THM DAILT WEWS , ' ".J,, PAflK POCR BRINGING UP FATHER George McMa WHEN f ME Ladies WHIP -POOR -WILL WCNOCRTH COV p ; r JL&lk HAVE TOiO J -jc" WOULDN'T 6IVE J Ls' HONE ir - 1 jl THE CAN AR.tE P5 - JJ t I l WANT A J SrM We have a new One Slrnp 4t Pump, nil imlcui. the wpII known "ONYX" make. jul nrrivnd. nil in nod try i pair "n $8.75 No better liocninVine pnililr. d why pay morn. SPECIAL Children's Palrnl Mar? Jane nl $1.50. SPECIAL I.oiIip.' op C.irl' Hrnwn Kul Oxford, nil ic ni $6.50. (CJ lJ r lx rutvn tuivttt. i, j Family SHOE Store "Shoes Fop The Family." KETCHIKAN BALL SUNDAY GOLF TEAM UNABLE TO I Daily News Classified Ads. AND CONCERTS COME ON JULY 2 BORnTVD 3 CEffTS PEM WOKI) IN ADVANCE. No AdTrtlMmnt Takmt for L.. ih. go, Summer TALCUM ' II k I.ititn I... uirnl In llir If OBJECTED TO .n of Canada lkminin lay WANTED FOR MKT I I at . -Ov Plr Is. ' 1 i.'i'i iiiini ' 1 " .... SPORT iNVAXTF.D. Men and Women toK' ltl-.M rurniiil hunpa- SCHED11B lia--laM lliu from that ln COAL learn IlarberlnK. Paid while r..e n. i-oiir n-im. Edmonton City Has Received Protest I hr.' fr July !. An in-vitaiion l-anind learning and tool free. Writ vrr. ni- lu, BtStB.Ll from Ministerial Association i. Imivi'mt. mado for t! hit Tight, for calaloirue. Moler Harbor 'dy Xrw. If 1.k-:I ii-am ! v tlwr on July I. Itnlor lli' voiiiiniu.t" ha wow wirs College. Vancouver, H.C. STKAM Hp1p.1 Mat far rrnt. Oreat satisfaction nrpral KOMOXTOX, Jiiiip 13.-Prole! I(i.. nyo and On-an Fall inil-iiik WA.NTKII. FIvp roofnpl moilprn Hranrr apartmpnts. M. M. 15- Son . ' order ln'inft filled every ha Iwn rPfritPml by Hip iho town to Ml Hi. ..r. aii.l ilior tnrmhr l.'ain from lion or flat. eloe In. Hww Stephen. II Oil 4. lay f ir : Kdmnnlnn MlnMerint ..r hi- -Mil--. 14I i-Mliillllf tO TC X. n". Ilfpli" a iv mwlnl Itklay. prpfprrp.1. ppftnanpnl iMiar.t: Fort RK.VT MnttiPkeeHnir rooms nr..ii., a?aint Hip anion of ihe 1 1 i-i 1. V. l..-tnlo. i no rbildren. Apply l HW. 110 Riith Avpttup KaL Pbivn Nanaimo-Vellington icily in njiPtnlinR a ss"lf rourp. J Son, Jam-s. J in-- I'-rfy Caiii- Ially Xpw Offtco. HIop 117. If -wimininz pool and -.n.tiirtinir -nut. 1 1 1 ..1 1 an.I X. I. 13 -Oil , v. Nut Coal 'lanl concert in Hie park Wil The Man in the Moon W XTI!I. Sa n1iw Hllble MniiKRN four room flat far IP-Ond'. : Sunday. A delegation of lhej I K.I, ,r- ..i . wi'rv Mr-. SAYSj- for i fl. plpaurp boat. Mul ronl. Walliaxrr ilro. If7 Ouick FirV Latn I.onprer: Mini-lerinl -iiiM-ial mil vhich ,( Mi. F". Mr-. Ilai'on. bp in kiwmI comlUioH and prlcp Co-1. Kami' :s other N-it (wailed iiiM.n Ihe allorney-BPHPral j P,.-;ul" and II. Ki-fliiilx-i rpanablp. WrM hx II?. ROOM AND BOARD t (hv v f 5 f( ( 1 MK.V arp u.imlly bpllpr at Coals. l nnruay iimriiiiiB unmmi , Ilaily Nrwa. Ml to npfiit.. t tnakinfr Iop lhan al umkinu HAI..MKH HiMHK 4 Sppnlh Phone 116 or 564. 