- ."IT i December 7, IC?3. " " ' i TUVBk " U." Jlf .4aVMm V.T7-1 U TJ W.V , u-iijiii'.umi-iBi.im m w.-Jir.ir -s&,i n I. ff 14 T B WHH 11111 V J siim ssiv - - im hviimi u r nn viih X x Mnit nf t ha Tlmn i wt ii i w i nut rim Ilninn P-jmGa CuoIaim jSestV ,,", '"THKIIN PACIFIC aS operate Through Standard Sleeperi Seattle to San Francisco AMI Los Angeles THE SHASTA and CALIFORNIA EXPRESS Leave Seattle 11.15 rtm. Arrives Hiiti Francisco 2nd Morning J,30 n.in. Arrive I.H- Augele 3rd Morning 7.55 .m. THE OREGONIAN Leave .Seattle 3.30 p.m. Arrv San Kraiinrn 2nd Morning 9.10 a.m. Low Winter Rate on Sale Dally. Oniiiertion from Vancouver: I P It SlfBitu-r 10.30 n.m. ami II p.m. Triiuii H n.m.. " i.m.. 12.01 a.m. For Rate and Reservation Apply Any Railroad Ticket Agent, or write F. S. Elliott, W. H. Olln, 'Cray. Freight ntnl Wl, Gen. Freight ami ln. Agent. Pa. Agenl. O.-W. STATION-SEATTLE, WASH. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert ' DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer, Machinist, Boilermaker, Blackimltht, Pattern maker, Founder, Woodworker, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plniit equipped lo handle all kind nf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. w CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS IMAHT. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 18, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 26, December 15, 31 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, 8wanon Bay, Et Bella Bella, Oceaa Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, avery Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamfhip Line. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. ftlllnn From Prior Kuprt. VAMCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Ocn FIU. no Tui. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Altrt t, n4 IhmM B, Uir4n NM. ANVOX, AUUt ARM, (TIWART, WtlM Irian, na WM. eORT (IMrtON aa Rlt Oanaaflaa, ff K A.. II tort Atroua. J. aaratlay, Ant. Prlnc Boprt, .C "LUMINO" Is the l.esl Aluminum Ware on the market loday. New Miapi'g u, Hir(.s j. fU(j iiamlle. Now on display ih ir wiiiduw at bargain jiricesi KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tel. 3. We Deliver. P.O 164e .BBm SOPRANO VOCALIST SANG AT ANYOX Mr. Hedn of tan Francisco Delighted Audience at Concert AXYOX, le. 7 .--Taking ad-vanlaid nf Hip jtr nr in Anyotl of Mr. A, Hedge, nf San Fran-' ciei, win, H Pr, Wj, itpr jiiml.and in ronncrlion willi a iiiarhiricr' rnnlrarl. Hip Ladle' J A ItJ if Hip I'ninn Cliurrli ar- ranjfci a mrr in Rpcrealion' Hall al Miorl noliro, and pavi ln. who allendcd a Ireal which will nol r.on he forgnllrn. Mrn. Hitine n Hip jiKPiMnr of a oprarwi voi nf ronoidpraid' rantff. srral'iiurity and pirpnl Irainintr, and Ihe mariner in wliloh h TnderH lh firnl of pvnral groiin nf Kon wan tp-reivod with liparly approval hy llie andinre. Allhoiicli hilled nn Hip pro. srarn for Iwn appparatir only. Hip warm Hi of Hip rpcppJion arrnrdpd Iipt finKiiiir whm rpf-ponnildp for additional trnupo. pnrorn lipinf? grnirnuly arppd-! lo in ppry inlanr. Ainnnc oilipr number. Mr. Hedfren anr for Hie fir.t lirne lwo com. pnMilion hy Dr. Harper "Father of Mine,"' and "Mother of Mine." The word nf Hie first a well n the m u lc wn written hy lr. Harper, while the word nf lite latter are hy Rudyard Kip-linp, lr. Harper rnrnpoinjr the niiiir. !r. Harper accmjaniel Mrn. Iledye throughout the en- .her. Mi Janel Vmrig played n piano olo and Mr. Young on Hie accordion. Scotch dance by Mi Helly Anderon proved nnpnlar. There wa aln a re citation by W. Anderon. For Ihe ilancing Ihe intru-inenlHlUI were Mr. and Mr. A dance were introduced. ! If you find you cannot get the dally New regularly, call in anu subcribo for il and have it delivered to your home. tf COAL The Famou LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sixes. Wo deliver in sack or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. Main Office; llolel Central. