PAG1 SIX We have just received our new slock of Ladies' Fall Hats No Two Styles Alike. Stylish Model Hats and Everyday Felts and Tarns. Rain Hats in great variety. We shall be pleased to show our stock. You will be delighted at the styles and prices. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. We carry Pictorial Review and Home Journal Patterns. Phone 9. Mall Orders Promptly Executed. We Pay Delivery Charges. Ml Holiday This Week This store will be open all lay Thursday and in future this rule will prevail fur the week affected by the legal holiday. NOW IN STOCK. 100 dozen Golden Bantam Corn, per doz 50c Choice Hipe Tomato, firm stock, per basket . . 40c Table Hartlett Pears, basket 50c Freestone Peaches, basket 60c Large Bleached Celery. . 15c Finest Wax Beans, 3 lb. 25c ?o. i Large Cukes, each 10c Cauliflower, Lettuce, Green Onion. Parsley Local ItadNhe. Hubbard Squash, pumpkin, Cabbage. Par-silip. Beets. Carrots. Terrace Turnips, etc, at low- ' est market prices. Rupert Table Supply Phones 211212. Summer COAL Great satisfaction! Repeat orders being filtei! every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Quick Firel Lasts Longer? Costs same as other NmI Coals, Phone 116 or 664. Mbert & McCaftery LIMITED Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgereon Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 to 6. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate In the old I'mpress Hotel JJuilding. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. FRESH MILK DAILY From Our Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Cows. BETTER MILK. BETTER SERVICE. STANDARD DAIRY Phont Black 51. MINERAL ACT. CCRTirtCATC OF IMPROVEMENTS. NOTICE. Sllw BfO rnrtka Mineral rtaim. Mtnale In U 3u Rlttr Xiuiar Dtvbiea f ClMUr I4If1rt WNtt Vrafd: Ob ;litii!t nlrrr adjeininr tbe Doltj Yardrv tifwp of Mineral f 441ml. ' Taa? .Vtlr that Lrii W. Pilmirr. tmx. . si. at imi tor wiman Mw-Uan. F.M.C. So. lTiTi:; Rnbrrt F XrOlnnl. FM.:. So. 7ilC; Sttrm wrirkL fji.c . :; am itmt r .Wrlrtt, rrrr Miner- Grrtinrale So. 7tl. 1B1-M sutjr Oii Into tar dale terror. I apply 10 lb Minrnc Bwvf for a tr tinrate Of Itnprurrawata for IV rartnw of btUtiaor a Crown Grant of the afiore laim. am rarUwr Take Sotrre Utat ae- iimo ander Swtluo Si mutt be cunnienred lrre the UoaDre ut uctl Certirtrite M lloiproinuetit. Dated tat tUi day of Aoro.-t, A.D. lfl LEWIS W. PATMORE. or leu. LAND ACT. Netlca of Inttatl to Apply la Parchaaa una. la Sktena Land Dutrlct. Rerordior DU-irlcl of Prtnre Rupert, and Mtnale aboot 1H rot lea mmiie-t of satraa on C.V ruilvir and eomitaior all or Derib island. j Take entire that frank r. Burden, of .unniuTTr, t.m ocrupaiwu lumoermaa. Intend to apply for permission to par rbax tbe foUowtnr described lands: Com-inwnrinr at a pt planted on mesl aide tor rellt !!and at root of CUl embank. mrnt, tbenre roHotn( the abore line of said Island to point or eommrnreroent, and Inrludinr all or said DerUi Island srre and eirrpt tbe Rlrbl or Waj of Mid C-J Railway, and roatalnlnr ti acres, more r.os r. BURDETT, Same at Applicant. Agrnt for rraok F. -Bnrdett, Jay Wllmot, Herbert G. Ross, fated at Salrtn. .or. tltn. ttJ. NOTICE. ; IS THE MATTER or an application for Uw Uue pr a fresn Ceruricat ot THI ifor Lot Two ti. Blork elcol (t). Town or I'art t-ssinrtoo. Map JJ7. I Satisraclory proof or Um loaa or LV lenincate or tiik roertnr tbe above land nirtnr been rnrnitbed me, II U nr ID jlralHi io Isiue, arter the eiptratiou of one nmoin rrosn tbe first pqblleauon bere- or, a rre cerurleaie or Title to tbe said land la tbe name of T. YamaiakL which Certirieale la dated tbe 1 1 to October, HOI, and Is numbered IKTiC Land Realstrr Ofrite, Prlnee Rapert, B.C tird July, lIJ. II. F. MACLEOD. - Rerlstrar or Title. For