PAGE TWO. Particular People n choose SALADA! The Daily News PItlNCK lU I'KMT - lUIITISII COI.l.MBIA. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION BOlB The most delicious blend procurable. 1'nhliMied Kverv Afternoon. ex?pt Sunday, the Prince Daily New., Limilil, Third Avenue. Illupcrl II. F. I'l'LLKX. Managing alitor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, I'V nwil or carrier, per month , 1.00 By mail lo all parts iT the British F.mpire nml Hie United .Stales, in advance, per yar JjMJ.flO To all other countries, in advance, per year 7.."0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone -- - --- 88- All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day pr?-ceding publication. All advertising received snltjecl o approval. Friday, December 7, 1923. Election Returns 8loW Coming. 1 was unfortunate that just as there was big news offer-until about midnight last, night no word whatever in regard 10 THE DAILY JRWfl. Tnday. Iwimini- 7, tij.4 Ibig fight in 1 THE SPOILERS I Realistic Battle to be Shown In Play That la Her Tonight in th linitlft between I lie hern' MISS JESSIE CHARLTON BECOMES BRIDE OF THOMAS BOULTER Pretty Wedding la Followed Supper at Which Thirty Queata Sat Down land the villain in "The Spoilers," A very pretly, w.eddintr took; 'the his Rex Beach story at the dae lt nipht at. St. Andrew .) iWeslholnie tonisht. there was Anglican Church when Miss - Charlton of Vancouver he.' real fishting. The men had heen in training and were anxious for "ane the bride, of ThomUj iimmiiht. wm oi .Mr, ami .r. I he fray They were! til each other at Boulter. Beach Apartments Arch-I once. Their powerful bdies deacon Itix officiating. The hride.t jrrappled and swayed backward who was given away by the' an.l forward under the strain, groom s father. looked very Beery worked himself looe and charmin? in a dres of white hot an overhand right through a''n trimmed with radium lace, the air. II missed the swifl-mov-jhe curried a Iouqiiet or carna.J iiiir Sills, who dodped and rushed. 'o" uir unup was "J forward, his nVuscular arms Miss Lottie Boulter. siler or ttie swinging like flails. groom, who wore a navy blue Tn esca from Ihe storm of satin and Paisley dress. Oeorge blows, lleery climbed upon a Boulter acted as best nun. Miss book case and then jumped down Irw lloulter and Mis Rosle Cox upon his antagonist, lloth men were two prelly flower pirl fell to Ihe floor in a wrilhing dressed in white Organdie and welter of muscle. They rose, earning baskets of rhrysanlhe- 'linciiiii- lilnndilv to each other, mums. Wrenching himself loose, Sills A ner I ne marriage ceremony a, then .picked .up the two-hundred- wcming supper was .Prveu hi hip pound Heery and threw him nnme m me kwhiik iiurrn.s. acWs a "five-foot table a H'" Aparlmenls.overs being stronir farmer would throw: .a laid for thirty guests. The usual, sack of grain. Before Sills could '' rm. and groom, leach Jiim, Heery was on his fecl'havinsr been made, the evening avain and ws rushing viciously wa spent in dancing and card toward the yortnger man. The playinp. : imiwx-l was terrible. They trade.l The happy couple were the re-, punches for a moment, when cipicnls of many 'beautiful gift" Sills suddenly turned and picked anions which was a very hand-up an office chair and crashed it rtnir e . "I" Community l,,a,"-i a a. ' a a a. over Beery" head. He stopped uuaiu insrrinc.i, ironi. iiii- em in his srnrks. His eves pioyees oi nie iry iock. lo llle British elections was received in Ihe city. In an effort In rolled for a second, his muscles groom gel through some little news for its readers and at considerable expense, the Daily News yesterday got through one or two wireless messages, for one of 'which the had to be stopped afler about two hundred papers had been nut off. The first blood. election returns were received so lale last night lhat they could not h? Iiulletine'd until this morning. Under difficult conditions Ihe licsl possible service is being given, but it must be remem bered that when the wires fail, the wireless, is very much con- too thrilled to make answer, gesled with business and it is impossible to get much news by The jar of body lo body that route. kinitled the long elemental i . . f .... I .... ,. . . I 11.. I ...... 1. 1 ... .J 1 a.. .. . .. . 1 al.i LlAAi.inir f ! raj gt Atmhaf the Wiip-1 break was Hint bet ween ' Ashcrilft and Vfuwnnvpp! They st rujreled across the room I f .which has been down .for two days both the Canadian National' and crashed into a partition.? 1 n ti n I . 1 1 ... I i l. 1. t . 