ftny I, 1!"'! THE DAILY NEWS PAdE FtVS ihhihiiihihiiiiiiiiiiihiiuiii DEFENCE Or PORT SIMPSON Y T in 1 T OY8 IS TMEY WERE NOlflclCl OdiCL kBJYIS WHERE AROUND WHEN OYD YOU NO WAS SET UPON in Her Heart ANNOUNCEMENT (continued from pug-1 Iwoj fnllior. lie had nhmil I0 or Nerves were very bad IYS ".hi. nriraniinv ni anion on: Mm. John Ci. k k No. t, it. Cithar. Mi' night in il,l inn he ror- " n wrltett '1 rlh to n; that I robnrrnlrd evidence irlven hv bn bolhrrrd w "" my Kaien Shoe Store . .. .1 a n a . 1 1 , , wan snu iwrrr, t uMri-irru wun iwv " i.-i.-iii v ii i.-.! 1 1 - imil ,. h.l ..-. MATCHES hcen in Ihe house all III cvrninir rHirf I would'har" mrh bad palna in after H.no arnl liAit not seen or r brart, it tlmra. t would Us ilmnai Iwvii near lloyd Vtninjc nflrr 7 " ' brraihe. ind al nirnt Next Prince Rupert Hotel ruuiq no airrp, II inn pain in my nf an o clock when lii hud made some' ...... m ... ,,. , purchase In lit since. The blood'mnM not lie ami nl would enly ft 1 always satisfy had come on hi anl Kevin' ,11111 'irp by Mot tird out. My will Open for Business Friday Morning at 8.30. rlolliM IhrnuiHi hoxlnfr ft few ""n-b a HM very bad and I eoulil . . rat but rfy littlr, ind thm only rrrtaln day before. hci no.e. wa ,hln.. , J m m,aT the housewife blceditiir a lie was brcaklnj?jwnirti alway. mad my bran mart. from a clinch, lie lial lost 211 I bad tn wfffrlnt for nearly two Special Prices for Opening Sale in Okalla i,rion. Ilr lia.l i"r "" ftM ' M ul,n 1 f;. ... .1 .,.. , uruiiiKi annul in aj felt. II ad l- IIMMI I f 1 Ul 1 I Kit I Ml ld inn to rlva Mllburn'i llrarl and EVERYWHERE IN CANADA nuin inoiillia in jail alloKrllier rrve Pill a fair trial. I baa now laku inre hi arr!l. He boira and ant fcllnir ao mnrh btir, ASK FOR THEM BY NAME Misses' Patent Leather Mary Jane Slippers Mr. CraiK I'l yon rir ilali- I ant able lo do my own work, ami ran lo C.laroni'i- WiiImki Dial If you rat anjlhln I ln. I rannnt frtlm Sizes, $o CC Sizes, $0 ic Sizes, tl C 'tilUHtllllHllHl1lHlHnHmtHH'H77 liil Viiiiujr, llerl I lewin woitl-l Milburn's 11 to2 PS.Oi 8 tolOJ ?.10 4to7JP-t.OO pay your finnf Heart and Nerve Pills l'1'v.in- I iliil nol? Ladles' or Growing Girls' Two Tone Shoes lirey Suodn and I'.iIpiiI. ry ArruaPil )ti (nrl innoil hy too Mrhiy." jxiptilnr nml real value al $5.75 Prlrr cor a nni at ad draw or mallfd CLOSING MEETING OF Mr. CraiK n lo lirhiK al a dirert on rrrelpl of prlr fcy Th T. NU parly al A I ire WalaoiiH dome turn Co. l.lriltrd, Toron'n. Ont. MUSICAL CLUB TOOK iwn yrarn ngi ami ,lejntr tier pHOE I linl hi mother had not wanleil rohorraled Ihi. Ladies' or Growing Girls' PLACE ON WEDNESDAY him In git n 11.1 he had rlimheil Ilavid Jiilnion, native iner-rhanl, out of Hie wlml.iw ami ilnwn a wa alu railed lo the Brown Kid Oxfords Impairing Ti I. IHK Ill.rllllK for III" I