PA01 BIX HOUSEHOLD LINENS and Linens for Fancy Work Pure "Meadow Bleach" Easy Drawing Linen, in 30, i 5 and 51 inch width, from $1.75 a yartl Handkerchief Linens white and colored at . . $1.75 a yard Pure Linen Huck Towelling, ,18 inch, guest .width, 'in Mauve and Pink, at $1.00 a yard Embroidered Linen Luncheon Sets, in honey color fadeless linen at per set of 5 pieces $7.00 Various other items in pure Linen, Table Damask, Table Uoths, Towels. Towellings, etc., lately arrived. Ask to see them. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. We stock Pictorial Review and Home Journal Patterns. We Prepay Mall Orders. DANCE At the Auditorium Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings From 9 till 12 o'clock. Pryce's Orchestra. Admission Gentlemen 50c; Ladles 25c. Come and! dance your sorrow away, and remember )our mtserids no more. L. J. MA nit EX, Proprietor. Phone Black 4 49. FURS at BENT'S READY-TO-WEAR STORE A representative of the Yukon Fqr Company, for which wc arc asrents. will arrive on the CP. II. boat on .Saturday and will put on display Saturday afternoon a selection of Fur Coats and Xeck Pieces. Orders for making or remodelling of furs will be taken by this eiperl. BENT'S Ladies' Ready-to-wear Third Avenue. Agents for Yukon Fur Summer COAL Great satisfaction 1 flepeal orders bciru? filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Quick Firel Lasts Longer Cosla same as nlher X-il Coals. Phone 116 or 664. Albert & McCallery LIMITED SUITS Made to individual measure from various fabrics for yju to choose from, in all the very latest colors and materials., Every suit made exactly lg your measure. Guaranteed To Fit. Come in today and wc will show you our new fabrics. Prices. Are Moderate. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING BY STEAM. Sen ice Night. LING The Tailor Second Ave. Phone 649. Opp. Post Office Corner. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. ."VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE, that 1 Po'-Hon of the I Hen Island Reserve sumyed as Lot 65JJ, haore i. cotsl District, li cancelled. C. R. MbEX. Deputy Minister or Lands Lands Department. Victoria. B.C. Jgltl July, 1933. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE tbat tl re serve rilsllnr over the land rormerlj held under Timber Licence So. UiSI r Is cancelled. C. R. .NADE-X. Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department. Victoria, B.C. SStn July, itii. Are you up-to-date? Don't be a 'has been JOIN THE TECHI Class Commence Oct. 1st. at Prince Nupcrl, Terrace, llazpllon, New llazelton, Smitliers. Tclkwa, Prince George, Surf Inlet, Swanson Bay, Anyox, Alice Arm Stewart. Norlhern Polytechnic Institute ol B.C. Syllabus issued shortly. Write for particulars to the Negislrar, Hox 882, Prince Rupert, or see the Local. Uepreoentalive. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blood, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 to 8. Phone 686. Open Evenlnge Only For Special Appointments. Thf'Ullle Vdvrty Copon?d with ordinary sited piaitfc WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRACTICE? Vou can have this little favorite right In your own room at less than 23o a day. Walker's Music Store Ltd. SCHOOLBOARDS OPPOSE CHANCE Victoria Passes Resolution Against Giving Councils Full Control of School Money VICTORIA, Sept. 1 7. A resol. ulion asking the Hrilish Colum bia Trustees' Association to com bat Hie efforts of the Union of Columbia Municipality to have the eonlrol of Ihe schools placed under the municipal couu. cil -was pa.ed unanimously by Ihe City School Hoard. The re solution was moved by Trustee 1. N. lirowu, who declared thai as die trustees were chosen by I lie same electorate as were the Mayor and Council, the board was capable of handling school mat lers economically. The resoItN lion read as follows: "Wheteas at the recent meet ing of the Union or Municipal), lie, a resoluliou was passed re questing nie 'overunieni to give lo the city council of the .various muuirfpalilies full control over the affairs of their respectie sclioot boards: and t hereas the interests of educ-alhrn jletiianded that the schools shall be maintained at least at their present state of eilieieney: and Whereas (his ellicienry de pends in great part upon securing and holding some of the best teachers: and Whereas the seleeling of suit able teachers as well as the ad- ministratioii of Ihe schools in general is a special business that requires great care and preparation on Ihe part of some committee of eilieus. selected for such work: therefore, be it resolved, that I hf Hrilish Columbia Trustees Association be asked to exoress its disapproval of Ihe above re- olution." Objectionable Clause . When the resolution was. ori ginally placed before the board, il contained I lie following in the preamble in addition to the above: "Whereas Ihe avowed intention of Hip Corporation of Ihe Cily of Yirtoria in endeavoring to obtain r i lr il of the srhools j I Change of Water Change of Diet Change of Climate CauseDiarrhoea Mr. Fred rainier. I7 balouusle