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraer St. Steam lleuled Uul and Cold Water Hates by Day or Month P.O. Box. 75. Phone 69. TUT! TAtiA,vNnWfl, PAflE TVTtL Sport Chat j After a week nf nn games he- aup of rounfer attraction, the cehedule of the I'nnre ftiipcrt HuHkcllall AHKOAiallon will he returned thii evening. In the. Senior League the two leading learn on nf Canada and Coll who have amply ohown xn far that there I lit Me fo clmoe between Ihem will me.!t in a fixture that lioiild be full nf interest and cloij play. The winner nf the game. in the matter of point will lake, firnl- plac in the xlandiug. Another keenly ronteted match in expected In the meeting nf the Maple Leaf and Adanar, Ladies' League rival, (Irnlto Tind,Cn will mix in Hip Intermediate 'League The pitching In the American League durinjf (lie eann cf IP?.! wa not up lo the standard of firmer year. Famed run average were, however, lite highel In (he hilory nf the league though Ihe leader lhi year wa liglitly below I Than Faher' record last eaon. In analyzing Ihe recoril il I apparent that Ihe pitcher did not get into their real lhde until the eaon wa well advanced. The record elablihei practically all came late in Ihe eaon. the mol of the unusual mark being made in September. How. ard Khnike nf IloMnn, hut out Hie Athletic without a hit al ii re program, with the exception ilhnugh he walked nne man on of her lal number. "Jul a Song September 7. Prior to this, at Twilight," when Mr. Hedge September I, Sam Jonee hut acted a Jier own accninpani!. In addition In Hie viitor from nut Ihe Athletic without a hi After Ihe no-hit game again! California, an nld favorite with i Philadelphia, Khrnkp came hack Anyo audience. Max Morrow, lellghled the audience willi a number nf ong and received well-merited encore. The Any-j four day later and allowed New York only one hit. Herb Pennock nf New York jox lira Hand wa alo a factor ;finilied with the bel perrent-in the evening' enlerlainmen' iage in came won and lol. be-and rendered orne half dojenjintt virlnriou in 19 and toing liand dectiori ui gkwl ulyle. 1ST. ANDREWS SOCIETY HELD ENTERTAINMNT innly fi. Pennnck wa. however, jevenlh in run earnejl niT hi ,leliery. Next In pennnck come lri leammate June with Si and ;H but hi earned run recnrd I uluiu a on nVAtnr.n nt 1 ftl 'I'l i a AT TERRACE RECENTLY "Irikeoul recnrd gnei, io the . i veteran Walter Jnhnon nf j TF.IUlACn. Iec. 7. I-al weeV Vahinston with I2f, who alo tend the SI. Andrew' socielr allaine.1 the distinction of lrik-jgav a popular evenlnrr enter-jjng out Ihe greatest number in Mainmenl al which the program jnne game, i? n.ln bailer wa much enjoyed by a largt Klam VanOilder nf St. Loui wa audience. Singinjr and ilancing (he freet with pae. walking were pari of the program.! jn batter. Stanley Covele-kie j Among Ihe vncalit were Mie WJI!, u, mn pconomical in Orulee Oreig and Fanny Mc-jiak(.H ,, ,a taking into con-(jren whoe inging prtved , jderatinn the number of in-jmo.l peafng. Mr. Hepburn ning pitched, fieorge L'hle of jang Scotch nnp in kiltie and Cleveland, pitching in more- in-Mr. Thomiion. who wa in'Ter-jnin? than any other pitcher In jracr on buine.. nave an anui-1 ln. loazue. 358. allowed the in? erie of Scotch anecdote. j,0t earned run a well a A duel from Mr. Swan and Mr. n(a run, allliouuh Howard I Barker and a men' quartelle by Khrnke aw not far . behind in Hull tlrLal.1 iiL-nn nnirii.. 1. 1 ....... 1 j ...... llff- Irtllt'r ll'rtl 1 liiriu j Hepburn gave a couple nf nuru- The eaon wa remarkable in Hie number of pitcher ued by Ilie difTerent club. Probably never before had o many figur-e.1. The numler of pitcher, re-lieve, who Marled game, i beyond all record nf the league. The nnmlter nf relief nilcbeV H. Marker, Mr. Vnn llee andjlnken on jM i0 unprecelenled. V. Anderon and many Scotch The reconl for pitcher ued gn.es In Detroit with 318. New-York ha Ihe lowest mark with 220. Cleveland used 295,"Wah-ingtnn, 280; Chicago nnd Philadelphia, 281 each; St. Loui, '28: and Hoslnn, 209. What ever wa Ilie cause oi ine mediocre work in Ihe box, the game wa. not liowever, without it compen l ion. No record were set in strikeout, neither twere any new mark hung up in base nn balls although Oricr Friday nf Washington issued It bae to Chicago batter .lum 17 in II inning. There were many new pitcher to come into the league who made good. Among the most prominent young twirler were Ferguson pf liixton, Cvcngro and Ihurslnn of Chicago, llolloway Whitehill ami Cole of Detroit, Fdwnrds and Shaule nf Cleveland and Friday, Mitchell and Zohniser of Wash ington. TRAP SHOOTING RECORDS MADE IN UNITED STATES Newark. Ohio, Professional Credited With Highest Average Ever Made 1969 Out of 2,000 NFAV YOIIK. Dec. 7. Tran shooting average esiabushed in the 1923 season .rank among the jbest performance in the history of the sport, figurfs compiled Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited liere reveal. j John H. Taylor, Newark. Ohio.! prnfeional, is credited with the highel average ever made.' Taylor hot at 2.000 larrreld and' broke 1.9f9 for an average of .1815. Tlie bet previou aer-j age wa .1838, made in 15)22 by IFrank Troeh. 