roe from hi room. Hewitt land hy Ihe iroei'tilion. II f Ho- I.;iIm4 Muinl 11 11 we re.I Dial he rememliereil li-ld of 1'lewin ami Kevi hnvinjt -'.1- the best value in town at 1 lull look ilni' ypulrilny nflor-iiiuiii the jiarl) hut liil not rememher heen in hi lore lmrlly hefore Absolutely at IIip homi of Mr. Ililirl makinj; the ulafeiuenl llmuiili he III oVIoek on Ihe niglil in question. Our ! J i Kfimti in' I M11 mi'. Si-Hi Cove. I'lann ami iniphl line ilone m, Iln might IK Hie jii ,j. J, t ii i-i trrutiiH fur nrt yi-nr --ri- ill-r.i..-i hae explaineil lo Alice WaUoit v.. II. Hewin wa reralled hy $6.95 sNnrthc' IM 1 1 s i . -ti i al Ii-iibIIi anil ri.iniiiillcc-Hi-i'c that he triil out of Hie hoiie I lint Ihe rrown and nuked of a ron-veralIon fl for i !! IihimIIiiih forniisl. nif-cliii? velll way lull he rerlainly hail never he had )iad with Con-alahle of all . :a -s -i In...I iiml larl nuain nxl Orloliir. pot mil of Ihe lulled iy way of llaiuia nn Orlnher i't, 111 hosv re ii I iiir- wan a liorl i.rnsrnni. I lie Iree. which he had dialed lhat Hie lat Ladles' or Growing Girls' White Canvas Shoes - I'lat heel, pateiil leather A,trial order will convince Mi-!. W'anl anil ir. 'illinni Ilajinnml Kei rorrolmrraleit lie aw of Klarenee Klewin mi strap ami trim $3.35 you that our work and service miiiK iiiiino okis 11ml Mr. MV-MilUn Ihe etiilenee of Klewin and Seilmher II wa at 9..10 p.m. la second to rone. a viwal nln. Ih-lii-ioiiit other ilefenre wilne-e-i mill, He admilled Ihe ronxerxation bill lefri-nliMiPiila vivri- irvl l.y Mr. answering lli- lorialiiiM iiie-lion, denied havjnfr ma-le surh a lalc-nient. Wo irnal k in linnil-iiuiil" Iilani-i' i-niil he had heen horn nl Ladies' Silk Hosiery l.iriiit il'in ItiMklalid mid III- pnojite now Concluding Evidence lie al Port Alherni. lie did not iVun-l.'il.le Manna, on hcinjt SPECIAL OPENING VALUES for Friday and Saturday All popnlnr $1.00 McArthur Shoe Store know Vihere, hit- father wa. lie railed, i-aid that i'.. It. Hewiu color. Honestly worth 41.75. At hui lived with hi xlepfalher and ha-l told , him he had lal i-i-u Nut O.N.R. Office, 3rd Ave. TIMBER SALE X 5132. mother and hi real name wa Hie stemmed al t..Tl on the iiiplil Al-o other lines at Soecially Ileiluceil Prices in all the popular ulor.--froiiv $1.75 I'elrie. lie dad heen working at of Sepl. II. Illi ttn-wer to a -t--l l-llilf lll h r-T-iirit l l-V Hie InKiflnif pump al I'orl Alherni qiielion hy Mr. Palinore, iloii-ulahle Ii.