>, 10) a PAL Nipp Vid! i r Friday, December 98 ‘PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS MESSAGE IS STORY WOMEN ARE PAL NITE Pe e . , ) . . | WU) | C THEATRE ~ | avin or ue .—* | FRIDAY and SATI RDAY Bi ' TWO SHOWS—7:00 ang 4:99 - Z _— a + Ane —_—_—_—————" {, hr tmas Gifts Bishop Rix Gives Timely Address|Ben Lyon, Constance Cummings, Miss Macphail pn Pham gy A LAUGHTER Knock, ‘ | n our {Ss } To Members of Rotary Club | And Thelma Todd Stars of wr n ite i . NOCKODY ; eg - } > Ls | : At Their Luncheon . “The Big ‘Timer aoa THE BIG TIMER” | PRICES REDUCED ON ENTIRE STOCK. MOST’ WONDERFUL oe — With BEN LYON MONTREAL, Dec 23 (Canadian CONSTANCE i | VALUES IN YEARS. A splendid message in regard to} A human story of youth, its am Press)—-Women were severely ¢cri- CUMMINGS, THELMA TOD) { 4s a ‘ . ° : . i x a he need of peace and goodwill was: bitions and disillusionments, its Set-|,. ; : mes Macphail, M A Columbia Pic ’ ’ ings — $10.00 u . ! ticized by Miss Agnes Macphail, ure Solid Gold Genuine Diamond Rings From p. given by Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix, Bishop! backs and come-backs, is told with| 5°") 1) dares delivered before A Comedy Drama of a Bo f Watches from $1.00 up. Hamilton, Waltham and Elgins are the leading of Caledonia, in an address to the! pathos, heart-ache, rich humor and | 5," Maritime Women's Club here Love for a Girl and th Ring + 1s the perfection of ve onor and : t) (ra sd? ne Crystal, Cut Glass and Plain a Dinnerware, Fine a : ' | Ine ry ’ ; é ustice but wars wer e resul t} China and Crockery, Brassware and Novelties pride, vain glory and ambition. | | ALL AT REDUCED PRICES ; I peaker . 1 to th us , \ Ditterness which the war engel ' | pony fu Fe 29.K Gold FREE dered but which had to be eradi | , f H r at : Sheaffer and Waterman Pens and Pencils. Your name in 22-K Go uh, ted. In view of the facts he excused | _ wer f ; - yd £ 0 nk ‘ } Cc ° il h + United States for its hesitation | i t entering the war Thi ras | ae ns Open Every Day and Evening Until Christmas bout entering the war. This was ae , 7 i season when all hatred should be 0 RE ARE RES . . ° eradicated } i || MAX HEILBRONER- --- Diamond Specialist The Bishop mentioned the evil of ee? , y telling children that God was to be| ; feared. He always urged them never ; ¥ 4 > ‘to be afraid of God He told a ot to illustrate his point fror a Ian MucLaren’'s books =a H d fy v eC: d ( , l d. There was a large attendance of ea quarter ar 5, a en ars members and a number of visitors e i. - i ee a Slum “ , At the conclusion President George | } We have a fine selection of all kinds of art Leather (Goods , Woodland thanked the Bishop for | the most fastidious people would like to get 43 his timely and splendid message in Christmas. Our store is full of good things. | 4 # Gift Sil - prey On ie were dita show them. It will be a pleasure. We 1 1 ver i “ : ‘ his week-nd | The Letter Box es ie purer al vin a lunch Delightful Perfumes — Cosmetics — Gift Stationery : : j e Pe i ' Silver Novelties a ae Chocolates and Other Candies Boxes of Fancy oe PA aac o* Toys, Toys GREETINGS FROM ISLANDS | ‘Pe 'u yagon ; ever — Soaps — Bath Salts Dolis and Toys for Children t, Br pee own whol triz them. Con a" Mi Z . ’ er * ice Cummings pl part of Photographic Goods — Fountain Pens —~ Leather Me Children 5 Books aos a = hs coleendaa tetlkdaes “ates cane eee ee Goods — Christmas Decorations Queen Charlotte Islands. wish y mu | % pugi . : After muct ~ ‘3 Wishing all our friends a Merry Wissen’: Sor Gintinas Sooo wees | MeCUTCHEON’S DRUG STORE We cannot say that 1932 has been |" a very prosperous year for the Christmas c ‘©, | } ia : t 1 Be Own , e FRASER STATION Sec teltrens Gi eats ee aa nes ea er . j | ‘ } i : } ceived many distinguished visitors} stance. How : eve ick fin pl jduring the twelvemonth, all of} 4 : s Be elf-confidence — whom were much impressed wit! the Queen Charlottes and predic-| Ou on : ft _ a _aae ted a great future for them. On ast ) ‘ Rus .. CHRISTMAS