SL, Brautford. ont writes; "Woeo I first went out to tbe Aorta West tbe water played batoc Un my Dome's, aud belui In renKte spot 1 could not let any. tblnr to rive uie relief for any leurtb of time. 1 wrote and told my wife about the time I was luvlnr aud site tent nw a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and I caonot apeak too blrbly or li for what It did for me. Whenever the children have any bowel trouble from eatlnr fruit or drinking stranre water, which they bave done for tbe past five years, livtnr In the country, the only remedy we use I 'Dr. Fowler's', and nobody should be without It as It cannot be beat for Instant reller." Dr. Fowler's Eitract of Wild Strawberry has been on the market for tbe past 78 years, you don't experiment with new and untried remedies when you buy It, Din be sure and ret 'Dr. Fowler's" when yau ask for It as a substitute may be dan-reruns to your health. ; Price Joe a bottle; put up only by Tbe T. Mllburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont, FRUIT JARS SPECIAL. For Tuesday and Wednesday only. Perfect Seal Preserving Jars at a price which will clean our iflock up quickly, as we will nol parry this stuck over for next year. 30 doien only Quart size, per doz $1.40 24 dozen only. Pint size, Per doz $1.15 Kvery jar will he examined before sending out, and' we will nut credit anyone wilh broken jars. Rupert Table Supply Three Phpnes, 211-212-281. TH1 DAILY RlWfl Tund.y, Kep,tm EAGLE BRAND Condensed Milk is the natural food for baby when Mother's milk fails. 1 1 is just pure milk and pure sugar. Doctors endorse it. Send for free Baby Boohs VANCOUVER Condensary at South Sumas, B.C 1 jgjlr ',',BB,BBBBBass! j to reduce exi tliiurcs. irrrspet-live of 'onsequt !i''P.s. ' At the sugif si ion of Trustee Christian Siv-ri. tins portion a struck out Trustee Heckwith said that while its insertion was justified on ihe basis of state ments made by Ihe members of the eity eouixil. it was tod al ways wH to lake these seriouslv. trustee Hrown consented to. Ihe deletion, but also declared dial Hie sentiment- of the aldermen wen as staled, (inly that morn-ills', he said, one of the council members had I old him I here were hundred of teachers walking the l reel of Victoria bniking for work, and the salaries should he reduced. Criticizes Union The resolution in reference lo the stand taken by the Union of Mumcipalilie- as seconded by trustee Iteekwilh, who remarked that the union sonietiuips did not have much to do and so held free-for-all ' discussions thai evolved such resolution an that objected to. by the board. He thought Die Mine (f the or:aniza-liou would be belter spent in try-in? to 1111110' Ihe people of the various municipalities instead of dividing them. The -Trent need in Hrilish Columbia was co-opera tion. He did not think that Ihe councils of the larger cenlres desired to handle school business. Aldermen wen comnlaiii- lug of Iim much work already. Jrustee Walter Walker sup ported Ihe resolution, cayinc that he had served 01) the cily coun cil, ami was now in his second year a trustee, and believed that Ihe latter position required the must work although it was PROVINCIAL BANK WILL BE DISCUSSED Farmers' Institutes Will Press for Its Establishment and for Other Matters Victoria. Seept. 17. Three years ago. during the pre-election campaign. Hon. John Hart came out in favor of the establishment of 'i provincial bank, which will accept Jhe savlngr of Hrilish Columbians and tie IN funds in the development of industries based on Ihe country's natural resources. The farmer of Hrilish Columbia, Intends lo make a keen fiixbl for Ihe' eslablishmeiil of a rural credits system by the I'm vlnrlal ooveiniiieiit, ami they will also work for Ihe creation of a l ederal bank as well, similar to a special conference of Hie Farmers' Institutes of Hritish Columbia, to be. held in .elson on Tuesday, OrtiJbor 18, Iiifliltifes who liavn been in close touch wilh member!' of Ihe government regarding the hanking proposal najJhatlho mailer Inn been hhelved : long enough, ami that Ihe InMilules wlH make a request for definite nclion by the Legislature. tj Charoe Small Interest -They point gut Ihal If Ihe provincial bank viii u niieriili'il nl ...( it woiilri hp utile lo pay deposu tors four per cent Interest, and loan money out to Ihe agricultural and other industries at fhe and one-half per cent, which would be abul 2 per rent lower than the rale available from private bank at present. The contention that govern - inent uianaueitieiil of bank would loud towards iuelllcieucy I answered by Ihe farmer wilh Ihe assertion that the government banks have been successful In some or 1 lie other countries when they base been The farmers will also ask the Legislature lo afford nrealer as sistance in the matter of co operative inurkellu? of agricul tural products, lllxleitsiou of tuthority for Fruit Market! Commissioner J. A. (Irani on Ihe prairies is being sought. Reassessment of farm lands rout:houl the Province, repre sentation of the agricultural m- leresls on Ihe (Same Conservation Mount, construction and maintenance of roads and educational affairs are likely lo be brouaht lie fore the (iuvrrnmrul during i'he c.exi session nf the House by 'he Advisory Hoard of the Farmers Institutes. Iiicli meet In Victoria ilurinir the second week of 'he session. Sport Chat j (ieorse isler. star first base-nuiu for the Si. Louis Americans, who ha !