-IimI l.r4ti'r m. Ubr llian ihmki im and had mel Klewin lliere. Manna -aid he had no Ladies' Cotton Hose, Big Special Purchase 35c per pair, or 3 pairs for $1.00 lit.' n.iii iia .r June. ivjn. rir llw ur- .ha- .'1 l.irflir i-O MHllll ftln-ril lie Kii wa hlowinp a knnwlr.le of how.J he rriiwti put tirailw- lntl. 1 R . In nil t lM. fi! nf IJING iiiat. liriiii.H a. and Halaui Ml-r. whii-tle in a I'lSinp runii und.Mr. Klewin' teller Mr. Kevi. rw- i 3ar will I- aHiwrl rr re- Klewin wn on the risijinj 8anp. liniiiiniuii (Voiinlnhle V.. ('..! We are Agents for the Well-known "Hurlbut" Shoes. New low prices on all line iif-ji I ...llw..f r nnaMr.parlli illar ..r hr I hlr t'urr- lie ill.I nol yet ahmir wild lii ew nham, ralhvl Ip relmttat of a j Tlic finest "-line made for children of all age. .i . i--i-iru, r im tii-u-iri I urrir. alrpfalher and latterly had not klalement made by-Jnlin Klewin r? ii- 11. i ti. h 1 . The Tailor lived at home, lie bad heard of trial he had nol offered In hnw TIMBER SALE X SOS. the north 11 ml wanted In ee the Cnnlahlc .Newnhain the rene of Phone 649. . run 11 try o had come with Klewin Hie aanll on Ihe -day followinir. ! Men! Men! -al will rM-rllrd br theflla IILa.l ..M.u on.inlr-- ....l.nl. Im in-' ..;l H .l l.-l I.,..I . . , .'- 11 1 .ui. - rini inni .-ii. iiiii iin.n-'r uuiu M.-.M inr 'm iiar r'jimr. ii.ilende.) goin(r dark lo Vancouver in (n 1.0. Medium WE DO DRY CLEANING I .. Ilir ...... ! . here is a special value (inn Metal Leather, I4W X Mil. I 1.. l l I? year Tl.1. 1.. I-.I II. ; AND PRESSINO OF EVERY I'u ual i.Ur ii an 1 in- " "1 'llniniil Toe Itcgiilar 10.00. All sizes at ..r. -i.i "ii iii fi wirr in win ill ii- ini Wll III w llfll lir! i.ii Patmore Address DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. Iiaitiw I. 4liin.ilnil'l I Mlfa iMirlh .if I f i..-i i.uihi haiim- i. uwi ijimi iM.iHri. arreateii. (1 addressing Ihe jury. Mr. $6.95 nial i " I IIH.Iirr. in ir .mmm itf r Ill l.orilliip iieciareu uujiuirn. pa,or, asked thai special I nrllM- (NiriiriiUr. ..f Iln- i hlrr lore-lnlrirt menl until lo Ihi nmrninir. Mr. Police lie taken f 1he rircum- I- I. V ii l.tria It . rnrr.trr. Oaisr slale, that he intended Another one al $7.50 with waterproof strip in sole, hon-i'slly ......i,.! pvi,enee thai had heen I Gil l imn- Hti-rl. II i . railing- more wilne.se rejrard- iri,ne.l. There was no direct worlli $10.50. These will sell ipiickly so be ftnrly. TIMBER SALE X 6070. In ITewin-n slaleinenl nhuf ,vj,,.nP ,,xfevl ,,ai f Mr. ,yj rliml.inz out of Hie window br vimtr. lime and idcnl.- $7.50 SibU.I TfiAr will Im Mrlh.l li. tiir iaes, ordered to wiui-.it i.r UihU. .i viriirla. nol lirr;ft iree. lie wouin nin rail rr,,.ilv nml the evi. nun i...ii mi llw- tain it) lit Jiiii. I.l aiml her witness In nie thai ... ilem-c given hy the Indians had llw 1-iiniM-. il i.n wvmr A !. ". measure iii ihiii rm i fUNw. iir. .iMilureiiseil had been in a dure I. of unreliable nalure. ecu an INSIDE THE STORE WE HAVE TWO BARGAIN TABLES. ONE CONTAINS WHITE ll-iiili.. a an an an-a aiiiMiist on I'm al about HI.. on Iheniuhl in que. .ul-- ..r snutllr liland. yumi i liar h.l ir l()l, Vouiufwun Ihe only person' CANVAS