'Dial immediate pp hnuld he, iftHon 1 1 In CLUB moiipy. llial i why IhPrp arp .1 WAXTFI T) HKXT Pur- AtPiitiP WpI. Plump HpiI tin it Oil .. taken hy the srovernmpnt put;SWIMMING lot of pinlrr in IhP world. Himp.-IWit trW Ually Albert & McCaftery 'a Mop lo Hipp aniupmenls r j nUhnl FiimlliPi uiIp. 'a .Hr.,11.1 . !ilii Xpw ftffle. lnUrm4tu khkhhN thai tlif-p publir, LOST LIMITED IF a Pron Ip ro want In ldai" of aHiuentnl had Iwen I MISCELLANEOUS. uiiTald ronlmry lo I! wsruia-! bp ponvincpd, fapl arp Hip lal I.OUT Kllbpr dl lM(fby tlanl IS Htrh . In..a of th Lord' Day mt Hiinit on parlh Hkply In nm- YIIO FXHXSI'ISHKIIS. - Tfce or Onw Itajr. lly brwtl--dt' N t Referred Back Season Advancing and no Im prl lipr. . hioi wonilprfiil. afply flrL lwpd raincml. Ftnnr pH4p M Willi' 4 A. For Sale! Tli ollortioy-jrcneral h (rivrn provements Yet Made at Salt insenlion of I hp ayp. A fewr return lo Ilaily pw OfflrP. 'I'll K only limp a man rrnlly I Mitl, R - Ihpi Ti .pM-i-iou on Hip matlpr anil Lake itimmI inpn wanlpil to pi arp Rpwani. ISO wibp h w a InffcfT wllh n cunml-kn. IU - , !ia rpfprrpil thp whole qiiPlion rapbl lpr on bit- hark lo Ihp pily lo dpal with a A niMiii(r of fiif Prion' ttupTl tcMMthiilary I when Iip ulep on Spml Sr. lamp. Apply ROOMS 1& W till- N- t .. THREE LOTS Swimming ub wa hld 111 III" a lark llli barv fppl. If I Hi.k s . ... Ilipy pp fit, and il i PXpPtPd al onfp In M. J. Wlllinni. ST. KI.MO MOTIO.. Ilrd ami mtd ithal Hip mallPT will bp nnldpr- oily pidirp oour' lat niffhl for SkKtPWtP Miin. H.C a--rii. 1. i' . v Alfred St. with walpr In rry nnm. SI ram on TlltlSF. willi yHkw fl purp!-- of ijviins wa an.1 nfTprtn? pd at the nPxt pounril nirPtintr. tt"" float jautidirp dpl of will- heatp4. Hair raombp. JU',f, t . DWELLING In Hip pa I Hip rily eounfiil ba in for r-piri'iu ppp .a-ilirpnt QI'AI.IFIF.h IP i rppeatrdly lppn rppjppil y Uu" ami dn. apd filliot! in Ibr rhiM-11 :1hp lime. Surli a lot of pw- in f in In'oI in Jvwlnp I hat Phon Ore en 5. R34 Second L3 nri'.'J and 2 Greenhouses Tlf In bp siiuVHnr A pomp Pl. t I tM' H 8k Mini-lrrial aorialion ami olhpr n' pool al llif Sail Iik'. rraplipr ppih will wty a fair aUry. What ! Or Owni-r will exchange for oriranizaiion lo dlrotiliniir iuH-:iiiu wa wpII allpndl. J. from Hip dipap and I Iip oAVp havp you In offer f WrilP Ibix TAXI Dwelling- ami Lot more rpn-I l-ntlnr UMiij rii for pro- j Ho.Wi". prHlprH. .-.-upil Hi. hoy all liap it. JIN llally New OIStp. 1.19 ' Tail 87 Phone. . I Mssrn fit and ..tlipr obihpvI on " J rally located. Sunday. I.ul litll.' or on al. Mrrlwry In thr a.pnri of A. Mr JAKI; ay II' dinViill In APKHIKXCKM MAXICtlHIST and ft'jili Oporic- or niinl) lof Spe ii.4 for Parfirulars " rah iimontiPiii al a layllsfbl Shampowinir. HeipnlUI work Ross Brothers. l Ipoliofi ha iM-pn givpn lo tip ..,..