'SPECIALS. Ladies' Oxfords, from $4.75 Men's Shoes, from . . $5.75 Children' Slippers from 00 cents up. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Christmas visit to lite Old Land early. For Tickets. Rales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Hrcad is your beat food. Eal more of it'. Kept by the leading grocers.- La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned ,and dry. Size cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 680. Service and Quality our Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team Or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. , We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Healed. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. FlratctaM Restaurant In connection.. Jamee Zarelll - Proprietor. jthe fipure wilh firm, solid flesh. iTliis wholesome vegetable Ionic j known as t)r. Tliayher's Liver jand Wood Syrup Ira. proved to. !be excellent for clearing up the MEMBER OF MARINE ' DEPARTMENT STAFF Llve at Digby Island The wedding was solemnized on the evening of November 23, in the vestry of Oore Avenue Preshylerian Church. Vancouver, Hey. Richmond Crais ofli-cialing. of Miss Mary Grant, daughter of Ihe late Alexander firant and Mr. Orant of Elgin. Scotland, lo Hugh MacKenzie. second son of the lale Duncan Mackenzie of Aultbea, llosshire, Scolland, and Mrs. Mac- K'enzi'? of Elgin, Scotland. Ttie bride wore a graceful dress of navy and grey canton crepe, wilh a French hat of navy velvet wilh a silver crown and ostrich plume at back. She carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and (carnations. The bridesmaid Mis Margaret Hough, wa dressed in navy caninn crepe. embroidered in old rose, and worn with a hal of navy velvet and pale pink ostrich plumes. Her flowers were carnations and maidenhair fern. John McAuley of Prince Rupert was Afler Ihe ceremony a wedding supper was served at the Ely sium holel, and later the bride and groom left for a honeymoon I trip lo Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. i MacKenzie will live in Prince ! Rupert, where the groom is a member of the Digby Island Marine Department staff. The bride travelled in a tailored suit of navy tricot ine and French velvet hal. The jroorn's gift lo Ihe bride was a gold pendant of pearls and rubies and to the best man gold cuff links. The bride's gift lo the groom was a pair of gold jcuff links. (OFFICERS OF PRINCE ; ALBERT DENY STORIES on Vessel off Ban Francisco Id Not Cut Cable Steamer Prince Albert, former ly of the Canadian National Coast Steamship Service and now operated by Ihe Western Freighters between Vancouver and Mexi oil Officers deny the recent stories concerning fatal fields on tAft& FOOlt.' . We b.ViL'V News. : friday, DWfmhfr !' BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus The H ITS NO OtoE I .,NT OTAHO If-el hoW-SACUS HELLO- JIW- I VV-I EL aSn? ItI ,OVE.TC5rY lTANt LONGER I'M ONNaL OMECoJrT ONNAJUMP COMEONCtT lJZr- N)OM AHO 'Romans ooMPOFr the dock -I'LL (FTrjP SJXiesivMtdrV A??tmat . Ci EiL W "K-i'dTAKCTMATNdc . " " L oaA wrtM- " K Unfit rood roads and we am succeeding in building a solid business on courtesy and fair dealing. 1 I . ' 1 II . . . . n ii i imenl. mem. He lie fully iuiiv supported siinnnrieif vie i ' a....- - n . . . - - i. ,. - - -i mi .... Ili.!. IB.ftlaB.a - k a B a aal a. . ja, i mm wim ui biniiuuu Dr.ThacherS- far and Wood Syruf board the vessel irff San Fran-ictscn aoil al-o the charge that 'lliey cut (he Postal Telegraph lr!n railA Itt-Anlv-fii-ft nJl nut MARRIED IN SOUTH!"' Francisco. It is retried Jin Vancouver, howeer, thai a MI..'mfv Grant Beom. Br IdeJSUK. for 100,000 damages is l.e- of Munh McKenzlA Will ""P cntere.1 by the Postal Tele- graph Co. against the Prince Albert and her owners. The, Chief Skugaid has also re. turned to Hrilish Columbia waters from Mexico. CHRIS STAPLETON Former Foundry Foreman at Dry Dock was Member of Elks Lodge and Expert Performer