When You Want A Manafactorer'i SampJti of taxi nn RAINCOATS GUARANTEED in a hurry London Made (P. W. Cow) $15.00 to $25.00. Phone Rett Cart and Best Service I II PRINCE RUPERT Steve King In tha City. Rate Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Third Ave. VOI XIII NO. I'lUXUi; Illl'F.llT. Il.ti. TlI HtiAY. M AHCH 27 H2::. VMOr4tj't Clrtuimtn 1st Sl'ttl Salt MO. PKKJK FIVK litNTB UPERMKLEGATES GET GOOD RECEPTION ET PREMIER AND OTHER MINISTERS AT OTTAWA AND WILL SEE THORNTON Government to Carry out Original j "bssbsibsJ City Council Repudiates Policy in Prince Rupert Local a4aBaii Action of Mayor Newton Delegates are Told at Ottawa Re. Conciliation Board Slice i.il !J Haif NilV- . ' Mayor Newton's individual nrliun in bringing about th OTTAWA, March 27. The Prince Rupert delegation con sitting THRICE A WEEK cilulilUlinient uf u t-tiiicilialioii boari) under the Industrial Uii of Hon. T. D. Pattullo, Fred Stork, E. C. Gibbon, C. H. 1'iiles Act lo deal with Hie wage iJi-pulc between the rily of urme. a. u. mcieoa ana u o namon nau a mscunu ioiorui SERVICE FROM Prince Uuti'rl and the Uhie Kinpluyee.x' Union wu repmliuterj Ijv Uie rily roniieil bil night. A leuglliy reMilnliim of several and were given a very cordial reception. The minister atated liundred words lu lbi fffecl was moved by Aid. Stepbens, .ec-iirnleil thy were very much surprised that any of the Prince Rupert ALASKAN PORT by Md. Collurt, anil rurrieii Iiy a division of 5 to 2 after people should think that the present government naa in any nil iirreiinlenee leading up to the establishment of the board way changed It mind In regard to having the original policy by the nmyoi bail been read. This resolution lias been forwarded of the Drank Trunk Pacific Railway carried out. , by wire to Hie Premier of ('ana- ' Premier Mackenzie King wa very (ympathelic toward ine 'la, the minister of labor and the ami fire dpiiaetnients, .l.lnr.. -...I l.rih k. lha Hol.ns.llnn .nrl In .llilnn them to tee vu.r.M ...u v. nuiri menilM r for Hip .district nt Olta .Now therefore lie it resolved Sir Henry Thornton atated that the government was anxious Carrying Freight wa. As a follow up Hie mayor. that the city council of Princ" Ito develop the port of Prince Rupert and that the railway ba also sent a telegram asking l!uieH go on record a oppos. board could depend upon them to support any undertaking mat MAY TAKE PASSENGERS the minister of labor to pay uo l lo the creuliou or appoinl-inenl vould help to do this. hoed to Hie council's resolution.1 of a roncilialion board. ... Can! Ririhnl.m.uj In Pn.f lAlth The acting minister or railways is investigating me oner- " - " ,7 " ' ' The division of the council on Hie That it hereby repudiate Hut Ing for sale of some of the lands held by the G.T.P. Development Lloyd C. Tells of Plan if HSti'i' i ' i-c-oliition. similar 1o division action of the mayor a a higl. mpany. He said he had no idea sucn a course was oeinp un- For Ferry Boat that have taken place lierelofoie handed ami unauthorized act, ' Jeraken. on negotiation with Hie Civic' That the mayor had ampla The deleaatlon was also received by Hon. W. 8. priding, The Keli-liikan iyiiliealc owu-inir iKmpIoyeex Union,,wa a ol-. time to legally consult the city minister of finance, and Ernest Lapolnte, minister of marina and I lie Liiu jmwer wlioonrr llel-IiiiuIiiiiii Tlivoplnltis VA'i-ssi-ii, Swedish tions nl. , uted a .sensation re-ee. jlows: council before attempting to r. fisheries, and discussed various phases of the Prince Rupert itilentj lliU year to fn-uiik cetitiy in HI. Ia! vr ben be look In -. i i.ii Miss Magdalene I Aye -Aid. Stephens. Aid. Col-larl. commit il lu an undertaking to situation with them. urate a permaneiil llinre-a-wl Itiggur ol Montreal, for u drive in (In- uriotis Norweigiun M l. Smith, Aid. Currie, Aid. which it Ind alrPady" three The delegation Is remaining for a few days In order to Interview ferry erlcn betwe-ii Ket-eliikan t-leigli. Monro and Aid. Perry. flfllf. Ulttlilk J fiWlV IL-.U.t .1... Sir Henry Thornton who Is at present out of the city and llilit port aeconJinv 1 .Nay--stil. Macdoiiald and; Aid. nieil it approval. lo (lapl. Ilarllioleinrw, of Hie Thai it iloe r.ol but who Is expected to return In a few days. Maekeoie. recosoUc Kelelitklill I n if Ixial l.loyd l'. Minisleryof Labor Confirms Fallow iug'i he resolution: W'.,-K. Fislier a an linbias"l wliieh a lit iorjtlii moriiiiiK """TTie Resolution itWriiliH;lj.