-1 ..r iu- lr for Hip 'iiiiiiik eHon. fliank. ., , a uperially. PIioim I II up 171 Five.papnr louring Car I t- Fair- . Ollver Typewriters. ..f P....n. .l wprP of oninion ttiall " r'" "cpni. . Mr. OdPinan. Prompt Day and Xichl Service. Cary Safes. -wimniitiB -a.n il wa JAKK i no fool allhoiiah hp Stand: Boston Orlll Third Avenue ft Wh.'. - Hip vounjf pp-dp or. a a mat-'11"' FOR SALE FIRE INSURANCE. would lol,l lltal work look fnnl i It. Y011 ean bpxpt V pr of fa. l. anyonpal all AUCTION ftALCS. Iip tipllrr ..IT .1 Lli., r.p ' HIP 8ll IdlKP CIMMIH hp 1111- IpII Hip Iip of Hip brain by Hip FOR HALF- IM tr alp clipap. tH4piiii- I m Hip of poursp llian pUp. ,,,,rl"',n a '"i a oiihp. ii put of Hip Jih. Makp iop an olTr on loin 3!. CondiK-tPd In your home or at Dybhavn & Hanson wliprp. lial Im-pii found iuiMiMildp lo oh. 21, Work 17. Swrlbiii 7 and our rooms. Oood alto sold on j-n inii' Mayor iMisrsran i hy noiiiPan lain Hip nprpary finanrial u- JAKI wphm fsl wldHii ledli lot ft, Hlorfc 17. Srrllnn S. t iinniimn A Fab. Third Avenue. ' faorablP toward Hip rpiupl of poil of Hie public to piihMc Hip all the lime Anil wIipii in diMibt Wrilr llMma lloliop. Park-vIIIp. H. H. HEMMINOS, Auctioneer, p Seoul ' Prince B.C. Rupert, -17 work on Hip fhtal and fpp in hi mould wilh IS Win' ippair a nu n I VanriMivrr llaud, it.'.. Third Avsnue Hip aorial ion, and il i not p.x-pprlpd . tlwl lie will rerommpiiil dam tn bp carripd nut. tbprpfnrp hi lonirup. (Dei.ny Allen's Old Store) Fab - o iirmidp for Hip work Iipids FOR SAI.K Trolling IhmI, S Phone black 130 and Qreen 471. fO)p.nil. !to Itial Hip rpipl i-oiiiiril ilone it w dppiib'd to in.lruel I III-: diniPiilly with ITIucp Itu fppl lona; hp. piibiup. In S3 Wbl'- v .-li'Milil Iip Band roinptipil Concerts with. Hip ..pcrptary lo wrilp a Iptler t.i pprf ppoptp i o many of tliein good condition. I'ricp ir,n MAIL SCHEDULE" MFlc... -3SpouI- I Hip city council akiiiit I heir up. iipI wriler' eritmp innkirm mil Owner iPuvinu. Fnuirp v Thp band ennwrl wbirh arp port to Hie extent of 5llt and llieir income lax ret urn. Flliiiir " I'nckiiuf o . hi'ld in Hip park 00 Sunday, il For the East :-A 3Whi'r H.f.. I nl-.. to approach Hie Itolnry C.I nil Xudon Hurhnt. -1 ih naiil, are for Hip iiioI part Momlay. Wpiliieday and Frl-iluy. financial aid. H. Fnli-ii- Ii. ak for their 'I'AI.KIXH of motor boat. Jakp Ton $445 uppi'oPil by Hip public and do FOR SAI.r ThoriMiali Ibwion clo.e at o.l& p.m. 0 Mollis ' n n II. Shocklpy lHle.1 thai Hip lum ay hair iiip wnriii hop iioi Tourinjf. wilh (arler . 