on Punching Bag Word has reached the city of the death in Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday last of Chris Staple-' Ion, formerly foreman of tlyt foundry department at the Can-1 adian National dry d"ck. The' funeral lake place in thai city! tomorrow. ' the lale Chris Slaplelon, wboj was a member of the local F.lk'i Lodge. Jefl the cily about two; ears ago for the benefit of IiN, health and remained for a limel n the stale of Washington sub-: sequenlly moving In Oregon. Hi condition was, however, serious! and loward Ihe last little hope I for his recovery wa enlertained. j Beside having a wide circle of acquaintances in the cily, he was well known lo Ihe public a performer on the punching bag at which he was ah adept. )eceaed is survived by a widow who was Willi Iiltn when he passed away. PECK SAYS HE WILL SUPPORT MR. BOWSER Speaks at Meeting at Deep Cove and Says He Can Qlve Hard Blow and Take One SIDNEY, B.C. Dec. 7 A Con servathe rally was held in Ihe Deep Cote Social Clilb Mall. There was good allendance, V White being in the clialr. He in Irodiiced Lleut.-Col. C. W. Peck, V.O., D-S0 recently nominated Conservative candidate for the Legislature in the Islands riding Colonel Peck said he was pleased lo see such a good turnout. Be wa a man who did not co, lias returned to Vancouverillke lo xay much about himself, after her first inn south. Jler.lnit he could deal a hard blow and - ... . 1. ... . & ... I commander, api. .Mciioiis, ami the could also lake a hard blow. He thought it was quite timie Ihe province had a different govern- 1 Dowser and hi views. and Improve Physical Beauty Colonel : As Mr. Bowser had been un- f avoidably detained, Mr. Me. J then spoke. He referred! i Peck's qualities, and I third parly was of no'-L use i.i anyone. II uas inrply Beauty is sometime a gifl.iskin by impnnln? digestion, laking vote from the strongest! . but more often an acquirement, jwaking up-the sluggUh Ucr and l'arl'-. " IhJnl Party in hng-And any specialist will el youjscnding purer, healthier bloo land Hail been Ireland, ami that that you can have a clearer com-courslnfr I h rough rosy cheek. In- 'ia' done more harm than g(Kd in plexion, belter figure, roier ereae nerve force, vitality and 1916. Irheek, and more of the sparkle "pep" and not only feel lot bet-j -r- Bowser, who arrived a !of girlish heallh in your eyes, if ter, but let your mirror refUrt n' later. addressed the lyou jealously guard the condition a marked improvement in beauty. leathering. jof your digestive organs, liver, TRY THIS TONIGHT! . Just a) Refreshments were served and merves and blood if you correct spoonful of Ibis celebrated vege-,""' evening ende.1 with a dance. !in lime Ihe little defects in vour table tonic afler the next few! appearance that are so often meals. Notice the quick differ- D07FN ATTFNDFn A quickly and easily remedied. ence in the way you eat, sleep, j LOOK YOUR BESTI Uuild your- look and feel; ami your druir?ist self up! Take a pood tonic, as will refund the small cost unlet your doclor would advise. The. you are.complelely satisfied, fiel prescription of Dr. H. S. Tbacber. 1 r. Thacher's from Orme the celebrated American Physi- Limited in Prince Ituperl and at cian, i now beinp used in eount-ileadinr druirpists in each city less numbers of cases here to and town. round out the beautiful line of PROVINCIAL PARTY Aboil! a dozen rallied . call to meeting f t.irai The Remedy You Breathe the up- porler. of the Provincial Party in Ihe Smilher Hall on Wednesday, and while this was not considered suflicienlly represent ative In complete a full organization Ihe meeting proceeded In the election of a president and secretary to carry on, says the Interior News. These position fell to It. L. Hale and D. R. Willemar resjieelively, and another effort will be made at a later dale In complete the executive. .; R. 1 Gale was in the chair niiil after explaining the pur- lto.es of the meeting he called