PAftll TWO TM1 IIA1L.X REYV8 Tuesday, XffitfmtH 1s High Quality II has distinguished SALAD A Council Refuses to Allow City En glneer to Draw up Plans. and Specifications .In City Time 3,000 and recouinieinle.1 that the work he done hy contract other 1! H02O for over three decades. Pure and Delicious Always. Try it The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon,' except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third. Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. itiiwer to sovern pxiienps. Aid M.iekeiii,. ni.ived the .emj!ove, in the amendment amendment wa carried. fephen and Aid- tintr aeainst it. than the concrete work which psnDirr nfUinF should h done hv day lahor. UfiKDAut WnKr Aid. Stephens fell that the city engineer already had all the SaFE AND SOUND work he could attend o. the M-hool hoard had obtained outside City. Decides to Retain reports 011 the condition of the. But Road Will be Closed school and he fR Jlmt plans aadj Vehicular Traffice "Specifications could also Jie.j , drawn up outside. In any cav 'Hk structure having been ex-Ihe-school Ttoaril would pet (he ninined anil found safe and sound, henefit of the city enpineer as th'e city council last nipht decided. a slrou iiuuniiimmnuiuinmiw 00 MORE PEOPLE ARE NEEDED Hon. T. D. Pattulfo Defends Policy of Government and i Urges Action to Get j Settlers VAXCOU, Sept. I. "To me t fie whole issue in British Col umbia is to pot more people.. This declaration wan matle by Hon. T. li. Patlulto'. Provincial Minister of Lands, addressing Hie jlitrier Club at luncheon last .week. . "The government is charged with extravagance, hut we have maintained and strengthened the government service in the otit-lyiug parts of our.province to en-courape and assist newcomer. We have only 300,0(10 heail of leal tie in Hrilish Columbia and we Unwiurl I "0 OrtO haul fni nnr lnn. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 'sumption. Yet (he people say we City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month... VA?1; !av mom for more settlers. By mail to an pans oi me unusn r.Kipire auu wicuuucu .-iiairs, ,j ilM, wjiZPran, .,., 3,000 000 in advance, per year. ft0 head of stock, hut we have two To all. other countries, in advance per year .17.50 x alys 1p notUl ha pmi,(, aonc . '.support more slock than that. TELEPHONE tS j j,, reference Jo various land settlement, reclamation, indus- Ifransient Display Advertising". v; . . .$L40 per inch per insertion ,rift anil irri?a'iion loans, Hon. fc-ansient Advertising On" Front Page.-. . . ,,. .I2.N0 per ini hjMp . pattullsafd these policies Local Readers, per insertion. , . . v .2JVc per linejxrw forced by the reconstrnc- Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per-word rtfn period. While .refusing to Lgal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate liiiejadiml that: these, maiTs would cn- tail loss, the minister said thai Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION BORDEN STREET SCHOOL REPAIR Tuesday. Sept. 18, 1923. (the alternative olicy would have jtieen the dead loss of unemployment doles such a prevailed in hngland. People forpel that hordes of relurneil soldiers warmed the parliament buildings school hoar.1 he piven authority Uv do the work at a cost not exceeding 83,000 and that it obtain its own supervisor. This was not seconded. Aid. Monro fell that the school hoard should ohtain a conietenl man and do the work itself. He ' Aid. Stephens's unit ion that the- request he not prattled , .. on the. prounds