tidal Wave and Fire in Japan; Cities Destroyed PLANE CAUSED EXCITEMENT AT CHARLOTTE CITY! u-ctu was r.rsi .r m.cnmr () . ,UIMla of , j,,,. to Ever Visit Islands Will iane.r legation. Soon Return South j OSAKA. Sept. t. A great ex- . ploKiii ha occurred in Ilnkone. The iMintiioii -itn-iip (ialrM(one or the ioprfug f Japan, flying l.i . -i:DX. Flying (Mil-jlooatrd altout 50 mile from To- .... L'...l U.l.....l ...I . ....... I .... till t.rddv iii.'rmiitt from the fjuccni i'i i .ii.. .... ! i. . 1. ...... f... ii.. w.. . i .... .... i :::r llri flying nutchine esm W wiiM the uueMi crniriotr? isitfrinVTrfij hiantmal svpt. t.- ' rrlVHl l. Thursday al!WII in flame, the loss Otieen Charlotte City cau eon-. M'Kable exelleoionl a tout, w the rr.,le,,l, , WV5 a It w., q.iie unetpeeliHl. The (J.CYI)X ha. almut rinlslr- . . .... . Ptt if. a-f.t-L- its V.. ati.f I ... ....... ..... . . ... .... hhm. return lo ...e jer.rno uracil Mutton, Vancouver, inun; """'i rt"- '"T"r" : - - - Inch it WW. Ii.unnl. II ilenar-J1" rye witnesses at Kaouc say,'"8" ' l! accordint' lo lure will de.eiHl on weather con- liiioii and l'liot Macleixl will i"t vrnlure rorth wilh such etilel weather n now prevail. Cnpt. Madeod reporled round walhcr on the (Jueen Charlotte but. in spile or this,- the ground tt.. tti.il Mi.v.r.1 Atm.ncr II. i ninri. Dm it.r.Yiiv vi.iixit worn, Ouren Chnrlolle l.ity. I.ngooii Japanese earllniuake, a tnes-Hay. Tburslon Harbor ami "Locke-"aKC rrom U.S. Consul Davis or purl. Shanghai itulicules. He says the ' Knipress or Australia and KnV- GREEKS BURNED ITALIAN FLAG message rrom Dais indicates she V1.1..1 n t.-l'! expected to be in commission "WiDIH Wllllllbl HIIUU I WW Place at Athens Following Funeral Corru .Victims ATIIKNS, Sepl. I. Violent demonstration against Italy took place yesterday niter the solemn ft i I .......i... i .11 ;.. il... nH. i 1 1 hi wr li'r mi hi in tuv uiiiu- one caiiieilral ror the victim's 01 he 0rfu bombardment. The crowd burned the Italian ring mid "Marked the Italian legation. VANCOUVER BOAT CREW WON BIG EVENT WHEN THEY DEFEATED FRISCO B.C. Four la Now Champion Team of the Pacirio Coast in Rowing OAKLAND, Cnl., Sept. 1. Van-oiiM-r boat club's crew ycsler- '"y won the lour oared shcW ihami.i.mii.l,. ,.r il.,. I'aeifie oasl ,v iiLf..,,!!,, .. f,,or rrom ' nn Kranelseo s..nll. Knd llowlng!m'fome ,,',,kl" ""l liunnry ''"I': The Canadians rinished far hi the lead.; William Wilson, tho l'acirio l''U"t tih'iii t cur alhlelic rowing cl"inipion, derailed deoige King-'' tr the .Vorthwest 1'aclfie A. A, "f Vaneoiiver ll.C, by len lengths ' the liilermedlale singles event Hie aiiimal regalia. Subscribe fqr the Daily News. '',, SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4 of the earthquake, tidal wave and to come, enough Is known to say that the total estimated deaths number over hair a million, and that 300,000 houses have been burned. This is the estimate or the metropolitan police or Tokio. The chler cities to surrer Yokohama. Kobe and Nagova. iv ftKin, sept. 4. in tokio and fire number I50.00O. accord-1 LONlMtN, Sept .1. -A il elllclll i.Jf ri-iiii I'aIiii. .nl-. Ilin nil InnCi tlllla ,..fc. 111 111 Viitiiliunin I pttilmlfil ilinlav ; ;vi.; ,r .