rrMay December 7, 1023. What you have been looking for SOMETHING NEW Good, and Cheap We have wonderful Xmas stock of TOM SMITH'8 FAMOUS YULETIDE CnACKERS, imporlrd direct from London, F.uglaud, All the. fun f t,, fair utlllif festive table. These Cracker are the acme of workmanship anil each one contains a delightful gift See them iu our window. l'iiurpaed for table decoration Solo Agent for PURDY'S FAMOUS CANDIES, put up ill heaulifnl Xiimt boxes. Hay it with Purdy's and ninke a kdluig. TOM SMITH'S IMPORTED TOY AUTOS, TRAINS. ETC Y FILLED WITH CANDIEs! J"l Hie thing ur the Xmas Storking. To Inlrodiire these fiimmi good to the imi to of Princev Ititperl we are offering Uiem at the lowl prices ever (juoled m (he cdy. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. We Cash Cheques. f0U HAVE E C,FT L,ST PR0BLEM We Have the Answer Inline in inesHir store emd see our so(k of French Ivory (i wide variety at reaioiiahlc prices.- Waterman Fountain Pens from Waterman Pencil, from Kvcrsharp Pencil, from ... . ... Autographic Kodak, from . . . . Brownie Camera, fntin oods 52.50 $1.00 75c $6.50 $2.00 Clfris'tnta drin ker". Perfume and Toilet Water, .Manicure Self. Chocolate in Fancy Boxes, (Jim ilma Card. (ircetitig and Pholograpli Calendars. Now is the luue lo niuke your choice of gifts whil" our lork i eompleie. Any article will lie el aitlc for you. ORMES LTD. Dispensing Chemists. The Rexatl Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. We Prepay Mall Orders. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand s OCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. , PRINCE RUPERT New Silver Tea Sets for Christmas " ' ' A Silver Tea Set makes a licautirnl effect iir die dining room, f We have beautiful ts f three pieces, height finish, flat hotlom, with engraved reulre ... .. 522.00 Bright finish with i ml root on each piece $20.00 1 ,, ' Bright finish," larger, and engraved on lop $32.00 Tliiglil finish,' round with ebony handled leapol $50.00 Ulher sets up lo . . $110.00 f jj CLAD TO $HOW YOU. Bulger & Cameron, Ltd. ' TUB UMbl rttiWH. Lerean dThe ere In ordr to handle the grain this fall the Fort William, OnL force of 300 elevator men will It Incrraied to 700. From 120 to 150 grain trim-ners will be employed. For the five months to Auguat, 1523, Canadian newsprint exports were valued at $35,303,043 gsinst J27.257.382 for the tame period in 1122. l'ulp exports in tl.e name period were valued at $20,008,401 against $10,076,533. Grain loading on Canadian Pacific lines during the month of September totalled 26.370 cars or 38,-245,200 bushels. This at the begin, ning of the loading x.'aron which was two weeks late this year on ac count of lbs retarded harvest. This hat been the greatest tea. ton lor automobile tourists Montreal has ever experienced, according to the Secretary of the Automobile Club of Canada. Cars, he stated, had come into the city over the King Edward Highway at ihe rate of two hundred a day, an unusual number from California, Flor.oa, Carolina and Virginia being noticeable. There was nearly $100,000,000 increase in the total, trads of Canada for the first five months of the current fiscal year, according to a return made by the Department of Customs and Excise. The total trade of the Dominion, according to the return, for the live months ending with August, was 785.000,000, as against $026,000,000 during the same period a year ago. ImporU during the period were about $333,-000 000, at against $303,000,000 a year ago, while exports of Canadian produce rose from $316,000,000 approximately lo $386,000,000. . There is a heavy demand for bohmen, according to Ihe Government Labor Bureau Jl Montreal. The big lumber companies have been engaging men for the boh, and the proipectt are that the demand will be sufficient to make fall and winter conditions good. V.'aget paid this year by the lumtxi companies are higher than last year, the rate paid being $40 and $15 a month, whereas a year ago the tchedult was down to $26 a month. With tin completion of the harbor works now in progress, Montreal will be in a much belie.