1 I ..I.inl. .kna'arl 1 1. urn nnlh frltlcd ' iiini .11. .mm iiirssiiKfs linn in Mir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1: u wrrc nniiril uv e. Sealtle and Spokane. " Age of Delving Into The Past. There is more activity In delving' Jnlo Ihe past than has ever been known before in the history of the world. The discoveries in Kgypt, China, .lava, and olher parts of the world have led scientists lo revise their theories somewhat, although there is mi important change .since Darwin slarlled the world in iSr.n'tl,nw "ntil P"-h-druik from the with the publication of his book, "The Origin of Species." hraiiujarring iiwnolony of them. The ag? if man will never be delermined. It cannot be.;'1"'" ,ick ,,f ,,,p camera could not There is no specific date which can be set when it may be said heard. One was not conscious lhat man acrpiired a soul or reasoning powers. Sometimes w(llial a pirlure was being mad. It think todav that some does have mure smil than nme mpmwas more like witnessing a bat- nnd some animals seem to reason about as well as a good many!"p I"! ween blofMl-mad giants men. What seems to be evident is that man has evolved from a much lower stnte. If the remains of the Trinil man of Java are a. million' years old, it is evident that the processes of nature are very slow and it is to lie expected that, while the rale of advancement in future may be arcelleraled, it will take many thousands of years yet for man to attain anything like perfection of mind and body. Nature Refuses i Rapid Advancement. ' Nature refuses jo permit rapid advancement. When a race allains such intellectual development that ii threatens lo dom-inale, along comes Nature and stops propagation while the races of low mentality keep up the pace in the mailer of natural increase. There is only one result. The intellectuals die out and are overrun by the more backward. We see that process going on today. The dominating races of the future seem to be those that increase rapidly ralher. than those that are giants. Labor Fears Ignorance Of The Electors. In a feccnl address at Leeds Ramsay MacDonald, Labor leader, said the one thing he feared was the ignorance; of a large pari of the electors. That is a danger auvwhere. I crrinrnnce is always a danger. Somelimes a little knowledge is dannerous because, when ft parson first sees the light, he sees it from just .one angle and nolhing else matter. What is needed here add elsewhere is to so educate the mass or the people that they may weigh and judge for themselves. Let the people be educated, in the fullest sense of Ihe word, and there is no danger lo the slate Tnim radical activities'. It is only where clever and unscrupulous leaders are able lo play upon" an ignorant electorate that there is danger. ' The hopi of the future lies in the public schools, the public libraries, and in an enlightened public opinion. A Growing Bank Account Is an incentive to greater effort, and a stepping' stone to success. For 58 years the Union Bank of Canada has helped many thousands of people to save their earnings. Open a Savings Account NOW ; acquire the habit of saving regularly ; and you will have that feeling of security which comes with money in the bank. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. TV Broderick, Manager in forest when all around is .still. Drew Blood uddenly Sills loused his grip. His big fist shot out a skin-lorn and blood-streaked mallet of pain. It rauphl Beery square on the mouth. The blood spurted. He shook his main of black hair. and crouched low, and rushed. Sills hold his. prund at a fearful price. The fislilers slagpered toward each other. Beery smashed through Sills' guard. Two blown crossed anil landed. Sills was knocked back arainst Ihe stove, while Beery fell against an Iron the being a member of Ihe reVaxed. ami then he whirled in- mechanical siarr. a ery nappy: tn battle again like an immense evening was brought to a sue.; black easle on a red rhmd of.cessful termination with the islnping or J or tli"y are jolly. ! . ,..11 M Grudge Fight """hi n-nows. 'It s a crudce fieW.' said Kidi The newly married couple will Mrv -I -an loll" I uisilake up their residence at 1221 had and Second Avenue. TllA lffen AM lit IIaam i lie mu in uic muvu they wrestled in it, then rose, 1IIK Provincial I'arly ,1s like faces trickling with blood, jaws an nrplian. Kven is father re-i hanging low, breasts heaving, shirts torn from their Iwckf, and munijiling incoherently with lacerated lips. Thpy crouched low. and criss-crossed with terrific rights and lefts, trading blow for .safe ... .... gun had heen laid on the top of the safe. Beery turned to reach for it, and succeeded. Sills saw the movement, and his face took on the expression of a man who gazes at death in daylight. He leaped tigerish!)'" across the room ami grappled with Beery. His boa constriclor arm slowly encircled Beery's waist. It was Ihe dreaded hammer-lock known lo wrestlers Ihe breaker of bodies and hearts. There followed n deadly quiet moment as they grappled for mastery. Their muscles swelled and quivered. Their eyes bulged. Nils great arm held Beery's waist tul f I it wus no larger than a slender woman. Crumpled Heap II was as if in an iron vise. Beery screamed and sank a crumpled heap of red and white hone and muscle on the riddled debris floor. Ihe camera clicked, fantastic and far away, like Hie licking of a clock in a tomb. then Sills, in maniacal fury, yeiie.i. "i broke him I broke him the trailor with my two hands!" Beery, the lion-hearted and defeated, did not hear. Kid Mcfioy said, brokenly, "Some Imllle." The director smiled wearily and said, "Thank !od," The