(,:' j " at t5o, Toklo Still Burning r4 is ii -Itiniii 11 or lire in' that cily alone being at least 150. ' "" The damacc will amount to i.cr!,p hair a billion yen or "bout f 250.000.ooo. Thi esll- m - ccchcd here this aN a a a TIMHI 1 111 II fIfriUI IfHliair II liV " . ...... -"" Jhn 'lUi'luakc leU no houses "anoiuK ai .MiyanoMiiia, a lasii- niountnln resort 15 miles MHIlll or loklo. I lie famous I'll Ja Hotel was destroyed. Empress Steamers Busy WASIIIXtS TON. Sent. l.Cann an cc are a readv n ni? in"""' " "u "u the work of rariiiK lor victim's nf pres or Canada are beiuir uscdl'"?. hr rescue work. The I'.nipress or Australia wa at Yokohama when the quake, occurred and was tsliuck liy the tidal waxe. Her .propellor was damaged, but the ... oou to aid in carrying survivors. Davis says the casualties among, foreigners are very numerous. Tjie Knipress or Canada arrived Monday with freight and is also hunting supplies and taking on sick and wounded. Emoress or Australia FIIANCISCO, Sept. 3. (Monday i A message rrom Tamioka says the lier Knipress or Australia was caught In tho fury of I lie tidal wave and earth-iuaku while docked at Yokohama but sustained only a broken propeller. She will be unable lo depart Tor Vancouver until repaired. SHANGHAI, Sepl. 3. The lire continues In Tokio. It Is impossible to estimate the loss or lire. Nearly all the concrelo and brick buildings have collapsed. Air men flint il dllllcull lo fly over I he Japanese capital because oT ""' "",i"' heal. s" acul f""l shortage people have been trying to catch the carp in the pond at Iliblya Park. So great I the disaster I hat il is possible the capital may be moved to Kyoto or Osaka temporarily. SAN FIIANCISCO, Sepl. 3. lladio services this morning estimate that there are at least 100,000 persons dead In Japan. Oiu- report oven gave this figure ' PMNCK Hl'PKHTi Tt KHDAY, SEPTKAIHKK i, 1023. LOST RESULT EARTHQUAKE, FIRE AND TIDAL WAVE While the whole or the story fire which overwhelmed Japan seem to have been Toklo, alone the dead from the quake Tor Tokio' dead. At one o'clock rommuuiruliou with Japan con tinue!' virtually paralyzed but the'on disaslerous lire are believed In lie under control. Fatalities Increase " OSAKA, fvM- Sept. " 3,- The 1,11 minister iiiniiier marine tiiay estimated Hie ' """one from the eaithiuake,"." ooo. - , - -- -EarlyRport. ... ..... VA.NC4LYi:il, Sep! (Sun- day .With street heaped with' i . . . .; .. . anu " '""' ""e cmn- 'fucMo,, of the place ' . 7 """V Itlt rill It v ins mi. I tint n if ill h . i .. -'" "J w mn- it ... will. i.......lnii.... r ...v..r:.l ,.tr,,i ..,. . ? atVdv l'n -cetve,t here. II I liu- " "'' casualties but il will exceed 100,- eil ouu. The naval slalton at Yoko- iliaina wa ensured by h lidal wave. The flames arc spreading i1"1'1""""? tuwns i.artli(uake, shocks were recorded in Kurope. indicating that n nev quake took place somewhere In the fur east this morn- MOTORSHIP IS ASHORE ALASKA Carolln Frances on a Bar at Mouth or Kuskokwlm River Not In Danger SKATTLK. Sept. t. The inulorship Oartdiu Frances, own ed by the Western Whaling and Trading Co. o! San 1 rancisco, went aground today on a bar at the moulh or the Kuskokwiui Jlixer, Alaska, according to a wireless message received at Hrrmcrtnn, Washington. II Said Hie vessel was iu no immediate danger. DISTRESS SIGNALS FROM JAPANESE SHIP Tat Yo Maru Signals Picked Up at Bremerton Naval Radio Station SHATTLK, Sept. L Distress signals from the Japanese steamer Tat Yo Jlaru, believed to be in (lie vicinity of tho Japanese const, were picked up by the naval radio station at llreiuerlon, near