Boys "LECKIE'S" 4 BkBBBBBBK SCHOOL BOOTS Li-ckie's Uoya' Hoots care for growing feet keep them warm ami comfy ami wear far longer1 I nan ordinary hoys' footwear. Leckie's lied Htilchcd Hoot wilh Hie brass hooks and eyelets is built specially for energetic boys ask lo see it sizes up to SiS. your' favorite shoe store has them. J. LECKIE A CO. LTD., Vancouver, B.C. ' I BARBECUE IS Fix as THE BEST YET lulktey Valley People In Force Attended Glorious Day at Telkwa Yesterday (Special to Daily News TELKWA. Sept. . The eighth annual Telkwa Barbecue, attend el by a larger assemblage from all parts of the Hulkley Valley than ever before, was opened yes terday by Fred Stork, M.P. The baseball game resulted in victor" for Smithers over Telkwa by 10 to 5. while he home talent turned the tables in the soccer same by beating Smithers two to one. There was a great program ofi hore raring and broncho bust ing. The Hulkley Valley lerby was won by Warrior, Jockey-Ovens, while Queen, Jockey Wakefield, rame in second. i The glorious day ended with grand danre rn the evening. THREE DAYS HALIBUT IS MARKETED TODAY Arrivals Offered at Exchange this Horning Totalled 228,500 Pounds Three totalling marketed days halibut arrivals ??W.5M pound? were at the Fish Exchange his mornins. Five American boats had 177,000 pound and eight Canadians. 51.000 noun J s. The -mailer American bats col he beM bitls for first class fish. Arrival- ami -ares: American Atlas 70,000 pounds, at ml, to tbe Canadian Fih & Cold Storage Co. Maje.-lie. 50.000 pound, at 3.5e, and 'Je, to the Canadian b A. Cold Storage Co. Mbalr..-.-, 30,000 pounds, at 5.le and fir, to the Atlin Fish- erie. Forward. 10,000 potjtfils,' and lierman. 17,000 pound, at I5e and lie to the Hoyal Fish Co. Canadian H. i H., t.000 pounds, at 1 3.1c and tl.Sc, to the Atlin Fisheries. Livingstone, 1 2.000 pounds, at CANCELLATION OF RCSEItVC. 50TICE 13 HEREBY GIVE, that a po--l Uoo or tbe kalen Island Reaerte survejed cancelled. cancelled. Lands Department, nanze a. uasi District, is Deputy Lands Department. Victoria, D.C xttft J air. 19x1. G. ft. 5 A DE V. Minister of Lands. CANCELLATION 0 RESERVE. 50TICE IS IIEflEBT CIVE.1 that the re- serve til j tine over the lands fornterly held tinder Timber IJrenr n ittn o i. icuiria, o.t.. tb Jolr. It. 0. ft. BADE.. DANCE All tho Auditorium Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings From 9 till! 2 o'clock. Easson's Orchestra. Admission Gentlemen 50c; Ladles 25c. Come and dance your sorrows away, and (remember your miserien no more. L. J. MAIIHKN. Proprietor, l'hone Hlack t ill. Thflilltr Doner ly Coapartd with ordinary tlvd piano. WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRACTICE? You can have this little favorite right In your own room at less than Z3o a day. Walker's Music Store Ltd. THI DAILY NIWB Tucsdsy Efplembtf ,, CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM Began io Improve Alter Taking 'TruiMites" Tti Midicioi Mads From Fruit Yoct can yrt rid of RheumAUsm. Yoa can be free of pain of imollen hands ind fret -of echin; arm, legs mnd Kick. " Kruit a tiira ' will drite the eauss of Khenmati&m oat of the system and give too permanent relief. "lor orer three year, I was confined to bed with Hheumatia. Hnally I dreided to try "Fruit-A-tite". Before unr hAlf a boi, I noticed improTrment. I continued Ukinc" Fruit a-tite improsinr All tbe time. I can now walk about two milesAnddoehoresArvundtheplaee. ALEX. MrXltO, Lome, Out. 50c. a box, 6 tot f i 00, trul site Sic At dealers or from Fruit-a. lurs Limited, Ottawa, Oat. I3.8e ami M.oV, and W. T- 8.00C pounds, at 13 8c and llc. to the lloyal Fish Co. Iniperieu-e. 5,000 pounds, at I3.5e and 11.5c. ami Maud 3.500 lunds at 13. Jc and I1J, to the BACK FROM CRUISE OF COAST TO SOUTH J, pt the sa-t fortnight part owner Capt. I. l'ederxen well known here and formerly in command of the tilad'loue. After two weeks' fishing, the Majestic has a catch or 50,000 pound. She i C5 feel long and is en-gined wilh a 65-horsepower full desiel Atlas Imperial motor. FISHERMAN DIED- SUNDAY MORNING George Mercer, Aged S3, Passed Away In General Hospital-Worked In P.R. Cannery George Mercer, aged 53," fisherman, died in Ihe General llos. piinl on Sunday morning at 10.