lilp fiffiii was over. When you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, and tee that you et It. tf fuses to continue capacity. ti act in that j I IF the Provincial I'arly is as successful as most of Hip .Mrliae' companies, it is a poor look oull H'l III' IIIIUIC. I SAY Ioys, you'll have lo save up your cash lo buy a Lizzie in order to drive the girl to Ter race. A VILI.A0K i a place where neighbors look on each other with suspicion and talk about I heir failings. IF a man is disgusted the way modern girls act. prelly sure the mvdeni have no use for him.: with it i girls I'll F.H II is an election in sight for Mayor and Aldermen and a few minor oilices and the people don't can- a darn. How can vv. have a sueresfii city government under those conditions ... . - 'I'll Kit F. are some people in this town who are sore at the Hermans, not because of lb war but because they deflaled Ihe mark afler said local peopl-had "peculated In them. ONE of Ihe sighs of age taking an afler dinner nap. i IT must be terrible lo be rich and have lo wear silk shirts and stockings and keep your pants pressed. THE age of discretion usually under eighteen. WHAT I like about a lhat when he squeals he thai he wants swill, is pig is knows IT is estimated Dial if the speeches In Ihe 'recent Ttrilish election could be sold fona dol-lar a word the sum realized would pay off all lie national debts of all Ihe cnunlrjes in lh world as well as all the countries In Mars, Ten Yeart Ago In Pilnco Rupert December 7, 1913. Any .power agreement bVtwceh lh clly of Prince Hupert and Ihe Prince. Ituperl Jlydrri-Klee. Iric is opposed ,y 0; V. Peril and D, W. Morriey In tetters PduTtOhiieman and his Orchestra as yourXmas Oh -TN ecstasy of syncopation is at Its txight. You can 5-A fairly sense the thrill of the players as the crashing music pours forth weaving a fantasy of rythm. Tho home echoes with happiness and joy. And no wonder for it is Paul Whiternan and his famous Orchestra that is playing for their dance Yes! the living Paul Whiternan and his Orchestra for engraved on "His Master's Voice" Victor records is their living genius not merely a mechanical rendering. The dance palaces of London and New York can boast of no greater living, thrilling reality. Because of "His Master's Voice" Victor records you can make your Christmas gift countless evenings of such joy and plemure you can send into the homes of your friends the genius of the world's greatest artists just as if you were presenting them body and soul for their genius could not be more living even though they were actually present to do your bidding. 4 Arranged in handsome, dignified gift bores, "His Master's Voice" dealers have many rword combinations for you to choose from. HIS MASTER'S VOICE, LIMITED Wupil ihumn U IDuatt. tiun Model KrJ Ptir 1200.00. Othtra ( A fcoro r : "His Mr ' VoieV Vktor Rrcordi, "Iht prformtri horn" wilt btinf hufjum u anyone. Only "His Master's Voice" dealers can offer you the living genius of these, the world's greatest dance orchestras. Seme Pout Whtteman Danct Hitt Ltt Nlfht oo th B-xk Pocb Frx Ttci I .. , M If t Can't Hiv U ftm I Want Fes Ttti JS0 ' Way Down Yonder la Ntw Orkn F TtM I No' HH Dtamt-f Tt Fate Ftt Trvl Lady of tfc Evrnlnf Ftt Ttut Underneath lha Mellow Mooo Wallt Wonderful One VSaUl No. tHH j No. 1K1 Th lVorlSt Greatest Dance Orchettrat Paul WWteman and His Orchettra. Club Royal Orchestra. Ztt Confrey and lfii Orchestra, Oyd Docrr and HU Orchettra. Charles Domberirf end His Orchettra. Melody Kincs Dance Orchestra, The Great White Way Orchettra, Tcnnesae Ten, The Benson Orchettra of Chicago, S.S. Leviathan Orchettra. L. . His Master's Voice- Vict or they wrile to the palters today. Anxiety is fell for Ihe safely of Thomas Mc. Meek in and Jacki Tunrie iiiissintr fnun a hunting t parly at Tucks Inlet. Other! members, of the parly. II. B. Eastman, Pearl Harris, A. Fen-nln and A. Matliewson, relumed lo town today and a search Is being instituted Ibis afternoon by Provincial Police Chief Waller Owen. W'nrd reached Ihe clly today of the death at llainier, Ore,, yesterday of Mrs. Cora V. Neher, sisler of A, .1. Burroughs of this city. Rnherlhe for the ftailv News THE Valentin DAIRY Cor. McBride and Flflli West. MILK, CREAM AND BUTTER RETAIL Phone 067. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORQE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8EATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, 8unday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX ... WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR 8TEWART . 8ATURDAY, 10 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov. 17, Deo. 1. 18, 19, at p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Lmt Prlnee Hupert . PJU. fur MllXCE OKpllGE, 'EDMOMTO.V'WIT .lirEG, til points Cuiera Canada. I11IV1I suits. aaiNcr all ocsan .stcamship links. Clly Tlckat Offlca, B2S Third , frlaca Itupart. PhanS W. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LA8T8 LONGER! Real Satisfaction. Cheapest in Long Run! NO 8HALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 119 and 584.