THE .DAILY NEWS PAOK TimKM llairliali lonlelit. (ill's vs. Sons if (..innula at 0.30. Local and Personal Frarr Valley Ice Cream, Sea- miething for Nothing view lire Cream Parlor. P.. O. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf - llillie Hilike glimmer irese., Undertakers. Phoue Ilallnn A Willow suiting now on No, Not Quite, But 351. tf show, hewers. 120 lli-iuilil Mi I.cimI, or Ocean Fall Hunt Wood and av! imal! TO INTRODUCE died week (l Vancouver. Iry Mrrti cut to any IniRlli. Ilydn Irannfer. Ffimtf&M. 11 I'll 'I "' . I I -M.Mi., ! II.IIM-I-. IllJIill III (jAlUMlIU VV C, lnr llmiann is iXMM!lrl back '"I -. 1 1 li'll"wmg nfler: frmii Smithers about the end of '" .""lrpliiriieil to lli H I Ifj Koolenejr would look ' 1 week. clly on (liti PifMiS lleorire on Snl-nrilay Canadian Parchment Papetrle 75c froiir'Vnii6uer. nct -fJ'fl lh intld flutt, which Juire Paper and 25 Envelopes Tor Plumbing ami IIKATINO. Holland Parchment 80o W. l.oiigwill. 1'liono Illuo 270. Mr. ainl Mrji fj',ri'c llulily 1 th wW," nltk,H"1 P.O. llox 730. . tf reliirneil fhini Viclnria on the Total $1.55 Prince flttirSo mi Saturday. Hi nil fur Hiirufngl Gar load - I' week mil) vc offer these Iwh for $1.00 Iffc n It ,. ,, , 'plies jir hig villus ft Ifle lu-l arrived. I:n in any length.. 'TIkj Union" 'leaiiicr Chllknot. rcg- Hyde Transfer. Plume 5H0. If Cail. firorg-edo, -iiIImI in poll Tho-RanJ? That Resists Uust? Hi' ar priii' V above pine they are a find, fid vinirs " nl nwn ef cnly curoutc aoutli --) l-it B'l l will ;il nine a-time Hint llllli'll New 1 4if hi dale silk B 1 1 It! .. . ! T I IK-III l'III. sweater - received, iilso new A. II. NVIIsotl, ef Tcrrore, arrived Mi. Uoldhloom, Third in the clly ftfi Hi train lat VCIIUC. ula li t ami la tcpli-liTed al llif steel range lasts longer than its Hotel tnlralj NO flues! The gases and Have tnu trlwl our 'Nannirnn-Wcllington , ' rust play havoc with these vital parts. .Majnr and K. Oih-nn nil) eonl for kitchen Ml.Ocorye range al I.t.5o a twif Albert-McCanry. are leaving; Hii week In a Kootcnay Range the flues and weiaatl I.I.I. tr Knl a few wMfc i-aiiiilii(t in smoke box are made of Annco Ingot rust-resisting the vielulty of I'titt Siniioii. iron, further protected by being Mm. J. O. Iteddie returned by "enamel-clad." Hard, tough enamel I the Prtitee (ieorge 011 Saturday Frank l'llcli, of Hie rn.lniM Nothingbetterto resist rust and corrosion. after km in pn , severnl ilcpartincnt. fefl on Ihc (iliclnhiii iiimiiIJi in itlifurpiu. IhlW itiornfnsr fnf I' r-1 Siniimi Under and around the oven, up through NE DOLLAR on cin-tiiin buinp. the sniokc-box the points usually attacked by rust are guar.fl by porcelain enamel. No 11. I leaner returned. I u I lie clly for a genuine n 1 he steamer. Prince (leorgc The t'ntoil llHii,r Clililiiii. other steel ranee poMNes this MK'lary' protection. It adds years of service to the Koot Salunlay aflernowi 1 .after 'l- leey. arrived in iirt at upending a few day In lite outli. '" 'Hluit from Van- enay Range. SletuicStrop R The White N'ickcleil Kootenay Oven hcah azor "ii hulue, . ,couer mul left again at 3 a.m. for Anyoi. quickly atjd evrnly and is easy to