SHOES FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS. ALL GOING AT 85c Second Avenue. Unit I ml lu.lrl.I lion. Court udjonrneil ul n.3u. , ...jiively identify Klewin and! T. ami kail '4 ran will br alkiw- i if' , ,- Curtii-r. . a r..r n-niitial nf unilirr. Down Cherry Tree imilni.lv had identified Kevis.j THE OTHER TABLE CONTAINS AN ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' SHOES. YOU I uillirr .rllriiUr uf Ilir Chirf k'ttrvm-'u-t. Virl Tla. H.C.. r ln.trlrt I'nrrairr, The first witness called this Cmsblerin lloyd Younif's emi-j MAY BE ABLE TO GET JUST WHAT YOU WANT AT $2.95. LOOK THEM OVER. Cnii.-r Nii-rrl, B.C. morninK by the crown was Miss dilioti artvr the wound and the TIMBER SALE X5123. Ibelma Wat son who told of far! lhat he had a preconceived: f m w e l w Clarence Klewin liavliiK said he ideu thai II was the doinir of thej Don't Forget the Address- Mm.i.al-il-i.r .il Trnilrra Ijiu.U will at VM-luria.br rrcrllrrd nol by lalrr the pnl oul of hi parents' home In Hewin, could such lestiiiiony i i haii n..hi ..ii ilv nd day uf Juii. IVft, attend a iiarly al her house Ivmi be usi-d lo convict the boys.' fur I'l. Iiiirrliaw "H l.lrrnrr III , " ll.o .. ,. . . ti i i: i i:.ii .1 li.,l 1 1 I I. ..........i.l.- ul l.u3ii.ii. rrrl of nnnliMK, nai'ani. jrars uyo oy sihiims i"wu iir- Kaien Shoe Store lie Liauiua &ti spriirr aiwt iitar. . an arraiiMaiejii.1Hrry rpH from hi heilroopi nf the rrown ii lf the w here, j Gentlemen's !iu h' V imi'i"'frllm "iM-a'd. iian'rr 5','ElaVl 'window after lil mollier bad abotil of the boys, they had Hie I ' ! fchildcjt him (folli. Mrs. Alice e idence of all the defence wil-j "".!""" "war- win lir alr.wrd Vr re. "The Little Store of Good Values." Next Prince Rupert Hotel. ni-.v.i"..f timi-rr Walsoh, ntolher nf Thelma, cor- neses. IMdeiice showed Ilia': Tailor inrlhrr partirulira uf thr rhirf njrea. w ,,,,. resemblillff Klewin ami I Vi.-li.na. H.l... 'ir Mtrlct rr. LAND DIS. . vutm ir t t i-iinr, imis-ri. hi:. a.mjO ,ad ibeeit seen tliul msht; TIMBER SALE X 5081. Application to Lease Foreshore " ",p " Xna" rik(,r '"- " -r-rr- Lands. dian. The accused were hriffhl i win by SpriiiK and Hummer viw.tr;?.Ti uid. ii virwrti wii.u-r1 In Queen Charlotte Land IHs- ,oys and would they nol hae I'Tcwin must .e Riillly. There defence ami there were so many . .. . i-.i.. than n.M . ii fml day of Juii.. lJ. Irlct. llecordiiiK District or. , I reason that Mr, Inconsistencies In his evidence M-k' orier- nrn iiiooi-i iilh. Cleanlna. Presslna. K.r- J;r,!Sr,:or&mTcV St' WUW .hi, S V.nJ should reooKnue V.ewm ",a. he failed lo' see how i, coub, Stove WOOD Repairing. '"".v."!' i.Lv .'