M PA 01 TWO nnw DXTHT nWB WOULD ABOLISH METER ICITY FATHERS THROW The Daily News intNr.B nurKrvr HniTisn columria . RENTS ELECTRIC. LIGHT OUT VERBAL BOUQUETS PLAYER S Published Rvery Afternoon, ecept Sunday, the Prince In Vltw of Present Financial New Departmental Meads Are i Rupert 1 1.1 i I y New., l.imlled, Third Avenue. Situation, Report of Utilities Considered to b Acme of II. P. IUI.I.KN, Managing Editor. Committee la Referred Value to Municipality NAVY CUT Back taniie Hie rnllxT healed SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I he cuoncll has moments Mini jirevniled for a nly now un-f City Delivery, hy mail or earner, per month. . . $1.00 . CIGARETTES der consideration a reimrl front(lime nl last iiislii council! Dv mail tn nil part of Ihe Unlisti KMpire and the united male, I lie Mil.lie ulililies I'.imniillec mcrltnir the eiu fathers also, in advance,' , $0.00 per year rcconiuirmiiiiK ihe n Iml i I ion nf lmk .mvhIiii tn yns t few To all olher countries, in advance, i.er year . S.o0 flnwcrv ,.f eMnl melee rent :in.l I In- lnldiliiiiir ; hounuct of.i l a mouth tiiiniiiiuin nature when I hey ltiincl theni- TELEPHONE tf 1ft charge far llehtlnp service. The .selves on Ihe ariutfti' 1 tten rerl was hrovtshl in at last snlcndid depart menial heads as. transient Display Advertising $l.tO per Inch per insertion nlphl's inrellnc toil represent.!- jmw fmvr UKen their places In Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.so per inch lions were made.lhal Ihe nresenl the eity service. Local Headers, per itierlinn 2fn per line finnnclnl condition nf Ihe cilri AM. Slenhen sM.ke of the Classified Advertising per insertion ,.2c per word lid not warrant the ending off aide defence nf Oil Solicitor I Legal Notices, each insertion ; Ire per agnle line if any revenue so it wn left J one in connection vtilh tile l.nlrnct Hales on Application. over for a week ire further re-ported n.T.P. Iievelrtnment I'o.'s tain- ui hy the evuitii'iillce lion appeal and roiiralultl AH advertising should be" in The Daily News Ortlce on day preceding A til. Mncdnmild in speakime tn that ofttelal on Ihe ueee ItflU publication. All advertising received subject to approval. I lie report, said that the nfcoli-I had resulted ion nf the meter rents wouldi AM. Mard.naid e.nwpltinenlMI Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. mean a loss In revenue nf t.7A0;ihe new cily enerfticer on la a venr but mol of lfc user 'way he had taken hold. Ttw DAILY EDITION Tuesday. March IT, 1923. liad more' than twice paM for.council had seeMre.1 a man lh llielr meters already so It was It was well justified in appoint The Passing Of felt some reduction was dueiinir. lie wnukl l ready tn un- A Wonderful Woman. Ihem In View of Ihe fael that port any of hl reenmmentkv Sarah lleriilmrdl, the ino Sarah," greatest cmolional the collection of these rents linns. actress ut her age, who died yesterday, was known Ihiiiiighoiit could not he forced under the, AW. Stephens Ihotifhl all Ihe. the world, heller Ihnii any other artist. A French woman she Iivlaw anyway. A reduction waslnew department heads, cily ri was aNo known in Kn gland, (he 1'iiiled Slates, and t2.iuada, ll o due Hie consumers in view rltor. " eity rnirlheer. stoera-i as weil as in many other countries which she visiled. Where of ihe fact thai Ihe operation fcnnVnl of utilities sail eity. she was nol known personally her fame had travelled. Physically of Ihe department had now heen jlreastirer. wwild ieasure Hp she was never roluil Iml her unbounded enthusiasm seemed .reduced hy some sil.Ortil yearly. i the responsibility and eoanteee i to