that the eily en- The cty. council decided ast pjnw a nipht not to grant the request of fonM (e aPn(, ,n ,.AId .Crtllart pft,Iarl mm moved . , an amend- , 7u ' 7 "-thonpht should he Hf ii own provided he eS fit t do. 5uWi(. w no, a)Jo Tlie matter aaain came up with SP1(,r jn arron, wih a pjlv m the presenlation of a. loiter from Ma, f Mnf rrnij,t,N tak. on the schwl tMiar.1 settuitf out its Mjr work in Mlfh a n,annPr a. ir.uiuuiiii ,iiru. u. a mrriiiijs u(;jrpfijp,j rnuay ef.uuijf. ine noani Tip n I i I . I. n I . f ..... ... slep in a mood where a word would hav ratised Hiem to have razed them." he declared. CITY FATHERS AFTER RELIEF Decided Last Night to Make Per- llu- school board thai the city en- sonal Canvas for Money to Pineer be flrurled to draw up Relieve Japanese m(.ni ,)at jn vfw of lhp p. plans an. specf.caU for re- eer Ving already familiar5 pairs to the Bonle,, treet e h,,,. , work , ,1(,,be-aUWftJ to x" atisf.e. with the manner for the .reason that Uie enPinr ,fraw ip pafM an)J ltM.lfifmiimit hi which contrihutions are hetnp alrea.Jy ha all he can attend to in. ouNi,, f hi rar timf. ar)lf mad to the Japanese earUupiake cmneelion wtlh. puhlie- worts. mm,nVma lwfw. n-lief fund Ihroupli voluntas Pissioo wa given J he ucin- Th..4l . ... p ubsriptiorn, menihers of the eer however, to undertake the U), s,,,,,,-n, lr., ,llP work of s rejoilar city ?(ftfnt iUal fom,Hr firjt, rily council last nipht ijecided to pet aelixely into the field loday lo solicit suhscriplions so that as iiiiteh money as possible may be raided to huy salmon for ship-men! to Japan by the (J.O.M.M. si oh 10 er (Canadian Skirmisher suilinp from- here this week. Aid. Stephen's, signifying his Munro w"liiigess to undertake can-vassinp duties, said, it was very important that money shuld lie obtained at once. One dollar now would be worth fifty a month tience. Aid. Perry volunteered o can vass the railway yards, and Aid. Structure Collar! and Aid. Mackenzie were to ;also prepared to lend Iheir as sistance. Aid. Munro said he was willinp to do his share. He felt they should obtain some other tiuildlnp inspector. not to lake down the old garhaye not been-formed before. Money Aid Perry felt that money wharf and approach in Westvjew .donated now would work double would he saved if' the enpineer A letter from X. H. Walton C. X. siin e loa-linp and transportation were permuted to draw up the 11. superintendent, asking what 'of the salmon was coslinK nolh- plnns and peeificalions. the city proposed doinp with Aid. Macsdonnl(l tuok a similar ftrucluie will be answered to Ihisj Tlw council, afler adjourn view 10 ahi. Mepnens that the effect. In view of the fact thal.mcnt, Vvorkeil out. the details of uchool Iioard should look afler some of the doekinp is not in the the campaign. and he responsible for its own best of condition and the wharf w'ork. - is not in use, it was decided, how. ' Mrs. (J. I'. Ilichniond relumed Mayor Newton favored ineelinp ever, to iiluse the roail to vehicle home yesterday afler an absence in snn.01 noarn s requesi, iiy iio. trarric. Jt will still ho left open lof several months visilfnx in Ing so lime Would be saved. Ihe to pedestrians' work would be done in a practical .. way and tho cily would have Ihn Advertise in the Dailv. News. x 00 ..WW SN0KE workers. It was unfortunate that enllrcjinn committee bad California and other points in Ihe south. Her son, James Hlch mond, will be reluming later. OLD CHUN TOBACCO 0 X ------aaBBBaBjaBBssjssjsMS' mbjbs tt TBtjr n new jJPj(BBJBBBBBJBBJJBBJBBBBJBBBBJ Have you inquired about your Government Annuity ? On very easy terms you may secure a Canadian Government Annuity, payable at any axe you choose. If you wish, it can be placed jointly on your own life and on thai of another (your wife f6r instance), tulast as lopjr as. either lives No medical examination is required. The terms upon which an Annuity may be had are astonishingly favorable. The wonder of it is that hundreds of thousands of people have not fakrn pdvanlatfeof this meatus of providing an income for their later years. This advertisement is published to encourage everyone ir send for full particulars of Canadian Government Annuities. Th?: ' articulaiw are contained in the-booklet hen? illustrated. Scud and gel a copy of it free. Use this coupon and address as shown. No po. hr i n"cesfcary, as it is Dominion Govern merit business. Mail this Coupon NO POSTAGE NEEDED To iiKiMitiMi:vr or uvmitii, AX.NX'ITIJvS ISItiX ll. m'AVAvOVT. I 'l-:x- truil v ilw aM'Kdl.V of t f"rrii ml fnt 4tlU-tUrs tu rovl irf a C'miumUum (.k. tuu-Ml.AiiHylli. .M) r ll I1I11UU) mm 1 V Situ Mr Ur. ifW l'st Oflkv .lMf EARL RAYMOND HORNING Forestdale With Reception on Friday A quiet wedding look placii on I'hursday, Sept. 13. at Korest- lale with the Key. Win. C Ma- whinney of Telkwa nfficiirtinu. when Audrey Alice, second tattphler of Mr. apd Mrs. Tlioma Carter of H$7 MeC.lure Street. Victoria. H.C became the brbl of Karl "a.Miioiiil. son of Mr. and Mrs. Kred llorninir if Foresldale. Tim ceremony was performed in the presence of a few intimate friends. On Friday evening a reception was held at Foresldale at which the many friend of the young couple wished them happiness. .Mr and Mrs. Horning will live ut Forestdale. TENDERS FOR LOTS TIIK world may owe'you a living but if you put the accounl in . the hands of a collecting upeney you will find yourself out of luck. TIIK female of Ihe species Is more deadly Hum ie male. At auyrale Ihat Is true of 1110s-qulloes. TIIK burning question is not ' " iSfe ill tnutJ byt Dtpvtmnt of Lahwr, Atvtuttitt Droned C politics or railways or sleani-'yield of potatoes. In Prince VA- shins but the nrire of rout, now ward Islanil aludi's are uood. TAKFS VICTORIA BRIDE "Ial iU t''aM)i of horl days andjHritlh ldnmbia grtiTn erop ! nuiwiun miuul ,nnw U itK niuUtn iik at,vriine,iU9. (,Hel but below earl execution i I ' lOkaiiauun Valley fruit U now b- Mt . ... ... m 1 r 1 . 1 yuiei weaaing ioor rnw i Two Bids Received by Council For Double Corner at Beach Place and Eleventh Street Two bid wer rec.ivwl by the cily council last night for a tax sale double corner at Itearh Place and F.lcvcoth Street, lots' (.1 and II, block 5, section I. They are as- follows: Ii. V. MrDnugall, 2I0 each cash. K. Shrubsall, f5W for Ihe two. one half cash and the. balance in one and Iwo years. . Kx-Abl. Ilnmlllnn 'Douglaft had previously offered ttio ach nr Ihe lolx. Tlie bids were referred In the finance committee for report. 1 The Man in the Moon ) SAYS:- 'I'll M wile of a prelly womag are the bait ami man is Ihe poor fish. THIS has been' a trood. season nig niowd nut 111 large quantities for crops and they say the crop of wibl oat exceed all others. I OXF. of lhee pessimists rornes along and e 11 that all Ihe roal will have been ll.ed up in about six thousand years. T'heif what shall we do Well, well, don't worry. AS Ihe mayor Of llaysporl ay. pet up in the morning, even if you have to do it before break- fust. WF. have all been looking for the first frost bill it seem to be as