530 much lo make a viil In Hip ber from Hie old lla rpik know how I lie oilier half buy bull terrier pup, our malp and From the East . 1 1 Wfiii- S f 1 llunaliout 405 park more ppaanl. II wa al-so brnlfie woiibl floated llirnutMi II jfamllne. two femalp. Fur Information, Mondaya, Thuriy and Sal II Falco, - lliinalioul. wilh starter 490 poiiifpd 011I by .Hip mayor that Hip crepk ami place.I m Ihe b wrilp John ForyHiP. P.'. Ho unlay, ft..10 p.m. Sft Siiil ' 1 Si'ilan. with larlor . . 785 a larjro iiumlK'r f ppron who t-mlr 'ni' li'wiiin lo 1 Iip take ill IF Hip erpain bp not ip- 2lt, Trrmri, HJI. II'- ftfJWblte S X member of rhoir aUn (1 - From Vancouver l-1ileiii. W with ularter 695 arp 1 rH Coupe, the in-xi f-w ilay J Ibuldie un-dertook have. Jul whip il ncain. FOR SAI.K. Plpaurp bul. ti fl. 1 r - r:iiai 345 ml in Hip iimical roneer! in t as.l 111 'owinjf the Sundays , P. M. ill SwouK ClianKi, willi slnrfpr 430 Hip park and arp well paid for Hip harbor with I li.p. Plixlnr. I oycle. All Monday 3 P.M. Sr r Imnlie: n. r A SI'liKi:il al Hip Anvllran Truck 495 I heir prvlcp. riiinplelp. Ili!l, nap rer of-fereil. Wednesdays . J P.M 5WJillr V Truck, willi starter . . 5S0 A for Dip HwiniiiiinK pool uii'l Synod nol aoo.l a cliurcb rnunlry(incrn.ppoiIp Sppiii nrp I X. Mi Mcl.ean, (Uiw Hay. Frblaya . um. A.M, l.ilflit 430 (coif il i conlenileil Ilia' Friday ...Jl P.M FOOTS'-'- iK'livpry I'ourKP, nip Prince lluprrl ppople mtil b Fttll SAI.K. .HtiP oak library r. l.iKht DelhPry. with a largp nilinbpr of jieople would Halurdnya . 3 P.M. country people, judvlny Mipiii a table; Monarch ran hp am ...-.., wtartpr 515 Iip tlpprivrd of Hip of IIipp clan. oilier good, :'ll Mnlli Ave.. CP.II. Junp 3, II, 18 and 23. IP -fcilM "f -1''! - Ford, Ont. uUIHie enlirely if they werP not Kal. Phone black JKI. I to To Vancouver IfnalatHl Hi S. E. PARKER iven an opportunity In mak" IX Sakalrhew,ati ryvry fclmwrr. Mini.lay 10 P.M 1 Junior j L" iip of lliem 011 Sunday, which i BOARD. Tuesdays, Mall closes 5 P. M. Dealer, i worlh a million dollar. Wha! lime in Hip week when H-HIbIi !' Hip only EAGLE ThiirMday 10 P.M. Prince Rupert, B.C. aboiil kcllln up Iu Hi" cxpor1 DOAItli. The Inlander, H30 from their pipp f.lai lliey ran yel nwuy Hnliinlay A.M. biiiiipf Second Avenue. Phone 1 37. If 1)11 ' work. Saturdays 10 P.M. BRAND SMITHERS "liter Ihe hill inn) tar away." C June 7. 