overcome, physical ailment and carried thmiiph Ihe most til f Financial Condition J I hat' had heen vexled in lhm. ficull siliiaiioiis. AImivc everything she wa worker mid slip AM. Stephens said thai IhejK as .inly In le hnpe.1, that kepi it up riglU In Ihe end. Of her life we knou; Dial she cared , financial condition of Ihe cily 'H'cjr vnii iml ie uiie. in, MM little for social She -wnyward and difTerem es ,.r a usages. was sometimes pus- ,n, nn wnrraul any revenw le- i"n sionale ycl in her work she was patient and painstakinir. She hadiinir cut off nl Ih lime Taxation 'rather dipulanl i-onm-il. Ihe lemperameiit of Ihe artist hut did not let it interfere with vvoiitd he late in eominjr in Ihis her art. She w ill'always vtand out as one of Ihe greal women year and the city would he f I HIIKl.H MiMIJr.KliAKIr.n Finest Workmanship of Ihe world. to it in 1 1 nil suuirieni iiinns iii, the meantime. HAD AN OPEN SESSION carry on in At-J flscid cf IO- Henry Ford toi ready it had been necessary And Hit Book. vo Z6t increase Hie temporary harrowing Work of SO or so Children at Fmamrl Tm fO - Henry Fori I has written a hook in collaboration with Samuel hylaw. The fad llial the Mathodlil Church Wat Crmvlher. This means lhal Ihe ideas are Henry's lint the form IJ.T.I'. Develonmenl t'n. was Vlowd by InUreiUd . lOO -t 1.7 5 is Crowther's. The greatest part nf this hook is Ihe introduction jalmiit In lake Us lavalinn appeal Mothtra YUrdjr and it is worth reading two or three limes. It is a chapter tn the Court if Appeals would of philosophy.' and opinions about life and things. n it he says further delay the collection of Ther was an open session nf some things worth remembering. Here l one: laves. If Ihe hylaw did not (five the Mclbodil Church kinder, "I am not a reformer. I think there is entirely loo much attempt Ihe cily Ihe power lo collect parten yelerlay aflernoon when at reforming in Ihe world and that we pay loo much attention ineler rents it miehl he changed abotil a score nf mothers visited lo reformers. We have two kinds of reformers. Hoth came back this year. so thai it did. All nney avail- Ihe class ami watrhed wilh in-leresl uni-aiM --. i up uirtii wno raiis nimru a reiormer wnnisiahle was needed now, and aiiprerUlion the vrk in smasti inings. lie is imc sort of man who would tear up n After considerable discussion, children - TimtH tllKll'T Lent the ..My ami play nf the fifty or so Seed Grain wnoie sinrt iterant the collar button did not fiUIhe buHonhole. a eompromise was readied hy attending. The youngster aimisenienl nf sm iwil ladies This sort of reformer never under any circumstances knows sending Ihe report hack In the plave.1 (rames, hail narehes, fold ha peen fnvestliratinz the p.m-ilililis w-nai ne is doing. h.xprienre and reform do not go together. A committee for further report. stories and motion of the ien hal hop reformer cannot keep hi xeal at white heat in the presence of Miss ItadJoeL,sang Ibe instruetnr.soik:. This s th week when the ratal GRASS and CLOVER a inci. ne must discard all raes. die ha to he cast. To buy or And again: "The very young erilh is very mwch unbalanced. CITY RELEASED FROM Mill,had prepared 1'u.l.r eftkhilA a sand yltikn.table loaded an,l not lo buy, that is the question Seed Fertiliws He is strongly in favor of wiping oflt the vdtl or1er and starting HAYS CREEK CONTRACT. ; ur a new" one. They actually managed lo tarl a nrv world in Mier In children have POOR old Tennynn told khoui Our stock of Seed Oats limited d 'i ItiisJa. It i there thai.Die wjrk nf ttie;Vndmaker can let story. the jrirt who sat in ihe lower placed this reason. OIlllKIl NOW! exhibitions of be studied.