. . .7.; Ilav. Ski.leuate Inlet, llruliam l.ave disirtiUed themselves or. for lie had known him for many arci-nicn .imatnl mi l.iinr.Kiiia Hay. I.uuim! MiaiKt, Inland, II.C. n. Lnowlnir that Itoyd Ynuns ''iirs. The fact that be did' not ItejturdiiiK the dilTeerence in Red 136. Phone Uurrn Cliarhille laianiu taiiu ui.inri. , f aKn ,once I ia VV. . SIO. T height tielween Klewin and Kevis, know Nevis so will proiiality ex- 1m aitowrd for re- had rccoirniacil I-lewin. finislied exi to r.tnt.re wiuca. twi. ii, nan win .Morris, of v.,vUr II.I., oeen. inuval of timlirr. . . iihIIihi miner. inlemU In iiiinlv li i ill f Would they have attempt-1 plained why he cuuhl mil idenli Mr. Criiif suggested that the We have just received 1 r7..nL lor Muse HiO fol- . fy him. The correct view for crime had taken place ijearly a v h c ur th Di.irnt Forratrr. lieriuission to ...i -,.i, j0t, ihe nicht of car load of up river wood, rrtnee iiuisti, B.u. rmnmeite'.rV tMr '1''' " H.eyH.e Jury to lake, he Ihought. was year ufro and Key is was still a guaranteed seasoned and IN THE SUPRIMC COURT Of BRITISH hlh i,.le'!!mrk 1 .Vlhi W ba,?K nl lm done away will, il...r ' lb-accused had inleml irrowlntr boy. The blood on the dry, bite cut to order. COLUMBIA. nf Slalechuck t'.reek. iiIh.uI 1.50.1 hloodv clolbes instead of claim-1 kill Itoyd otini; and had left clot lies had Ihe uppearanre of Also Kindling In Sacks. i in. uat.rr .. ih. t J!it,' ot Julm Wann.r, t"t west of of the oulheat cor. Ihem? Surely n criminal . Ihlnkinn, he was dead The bavins jiiHliod inslead of bavins' " list t-ilM.I Ml r I - f I il al IV a 111 " "' .'" i.a j neu rotces come from a bloody nose, in tvtVK .... ...r nm ...y of JhninrVouiheasieriy; HiVnVi iS w- I-mv. trail i For Prices, call riii. is. ir..hatr i.f Us- la.t will ami r,nns norllieaalerly; thence III a mile wide behind him? To ' 'Icrence. had bce.n laiKf- a hnxinir bnitl. Ti'.tainriii uf Ji.hn Waimrr. ilri-rawd. wai , , , . ....v..Bi,,,.vj thence fol. i.ii.. ..i. i. I her and bad sworn they were If Ihe alibi win mil believed il A mm i,."i..ir arrniinii araini Inwlmr hili waler mark to iw.inl ,,.fP,. ,a, orocurcd evi- '"" "", Hewin house at the. was a couvinciiigr proof oficttilf. HydeTransfer Plus 1o .aid Ulan- an- rrq.Hrrd to fiNi llw t rninuicncemenl, mill contain- "b'lice .lllnie of Ihe nssaiill would l l.rlng If it had not been a case nf ut- 7- "n,r vrrinrd bj iirrUratmn liu U nir in acres more or less. which, if believisl, ,,,ust Pen Piece. iiii.lriaianrd f.irtlmiili. WILLIAM (IKOIHiK McMOIHIIS. show that Hie boys hud posilively ,. conclusion, ir the alibi were Irmpled murder, il certainly bore! Phone SS0. ..V,!. l:?ZrZnwi w "'r -UtLJr iiiol done Ihe deed. "If circu.n- helieved. that both were all appearances of beinit such. Service and Quality our IV'.lru-VT'Vhla som QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIS- slaiillal evidence, pointed In the auilly. Their IfUill dependcl al-d. He would ask the jury lo return