etude Cha 7 B (scad Your Friends | Cen SSeS eee a] Mehran | said 1e et *harlott : inds| é end Your Friends ste Geen Chart ann — " ¢ xd . Orange Ladies ‘Pitartote cosaren| 2 cosine. Mr Become rs wish to| ' ur oats 4 ! h i h I k | In Afternoon and Adults in Saal * ete a a W T ! nip! Ings ey 1 e Evening ‘as tee : pin ring ing —_ AN ED! Happy and Prosperous New Yeai xt! hampions! Ss goal | a : cane .o ark : ' : : s Queen Charlotte, Islands but | island > the : e P > uy sai islands before the publie. At the| AND ALL KINDS OF FUR GOODS . The Loyal Orange Lodge and the| on a nla a t |} 500 EAGER BUYERS " s . : ‘ . to’, an vovernment Agent yr. | c c | ries Most people like to have something redolent of oo reas en ee ae J. T. Mandy, Resident Mining En-| TO LOOK OVER OUR The biggest selection ever shown in Prince Rupert. Saapy ; : tion ce ‘ ristmas sea- - Pm ; Prince Rupert such as art cards with local scenes on |] 3, yesterday at the Oddfellows’ |*eer. and A. E. Parlow, District] oe ee Gey. pene namented with Prince Rupert pictures. Many like ; ; . — . a five years of age were taken to the ae be ae een sane ’ to receive framed pictures, colored or plain, of Prince ]| matinee at the Capitol Theatre af-| °°? &%¢ work has not been in vain ™ bt and has been very much apprecia The Old Reliabl i | Forester, for their continued u: them, art calendars made in Prince Rupert and or- |) Hall bata cer ae a ce CHRISTM AS ; : : en, In the afternoon, children over} = “"@ Valuable help to the * O O om ) . ‘ene ter which all returned to the hall) ’ Rupert scenes. Ha Peat og ‘ where supper was served. This was/ ed ms all the Islanders We like to sell these goods and We must have the money to buy raw furs, That is wh , followed by the playing of games | With our united efforts we will recipients of presents like making such special low prices look back upon the past year a to get them and visit from Santa Claus who! all We are here to please you and a, visit from Bante. Claus who} 0 200% beck upon the past year 3 d ad g df : : : i ; es see , Christmas Cards, Plain and eee re ; . eighty children were in attendance PRESSION : Fancy Stationery, Christmas a an your rienas In the evening, there was a social) ISLANDER Books, Bridge Prizes, Playing i und dance for parents and friends. | ' Cards, Score Cards, Christmas " Music for dancing was furnished by Novelties, Deligt : ei ‘oe iis co yo por ele elties ightful presents Call and see ou goods or let us make you up some- Mrs. J. 8S. Black. Delicious refresh- | i : . iw for young and old @ thing from your own snapshots. ments were served “4 The committee in charge of the ‘ Th Res | Sh ’ ' ’ ; proceedings consisted of Mrs. J. S e ega Op , eaper lo Buy Your i: 4 W R A + H A L, L, § Black, convener, Mrs. George Ged M A C K E N 7 | EF Mr. and Mrs. John McRae ie a des, Mrs. H. B. Eastman, Mrs. W. E . mas Cakes Denning, Mrs. J. G. Viereck and Mrs. JR. Murray FURNITURE Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson of the y [ESE || And NOW || ommnsen,acee pate Onder Now! Christmas PRINCE RUPERT BAKERY and the quality is assured if you let us ser aes. " + + cy! Christmas Cakes, Puddings, Pastries FLOWER! Suggestions This Christmas ———e t. Superior Quality and Reasonable Price eeea® Give al ate Walnut Smokers ° . Try our Almond Tarts and Mince Pies | Just Arrived ee mgeneine sa Tickets | Jasper Stove Coal Jakes in Sanitary Wrappings tacks oka : ; ' rE Wena of Ce ri Up from $1.50 j End, Tables 7-Pound Box vor oe Long Hasting, ot or or These are fragrant and artis- Centre Tables All our coal is under cover and delivered (') ; |} tie, Nothing so suitedle for of Butter to your bin ; Christmas Preseuts. Chesterfield Tables ; Andrew s Cash, Carry Cake Shop Dee ae T5e Carpets (all sizes oe ae oe ere $1 1.50 a ton ’ Third Avenue—Noext to McLaren's Music Store f ‘s from 27x54 to 9x12) VALENTIN DAIRY } P.O. Box 416 Phone: Black 667 | Arctic Studio Open Evenings Phone 657 | HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 } 3 NNN