here, early today. The vessel rinally got in touch with the steamer Korea Slant. The Tal Yo sailed rrom San Francisco In August Tor llong- llong. She left Honolulu on August 2t OriJAflf C DE ADUM uLIiUUliU iij"Ul ijil THIS MORNING Slight Increases In Attendance Indicated In Preliminary Reports The putilic and hig.i school re- opened (hi morning aHer the Ullinier Vacation- Sliaht increase in auemiance are Indi- for Japan by a leamer of the cat-d fpon pielljniiiary reports or Canadian poerninent. The in-he .rinci.al. tnumiration or Ihi direct steam- II S If urn' 4m.ifiiiluii.ln,it. nf l.:.. ..-..i i... . in ........ 'v.,'v.....v,i-i.iiv i I'uWIc- M-hooN, -ejMrl 7J new t . . t .... . . . '"? P"pn."an.i new j.u- piiir in variou (:raile Trom out- of I he port a an international ide point, fc.'1'he teacher are trade port facing the Paciiic. iJtelLalaiUUl a?. Jasl. earerJIhAnJfAncou.veT.. term. I he Honlen Street School "I he comnuinicalion authori- .. ...I i: " i" npair, . . n r i.-i.- iiiii-- i.m.-r iiii-i r i rum arr nniiir uccn,m,M;,,lV, , ootl School fonr m Ki j..,,. X(w. ,,,1'lit' b-ae,er are 11. S. urn. .rUMng nrincii.al. A. ahM IIJJ l I MlLn.. if:.. l -V " M"- .7 .1 "" lr",,v ";ar. and , ,, manual training in. North A total or I0 pupils, a slight im-rease oer last year. Is report-:ou III Hie lllgli chool. Miss A. A. I'ierce. comnierciat teacher, is a new member of the starr. PROVINCIAL RAISED AND REACHES PORT Sunken Gas Boat Is Recovered rrom Grenvllle Channel by Capt. Gammon The Inverness cannery's gas- boat Provincial, which sank a week ago in Orenville Channel, arrived in port at noon today in low or the Prince Hupert Hunt House power boat Pachena. liais Ing operations on the Provincial look up the nasi two days and were in charge or Capt. Oammon who did some diving in coii-M,.Pai s the starting point nection with I lie Job. Assislance!and is connected with the Ameri- was also rendered by the gasboat Hope. The Provincial will go Into the local dry dock lor repairs. The damage is said to be not very great, RAIN CAUSES BIG SLIDE AT KWINITSA Passengers Eastbound and West bound had to be Transferred at Mile 17.03 Last Night On account or the heavy rains ll big landslide mine down over Ihe CN.lt. track at Mile 17.03 for about 200 reel near Kwinitsa yesterday at noon interfering. wiui noiii wesii.ounit and east- bound trains last evening. The regular 0.15 eastbound went out on lime nnd tranrerred her na - senners at Ihe slide to the westbound which went back. The outgoing trains returned wilh Ihe passengers coining to the coast and arrived al 3,3 n this nnirning, the slennier Prince Huperl ror the south being held until after her arrival as there were a number or through passengers. It is expected the track will be cleared in lime ror lonlht5 easlbound to gel throvgh. Sturir't JAPAN LOOKING TO THIS PORT Makes Investigations With View J to Establishing Canada-Japan Trade LITTLE ERRORS NOTED Authorities In That Country Think Communication Will be Established Soon Say Hie Japan Advertiser: The rm-nt shipment or 500,000 feet of lumber rroin Prince Hubert ror Japan a the firt cargo cer so shipped from that port ,,as attracted the attention of the jJapanroe government authorities. who see in Prince Hupert a promising trade nort in connection wilh transpacific shipping, The ..hinmeut' wa made, on June L5 fr I In- Cuna.lian i...rl !uii -re na fauwn ine ne- parlnienl ... or .... conununicalion to Mart investigation a to the value nes win ,iioruy oiMribuie .locu . .... .. itnii iiiiii-niiiinf hii.nii. nr iiai Ilui,ert'Alaka lo iwa'l!0,l ' ,he i,,xeli-ation ' ' l' on Prince ' "Yt,a,ner called here to clear cus- panies concerned calli.i- their'101" an" ln,m'?