Motto. Vi. ' TRICT. and t.'KHI.er the correctness tr surh a verdict as they believed a pound .rf .ay. I . accused they KVB it reaso,,. im. """" " " I iiiiiiim hi r u.vm... ---. l, .ti. uiml .m sni-li m I,,.,I louiervvise III tneir Ulllll. the cae vvarranled. biwuior. Ill llueeti Charlotte l-aml li. " 7 ; " " " LUAi-lKUNtU irii-t iiecoi-iiiiiir iiisirict of Prince been done in revard l Ihel Mr. Cruiz ullarki-d Ihe cvi- ramtlv Service L .t.!l0..al'iw i. Pur.haaa Hl"'ll and slluule in Kaifun blood on their clothes, II10 Jury ileuce of John Klewin and poinl- r N.11.1 if inUniiMjapp. J( . hk , , ,, , ol, known ,UBl VH lUem ,e (.nefi, ()f lUo , m1.al iwmltMelu.it KING GEORGE HOTEL HUDSON All of your waihlnf SO til SkSrlia I allil lll.irii'l. lirrurmua i" II liilllll i.iiih-j, 11 mi. Kiir- dnillil. Kroiii the evidence, lie between what he bad aald in Ihe pal c.nt oi your lioninc 11 HI uf rrtnir M111.1-H. u.i... aim nuai solllllWP.l III 1.1 1111 I I a rial. .rythln( r.turn.d dry il lis- north nid kllaHii.nii.11.1 i-aar. v0ii,. ilut '. a Mc- could not sec liow any oilier con-'box and what he had said in lei- 773 Seymour St. You (imply touch up I,..,,lukr 'ili'ui lhat Hifiu-r,I. Airrril liiU'lid tail..Hi apply 01 i;-i r ..,.,.,. li.n. IM'. elusion mill.I be reached than ,ter lliul be had written, lie. had CAFE Near Hudson Day Slors), ffr put.r (.roi.nti aucb ' ''to .ur.-l.. ll flkiwln Clipatioil miner, illlenda lo apply th',.,"u', , , WH. not Kiillly. said poailivcly in a letter thul VANCOUVER, B,0. a walala, blouira, boua. Sirrd". land.: iUM.u.....lu at t W for periilisaiou to puicbasi. .ditaiM, with band-iron. 1-laulMl al ii.irihMl nrnier uf lot till; fiiwlif iecribei land: Com- Craig S Address iKevi was not away from his First Class C. Weiteryard, Manager. Pbon. ui today, tliriwr wi'il to iHtol,lMiViMi,iWii"i,'hii,iewe "u-iiclnir al n post jdttiited al tlie c. V. Cruiir, rrown prosecutor. I house. In the evidence il had CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Lata of Winnipeg, Drandon 'CANADIAN full.-w iii ,'li.ni.mar Us"li uk. ' ...uiura.irriy u i norlbeaiileily. i.i. corner r..n.... of .1,..,..I'urnl lull.l , ,,e j,.y (lul i( ,;t,,. .,oW1i lhat hn hud been Furnished Rooms to Rent. and Moose Jaw, 8TEAM '!!:' .' .f".,.r. r'S" CTl.l3 ii""tat f f Mr. Itoyd Yuuhk w. away for at least two hour- Not Prices Iteaauoable Modern.Flrep roof.Central LAUNDRY, mriii, n il niiauii.i about 41 commencement, ronlalnlnic JO In be believed and 11 wu con- every wilnesH r iib be tripped Phone Blue 471, We Appreciate Your Phone 8. "' ' ' ' Aimrt. I1AN, I ,.";?','v . rC"!,.,.Vir? 'If l,;r,...a iceded It hud been nlven In rikmI up tin easily ul that John Flewln Second Ave. Jluslness, " ke""' ' f U 1 al U ev"'" Clarence Hie head of i Hand Miy tnili. ittt J ,)aY M a 2 6 0 2 3- I u '' (was apparently Ihej