clean. is.. Burns hard soft coal wood ccwl, or 'the wfHkly rifle liool of IhH Guaranteed by the Xttrtli lit'.. Ilerlnieiit rifle club I" l'nilnfo-.lirhii! patrol equally well. manufacturers to till not Uke pta4 at Mr.Virlinll Mrnh, finpt. I'Jiuriie. ar- m contain fcaturei Creek yenlcrday owing to the in-"'ve.l in port till iii'irning fnnii in ML same rlcmeut wealher. jflnherfe palrol sefvu-e in norlh- that made the $5.00 .ern walers. set famous. The II.W.V.A. Hiuiuat general I inceliiu! will ! Iirld on May 85.1 ,:- Hi'ueaM, manager of the al H p.m. Uu-iue.!., Kleclion of j In''' niwery, arrived in TOE BIGGEST RAZOR ul)ii-cr ami the irei.enling (f(t.he cily thin inArntng via laumh LmUn.Vtwwiw.TanMh S. Jttn.Monr-l,n.n., n.m.Winnlp, WFClarys VALUE EVER OFFERED the l lnaneial i.laleiiieia. 1 IU registered at the Prince Itiipert Hotel. . TO THE PUBLIC IteglniiM tli-aiiinonl, loeal mi- : - Jieriuiepilmil. oftllic (!.),.M..VI. r liavH ll-wri, native, wn Here's your chance lurueiMu lh Mlwin Ihe ,HjJel"",el I0 -anli ft cot on 11 RAZOR-STROP to eliminate the Cc.h-kc mi Saturday after a brief eliairgn of iMnxfenlhin, in lln- Kootenay 3 BLADES bunlnc!. Irfp to Vancouver. elty police eourl lliiv mrii m constant purchasing by Magistrate MeUb'inont. COMPLETE of new blades to feed llif annual gennral ineetins of the I'riinV ItUficrl Swiiinnin' week n UAh IJatelle eon Club lake place 011 Veduedy notice of tin Incorporation For Sale by HOWE & McNULTY. evening hI H o'clock ebaro in lh',r '"e liluionlon Tnr .V: llhle ORMES LIMITED .li!',,M, eapila! 1 him! the Clly I'tiMic Court riHOii. ' U l(i,O0ll 11 i,i 1 .. . . . ,7 he Rexall Stores Phone 200, 82 and 134 Weotaway. wecrelary. tn h'd nir'"VlH iprlffee HrKe. iMiii-n. 1 in- iitiii Mirvcyiir. j - : . l" "alien ia mglil i,y the I'rin. C. ., Pnc, manager fi.r 1 1.0. of Ale. Il.y alfc.l (- fo Prinrr Heorgi' for Victoria. MR. FISHERMAN! cSSStSS Hie Sovereign Life .Insurance C. ,""'r"' "n SatunWy nighl for - paMd llirniiwli II.h eily en route Mewarl where, on May SI. he ftomimoii r.ii.lalile A. .1. Wul- AVe have been making tanks for boals during the past l.i Prince lienrge on Sulunlav w'" meet Harry Maiilnn. I lie ty k 1 11 m, arrived in I lie eii fiMin ten veurs and we have yet to gel a complaint of faulty lie arrived nil Hie Kleamer Prince ,rr lightweight, in 11 l.oxiiiff Port tlHHingloii ycolerday. workmanship. ieoi-ge front Vancouver. ; match. itHlif. 1 , ' WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CAN Frozen Joe lireer lefl on llio Kleaiiier DO FOR YOU. aecy Tin- current ic-ue of the II.C. Ilil.l ItariiAUih-d lal night mi Prince lieol'te hi-l ingtlt mi a liiielie rniilaiM notice f the ""' Prince (iewrge for Vancouver. combined liiiin'- an.I plca-nn ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS H'l-iinlmciil of Tlmiua VXeb-i"1' '"iC'i;e.ive lipUowil for Hie rip to Vancouver. ler llcrne, an Mllpemliary inagia- Hrl" anipiJall al Ter- ... . Second Ave. Phone 340. H Irale for t'rince ltuiert and Van- ree moiic time ago .and eveei The M'fim.iti'i- F.i Ci'iirn 1 ..ii 'uiver itlxlricln, and tieorge Mil- '" l",x, artificial member on tier way In lluekley llay from biiin. a llieiHliary magistrate 'eluniiiig. San Pedro In IohiI IihiiIioi- fmii! Tor I'iiH (leor:e. i - the .aM'll Timber !. mill for j The P.airle Lake Spruce Mill, shipment lo l.ns An.'eles, Cali-forniM. AIT Mr. and Mr. S. P. Warner, of capitalize,! al and with Cliieago. Mr. H. M. Warner, of '"'"'I "thee al (ieomc, near Newark. .J.. and IH'ir Kreuio i 1 '"'ce (ieorge, ha been ino-or- II. SI. .. 