-30. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoou from the H.C, Undertakers' Parlors. Deceased had been employed at the Prince Itupert Cannery. As far as Is known, he had no relatives In the country. SENATOR FROM NOVA SCOTIA IS VISITOR Hon. W. B. Ross, Halifax, Passed Through City Saturday Evening Accompanied by Wife and Daughter Hon. W. It. Hosm. Conservative senalor for Nova Scotia from Halifax, passed through the city i Saturday evening arriving from (the Kast by train and sailing by jine steamer Prince George from lie coulh. He was accompanied Jhy Mrs. ltos and daughter. They are mi a holiday (rip to the Pacific Coast. It Is expected thai .1. J. Oilli will be leaving the city onThurs-day night In attend, the Trades and Labor Congress, which will open in Vancouver on September 10, as representative of the local Trades and Labor council. Pre. sident 8. I). Macdonald, one of Ihe tlfree members of the H.C. Kxcculfvc of 'the Trades Congress who had been elected lo represent Ihe council will be Unable lo make the necessary 'arrange ments, lo attend the- forthcoming conference m Hie south. LOCAL NEWS NOTE! Ralph lUrrop sailed for Van couver by the Prince ueorge on Saturday night. Mrs. J. rl Lord and family sailed for (Nancouer on the Prince George Saturday orning A. W. Carter, manager of Oceanic Cannery, sailed by the I'rince Itupert last night for his home in Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. W. F Thompson ml sou, Carl Thompson, sailed la-t night by the I'rince Kuperl for Seattle. They plan (o tale up their residence In the state of Wa-liinglon. Mi-esJean, Jele and Irene .McAfee and Mi Nina Munn ar rived from Georgetown Saturday aflerninm and sailed by the I'rince George the same evening for Vancouver. lite I'm ion steamer Cardena. Capt. A. K. Okk-un. was in por! from 6.10 to 10.30 Sunday even ing bound north from Vancouver way ports to Anyox and Canadian Fish i Cold Storage Co.i'-""- M vp"fl Hirdie 11. 1.000 iotinds at 13 Jell1 fB"tng south and 11.5c; .N'ornen, ?,000 pounds, hmi. , nt 13 If atul IIS m.1 riatl Spencer, I t,0OO tMHiods at 13.8c and 11.6c to the Itootb Fisheries Canadian Co. will this be in afler- After a -loriny parage up the coat. the tLN.H. teamer I'rince John, Capt. Ilarr" Xedden. ar-riel frni Vancouver and the Oueen Charlotte Islands at 0.t5 la-1 night. The vessel sailed at a telle not ing o'rlock this morning fpr ewarl. Mr. and Mr .. V. Kvilt. Mr. pHn arp Mn. 8(i,rrii ,y ami Mrs. Hubert Ward. Mr. andj,,e ..pj. IIIU,ai fftival eiecu-Mrs. A. H. Slee and Harry Vard,.lve. rr jnifr.tovkn . . . . mu-icat com- A I f .a.a a a i rciuruj ia-i 111-111 anrr Having IMaiii,ua. inrln.ll.,- J - - v iauaaaaast VIIVII (- duel trruir iu narniirr vlriai. rvllKai-:,.-,.. 1......1 la ami the Kr-tall lliver. Tliey had a(JuU ail, 2KrHHi weai her the nrt week hut la-t week lrnit Mimewhal lMTau between quar. Ii-, inolruiuetilal , orchestras, elc. junior. There was a meeting uf the rteculivr last night at which it was decided marred the plea-ure. .,f the voy- lo WJU.! w j of ,.rjnrf a?r' lOeorge fb ilrall- a prvgrarrt. NEW HALIBUT BOAT IS IN PORT TODAY 1teVauf he from the city wn railed away unexpectedly and of differenees rxisl-t he council and the Majestic, Capt. P. Pedersen, Is 6S school tHianlover wages paid for Feet Lon? and Has Full Delsel Engine Seattle Home Port . The brain! new Seattle halibut rhooner Majr-lk- is in port today wilh bee first ealch follow- jing her maiden trip to the bank. The crfcfl ,w. skippered by her repairi. at the Horden Mreel ielnl in given by Aid. I'erry a hif reaon why he was unable lo attend the school board meeting Friday night when the condition of the Horden Street echool was di-cued. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIl MINT. Furnished rooms with or without board. Home rtMiklng. Near Kxhihition building. Moderate rates. Norfolk llooms. Phone (Hack 329. tf TlirtKF. W'ailreses wanted. Ap. ply Hoston Grill. TIMBER SALE X S30S. Sealed Tender will lie rrrrprd bjr the t'lstrlrt Etfester. rwt latrr than mem on the (1st day ( Septrmbrr, III, for lh purrha-e of Urenre X about1 I V4 mile dn stream 'frirtn We-trl-Lals Indian Keere .Vu. I. klthipe llHrr. CJ1. I. to cut o.(iv feel of Sprure Plon One (I )ear will be allowed fur re iiHal of limber. further partlrular of Ihe Ctilrf I'vrrs ler. Vlrurla. B.r. . ur Ibe notnrl lifrHer. I'rinre Hupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X S2SS. Sealed Trndera ll le rerrhrd by the Mtniiler nt Lands, at Vlrlorla, ttt later than iKin mi Ihe TiMh dy ut September. I3. tor I lie purrliaoe or IJrriwe X (. Hi rut ;t.ll feel of Sprure. Cedar and llemkitk. and If.ouo lineal feet of sprure and Hemlock t'J I in ar. on an area situated on Cum.heva Inlet, Queen Charlotte lln1 Und IMMrlrt. one I year lll tie allowed for re llmtll of Umber lurtlier partlrulara of the chief fnrea-lef. Vlrliirla. BX . or Ihe IH.trlct I'oreiter, I'rinre liuiert, B.C And Babies Like It While we have' never particu larly recommended Pacific Milk us a baby's food, wc have close lo fifty letters from mothers who say it has been the only milk they could find lo agree with little ones. Some turned to it in desperation nnd one can imagine their Joyous surprise lo find a tiny baby growing stronger on It. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver, B. C. Factories at Ladner and Ab-botsford, B. 0. Phone 376 The House MEN! Phone 375 of Quality V have made provision for jour rnmfuri nt,,j a, r aace. Clothes are a log factor 111 the hie 1.1 f,M " He neatly uud well lreel. Our different nieo' department i welt -t.,r inenliuii(lie of qu.lit -priced within Ihe uie,.i. " and all. ! ":t Suits and Coats SUITS IN TWEEDS, SERGES, FANCY BLUES, Elc Priced SI 5.00 to $60.00. QnAVENETTE WORSTED COATS ,,K 1, . p , vKi Ittied. gu.ii ,1 11 li ed vv.iterproni $30.00 and $35.00. UNIVERSAL TRADING C0 Outfitters to the Whole Family. 8atlsfactloi. or Monej Back. We Prepay Mall Oritn. Prompt delivery to all parts of Pruire WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 NORMA TAUADGE In "Within the Law" The !.. u. . e-s bmugtii i . . i Fr'ni pt iini i ..i i .).) - . lnXurm'i. h ' girl's "Iruggle- U n butterfly' ee I -v jail I'll make yuu p;i." How May Turii. r in...' 1 threat shown Nurtna Talmailge at her ! ;;' g rnl inclmle: JACK MULHALL, LEW CODY and EILEEN PERCY. PATHE REVIEW. Admission 50c and 25. Shockleys plani"g 1,8 Arc now Sole Agetil for the lumber output of the Royal Miljs, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. 8PRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPUP. 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. aaaanaaaaaaaaaaMMiMaaaaaMaaaMWMM Fall MILLINERY J Opening MOUR BROTHERS extend a hearty invitation to the ladies of the city to call and see their display of Fall Millinery. Arrivals of the Fall Styles are in profuse variety of material and color and no two are alike. There are some pattern hats that are particularly chic. Prices are very moderate, ranging from $3.50 to $15.00. labour Bros. Ltd. Corntr Third and Seventh Phont 64 S