- position in 1924 to handle a record flow of grain than ever before. Windmill Point elevator will be increased by 1,250,-000 bushels storage capacity, making its total rapacity 3,2&0,0v0. Four additional shipping berwis are being provided at this elevator and will be in commission early next month, and the elevator's loading rapacity will be increased from -0,000 to 90,-000 bushels an tour. Reports to the Canidiun Pselfi Railway, show that there arrived, at Winnipeg from the L'rlthh Isles this year for the purpone of -working on the harvest, 11,833 men. Special efforts are bting made to find occupation for as many as possible to cover the winter period, and it is tati-d that it is now probable that a considerable numUr of these harvesters from Great Britain and the Irish Free State will remain la the Dominion. Addressing a recent meeting of the Vancouver Hoard ef Trade, Presidnt E. W. Beatty, tf the Ca-nadiah Pacific Railway, announced that the company proposed immediately to add two large modern steamers to its coast ficot in order to take care of incrasing tourist traffic over the company's coastal lines. He alsn annouiiud the early completion of a new pier at 'this harbor at a cost of several millions, which hat been made tieeesrjr by the steady development of Canada '. trans-racifir trade. K. F. Duby sailed for Vancouver mi the Prince George last nulit enroulo lo Senile. Tlii' Itnuglilprs of Fngland will li lil u It. 'i nar including sale of II'miic ('.itokiiii;. Plain Scwinjr, I'niiily anil HalTlfs. Aflcmonu e:i . 1 1 1 J ftiiiipcr. from 5 to 8 p.m. loiiinrrow in the obi Carlton ili'-iaiu ani. Tlnnl Avenue. i ivi i ai?n Local aid; 'Personal Fotherby. X. Folherby, Mrs. Mc Donald, Mr. Wiley, Mr. Ilymes. A. II. O Hiien. Mr. Omert. Mr. Dymoiid, A. It. .McDonald, Mr. Keats, D. J. Lennox. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. ltuxloit, James Daly, F. Klls, C Johnson, E. Guilder- son, Mr. and Mrs. F". Garnham, C. D. Edginuton, E. W. Suf field. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill ami Mrs. IUuseaux for Vancouver; II. I tioulhourne for Ocean Falls. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert It. It. Young, Port Simpson; M. E. McDonald, Vancouver; W. I. alng ami E. W. Ha relay. Victoria; Major M. A. Hurhank. Prince George:H.El Thornton, Hazellon; Mu'.'gsey MctJowan. Winnipeg. Central C II. Anderson, Terrace; II. II. Ilichies, Vancouver: Win. Siiuderson, Aityox. NEW LAMP BURN8 94 AIR., Beats Electric or Qas A new oil lamp thai gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, while light, even heller than gas or electricity, has been tested by the If.S. (iovernnu'nt and 35 leading universities and found lo be superior lo to ordinary oil lamps. It burn without odor, smoke or noise no pumping up, is simple. clean, safe. Burns 91 aid and (5 common kerosene- (coal oiP . The Inventor, O, A, Johnson, 57D McDerinot Ave., Winnipeg, Is nffering to send a lamp on 10 day's FIrKK trial, or even to give one FIlKK to the first user in each locality who will help him Introduce It. Writtf him today" for full particulars, Also nsk him to ex-i plain how you can get the agency,) and without experience or money make 9250 tp 500 per month. Advertise la tU Dally Nhw, If A MOST OF MISSING Oil Flirt CmtH It tmrnm lU thHrtx. S.J Jmt OXO IhitliSttPiztk. OXO LIMITED. 2J2 Lrmmtm U. aCOVTREAU GIRLS ARE FOUND NEW YORK, IK". 6. More than 11.000 girls and women were leporlfii missing during 1922 by ixilice headquarter in 33 American cities, and approxi mately yon of them had not been ' local I'd by December 31sl. These figure were gathered by Ihe .National Association of Travellers' Aid Socielies of this cily in an effort to estimate the number and types of persons who drop out of sight each year. Reports from 37 cities, the association said, gnve a tolal of 31.638 men. women and children who disap peared, about 2.500 of whom were not found. THE WHOLE FAMILY WAS LAID UP WITH SEVERE COLDS on Oh- rirt aitiK'srsiire of a muita or nTltl our advlrt- U .vnu Is lo gi'l rlU of It iK'fuif II Ium a rliaiK-e lo mw M,ir; ttrU seltlnl mi the lutirs. and rane bniiiililti-. pncumi.iiU, or uilx-r serious lunar Irwublrs. Dr. Wuml's Norway fine Syrup wilt Inimnliaiely relieve tlie cold or euufti on IK tm-epllon. Mr. David Ayres. Kearney. Out.. writes: "Our whole family wai laid up with rvere rold. and we didn't Mni to he able lo et any reller rnmi anything- we used until, one day a frlrnd raine In and told ine we would te sure to art rid of our odds If we used Or. Wood- .Norway fine syrup. I derided lo take her advire. and In no lline our colds were all tone. ow. knowiiinr the value of your! tinedy. wp will always keep It on hand so as to have It In rase of emergency." I Or. Worn!