-v-ojtd'Tt-ls-" f I W BK I W loatiuiK wire for ciinnerie in resent Hie jrily of I'rince lluperl W'lu-reas the mayor without Conciliation Board DAWSON LEAVES FOR Alaitka. 'llir llelliliL-liain will Replying the consent of or any authority if ueh a boa ft were appoints! RUPERT THURSDAY a lirniK nere l rum Alaska canimj .bv mason of hi et-p-esis on beualf r Iherity council of AND FIGHTING kmIiikui. Iierrliiir and freli liuli-4 to City Council's Resolution the nily of Prince lluperl did sympalhy wilh the Wioil liax l"'ii iwrixnl liiil for liipnienl orr Hie llana-4 ask on behalf of the pity of Cii- Kmployres' I liii.il.' iii llir rily from I', (i. ilian National Railways lu lb Prince Itupert for the appoint Thai the rily i-olincil IimA Ii.-iuxmi wIki lia ! in I'ltilml Slates. Iteliirtiins norlli The roii' ilialn'1) board lo invi'-ligali Hie wiigc dirpule be on-ill of u boa til uf conciliation wilh disapproval upon the Civi.i Mn- Kan I allriiiliiiK a 4 it m "ieeleil lo ilevclop a .ship- tween the rlvie ciiiplojccs and (be ctly of 1'riin-e Itup'-ii will slantl by I lie minister of labor lo arbitral:- I'.mplovm (T t'niou a a menaco iiin-liiiK of dlrei-lors uf il n i.- eonri.e for freight from I be in spile of the allilude taken last nighl l eitv i-oiiuril when it re- a dispute between lb? lo Hie eily'n iutt-rests and possibly Repeal of Act Is Demanded: Send- 4 Mm- I'.anailiNn Nalional I nile.l MhIo- lo Ketchikan. To pudialeil Hie step luken by Max or Newton in bringing about its civic employees union and the a menace lo law and order Ing Troops to Europe Con- Hallway Dial Ik- i Ihv-iiik 4 make Hie erire un all Hie year formation. This wus indicalctl in a telegram received Ibis morning city nf Prince Itupcrt and, , I and .. demned ! for I'rincp lluperl on 4 aroniiil proiHiKiHon, Jt in pro-V from Hie minister of labor by the cilv clerk iu answer lu Hit; Whereas Hie mayor ha also Thai il it hereby ordered TliuriUy of tlim week. pooml lo earry froicn lialibul in conueil'.s resolution iiassed lasl uighl which was submitted bv wire asked for the apointmeut of llmt Ibe eily rlerk be iiislructeil March A resolution It i iiniliTliMNl lie will 4 Hip ebie season luring Hie win-4 lo Oltawo. one William IL Fisher to rep-! to. telegraph copie of this re- , OTTAWA. -'. A. C 'rrn, iiHin-UH(,r lar. In uvitt Uie loin; water The Hie of Prince lluperl did ion lo lion. W. U. Muck en. - llir o.li Mini tin' llank-ruil iin-il following whs telegram received from Ollawa today: resent city il' fM.i! nu antended or abr-iratcil of m'Iitii liiM'M ami 4 haul lo Seal He by coniini.- to Uie lour message receiveu auu un said conciliation board 'lie King. Premier, Hon. tlio '. brought iu by I'. I. Ii. f.. Kni'ley, hiannitcr of 4 railway beie. it in aiiliripalol terms of council resolution care- thorough attil iioinii l ial. t would and, I Minister of T.ahor and Fred :. I'jIH' was Liberal member for Mn- .Mrri'hatit .Miirtiw on 4 Hint Hie new eriet will be pro-4 fuly noted. Members of council ask you Hicrefore to hand copies Whertfiis- the said W. VJ Slork. M.I'.. Ollawa, tonight. Ml). ,iiinil the lli'ii... tin- i-nul. "miii after liio fllalile lo Hie Alukn fih in-4 appear however to have mis-;of this rue-sav t.i His Honor Flher i not r.ontidered an Discussion Followed Yaina-.u ( of yesterday inrna) Ih'it. lerelK in frejuht haxint. Hc taken nature and intent of Judge Vniiig. chairman of board. impartial arbitrator by reason s inivlit have been expected, tf with I "inlll'lli- nl lllo-f I' I' unit Hriiin-t. 4 ritiluH latex from Seal He anl statute and of conciliation board and Mayor of prince Itupcrt." or bav ing. tikcu part iu or having some rather JiealcJ ilisi ussion de-i-nnliiiucil ui uuim Finally Mn- r ."Imim.ii wa- Willi 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 j(bi port to the l'-at being prar. wliieli ban been established. It been party lo a peHtion n-cenllv on page five; ilrn.vi nl ii lull- li'"ir when Major Iieult equal. has not been my intention when J presented to Ibe rily I'ovv.