elusive as a dollar after Christina. CHIUSTMAS is coming and as the editor will ay next month, do your shopping early. Till' hunters have been onjoy-ing themseUes but Ihe deer ami grouse 1I0 not feel much satisfaction .at having served their purpose in life. SIXCF. I have known Harney (ioogle I am yeltjng In dislike all Irishmen, KVF.H since I have been batching; I have found thai Ihe watched pot never boils is one of those you put on an electric plate. HARVESTING IN WEST NEARLY COMPLETED Frosts Have Occurred But Dam-age Therefrom If any la not Known Harvesting in the West I well on the. way to completion in favorable weather, snys the Hank of .Montreal report. Frost has or. Icurred throughout Ihe West but lhe, damage, If any, is not yet known. Threshing returns hull rate that Allmrta has a crop above the average. Saskatchewan a good Jaterage. and Manitoba below Ihe average. In Quebec, the earlier cereal crops are yielding fairly good results, later sowings have uol yel ripened; Threshing In Ontario haa yielded1 heller results than anticipated. Nova Scolla's crop N n record nn whlla Ihe ap ple crop In about Ihe nrne as last year with better quality. New flrunswick expected an average BOAT ARRIVALS The CX.H. steamer Prince tlapt. I. Iionabl, arriveil from Nancouver aiol way orls yestenlay atlrrnoorl at t:M. The esel's passenger lisl, including' a parly of the Canadian Club, cnnvciitlonlsM now on Ihe coast from Toronto making Ihe riuind trip north, was a follow: Mi Steven; 31 r. ami Mr. ami .Mi Vannolraml round trip): Mr. Ityan, Mr. F. F. 0pe, A. Strudwick; Mrs, Ilayn- lon and Mr. Holliday (rouiul Irip); Ir. 0. It. Hastings 'round trip); Mr. MrOinnis, J. J. Smith (OILawa); II. Uivell; Mr. Dencon and I.. I (irabill (round Irip, ; Mr. and Mrs. lemetri; II. II. Ortindy and Fred Cuthherlson (round triih; A. II. Payne (round trip); Mr. Llgerlwood (Prince Oeorge) ; Mr. and Mr. Campbell, . Martell, C. Bowman, J. g- gimi, Mrs. K. Helmer, H. (law- I borne, Miss Marie Srnilh, Miss M. .Smith, Mis ., Smith, .Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Foster, .Mr. and Mrs. L. Arnold and daughter. Miss Kdna (ireeuleat and Miss Margaret llyan (Chicago), Mr. and Mrs. T. J. I.. Peake, J. p. (lilberl, Mr. I.n Frnnce,. Mr. pereau, J. a. Ilnllanl, Mr. Floury, Miss Caster, Miss. WannscbnlT. Miss .losephl,( J. W. Heron, Miss P. Mahouey, .Mr. Draper, Mr. Cullily, Mrs. O. F. Itlrlnnond, Mr. I. Miller, Miss Louise Miller, Miss. 31. Miller And Mr, ami Mr. Coba. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs, F. F. Cope. Victoria: V. P.. Voting and Mr. ami Mrs, Thomas J. 1.. Peake, Vancouver; C, H.I llowinaii. I.ethbrldgo: J. pnnel. Ottawa; H. It. Frost, Hockley, Hay; Mm. I'. Xash ami children, j Terrace. Centred W. Jamison, ndiimulon. Advertise In Mie, riallv News, j . LlIIIIU i? UP CATARRH iBLAODCR wi eeprj BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes $4.50 Men's Brown Cslf Shov OiMHhear Well t row toe, from $5.50 Hand Made UggtiV Booti from $8.50 REPAIRING. GEO. HILL Tho Shoeman. Next St. IU-ki .!. NEW BOSTON Grill Third Ave, Tho Lalest in llrst V Private Boes for Ladled Beet Food Beit Service. Tnke her to 'he UcM 'h Of CM DAY AND NIOHT. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in tho obi I'!"'"' Hotel HulhJing Rooms to Rent by Day.wea or the Month. Steam Healed. Hot and (ia Water, POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurantjn. connection. James Tarelll - Proirrtetor St. Regis Cafe , Prince Ruperl' -lnO Restaurant. A Bakery Un.urpM""1-Third Avenue.