- .Norway Pine Syrup Is JJe bollle: tarre family sue 60c ; put up! only by The Toronto, Out. T. Mllburn Co.. Limited, rJ Plus 1o Per Piece. a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing 80 per cent or your Ironing erarythlng returned dry You limply touch up a few outer garmtnts such s waists, blouses, hous dresses, with hand-Iron. Phona us today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. PAGE THREE. I .1 .p. ixiaM..! .1 II T T II 1J ANNOUNCEMENTS Uajitisl Olitireh Hazaar, Dec. iii. iu Cliurcli parlors. .Methodist Church Hazaar, December 13. I'ublfc .School Concert Dec. I8-IU. High School Xmas. Concert, December 20. 4. . Hill t'm I. 0. D. K. lea Datisatil iu I.Iks Home, New Year's Afternoon. ..J H.G. Undertaker. Phone 41, May ners. Under tskr. Pbone " 351. u Three Basketball battles to. night, Elks' Home. WHO TAKFS THE CAKE? See Heimningg' window. 287 Choice Creamery duller. 7 lbs. for $3.00. F. W. Moerscli. 1'hone 13. ' tf- Interior Pasteurised Milk. l'rince Rupert Dairy, phone Ulack 216. tf SI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary Hogmanay Dance, December 31. Invitations heiiiir issued. H. Ji. Young': the Port .Simp son merchant, is in the city on business having arrived J. .F. SI ran?, manager of Siin- nynide Cannery, relumed lo Vancouver on ihe Prince George last night. Adam Mackfe, in spec tor of fisheries, sailed lait night by the steamer Prince fieorge for Vancouver. C. II. Anderson of the Pacific Coail Lumber Inspection Iturcau reached Ihe city from Terrace on la.l uiglilV train. It. (i. Swan, chief engineer for Ihe water, power branch of the federal government, return eil last night by the Prince George lo Vancouver afler having spent a couple of days here in connection with Ihe installation of the waterworks at Mell-i-kalla. At 'Ihe Hojarj- Club Iuiic-Iihoii yesterday D. tl. Mcllae gave an iiilereslingfalliMlo the ...club on Iuine mipIImmI. This was followed by a discti.ision on sev eral mailers pertaining lo the instil ution and the method of nominating and electing officer was finally 'decided upon. Herman polriiiils each Ix-ar ing pottage lamp lo the amount of ix million mark were received this morning by several local merchants and bauks. They created quite lot of inleresl. The polcard. were applications tor uanauiau husine from Karl (ierlitighau. a merchant of .Municli, Germany - -- Paengcfs sailiusr for the south on (he steamer Prince George last night included : William Gait, Mrs. E. Hall, H. THE EASY WAY to Make Soap is NOT to boil meat and vegetables for four or five hours, but to boil the vegetables for perhaps half an hour, then drop in a few Oxo Beef Cubes, and the soup is ready to serve. Oxo Cubes give the rich nutriment, the slrength-giving qualities, the fine flavor of fresh prime beef.' THE EASY WAY to Makt Clear Broth, Consomme and Bouillon, is NOT to boil meat for half a day and strain out the shreds, but merely to add Oxo Cubes and seasoning to boiling water, and serve. THE EASY WAY to Make Beef Tea for the Sick is NOT to boil fresh meat for hours, but merely to drop an Oxo Cube or two into a cup of HOT water THE EASY WAY to Make Sauces, Gravies, Stews, Hash, Meat Pies the easy and delightful way to make Croquettes and Cold Meat more appetizing is to add Oxo Cubes to restore the beef flavor. ' THE EASY WAY fo Make a Hot Drink on a Cold Day is to drop an Oxo Cube or two into boiling water. A cup of Oxo after a hard day's work will brace you as nothing else wilL OXO CUBES are invaluable to every woman who cooks or who has a cook ; and your own knowledge of preparing tempting, appetizing meals will guide you in using them. OXO CUBES A Cube to a Cup Stocks and Bonds AH Victory and flovernment Bonds Bought and Sold. We still have a few shares left of the PREMIER MINE at $2.90. This is the greatest dividend producer in Canada, T. McCLYMONT Phone Black 85. Third Ave. Phone 109. STEVE KING Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Honrs; 0 a.m. lo 0 p.m. Open Evenings by Special Appointment. Carss Mackinaw Pure Wool Coats and Trousers XMAS GIFTS NOW IN. Phone Green 85 Third Avenue Shockley's pllMills Sole Agents for Royal Mills, Hatiall, B.C Lumber J. Fyfe Smith Co Hardwood Fraser Mills , Fir Veneer Dimension Lumber. Fir, Spruce and Cedar. Spruce and Cedar Shiplap. Spruce Planking. Sash, Doors, Mouldings. Glass, Shingles. Fir Veneer, Cedar Piling. FALL IS HERE AND NOW IS THE TIME TO INSTALL THOSE NEW LIGHTS. We have just received a shipment of the fatuous "CONDOR" LAMPS .Made in Holland, mid we invite you to inspect, our large well assorted stock of these beautiful lights. These lights are positively guaranteed for 1000 burning hours. If nuy lamp fails iu this guarantee we will reprice it with u new one. We have lamps for every purpose. LIGHT UP WITH "CONDOR" LAMPS. STORK'S HARDWARE LTD Second Ave. . ii