'Hie bet amateur average in 1923 wa .9823, made by P. It. Miller, of Dalki. Tex. V. II. Heer, of Oulhrie, Okla an anisi-leur, and Fred Tomlin,- of ila-boro. .J prnfeional, aln had aerasre of more than 98 per cent. MEN'S WHIST Oddfellows, Moose and Sons of Canada were Winners In Last Evening's Games fiame jn the men' section nf Hie Fraternal Yhil. I.eairue lal night resulted a follow: Oddfellows, ."; Knteht nf Pylhia. 4. Moose, 6; Son vif Kngland 3. Son nf Canada, C; Kniylits of Columbus, 3. Moose ..: Klk of K K. c.r P 0.lilfellows .. SI. Andrew's of C fS.W'.V.A K. of 0 V. L. Pt. 7 I 6 i t I 3" 3 TERRACE NOTES Mr. II. Oreelman and Hiirnell visited Mrs. A. Y. on at Hemo recently. Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Hailey of New West minster I visiting her daughter Mrs. F. Hall. Mrs. I.anfear has returned from a week'. viit.to Prince Kuperl. P. A. Chenetlp ha relumed from a trip oulh. He visited Hcloria and Vancouver. Paddy Ardagh nf New llaiel ton wa in I own for a short time Thursday. He continued his trip lo Prince Rupert. C. II. HUbert, the delegate from the Terrace, Parly, left on Thursday lo attend the Parly convention in Vancouver. lO for 15 0 25 " 35 : c DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours. 9 to 9 Phone 573 Lady Assistant returned from Hnzellon on Sun-! day. i j Mr. X. Sherwood and Mis Dar-1 bara Sherwoud made a trip to L'sk on Wednesday. returning Thursday. a- The Women's Auxiliary of Ihe Anglican Church held their an nual Christmas Ilazaar on Sat urday, hi spile nf Ilie bad weather the sale was a great uccess. Over 130 was realized and a number of articles which were left" are beinjr sold to those who were unable lo attend. Messr. W. Smith anil Burnet! have gone on a hunting expedi tion. On Friday, November 23, a I daughter was born to Mr. and; Mrs. Will Little at their borne oil Lakelse Avenue. On Monday, November 2C, a' daughter wa born lo Mr. and Mr. J. Thomasson at Ihe Ilazel- Inn Hospital. On Monday, November 26, a daughter was born lo Mr. aud Mrs. F. T. Ross, at their liom.i in Terrace. On Friday, November 30,. a daughter wa born to Mr. and Mr. F. Hall at their borne In Terrace. WAS CONSTIPATED FOR SEYERAL YEARS If you hiva nurrrml froin nnslllln f yrart, tried all kliHl t.f rriiiedir without truing rrllrf, H you have tirvii tubjrrt lo all ih mlrlen antoclatrd with fuiistlpailon, wouldn't you consider It a blr.lnr ta br able to keep the bowrW Provincial krrular and In a rood bealthy rvndlllon Mr. A. Y. Wilon wa in town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. AylilTe arrived from llazeltnn oh Thursday. Mr. AylilTe is taking II. 11. Birch's place in t lift Dominion Telegraph pftlee. They arts living In T. II. Walsh' house. C. Toombs and J. Thomasson and prevent dlve rettinc a rthold on your ayitein! Mlllun' Lm l.lver I'lIU are Indlriied Jut for ttii imriMW, ttielr rrrular ue rellevlnr Hie won't rae of riHisllpatlim. Mr. M. Iledlran, Sudbury, out., write- "I have breu troubled with itnllalUHi lor neveral year. I beiran lo u Mil-burn' l.ata-Liver I'liu ik1 rind them to be tlie bet remedy I lure ever ued lor rerulallnr the lioweU and liver. I atwaya keep tliein now aiHl rertminiend them liltlily." Mllbuni'n Lata-Lher I'lIU are tie vlil at all dealers, or mailed direct nn reeelpt of price by The T. Milhuru Co.. llnilitd, Tbi'onlo, Oot. Shoes Men's Solid Leather Working Shoes at $5.00 Leather lined Box Calf Hoots .in.HIack or Drown $6.00 Hand made Loggers' Boots from $8.50 Men's and Boys' Rubbers. SHOE REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Third Ave. next St. Regis. FiveRoses FLOUR When Buying Flour ask your Orocer for '.FIVE ROSES," The World's Best. John L Agent: Christie St. Regis Gafe Prince Rupert'a Leading RestauranL A Bakery Uneurpasaetf. Third Avenue.