- We leam from Ruvi that M K the. aaiaorriy and John HarHt, of Alias BolUe aiMat paper tbe weaving .pj,,,, an,f M.bing rr a wan. Ail fnr Seed i Oovernnient Teled and v not Ihe majority who determine ifesjrjactivr aeiton. We leam ' Works, to b Paid $500 In an'1 rar cKi- ,t(tarnitt plr( pl ry MU ment grjde. cln-mn nf the ina. t.Mik home aNo that while men may decree social law in evwAVt with nat I Vitw of Change In 'heir work and tokens nf ferenl from the mottern cult. AV ne or wire for quotation. Plans The moltn I "twik 'em ural laws, .Nature vetoes those law oee more ruthlessly tfcarr dtd .. . . . Osier ilb which I season hey Ihe Oars. Nature has vetoed Ihe whole Soriet rttMie. for it f The Brackman-Ker Milling Co., Ltd. bad keQ presented. In considerali..n of Ihe nf sought to deny nature, ill denied above all el Ihe right tn the um fruils or labor. . Some people ay 'Russia will have to go to iOO. John Harris. -hsanazer nf The work t lte Melao.lil 4. P.O. Box 745. Phoi JW. work. but that does not desrribe the rase. The fH that Ike Atlas lloiler Work, has release! ivimieryanen in-n in January- A .0T nf f'rinee flupect people Princa Rupert, B.C. poor nnssia i nf work Mil her work counts for nothing. II is the elly from it con tract an.1 bad been carrie.1 on tlh ,h,ir . MlUr nol free work. In Ihe Pniled Stale a workman work eight in cooeelin with I lie Hay irreat -ucce... Mi Ila.Hoek n(1 -r- .,, in .iron, tl . hours a day: in Ilusja he works twelve lo fourteen. In the Creek if rids e. Ihe original plans and Mr. Hacker have been eon- t IUI n " Huiled .Stale If a man wi-he to off of which are In be changed hy duel ins Ihe cla-.--. valuable a- lay a day or a Week and Storage is able lo afford il. there is nothing to prevent him. In Russia 'the cotacil in a les expensive sislance l.eirii: j.iven hy Ml; wiII'N Ihe anrlionerr olTeri Repairs, under Snvielisrn Ihe workman goe to work whether he wanU slmelMr. A refx.rl from Ihe Stella Xickerson and Mr Kinar .i.. .,.,. .r uu. i Kaien Garage Gasoline to or nol. The freedom of Ihe citizen has disappeared in the cily solicitor statins that eurh I.aren. (llitperl he will iy: "lienllemen j FORD Service discipline of a prison-like monotonv. in which alt nn irai, an agreement had len reaehe.1 " these are optimist lot. The Station alike. Thai is slavery. Freedom is' Ihe right to workj decent " P""'1 h ,u" council la-l pessiDilst lot are all Mld." , lenglh of lima and to eel a decent living r. h:. i ... niahl. The mailer of I'.. .l The Mao in the Mood Commanclng Today, Labor Charge! ar Reduced from able to arrange Ihe lillle personal delaiN of one's own life. II is j ",M' if contract in enner- SAYSn Wlir. an auto engine goe (U5 an hour to 7 Be rk I..IM- In Ihe Imm me aggregnie or inese. anil many other ilems of freedom w hich linn wilh Ihe bridge will he dealt lead should a rlulfeiir wear Furd work under niptn "ii 'tl llcrt l,"ng make up the great idealistic freedom. The minor forms nf with nevt week by the council. black f ' i Traffic and other IrA. k el.- . under -"I" ' SOMK TaaWinla tlLa In ffumKla 1 Dave Una. freedom lubricate the every tlav life of all'of ii" . , . on I ho other lake Tt'.' "nd'.r Mfh" Ur0- ,0 Tlrat CASH WAS SHORT SO imnies. u Goodyear for Fordi from $10.00 up. Ford Warns Against flurry at the Uhle. and then reuamn room lileralure Free Crank ca Service. airaii. Ihere ll.nw. l-. i...ifT Ihe year at. a hid of lt9.75 n)"ii,,; ;r Reactionaries. MAN SHOT HIMSELF Jluve jour bai washed out every two Ford also warns against reaclinnaries. He says- "One of ing. Ax for Jack Miller he lake eity council accepted-oft last