-en unable to appear in the line-up this year on account of eye trouble, hopes to be able to play again next yrar ami if Ihe condition of bis eyes is salts, factory he will be ii'ointcd man-user of the tram. Silers enforced retirement, which has been one of the hi' disappointment f the Hlr Leavue season this year, is believed tu he responsible for the unfavorable standlu? of the Hrowus us rom-par-d wilh la-l year when they fiHisht the .New York Yankees a hoi battle fur the pennant. Jim my Austin, coach and utility player, has cii named pilot of the team but wilh Ihe under standing 1 hut should Sislcr be in condition next year he would be appointed manager with Austin assistant manager. John H. I ay, a?ed (57. founder of the New York (Hauls, who sacrificed a fortune lo save the National League, is revealed h Ihe victim of one of baseball's treat est tragedies. Once he oc copied the position now held by Charles A. Stoneham owner of Ihe (Hants. Now he shuiries, a paralytic, lo the I'olo (irounds to sit at a (fate to receive the (5 hi fres each lime the (Hauls- play in New York. With I'ay'i money, James Mulrie, himself now 11 penniless septuagenarian, organ ized the .Mclrotolitau team in IKHI. The team played in the first world's series against Providence in the Old I'olo Oround in IHKI. Mulrie and Day prospered, their team became the (Hants and (lieu the Urol he r-hood of Hall Players organlird forming an outlaw circuit in I mm. Day's players left him ami ho morti;ageiv. alt his pos. sessitins In obtain another train, In Ihe end he was wiped but. For a while he managed Ihe (Hauls on salary, then became an In-speclor of players and umpires. Afler being stricken with paraUis he was pensioned. Accoimls up lo September Ifi lolnlling :I.HJ:M0 were passed for payment by the city council last uilil. MAIL CONTRACT. St'airrt Vtviirna a . Uh (ninionweallli Hank of Aus-VMiMitr fipurnl, win t rtcrivrd it """" lDel..l amt n. a. s 1 as. nrmer financial problems I Majesty's Mstis, on a proposrd Contract and l urovinelid bank ",r ",ur "" ninn taws ist wws on ie lint. unu 1111 1 1 a ilk one. quesllon provincial uiie route I'rlnr liucm and are slated for .full discussion al l'cret ittfr noifs, tie., from tn post- I'rmifd noiirei ronlalnlnt further In formation as to conditions of proposed Contract may la seen and blank forma of Tender may be. obtained at the Post Office of Prince nuperl. II. C, and at the office Ileprespiiiallves rf Ihe l anners ,irict Huperiniendent a Offire, Vancouvrr, itin Aurust, ivij. i. T, NunnxY. District Superintendent. TINDIAS WANTID. Tenders will be rerrlved by the Cily of Prince llniwrt fur the imrrlisne of Ixits II snd II. Hlock I, Section I; and Lot H, ii una fu, seciion i. Tenders l be In Ihe Office of the City Clerk, marked "Tenders for IjiU." m,i Idler I In 11 i p.m. Monday, Heptember 17, IVI'l. The hlKbi'M or any lender, lint neres tsrny acrepien. r". r. JOHES. City Clerk. Phone 376 The House COATS Phone 37$ of Qualih For disliio titni and rharut our l.uct an u-j tlerful. Kadi model reflects, beauty of worktii li p a" Ia ! sign mid all are 111 the latent tn.iti i ,,ds -n, u Bolivia, Duvetyn and Suede ColU Home have collar ami cuff of real skunk 1 while others are in plain Mack Holm. " K vou urn look i up fiir "omcthiiiB diffeid it in these late fall styles. Prices within the ranee of all. $27.59 to $100.00 e tat UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Outfitters to the Whole Family. Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay Mall OrtJta Prompt delivery lo all urti of I'na e H it i WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 Owen Moore In Ihe km t . . .mint) a' i-i; ui "Reported Missing" The idiiop).iv in.veiu of Ihe ,igo t lll.illl.l i KOI lining -tlijsvii'k - etie sen-sled race. ine ol the loggrst thrills Hie si reen. L.irge . nl include. ROBERT CAIN, PAULINE QARON AND NITA NUDI. VITAQRAPH COMEDY. PATHE REVIEW. Admission 35c and 10c Shockley's "gs Arc nuw Sole AgeulH fr the litmhcr t:.'; t cf Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. Spruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. The original beauty Of dajnty organdies, brilliant with colour, of dainty flowered voiles, georgettes, or crepes, cannot stand the old harsh way of washing. But the'sc delicate fabrics come from a Lux bath as fresh and beautiful oj in their original newness. The thin, satin-like Lu:c flakes, made by our own exclusive process, whisk instantly into a rich lather that gently dissolves the dirt. No matter how filmy the material, hovr brilliant the colour, you can safely wash jver unu over again in the delicate Lux suds. Sold only in tealrJ packttt dust-proof I LUX LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED f Toronto