1.,- manager of (ho if Mmueapolin.roiiiprii.etl one cif 'l"raled. 'Hie eouipany In being bank of real left 011 I lie STEAMSH P SERVICE the earllcol louri-l pa rite to f"n,,eit by A. C. Fro! In oerale aiilmiiiiil 1 rain Saturday night arrive 111 Hie nly llni. yer. Tliey M' icoue, lormerly on a Idi 1 1 1. hiii In Monlreal. S.S. PRINCE OCOR0E aiul PRINCE RUPERT lll Mil rrtsn I'rliHC HuiMTI etrrv $30.00 per ton arnw.l ..n Salunlay uiglil' train "W,K''1 ''' 11,0 l'i"-oiiie Mills. Ltd. (In Hie return trip lie will visit Sundtr tuil Thur.dii at I ju. rur svhumjii Vay, nrctu Itllt, I'uwrll from I he i:in. ami ailel liin) Ins ..l, ;,l ll. llrv (He. 1)11-tari... lllttr. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE. lighl on the prince i,"UiC foj Mr. hii.I Mn. W. I. TlM)inpon rOR STEWART Saturajr, 10 P.J. 11....... .....11. - and Mi ',. M. Karl, who were FOR ANVOX Wttfnaadar. 10 P . .anadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. on n week-end finliiug trip -to S.S. PRINCE JOHN tor Vancouver via .Nurlb ami buulU Oun-u Clurlulta I.Uiiil lefh Vi"!''' Air .Mile ?, returneil lo the cily on I'uru. Atiril itmli, Uajr Kiu, sgiu, sotb. PRINCE RUPERT loriiTfor Prince"' ftupeil anj!""' ,ruu' '"I1 'hl. The parly Praise PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE. oilier unrlhei'li is between them caught nearly a jminls now Imve 1-rlnrc Ituprrl daily rvrrpi sumlay al i.uu p.m. tor I'rluce Oior, l"l,l'i. fruui .ATfloria by the liiiinlre.1 good sued ll'oul and re IS KiliinHitoo. VVIuuiiwr, dlrwl cuuiieclloua all puiula Ca.tcru CauaiU aud tuUeil C ;fM..l,, HHfifW boats li) pnrl having having, had good from the Slalea, Xaneujv' wtie'ro ttU traimfer4 sport but wet veallier.: AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. red to Hi''eAii( Intafk. City Tickti Offlca. HI Third A.., prlnct Ruptrt. Phana 2 SO. tillleiaU I in Die mJli say (Jiut aw good T. Itoss Mackay has been re Country llJV.SoH.rt. I Experience! and rheap a freight service as tained by the Nurses llome Campaign ever is now being maiullilncd Coinmillcc and will make Coinmcudal ion fnnii a woman from Victoria lo the north. his heinliiuarlers , al h l(H Closs llul, Third Avenue, In coim-plele vvbii spent most nl her lire 11. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY it IN lilt (MAIN ANU A im-cliug of the Nurses' llniuo the canvass. For anyone the country is praie indeiii 4b Years for to such conks, cream ha?-mil B.C. Coast Services feed business I'liiiipahrn iiiiiiinillee was hebl in wishing tn coulribiile, the lists been luxury,' but a a uu- Sixlttn Branches in B.C. Hie police court, clly hall, oil ill I pel f for a litlle longer ceilv. Sal 111 day evening, l. II, Stewart, at the lied Crd-s llul, or phone Mrs. FleatHir Hue "ws rais-i'd" from ir Business has been built on pcesident of the hospital hoard imi a farm in Pennsylvania. Sailings PrinceRupert in the clidir. II was decided lo She married a Canadian am! S.S. PRINCESS MARY. Quality, Price and Service ly-ep the canvn open for al leas! 