iion F. M. Dockrill, of Telkwa, who delivered an address that covered the reasons for the new party entering Ihe field as well a detailing lhf aims and aniTii-lion of the Provincial Patty. The urgent business of the ilin'n,',''nng wa ",e '"',ifn of a TlICC III DADTI UILj 111 I UK 1 LAMl jdMegate In attend Ibe convention in Vancouver yeirnay. ni duly being voted to D. n. Wille- PHI'S are the finest &( ' nrnlwlKin vnn ran s t have for Throat, Chest and Lungs this wither. You simply divest a 1'epsof its silver-jacket then dissolvCthe tablet in your mouth, The powerful medicinal fumes given off' are brtatktil through the throat and air-pasMges deep into the chest and lungs. In this way weak spots' are soothed, strengtbenedandhealed, coughs and colds tMPtj quickly arrested. us be IVns aie powerfully hUtnm germicidal andsptexhly ..ir,:- Tt..... Teeseie, iitt iW. Mrm iM kin be cbitit. ihiftat ItosLlrt. iiiflucftra. tMitt, rt( firt ft ,art all aMWilbl alrbft. apiaiidid it all trtia clt.fr4 tkiMiY-fl e Has U iHtmitl- 1 m sr ' rssstisssd Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Takan lor L thrvf()c , WANTED SALESMEN!--Wanted, Salesmen in every town. The chance of '4 a life-time with a concern that has been doing millions of dollars worth of business on its regular product, now '4. poing on the market with a new one. Write for full par-j liculars. P. II. Orr. ltox 1601. U v Winnipeg. Manitoba. L W ANTED. -Men and women to learn barbering. Paid while learnine and loots free Write MEETING SMITHERS! for etltlorue. M.er iuer I Colletre, Vancouver. H.C. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE YOlNii LADY de.ire work. Store or office preferred. Wrile Dox 153, Daily New oftiee. FOR SALE FOR SALE. Building on Government Wharf used a news-stand. Apply A. C. Utile. FOR RENT STEAM Heated Flat for rent Besner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOUR ROOMED FLAT to Renl. Steam heal. Apply Snnlh & Malletl. tf FTn RENT. Modern house, five rooms-and balh. Apply Monro Bros. If REPAIRING ANYTHING IN CANVAS. Phone 786. P. LeClalre. Cow Bay. LOST LOST. Siring of pearls b tween Seventh Avenue West and SI. Andrew's Room. Finder pleae return to Daily Ne,w Office. LOST. 'Mink choker. Finder please return to Daily New office. FOUND FOUND. Two keys on string Apply Daily News Office. MISCELLANEOUS. G. ANDERSON. Sailmaker Sail and Tarpaulins made to order and repaired. Third Avenue, opposite Pioneer Laundry, Phone Green 392. P.O. Bos 723. itnar wilh J. S. Kelly as alterna tive. Business pressure arising. Mr. Willemar was unable f lleave. and Mr. Kelly left on Sun-;day morning fT Hie convention. OPTIMISTIC OVER EDMONTON'S FUTURE EDMONTON. Dec. 7. TUindi dales for mayoral office, .lames Ramsey and K. A. Blatchfnrd, both sounded a note of optimism In speaking at one of lhP first of Ihe series of official civic meetings which was held here. both declaring thai lliey had greater confidence in Ihe future of the cily at the present lime t linn ever before. Hoi It speaker who were enlhusl- lie-ally received by the audience, declared that with the great resource of coal, ga. limber. livestock ami Ihe possibility of oil, new industries would un doubtedly be allrarled to the city, wilh Ihe result thul bui nes would prosper according. Fred Weaver ' of the t'niled Slates consulate here soiled lal 'night on Ihe lanker .1. A. MolTall, jbound for Los Angeles, on a' I holiday trip. I "PIQS IS PIOS but PURE BRED YORKSHIRES FOR SALE out of Mae of Alderlea 15-75956 by Springdale Tornado S8.H74I0 are the best. Litters of 11. 13 and (7. Write J. L. Itarge. Queen Charlotte City. LOOK HERE MR. TRAPPER. Here i where von ih .. " tmtrut. t.t f.-ewn,. lrirr ior your iir. ! wie first and lal txfore elling ele. where. I like von to make money. W. QOLDBLOOM, "The Trapper Friend." Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Gon Bought. Sold or F.xetianKed H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 134 and Red H2. TAXI Taxi 87 Phone. (Call Georg. or Gust) Rosa Brothers. Prompt Se;ue and Comfort Day or Night Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue CHIMNEY CLEANINQ M-Klerale Prices OLD NICK Prince Rupert C'gar Store Phone Blue " MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl. days, closes at 5.30 p.m. From the East- Monday. Thursday nnd SU urdays, 4,30 p.m. From Vancouver-Sundays ..P. M. Wednesdays 3 P.M. . Fridays A.M. Saturdays 3 P.M. C.P.R. December 15 ami 31. To Vancouver-Tuesdays. Mail closes at t P.M Thursdays 10 P.M. Saturdays A.M. Sundays 10 P.M. C.P.R. December ,J. To Anjroi, Alice Arm-Wednesdays 9 From Anyox, Alice Arm To Port Simpson, Alice Anyox and Arrandale. Giinit.vi ? 1 uiiijny (From Port Simpson, Alio Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays To Stewart and Premier- Saturdays 0 Sundays 7 P.M From Stewart and Premier- Sundays Tuesdays To Alaska Poln BBTTffS er j ti m. m P.M. Ami A.M. P.M. A.M. Dereinber l!i and 3'. From Alaska Points December 1. To Queen Charlotte Island Points December 15 and 21. From Queen Charlotte Points Deeemlier 1,1 and 27. To Naas River Points and Port 10 P.M. From Naas lver Points Saturdays . . . . A.M. lala taUAarl I Mn, CATARRH ef ih BLADDER lala,IiaaU fiewmn ofttmnlmrfitH ROOM AND BOARD PALMEfl HOUSE -4o6 cr. Avenue West. Phone ficj j, Furnished suites BOARD, nOARD. The IrKder 80 Second Avenuo. Phuile 137 tt CANCELLATION OF RESERVE, oTii:e i iiihlbt .try turn nrlin 1 Mm' N'n It lh luualli nt (XMiirr i ti la lb- Wir f r. 11 t DrfMitr Jlmult ' ' iMait nrniMii. Vlrinni, ( c, II ui iriu?r,nlll LSSO ACT. in hr . ku : Tit mm I'M! Uwrvfjfj. lui rrMr ht-n. ac. r.nffi HHMnt In nUt far f-ftw i tlv fiiltnvtar fUt Urxi-rtmt l pM )fiU4 ta mn ii mump lie m r-f akr aaerk maMd it Ax la PuiM r rvmmm -hsii s. vi r.rn Vtttl . f 1 1 i H ofS. .-. r tiny. t' i in raoesTC .. ' ii TMt suewrMt coust. or switum coiuveis. p Mltr of IK. vi. 1. IStteSi. lKmn1 !nl. TAkr ViTI ilwi I MmtWsUSInr of In o.i, Lterta. dMi. mm mi io njil W rni-n . -Imumn. ii. ") !' fiUVlli. Ik- i.ii tr reo'K I of Uirtr MrtSKlh' tlio. W. nnivr ofnrMI Atn 1 I rliiri Jim 1 IflXl tW .! ' "J ! !- WSTtN NOTICC idiiim e ux). Ati. Hw S.r. WIU HU U MM ,n.m.. xn Ml uf WIMll UMUBM',1 ItKf v t. SMHi now rlrl '!' I will to tttvsrtor! reM iv fck- t nM VllMix. and v IMalK- parpoer llttn lit ltkl iikti tssmi. Tmife-i imk' . Sn. I. IhM Mnllr. l-"1' U irawk) fn uw itih dy IStt. A euey rf 4ku "; ( ' ' pllmill'in Hiral 'Wlrr Art. Illl." 1I I ' ttttlrr r Wm Wtler lt--.rili- iKurrrt. H: ib-ii"- i" " (iiwn imx if ntn ih i'r 1 !Kerrilr wlttl lh : ' p u it lnrliU. Ptrliwnrtit n ' lens. Br. HMn 1WM l" rirst IMviiiim f M t,er- The d.ie f n- ' Thursdays iiuirsuaye .0 8 n P-'- rn. tmi ihu nll 1 Iwm' Arm w. r In th Supram nilt.4i. i 1 1 ....... IH TNC SUSRtMC COUNT OF COLUMBIA. In tw Miliar i.r ilw Artini"!''"' nd In the Miliar of th til - t no. Iwnfd. lnirUI TkK SOtlCf. Itiil in orajjr"' h r. Mr B. VMin. m(l Ib..'"'' rHihr, s.n. iij. 1 1 rtinliiUtntar of th rlW ' iXrlHin, AfrritA, irxl all '."!'- 80 rlairps aralml lh aaUl Fal-1' fial to nie. nn r lfur IWs ' ef trfnlier A.p lets ani IfHtrljIed lo thr Mlala arr ri-Oi"" ' Iho amonnl ajf lhlr litrtrl-teVti" rrthlth. TIIOM.S W llttlr orrirHi Arumswi' ' ITIn nif- ' Pld llila fth day of X..-ml' SHIRIFrS SALI. All Arm Cirfuiianv I hnll.1 Malntlff tsirits Cssrt'tf DctlUS ,'"?; Vlniii Vlnins and lm'1'"" orar W. Orar nt Marje.1. raiiilanli. , Br lrJ nf Warrant t r" ' lanl m Ihu aril.Hi and dwie' ' ( I liavt Ml rad tu Intarral '" , rndanii. nsrsr V. orar eii-i Irav. in it rilninf Mm'" isiiualMl mi hdiindjr irrrk. y Wild noae. Wild n .Sn. 1. W i i " , if, Mountain 0.at, Bar View. " , !krtifii rrarlliNt. sstilrh aald will .rrr for sal tiy l'ul'i' ..,,. mjr iiffiro In the Court If"'" '. ... Jiurwrl, B.C.. on Wrdnead.iv, f l,"r, l.f neremlr, IttS, al t.Jil In " Innon. Term: iniii Cah. siiintrr, ;;' ' , CminlV nf frinri) lU'J1, , nilrn il my office. Novaiidx'r "