10, 33 and 3D, Refer- H" 1 LADIES! To .Alice Arm MOOSE WHIST DRIYE Much hhikniK i-Ii.iiik ilone. and Anyos, FIGURED VOILE AND DANCE IS HELD Condensed Milk Mr. iiinl Mr." A. f I.HwIp rhanueil kpveral new hand.claim haw' alccmly From Wrilnesdaya Anyox, Alice Arm 9 P.M. . . A AAf f I' and Nurse baby if you can, but if and daiivliler liue moted In Tliurilay M p.111 Tussdsf, JM " RATINE DRESSES. Fair Crowd Attended Enjoyable mother's milk fails don't expert' Suvkliloou where Mr. I.awle ENTERTAINED To Stewart and Premier N IIIkIi ' $6.50 Up. Affair Last Night In Metro-pole ment with foods. More healthy lake a coiiiluclnr'K polllon on YISITOR I i nlay 0 P.M. Low 1 1 e Hall babies have been raised on Eagle Hip i:.X.II. Ill placp beri' I AT SMITHERS TUESDAY From Stewart and Premier IH ' ., BENT'S Ready-to-wear Brcnd tlian on all other infant riiliil by J. Tlmruc of Fduionlori s.ilurilay- H P.M Wednesdsr, J"" ' Third Ave. A fair i.e. crowd wa in al-lemlaiirP foods combined. Miss K Rolston Qusst of Honor To. '. .Po'?.U . ... Illah 11 ' - F Send for Free Baby Boot. TIip biilnp ultualioii a n nine 1, 11, in ami Jil. Opp Hank of Montreal. at Hip Moo.e wliikl ill"i v at Party Olven at Lake Kalh-lyn I hop Ik kooiI, Many real plnln From Alaska Points , 11ml ilancp lipid Ut niplil in Hie by Uncle I.nw Metrupotp Hall. The early part ol deal Iiuvp lippn mudp and al- June 7. Ifi, 2.1 11 ml 30. the I'M'liiux whs etljoyubly upeul VANCOUVER loifcllier Hieip I pre'enl an air SMMIIi:ilS,"ji7i II. M!i. K To Ntas River Points Thursday, JM It Kven if you don't llvo In & nl card, refrJimenW wer-KiM'ki'd Condrnsary at South Sumas, B.C. of pi'operily. RoUIoii, who I 011 a Mit to hei' Tliui'ilay 10 P.M. 11 tdas bolide and throw nail laiii'iliK Hu n com. Uncle, l. . IIoIkIoii. wa the From Naas Rlvsr Point High , il Ioiiph Iitenccil lo Hip -tram- of m ti k h-fiiriiinbi'd ' llolel aecoiniiioilaliori I nl une,t nf honor ul a parly uiven Saturdays A.M. by the --llinlme Or- C-M prpmieum and prlvalr limisr by Mr. O. J. Whenllcy in lb.- To Queen Charlotte Island Points in p- Your WINDOW chelra. holder ran lei llieir paip iacp ..avitloii al Lake Kallflyn June la uiid Jl 5..10 P.M. 'Ihe prie winner- al Wlli-I lo ailvanlaire. Tliciluy. Approiiiinilely Hurl, From Queen Charlotte Points Or Wind Shield May Qt r.nrJ m were: Firl la.le, Ml. Air (iniple wcip pri'M-iit. . peciii June II uml 25. c t Broken. I liritianen: eeoni lu.lie. Hr-I Mr. and Mr. H. Checkley efl Iputuiv wa Hie lame immi.-r mlTo Port Simpson. Alio Arm tw. Hflikf ' B'll T. ROSS MACKAY tor iu 11 Uroclni; firt kcuIh, tin week for I Id 10)11 wliere lliey ymiiiK people who buve ''1 1 I Anyox and Arrandale. llulice; Heiiunl KPilt, II. l. tc will make their tioiu". married recently. A picnic -up , Humlnv 10 P.M. Will Fix It. 1 obi. , er pii.. iii.. dniM nm whicii con 'From Port 8lmpson, Alloa Arm Everything In Class. Joe SlatfKanl wa- ma-ler of TIih iir feter I iiniilmleil and timieil until iiip pari 11..m - ... Anyox and Arrandale i'.,uw TiiiIm ii 1 I ceremonies, Hulph Klefhaber was pari lea ciinuniie In leave fur 1 he inormiiK t Tuesdays A.M. atTurMiu..II.