'I'. W. S. Parsons, iiisiiei'lor of iiiiue tn llrilish Ctduuihia. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, two weeks, mora liv view of Hoi Provincial polire. PrThfO Cenrce Cream was such a price they April 27, May 7, 18, 29. frite or Phone lor Prices. We Retail Feed in Any Quantity fact I lial i had been luiiiillle returned tn the city lift the Chel-olisin could not afford il. like when For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, for the tejiins engaged in the col-l.'i this morning Wlcr haviiig she lived in the country. "We April 23, May 3,14, 25. lie Brackman-Ker Milling Co. Ltd lnig work lo net hold of all alleiided a confereui'e of Provin tried , differelil eumied milks S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. llir prospeelH. T- Jlnss Mackay cial iioliee cliiefs called by Al- until we found Pactfii' and t For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean was aipoiiitcd to carry on the torucy-lienurlil Manson ill Vic 1 11 II v like il belter lliim i-reaul Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-couver, work and will make bin head-1111111 toria recently. Mr. l'arou's will now. I uevi-r inade nui'li cakes every Saturday at 1 p.m. Ins in I lie lU'd Cio llul, leave oil the east Iminid train In- before." Agency for all Steamship Lines. II1111I Avenue. Minnow night for I'Hnrtf (icorge. I'he experii'iice of Mm. Hue Full information from 1SHERMEN! - - is eouim.iu In many others. W. C. ORQHARD, General Agent. FULLER'S 8PECIALS Hans Itergiiiaii. of Vieloria, Pacific does work belter in Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. jseerelHiy In iilnf llaiiton, SwimI- cooking, for it is always nl (he Creauiery Duller, Speoiul, 3 f1h misul for llrilish Columbia, same richness. lbs. for St.gSlhas puldisheit a book entitled FROZEN HERRING BAIT Small Navel Orange, SO "llrilish Cnluniliia II is priul- Pacific Milk Co. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C.,.LTD. for 11.00 i I'd in Swedlsji ml cniilulii ile- Sallissa fr.m Print. Rua.rl Ai-adia Sail ('.ml, '.' lb, for :i5e lail.'il 111 r.uniu 1.dative lo the Limited For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Orratl lalla aiul Swauauu Bay. Twt.dar, S PJS. Just Frozen Beautiful Quality .ibby's tjweel llcllsli VSnJres.iiirces. develonnieiit ami llls- Head Office, Vancouver, B. 0, F.r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rl Say awl Swaiitua Bar, Saturday Nam. Save your appelile for Ice Cream liny of the proviiii'e. The authorl Factories at Ladner- and Ab-, For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, Arraudal., VVaka Id. . furl Sluipaua, Synd Mld'ht. F.r NAAS ENGLAND FISH Company RIVER CANNERIES v...T Frldar A.M. -W and Candy. Acropolis Hill, ia brother n .I..I111 llergmuii. bolsford, B. 0. I.1 tiu! Avruue JACK BARNSLEV, Aaank. Prluc. Hupwl. B.C. HttoniKsn, miss.p uriim May :i. lot' till cily. I