recommendation uivhl by the oil applied. We charge onlv for the nil the counsels of cauliori i lo be In amusement ai rum running. VULCANISINQ. ACCESSORIES. TIRES. very certain lhat we do not MOXTnRM,. March 7. ne- Of lb reading runni oinmillee. rni-l.ikc a rcui linnarv turn for a .return...... In , - run, up, ..r cause lie was short I50 in his have passed through a period of firework IT i said that Ihe herein , of every descriplion ah Joseph Orignnn, aired Hi, ami llie quit Ihe hurhnr when tiiisinet, miiknirof a great many idealist map of progress We cashier for Ihe Iiorninion llvpress did began ii develop (hen tlmyj not ami ge ai1werH. It was a convenlion. not a march. Lovelv (Ui., shot himself in hi raze ni tiling were said, but when we got home we found Ihe furnace Mie office. out. Reactionaries have frenenlly taken advantage of Ihe recoil Suffered from from such a period and they have promised 'the good old "DEMERS" times vvh h usually mean Ihe bad old nhuses. and because r they are perfedlv void of vision they are sometime regarded as Ten Years Ago PIMPLES & BLOTCHES prnrlicai men. Their rcTurii lo power is oflci hailed as Ihe return In Prlnc Rupert lhal I'nT nf conimoiiseiise."8r'' '!.'"' "( f:iher J""resing things in Ihe chapter The. SI. Andrew Society fnr-'oinmrNlioii for Fifteen Years We have made a special effort to give the considerimr another day. mally of-ned the U Ladies of Prince Rupert the finest selection new club room in Hie Little I WhMl Ih Blood Uroroe morv II I, of up-to-date lllork on Second Avenue last 'onlr natural that (Mruplea, blntrh, lotli Mother and Her nialil with a very successful tntw oihr Wnrsl irbut.1 l mamresl Baby social, I'rie at cards e,re won "" fcjr vrf""' !. Are hy Mr s. J. il. Hciljr, . j, lbr Spring Suits, Relieved of Eczema la I, tnlr n y In in rit of Mis Kallrrna find Wal. Il) bbnoilotit tkln iroblea. and ibil is ler I.ongwin. Hefreshinenl were'" ",a ""('""' t"i itwirMith Mrs. Peter A. Palmer, Salt Bum, served and dancirur was enjoyed 5k., wriUti (to the strains nf music provided; and "Dr. duw' OialaifBt hi Coats i tomplcltly rehed me of tctemi and p3n. .ho r- Burdock Blood Billers uid thu Ointment for baby, who broke my l lie snie or tola on Port P. . out in ecifm. A few applkaliont were all iward townslle hv Harrison A ' Tb" remartatl mueily bal bs u a that wai otctiiary in her caie. Dr, Chate'i Hiamhle is i.roir...i,.. .ii.r..- n'rf' ' rtr l Ul Dresses Oiatrntet hai bcea worth a hundred doUart I'only. There are evrrl loe-al ofcUiuaLi.a Wu4 claurr.awl am On all rlaiw tut II to m Wore uiing it I had p?nt a (teat tnij er and many Inauiries have I deal more than that in uniucceiiful treat-Bent ibcen received from the I 'rt ou,de. from doctor. We have alto vied Dr. vv. ii. iiaer, bo i In rliarsre of Come and Inspect. Seeing Is Believing. ff nn.pi.a awt iMttri tor uui.biir Chate'a other nedkinei, the Nerve Food ir, rrj.orm. ,11 pail ririeea iaci. and ! M ta4 I A Choice Selection of EASTER HATS has liavinf rtltored tny health after luffering ms.'h hi tt kui sj'muer. I ir wuf from leter aerve trouble when a girL" The fcanau'lau I'isli A Old airrrriit taediriim, tut uua trmri Just Arrived DR. CHASE'S Wnrnarj. 0,.,'a aehooner Ziba.a. in",,. tM I ti um ur4 to u.s Hire kurdurk aod a Special Attention to Mail Orders OINTMENT . apt. I'arsoti, arrived from ftair bouiee, aod now I ba a Oar, ror ' 327 lUie fihin banks yealerduy wilh eoiiin, Phone 27 P. O. Box Cmu a bo i, all 4eJra. ae Bdasaawa, II In A cl, Ij4, lorwiu I'l.ouu rxiiina or halibut re-1 a. a. a, i n,Durnuri onlr tr Tb lliraseniinK tj( ,uyil fjhii(f T. Miiburo cj.. tlroii. Toronto, out.