-r nf Ollcb'-c. S.iiiIIi The srhootier Ilelljngham, establishing eonelllalion Iw.anls i BLOWING UP council protesting against the f I. RATES this trade, ;r STEAMSHIP wliieli will opernle in IRISH FINANCE l.r iJ . l l 11)1 I lllesllUII and ihe lu pass tn any way upon the rati- of pay to those affected Canada ought I" send IN NEW was last year a barge merits of the dispute. II would and. whettr i CONTROLLED willl lu Kui-i'iwaii wars. Hi- inaile srvern I eallx here be most proper and in accordance JAP CRUISER Whereas the chy of 1'iince IrtMiim eiii-oe of Kulinou. This winter with ice in lliierl is lo it common' PROVESCOSTLY tftrullgl)' condemned llir principle YORK SAYS WITNESS out at Seattle priii-1 iiniirics playing she filled wli.'h Canada should lake any was before conciliation boards that labor a wage of fifty cent per by hc wilb deiel eiit'inegf providing, all uspeclw of Hie dispute should Soviet Government Threatens hour which is also the wage hi i lin-.'il speech llir !-bale Even Canadian Oovernment Lines twn prnpulslnn. The vessel lias lie placet! before board and Warship Lying In Vladivostok paid by the government of the Estimates Foe Year ApproxU AfU't was u adjourned y ly 1'. Subject to Ruling or Weekly a earring enpaeity of about 350 board will then be In position to Harbor province of llritish (duuibia, mately Two Hundred Million Private Meeting Ions of freight. weigh carefully evidence adduced Hie (i.'I'.P. drydiH-k and other Dollars I ag a II i niiderfttood the ilelling-liani and to exert it a Influence lo TOKIO, March 27. The similar employer of labor ami OTTAWA. .March -'I. Tin will carry passengerd a bring about an amirable adjust, Soviet government of Vladivostok more than is paid by the Canadian KLllt.l.N. March 27. - President' SMALL IS NOT Ki-ealt-sl curn- id It alls pot l.itlun i-tl ax freight. meiit and if it is found impossible has threatened to National Itailway and, Ctisgrove of the Free Slate lobf is (liij Shipping rules ar.- made lo make an adjustment in blow up ht Japaness cruiser Whereas Ibe rily council ha Ibe Hail FJreauu that the estl- in New York on the Tirst 'Jlini-ilay OFFICER Hits way men I no ioarn win, in Nlshln now In Vladivostok lnuu.lv l.i. u li.Cfr.k lri I v. u.i.I itniliiu f..,. llin ....- I..I..1I...I flu LEGALLY DEAD iu every month behind closed ARREST arcorduurc Willi provisions of hartor unless the captain on three former occa.ious gone' OoO.IHIO ,un increase oi" 3,500,-on iloors. xlatule, make recommendation stops transmitting wireless record ii opposed lo the unn over lasl year. This testimony was gneii by U BOAT for sell lenient according to messages to the Japanese creation of the board of con- Tlie army and police will cost Application to Have Him so Declared W. II. Chase of Hie Nou Scotia FORMER inerila and substantial justice of merchants. It is understood ciliatiou and, flO.0(iO.ono. Conipensation for by Widow Is Refused Apple Shipper' Assoelallon be-foi-n I be rae. hero that the Japanese government Whereas at a ineeling of damage to property amounted to by Judge a xpi'ciul liinisP couimillcv on Should Relieve Situation has ordered the member of the city council rt ii.tf3!i,noo and for personal In-held agrieulliire this niiifning. Lieut. Otto Slelnbrlnck Was cruiser to return to Japan to on Mun li ;o u delegation juries 500.1100. "My view i dial Hie efforts of Ambrose "lo Canadian lines belong lo Commander of Craft That avoid complications. I torn itiose ailccleii mule a TOltO.MO, March i'J. conciliation board composed of Iheutrl-inl Ibis eon fe fence " askwl (ihair-mauMe.M Sank Sussex demand for . a conciliation millionaire Small, of Prince lluperl Ih roe cilitens aster. JUDGE CAMtRON DIES board and for a wane CHILDREN BURN magnate, win linn been missing tit good standing and presum- since Dri-cmber lulu, I not "All," wax Hits reply, "not e-ccpling I.O.MiM.V, March Si. The with Hie WINNII'KU. March It Judge. cents an hour and said inc. the Cauaiiiull Uuxei'lllnrut French force in iltihr today ar. ably already acquainted Cameron of the Manitoba Court ing wa for th sole purpose Golswortli dead," legally Judge main feature of dispute and all Merchant Marine." rested l.ieul. Otto Sleiubi'ilick of Appeal dropped dead In St. of endeavoring to arrange an FARMER'S BARN I hi innl'lllllg dislilUed the llp- equally Interested fti general wel P inl veslei-'lay. amicable settlement of Hie Hie allied extrailitinii 1 1 1-il f 1 1 1 1 1 for Mix. Small fur U !-duration iiameil on fare of eoinmtinily cannot fail to lo tin The list as tint comiiiunilcr of I' Huul wave dispute and. i-rfcd. up ISLAND relieve difllcult situation which 44 VANCOUVER IM. w'lich lorpedo.'d the paxsen-uer Whereas the said civic em. Play With Matches and Death wu made so lliul 11k' plication existed during 1 1 pat week a sleamer Suse iu March ployees' union on March as May Result; Stock Destroyed , lumlil In- administered uinl ,iitt- LUMBERMAN DIES AS indicated equally In message received STATE FUNERAL did notify the and warning, causing mayor coun I '.till without Mri Small i- On- Im-ik-r jfiur . by the unilorelgni'it ami SARAH BERNHARDT The Suex cil that unless a conciliation v win ii vi.'ti u . ! I In- !:- uT id livea. .-........,, Tin judgment ay no cMilcnri' RESULT OF ACCIDENT in the resolution of council now ALL FRANCE JOINS ..mi. -1 ml cbanuel bout. noaiii were up,.oinieii pefore pes! In a burning barn while play-P.m. vpliinflliM 1 Jinllfy llio muk- a- a cross vim lo hand. L'nder the rirruui-klancen on Murch St a strike ing with inalehe, Leslie llltr Of klH'tl U il lll (llMII I'llll-lll. YltvnmlA, Mar-'li Jl. J-liai-ilii'i'C. I do not feel justified in P.MIIS. Mar. Sarah would be called JloyL -'i and, jl-.vo yeara of age and u brother lumberman JAPANESE DIET BREAKS taking action which would iu llcrnhardl who tiled the W'-ll kuovMi any yes-lecday Whereas Hie mayor did not four year old were badly burned DAYLIGHT SAYING FOR and proprietor of the loglfilU UP WITH FREE-FOR-ALL any way modify Intended procedure will have a vtale until Ibe night or Mar. 36. make uud the latter may not recover. compiiuv at Nitinat wan fatally but it may be presumed funeral on Thursday or Hie coiileuls ol this uollfica- The Tire occur red on the ilovtj VICTORIA THIS YEAR injured in an acriileut at Hie com-pany'x that the conciliation board being Friday. All iFranee i-t Hon known o Hie meiuber of rarm al l.ulii sJ4nd. beaibpiui'lei-M Sulurduy and TOKIO. March 20. The Iiet made aware of the position contributing lo u jnagni-fn-eut the city ctium ll ami, f Itesi.re- the seriou- iujuriia to VKTOIIIA. Munli -'7 l)uy-ilulit he died Sutnluy night. prorogued eaity toilav iu the Ijikcn by the council will naturally tribute of mourning. Wlien a the Civic employ- .tlie el.lidren, (life fire dentroved (luriliuer caught bclwreii midst of a free fight precipitated desire to exercise even II..1.... . . .1.. .1 .:!.. ... HUMim will it into fffrct'lu wax 1 v ui-siKiieii 10 iu aii uie stork, iwn cows, thrsj Virion uboul April T unlll tfep- two logs and crushed. lie leave) by a inoliou of tlm (''position I greater care if this were possi-titi- ciuile all luauch'-s of civic em- horses, tweul.v -three Itlgt, and - imIj-. . VV hti.W it n rnjjjb'ci rupea"ll til' W"V Illi'i't llmt 't- 'iiqu'i-y -ti.-ill bo t'loyc s iacludii.y llic police hay