-aiion and take addition to the rae! that the port , . " important position ire-i- lo Japan's .raile will, American and rinadianl I"" ports. Prince tv Hupert i s 500 w linn miles! nearer to Janan than Vancouver the Pacific serviei- nn.l Inn .day can be saved even for fnosfhl steamer, ami has a future not al all to be despised in consideration o( industry ami communications. "Keen attention is being paid also by the Canadian government to Prince Hupert as a base o( shipping operation along the Canadian Pacific coast and as a starling point on the Canada-Japan shipping trade. According to a report announced by the department bp communications concerning the. Canadian port. Prince Hupert is Mtualed in llritish Columbia, Canada, 705 mile north or Seattle. The port has deep water ami is ice Tree in i terminal ooinl or the Can aiian National Hallway with ran and Canadian Paciiic ports by rail and sleamer, The coasting Iratric among "these ports is becoming heavier each year. Big Coal Deposits In Prince Hupert. fishing, hi in. ber and silk reeling industries have been rapidly growing in re cent years and the coal oulput is reported to be boundless iu its neighborhood. Prince Hupert has a population or only 10,000 but. has a floating dock ami oilier necessary harbor racilities. The Cnniniimirnlimis nolhorilin run. Jiler ,,,al ,hc 0H.,linr of lHrpcl or indirect steamship service between Prince Hupert and Japan will be realised al no distant fu ,in., n, ( tlilt ex,.nl u,e Com muniraMon.H between the Far Cast Bll, nro,, wj j,e t,uiekened .,, uin, eonsi.letnble contrihu. ' n,,.. i. n... .,.im. Mil " V Ml llllll III IIIU trade." LAT2 TELEGRAMS Canadian Har Association opens in Montreal. Hughes represents U.S., Hirkenhead, Hrit-ish, and Marcel, French bars. Vancouver won FlumerfeU cup iu inler-clty cricket against Victoria. Ill tu 103. Circulation 16t1 S'rttt Sal S22. British and United States Consuls at Yokohama Killed Rioting Following Disaster LOMfON, Sept. i. The British Consul at Yokohama and aoout one hundred foreign resident are believed dead, according to de.-patches to the Central New. Shipping Ls still unable to enter YokolAumi harbor owing to considerable submarine upheavals. SHANGHAI, Septl. i. The United Slates Consul General at Yokohama and his wile were killed iu the disaster, according to a radio message rrom the steamer President Jefferson at Yokohama. Heports received here today say rioting menaced the de slroyed Japanese cities. Two hundred Koreans driven rrom Tokio by soldiers eiirorcing martial law. procured arms near th capital and started the disturbances. t LONDON, Sept. 1. There was heavy loss or lire among the foreign le.-idents or Yokohama as a result or the quake, say$ Lloyd's dopalch Hum Kobe. The city was entirely destroyed. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER WAS IN PORT SUNDAY American Freighter Similar to C. G. M. M. Boats Taking Salmon and Lumber to New York i ue .vnierican ireisnier t-oni- mrrriai TravrllrrrOapt. .lug; wa iu port rrom 3.15 to 0.10 Sunday alien alteruooii oon souinoouiii souihoouud iroin on a crew or longshorenivii. She had aboard 100.000 cases ar sal-, man rrom Kidden Inlet ami Sunny " ' 1 , J ,, "y "U1, J 10 - ' 000 reel or lumber, here desllna- lion being New York. The boat also took a customs onicer from l'pre. The Commercial Traveller, wiuen is ,ownei oy tiie U.S. Slnp-;ir ping noarn Hoard ami ami is is uiuier charter lo I he Cnitadian-Anicrican Shipping Co.. is a deep sea freighter and is very similar in buihl and appearance to the 8,800 ton C.O.M..M. freighters which rre-quently call here. MRS. DONALDSON IS HONORED BY STAFF GENERAL HOSPITAL Mrs. Donaldson, who has been acting matron ol the Prince Hit-pert General Hospital since last March and who ror a year prior to I Ii at was assistant to Miss Charlotte Hlack, matron, was the surprised recipient or two hand, some presentations al the hospital lasf Saturday. The staK or graduates and the secretary presented her with a black silk silver mounted umbrella and the kitchen staH and orderies, a black morroco dressing case ImiciI with silk and Titled witli French ivory '"'let articles. Mrs. Donaldson has left te . . . I. II I if .i m.spua, ami is enjoying well - ...in., n-.-i ai me nuoie oi tier sister, Mrs. Alex. Macdonald, At-lin Avenue. LEAGUE BASEBALL SATURDAY'S GAMES National League Chicago 3, Cincinnati t. Hoston 7, Philadelphia 2, New York 5, llrooklyu tt. SI. Louis 8, Pittsburg 2. American League Philadelphia I, Huston 0. Washington I, New York 0. Cleveland 0, Chicago 11, Coast League Salt Lake 0, Portland 1. Oakland 9, Vernon 6, Los Angeles 3, San Francisco Sacramento 0-i, Seattle 2-5. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ITALY REFUSES LEAGUE EFFORT Will Accept No Mediation Where Prestige or Country at 8take I'AIMS si.i i -.v u-nJ v.. o1terhTre- thi artennwn' that the Italian representative had In- r..rii...i ii... .,ni.iit .r n... f .v. ...v.. uum vi .in; ucaMuc of Nation that Italy had reused , aCcepl the Lea?ueV jurisdic- lion in the dispute between Italy and Oreece. LONDON, Sept. Home says Muolini specifically instructed ",e Ual,a" "W f 'N'atiUS ll,al hc was . uiv'iui i-i iiitici iiiincfi 1 u inuiu tain his position that the league s was incompetent to deal with cases in which the prestige of (Italy is concerned. Mussolini told the cabinet that v. the League assorts its richt to deal with the case, Italy will with. draw rron the League. DOWLING GOES T0KAE00PS Succeeds W. H. Stevens, Brother or Vancouver's Member, Who Has Resigned x " a (Special Iu Daily News KA.MLOOPS, Sept. 4. W. II Stevens, superintendent or Do minion Government Telegraph and Telephone service Tor Kam-loops. Okatlagan, and Kootenay, districts resigned and is succeed-" ed by Frank D. Howling, who is transrerred rrom Prince Hupert.j; The resignation or Stevens was the result oT a disagruejnent wilh' the minister of public works over (,e reinstatement or the night operator at Vernon, who was dis charged rrom the service. Stevens is brother of II. II. .Stevens, M.P and had been in ,,e rxh lltri. tel, years AMERICA WON DAVIS TROPHY Captured Tennis Honors Without Aid of Tllden on Forest Hills Courts FOUKST HILLS, Sept. 3. America successfully derended the Davis Cup tennis trophy today when William Johnstone defeated John Hawke M ,ulrnlla .0-0, 0-2. C-l. It gave the United Stales the third victory in four matches with Australia thus vliitchUiK Ihe cup regardless of the outcome of Ulo; Ttldcn-AuJcrsuit gumes,